As the world accelerates toward its own destruction, Kiba and Cheza—with the help of Tsume, Hige, Toboe, and Blue—race to reach true paradise before the entire world is rendered uninhabitable. Now reunited, Cher and Hubb decide to accompany the wolves in hopes of seeing the journey through to its end, while a distraught and confused Quent wanders aimlessly into the wasteland with his mind fixated on revenge. Meanwhile, Lord Darcia the Third has finally put his plot into motion and pursues Cheza, pitting him against the pack. As everything falls apart yet simultaneously falls into place, the wolves struggle to survive in an increasingly dangerous environment. Though the end draws near, paradise seems further away than ever before. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Better known as episodes 27-30, the Wolf's Rain OVAs are like the natural four last episodes of the series. If you've read my review of the 26 episodes of the anime, I had a few gripes. Combined with the OVA, on the other hand? It becomes STUNNING! Intense, emotional, and gripping, the OVAs are the climax of Wolf's Rain. This is where Nobumoto really shined... a good shounen series, but with a seinen-class masterpiece of an ending. The story is given proper closure and the action is at its flashiest, but the characters are beyond what I can describe. It brings them alive and pulls you in,and I found myself near tears for people I hadn't even cared about before. Make sure you set aside time to really watch this. Prior to watching this, I thought Wolf's Rain was overhyped. That notion has now disappeared.
This OVA honestly doesn't feel like an true OVA. There really is no difference to the animation or sound, and doesn't add much to the show besides more problems for the characters. The soundtrack is the same soundtrack they used in the show and there is no new characters introduced. Just another sub-plot that is cleverly told in a way that doesn't make it seem out of place. In order to "finish" the series in just four more episodes, the pace is fast and to the point. The constant attention to detail and new developments is enough to make people watch. Granted, this ending is better thanwhat people got with episode 26, but it is still open-ended makes you feel that they didn't accomplish much. It gives the sense that Wolf's Rain is a never-ending series, though this is implied. Anyway, if you love Wolf's Rain, you'll most likely love this OVA as well. There really is nothing to bad here unless you really hate endings that are not as solid as a concrete wall.
I almost gave this a 9 overall, my reason, it seems rather open-ended during these last 4 episodes of Wolf's Rain, but I realize, that was definitely the goal of the producer, Bones, now, I have watched all the way through another of Bones' series, Space Dandy, and the ending of that was also very open-ended, not that these two anime are anything alike, i just thought I would mention it. At first it bugged me, but now that I think about it, I actually really like the ending, This was an exciting, emotional, and unique ending. It was just as outstanding as the first26 episodes, great action, awesome adventure, everything about it was amazing, it seems rather unique compared to what I have seen, but in a good way (the whole series in general) at first it seemed about the same as a lot of other anime I have watched, but it grew into something different these last 4 episodes, actually is when it changed so much for me, it almost seemed unreal, it grew rather intense, and made me feel how the characters felt, it was awesome, so it will easily make it into my top ten, I can't actually put an official rank on it, but it's up there. Very recommended for those who love emotional series, along with adventure, sadness, action, and maybe even a little bit of comedy put in there, (just a touch), this goes for these 4 episodes, and the first 26, so watch it if you fall in these categories, It's well worth it.
This is a sequal to the series: Wolf's Rain. So this picks up after the end of that one. In a nutshell, usually people would refer to Wolf's Rain OVA with an "Eww, that totally killed the series." If that's all you've been hearing, then you should perhaps give it a chance. It isn't totally evil and bad. The story itself was a little dull, and the ending... That was a bit obvious after a little bit. The Entire story isn't very sound, or very continuous. The Art, it was decent. With a bunch of blood splattering everywhere... It was decent. The colors were well done, andthe landscape was nice too. It doesn't get a nine because, the battle scenes were a bit more head one warrior type instead of Ninja back stab and jump away. There wasn't too much action, expecially when it wanted to get things done. I felt they kind of rushed things. The sound. It was good. Not perfect. I didn't get a rush because of the sound. But the music did give to the entire storyline and add effect to it. Characters. Perhaps one of the better qualities of this anime, and this ending OVA of the series. Character begins to show, and each one takes a different spin on life. There was much character building, and character creation, without all the flashbacks. I did enjoy it. Perhaps more than the series. It did touch my heart and I was tearing at the end of it. Overall an 8. It had characteristics of a good OVA section. It showed some of them, but the ending was the worst bit.
The ending of the series. What a way to finish it. I'm pretty angry about the separation between the ending of the series, and this ending. Both are unchanging, and I watched both, thinking it's weird how they attempt to wrap it up before this. An incomplete experience, without much of an explanation, but then, there comes what's basically a movie to wrap it up. I loved this ending. The bleakness gets turned up to eleven, the characters are now given no forgiveness. Everybody is a victim from the world, and there's nothing they can do about it. All or nothing, we move on to theending, or we die trying to get there. And there wasn't even an assurance that paradise was waiting for them. "Maybe it's all for nothing, but I won't know until I get there". That's how I can encapsulate this ending. It all became a beautiful metaphor for humanity's need for purpose. Somebody to love, food to be tasted, water to be drank, a mountain to be climbed, or a place to call home. The ending kick-starts a world ending threat where, for once, I love that it doesn't worry about following through. It ends, where it began, and not the beginning presented, but the one we've been watching from episode one. It's something that crushed me when I saw it, and it, somehow, connects with us, with our time and space. A series that decides to look at us as a byproduct of the story that we've just experienced. It's magical. Characters get a great wrap, and I have to give this the rating it deserves as an experience, derivative of the one before. Almost a masterpiece, but a series that should be remembered. I finally experienced one of the so-called, 2000s masterpieces.
I have just finished watching this, and my heart aches. The end of this anime was really emotional and heart wrenching, which had a lot to do with the characters. (I am obviously not allowed to spoil anything for anyone in here, so I will just keep quiet with my feelings.) In the end, there was a little too much blood, and it felt a little bit rushed to me, compared to the rest of this anime. They could have easily avoided that by just putting a little bit more plot to the other episodes. I really have to say that they did a great jobon the characters though. They all really grew on me, and I don't know one character in this anime that I really dislike. They all have their own unique backstory that made them really likable and relatable, which I personally love. Overall, I think that I probably liked the last four episodes of the whole anime the best, because of the many things that happen. I would definitely recommend watching the four episodes to anyone who has watched the other 26 episodes before.
Wolf's Rain OVA are Episodes 27-30 or, 4 last episodes in the anime. At first I will say: The whole point of anime, all thoughts and ideas that creator had when he was making this show, are concluded here. So, you actually can't say that you've watched Wolf's Rain if you havent seen these 4 episodes. You see, you can look at this show like it's written for younger audiences, and you can look at it as if it is one special riddle that has secrets hidden behind it's obvious covers. Or You can look at it this way: Watching Wolf's rain without OVA can satisfy you. And youdon't need to watch OVA if you are looking at this show superficially. That is unnecessarily. But if you scratch through the pure surface of the show you will not be confused about later "tragical" events. Generally speaking, there is no difference in story, art, sound or any other part that can be graded. So, I will just tell my idea, and how did I solve the puzzle of this great Anime. Because everyone can solve it. You can experience the show in many different ways. It depends on you and your ideas of life. So, the show is made to have million endings. Because here, the person who will end the story is a watcher, or YOU. That is the thing that i love here. If the creator just took a pen and wrote the end, we wouldn't be here talking about it's deeper meaning. But in some way, it can have deeper meaning, and it can have NO deeper meaning. As I said, it depends on you. So actually everyone is satisfied :D The only persons that are not satisfied are the persons that can't use their own head and want for every anime to end obviously. Put an effort to it, and you will see, the show has billion possible endings Enjoy :)
Hope, Progress, and Paradise Warning: Heavy Spoiler Filled Review This review is intended to give viewers a greater experience and in depth understanding of said works. Or at least to enjoy seeing things from a different perspective, a fresh take on a wonderful adventure all over again. Wolf’s Rain is an age old mystical tale that takes a radical and audacious turn of the beaten path. It goes on a journey, no that’s not quite right, it’s not quite defined and constrained. Well then perhaps a pilgrimage is more appropriate, nope not it either. This grand tale is unbounded, it isn’t concerned with a set instone theme or ideology, though it’s intent on putting up a hoax to the very end. At the very onset this series doesn’t bode very well, you expect it to be a coming of age tale about the harrowing trials of maturity in a harsh reality, nope it’s beyond that. Perhaps it’s then a spiritual and moral introspection concerning our outlook on reality and the future. Regretfully no but we’re certainly painfully crawling our way closer to a relative idea of what the hell Wolf’s Rain is all about. We finally have a clue which involves the future, or to place the topic in the context that the series ever so incessantly asks the audience, “what is paradise?” Now this question is as expansive and distraught as the universe given in the general sense. It therefore could indubitably go down the rabbit hole of ambiguity and grey area ethics, but then what would be the point? Well luckily Wolf’s Rain gives us a pivotal clue as to the path we should trudge along to reach our definitive conclusion. Much like our despondent pack of protagonists as they scatter across the wastelands of perpetual hopelessness and ideological degradation. The world that Wolf’s Rain inhabits is one which has been long devoid of crucial facets of the human psyche and essence, and that is ideology. In this dystopia there’s no idealism, imagination, creativity, philosophy, etc. All aspects of social sophistication and liberalism are discarded and you are left with mere isolationist pockets of communities in a permanent stasis, long deprived of the qualifications to be considered a society or civilization. The only connections shared between them is purely economical and practical. Now this is where our protagonists come into play, for on the surface we are told they are the last surviving stragglers of wolves, thought by humanity to have been long extinct. In reality they represent hope and all the encompassing aspects of what is necessary to have a progressive mindset, to believe in a future, to look for paradise. Now as the plot progresses it becomes abundantly clear that we must ask ourselves what precisely does searching for paradise entail? What motivations and goals are involved? Is it universal, or personal? Are any of the innumerable facets or possible interpretations from various denominations, ideologies and perspectives on which version of paradise will ring true?, or at least be applicable and responsible? Fortunatley for us Wolf’s Rain is a valliant little show, and circumvents this challenge with brilliance. Rather than use a systematic process of deconstruction and analysis of each possibility against one another, they chose a much more eclcetic approach rather than a stringent one. The series covers virtually every avenue of paradise humanity has conceived since the dawn of time, and plunges relentlessly down the core of the philosophy. Not to examine but to reveal where the inspiration derives from, what is the basic instinct driving this ideal. Then it subsequently showcases them all in unity and proclaims to the audience what truly gives humanity the ability to progress. To look for a future worth trudging along the disconsolate, shoddy, defective, never ending road of the present, to search for paradise. Now to go in a proper in depth examination step by step, the first protagonist on our list is Tsume. Tsume at first ostensibly seems to represent the classic archetype of the character who projects his own faults onto others. One who has no hope in the connection and social interaction with others. Who couldn’t possibly believe in any meaningful prospect of a future on any level, but this is merely on a superficial level. In actuality he is just using this ruse as a defensive barrier from outside influence, from other perspectives. To put into literal context tsume was once part of a wolf pack, and was exiled for inadvertently betraying his leader’s trust and obedience. To frame this in an allegorical sense, he came to the realization that no matter what the underling, or the average individual may profess to believe and act upon. It will always merely be a personal pipe dream if the leaders of the world don’t find a sensible reason to apply it, or if it conflicts with their goals. After becoming astray from the wild, the world of freedom, free thought, and social sophistication, he now journeys to the world of man. Where content, misapprehension, and regression roam the ramshackle streets and lurk around every decrepit corner. Although now Tsume has subconsciously undergone an ironic case of Stockholm syndrome, becoming the leader of his own pack. Except now he is the only one with an opinion, a real voice within his community, he is no longer just a leader, he is a ruler, he is a tyrant. This change was brought about by two different philosophies that are both misguided, injudicious, and ultimately self-destructive to not only the individual but their surroundings as well. The first is that only power can bring about change, in which only one mind is necessary to create and carry all the ideologies and perseverance of an entire society into the unknown of tomorrow, whilst the masses follow his exclusive guidance without pause for concern. The second is much more intricate and borne out of many aspects of the human psyche, and requires a much more comprehensive analysis to understand the many possible motives behind it. The ideology is that one must use be as combative, competitive, and dominating as possible to be at the top of the food chain, of the society, of the world they inhabit. This aspect of human nature is found throughout history and cultures worldwide in all forms, regardless of capability, class, or circumstance, and tsume represents damn near all of them. The first example is one of denial of responsibility, where rather than looking outwards toward others and towards the future, you orientate the world around yourself exclusively and what you can obtain from the here and now. It’s immaturity and self-centeredness in its purest form, in which you disregard the vital tools of life known as understanding, compassion, and prospective thought process. Another is the abandonment of trust and sincere cooperation, where expectations are never met and any exterior input is an obstacle. Where only your actions can meet your goals, and only your goals can bring your dream, your future to fruition. In an isolated state where opposition is outside opinion and only dims the chance of hope for your version of utopia. Third is a regressive stance on human evolution, whether by cultivation, philosophical, or empirical means. A belief in which we as a civilization have progressed as far as we will ever need to, or to downgrade to a desirable extent. Not quite a denial of human sophistication and liberalism like mankind in Wolf’s rain but in the same ball park, and it’d eventually lead down the same path. This aspect of his personality is quite clear from the onset as he tries to dismantle the remnants of the old world order and society with a tribal like leader mentality. Leaving only himself in a position to rule over this world in the manner he sees fit. Throughout the course of Tsume’s reign over the poor, the young, and the deprived people of Freeze town, we begin to come to the revelation that this is all but a charade with an ulterior motive. This is yet another superficial layer in disguise. Tsume is by far the most thematically rich character in the series. He’s an ever growing allegorical amalgamation that represents more ideals and warnings about the shortcomings of human will than most protagonists, he’s frailty personified. Due to this deception he begins to realize despite his best efforts to oppress his followers, they still respect and look up to him as a savior. They may have discarded all semblance of past accomplishments and advancement as a species socially, but they still have that key emotional attachment and hope in their heart. Next on the list is both Toboe and Hige who represent both represent the basic intentions within all of us, regardless of our respective differences on life and how to direct it. Toboe is indicative of our compassion to carry each other forward in spite of our differences. Whether it be race, sect, or ideology, all universally, like a surrogate mother. Since regardless of petty disputes or arguments we may have towards one another, our future will affect us all equally, so we might as well play a part in it. Then there is Hige, who is of course part comic relief, but also a spotlight for how despite our best intentions as a race, we are still a very hypocritical species. This is only enhanced with our intricate, convoluted, and delicate sense of balance in regards to morals and ethics, which are of course the backbone of social sophistication and ideology. Then there is the infamous wolf hunter Quent and half wolf companion Blue. They’ve dedicated their entire lives to killing the last of the species for good. In several ways you could describe quent as the pedestal for the generational gap. He has no desire to see the world diverge off the path his generation, his world worked towards, for better or worse. A world devoid of opportunity, a future set in permanent stasis forever destined to be an aspiration and nothing more. For he’s all too familiar with the double edged sword known as hope, since his entire family was murdered by so called idealists in the name of building a better, safer, future. Though in the end thanks to the help of his comrade and toboe along the way, he comes around. To the unforgiving, merciless realization that the harrowing road to paradise is filled with plight in every crack of pavement, animosity at every turn. Even so, it’s still worth believing in, since you’re not the only one looking forward. Next on our list is Darcia, who is one of the “nobles”, who are essentially are narcissistic aristocrats and warlord dictators, all with intentions to obtain Cheza for their own self-seeking destinies, or paradises to create. Cheza is in a literal and metaphorical sense part of a bioengineering project to create hope itself for mankind, a flower maiden so to speak, to regain aspiration itself. The key catch here is that she’s the only successful product of this decades long endeavor. Humanity is left with but one option to take, one paradise. So in this desolate dystopia all the oppressors and tyrants from the world over will disregard all in a vain effort to obtain the means to their end. Darcia is Wolf’s Rain at its most effective, audacious, dauntless, and controversial without a doubt. Darcia is representative of two homologous ideologies on what paradise is, one is personal, whilst the more divisive is spiritual, or shall I say religious. The first philosophy is that one’s self should only be concerned with creating a future for themselves, to arrogantly force reality to bend to your will, to create a bubble for yourself. This is ostensibly what has always been referred to as paradise, but is mere escapism. Then of course there’s the religious perspective on this, insinuating the afterlife perhaps. Both these ideologies are egotistical, negligent, self-serving, escapism pipe dreams that abashedly circumvent the responsibility of what it sincerely means to look for paradise. Last on our list is the pivotal hero of the story, kiba. Much like quent, his backstory is filled with mankind’s hypocrisy and ironic nature. One in which strife and conflict tragically arise from the most respectable and virtuous intentions. Though kiba, being a wolf, being still but a child, carries within his heart the upright, steadfast, wholehearted determination necessary to take the journey toward paradise. Throughout his travels across the remains of humanity’s aspirations long forgotten, he finds companions with the same purpose, fellow wolves. Though they may have the same kindred spirit, their philosophies starkly contrast. Though as I’ve alluded to earlier, they learn from one another, separating their stringent ideals and perspectives on what the future means to them, and coalesced their fundamental hopes and dreams into one intention. Their gallantry didn’t waver as they trekked along, they met leaders of the world who wanted to create a future, not universal, but a unprincipled, amoral personal one. They met past voyagers who understood the grueling, soul wrenching hardships of progress all too well and failed, and gave in to a complacent, trivial, and practical life instead, demeaning themselves and clouding their human spirit in the process. Kiba, finally near the end of his harrowing journey of suffering, after losing all his fellow kindred spirited brethren to the corrupt and treacherous shadow of the human psyche. He is left with Cheza to make the ultimate ultimatum, what is paradise and how do we achieve it? Before he could come to a resolution, he realizes that his actions and sacrifices already set his destiny, humanity’s destiny, into motion. Wolf’s Rain has made its proclamation, it’s that paradise is not some esoteric, spiritual, or self-serving prophecy or reward. Paradise is not an illusion or quintessential personal haven. Paradise is not stripped of humanity’s dark shadow, it’s not infallible, or even complete in any regard. Though it is all-encompassing, but it’s by no means personal, selective, or even remarkable. It’s universal, it’s insufferably infused with unrelenting responsibility, onerous mutual understanding, and grueling obstacles all along the precarious way. It’s not to be obtained, or discovered, or created. True paradise is a meritorious, proud, and admirable inadvertent crowning achievement that is a natural evolution of our grandeur and magnificence, by slowly trudging along, facing our own repugnance head on. There is no changing the world, it’s not that glamorous. It’s an unbearably slow process, humanity won’t notice the change at first, it’s a gradual, unnoticeable, yet steadfast race without a triumphant finish line. It’s ever expanding with time and ever improving humanity itself, through our own efforts. As personified by the final act where kiba spills his blood into the seed of the future of mankind, and cheza her poisonous lifeforce, and combine to create the water of life, birthing the new future, the new paradise. It’s humanities social sophisitication, sincere all-embracing compassion and desire to understand one another and share their ideologies, experiences, and viewpoints to unify the best of us to help build a new world filled with a hope, progression, and emotional connection that’ll achieve the best future possible. But one that must tackle our hypocrisy, fallibility, gullibility, self-centeredness, and corrupt instinctive nature as well and challenge it with ever changing principles, morals, and ethics to create an improved sense of understanding. It’s with all this foreboding, convoluted, perilous, unbearable, double sided responsibility strapped to all of our shoulders that we can be rest assured as we slowly trudge along the wastelands of the present and walk ever so slowly into the sunset of tomorrow. Where possibilities, hope, progress, and paradise awaits, staring back waiting to start it all over again.
Wolf's Rain was an amazing, touching and emotional Anime. I personally think that it delievers a powerful message to most viewers, of how humans are slowly rotting the world in which we live on and that.. in the end, the only ones who will be able to right our wrongs are the animals. The characters had truley unique personalities, and each of their deaths were very sad, even though they were fictional characters. I think that, with Hige and Blue's relationship, it was rushed a bit, however. Wolf's Rain was a very enjoyable anime that left me speechless and wanting more, I think that each character gotjust the right amount of screenplay and attention, and in the end the foreshadowing was removed to reveal an amazing, jaw-dropping conclucsion. There is not much more to say than, for me, this was one of The Best anime's I have ever watched and I will certaintly, never forget it.
*CHEZA : The world will close up for a while. So we will be apart for a while. So when the next world opens up... when paradise opens up, we will meet again. This one will be waiting for you. Find this one... *KIBA : No matter what it is, I will just accept it. ------------------------------------------ This is after KIBA saved CHEZA from JAGARA, they are going to open up the Paradise. Everyone is aware of the fact that there's only one chosen one, but still they are accompanying him. 1. These four episodes felt very tragic, the fact that they had to lose theirprecious ones, in the end even themselves (physical bodies). We feel bad for them, because we assumed they were among the chosen ones, but there was only one 'chosen one' all along. 2. They are scared of death, because they don't know the truth of it. Like they say, the Soul is permanent, whereas the Physical form is ever changing. If you have something to lose, obviously you'll be scared to let go of it. The best way to move forward is to accept everything that comes your way, observing it, not assuming things. 3. As for the characters, I liked all of them for their uniqueness. For their personality, I liked CHEZA, KIBA & TSUME more because of their unwavering desire to go to the paradise despite knowing the 'tragic' truth. I like protagonists like KIBA, who are unwavering even in the worst situations. 4. My most favorite moments are the one in the end [14:48 - 21:40] when there's only CHEZA & KIBA left, & after that. 5. I'm rating this OVA (10/10) especially because of the main protagonist KIBA & the epic music composed by YOKO KANNO. This is one of my 'Most Precious Show'. ------------------------------------------ Btw, it has a meaningful ending. I consider it as an happy ending. Thank You! :)
*This review makes reference to my thoughts on the original tv show also and also contains some minor spoilers* Having just watched the Wolfs Rain OVA I have to say I was very impressed. I am not a big fan of the original tv series. It was slow, padded out with too much filler and apart from the odd few stand out moments it never fulfilled it's potential or made up for it with a great end like for example Speed Grapher did. I couldn't give it any higher then 6/10. The OVA is very different. This was the Anime I was expected to watch when I watchedthe tv series. An emotional roller coaster, it beautifully portrays all the main characters struggling through what feels like hell, a desolate wasteland world on the brink of death, desperately trying to take this one and only chance to open paradise. However The Noble Darcia is back and determined to create his own version of paradise. The OVA is absolutely brutal and blood thirsty, the dramatic action is thick and fast and really makes your head spin, I never knew what hit me. Has tinges of End of Evangelion but rather then being a rip off it makes the story it's own. Beautifully directed,sound track used masterfully to increase the emotional resonance and superb voice acting, it also has some iconic imagery and one of the most awesome antagonists in Anime history. This OVA is so good, even I loved it after being meh over the tv show. If the tv show was as consistent as this it would have been at least a 9/10 It's still important to watch the tv show first to get the full impact of the OVA, but this OVA gets a huge thumbs up from me :)
I absolutely liked wolf's rain from episode one till its ending at episode 26. However, i completely hated the ova the extra four episodes. they were extremely pathetic, and the act of forgiveness and sacrificing of oneself or should we say wolf self for the other especially the pops guy was taken to another level entirely, till it became completely illogical and excessively pathetic. Also, i feel like the writers just needed to make everything completely depressing such that you think the characters you liked from the start completely stupid in just these four episodes, and did i already mention pathetic>?.... Its as though the writerswere trying to ensure every wolf's rain fan cried their hearts out within 90% of these ovas. Left to me, the wonderful work of wolf's rain and its awesome cast should have been left completely alone. I mean how can i rate the main story 9 out of 10, and its 9 not 10 simply because i did not really enjoy those filler recap episodes...but still i liked every single other thing. yet i rated this one 4?!!! its so crazy how bad its written. I mean what is the point of reaching paradise at all if they all suffer crazily at the whim of the writers? what was with the terrible Darcia guy suddenly totally taking over affairs? ridiculous. well, i will always have the memory of wolf's rain the initial ball of awesomeness instead of this confusion, and brutally, morbid need of the writers to crucially and tortuously kill off every character that every made any sort of sense.
Do you want to get your heart broken and battered? The Wolf's Rain series ends here and I have to tell you it is not very pretty with a typical Japanese-Animation-World-Apocalypse-Ending. I am getting sick of this! On a more objective note, the characters remain constant to what they were before the OVA - each with their own individual personalities. They continue on their journey to their paradise but eh this trial is different from all of the others. If I were to grade this OVA, it would receive the same grade as Wolf's Rain, there's no real difference in quality when compared tothe original series. However, the ending strays from I think the typical happy shonen themes we've seen in the previous 26 episodes... One can't help question some of the illogical happenings throughout the OVA and for me it was a little frustrating.
Well I'm going to write this review for the series as a whole b/c this is truly the ending of the show and really should be considered as part of it and not just ovas. Overall the show had a very interesting concept with plenty of badass wolves fighting to keep it interesting, the story is fairly simple and the show doesn't do a very good job at explaining why certain things cause something else to happen, another complaint would have to be their are too many filler episodes for my taste but none the less a very interesting and entertains series to watch.I really did enjoy most of the characters and I liked how they brought all the relations between the main characters to a final conclusion, was slightly confused and upset about the ending the first time I watched it but after going over it again I realized what happened and was satisfied.
"This is one of those rare & beautiful stories lost in the flow of time yet you don't wanna miss." A truly unique & amazing storyline revolving around wolves & humans set in a post apolocalyptic world on the verge of destruction while every characters fate becomes intertwined by one destination..A deep storyline filled with Intense drama,unique plot,very good action scenes & surprising twists & turns.....Also packs some heavy emotional & sad scenes throughout the whole story.❤😍 Every character in this anime is very well written,loveable & all the important characters plays a significant role in the story.👌 The soundtracks,Music composition was done perfectly that puts a certainimpact on the audiences so that they can enjoy It wholeheartedly. For an Anime that was released on 2003,The animation & artstyle is worth mentioning..everything in this anime was very detailed,even the characters were attractive. Although the ending was a bit rushed,It's a good & a bittersweet ending nonetheless.