In Japan's not-too-distant future, crime has become so common that the government has legalised firearms for citizens to use in self-defence. To combat this new wave of wrongdoing, the Recently Armed Police of Tokyo was established in hopes of hunting down criminals with lethal force. Kyohei Tachibana is a gifted culinary student who dreams of saving up enough money to become a pastry chef in France. When four young mercenaries ask him to be their cook, he's forced into making a tough choice. As Jo, Meg, Sei, and Amy take on the bloodiest jobs in the chaotic city of Tokyo, Kyohei accepts an imminent descent into the world of crime—and he'll do a lot more than just cooking!
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Burst Angel is another clear example of a good anime being ruined by wanton fanservice and by being too long for its own good. The story could have been summed up in 13 episodes, but it dragged on with so many pointless side stories and filler episodes that it took away drastically from its momentum. The story is kinda weak, but interesting. They definitely took time out to create this intriguing future Japan. The art was great, but there was too much fanservice, but not as much as compared to other anime. Could you believe it when I say it was actually 'tasteful'? Like, sure, theirboobs were huge and stuck out and they were half-naked all the time. But I didn't feel icky and disgusted by it. The characters were good, Jo and Meg have an interesting relationship. The misfortune of Burst Angel is that they concentrated more on the "damsel in distress, use mecha to save her, shoot-'em-up" aspects that the characters couldn't have been as fleshed out as they should have been. I liked the first eight episodes of this a lot. Then it got all unfabulous right after. Is it worth your time? Well, I watched it, and my time is fabulous.
Watching this was almost like getting on a roller coaster. It had a lot of high points, but there were also a lot of low points. Glad to say that there were more highs than lows. Here's an example of the roller coaster I'm talking about. Every 2-3 episodes, there's a different storyline. Some were good, like the one when Meg and Jo went to this all girls school. Some I couldn't understand, like that time warp episode. In fact, most of the time I couldn't understand because of the many independent storylines. I like most of the characters - Jo was cool. She was tough andkinda cold, but she is likeable. I liked the way she holds the guns (although her voice is a bit too deep). Amy was really adorable, and I like the idea of a kid whose really a well known cyber genius. Sei has a really great background, and she also has a cool personality. The only one I didn't like was Meg, who apparently is only there to serve as hostage/bait. She is completely useless and very irritating. I also don't like her clothes. I never liked clothes with a western feel to it, which is exactly what Meg is wearing. Everyone else had pretty nice clothes that are well designed. At first I thought Kyohei was the main character, which would have made the anime a harem anime, but turns out he was only a supporting character who totally disappeared in the last episode. He too was a bit irritating, because he was a coward and all, but his cooking ability is a plus (damn, a man who can cook). Usually, I am not a fan of mecha. I don't like heavy fight scenes concerning chunks of steel, and those kinds of scenes are a chance for me to grab snacks but I thought Jango was cool. He didn't look unique or anything, but for some reason, I think I like Jango. It was a pretty well drawn anime. Like I said the clothes were well designed, the same goes for the mech, the environment - everything. I didn't like the fact that the characters had no genitals, and it's not because I'm a perv or something like that, but if they're not going to put in dirty stuff like that then don't show naked bodies at all. I thought the excessive skin was useless anyway. I also find that Sei and Meg's bodies were too exaggerated. I also noticed that their bodies tend to morph, especially the chest area. In fact, I think Jo had the most proportionate body, even though she was a bit muscular. Is it just me or is this anime similar to Elfen Lied? The diclonius are kind of like Jo's race. It was also a bit violent (although not as violent as Elfen Lied) and it had naked scenes and exaggerated body types as well. One thing's for sure - I liked Elfen Lied better. The music was great. I liked the high energy opening and the toned down ending themes. The background music was great too, there were even western themed ones that even I can stomach. There was this one that they played in that episode with the crow cybot/cyberoid. Speaking of cybots and cyberoids, what's with those terms? I thought they were just too dorky. Bottom line is it wasn't so bad. I don't think I wasted my time, and for most of the series, it wasn't so bad. I didn't like the ending though.
Burst Angel Review by Voss Ausviss (To be posted on my own website eventually) Burst angel, from the box cover, looked promising. It had artistic merit (meaning caught a warm blooded post American males attention), technology and some violence to boot. ‘What could go wrong’ I thought to myself as I was scrounging about the HMV’s in the midst of its close out sale. Oh how wrong I was. Synopsis: A bunch of teenage female bounty hunters and their one male cook live in a world where everyone is allowed to own a gun. As such there is a huge spike in crime. There are a group of robotscalled cybots which are just robots with human brains and the all-female bounty hunters fight them too. At the centre of this group is Jo, a cold hearted and emotionless super-solder/gun wielder. She is to an extent romantically involved with a ditzy redhead named Meg. The genres (according to Wikipedia) are cyperpunk, mecha and yuri. Although considering Wikipedia never lies, I will not dispute the cyberpunk attribute. 1: Let’s just check all the boxes for this one shall we? Plugging the DVD into my gaming desktop, I started my binge. Right from the start, I noticed that the box cover did not lie about its promises. It had giant robots, a large group of female characters, and lots and lots of guns of all varieties. There were a few males protagonists but they were just there to show that it was not entirely one sided. In my mind I could see the creators, dressed in business suits trying to create a masterpiece: Business man 1: “We need to make a classic that will appeal to the teenage male demographic! What have you!? Business man 2: Younger males tend to like scantily clad women and lots of violence, mostly women though. Giant mecha seem to be highly praised as well. Business man 1: GREAT! Make a list and send them to our artist at once! Business man 3: Don’t we need a story to put them in…? Business man 1: Please, the teenage demographic are hardly people, they wouldn’t be able to tell a story if a pan pan girl sat on their face and read it to them. Business man 2: Check list is done. Business man 1: GREAT! Ship it to our artist slaves and let’s go do some blow. This unfortunately, kept repeating in my mind throughout the anime. The story was weak and the characters were just there. Normally when I watch an anime like this, I try and find an alternative viewpoint to fixate on, normally the artistic style. Which was unfortunate because… 2: The art was akin to watching a high school art student learn anatomy. The art was sup par. The human body was poorly represented in this anime which is quite sad because this anime came out right around the time of some decent classics. However, this one was not one of them. Not only were the characters poorly drawn but at times the animations were clunky and even out of time and place. This actually became more apparent near the end. Not only was the art poor but it was not constant. Characters hair colour changed from one episode to another. The first time I noticed this was a filler episode (FILLER!) where it showed some of the back story between the budding relationship between two of the female protagonists the ditzy redhead had silver hair. When it went to the next episode, she was back to red hair. But then the next episode her hair goes blue for no reason. However, art takes many forms and this is where the good promising bits of my review come in because… 3: The nothing was absolute in this anime. I am a candid person by nature, and, one of the things that makes me want to duct tape story writers mouths to tail pipes more than anything else is when a ending occurs when it is not warranted. A cliché example is all the 1980’s films where everything is going against the protagonist luck and somehow, he survives AND defeats the enemy. The world does not function on Disney logic and neither should stories (in my candid opinion). I will not spoil any of the story, but I will say that no character, whether she/he be a main character or a character that adds to the plot is safe. This is one of the saving graces in this anime for me. I say that plural because… 4: The CGI was actually decent at times for this era. This anime came out in 2003 and looked like it may have been a budget anime. Near the end of the anime, some of the CGI Mecha battles were quite decent. To the point that I sort of stopped and said, “that was actually gripping”. Now I know that the characters would not die in this battle (or so I thought considering number 3 caught me off guard). Unfortunately, this was not a constant. Some of the battles were cliché (good robot blows up bad robot and looks at the screen during explosion) but some of them were very fluid and quite fun to watch. The saddest bit however is the fact that…. 5: They left out the 4th check box, story. This anime meanders. I mean, it really meanders. At times, it tries to be a comedy but the jokes are so bad that you wonder if it was just an attempt to add character depth. Then at times the characters will be all serious which actually suits this anime better. But then some episodes will be fan service which kills it because the animations were so poorly drawn a man would be better at sitting a Barbie doll on a table and just staring at it (would be less creepy as well because one of the female characters has the body of a 10 year old boy which made me sick to watch her, and she is the main character). The worst bit is that half of the anime, there actually is no defined goal. The viewer watches a bunch of skimpily clad bounty hunters killing their targets. It’s not till the end that they package some of the marks as plot devices in such as a way that showed some planning. Unfortunately, it’s so played down even in the end that it makes little difference to the whole anime. Overall: It’s a yuri, story took a back seat to making sure there were plenty of women to kiss and make out. Unfortunately, there was a lot more they could get of done to make this a decent anime. Skip the humour, stay gritty, and keep the plot going so it would be important. Now, this review sounds harsh but over all, it was watchable. And since the ending was actually unexpected, I give it 4 out of 10 with 1 being akin to Devil lady and 10 being Akira esque. So for a Yuri, it was not half bad. Would I recommend it? Its 24 episodes and the ending was worth watching. If you have some time and you want an anime that you can let your mind tune out a bit, then sure. Would I buy it? Only if you’re collection on your shelf lacks pretty art covers, it’s not worth the money and I only bought it because it cost me 25 pounds instead of the average 50 due to HMV doing its close out sale.
Story: Kyohei was looking for a job, and he found one as a cook for a family made up of Jo, Meg, Amy and Sei. Little did he know that this so-called "family" is actually a gruop of mercenaries and he gets taken along for the ride. Believe me it ain't as interesting as it sounds BUT it ain't bad. I mean it's a good thing to have a main plot, but the series has more stand alone or filler episodes than the main story. Which is kind of a let down. Art: Studio Gonzo is known for their unique art style and character designs. Thecharacters are eye candy but there are some flaws. For one thing, the setting is in a futuristic time zone, but the characters are pretty much traditional looking especially Meg who sports a cowgirl outfit. Pretty much all for fan service (you'll see what I mean if you look at the characters).The mech designs are great, Jo's mech Jango is awesome! Animations are ok...not much to be said. There's also the problem of inconsistesy as the characters body proportions change during the series. Sound: Sound ain't bad. A fast catchy opening song and a pop ending song. nice combo for me. the background music goes well with the anime's theme. Especially the cowboy music, which I have to admit I like even though I ain't into that kind of music. The voice acting is great (I'm talking about the Japanese dub). and the sound effects are ok. Characters: The characters are somewhat stereotypical. 'Nuff said, there's is little character development and only Jo's background was taken into account as well as her meeting with Meg, and also the groups beginnings. And you might think that Kyohei has a main role but he doesn't except for being the groups cook. Sucks doesn't it. And what's with Meg? is she only there to get kidnapped? oh brother. But Jo is ok...she's the character I liked most in the series, and probably the character you'll like as well... Overall: The series pretty much has its ups and downs. More downs and ups. But if it's action and fan service you're looking for then this might be a good anime for you. Don't expect much of a plot but it's a great anime in it's own right. As an action anime, I say this one is a must have.
Wow, I was a goober when I was young. Oh who am I kidding, I ain't grown up enough. A serious contender for guilty pleasure, Burst Angel is far from the best series out there, not even the best Gonzo ever made. A quick glance at the cast tells you NOBODY WATCHED THIS FOR THE STORY. It's the DOA Beach Volleyball of scifi anime. I've heard it's a thing with the studio that their projects start out okay and kinda fall off the rails about halfway through. Burst certainly does (where the heck the samurai episodes come from I have noidea) but it all boils down to armed cuties kick some ass. It's Borderlands with just the female characters and they have a Gundam in the truck. The mecha fights are pretty cool, I love JANGO's design. The rest of the action is alright, and on occasion there's even some well drawn food...oh yeah, the guy character is attending a culinary school. And I like that Funimation just played the Texan accents card so well in the dub. So it isn't a life changing experience, and you could watch something better any day of the week. But that's what guilty pleasures are all about. Some action, some laughs, some eye candy. Burst Angel. Have fun.
I purchased this because someone had given me a Burst Angel wall scroll that looked pretty cool. Unfortunately Burst Angel turned out to be another one of those animes that took me several months to finally find the interest to finish. One good thing about this was that the mecha battles were kinda cool, and i dont usually like mecha at all. The story, however, was a snoozefest. And I mean I actually fell asleep several times through this series, and didnt even bother rewatching the episodes I missed. This starts off by focusing on a young man who is hired as a cook fora group of girls. It seems as if this boy is the main character but he kinda just fades out and plays no part in the story. Burst Angel is mostly just a series of fillers, there is a very thin story line lightly painted in the background. Green glowing brains are placed into mechs and some 'organization' is taking over the city. But ever episode is the same. Meg is in trouble, Jo has to save her. The character designs actually look pretty good. Their costumes, though unpractical, are very flashy. But on the bad side, there is very weak character development. The voices in the english dub, are terrible. Its total script reading with no effort whatsoever and the music is repetitive. And one japanese city has all its citizens speaking with an american country accent. If someone gives this too you, then its pretty enough to watch an episode or two, but no way would I recommend spending money on purchasing this or time on renting it.
I\'ve started to watch this anime with great expectations - from AMVs and recommendation from my friends. But afterall it was a bad choice... The story goes well - every episode has his own plotline, but the major plot is hard to define. That\'s a point down... Once in a while the mini-plotlines where good enough, but overall they were decent. The Art is almost great - the 3d mechas are well designed and its enjoyable to watch them next to the \'anime\'. But that\'s the only good thing - poor design for the rest. A bad taste for \'ecchi\' clothings too -> inthe not too distant future to see a cowboy girl is sexy ? Ohh please... The sound have nothing special in it -> good machine-gun fire sounds and voice-acting. The character development through the anime is so poor. There where some shaded back-in-time episodes for their lives but nothing special. The character disign is near average, without ranking the ecchi elements -> they\'re very bad... For example - how do you like to see the main character half naked with cool hair,no boobs (come on we all like them in the ecchis) running wild with two pistols and a flashing tatoo on her hand for no reason... that\'s hilarious from my point of view... The other personages are even more funny and cliche - one hacker girl(eventually a prodigy),a no-plotline-guy who\'s cooking for the girls (like a harem anime, but not actually...), and two other girls... Nothing new and against the grain, we all have seen this kind of personages in other animes ...Mediocre thing for character design and development ........ The enjoyment afterall is not good enough - i\'d rather watch some other anime ... Only the Mecha are good for non-mecha-anime fan like me :) That\'s out of question because the mechanical designer is Kanetake EBIKAWA (Full Metal Panic!,Mobile Suit Gundam 00,Vandread). Overall - it\'s near a waste of time to watch this anime -> there\'s nothing special in it. You can watch it only if you\'re Mecha fan and like almost-naked-pistol-girl-wielder-who\'s-kicking-bad-monster-asses :)
A huge HUGE disappointment. Despite not doing anything that's obviously wrong, in the end "Bakuretsu Tenshi" couldn't even get as far as a 7/10 in my book. From the offset, I thought this was going to be a harem anime. The tellings signs are all there: we have a classic harem hero: a nice guy who's a total loser (any guy coming from the "Love and Happy Cook School" surely deserves to be labelled an Uber Loser), and it looked like he was gonna end up living in a big house (or in this case, a big... uh... armoured truck) full of girls. But, for somereason, I was slightly intrigued. Maybe it was the lush, colourful animation and the kick ass action sequences that really wowed me. Maybe it was because I found the character designs to be appealing. Or maybe it was the lack of slapstick comedy that are normally omnipresent in harems giving me hope that this might offer something different. But, having caught my attention, episode after episode of unspectacular short stories (that were only loosely connected at best) ensued, and totally wore down my initial interest in the show. It's not that the short stories were particularly bad, but there just wasn't anything GREAT about them. Nothing to tempt me to watch the next episode with great urgency. Not only are the episodes quite independent of one another in terms of plot, but there isn't much continuous character development either. It turns out I was very wrong about this anime being harem - turns out the total-loser-but-nice guy wasn't even the main character, and only appears in the occasional episode. He plays such a minor role I don't know why they bothered devoting the opening episode to his introduction in the first place. The relationships between the characters were mostly static throughout in a really uninteresting fashion, to the extent that I almost wished this anime is a harem... at least there'll be SOME non-static interaction between characters then. As it stands, the characters really lack any kind of spark to them beyond their initial appeal. Perhaps "Bakuretsu Tenshi" is trying to find middle ground between having a consistent underlying plot like in most other series and just having mini adventures like in Cowboy Bebop, but failed to impress in its attempt to do either. "Cowboy Bebop" had mini adventures that were a lot more enjoyable, and had far more diversity than "Bakuretsu Tenshi"; it also had genuinely interesting characters that made the show more addictive to watch. "Bakuretsu Tenshi"'s attempt at having an underlying plot is even worse. It has what I now see as Gonzo's trade mark flaw, where they present to you an anime that's like a puzzle with half the pieces missing. This anime has a futuristic setting that's so different from what we know, that it really isn't the kind of stuff you can just pick up as you go along. The strange social structure; the weird cyber technology; the relationships between all these companies and mafias etc are just so confusing, and the anime doesn't really explain any of it. I watched through the entire series without gaining much of an understanding of it. There are a heck of a lot of ideas, a lot of them interesting ones... but that's all they are - just ideas. Their under development is probably the thing that hurt this anime more than anything else. "Bakuretsu Tenshi" is a textbook example of all style and no substance. Looking at it episode by episode, I can't really say it's boring, but overall I found it took me quite a lot of effort to watch. The outstanding animation is what carries this anime along... perhaps it's worth watching a couple of episodes just for that. After that you can drop it - you won't be missing much!
Bakuretsu Tenshi is a good anime. Well that was easy. The end... In all seriousness, it is a good anime but it has some problems. The fan service level is insanely high. I've already talked about why that's a pet peeve of mine so it seems silly to go into it again, but I'm going to anyway. The problem with it isn't so much that it happens, it's that it happens all the time and there's almost never a good story or character reason for it. Seriously, why do women fighters tend to wear skimpy impractical outfits in media while men generally wear things that make sense? Theonly other major problem with this anime is the pacing. The plot moves along very slowly until the last four episodes. Up until that point most of the episodes contain little pieces of plot but are mostly stand alone episodes that serve mainly to develop the characters. As a result the main story comes at you very slowly and then very quickly and before you can really get a handle on it, it's over. Those of you who know me are probably thinking, "but you consider the story the most important part of everything except comedies, why do you consider this good if it has a bad story?" In answer to that, I didn't say that the story was bad. It's poorly paced to be sure, but it's actually a very good and intriguing story. It's just not a traditional story. It's more character driven than plot driven. And the characters are very well done and interesting. Even though they're designed so that it looks like they arbitrarily cut large pieces of fabric from their outfits. Even the plot, horrible pacing aside, is very nicely put together. It isn't original, but it's told in an original way. The visuals are simply excellent, if you can excuse the fan service factor. They really establish the setting perfectly. The action scenes are stellar and they have some nice variety. Some of them involve mecha, others are hand to hand, and others are gun fights. And every single one is unique. Overall, I was very impressed with the series. Now on to the all important yuri factor. I'm going to give it an 8/10. It's obvious that Jo an Meg are a couple and they get some really adorable scenes. Jo even says at one point that Meg is the reason that she's able to fight. Where it loses points is that there really aren't that many episodes where they actually get to share cute moments. They happen in maybe 1/4 of the episodes. While it is nice to see a canonical yuri couple, I really wish that they had done more with it. My final rating for Bakuretsu Tenshi is 8/10. It's a great anime. If you haven't seen it yet, give it a try.
When I first heard of Bakuretsu Tenshi I believed it to be a similar anime to a personal favorite anime of mine, Black Lagoon, and us such I had high expectations. In the end Burst Angel turned out to be a totally different show then I had first though it would be, yet in quite a good way… The series is normally split in to story arcs made of two or more episodes (There is the odd one of episode) and they normally have a common theme or item that connects the story in the final few episodes. The main story itself and the arcs arefun and interesting enough, they range impressible from blood hungry monster plots to the quite bizarre samurai and cyberspace roaming that you would not expect to find in this type of anime and while it normally works well the plot sometimes try’s to be a bit deeper and darker then it can actually manage (And the main idea of a Tokyo with guns gives it the right to at least try) In the end it works much better as a fun, over the top series. Burst Angel is mostly a Sci-fi/Action series and as you would expect each story includes some fun mech or gunslinger battles which while mostly impressive, sometimes do end up feeling a little bit tedious after a while (Must point out however that this is the first mech series I have really watched all the way through) The characters are a big highlight of the series and while they may be a little stereotyped in there ways (Loud kid, well endowed leader, quite gunslinger, the one who always gets kidnapped) but each are given there own quirks that help define them more as the series goes on and end up giving the story a good dose of needed emotion as the series concludes The most fascinating character was Jo, whose striking crimson appearance just screams how cool she is. She’s a bit of a typical ‘gunslinger with a mysterious past’ at first, and it takes a bit of time for her to develop, but when we do learn more of her past and her relationship with Meg it’s worth the wait. Meg is basically there to get caught or kidnapped in each episode, which at first gives her character a light weight, stereotypical feel. But as the series develops we get to see more of her relationship with Jo and find that there is a little more to her character then you at first think. Kyohei is one of the few male characters and when he appeared in the first episode, I started fearing that this anime would become a typical Harem, yet by the end of the series I was surprised at how underused he actually was! In the end his job is to basically introduce us the viewers to the plot and characters of the show and do little else. After the first few stories his appearances become more and more sparse and by the time we know the main characters and there back stories he is more or less ignored at the end. The supporting cast is great too, though I think Sei had more potential then she was given and the addition of Leo felt a bit too random, he adds little in the end other then being another guy. Watching this in Sub I found the cast to be great if nothing to special and the music really matches the energetic and fun feel of the show. I have yet to hear the Dub but the cast sounds good enough for me. The animation is very impressive, the characters are well designed and have there own cool looks and colors. The Mechs could have been better designed I think, with a little but more originality and flare but animation wise they usually deliver the goods and the CGI doesn’t feel out of place with the rest of the animation ether. Overall this turned out to be a brilliant and fun anime, just don’t expect anything as deep or as dark as Black Lagoon despite the gunslinger similarities.
Overall, I didn’t care for this show. To me, it’s like junk food in anime form: if it’s your thing, you may enjoy it as a ‘guilty pleasure’. As other people have noted, the story is paper-thin, the characters are two dimensional, and there are too many filler episodes for a show this short. I don’t care for fan service in anime, and there was too much of it here in my opinion. I’d really only recommend the show to someone who likes the visuals of girls, guns, and giant robots. Anyone looking for any depth to a showshould steer clear. Sei was about the only interesting character, but her backstory never really went anywhere. Jo – tough girl with guns; seen it before, nothing new here. Meg – whiny, useless eye-candy. Other than serving as a focal point for hostage situations, she does nothing in the show other than cling to Jo. Kyohei – typical late teens / early 20s male anime character; again, nothing we haven’t seen a million times before, except he really does nothing in the show either. Amy, the mandatory young kid of the group, has the saving grace of not being too annoying. Takane, however, was loud and obnoxious. The other characters in the show frankly didn’t make much of an impression on me. Fan service aside, the visuals & sound were OK. Lots of combat in and out of mecha. The character designs were more or less what you’d expect. Sei reminded me too much of a big boobed Chun Li. Meg’s skimpy Western-themed outfits were just ridiculous. The integration of the 3D animation in the combat scenes actually worked pretty well. I have a love-hate relationship with the soundtrack. The songs worked well for the show, but I personally can’t stand the translated lyrics or the vocal style on the opening track. Bottom line, Bakuretsu Tenshi doesn’t add anything new or original to the genre, and what it does, it does with average competency. I wouldn’t quite call the entire show filler, but it comes close. If the visuals / combat scenes had been less interesting, I probably would have rated this lower than a 5/10. Personally, given the choice, I’d rather rewatch Black Lagoon, Bubblegum Crisis, or Gunslinger Girl than watch Bakuretsu Tenshi again.
Well, this was actually the second time I watched this anime. Think I enjoyed it more this time. In any case, to the review: STORY Story is kinda over-the-top I think, but at the same time, something you might expect from an anime of this genre. Seems more than slightly random at points. I´d say that this anime is pretty episodic, not necessary a bad thing though. The ending was kinda meh, but when it hasn´t been? The story manages to get on the good side in my eyes, definitely. ART Looks good enough to me. Real looking guns gather some extra points from me. ;D Need to saythough that some parts could look smoother, especially some scenes with lots of movement. For example cars could use some work at parts. (Aside from the show itself, the art of the characters is amazing.) SOUND Hard to say anything bad, sound acting is good, I like Jo´s voice especially. Great intro and outro also. Really liked it after hearing a lot of japanese music in my everyday music-listening. At first all anime-music sounded somehow special you know. CHARACTERS Well yeah, like others have said, no real suprises. Also some character are just too much of a fanservice... Sei, I have two things to say about her, and you all know what they are. A tip, they´re big. Amy, kinda annoying at times, then also funny and cute. Meg... I just say he´s a useless baka. Leo, a basic guy, nothing annoying though, liked him very much. Had some amusing acts going on... xD Kyohei, thought that he´d had a larger role in this, but guess not. Didn´t really raise any feelings. Then, Jo. Really love her, she made a huge part of this anime to me. Amazing design I think. Revealing outfit, but her body isn´t the usual fanservice really. Liking both though. Also, as a liker of tattoos, points granted. Her weapons, .50 AE Desert Eagle, two-tone and dual-wielded! Been kinda a gun maniac for a long time, so... And her attitude, somehow I can relate to her at times. Easily the best character in the show, and has a place in my favorites forever. ENJOYMENT When the going really got rough, it was awesome. Had much of weaker moments also, but never got me thinking of dropping this. Maintained somehow solid all the time and kept me interested. The better characters had a big role in that too. OVERALL Action packed show, with girls whooping ass and some mecha. Could be more solid and have some characters improved, but a recommended one none the less. First gave this an 8, but changed to 9 after all. If I could, I would give 8,5, but I can´t. I feel this has to rised over some other series I´ve seen, so here we go.
Burst Angel (Bakuretsu Tenshi) is a series that attempted to mix a bunch of different genres together. You have action, horror, drama, a little ecchi, as well as a sorta lesbian love thing going on. While this may not be a perfect anime I did enjoy it thoroughly. The pacing of the episodes was a little wonky, some arcs ended way to fast and others dragged on way to long. Though I still think 24 episodes was a good decision, they could have tightened the plot up a bit more. I am after all a sucker for anime with strong female leads and while Megmay not be that Jo and Sei are enough to satisfy me. Its a shame that this never got a sequel as for me the end of the last episode showed how they could have turned Meg into a strong female lead. Though what we had been left with was a lacklustre ova. This is still one of my favourite shows, it may not be great but it has its moments.
A spaghetti western set in not quite post-apocalyptic Tokyo might be the easiest way to describe Burst Angel. The ideas of an outlaw gunslinger and the authorities' reliance on firearms to deal with criminals fit the genre well, and the series contains numerous homages, such as the design and name of the mech Jango, the episode titles, and the music used in the series. A person's enjoyment of Burst Angel depends on what one thinks of girls in revealing clothing fighting freakish monsters with glowing brains and rampaging giant robots. If such things are to your liking, the series will surely please. However, if youdon't appreciate the presence of such elements in your anime, there is little reason to watch. The characters of Burst Angel don't bring any creative or new traits with them, but they fill their roles well. Jo, the main character, is the tough-as-nails gunfighter who is loyal to those who earn her respect and has a special soft spot for Meg. Meg is Jo's longtime partner who, while not completely useless, spends much of the series kidnapped and used as bait. Amy is the whiz kid hacker. Sei (whose middle name is Elizabeth, thus making the reference to Little Women complete) is the leader of the group, and sometimes clashes with Jo by prioritizing the mission over rescuing Meg. Finally, Kyohei is the fish-out-of-water whom the girls hire as a cook, but is often dragged along on missions because of unfortunate coincidences. The characters don't have much depth and are fairly static, although there are a couple of episodes that provide a slightly broader glimpse of their personalities. Individually, some of the characters can be a little irritating, but their interactions generally make up for these shortcomings. Also, they are assisted by the typically fun and quirky supporting cast that appear frequently. The plot is not Burst Angel's strong point. The overarching story regarding RAPT and the conspiracy involving the monsters with glowing brains hold the shorter plot arcs together only loosely for much of the story. Events tie together a little more tightly in the second half as the series comes to a close. The story is somewhat typical, although entertaining enough if one likes the characters. The individual arcs, usually one to three episodes long, and break from a standard format before events get too repetitive. The series tries to not take itself too seriously (especially notable in the dub), but some of the later episodes are played pretty straight. They don't do a bad job of it, but you've probably seen most of it before done better. Visually, the series is quite good. Character designs are appropriately pleasing or unsettling, depending on the subject. The female characters' breast size does fluctuate, most notably in the beach resort episode, but that (and the rather unrealistic proportions of Meg and Sei) is probably the art's greatest flaw. The 3D and 2D images blend together very well, which can be a difficult task for some shows. Action scenes are well done, but not stunning, and the rest of the animation is of good quality as well. Both English and Japanese language tracks are competently acted. Kyohei's voice can be a little whiny in both languages, but this fits the character. Fortunately, Amy's voice was not done in the high pitched screech typically found among young girls in anime. The deeper tone used for Jo's voice is a little different from what one usually hears for female characters, but works well. While the ED is utterly forgettable, the OP is quite lively and somewhat unique. The background music works well and matches the mood of the western genre. In all, Burst Angel is a fun action romp that delivers shoot outs, explosions, and pretty girls, but looking for much more than that may leave you disappointed.
Bakuretsu Tenshi is a action, comedy, and science fiction Theme. At first this seems like the average "life" anime but dont bee fooled. This anime is a really rough gem which is polished almost to perfection by the skilled designers. With a action packed story, amazing artwork, this anime steps up to my expectations. The story takes place in a crime-ridden future japan, at first the story is focused on a Pastry chef, Kyohei Tachibana, who is a 18 year old boy looking for work, Upon getting a flier for personal chef job, he rides his bike to a parking lot where a large truck was sitting.When he goes up to the truck he meets four girls, Sei, Meg, Jo and Amy. Sei is the leader of the girls and takes command when times are needed. Meg is the cults of the group, She is always getting kidnapped making Jo come to save her. Jo is the bad ass of the group, She is the one who fights out of the girls and pilots a robot named Jango. Jo is my personal favorite character in this anime. Meg is the computer wiz and always has more fun hacking into something rather than going out and having a good time. All the characters are tightly warped in the story and makes none of the characters useless. The characters are the strong point in this anime. The show is more serious than funny but you can still have a good time watching it. There are a total of 24 episodes in the anime and every one has something to do with the final outcome of the anime. I give Bakuretsu Tenshi, a 7/10
Unfortunately Burst Angel is best known for its over the top and consistent fan-service which without doubt was deliberately injected into every episode sometimes in a rather jarring and obvious manner such as the swimming pool scene in the "Wash this Flower Garden with Blood!" episode however if you’re prepared to look past that then there is a decent series here underneath all the titillation. To start with the anime looks and sounds wonderful with a gritty cyberpunk aesthetic running throughout the series which conveys the dystopian world the action takes place in with aplomb, special mention must go to the soundtrack which is great inits own right. The English dub is one of the better ones I have seen in recent times and it is available in subbed form depending on your preference for such things. The story is a nice blend of intrigue and conspiracy set within a decently fleshed out world though it is let down by sometimes meandering to what only feels like filler content as well as the needless attempts to get even more fan-service in. The characters are a quite clichéd and they would have no harm done with a bit more fleshing out as the story progresses, no pun intended. While the fan-service may put some off or of course draw people to it this is a series you definitely should give a try if you’ve never seen it especially if you enjoy cyberpunk in anyway. This is my first review on here so I’ve tried to avoid spoiling the plot, maybe a little too much but we’ll have to see.
SUMMARY: The combination of the crazy characters and the kind of absurd story give the anime the potential to be very enjoyable or just kind of a drag. It really depends on what sort of mood you are in. If you are willing to suspend your disbelief and just go along with things, you will probably appreciate the action and humorous highlights provided by the colorful cast. STORY: Every few episodes you start settling in to what you think are the themes that have been set for the show, and then something COMPLETELY RANDOM comes along and blows away your expectations. Occasionally there are giant robotbattles and super soldiers (like a gundam plot), occasionally there are alien-like super creatures reminiscent of an 80s capcom game, and occasionally there is police drama like style. I am just hitting on a few themes that come up. There is plenty more strangeness. ART: Well there are a lot of scantily clad ladies with guns.... SOUND: Kind of tacky jpop openings and closings. The theme song is pretty catchy. CHARACTERS: All of the characters are, well, characters. There's the super-human combat beast, Joe, the adorably helpless Meg, the brainy loli character Amy, the brainy plotting Sei, and the random slice-of-life bakery guy. The combinations of their personalities in the outrageous and overall dramatic situations the story puts them in make for a flavorful experience. ENJOYMENT: Depending on what state of mind you go into Bakuretsu Tenshi with, you will either love it or hate it. It comes off like it is attempting to have a serious plot, but the plot is just so unintentionally ridiculous that you will be disappointed if you try to take it seriously.
Burst Angel Review There a no spoilers in this review I just completed Burst Angel and the OVA Burst Angel: Infinity. I have to say I really enjoyed it, but it won't win any prizes for story telling. But it's an interesting show. Story The story consisted of several side stories linked to the finale. I think they were all important to learn more about the story but I found I was a bit confused on how it all linked up at some points. Their are some minor filler episodes but I think they did link up to the story enough not to take awayfrom it. I found it was very much like western animation in this regard for younger audiences. I do think it relied on the characters being good to much. But I found it really interesting and the world they built was quite good to. I liked the whole futuristic Tokyo wasteland setting. It was well done. Like Martian Successor Nadesico this anime lucked out because it needed a second season, but it is never to be. Tech The visual were quite good for for the time and the sound effects to being 2003. No real complaints there. Some of the special effects where bad near the finale which was disappointing. The voice acting wasn't that good either. But these few negative things didn't take my enjoyment of the show away. I think it's more of a reflection of the time it was created rather than carelessness on the makers of the show. Characters I liked them all, the main characters were well thought out and had interesting stories and developed fairly well. I think the biggest thing I liked about this show was Jo. The main character. She was a cool headed badass who knew how to like others. Meg was pretty good to although pretty much useless. She was an important supporting character though and she really didn't get to shine in the series. I think the plan was to have her be the lead of season 2, but since it got canned it could never be. Sei and Amy where great characters to. Sei was well developed and had a more important part than Amy did. Her backstory was pretty solid and her design was good. Amy's was good to but she didn't feel like a main character but a supporting character like Kyohei, who was the chef. Conclusion When it comes down to it, the show is about Jo being badass. I enjoyed it allot and the action was good. The Mecha component of the series I also enjoyed and they were an important part of the story. To me it felt like the story was more about gun fights and less about Mechas. Which I liked. It's good seeing Mecha's just being a part of the story rather than one of the main focuses. It's a good show and I'd recommend it highly. I can't give it a better score than I did though, It's simply good and not much else more. Score: 7.6/10 MAL Score: 8/10 [Rounded up]
Be patient with me please, this will be my first review! Burst Angel, as it is known in English to me, was a good well developed anime in my opinion. Sometimes the anime will go off the rails, however I found this more entertaining as it helped to develop more of the characters and show you what they did as a job. I found overall that the story was great and it gave you what you wanted to see although fan-service did take over it. If you love girls-with-guns then this is a great anime to get into and you can get into the moodand mind of the characters. The characters are well developed and to me it felt like there was a lot to the characters, especially with the way that it would portray each one during the anime. The plot of this anime was really up and down, it made you watch fillers that were unrelated to the real story, however this helped you to see more of the characters and more of the enjoyment. Some of the fillers would be weak but some would be strong, I really enjoyed the all-girls school filler, this really made me love the anime as much as I do. I actually enjoyed this anime a lot and managed to finish it quite quickly as i was engrossed in it, it gave me the suspense to want to get to the end. Sound and art was really nice for the time it was developed. I found myself singing to the opening of the song constantly. Honestly, this probably shouldn't be a 10 however I personally really did enjoy Burst Angel and I would love to see a season 2 (I know that won't happen now!) Canaan ~