In a time of darkness and barbarism, the Chantry has arisen - a religious order seeking to bring stability to a world corrupted by sinister magic. Led by the Divine, the Chantry's Templar warriors ruthlessly restrain the Mages and their magical cabals. But when the Templars fail, the most elite order of the Chantry takes charge - the Seekers! (Source: AniDB)
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Dragon Age: Origins by far one of the best games I have ever played. I have all the DLC. I played as a mage, had a baby with Morrigan, kicked the blights ass while being the good guy and rocking some pretty high stats. Moving on from the epic events of DA:O, we come to DA:O:A, I was now the Gray Warden Commander, still kicking darkspawn ass with even higher stats than before. I chased after Morrigan, to confront the mother of my child and love of my life. We walked through a portal never to be seen again. DONE! Finished! That was it! My RPG hunger was satisfied! BioWaredid it again! Then they announced DA II. I was exited out of my mind. The legendary mage who stood with his friends against the impossible blight had more to give. Boy, was I wrong. DA II never lived up to the hype that I got after DA:O Even with it's expansions, which I mindlessly brought by the way, I was still craving more. Luckily my RPG hunger was quenched with BioWare's other RPG franchise Masseffect. But then ... this ... this thing came. I questioned it at first but my love of anime overshadowed my love for DA. Yet again, my heart crushed. It was so bad, there was a few references to the Dragon Age universe. Animation was ok. But for those who love the Dragon Age franchise like me. Turn your head from this monstrosity. I beg of you. I mindlessly await Dragon Age III which will most likely be produced after BioWare finishes up with the DLC phase of Masseffect 3. The lead designer is asking the audience for it's opinions and ideas. Which is good ... but my heat can't take any more damage from this monster boss.
First of all, if you want to watch the movie, because you are a fan of the games or books - just move on and forget this movie title. The creator of the game series has created a rich world with much lore, politics, struggles between races, religion and morals considering if magic is a curse or a blessing for the society. It specially focused on the origin of the characters, like a mage will start the game on a different place and will play a different role then for example a knight or a thief. Without spoilers to the movie I can explain, why this storylinecompletely ignores all game lore and game mechanics: At least the two countries I know of, are controlled by different powers - usually by the political ruler (in both cases a Kingdom) and the Chantry (church). The Church sees the magic as a threat because it may attract evil in form of demons, and in both countries the chantry constantly seeks children or adults who show signs of magic aptitude. If you show such signs, you will be brought to the circle of magi. That means, they are confined to a safe location which is closely watched and "guarded for safety" by the church through military means and their special units - the Templar. You are not allowed to leave the premises of the Circle unless permission is granted by the chantry. If you use Magic without permission, you are classified as apostate (not desired dangerous mage) and be hunted down by Templar and the regular army, any sign of using blood magic will result in a kill on sight warant - without exeption. The ability to use magic is really rare, usually you can fit all the mages in a single tower of not more then 10 Levels. The game mechanics show, that an expeirienced mage can get rid of a melee fighter before he can close in, but since there are usually much more armored troups then mages, they will be killed eventually, because they can't use magic unlimited times and they need time to cast the spells. Templars also recieve special training to resist mind control and low level spells, but they are not imune to all battle magics. Templar usually despise magic users and see it as their duty to get rid of any dangerous magician - if in doubt, kill it. In the movie they don't even comply with that absolute order, that all involved in blood magic are to be killed on the spot. They seem to be imune to most spells, even their armor is not even dented when they get hit. Mages, especially bloodmages seem to seldom cast spells, they prefer melee combat. Also there are much more "uncontrolled" mages in the field, then in the whole circle of magi. Since bloodmagic is considered evil even by the standards of the circle, the numbers don't add up at all. There is no explanation, why transfiguration and bloodmagic is connected - in the game lore they are seperate arts. There are rumors about a traitor in the mist of the Templars, but their motives are hard to believe especially because of what they have been taught and how they have been trained. There is also an event were a solid army apears out of nowhere and they are not noticed be a whole country. Whithout spoiler lets just say, the composition is unbelieveable and the lorebreaking mind control of things that don't even have a mind of their own and are at least lorewise not being effected by bloodmagic. And on a sidenote, why waste a whole army on that one task, and not recall it for another use, where you really could need some backup? I could go on about 2 pages on where and when the movie breaks the game mechanics and game lore, but I will return to the movie itself now because it would spoil the story. The Animation varies, sometimes it's decent and well made, and then there are random slashes and unusal patterns. I can hardly believe, that a knight with plate armor can survive such leaps of faith/jumps, and how easy it seem to tame, hold and kill the very enormous dragons, who could crush a stone wall with their muscles and who can spit fire. There is a time, where a character switches his main weapon from his mainhand for no reason at all. I like some of the blood animations, but have also to agree, that the blood comes off to easily - like the heroes never seem to get their hands dirty or their hair never seem to be out of style. Corpses vanish, Characterdesigns are ok, but for such a bloody adventure, it seems unreal, that the characters are so pale. The degree of violence is also unbalanced. Much too violent for a rating under 16+, but they display the violence only against the bad guys, while the good ones are usually graced with just a hint of violence and then a cut or fade out so that the viewer can fill out the rest by imagination. Story It's the second oldest story in the books. Good vs. Bad, a knight in shining armor seeking truth and willing to destroy evil. Problem is just the main lead is not a Knight, but a Templar and as already explained, the Templars are out of characterr. The story has a twist or two, but don't expect much more then the usual straight arrow. Without the violence I would say, best suited for the age of 12-14. Beyond that, the plot is a little to easy to follow, to easy to expect and so only a few surprises are left over. You do not need to have played the game to understand the plot, but everytime you see a design of an armor, weapon or creature, it sure teases your memory about it. There is not much characterdevelopment, but you also may see that as fitting for these two characters, especially if you consider the faith of a Templar vs. the Mage. It is somewhat unusual that a mage is that forthcoming with a Templar right from the start, but after a certain point in the story it becomes much more believeable. Music The Soundeffects and Music were on a acceptable level. Not much can be said about it, beside I had never had the need to reach for the volume control. The Voice Actors did seem to know their stuff. Overall Not for the fans of the game series, maybe enjoyable for the younger generation between 12-14 if they can stand violence. A pity that they did not even had time to play the origin of the mage or the knight class of DA:O, or they never would have thrown away such potential ...
This is an anime that had so much promise, unfortunately it fails horribly to live up to what it is capable of reaching. As an anime that is meant to appeal to fans of its source material (Dragon Age franchise) it fails almost immediately in every department. One of the first things that came to mind when watching this was the art style, it sort of looked like a good old PS2 game, while the graphics itself isn't terrible ( I actually liked the facial animation and some of the motion capture was pretty smooth) the direction was incredibly boring, the fight scenes were poorly directed andthe environments looked even more dull and boring than the environments of Dragon Age 2. Another reason why this anime was a complete let down was that the production studio obviously didn't do enough research regarding the rich and complex lore of the source material. I can tell that the developers probably played the opening act of Dragon Age 2 and were given a few pages of paper that briefly explain the lore of the game and maybe a few pages of concept drawings but this was absolutely insufficient. There were so many things shown in the anime that heavily contrast the lore of the source material. For example in the game the mages were strictly guarded at all times and they are forbidden from ever leaving the tower other than very rare and extremely important events such as a blight but in the anime the mages were given much more leniency, circle mages working outside the tower without any templar supervision would have lead to them being branded as apostates and thereby hunted as very dangerous individuals. Another thing that bothered me was the appearance of Ogres (Darkspawn creatures) alongside golems and the characters didn't even think how strange it is for so many ogres to be working with golems, it just didn't make sense and no explanation was given and if you have ever played the games you will understand why this upsets me very much. Overall this anime is a terrible waste of potential, it could have been something so much better but instead we are given this cheap mediocre anime that was made by people who had very little idea about the source material and is actually counter productive to what it was meant to be (an anime meant to be enjoyed by fans and introduce people who have never played the games in to the game)
Talk about a lifeless adaptation… While not aware of the games, I have watched a few videos about them and they are quite close to a standard D&D; campaign, full of knights, wizards, elves, and of course dragons. It felt quite typical but it surely wasn’t as blunt as this movie. There is simply very little going on and are presented in the most simple way possible. Every single event and character in it are closer to a fairy tale than a dark sword and sorcery adventure, so it fails to be attractive in both sides of the spectrum. Too violent for kids and toodumb for teenagers. So, the plot is about evil mages using an elf girl to order dragons to attack the main temple of their mortal enemies. The champions of the temple find out about this in time and attack while performing the ritual, seemingly preventing the invasion. But turns out there are traitors amongst them who try to frame the champions and resume the ritual. Hm, ok, nothing much. It sounds and plays out like a typical Hollywood action flick, and in all honesty it would better off being made there instead of Japan. The budget is quite poor and everything is animated with low resolution that makes it look like a cut scene from a mediocre videogame. Don’t let the cover picture fool you; the actual animation in it is quite simple and usually crude. The armours and the monsters look nice but the faces of the characters and their motions are just very fake-looking. Plus most backgrounds are hardly detailed. The explosions and the debris were awesome. Despite being animated in a three-dimensional way, the characters are all one-dimensional. You have this Saturday-morning cartoon villain mage, who is the leader only because he is the only one who can transform to a bird and escape while everybody else in his team is killed. You have this chick paladin (named Seeker in this setting) that runs around and kills stuff because she is pissed. You have this good mage tagging along as a comic relief. You have a cute elf girl which… um, doesn’t do anything other that spacing out. And you have a bunch of other cardboards that don’t even have a face if they are not important to the plot. Nobody seems to be anything beyond what he looks and any attempts to flesh them out by giving them a tragic past or making them traitors blinded on power later on doesn’t help one bit to make them more interesting. All because of the following reason. The script is written by a five year old, as everything happens in a most unrealistic and yet obvious way. The lead chick is like Super Girl, as she is able to take out hordes of mages and demons, while everybody else has a hard time not being stabbed by a nobody after a few sword swings. She even casually escapes perils, while wearing a mini skirt and her companion the mage is constantly able to have spies all over the place so to conveniently tell them what they need to know. Weird how everybody in the kingdom seems to know of the conspiracy. Everyone besides the elites in the temple, that is. And how nice of them to be talking about it so casually, as if it’s not important at all. Anyways, the whole story is basically the chick killing stuff, them someone giving her a hint, then she keeps killing more until another one starts to reveal stuff. In effect, the main characters in this movie do nothing but fighting and let NPCs to tell them everything, a thing which ruins any real tension since they don’t really figure out anything on their own. So basically you get this movie where the bad guys want to rule the world JUST BECAUSE and the heroine fights them because they killed her family and friends. All the rest are nothing but ephemeral dressing. So now you may be wondering if at least the action is worth to bother. And sadly, not even that means much. It’s not just the crude visuals, but also how most of the battle choreography is just random slashes and unimpressive fire attacks. Hell, there is blood spilling all over the place and yet it washes off like it’s nothing but tomato juice. I also never understood why everybody walks around in impractical huge armours that don’t protect you by even a knife stab. There are lots of huge monsters in it too but they are all casually killed by simply jumping on them and stabbing them in the neck with a short sword. And I love how the corpses magically disappear after the battle or how a whole army is watching from a high place yet never seems to notice a battle taking place a few meters below them, or dragons the size of a tower coming towards them until they are right next to them. It’s a completely lazily made film that will leave the action lovers indifferent and most likely make the fans of the games to once again never wish for anything they like to be adapted. And now for some excused scorings. ART SECTION: 6/10 Analysis: General Artwork 1/2, Character Figures 1/2, Backgrounds 1/2, Animation 1/2, Visual Effects 2/2 SOUND SECTION: 6/10 Analysis: Voice Acting 2/3, Music Themes 2/4, Sound Effects 2/3 STORY SECTION: 4/10 Analysis: Premise 1/2, Pacing 1/2, Complexity 1/2, Plausibility 0/2, Conclusion 1/2 CHARACTER SECTION: 5/10 Analysis: Presence 1/2, Personality 1/2, Backdrop 1/2, Development 1/2, Catharsis 1/2 VALUE SECTION: 1/10 Analysis: Historical Value 0/3, Rewatchability 0/3, Memorability 1/4 ENJOYMENT SECTION: 1/10 Analysis: Art 0/1, Sound 0/2, Story 1/3, Characters 0/4 VERDICT: 4/10