Mahiro Yasaka is just an ordinary high school student, until one day he is suddenly attacked by a dangerous monster. Just when everything seems to be lost, he is saved by a silver-haired girl named Nyaruko, who claims to be the shape-shifting deity Nyarlathotep from horror author H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, sent by the Space Defense Agency to Earth. She explains to Mahiro that the creature chasing him was an alien called Nightgaunt, who had planned on abducting and selling him as a slave. After rescuing him from the alien, the Lovecraftian deity falls madly in love with Mahiro and forces herself into his household, much to his chagrin. Moreover, they are soon joined by two others from the fictional universe: Cthuko, a girl obsessed with Nyaruko, and Hasuta, a young boy easily mistaken for a beautiful female. Together, the three eccentric aliens protect Mahiro from the various extraterrestrial dangers that threaten both his and Earth's well-being, all the while making his life a living hell. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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In an age where media is thriving and the economy is stagnating and slowing to a crawl there’s often the question of product quality versus a more cost-effective approach. This holds especially true for the anime industry where the bulk of the paying audience are exploitable and easy to profit from. There's a sizable amount of anime where a certain degree of integrity and quality is held over the potential of large sales numbers and, conversely, there are shows where quality is disregarded and instead replaced by a number of efficient pandering methods. Unfortunately, Haiyore Nyaruko-san is one of the latter. The anime takes placein a world where deities of the Cthulhu Mythos are secretly wreaking havoc on Earth, often having their horrifying appearance and demeanor replaced by that of a cute teenage girl... or boy. After the titular Nyarlathotep arrives on Earth to save Mahiro from a sudden alien attack, she chooses to stay at his house after deciding that she loves him. This, of course, confuses our dear protagonist and gives precedence to his tsundere behavior. As the episodes pass more deities begin to work their way into Mahiro's treasured and so-claimed "normal life". The first of which is Cthuko, a twintailed and obsessive bisexual incessantly chasing after Nyaruko and her body much like Nyaruko does with Mahiro. Hastur also makes an appearance, a young boy who looks very much like a girl and frequently causes confusion to Mahiro as a result of that. Other characters include Mahiro's mother, secretely working as a deity hunter, and Ghutatan, another deity in the form of a small girl that joins in on the shenanigans for the final two episodes. Calling any of these characters interesting would be a gross overstatement. These are one-dimensional and stereotypical archetypes that do little except fulfilling the audience's penchant for attractive young girls. Most of the interaction between them revolves around the same repeated jokes and situations, used again and again with not a single care for change. Nyaruko will behave in a forcefully lewd manner towards Mahiro, often involving sudden kisses or talks of marriage, and then he'll become angry and stab her with a fork. Cthuko will go on to do most of the same towards Nyaruko and she'll push him away because of her love towards Mahiro. After seeing this interaction repeated for the nth time it becomes incredibly stale and tiring. It really makes evident that there is nothing going for the characters besides their physical appeal, and Xebec frequently exploits that and uses it as its way to catch an audience. In between all the awful character interaction there's an abundance of superfluous otaku references. These include dozens upon dozens of titles such as Back to the Future, Ichigo Mashimaro, Ashita no Joe, Denpa Onna, and Haruhi. Now, references to other anime can be amusing and add to the comedic value when they're implemented well but that's very far from being the case here. There aren't just a few thrown in during each individual episode, but rather dozens of times in each, sometimes flipping from one reference to another in the span of about 15 seconds. There's no transition and little context, they just happen. Repeatedly. What's most shameful isn't necessarily how bad or annoying these references can be, but that Xebec has apparently decided that comedy isn't even relevant as long as you make piles of references towards shows that the audience may have enjoyed. There's a point where it becomes funny and then there is a point where it just devolves into frustration and pandering. The occasional anime reference can be quite nice, but in Nyaruko-san it does nothing but infuriate and make watching the series an arduous experience due to their superfluous usage. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san is an anime that has about all the comedic sophistication of Hannah Montana and Meet the Spartans. For an anime that is constantly parodying other series and their tropes, it really makes you wonder when the same cliches and issues are present in the show itself. Harem members suddenly "transfer" into the same classroom as the protagonist, characters decide to neglect their duties to go on a trip to the beach, the protagonist and main heroine (mistakenly) bodyswap with eachother, and people walk in during inopportune moments and misunderstandings follow as a result. There's a glaring amount of cliches and, sadly, these are mostly important or genuine aspects of the series rather than simple parodies or references. If you're looking for anything unique or original in that regard then you are most definitely not going to find what you want here. The only thing to set this series apart from any other bad harem anime is the addition of the Cthulhu Mythos, but even this is mostly made irrelevant by how the story and deities are changed and bastardized from their Lovecraftian counterparts. It's an element that seems unique and interesting at the start of the series but it quickly fades from prominence in favor of fanservice and otaku references. A pretty unfortunate fact considering the rich amount of content and depth found in the Mythos. Much more value than in this anime, anyway. Oddly enough, the series is actually bearable during the rare dramatic moments. When the terrible character dynamic is put aside and Mahiro and Nyaruko think about how much they really like eachother, it can actually be somewhat heartwarming and the characters can almost verge on being likable. It's just unfortunate that these moments can't even be counted with a full hand. Another minor positive can be attributed to the art. While the budget is modest and the animation quality is passable at best, the vibrant art style and color palette makes the show a lot more pleasing to look at than most. It's refreshing to see something that actually contains color when the majority of anime instead rely on dull hues of grey, brown, or blue. That said, you can polish a piece of trash, but it will always remain nothing more than trash. It's hard to determine just where this series went wrong. Perhaps the concept of the series was already flawed and doomed to failure, but a large amount of the blame can be shifted towards the studio and their insistence on pandering over quality. For people that are simply looking for a show that they can watch while turning their brains off, this is a poor but not quite terrible choice. For the people who want something more in their entertainment that extends beyond aimless fanservice and otaku exploitation, Haiyore Nyaruko-san is an insulting series with any inherent value or amusing moments being next to nil. Somehow I think Cthulhu monsters might be less frightening than Haiyore Nyaruko-san.
I really don't get why this anime gets so many bad reviews. Actually, I do. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san is the epitome of a plot-less anime, with the absence of "true" romance, conflicts, or any character goals. This makes Nyaruko-san very polar; you either love this kind of random comedy, or hate it. And I happen to love it. It is such a relaxing, fun anime to watch, something you can enjoy without having to focus too hard on picking up the details. The core of the anime is based around light parody comedy, while throwing in a TON of references. This anime has so many references tovideo games, TV shows, anime, etc. that you won't catch them all. And of course, it's very enjoyable when you do understand one. All of the characters are very likable, allowing viewers to easily become attached to them. This anime never takes itself seriously, and you shouldn't either. It has no problem creating plot holes, turning a tense situation into a joke, or breaking the fourth wall. By definition, Nyaruko-san does everything that would make an anime bad; but because it does it purposely, and pulls it off so well while giving you a great laugh, you can't help but enjoy it. A mix of To-Love Ru's supernatural & Lucky Star's comedy, Haiyore! Nyaruko-san does everything that caters to fans of those anime, while still presenting refreshing ideas. A high recommendation for fans of those genres. is very subjective, whether or not you consider a show to be funny or not simply depends on you, I think that mindset sums up Haiyore! Nyaruko-san perfectly. This show is about a young high school boy (I know, I know) named Mahiro Yasaka, he lives an ordinary life until one day he is attacked by a demon and saved by a young alien girl by the name of Nyarlko. Afterwards she confesses her love for him and well we get a stereotypical "hijinks ensues" plot for the rest of the show. The main focus is Mahiro fending off Nyarlko's constant advances (which as kindof refreshing, it's usually the other way around) We get introduced to a few entertaining characters, Cthuko, a alien girl who is in love with Nyarlko and constantly tried to keep her apart from Mahiro, even threatening to burn him into ash at one point. Hastur, a trap who is in love with Mahiro and constantly vies for his affection. The art and sound aren't necessarily bad, but they're not anything you'd remember all that much, doubt any of you are on the edge of your seats for the Nyarlko Original Soundtrack, one thing I will say is the opening is stupidly good, check it out on youtube if you have a chance, amazingly addictive. The characters are the main selling point of the show, the interactions between all of the different characters and the situations they find themselves in are just priceless, but as I said before, this is purely subjective. Enjoyment is either very high or very low depending on whether you fall into the niche of this particular show. It's moe, It's ecchi, it's comedy, and it's satire, if these don't appeal to you then you simply will not like this show. Overall I give this show an 8 out of 10. It's a hilarious show with a nice cast of characters that interact with each other in hilarious ways, it might not be for you, the plot might put you off, but give it the old 3 episode rule and you might find another show to add to your list!
This will is more sort of a warning than it is a review. The anime itself has nothing original to itself. There is no plot or I just forgot it. The anime itself does not even care. This is a comedy anime, I know, but the comedy aspect could be better. It is FULL of references and nothing out of their own creation. Even tho I know for sure I could not catch about 80% of the references, you can just tell they just didnt do it themselves. I just think it is too much of a multi-parody, and it never stops. I'm sorry if you thinkthis is not helpful or that I just straight up hate on the anime. I don't hate on comedies, specially if they make me laugh. But this was too much greed. "Easy money".
Quick and dirty review time! Really, they tote this as a Cthulhu Mythos based anime, but the only connection to the mythos I know is a couple names of ancient psychic outer god alien beings slapped onto teenager characters who are some kind of space cop aliens living on earth, thats about it. Beyond that, a handful of references and a couple gags relating to the dice and paper RPG are all that tie this into the mythos at all. It's funny, kind of twisted, but overall nothing special, yet another cute romantic comedy with a harem theme based around a normal everyday teenage boy whois pulled into a fantastic situation that results in him being involved with cute girls that all end up part of his daily life in some way for the rest of the show. Also, like most harem anime, he is some kind of super being with a freakish level of willpower, just like the main character of every damn harem anime, because he refuses to give into his desires and have any kind of intimate contact with any of the multiple very attractive women literally climbing naked into his bed at every opportunity. I swear Japan has the weirdest ideas about teenage boys and the kind of restraint they are capable of. Inhuman. These kids could put Buddhist monks to shame. But yah, the jokes here are a little more to my liking than most being somewhat more "edgy" than your average fan service driven romantic comedy. It's one of the first to have a very well integrated gay theme on the harem side of things that gets actual consideration rather than just being a joke character thats immediately shot, beaten, or thrown out the moment they show up and make a pass at the male lead. This one gets some cute awkward "what if" moments and generally gets as much care and attention from the main character as the female options. Overall, worth watching I would say.
I really Like the anime Haiyore Nyaruko-San because its shows the beings From Different World can Get along with Each Other and Becomes Friends As well, I Love the part where they Show the characters Being Interested in Games,Anime,Novels, and Showing Akihabara-being the Center of Anime Goods and Stuff the anime Have Really Nice Design For each character
Uu~! Nyaa~! Uu~! Nyaa~! Uu~! Nyaa~! (dun-dun-da-dunn) Let's Nyaa~! Er-herm....First off I just want emphasize that the nature of the show makes reviewing it difficult. Enjoyment of it is highly subjective to the viewer so please take that into account. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san is a comedic parody on a rampage. It's essentially the epitome of mindless entertainment with consistent gags, references, and over-used humor. It has a very clear audience: people with significant history and interest in anime. Outside of this group, the quality of show will likely be lost. With humor also being a subjective quality, appreciation (or lack thereof) of Haiyore varies from person toperson, so it's not for everyone. This is a show geared towards those with more extensive histories in anime due to the sheer volume of references crammed into each episode. Personally, I don't have that great a history and many of these blew right past me. That said, almost everything is constructed from parody, meaning that aside from the characters themselves and the basic plot line, there is almost no original content within Haiyore. You could even go as far to saying figuring out all of the references in each episode is a game since there are so many. I believe there are several dozen in the first episode alone. What little story there is comes from the Cthulhu Mythos written by H. P. Lovecraft. The various events that take place loosely stem from the various deities portrayed within the Mythos. I have not read these stories so I cannot comment on how connected they really are, however. Little focus is placed on the story but it serves as possibly the only thing to keep the events from rocketing off into deep space. The characters are what makes the show entertaining. Despite a lack of significant development, each have defined personalities which promote the wacky humor present in Haiyore. The story's hero, Mahiro Yasaka, appears to be an ordinary school boy but is thrown into a chaotic situation. Forcibly placing herself beside him is the extremely energetic and upbeat Nyarlathotep ("Nyaruko"). She one of the many "Great Ones" from the Mythos sent to protect Mahiro, though there are ulterior motives behind her appearance. Think of the two of them as a parody on the generic romance genre relationships, but with insanity thrown in. To top of the trio of main characters is Cthuko ("Kuuko Cthugha"). Sworn enemy of Nyaruko by virtue of their heritage, she is beyond smitten with her, much to Nyaruko's displeasure. Though these characters don't develop much, they are enjoyable by virtue of their various antics. With little focus on the development of story and characters, the artwork and audio received more attention. The artwork is appealing and smooth throughout, with scenery covering a vast range of areas. I wont say where though, that would spoil some of the fun. Each of the main characters has a defining design, well except for Mahiro since he's just an ordinary boy. With aliens present, expect some funky looking characters scattered about, but they're nothing displeasing. I enjoyed how they designed each character and animated them. The audio keeps pace with the non-serious nature of the show, though remains appropriate for each situation. I greatly enjoyed the opening song as well, if you can't tell with the start of this review. I have no qualms with the visual/audio aspects. If you're looking for a one word summation of Haiyore, it would have to be chaos. Chaotic turns are everywhere. Haiyore is meant to be watched with your brain turned off. It's nothing amazing and enjoyment ranges dramatically from person-to-person. If you're someone who enjoys gag-related humor, parodies of shows you've previously watched, and nonsensical progression, you fit right into the niche of Haiyore. If you fall outside this niche, I would be hesitant to watch it as you'll likely miss where the entertainment value is coming from. Thanks for reading my review of Haiyore!, Nyaruko-san. Remember that the helpful and not helpful buttons are not agree/disagree buttons. If you disagree with my views feel free to message me and discuss. Also, if you did not find my review helpful, please let me know what I can improve upon to make future reviews more useful. Thanks again!
After reading many of these reviews, or quickly scanning them, I realized there really wasn't a middle ground - you either loved it or hated it. And it seems to me most people wanted to hate something like this. But maybe both sides are missing the point: after all, for the people who want to bury this in the ground: lower your sophisticated and urbane shields for a second and try to understand WHY this anime wasn't deep or anything. And for the people who think this is flawless, it isn't. But perhaps I should make a stand here and try to look at BOTHsides of the issue. Story: 6/10 Alright, so the story was complete trash. But that's because it's a PARADY of a serious anime; after all, every huge fight and build up turned into something comedic. But that was the point. This wasn't supposed to be some deep, symbolic story where you'll fall to your knees, begging God or Zeus for forgiveness; no, it was supposed to be funny, to blow it off as if nothing. But that doesn't mean it was good, either. It was annoying, really, to have such intergalactic conflicts blown off as trivial. I mean honestly, give me one good villain! Perhaps the story arc, bland and straight as an arrow, could have been reworked to include elements to give the story, well, a story to follow and hold on to. But for whatever reason they didn't. Eh. Art: 8/10 Obviously, this is where the production costs went. The artwork was flawless. Almost. The environments were kinda....bland. There were certain times, when the story LOOKED like it was going somewhere, when the artwork excelled - but most of the time, it was flat and, well, nothing special. But the characters were drawn nice, and everything seemed cutsey and too good to be true kind of drawings. The aliens and monsters were nicely drawn as well, but once again, nothing special. So, I'll give it a decent score. Sound: 8/10 I'm not going to berate the sound either. It was actually quite good. The theme song was typical of comedic animes, catchy and, well, funny. The background music at critical times wasn't the typical orchestra, but opera-sounding voices, which was a nice deviation from the typical drum rolling and whatnot. But here, everything seemed to be in order. So, this deserves a decent score as well. Character: 6/10 They really shouldn't have messed this up. I would have forgiven the studio for the lack of storyline, but you can't have static, stereotypical, almost perfectly archetypal characters that bore the audience. I mean come on, have SOME character change in some way. And really. Take out these lovey-dovey characterizations of Nyaruko and Ctchuko. I was intrigued, though, when these Greek references to gods and stuff were first introduced; but Hasta don't act like no God of Wind all the time. Sigh. And a tsundere as a main character: where haven't I seen THAT before? It wasn't awful, though, because there was SOME development, albeit almost nonexistant. But it wasn't there. Overall: 7/10 Ok, it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't stellar, either. Where does that put us? Somewhere in the middle. It was entertaining, but not particularly engaging either. The rewatch value would be extremely low and I would not recommend this to other people when asked to name a few anime, but that doesn't mean to completely skip it, either. It was entertaining, and funny. But I cringed several times where I shouldn't have, and certain points....well, I'll stop there. Don't completely discount this anime, though, because of the reviews, nor go into it with a heart of gold - keep a cautious distance, but don't be shy in embracing what this anime has to offer. Oh, and Merry Christmas!
Anime Review: Haiyore! Nyaruko-San! By Bobjonez98 Story: 6/10- This is a tough one, the longest arc lasts maybe 3 episodes and the rest are either 1 or 2 episodes long. But the shorter arcs are actually the more entertaining ones. The story revolves around Nyaruko, who has come to earth to protect Mahiro from the evil deities of the Cthulu Mythos, hilarity ensues as anime is the only world where a Cthulu can become a bespectacled, green-haired cute anime girl. Characters: 8/10- Nyaruko is spunky, jumpy, head-over-heels in love, and that special breed of adorable/annoying. Some of her antics make her a little difficult to swallow, but she's stillquite likable. Kuuko, the quiet, lustful redhead and Hastur, the girlish young wind boy add a few unconventional relationship paradigms. Overall, the characters are likeable enough, they make for good, over-the-top comedy, and interesting interactions. Animation: 8/10- With lots of fight sequences, energetic character jumps and motions, there are a lot of opportunities for the animation quality to shine. It's a tad dark at times, but never for very long. The depictions of most of the Cthulu deities are faithful, except for the ones that have been made into cute girls and boys. Op/Ed: 7/10|6/10- The opening to me at least sounds like a late 80's American cartoon mystery show. It makes an attempt to be catchy and upbeat, but the choices in key and beat make it hard to sound bouncy and upbeat. Overall though, it's still pretty good. The ending is unremarkable, the accompanying animation is good, but it seems to be your standard harem series ending affair. Music: 7/10- For Monaca, this seems a bit sub par. Monaca usually has the magic to work a few memorable tunes into my head, but I honestly can't give you any. The battle music serves merely as a background, and the airy conversational tunes seem to disappear into the sky. They're there, and they provide good ambiance, but they're just not memorable like they are in Working!! or the Monogatari Series. Overall: 6/10- This is a very difficult series to give an overall score to. It doesn't meet my criteria for a 7, and it suffers from the same flaws as most of the series I have given 6s to. It has an uncanny quality to make you want to keep watching, just to see what happens next, but it isn't as substantial a series as I would like. I feel like I should probably mention the anime references. Throughout the course of the series, in several scenes, nods are given to a MULTITUDE of other series/games/ pop culture phenomena. To name a few: Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Left 4 Dead, The World God Only Knows, Haruhi, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, Back to the Future, Digimon, Working, Umi no Misaki, Please Teacher, One Piece, Bleach, Naruro, Dragon Ball Z, any magical girl series, Star Wars, And Code Geass. If anything, this series is just a quick fun watch that you can play "name that reference" with.
Mythology. Something that you don’t see everyday in anime. But I came across it in so many places, hence I would give it a try. Well, before I watched the anime, I always replayed its opening song because it was awesome. The anime, produced by XEBEC, starts with the meeting between Mahiro, a normal high school boy, and Nyaruko, a Nyarlathotepian (or alien). She was sent into Earth by an organisation to protect Mahiro from aliens that lurked in this planet. As it progresses, more characters are introduced, be it with the pair or against them. The story has some funny moments. You ain’t looking at anordinary heroine, but a crazy one. The one who obsess with anime and manga, not as someone who is serious to follow commands. That makes the anime good, in the sense of comedy. Fan-service is spread in these twelve episodes and they are not very excessive. With mythology as a theme to the story, there isn't really much talk about myths. Don’t expect a lengthy explanation about each creatures, otherwise go to Wikipedia and do your own research. There are quite a number of battles, meaning good potential action. I would say that most of them are interesting. The rest fell short for its repetition. Even after a few episodes, the story’s quality started to decline for its low action but again peaked again after a while. There are a lot of references, mostly coming from anime and manga. I managed to pick a few but I didn’t care much. There is some romance too, which isn’t fully developed. Think of it as one-way. I actually think there’s a harem Mahiro has. hehe… Sometimes, drama can seep in, especially the last episode. But usually it can be broken off into comedy, which I am not happy about. Therefore, if you are looking for a serious story, I’m afraid this anime is not for you. I guess it is good for chuckles only. The characters aren’t very special. Mahiro is someone who doesn’t like a particular person and tries to avoid that person. Nyaruko is someone who wants to be attached to another particular person. This cat-and-mouse relationship has really never changed throughout the story, but there is some development in both characters. Their other friends are Kuuko, who loves Nyaruko a lot by some weird reason, Hasuta, who looks like a girl but is really a boy, and Kurei, who is the gossiper of their class. Not much character development is seen in these three, but they are adapted to what has been going in. The art is nice. I find the opening and ending animations very cute. The scenery is good-looking, especially on places where aliens frequent on Earth, as it gives a different look outside the human world. The character designs are well-down and facial expressions can be both cute and nice. I like how the scenes change as a battle is about to start. The action animation is great. I really can’t stop listening to the opening song the moment I started playing it. It has some nice beats to get your body moving. It sounds like you want to dance. Meanwhile, the ending song has a different approach, and it really bored the heck out of me, honestly. The background music is nice and the voice acting is great. There are certain voice actors recognisable from their other characters, like Nyaruko, who is voiced by Kana, who voices Hinata and Komari. In the end, I enjoyed it for a while, until the part where there’s little action. I wished it could have gotten better, and if I were to remove these anime and manga references, and change Nyaruko’s personality, I think the anime can be more interesting. I will still watch the second season and see how it goes. Don’t take this anime too seriously. Watch it and laugh. (And I don't see any bad reviews at all. About two reviews received a rating of 3 and I totally respect their decision.)
After watching Scum's Wish, I was placed in a melancholic daze of epic proportions where I almost killed myself. Just kidding. It was a coma not a daze. I needed something light-hearted, silly, mindless, and fun that didn't take itself seriously and also had a happy ending. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san fit the bill perfectly. Season 1 pulled me out of my perpetual melancholic state and had me smiling and laughing again. Then I watched Plastic Memories and got sucked like a Cyclone vacuum cleaner into the void of depression again. But Season 2 of Haiyore! Nyaruko-san bailed me out from the pits of despair yet again. The entireseries has little to no plot and hardly any character development. It revolves around the static traits of the characters and the conflicts they get into with their situations and each other using much satire and parody. It's mindless, brainless, stupid fun with some warm moments thrown in. Mahiro, the male protagonist, probably has the most character "development" if you can call it that. He is perpetually annoyed by Nyaruko's constant advances and confessions throughout the series until the very end where...well just watch it and don't skip the final OVA Haiyore! Nyaruko-san - F. Season 2 Episode 6 was probably the most heart-felt as Nyaruko does a very serious confession and I was hoping this would give the remaining episodes a little more serious tone (as much as I was enjoying the light-hearted comedy of it all). Nope. But for me the overall series still had a happy and satisfying ending. If you're looking for something serious then stay away from this one and go watch something like Your Lie In April. If you like turning off your brain for the sake of comedic laughs, or maybe you need to get out of a funk from being depressed from other gut-wrenching anime, then this might just do the trick as it did for me. I loved the whole series and highly recommend it!
Beautiful! FUN! Totally satisfying. This anime has almost no plot, except the main female wants to get into the MC's pants.....simple eh? Once you watch the anime you will understand, why this may be problematic and begin to enjoy it to it's fullest. The main female voice acting is just superb, and is the main reason you will watch this show. Sure it is quirky, at times stupid, but in the end it is just pure entertainment and fun. I am not going to go into all the details but simply to say, if you need a smile (especially if you finished watching something like Clannad AfterStory), then this is the anime for you.
This will be my first true review of any series and I promise not to hold any punches! When I started watching this series I had very high hopes for it. There seemed to be a lot of great possibilities they could have brought into play. Ancient deity, actually an alien, many different aliens, etc... That they ended up following the path they did was bewildering to say the least. I was seriously disappointed in the lack of building up of the main character Mahiro. So little is known about this character by the end of the series - he had great potentialand it was never explored. What I thought was fantastic about this series is the voice acting of Nyaruko! What a breath of fresh air to have a female lead who is so over the top and so much fun! Her acting alone has made me give this series a higher score than it really deserved. All in all - it's fun - there's a few laughs here and there (more during the 1st 1/2 of the series) - but you'll forget the story line mere hours after finishing the series.
This anime in the first 4 episodes is pretty funny to watch. You'll get a few laughs, however the anime kinda dulls down from episode 5 and on but comes back in episode 7. Still it can't hurt to watch it once in a while.
This is based on the show as a whole instead of just the first aeason Episodes - 24 episodes throughout 2 seasons (and a bunch of OVA episodes) Genres - Comedy, Parody, Sci-Fi, Harem, Romance What I Liked about the show - Character1 - I loved the comedy/Parody from Nyaruko and she was cute Enjoyment 1 - I couldn't go a episode without laughing because I found this funny What I Disliked about the show - Character 1 - I found the character of Hastur was so annoying throughout the whole series Favourite Character - My favourite character from the show is Nyaruko, she was my favourite character because I loved the comedy from her and the parodies from her as well Overall - 8/10
This anime is for those who want a good laugh. It starts out with what seems to be the making of a story but then just goes, 'screw it' and slowly dissolves into gag jokes and characters, mostly characters. The only real plot is how Nyaruko is madly in love Mahiro and keeps trying to 'swoon' him. Here is a basic run down of the story: Mahiro is walking home from school and is suddenly transported into an alternate dimension and attacked by a freakish demon and begins to freak out, only to be saved by what can only be described as the most flamboyant characterever, Nyaruko, who immediately falls in love with Mahiro and tries to do everything in her power to sleep with him. Nyaruko is an alien who's duty is to protect earth from undocumented aliens. these aliens are only after one thing (rejoice otaku's): Entertainment. Manga, anime, music, games, everything they want it. Earth entertainment (specifically japanese) is considered amazing in space and aliens invade earth to get it. Each arc starts out like a serious problem but then ends up being solved by some obscure foreshadowing and pointless events that make no sense. Two more aliens ( Cthuko and Hasta) help Mahiro and Nyaruko, but I'll leave their story out since it is really interesting and I don't want to spoil. This show's main attraction is its characters, parodies, and gag jokes. The characters all have a firm base that they never leave. Nyaruko is madly in love with, and possibly insane, Mahiro, who couldn't care less about her and constantly points out discontinuities in the show (breaking the fourth wall). Again, I'm leaving Cthuko and Hasta out to let you see for yourselves. Being an Otaku anime, it references every type of anime with all sorts of hilarious parodies. This anime is almost impossible to predict because of its constant twists and turns. Anything that can happen will happen through means of a plot device that Nyaruko will make up on the spot. It's mindless stupidity, without being annoying. The song is catchy, and the story arcs are all entertaining. Enjoy your watch!
This review contains coarse language and awful humour. This review is for both Haiyore! Nyaruko-san and Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W STORY Haiyore! Nyaruko-san is a take on the Lovecraftian myths mixed with your usual ecchi harem setting. The outcome is strange, to say the least. The protaganist is Mahiro Yasaka a cardboard-cutout, self-inserting relationship oblivious high school boy who stumbles into a world of magical crap. Sound familiar? It is. The real personalities of the show are the three side characters, all based off of Cthulu mythos malign deities. Nyaruko is the personification of the outer god Nyarlathotep. She comes to Earth on a mission to save Mahiro, and subsequently fallsin love wit him. She also has one of the longest ahoge I have ever seen. Secondly is Cthuko, the red headed Cthughan who is love with Nyaruko for whatever reason, however eventually she understands the point of a harem and starts going after Mahiro too. Finally is the god of wind, Hastur, who's chosen form is an adrogenous boy with hair that looks like a beetle. He is also officially classed as a whiny shit. He looks up to Mahiro for tripping him up or something. Literally no one likes him, not even his own family. There are also quite a few side characters ranging from Mahiro's Mum who turns out to be a monster hunter, a shit 'childhood friend' trope character and a space bat that can turn into a 10 year old girl. Most episodes are isolated , with the staus quoue being reestablished at the end of each episode. Every single arc seems to go like this: SoL shenanigans for 10 mins, an alien is invading Earth or some shit and everything is serious, the only way to stop them is to throw powerlevels at eachother in an over the top fight scene while Mahiro comes along and does nothing except get in the way, it turns out the villian's motivation was really stupid and there wasn't anything to worry about anyway and so everyone goes back home and tries to have sex with Mahiro. There you go, no need to watch it, that's what happens. PRODUCTION Overall the quality of the animation was decent, as long as no one moved. Most of the action sequences happened when the writer's seemed to be getting bored of a serious plotline, and so, to fit in with the ridiculous situation, the animation was bad. However this didn't seem too bad, because it fits with the series' tone. Kudos to Xebec, the studio that always seems to make sub-par animation seem bareable. On the other hand, the soundtrack was amazing. With a relatively small number of tracks, all were very well made and fitting to an adaptation of the Cthulu mythos. Also both OPs, entitled 'I want a gay Horse' and 'Sons of Bitches', are some of the catchiest songs ever made. CONCLUSION Overall I recommend skipping this show. It has it's highlights but is a pretty meh show in general. The story is generic, the story pacing was awful and the entire thing is drenched in references, most of which no one got. I would recommend watching the first OP and first episode, followed by the second OP and then nothing more. Also, as is with most harem anime, nobody wins, which is always annoying. However, if you are really into the whole Cthulu mythos, then ignore this show entirely, except for character names, there are no similarities what so ever. Also remember that Xebec made Love Hina and you should watch that because it's good(ish). META Length- 2 cours / 24 eps / 9.6 hrs Release-Spring 2012 & Spring 2013 Studio-Xebec Source-2009 LN by Manta Aisora / 1928 Novel by HP Lovecraft Alts-OVA / 2x Manga / OVA / Game RATING Watch?-No Best Character-Nyaruko Worst Character-Hasta Best Feature-Both OPs
Well, this is the first time i'm writing a review, and probably the last, but i just have to review this. I guess the only real problem i have with the show is the main character Nyaruko. About 1.5 - 2 years ago i dropped this show because she was SO ANNOYING. It was painfull to watch most of the time because of her, and it was also painful to watch it again when i decided to try and watch it again. The way i see the story(might be wrong but i don't care), it isn't really a story at all... it's mostly funny gags thatare somewhat enjoyable from time to time. There isn't really much progress other than introdusing a few new characters. But since some of the gags are fun, i'll give a 4 I really like the art... It is good. Not the best but it's close. That's why i give 8. I also like the soundtrack, but i like most soundtracks so i doesn't really say much, but i'll give it a 7. As i said earlier, Nyaruko pretty much ruined a lot for me. I simply don't like her character. Sure she can be cute sometimes but there is a limit to how much i can handle a character being so annoying. The other characters is easier to deal with since they are not as crazy as Nyaruko, but you have to decide that yourself, since there is a lot of mixed feelings to the characters. So characters gets 4. Also, MC-kun is a male Tsundere :3. that's kind of refreshing, i dunno why. So, did i enjoy Haiyore! Nyaruko-san? Well, not as much as i would want. But it has some good points that are enjoyable. And i probably would like it more if Nyaruko wasn't so god damn annoying all the time. 6/10. Now i have to survive the second season.... Sigh... Guess i'll go buy some forks.
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san is a parody anime. Because of this, I thought the best way to review this is to reference as many things as I can in this one review. Story: The plot of this anime is pretty much, well, non-existent. Think about "Demon King Daimao" and "Angel Beats!", and throw all of those somewhat plotless ideas away because there seriously is no plot to this. In fact, it might very well be similar to "Zero no Tsukaima" and "Shakugan no Shana" because of the idea that there are many antagonists within the story that each get a sort of smallarc in a sense. Also, think about "To Love-Ru" for the alien aspect. The story revolves around a 17 year old named Mahiro who finds out that a cthulu life-form known as Nyarlathotep or Nyaruko for short has come and protect him from other alien life-forms from doing god knows what to him. From then on, more cthulu-like creatures show up and hilarity ensues. Characters: Nyaruko, as the lead heroine, is a mix of Haruhi's enthusiasm, Konata's otakuness, Tomoyo's appearance, and Haruko Haruhara's insanity. And possibly every single lovesick female that can exist in anime ever. In short, she is an overly active silver-haired girl that can pretty much kick ass in any situation, proving to be truly the heart of this show, giving it its character. She also possesses one of the largest ahoge's ever, which changes shape according to her mood, which is actually pretty funny. Next, Mahiro. Now, think of the most tsundere character you can think of, and multiply it by 3. To put it short, Mahiro is one of the most tsundere characters you can ever meet. As the main male, he has to put up with all of these antics that the freeloaders in his house come up with, resulting in some funny scenes that usually involve forks. Yes, forks. Next, Kuuko. Kuuko can be considered as the sacred combination of origami and kotori from "Date a live", as well as Mafuyu from "Seitokai no Ichizon." As an obsessive and borderless person, she constantly fawns over Nyaruko and loves playing video games. And finally, Hastua. Yes, I know there are more characters, but I just wanted to point out the main 4. Hastua is the trap in the series and can be considered as a mix of a dandere character and Fuko from "Clannad". Yes, it's a boy, accept it. Though usually quiet, Hastua adds in as the shy one, eventually becoming more outgoing as the series goes. Keep in mind that these characters are just one-sided. Art and Sound: As an art style, the characters look really well done and the animation is fluid. The action scenes are pretty good as well and are well, random due to the circumstances the anime puts its action scenes in. For sound, think of the most catchy and energetic soundtrack you can think of. This will probably top that. The OP is one of the catchiest and upbeat things to ever come out of anime. As for the ending, the tone is still energetic, but a bit more toned down then the OP. Personal enjoyment: Now, for me, this can be considered as a guilty pleasure anime. The way I see it, there are 2 love triangles in this anime, each of them revolving around the 4 main characters. This anime, truly has something for everybody. It has a slice of life feel, action, comedy, parody, harem, yaoi, yuri, ecchi, horror (only for one episode, sort of), mystery, etc. Though this anime really has no plot, it's not supposed to. People judge this anime for something it isn't. It's supposed to be true mindless fun in the sense of testing one's otakuness. They constantly break the fourth wall, which is hilarious, they constantly make references to things, this is that otaku test I was talking about, and they put it in the way that is just pure comedy. However, it should be noted that this anime has an obsession with wanting to speed relationships up and make babies. Seriously, not even kidding. It seems as though that the characters really want to make children, and girl on girl and guy on guy apparently works to succeed this task. There is also a massive amount of foreshadowing which is just slipped in so precariously, that the characters and the audience don't notice, creating some sort of scavenger hunt that makes this anime unique. To put it simply, I love this anime and if anyone out there wants to watch something that takes your mind off of pretty much anything in life, then I would highly recommend watching this because there is nothing better then getting a smile on your face. Until then, may the owner of the Wicked eye watch over you!