Millie Nocturne has one great goal in life: to be the best in the universe - at absolutely everything! But when she tries her hand at being the "best detective," she ends up an unwilling partner with two people who will change her life forever: Kane Blueriver, the psi-blade-wielding master of the starship Swordbreaker, and Canal, the smart-mouthed holographic image of the ship's computer. Join this unlikely trio on their adventures as they hurtle through space facing off against intergalactic crime lords, rogue starships, and hijackers dressed as chickens... and that's just the tip of the asteroid! (Source: RightStuf)
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Meet the reincarnations of Lina Inverse (if you dont know who that is, you are behind the times) and some of the crew from the good old days of slayers. Lost universe is not related to slayers, that is, except for name similarities and personality parallels. This show is a comical space adventure revolving around three characters who are mercenaries more or less. In the show they are called Contractors i believe, they go around taking jobs so they can feed themselves. There isn't really a plot in the beginning but as you get into more, secrets are revealed and plot comes out. dont expect awowing plot, this show is for entertainment and a good time. The animation is very good, and the use of CGI mixed in is done very well. The style is very typical anime. Unfortunately i have only seen the dub version, but the voices are actually well matched and they did a good job. Although Millie can get annoying at times. The characters are all very likable, they will definitely grow on you and you get some depth out of them, but not a whole lot. The farther in you go, the more serious things get from tone to actually story, but there is always room for the comic relief. The ideas and concepts of the show are all very cool and interesting, the show just doesn't utilize them for an epic space show. despite that, this show is very good, if you liked slayers, you will definitely like this.
I picked this up after seeing the original Japanese intro several years ago and gave this a shot. Like most people, I saw this after seeing Slayers, Next, and Try. This actually does take place in a similar (if not the same) universe as Slayers, with most of the voice cast also being the same. Not surprisingly, a lot of the humor style was the same but there was a lot more emphasis on an underlying story which is emphasized more later. It reminded me a bit of a Slayers Next style where bits and pieces are planted here and there while hijicksrun least until near the end. One thing Lost Universe does better than Slayers though is it shows more sides to the characters. The main characters are pretty well rounded out, except Millie but most of what you need to know happens later anyway. You start feeling for some of the characters though, and by the end of the series I starting getting kind of attached to some of the characters. The antagonists on the other hand range from dull to pretty messed up. One big determining factor of how much a series impacts me is the ending. Lost Universe does a great job cleaning up all the loose ends and making the story and characters make sense. The ending is very bittersweet, while leaves questions, they're not ones that you need answers to. It's nice to see series that doesn't make you wonder if there might be a sequel or not. What bugs me if anything is the art. The art is pretty rough, similar to Slayers but sometimes felt inconsistent. Sometimes I can't tell if there's more Yashigani than just ep. 4. I might just be bothered by the way the eyes are drawn. Of course, the CG sequences are dated, but can't be helped. Another annoying factor is the voice acting, particularly for Kain. He sounds like a choked chicken and at times it gets grating to the ears, especially how many times he yells throughout the series. Little nitpicks aside, I very much enjoyed the series. Check it out especially if you've seen and enjoyed Slayers Next and Try.
It's hard to believe this series is nearly twenty years old. The CGI looks on par with anime from the decade that followed it. Now before I start heaping praise upon this series I will point out my bias here. I'm pretty much a sucker for anything with space battles or sword fights, and this series has both. Looking back, this series helped create my bitterness about anime cliches. Because this series has none of them. It's not set in high school nor does it star high schoolers. It doesn't center on unrequited love. Not once did I call for Bright Noah. None of thecharacters are simply eye candy. And I don't have to endure some boy with a girl's name hollaring about justice, friendship or how they're gonna single handily rid humanity of it's enemy. It's just a simple fun space adventure. The key is it never alters it's tone. It's an action comedy (they were all the rage in the 90's) and it never forgets that. Every episode gives you the action and comedy. It's not perfect, though few things are. For starters very little is explained in this series, that's a mild problem for a sci-fi series. I had questions, and I'd like answers. I got a few, but not all. While the CGI looks good, the animation shows it's age. This might turn off viewers who don't have a sense of nostalgia for 90's anime. There's one other flaw I want to mention and that's the use of Noo as the principal villain. If you don't know who Noo is, watch Captain Herlock: The Endless Odyessy. I'm not going to spoil it here but needless to say Hal Jordan is over qualified to solve the problem. Watch it if you're out of new series to watch. You won't be blown away, but you will be entertained.
Space the final frontier. The space genera is about as vast as space itself and no matter how many series you see you can always find a new one that you can find fun. Now to talk about lost universe. First I'd like to say that if you are familiar with the slayers series then you should watch this. But if you didn't enjoy slayers you should still give it a shot. STORY: The story for this series is rather good. Our main characters are involved in a battle that will decide the fate of the universe but the audience doesn't know it until close to theend. It's high points are it's comedy and fair use of foreshadowing and it's low points are a few plot points left a little vague or underused. But over all the good outweighs the bad. ART: The art is one of the lowest points of this series due to it being a bit dated but it's certainly not bad and if you watched the first couple seasons of slayers then you've got a good idea of what to expect. SOUND: I normally don't focus too much on music and sound effects but nothing stood out as bad or anything. Although some of the voice acting in the english dub had a few flaws and I normally don't say that much. Kain's voice is okay but most of the time his battle yells sounds terrible and anytime his childhood self talks in a flashback I wanted to shoot the kid. A few other voices sounded a little off at times but unless your the type to nitpick at this stuff you won't really notice too much. Characters: This show has a well balanced cast. The main characters are both typically quirky and refreshingly interesting at the same time. You can tell what kind of people they are when you first meet them but they still have their secrets that you would never guess until they start to finally reveal them. The only problem is that the villains are mostly either lame or left rather vague even the final boss is a little lacking. But despite some flaws there is nothing terribly bad about any of the cast. OVERALL: This is a series that is sure to entertain anyone who likes space/adventure anime. Even if some of it's flaws bother you it has enough good points to make up for it for the most part.
A simple sf story about a young boy a young girl and a extremely cute computer.(one of my favorites characters ever) Soon they will became friends and companions while defeat the enemy on board a spaceship, more less in a similar way, the plot is repetitive and predictable some times. The anime tries to make the relationship between the characters deeper but it fails. In the end the interaction between the characters is childish. The ships design isn't so bad but nothing special, scenery is really bad but since most of the time you won't notice the background it's OK, the bad dynamics of the vehiclesmade me difficult to really get absorbed by the story. There are also good things I like not feeling stupid for not understand a new philosophy based on the thoughts of one of the characters, and I almost forgot it make me cough. No, not cough! laugh. I enjoyed because I like adventure anime, because... I will never hold the controls of a space ship; not to mention in the presence of a goddess and a cute blondie fighting with me facing the future, writing my own destiny bla bla bla That's all Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Swordbreaker airlines, Captain Suso and the crew members hope you have a pleasant flight. Please don't forget to put your seats in the upright position and fasten your seat belt; there is no need of live jackets in a spaceship but if you need one below your seat please feel free to ask cabin personal and you'll get your dose of sleeping pills. Thanks again for flying with us. I hope you enjoy as much as I do
Lost Universe is an OK anime. Only OK. It's tries to be funny but comes off more annoying that funny. There are times when it's actually funny but the overdose of sarcasm and cheesy tongue-in-cheek dialog mixed in with the [deliberately] bad acting makes it all seem like the writers and/or voice actors didn't take the show too seriously. Lost Universe is along the same lines as Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop [but nowhere near as cool or bad-ass!] It's about a small group of bounty hunters aka “trouble shooters” who fly around deep space doing odd jobs in order to get paid. ~ Art/Animation Average 90sstyle art. All the people had pointy cheeks, pointy chins and large geometric, pointy eyes with crazy hair of varying colors and shapes. There is some nice CG work in this series but it may be before CG became really popular and common for everyday TV series, so overall the show just kind of had that very flat old-school look. ~ Sound Um, it's not the most splendid music in the world, This anime made me realize something....that at some point anime music has become a stand-alone product. Modern anime music is now good enough to market itself as a viable product which you can buy as a CD or MP3 and listen to on the [INTERNET] radio. The music on Lost Universe is not this type of music, it's strictly on that cartoony level and it doesn't ever go beyond that. The English voice actors were a trip [or maybe just tripping!] I don't know if they were being that bad on purpose or not! If the show was a bit older I'd say they were genuinely bad...if it were a newer series then they were definitely being cynical. This show seems to be a bit of both, CRIKEY!!! ~ Story I believe this is the first anime I've ever watched that seems to fall into the “parody” category because it's clearly poking fun at the Space Adventure / Sci-fi genre [shall I count how many Star Wars inferences there were?] Like I said earlier, Lost Universe is about a small group of wannabe bounty hunters who go sailing though outer space taking all of these low-paying, high-risk jobs they can manage just so that they can put food on the table and buy ridiculous weapons. There does seem to be a bigger plot wherein there is some sinister organization with evil spaceships and such lurking in the shadows trying to foul up everything for Kain and his ditsy crew-members. But alas, with all the campy voice acting going on, the show quickly becomes oh-so-very annoying as it progresses with it eventually losing focus [along with the viwer's attention] and finally ending with the central plot falling off to the wayside. They say "too much of a good thing can harm ya..." well in this case, it's the cheesy-ass humor. ~ Cast/Characters And the best character award goes to: Kali, the creepy Faux “English” woman walking around smashing up stuff with her whip. She has got to be the looniest assassin in all of anime-world. First of all she's got this wacky and somewhat slurred British accent, WTF dude, like seriously lay off the brandy and peppermint schnapps BEFORE you go to work, hon. And if that didn't make her already deranged enough then there's the fact that she walks around town with that whip trying to kill people, like really....just use a gun, lady! Then there's wannabe that Luke Skywalker, Kain Blueriver, complete with fake light-saber and dorky cape. He's not bad to look at but he's no hunk either...he gets a 5 on the Bishounen Hunter scale. Rail on the other hand gets a 7 because he's dark, a brunette and suave...except when gets a face full of coffee because of his clumsy-ass, lovesick assistant. The two main dingbats that make up Kain's crew are an even mix of funny and annoying, most of the time they sound like Edith Bunker's younger sisters...what total airheads! Even though the green-haired one is supposed to be a computer she's still an airhead! ~ Is it worth it? No, not really. it's not that it's a bad story, but the voice actors went a little overboard with the ad-libbing and cheesy lines....this may have worked with Ghost Stories [which is like, some underground anime cult hit now or something.] But that type of humor overwhelms this show and before long you stop rolling on the floor with laughter and start rolling your eyes. This is only You-Tube or CrunchRoll worthy.
If you're expecting this series to be on par with The Slayers... it's not. This anime is a revenge story with Kane Blueriver a swordsman who wishes to kill his enemies. However like The Slayers it tends to shift between serious & comical scenes, yet the comedy in Lost Universe was a personal flop to me. Most of this is due to the lack of likeable characters & the smaller roster compared to Slayers. In this series we only have 3 protagonists who aren't that interesting. Kane passes of as the would be son of Lina & Gourry but for the most has this running gagof being obsessed with his cape. Milly Nocturne has the egotistical nature of Lina but none of the charm. Lastly there's Canal Vorfeed who just comes off as supportive & energetic but doesn't offer much. Lost Universe is simply too long to tell its story with events being delivered slowly with cheap gags, poor action & boring characters. As a fan of The Slayers, I expected too much from this series. The anime does deliver some interesting sci-fi but could explored better in other animes. There are also some references to Slayers Try but isn't really noticeable (its the lost ships names). Overall the anime is a very poorly made version of The Slayers. I'm a fan of English, Spanish & Japanese dubs but the English version took A LOT of liberties with its dialogue giving itself a dub that's so bad that it might be good. I would recommend watching The Slayers, Cromartie High School, Binbogami Ga & Gintama for great comedy anime.