On a bright, peaceful day, siblings Nunnally and Lelouch Lamperouge take a moment to relax under a tree. When Nunnally asks him to tell her a story, Lelouch, who is unflinchingly resolute in doing his utmost for his sister, makes unique use of his Geass ability, breaking barriers to tell the most entertaining story he can. Awakening alone under the tree, the previously blind Nunnally finds that she can see again and immediately spots a strange rabbit that resembles Anya Alstreim, the Knight of Six. The sight of this rabbit sends Nunnally falling down a hole, leading her to a colorful wonderland. Narrated by Lelouch himself, Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Nunnally in Wonderland follows the lost Nunnally as she searches for a way back home, meeting a slew of colorful, familiar characters along the way. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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When starting the special, one might be put off by the mostly still frame animation. But the comedy of the story makes up for it. The special only works if one has finished both Code Geass series. The special right away shows that it is not a serious and intelligent story that the series is famous for, by having Lelouch break the fourth wall right away. The story creatively blends the major characters of Code Geass with Alice in Wonderland and other stories. Much of the comedy is based on jokes on major plot elements of both series and making extreme of characteristics thatmade the characters famous(or infamous). There is also some fanservice for heterosexual males. After nearly 30 minutes of comedy, as the story wraps up, a quick but hilarious twist ends the special on a grand note. The comedy is well thought out and very funny. With so much references to the plot, fans of Code Geass are rewarded with not only comedy. By using nearly all the major characters, in roles that fit their personalities, one can tell the writers care for their fans. The very last scene is heartwarming and funny, ending the special in a fulfilling manner.
When downloading an episode of anime takes 7 seconds, you might think that there must be something wrong with that file. Maybe they forgot to put the actual vid and there is only the audio, or someone is playing tricks with you by uploading shitz with wrong name. But when you open the file with your media player, and you notice that there is no animation in this anime, then everything makes sense. No.. wait.. Why the fuck is there no animation in this shit!? That makes no sense. If this ain't milk then I ain't tired. And I haven't slept in 36 hours. EveryCode Geass fan will be disappointed, sorry to tell this. I still can't believe how big of a letdown this was. I would have been completely happy with mindless comedy, C.C. eating pizza and unlimited fanservice, but this is just wrong. This is disgrace towards Code Geass and offends the fans, you shouldn't waste your time with it.
Before watching this special, you might want to have a Wikipedia summary of Code Geass at hand, especially if you have not watched the main series in a while. Nunnally in Wonderland references many events from the series, so it's good to be familiar with them. Now, onto the review. The main premise of the special is that Lelouch tries to tell an interesting story to Nunnally, like he used to when he was younger. He envisions his sister in his own version of Wonderland, with most of the other characters from the original series make brief appearances. Crazy things ensue, and many people will find thismethod of storytelling off-putting. After all, Nunnally in Wonderland is essentially Lelouch's (rather siscon) twisted fantasy. Everything that happens in his Wonderland parallels the "real world" of Code Geass in some way, and this special cleverly lampoons many elements of the series. Although many people found this to be insipid and devoid of the intelligence that was in the main series, I found the gags to be quite entertaining. It definitely lacks the drama and coherent plot lines of the original though, so if that's what you're looking for then you are sure to be disappointed. This special was clearly low-budget, as the artwork was mediocre at best and the animation was virtually non-existent. As this was meant to be more of a picture drama than an actual anime episode, the lack of art quality isn't much I can complain about. CLAMP's noodle-arm character design is still there, and overall the art was pretty consistent--as in a consistent level of bad. From what I know, all of the original voice actors from the series with roles in this special were able to reprise their respective roles. Thus, I have no complaints in the voice acting department. Lelouch sounds as he always does, and Norio Wakamoto, a fan favorite, really had a chance to ham it up in this. The king's booming, regal voice is always entertaining to hear, and his silly scenes in this special were no different. Much of the music from the original series was used here as well, though much of it featured that light-hearted school setting/student council tune. Overall, the sound was fine, though nothing special, unless you were a big fan of the original OST. If you're also a big fan of any of these seiyuu, then at least check this out for their roles. Surprisingly, despite all the crazy gags and antics in this special, the characters actually stayed...well...in-character. Though the situations were changed, Lelouch was still Lelouch, Suzaku was still Suzaku, etc. If you liked their original characterizations, then you should not be too disappointed by how they are portrayed in this. Though, if you're looking for any character development or major backstories, you won't find it here. In this special, the purpose of the characters was to create humorous situations, and in that it succeeded reasonably well. Overall, I personally enjoyed Nunnally in Wonderland. It might turn some viewers off because it lacks the drama, intelligence, and seriousness of the main series, but as a cheeky, ironic little piece of comedy that pokes fun at its parent series, it really is quite enjoyable to watch. I would recommend this to anyone who wouldn't mind a sillier, stranger side-story from Code Geass.
Bahaha! Man this was quite an interesting thirty minutes indeed! Soooo, first and foremost, if you haven't heard by now, this "OVA" is hardly that. It feels much more like a visual novel if anything. There's hardly any actual animation; the entire thing is mostly just a bunch of still images being shown in a slideshow. That doesn't automatically make it bad though. They actually gathered quite a few of the original voice actors to perform for this OVA, but not all of them. (I'd like to note that I found it really funny whenever Nunnally came across a character who never says anything, probablybecause the voice actor didn't want to have anything to do with this OVA). The production costs look so very poor, it makes me wonder just how little money they spent to make this. Especially later in the OVA one can tell as it shows one of the most hilarious fight scenes I've ever seen. I'm willing to say this OVA is worth watching just to see how funny that fight is! To be fair, the plot isn't bad at all. I mean, it's pretty much exactly what one would expect from the title 'Nunnally in Wonderland.' Of course, if you've never seen Alice in Wonderland or heard the story, you probably shouldn't watch this. OVAs are never really about anything substantial anyways, so I liked it, and you should too. All the BGM is just recycled from the two seasons, so don't expect anything new there. The real 'fun' one can have while watching this is trying to guess which character will be which one from Alice in Wonderland. Just about every single Code Geass character appears at some point in this OVA, so make your guesses before starting! Overall, I enjoyed this OVA. If you liked Code Geass, I can't guarantee you'll like it as well, but give it a shot. It's only thirty minutes long anyways.
This is nother way SunRise is trying to make money, So they made this PowerPoint Project and shown it to us. Well let's say that I am extremely disappointed, I felt like my time waiting for this has been in vain and I did not expect anything like this. First... What the heck, I thought it was a normal animated show for about 24 minutes, but boy was I wrong. The whole thing was like an Power Point project with moving pictures embedded into them. The entire thing was a joke to me, I believe there are others who say the same. I am a Code Geassfan since the beginning of the series, But this really disappointed me.
Hello, my name is Jack Smith/John Smith and I suffer from multiple personalities disorder. Due to my condition, I decided to write a review about Code Geass: Nunnally in Wonderland OVA that contains 2 different opinions of my first personality Jack and my second personality John. Please enjoy this review, and I hope you'll find it helpful! _____________________________________________ Jack Smith - Story : 10 The story in NiW in is simply wonderful. Lelouch starts telling his blind sister Nunnally a picture book story about Wonderland, and Nunnally is magically sent into Wonderland, regaining her eyesight, and then meets with all the colorful Code Geass characters we have grown to love. EachCode Geass character gets a different role in this Wonderland picture book, such as Humpty Dumpty, bunny, Cheshire cat or Mad Hatter and so on. Animation:10 Despite being mostly stills with minimal animation, the art looks great. The drawings look fluid and it feels just like a picture book or like a visual novel if you're familiar with the VN genre. The idea is original, and saves money for the production studio. Kudos to you Sunrise! Sound:10 All our favorite voice actors from Code Geass return to breath life into the characters. The music feels just like from a fantasy movie, and fits to the Wonderland story and atmosphere in this OVA. Character:10 Each one of the well developed characters of Code Geass come back and have some part in the story, and they fit perfectly to their new roles as Wonderland characters based on their personalities and roles in the main Code Geass seasons. Enjoyment:10 Extremely enjoyable. The length of the OVA feels like 10 minutes and not 30 minutes, as it flies by really fast. Overall:10 Overall, I recommend it to all Code Geass fans, new or old. If you can get by the fact that it's not really animated and mostly stills, you will be immersed by the fantastical fantasy story. Enjoy! _____________________________________________________________ John Smith - Sunrise, what have you done?! This is clearly an evil attempt to milk the Code Geass wide array of fans with zero budget and no substance. I really hope the new Code Geass Akito OVA will have a better quality than this OVA, and the quality of this OVA is extremely poor. Story : 2 Story? What story? Instead of the regular great Code Geass story we get a cheap spin off about Nunnally, the least most useful character in the show that all her role was being blind and being useless. Lelouch was obsessive with her because she was the only good close family he had. In this OVA he still shows deep concern for her, but in this spinoff, not only Nunally is useless, Lelouch becomes useless too! The main character with 20k user favorites, the most likable character on this site by the fans, useless! All he does is reading stupid picture books! What the hell. Animation:2 Sunrise, you lazy motherfuckers! You thought this idea of minimal animation is fitting to the story? No! It's simply shows how lazy is this neckbeard fatass studio! Most of the time, the animation is composed of still pictures, and when there is actual animation, it lasts for 2 or 3 seconds. This is an anime for Christ sake, it should be animated to it's full, just like the main Code Geass anime seasons. Sound:2 The music is extremely repetitive and the voice actors sound they had to suffer because of the shittyness of this OVA. Why waste good talents on this crap?! Character:2 All the well written characters of Code Geass come back, and are given retarded roles of Wonderland characters. Why did sunrise thought of making this? I have no idea. Even if you ask a grade school student if making such an OVA is a good idea, he'll tell you: " NO! DON'T RUIN MY FUCKING SWEET CHILDHOOD HAPPINESS WITH BUTCHERING MY FAVORITE SHOW!" Enjoyment:2 Enjoyment?!?!?! From this?!?! HAH! Not in a million years! If you think this is enjoyable, you should get your head checked for suffering from some kind of mental illness. Overall:2 Avoid. Just watch the main amazing 2 Code Geass seasons, and forget about this OVA alltogether. Your time will be better spent watching Mars of Destruction. At least it has animation.
First and foremost I will say that this is a picture animation so if you're looking for an animated OVA you are at the wrong place. That said this is a great episode for anyone who has enjoyed code geass R1 and R2. Now onto the specifics.... Story- [8] The story is your typical take on Alice and wonderland, except with all the characters from code geass. It is nothing to deep and intricate but it does make for an amusing time. Art- [4] The art is like all other Code Geass OVA's excluding a few short animated bits. In my opinion this does subtract fromthe overall special. However I do recommend that you give it a chance. While I personally dislike the art style everything else is so good it makes up for the art. Sound- [7] Pretty much lighthearted music. The sounds fit the scenes well but there is nothing extraordinary. Characters- [9] This is definitely the best part of this special. It brings back all the Code Geass characters and plays on the most outrageous parts of their personality. Everyone is also in Alice and wonderland attire (which of course means lots of fan service). Ultimately it brought the characters back to life in my mind. Enjoyment- [9] This was probably the most I've laughed in my time watching Code Geass. It it lighthearted and refreshing while throwing in some seriously dry lines. All in all it was incredibly enjoyable. Overall- [8] This was a great special and it definitely worth watching for any code geass fan. The only thing that is preventing me from giving this a higher score is the picture art though. All in all this was a great reminder of all the Code Geass characters and was fun to think back to the series. So if you can make it past the picture presentation style you're in for a good watch! [p.s this is my first review guys so thanks for reading an feedback is appreciated! :D]
I was hoping to have time so I could watch this OVA. I loved the two seasons of Code Geass and I thought that I would love it. I have never been so disappointed with an anime/OVA. Although the story is a bit funny at some points (it has references to the TV series), is quite boring most of the time. There is no animation: 28 minutes of frames or drawings without even moving the lips when talking. I mark it with a 4 (despite the fact that it maybe deserves less) just because I like the characters and it reminded me of the anime, thatwas one of the first ones I saw.
As the title implies, just the classic of Alice in Wonderland, Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Nunnally in Wonderland took the basic idea and altered it to convey the jokes and the references of the parent series in a humorous way, full of fourth-wall breaking and circle jerking. In a summery quite day, under a tree, Lelouch and Nannually were bonding together as they usually do until she asked him to tell her a story, and so he delivered. The OVA drew a lot of specifics from Alice in Wonderland but really added a lot and made it its own parody with the wide charactercast. - Art (8/10): It was really good, mainly still images with a few containing basic animations, but the quality was just as consistent and felt of a higher class. The clothing especially was a greatly portrayed, although was a bit too sexually expressive, with a lot of subjective revealing clothes and over the top breast juggling, some people would appreciate that, but some others think it's just a distracting pointless jerk move. - Sound (7.5/10): It started at first with only Lelouch and Nanually exchanging conversations with having other characters remain silent until they all burst to talk. The good performance can be easily picked up, the soundtracks of the original series were reused here, and we all know those are some of the greatest. - Enjoyment: (7.5/10): It was better than I was ready for at least. Seeing a Code Geass parody on a classic is one of the things you'd never ask for but would still be glad to have experienced. I had some giggles, was really pleased to see the old characters, it really felt like it delivers on so much more. - Overall (7.6/10): For sure, one of the greatest OVAs out there, I avoided it so much until I set myself to watch it, and was slapped in the face for why I hadn't gotten into it any earlier.
It's no secret at this point that I enjoyed Code Geass. I reviewed both series about Lelouch's rebellion and was generally pretty positive. This time we're looking at a special that was bundled with the home release, Nunnally in Wonderland. Which obviously has to do with Lewis Carroll's most famous work, Sylvie & Bruno. Story: The narrative is simple enough. Nunnally and Lelouch are sitting together when Nunnally mentions missing hearing him tell stories. So, Lelouch summons the cast of the anime to tell her a variation of Alice in Wonderland with her as the protagonist. Honestly, the biggest problem with the narrative is that it comes acrossas very low effort. Take a famous, public domain story, abridge the hell out of it, put in some nods to your series and boom. It doesn't help that the story they're using is as over-used as Romeo and Juliet or A Christmas Carol. If they actually had used a lesser known Carroll story, it would have at least felt a bit more unique. For positives, its basically a passable version of the story. And it is hard to get too critical with something that's wholly bonus content. Not that that would stop me if they'd done a really bad job. Characters: What this special gives us in terms of characterisation is brief snippets of each character's personality. A lot of them only show up for around thirty seconds. Which means that their personalities don't really shine nor does it do anything particularly new with anyone. It relies on you already knowing what they're like. Which is a reasonable expectation given that it's bundled with the home release. Art: The art does generally look good. I'm not the biggest fan of the character designs. I still think they're overly thin and stretched but the backgrounds do look good and the Wonderland inspiration does shine through. My issue is that there's virtually no animation to speak of. Most of the special uses still images like it's trying to be a visual novel. This also has, quite possibly, the worst action sequence of all time when Suzaku fights Gino. I know we're not supposed to be taking this seriously but it's not even a funny sequence. Sound: You can't fault the actors. They deliver good performances. The music is nicely composed as well. Ho-yay: This special makes the odd decision of putting Cornelia & Euphemia in married roles. Out of all the possible people, you decided to present sisters as married? I know there's a portion of the fanbase that's into that, but it still seems odd. Areas of Improvement: Put more personality into it. I get that it's a bonus but you could have some effort. Actually animate it. Have fewer characters and longer scenes. I get that you wanted as many Code Geass characters as possible, but you really don't need them all. Final Thoughts: Ultimately, this just feels a bit pointless and lazy. If you really want to see the cast of this series in an abridged version of Wonderland, I guess this is for you. But I've honestly seen so many variations of this story done so much better. For bonus content, it's better than nothing but not very exciting. I'll give it a 5/10.
I just finished watching this OVA and I absolutely loved it. For those of you who have not watched Code Geass in a while, refresh your memory really quickly before watching this, that way you can get the most out of it. It uses a mixture of animation, pictures, almost like a visual novel. Do not be deterred by this off setting appearance. Every single character plays some animal from Alice and Wonderland, with Lelouch as its narrator. CC is the Cheshire cat, Kallen is the Hare, Suzaku is the White night. It is filled with comedy, and the animation makes it even funnier. Itscomedy is spectacular yet sophisticated. It makes fun of characters by over playing their personalities, even tragic stories become funny. Now for the summary. Lelouch and Nunally are enjoying a quiet day on a hill top and Nunally asks for a story. Now, I know it is obvious Lelouch has a major Siscon ( after all he pratically started WWIII for her) but this anime helps put into perspective how much when he immediately breaks the 4th wall. Lelouch uses his Geass to put all of the characters from the anime into his version of Alice in Wonderland, now called Nunally in Wonderland. It follows a similar plot to actual Alice and Wonderland as Nunally explores the world, meeting new people and trying to make it back home. Follow her through her comical adventure as she deals with every single character in hope of reaching home again.
*Contains spoilers, read at your own risk* This OVA consists of Nunally asking Lelouch to tell her a story like he did long ago... when they were younger and happier, and thus the tale of Nunally in Wonderland begins! (Featuring many characters from CG) Coincidentally, OVA stands for Original Video Animation, and while this 28min OVA has barely any animation, it contains outstanding artwork, and it portrays a story-telling perfectly with it's bright and detailed colors, beautiful background, page flipping and character interactions. It has it's comedy, and it's sad moments as well, notably the Fawn(Shirley) moment, or when the White Queen appears to tell about her idea.Overall, I enjoyed it, but you should watch this with a grain of a salt if you're a die-hard Code Geass fan since this has no relation to the original plot, since it's just a children story, don't be swayed by others reviews, but don't be swayed by mine either.