After unleashing the Death Force machines all over the planet Jerra, Geist has kept himself busy by dismantling them one by one. But now he faces a formidable opponent in the form of Krauser, another M.D.S. (Most Dangerous Soldier) who has aligned himself as the only savior of mankind. (Source: ANN)
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MD Geist Deathforce is absolutely awesome. It follows on from MD Geist. It is very unusual, dark, and nihalistic. Nothing is what it seems. It is the opposite of most anime and most stories. The lead is MD Geist, a man who like killing and nothing else.And the opponents are MD Krauser and his army, who run a moving citadel and helps people. Not for altruistic reasons all the time. But people are helped. And you want MD Geist and Eagle to win. After the events of MD Geist, the Deathforce have overun the planet. And they eat the people to make more of them. It's a bit more gorey. Especially when the deathforce are there. The characters are all unusal and dark, and nothing is what it seems about them. It had another MD soldier. MD Krauser. He's good, but a bit of a egomaniac. And he's less well made than MD Geist. There is more on the MD programme. The scientist who made the MD soldiers is in. Vaiya returns. And there is Eagle. A very unfortunate cyborg who is treated very badly. It has a happy ending. It has a straightforward and unusual story. MD Geist has been dismantling the deathforce for ages. And is happy killing stuff. Then he get's captured by MD Krauser. Who is justifiablely scared of him. Then he get's experimented on, and cybernetically augmented against his will. And goes beserk. He and the discarded Eagle do what you might expect, especially if you saw the first film, and ruin Krausers day in a big way. Showing that the citadel is'nt nice if your MD Geist or Eagle. It has awesome fights, and features giant robots, gore, violence. The deathforce range from horrible bug things to giant monsters. Including centaurlike ones with a gun in a odd place. The music is absolutely awesome.Some of the best music in anime, ever. The animation is better than the first film. MD Geist and MD Krauser are extremely badass. MD Geist is the ultimate awesome badass. It is a absolutely awesome anime. You should definately watch it.
Overview: To celebrate the release of a live action "Kite", which I consider one of the worst anime ever made, I am reviewing another one of the absolute nadirs of anime. MD Geist 2: Death Force Story: 1/10 At the end of the first movie, Massive Dick Geist decided to activate the "death force" which released thousands of killer robots with the purpose of destroying the world. He did this in order to have fun new opponents to fight, even if it means the death of everyone on the planet. A few years later the robots have indeed killed almost everyone, but another MD (Most Dangerous) soldier namedKrauzer has built a protective fortress and is worshipped as a God by the remainder of humanity. Geist decides to kill Krauzer and lead the Death Force robots to the city so they can destroy it...because Geist is a prick! The film ends in anti-climactic fashion with Geist missing in action. Fortunately, we will never have to find out if he survived or not because a sequel to this piece of shit is unlikely. Art: 1/10 I didn't think the art and animation could get worse from the first one. This is the series where in the original VHS there were scenes were characters' bodies would disappear and leave floating heads on the screen. The animation actually looks shittier in the sequel and this was 1996! The original at least had the excuse that it was released in the 1980s where almost every anime besides massive projects like Akira and Ghost in the Shell looked like shit. Sound: 1/10 The voice acting is even worse than the first Geist! In one infamous seen a child gives the most apathetic death cry ever followed by Geist's bizzare line delivery: Your...not worthy to... be a GOD Krauzer! I think Geist follows the Christopher Walkin school of cadence and sentence structure! Overall: 1/10 This movie is so laughably terrible it simply has to be seen to be believed. Don't believe the trolls who say this is a classic macho "manime". There is only ONE reason to watch MD Geist 2 and that is to laugh your ass off at how fucking terrible every minute of it is!
M.D. Geist II - Death Force is the sequel to M.D. Geist and thus has the same shared history and problems. Since the art, sound, and voice acting remains the same (remarkably, after 10 years of opportunities to improve), this review will be short and concentrate on this one episode OVA's story and characters. Story: 4 (Decent) The story picks up where the first left off: Geist, fueled by his lust for random chaos, destruction, and battle, has unleashed the Death Force, a horde of robots designed to be a "final option" of total destruction (much like real-life nukes) from the Brain Palace (yes, this is whatthe dub actually calls them). These powerful robots are capable of reproducing, feasting on humans and using their flesh as raw materials. Only a single outpost remains safe from the Death Force, a military base protected by the second only successful specimen of the Most Dangerous Soldier project, M.D. Krauser. Krauser, though more stable than Geist, learns that his predecessor is still alive and out there, and aware of his bloodlust is determined to become the last Most Dangerous Soldier standing, even if it means sacrificing all that he protects. The plot does sound more complex and developed than the first OVA, and in all fairness it is, but it ends up working at the same level as a ringworm is a more complexly developed life form than an amoeba. The plot is ultimately Krauser vs. Geist, and there is little in the way of what really amounts to window dressing to give it additional depth. Character: 3 (Poor) Despite an expanded cast of characters, more than just the addition of Krauser, the characters of this OVA suffer the same rating as the first, and for many of the same reasons. For starters, Freya's voice actor is back, which means that despite ten years we're still treated to what should be classified as a breach of the Geneva Convention. Geist and Krauser remain the most developed characters, and Krauser is as one-dimensional and single-minded as Geist, except that, as a more stable example of a Most Dangerous Soldier, he has even less of an excuse for it. Krauser's singular and noble drive to protect what he can of Jerra's population is swept under the rug for his singular and less noble drive of finishing off Geist, and his would-be private fiefdom suffers dearly for it. Meanwhile, Krauser's cronies seem just as banally motivated, only this time they all want to kill their leader...for some reason, even if it means knowingly helping a homicidal maniac who would kill them if they didn't happen to be the only means of getting to Krauser. All other characters are pretty much meant to just stand there and die in gruesome ways, which occupies at least half of the entire OVA's screen time, oddly enough perhaps being the most enjoying, or at least tolerable, thing this OVA has to offer. Enjoyment: 5 (Medicore) ...which remains unchanged from the first OVA. The big difference here, however, is that the sequel ratchets up the on-screen gore, with the first act consisting entirely of Geist destroying a small contingent of Death Force robots in an admittedly awesome and downright GAR way, followed by many, many people having their heads explode after being chomped upon by the remaining 9,099 robots (yes, this stupid-looking number actually has a meaning to the plot). At least the creators knew what they were doing this time, and delivered more of what made the first OVA oddly tolerable, with a corresponding increase in still decent action scenes which are unfortunately also followed by a corresponding increase in laughably pathetic attempts at sexual tension and arousal. And with that, our final score is: 5 (Medicore) with its predecessor, for some different reasons, but largely for the same. Once again, more can be read about the bizarre histories of M.D. Geist and M.D. Geist II - Death Force at Justin Sekis' "Buried Garbage" column at Anime News Network.
Do you feel like you didn't get enough MD Geist in your life? Fear not, the brave souls at [hopefully defunct anime studio] made sure to make more MD Geist for your viewing pleasure. MD Geist II is a brilliant deconstruction of quality anime. That's why it's so terrible. Most people that have watched this show have gone to the hospital with brain hemorrhages. Soon after, the poor victims die and have to be thrown out with the hazardous waste to only be buried in toxic waste dumps. The script is the brain-child of a 12-year-old kid that watched too many action flicks and was juiced on steroidsand wielding a Nintendo Power Glove. This was the masterpiece that was produced. This show follows the continued murder spree of the Most Dangerous Soldier in existence "Geist." There is another MD in this show, the main antagonist, Krauser. He was probably so named because it probably sounded German enough, and all Germans in fiction are evil, right? Did I forget to mention the Death Force that Geist released so that he could murder them as well? Geist is an antisocial psychopath that really hates it when people talk to him, or anyone else. So he will kill anyone that speaks. I've probably spoiled the entire show with that sentence, but it's the truth. There's only one sentence in MD Geist, the death sentence. With that, I'm done.
M.D. Geist II Death Force is definitely one to remember out of all the anime I've seen. The story line stands well on its own, but became very confusing at different points of movie. The animation and character design are very well done. The voice acting was horrible it didn't seem very realistic. Some characters emotions and motives were unclear. M.D. Krauser who is voiced by John Hollywood is where most of my complaints fall. Krauser is considered the savior and god towards the remaining saviors. Whenever someone died his voice seemed very sarcastic and scripted as if he wanted it to happen. Thebackground music didn't go well with the action and fighting scenes. The movie did blend well with music most of the time. There were points in the movie where the music did fit well. The Despite the voice acting and the music, it was very good movie.