Priest Genjo Sanzo and companions Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojyo, and Son Goku maintain their westward journey to stop the resurrection of the demon Gyoumao. As the reputation of the Sanzo Ikkou precedes them, they continue to fight demon assassins at every turn, but they must also deal with increasing tensions within their group in order to defeat a powerful enemy. (Source: ANN)
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If you watched Saiyuki and liked it, you will definitely watch the Reload and gunlock sequels. However you will be surprised (as I was) that the sequels are all filler episodes. In Saiyuki, they showed some parts in the character's past lives so one would think it would have some relation to the overall plot of the sequels, which shockingly it did not. The characters look better in the sequels than in saiyuki (especially gojo, his hair actually becomes red and not purple this time) so that was a plus, if not the only one. And the whole one-pattern personalities and lines get old aftera couple hundred episodes, and I was just left wondering why oh why did I waste my time watching 60something episodes of plotless intermission to which there is no sequel. So, if you want to just watch some more of the characters of saiyuki getting together then this is the series to watch, because there is no story really, its just a veeery long series of filler episodes.
I'm surprised no one has wrote a review on Saiyuki Reload or Saiyuki Reload Gunlock, I guess I am the only one who likes this anime......hahaha Anyway Saiyuki Reload is an anime based on a monk named Genjo Sanzo and three demons named Son Goku, Cho Hakkai and Sha Gojyo, going on a journey towards the west.Their weapons are actually pretty cool since Sanzo has a Revolver, Goku with his Joystick, Sha Gojyo with his Chain Sickle,and Cho Hakkai who is able to create Energy Balls and can even create an Energy Shield to protect himself. Along the way they meet four demons named Kougaji, Lirin, Dokugakuji and Yaone who usually fight with them.Kougaji is able to summon Evil, Lirin is well..good at martial arts and stuff, Dokugakuji has a demon sword and Yaone has a staff-like-halberd. Saiyuki Reload is one of the best anime ever made and i hope a new series is coming soon. This review refers to my feelings towards Saiyuki Reload and it partially helps people who don't know what Saiyuki is about to get the idea of what it is about. Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Review Coming Soon on June 11th 2007
OH LORDY! They done did a few changes to an already bad project....and made shit hella worse! Saiyuki Reload at first seems like an improvement with glossier art, less animation shortcuts and different voice actors from the first installment of [Gensomaden] Saiyuki. But if you're anything like me and you've watched more than your fair share of anime shows, then you should come to the same realization that I have....Reload is prettier but it's not better. ~Art Right off the bat you will notice that the art and the character designs are a little bit different. The correct term I would use would be “off” I feelthe art is off. Meaning, it definitely doesn't look like “Saiyuki”it doesn't have that trademark “Kazuya Minekura” style. This just looks like a regular anime or someone else's rendition of Minekura's work.....I guess the word I'm looking for is “FANART” tho to it's credit, really really good fanart [but never as good as the original]. You can obviously see the difference on how the characters look from the closing credits and the anime...very drastic. But even with all the upgrading, there still a lot of shortcuts with the animation: a whole bunch of still-frames & sliding cells being used in the fight scenes. The only good thing now I guess is that, when Sanzo shoot's demons or whatever they actually bleed and die, instead of the image turing to black and white and them using some cheap dissolving F/X. ~Sound Another notable difference is the change in voice cast. The obvious downshift with the swearing....personally, it was too over the top and so unnecessary [I can appreciate swearing if it made in Black Lagoon, it made sense for the characters to talk like that], about the casting, I really liked the original Sanzo's voice David Matranga [who also did Orphen], he really had a better voice and could really convey Sanzo's cynicism, Gojyo's voice is definitely better, Goku's voice is also a little better [but still a bit too whiny for my tastes, tho], Yaone's voice is OK but I have a preference for the original voice by Shelley Calene-Black. However OMG! but what is with the Merciful Goddess' voice, she sounds like a complete and total tranny! And of course they totally turned Hakkai into a complete pansy....with some kind of English accent, WTF? ~Story OK so the the original story got COMPLETELY derailed. Some of the stories seem pretty good, regardless of the obvious deviation from the original work, Like, for example, I loved episode 4 [The Final Promise] which again showed that not all things will come to a happy ending. But of course there were definitely more than a few stories that were complete and utter rubbish: Foolish,waste of time stories like the little dragon-jeep pet going off and defending orphans or the other one about stray kittens These stories were a waste of time, even as far as filler content is concerned. If watched better fillers in Naruto. ~Character Like I already said, the character design is a complete deviation from Minekura's style. It's not ugly or anything but more like really good fanart. I also hate the new Kougaji face also with the markings. ~Verdict I think it's worse than the first installment, this show brought zero WOW-factor.
Okay.. others have spoken about the dub and switch to Geneon, so I'll only touch on that. There is much more to say, and Reload is superb for many reasons. Yes, Geneon licensed Saiyuki Reload and they also licensed the next part, Saiyuki Gunlock -- for those of you who didn't know there was a next part, there is, and the start of it is available, although not in English dub, just with subtitles. And I agree, Illich Guardiola and the rest of the crew did a good job with the original series, Gensou Maden Saiyuki and the movie Saiyuki Requiem. Make sure you catchthe extended interviews with the voice actors on the Saiyuki Requiem DVD. Illich Guardiola is particularly interesting and funny, as are the rest. Which leads us to Saiyuki Reload and the third series, Saiyuki Gunlock. If you haven't seen any of Gunlock yet, you are in for a TREAT. The art and the animation are awesome, and the story grabs you from the first episode. Saiyuki Reload is also superb, and the *furthest* thing from a "retread" of the original as you can get. There is a HUGE piece of plot information that falls into place in Reload. It is NOT to be missed. You won't see it coming and it will stun you. If only for this plot twist, Reload would be excellent, but there is so much more.. And it prepares you for Saiyuki Gunlock. Seemingly impossible situations, things which have never happened before; it's breathtaking. Don't worry about the dub, don't worry about Geneon -- those things will fade VERY fast once you get into the series, and the end (prior to the beginning of Gunlock) will leave you breathless with shock and anticipation, and amazed at the many plot twists (and breakthroughs) that you will not see coming, but which will make tremendous sense once you've seen it. I've watched the entire anime, and it is fantastic. Saiyuki is only getting better. The same is true for Saiyuki Gunlock, which picks up right where Reload leaves you.
I really enjoyed the manga as well as the original "Saiyuki" series, so I had great expectations for the sequel. However the change in the animation and voice actors really bothered me. The story in itself is amazing and I recommend reading he manga, but in my opinion of you love the first series like me I wouldn't bother watching the anime unless subbed avoid dubbed.