Mido Ban and Amano Ginji are known as the Get Backers, retrievers with a success rate of 100%. Whatever is lost or stolen, they can definitely get it back. Despite their powerful abilities and enthusiastic behavior, Ban and Ginji are terminally broke no matter what they do simply because few people would actually desire to hire them. As a result, the pair of them tend to do dangerous jobs, often leading to unwanted re-encounters with their old (and dangerous) friends.
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Story: Very good backstory for the starting and it expands even more as you watch. There is a fair amount of filler in the anime but all enjoyable. However the main story is one of the best I have ever seen. The only thing is it stops halfway through the story. The anime ends while the manga which it is baised off goes on further. At the end you are thinking \"Well I will just whatch the next episode\" then you realise \"WHAT I WATCHED IT ALL@!?!?! BUT IT WAS JUST GETTING GOOD!\" That is why I gave it a 8. I would have givenit a 10 if it didnt end like that. Animation: Pretty good, it is getting to be a older animation so you will see its age but that shouldn\'t matter. Sound: pretty good nothing special. Character: Great characters they have great story\'s to them and they follow there personality\'s to. Very funny to at times. Enjoyment: I loved this series but it ended so quickly :( Overall: Very good series, if you like action and humor and a good story check it out.
If you've seen a couple different Shounen, Action, Anime then this one does very little to offer anything exciting and original, except some really lame fighting methods (Lady Poison). Getbackers is a typical shounen anime about two guys who are said to be able to get anything back, which has been taken. What helps them are their interesting special abilities Amano Ginji with the power to generate electricity and Midou Ban with a 200Kg hand grip and also possessing the evil eye. The show pretty much starts of like a typical anime, by introducing the main characters and giving them an opportunity to wow the viewers withsome action. Getbackers is able to capture anyone's attention but as the show goes on, this cheesy anime can easily become tiresome to watch. The fights don't help it at all, with the same fighting methods repeated over and over, without any variety, to the point when even the action sequences get boring. In between all the action are numerous comedy moments, to lighten the mood however this is poorly executed and doesn't add much to the show. Also another issue is the characters and apart from the two main characters (Ginji and Midou) the rest are poorly developed and it doesn't help that the have some pretty lame personalities and special abilities/traits. Another annoyance is when the enemies become allies and the allies become enemies so easily that it just makes it all seem pointless. There's also the animation that can be described in one word "mediocre". It's obvious that very little effort was put into animating this show, as not even the fights seem fluid and all the chibi didn't help the comedy. Another thing that can put anyone of from watching this show is the horrendous opening and ending theme music, but at least the exciting music during the action can make up for it. Overall this is a pretty decent anime for the simple-minded anime fan but a somewhat intelligent anime fan would be able to see Getbackers for its many faults. It does manage to incorporate all the standard shounen elements but without adding anything original to make it stand out from the rest. Even though this anime is aimed at teenagers it seems more like a kid's show, with moderate violence, no blood and sharp objects replaced by bright shining lights. So if you're over 12 years old then I don't recommend this.
49 episodes are already too much for me. When I watch an anime that long, chances are I’ll get bored while watching it. This was the case for GetBackers. While it is an interesting plot, I tend to become distracted when I watch it. Maybe the plot was too shonen for a girl like me who would usually prefer girly anime, but then again the fight scenes were a bit exciting. Truth be told, I enjoyed the fillers more, because they always had me laughing. Other than that, some of the arcs were too long, specially the IL arc. 15 episodes are just too much, andat that point watching the anime felt like a chore. I was so happy when I finally finished that arc because the filler episode after the arc was one of the funniest episodes. It’s another anime with a huge cast of characters, and most of them I like. I think the character I hate the most would be Himiko. She’s a very irritating girl who acts as if she’s good at her job, but she’s not that great. Plus using perfumes as weapons? What a lame power. Kazuki is OK, but he’s a trap. It really surprised me when I found out he was a guy. Maybe he’s gay – 2 guys are fighting over him and I don’t care if boys from their family wear girly kimonos when they haven’t reached their age of maturity yet. It’s just an excuse to justify his cross dressing. My favorite character is actually Natsumi. I like that filler episode about her when she dressed up as Ban and Ginji. Speaking of Ban and Ginji, I like both of them too. Ginji is just so adorable when he goes into chibi mode, and Ban is one cool guy, even if he’s a bit mean and distant sometimes. Akabane is pretty cool too – even if he is a bit blood thirsty and sick minded. The animation and art is reminiscent of early 2000s anime. While it is ahead of anime that was from way back then, it still needed work. It tends to be inconsistent sometimes. You could tell if the designs would waver because they were really notable differences – it’s as if the characters have been deformed. Usually, this would occur in filler episodes, and even more so during the second half. I’m a bit disappointed, because if they wanted to make this anime a hit, everything should be almost perfect. The colors tend to clash sometimes too – greens and purples don’t really go well together. And what about the voice acting? It was actually pretty good. I’m quite surprised that Ginji’s seiyu was actually Shotaro Morikubo, who was also Musica’s (From Rave Master) voice actor. They were two different characters with two different personalities that it’s hard for me to picture one guy who worked with both of them. I guess that’s really impressive. Plus, Ban Midou’s seiyu (Nobutoshi Canna) was also the seiyu for another character I hold dear to my heart, and that is Tasuki from Fushigi Yuugi. Even without that, I still think the dub was quite impressive. I like the wide variety of music. Every opening and ending theme was different and I liked every single track. It was all contemporary and modern. There was pop, to hip hop, to j-rock. Everything really went well with the series’ feel. I think that’s because the music direction was made by a very capable person. That person would be Taku Iwasaki, whose works are actually quite familiar to me. He also worked on GONZO’s Black Cat, Rumbling Hearts and Yakitate!! Japan, series with equally good music. Because of boy-boy love premises, I was almost convinced that I was watching shojo. Clearly, Kazuki and Juubei’s relationship are yaoi fan girl bait. Plus the guys are all very good looking, which convinced me even more. I guess that’s one thing I get out of watching the series. And what’s with the clothes? I noticed a lot of the characters wore clothes that won’t fit them. Hevn would always wear tops that are too small for her, and the guys wore tight pants. Poor Kazuki; His shirts are always so oversized that they would fall to his shoulders. Even if there was a bevy of good looking guys in this anime, the eye candy wasn’t enough to make me disregard the story. I’m not saying the story was bad, like I said before, the plot was interesting. There were just errors during the execution. It could have been better.
This is not an anime which has aged well. Back in the day when I first watched it sometime around early 2007, I would have ranked this close to a 9. When I first watched it, the characters had some really mysterious powers and I loved the fight scenes. The music was awesome and fit the mood really well. I saw the Animax dub version and the voices were really well done. The problem is, if you watch the series now, the animation is spotty. The fight scenes mostly consist of static scenes with little in terms of animation. The characters go into chibi formway too often and the transition from a serious scene to a funny one is sometimes jarring. I personally am not a fan of the japanese dub. Those wierd characters I gushed about in the first para? Well better anime have come out since then. The music still holds strong and so does the humour. The saving grace is the story. The problem is, we have a crap ton of fillers between the actual main story missions. We have about 5 main story missions and rest are all filler. Some of the filler episodes are really funny and hit the spot, but most are misses. And here is the worst part. The story is incomplete. The last arc ends on a cliffhanger and sadly we are never going to see this. I think a mark of a good anime is to stand the test of time. Get backers was a fine anime back in the day. Its dismal by todays standards. The music is still good. The story while good, has been done better in GITS or Serial Experiments Lain. I give it a 7/10 with 2 whole points for nostalgia. The real score is closer to a 5/10.
Main GetBackers; basically a story about 2 guys getting back various items which were either lost or stolen, this premise in and of itself is quite original. However the genius of this piece ends there. Apart from the Magubex storyline this series has little value. [OK maybe the Hospital episode was funny...kinda] Art-Style Flat, no real work put into it at all. Quite a disappointment by anime standards...It seemed almost “American” rather than Japanese. Movements lacked grace and fluidity, also great deal of shortcuts [lights, blurs, disappearances then reappearances etc] were used in the fight scenes. And everything was pitch black!!! It's onething to play with light and shadow...it's another thing to throw everything into darkness. Sound “Stardust” was kind of catchy also, the closing theme "Mr. Deja Vu" was nice. Story Basically two guys play Crockett and Tubbs in the retrieval business hence the name GetBackers. There is no denying that the premise of this show is original; getting back items that were either lost or taken. However, the genius ends there. The Get-Backers concept gets your interest, the Magubex storyline reels you in but the climax comes way before the series ended which was during the Magubex storyline. Also there's the very abrupt ending not to mention, the humongous cliffhanger. Cast/Characters Character design was unoriginal most seem to be just a Street Fighter knock-off with excessively spiky hair that seemed to belong more in the produce section than on someone's head. Ban looks a lot better when his hair is wet. Not a lot of substance was put into these personalities either, they seem to derived from the standardized cliches you find in too many fighter animes There is a huge issue with credibility here...like, HELLO! WHY DO THEY HAVE THOSE POWERS??? This little fact seems to have been over looked. It can't be because of Infinite Tower since not everyone is originally from there. And obviously this takes place in somewhat of a realistic world because the “normal” people seem shocked and scared out of their wits when the witness these powers, so this is not a natural occurrence..so then why is it that these people have powers? Fav. Character(s) - Katsuki of the Threads, Dr. Jackal, Himiko/Lady Poison Least fav. Character(s) - Chibi Ginji [who doesn't seem to ever go away] Most of the bad guys inside Infinite Castle especially the “Diamond” guy in white. Very boring; very cliche. Tragic to say the least. Worth it or NOT? I don't know about the Japanese version but there's no doubt the American version is a kids show, and that with the exception of the Magubex storyline, it's nothing but fluff.
I was obsessed with this anime when it came out. I made my dad get me the full season 1 box set on DVD, and I still have it. I even got the first volume of the manga, and I showed it to the other kids at school. Probably not a good idea because there was a lady jerking off in the first couple chapters. I would rank this very low after watching many more shows since then. If you're a little teen that loves shonen & action this is going to be great. It's super cheesy, super Hammy, and very "cool". If you're an adulthowever &/or have watched better things, you are not going to find anything of value here. The character designs stand out & most of them are likable tropes. The action is entertaining, but nothing to write home about. The plot is pretty standard & you can guess where things are going to go. At this point, if I recommend the show I always tag it with "it's so bad that it's good" like I said pretty standard but there are a few things I will pop out and make you think "what the fuck." when I whipped out the DVDs on my fiance, we watched it all the way through. *Spoilers* There's a part towards the end of S1 where they're fighting this guy In some illusion room. It looks like it's inside a stomach & the guy literally says "this is my womb" and then proceed with the monologue about his womb My fiance turned to me and said "wow your parents really just let you watch anything." Do not recommend, not that great,but somewhat hilarious.
Get Backers doesn't take itself too seriously. From the over the top car stunts, to the character interactions it always sides on the side of comedy over seriousness. Story - 7 The story was pretty good, though it started to get repetitive. Something is lost/stolen and must be recovered. Fortunately, everything else changed from job to job. From item recovered, to setting there was a nice variety to keep things interesting. Art - 7 The character designs were decent, but the main thing that stood out to me was the lighting. Whenever it was night or they were in a dark building there wasa nice amount to darkness to get the feel of "I am pretty sure something is going to happen". Sound - 6 The op/end were enjoyable, but none of them stood out to me as "wow this is amazing" I watched the dub and it felt like they had fun with this one, but it was not the best I have ever herd. Characters - 8 The characters were one of the best part of the series. I found myself liking even the so called "bad guys". None of them really got on my nerves they all had something to bring to the series. Enjoyment - 8 As I said at the start, GetBackers doesn't take itself too seriously. The characters are getting into little squabbles and Gingi likes to go into his chibi form all the time. Even with the bits of "what is going on" it still tells a good story. Overall - 8 If you are looking for a good "fool around and still get the job done" story. You should enjoy this one.
this story is unic in her kind, i meant if you try to find other like this there is not. so let´s get on.... first the characters are all really good defined, since the story starts you are allow to recognize what the creator wants you to think of the characters, also the development of the story is not boring at all, evey single detail in every chapter is important in a future one; this particular anime can´t be classified in just one category or tipe, because in one chapter you may want to laugh but in the next you will cry... also the storyit self have a lot of tricks for saying it in a way, i meant that at the time that you see it , you´ll never get tired or boring because you´ll have to think a little bit to understand it, but also you´ll enjoy that process, the most awesome thing about this series is that it is NEVER WHAT IT SEEMS, but at the end of the day you always are gonna want more of it. in the end is a simple story which brings you a really good teaching about what really is worth in your life, its about the strange in every bond that you have with your friends ...
GetBackers: The Robin Hoods of Anime GetBackers is an anime about two guys Ginji Amano and Ban Mido and they are retrieval agents with a 100% success rate. They have great powers in aiding them in their jobs such as discharging electricity for Ginji and the Evil Eye which causes illusions for Ban. They don't consider themselves thieves since they just take back what's originally from other people and give it back to them. Their fees are outrageously high yet they end up being broke. They encounter old friends and enemies who are all related to the retrieval and transporting business or just intheir history as the story progresses. Storywise, GetBackers has a simple theme yet it is very entertaining. Stand alone episodes are very hilarious (check episode 39 and 40) and major story lines are very complex yet understandable. The first 25 seasons are adapted directly from the manga while the rest of the episodes were somewhat altered. It has a very good mixing of action, drama, comedy and a dash of romance which a lot of shows cannot execute properly. GetBackers serves both male fans with the fight scenes and beautiful girls and for the women, a there is a certain bishounen/yaoi tone present in the show. Characters on the show are very distinct from one another and they have very captivating personalities especially the two leads Ban and Ginji. Musical scoring for the anime is impresssive. Some of the background music will make you stomp your feet like hell. The first Opening Theme "Yuragu Koto Nai Ai" is one of the greatest songs in the Japanese Music Industry. I suggest you listen to that. Other songs used in the anime are also very catchy like the First Ending theme: Ichibyou no Refrain" and the Second Opening Theme "Barairo ni Sekai" I highly suggest you watch this show. You will laugh your pants off and it will keep you on the edge of your seats at the same time. It only has 49 episodes and all of them are worth watching. xD
In this generally fast-paced anime, Ban and Ginji run a recovery service where they use their supernatural powers of inducing nightmares and creating lightning (respectively) to get back items stolen by some very nasty characters. In the meantime they angst about their past traumas, meet up with old friends, and take on anthropomorphized skyscrapers. One of the things I really like about this anime’s writers is that they seem to truly appreciate the arts, music and painting in particular, making it clear that there is a reason some of these items are so valuable to their owners. The anime is quite educational in this respect! My favoritecharacters were Kazuki, the feminine-looking threadmaster who happens to be super badass, and Doctor Jackal, the creepily soft-spoken assassin with his trenchcoat and wide-brimmed hat. But Ban and Ginji are cool together. Also, it’s always a treat to see what Ban will come up with for his nightmares.
Ban Mido and Ginji Amano are a recovery duo infamously known as "GetBackers." Ban possesses two special powers: the "Snake Bite" (his hands have a gripping power of 200 kg) and the "Evil Eye" (anyone who looks into his eyes will be locked into a powerful and nightmarish hallucination). Ginji, on the other hand, has the ability to generate thousands of volts of electricity from his body. Together, they run a freelance business of recovering anything lost or stolen from a client—and they claim a 100% success rate at their job. My thoughts: I truly enjoyed watching this anime. Ginji and Ban make a great teamand I love Ban's Jagan eye technique. I especially love the interaction between Ginji and Akabane; those moments were funny. Another character I liked is Kaziki and his threads. Although it has 49 episodes and may seem long, it's full of action that there are no boring parts at all. It's an anime well worth watching, so i highly recommend it.
always when i want to watch an anime ... the first thing that get my attention ,is it dubbed or not.dubbed i got a hunch that this gonna be no good .. and yes it is .. rather somehow i enjoyed this anime. i'll tell you why. Story 4 : don't get me wrong. the idea of two guys working together to get stolen things back is very original and get me excited to watch this show, but after watching 6 or 7 eps , the show repeated it self every times, so it turn obvious to you how it gonna end each time.the story inmost eps stand alone and doesn't related so you can easily pass at once 3 or 4.this repeated scenario was acceptable in the first season,boring in the next. how the the first season end.yup it was good enough to make me say this story 'bout 8 or 9 but what come in next season make it 4 or less. unrelated storyboard with unreasonable dialogue , so did the fast ending of season 2. what you gonna find through watching this show: many character are introduced, each with an own story . what reason tell you ... yes, they must somehow related , no they aren't . the story end like it began ... huh ... yes a lot happen, but what i mean that you will find your self against more questions,even for the solved problem you keep asking why it solved like that like the fight between Kazuki,Jubei and Uryuu Character : this what save this anime. 3 character make this show enjoyable -Amano, Ginji: slapsticky drawn make this anime fan to watch , Despite Ginji's dark past, his demeanor is one of an unassuming, energetic, and friendly boy with a strong sense of justice -the other 2 are Ban and Akabane : with the mysterious Akabane and the clever ban, the anime get more exciting to watch. Enjoyment: i think i'm gonna say ... i enjoyed this show but not in serious way so watch this anime or not ? don't watch it, read the manga instead, in witch you will find a strong good story ( 8/10)
Just like most animes. You will find yourself lost at the beginning thinking a bunch of random things are happening and it doesn't make much sense. But also like those animes, it just gets interesting the more the story expands, explores its characters and explain things you might not understand at first. Although I don't get why it's left unfinished. They still have to defeat Brain Trust, deal with Akabane, find out Kagami's true purpose and see him fight seriously, finally finish Akabane, have Ban explain to Himiko the incident with her brother and plus the ending hinted Kanou's displease of the outcome. Maybe all my questionsare answered in the manga. Wihich would make the read more interesting but for those unlike me who don't like exploring an anime's universe outside of the anime itself, it would be very frustrating. It was good overall and it was well done. Plus this was one of my childhood animes that I felt the need to rewatch to understand better than from when I first saw it.
Getbackers is the most boring anime of all time! I fell asleep while watching getbackers last night. YES, the show is THAT boring. So what about this show is so boring it actually put me to sleep? let's delve into it. First off, THE MAIN CHARACTERS ARE FREAKING MARRY SUES!!! There catchphrase is that the getbackers recovery service has a "almost 100% success rate" So the main two characters almost never feel challenged by the plot! And that's not all thats wrong with this duo, The biggest problem comes with the main character, Ban's, power. Ban's power is known as the "Jagan eye" Witch hasthe same ability as Aiziens zanpakuto, and we all know how much of a god teir marry sue freaking aizen is! Just in case you dont know, the "Jagan eye" has the ability to make the opponent see a hallucination, the opponent becomes distracted by this hallucination and then Ban basically has the ability to beat up the opponent while the hallucination is happening! This power is not only BORING because it doesn't create any interesting choreography for the fights, the opponent just stands there dazed, being like "DURRR WHATZ GOIN' ON" So not only is it a boring fighting move, but it's also overpowered as fuck! Whenever this move is used the opponent is unaware that they are even IN a hallucination! Making this power almost unavoidable when fighting ban. On top of that ,when you're in a hallucination, you cant see any reality of whats happening, so while you're under bans power, even assuming you NOTICE you're under the power, you can't do anything to fight back! With a power like this it's no wonder the main characters always feel unchallenged! And it's not just Ban, all the good guys are strong or over powered in there own way, Ban is just the worst offender. Next off, the pacing for this show puts one piece to shame! With one piece I always feel like something is going on, but for getbackers, I feel as if every scene is incredibly drawn out and it takes FOREVER for any action to happen half the episodes are just them talking about the situation they are in! And even then, They aren't even strategising about how to fix that situation they are in, and instead just talk about a lot of pointless details. Nothing happening combined with the boring one sided fights when stuff actually DOES happen IS the reason to why almost every moment of this show is so damn boring!!! Probably the biggest problem with this show is it's underwhelming cast, other than akabane who is a sexier version of hisoka from hunter x hunter. Every character in this cast is BLAND AS SANDPAPER!!!! First off theres the main character Ban, he's introduced with an interesting backstory, but his past never comes to haunt him or he never has to deal with it, they do absolutely NOTHING interesting with Ban's character and just throw in the backstory for no reason, and I feel the same way about his partner Ginji. The funny thing is, a lot of these characters have interesting personalities, Ban is a really chill cool dude and ginji is his energetic, upbeat and comedic partner. The only time these characters are ever good is during the comedy scenes, and thats the problem. Getbackers tries TOO HARD to be a dark and serious. Because we dont get a lot of comedy scenes we hardly ever get to enjoy Ban and Ginji, and even though both these characters have decent backstories the story NEVER decides to do anything interesting with it or try and develop these characters. The characters in getbackers never change, they are the same from episode 1 to the end! So, the show takes itself too seriously so there arent enough comedy scenes to make this duo seem funny, and even though this show takes itself seriously they do NOTHING INTERESTING WITH THEM AND DONT DEVELOP THEM! I can say the same for most of the getbackers cast, but the rest minus Akabane are too boring to be even worth mentioning. Believe it or not, but Ban and Ginji despite being boring are some of the more INTERESTING characters in this cast.... The structure of this show is very similar to "black cat" or "cowboy bebop" where these guys are kinda like bounty hunters that struggle with constantly being poor and go on a bunch of random missions to make money. All of these random missions create a bunch of "one off characters" that you only see during the mission they are featured in...and just like the main cast, the one off characters are BORING AS SANDPAPER!!!! And this is a major problem, considering these missions require HELPING people and you find the people they are helping to be so boring that you dont sympathize with them, THAT IS A MAJOR FLAW! If I cant sympathize with the people the getbackers are trying to help then that makes the whole mission seem BORING, POINTLESS AND YOU FEEL AS IF NOTHING IMPORTANT IS AT STEAK!!! and thats another problem with this series, The characters are never challenged, and what they are fighting FOR always feels "unimportant" or you never feel like anything is at steak! This post was taken from my anime blog witch can be viewed here http://mightypie9001.blogspot.com/2015/10/getbackers-is-most-boring-anime-of-all.html
This anime is great. I watched the dub version, and the sound was terrible. Other than that, there is nothing I didn't like about this show. The character development is superb, and every single one of them has their own back story. The plot, although it can be off topic in some episodes is really really good. This is one of those shows that you cling to and do not want to end. I wish it would have gone on longer, as there was so much more they could have included, but overall i'd recommend this anime to anyone who enjoys a good old fashionedshounen.
GetBackers is a shounen style anime that tries not to take itself seriously. The show follows on a duo, Ban and Ginji, that are in the freelance business to find anything that has been lost or stolen. The show ultimately focuses on the dark pasts of each character before joining forces together. The story is seemingly one-sided, Ginji being the main draw of the show and leaving Ban with little development. I don't know if this is by design or how the production came out to be due to constraints. In the beginning, the two engage in several jobs that range from finding lost pets oreven childhood memories. Afterwards, the first serious arc brings Ginji and Ban back to Ginji's origin. At the conclusion of this arc, the focus should shift to Ban's past, giving him some depth equally. Even giving them a common enemy would be worthwhile, someone who threatens the livelihood of their business, or future in general. However, this is not the case. Instead, they return back to Ginji's origin again to confront another threat. Personally, it seems a bit tiresome at this juncture. In the end, Ban does not get an arc of his own, rather his past is revealed in several scenes throughout the series. This is probably the main complaint I have with the show. Outside of this, there isn't much else to say. The animation is done well, relatively speaking compared to other productions at the time, as is the opening, ending and soundtrack. Still, it isn't particularly noteworthy either which way. I feel that the show was cut short of its initial run, being 49 episodes instead of the typical 52 episode length. Perhaps there were other obstacles in its production. After successful 26 episodes, the contract was extended and there was uncertainty over how much longer the series could sustain itself. The entertainment industry is often like this. Though GetBackers receives solid 7's, it is still enjoyable in its own right. The characters, both protagonists and villains, are designed well, though the plot is less so. Unlike typical 100+ episode shounen anime, I think that GetBackers is still a good show to watch without having to invest too much time into it..
This will simply be an explanation for why you should read the manga instead of watching the anime. The anime covers part of the manga although some arcs are changed and some is anime only, but most importantly the anime ends with a anime only arc and doesn't really bring you the full story of Get Backers. The arcs that truly would be worth watching is not adapted in the anime and thus you miss vital character development and story. The ending of the manga will solve most of the questions about the story and characters which is something you cannot get out of theanime version. HOWEVER, if you're not keen on reading and would rather watch I would recommend watching the anime up until the last arc in which you can decided whether you wish to read the manga or not as the anime in itself is pretty good. Since the story of the anime is incomplete at best you'll merely get an introduction to the show in the anime. The characters and their development are good, but due to character development taking place after the anime you cannot witness that in the anime which means it will be lacking. Not only this, but the power of the characters and battles won't be at its peak either, but the battles in the anime are still very enjoyable It's a great show, but it lacks vital parts of the manga. However I would definitely recommend it if you're not into reading manga
I liked GetBackers because at the beginning of the series, I had no clue it was going to turn out the way it did and that's what makes it interesting to me. The storyline keeps you guessing for a while, and that's ultimately going to keep me watching more than sassy exchanges between characters, or more colorful outfits. Each character has their unique quirks, flaws, and emotional back-story...I really enjoyed this series!
i started watching this anime hoping that there would be some homoaffective relationship in it, but to my sadness, unfortunately there isn't! the characters ban and gingi carry a good chemistry between them, they would certainly be a beautiful couple! although not everything was as expected, i really liked the story, especially the episodes where the duo participated in unusual missions, like when they rescued artwork and resolved issues within the mugenjou. the approach of a lawless place is interesting, in which people outside it avoid relating due to clandestinity, violence, etc. really liked the character akabane, because of his attractive design, personality and voice;his unpredictable behavior is also something interesting, putting the fun of fights above the shuttle service. female empowerment is not characteristic of the work, but thought it was cool that the character hevn, even though she is not a fighter, occasionally participates in dangerous work. one thing that bothered me was the current design of gingi, because his previous one, when he lived in mugenjou, was much more stylish and cool, seducing anyone who looked at him; another thing that bothered me about gingi was his somewhat impulsive and melodramatic behavior, but on the other hand i loved his cuteness. anyway, a great anime, highly recommended! 💚☘️ . [Review in PT/BR] comecei a assistir a esse anime na esperança de que nele houvesse algum relacionamento homoafetivo, porém para a minha tristeza, infelizmente não tem! os personagens ban e gingi carregam uma boa química entre eles, com certeza seriam um belo casal! apesar de nem tudo ter sido como eu esperava, gostei bastante da história, principalmente dos episódios onde a dupla participava de missões inusitadas, a exemplo de quando resgatavam trabalhos artísticos e resolviam questões dentro do mugenjou. é interessante a abordagem de um lugar sem lei, no qual as pessoas externas a ele evitam se relacionar devido à clandestinidade, violência, etc. gostei bastante do personagem akabane, isso pelo design, personalidade e voz dele serem atraentes; o comportamento imprevisível dele também é algo interessante, colocando a diversão pelas lutas acima do serviço de transporte. o empoderamento feminino não é algo característico da obra, porém achei legal que a personagem hevn, mesmo não sendo uma lutadora, ocasionalmente participa de trabalhos perigosos. uma coisa que me incomodou foi o design atual do gingi, pois o anterior dele, quando morava no mugenjou, era muito mais estiloso e descolado, seduzindo qualquer um que lhe olhasse; outra coisa que me chateou no gingi foi o seu comportamento meio impulsivo e melodramático, porém por outro lado adorei a fofura dele. enfim, um ótimo anime, super recomendado! 💚☘️