Someday a group of classmates will perform a charm at night after school—the Happy Sachiko charm. This paper doll ritual is meant to make them stay friends forever, but performing it incorrectly will lead them to be dragged down into a dilapidated phantom of Tenjin Elementary School, which had been torn down years ago. Trapped until they can reunite and perform the charm correctly, the students will have to solve the mystery of the haunted school in order to make it out alive. Before that ill-fated event, however, the friends led ordinary lives. Corpse Party: Missing Footage reveals an insight into the students' lives on the day before they were thrust into a waking nightmare. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Anthology of deleted scenes from the anime and nothing less. My review is not shorter because this site doesn't let me., and other scenes that show us the relationships between the cast we already know after the anime. some of them have a lot of fanservice like the ecchi yuri with seiko and naomi, and other are too cold and don't have enough to satisfy some fans, like the ayuma and kishinuma scene
Being a big fan of the Corpse Party RPG series that was released on the PC, PSP, I was expecting more of a quick bloody horror mini episode. [The Story] More of a prequel to the High school RPG of what happened, so not much is to be expected in this 11 minute episode. [Sound] More over, the original voice actors that voice acted for the PSP are here again, but not the full cast which disappointed me. [Character] Not all of the characters listed in the manga/game were shown, which wasn't too bad, but still would've been a good view to see. [Enjoyment] If you are a big fan of theseries, you may enjoy it, but overall it's more of an introduction to it Overall Good art, original voice actors, not full cast, I see a potential for it to become a good series; hopefully in the future.
Corpse Party is a survival horror video game series Oddly enough, the first one was made with the RPG maker software and came out in 1996. The follow up titles didn't start seeing release until over a decade later in 2008. Most of the games were developed by Team GrisGris, with 5pb joining them after the second released game. The series has had four manga and two OVA adaptations, both OVAs being handled by Asread. Let's take a look at the first one, Corpse Party: Missing Footage, and hope it's better than the other adaptation we've seen this month or at least as hilarious inits awfulness. Story: Our tale opens with a group of children being murdered by an androgynous figure with long, dark hair. You know, because building up to that kind of thing is over-rated. After a minute or two of that our scene shifts to a guy in the bath when his naked sister walks in on him and starts insisting on washing him. Which is, incidentally, the most horrific scene in the entire thing. After that we switch to a girl groping her friend in various ways while questioning her about a guy. Because that's what girls do when they have sleepovers. They grope each other and talk about hunky boys. Actually, as someone who has been to a few girls' slumber parties, I can confirm that only one of these is likely to happen and it's not the one you might wish it was. After that the scene switches to two new characters talking on the phone about the upcoming culture festival. And then it switches to two different students talking about the same basic thing. And... that's pretty much everything. So, the narrative goes from child murder into scenes of various characters we know nothing about talking about the culture festival and hunky boys. Now, in all fairness this was bundled with a limited edition release of one of the spin-off games. So, it is very much intended for fans of the game series and not for people like me who are only vaguely aware that the games exist. However, there's still the major underlying question of what purpose the thing actually serves. How exactly do these four snippets of mundane conversation that feature completely stilted dialogue add anything to the "happy" Corpse Party world of child murder? Now, the purpose is probably to give the audience a basic peek at the premise and introduce the characters. So, it's basically an extended trailer. However, there is a major problem with it on that level and it comes down to one aspect... Characters: Yes, the problem is with the characters. We only get a couple minutes with each pair of characters and what we get of them is so absurdly stilted and divorced from reality that the chance of connecting with any of them on any level approaches zero. You would almost think the characters had been written by someone who has never had any friends and lives as an isolated NEET but thinks they understand people because they've seen a lot of bad comedies. These are the types of one-dimensional twits you would expect to see in a terrible comedic anime like Baka to Test rather than in a work of horror where you're supposed to get invested in them and their survival. If anything, watching the OVA will just destroy your investment rather than enhance it. Unless, possibly, you're rooting for the main cast to die horribly in which case the bath scene will almost certainly contribute to that. Art: The art is mostly decent, albeit kind of standard. The biggest issue, in this case, is with the gore in the first scene. It uses that ridiculous convention of having the blood spurt everywhere as though it was connected to a high pressure hose of some kind. Furthermore, it has nothing but blood even when an area gets stabbed where other fluids really should be coming out of the wound. Granted, medical accuracy would have made that segment a lot more disturbing and that would be terrible in a horror piece. Wait, what? Sound: The voice acting is pretty average. They did get some good actors with impressive records like Sawashiro Miyuki and Nakamura Yuuichi but they really don't give them much to work with. The music is also pretty standard. It's not bad, but it's not anything you're liable to remember or even notice much. Ho-yay: The ho-yay factor is going to be a 4/10 for the non-consensual groping during the sleepover scene. Although the effect is diminished somewhat by the fact that the girl doing it never shuts up about guys while she's doing it. Dating tip, don't talk about other people during foreplay and always ask before you touch your partner there. With there being any part of their body. Final Thoughts: This OVA is just stupid. It's made up of loosely connected scenes showing characters interacting in ways that just make it apparent that the writers don't know how human beings work. The scariest scene is almost certainly not intended to be scary and the OVA as a whole just contributes nothing of value to anything. You might be interested in it if you're a huge fan of the games. For anyone else at all, I can't even suggest giving it the ten minutes of run-time it has. This isn't terrible in a hilarious way like Galerians. It's just terrible. 2/10. Next week, horror anime month ends with a look at Zombie Loan.
It's just a typical prequel continuation of the manga, although it's in video format. It's basically just an a approximately 12 min video. Since I already read the manga and doujinshi, it's no surprise to me what's going to happen. Truthfully, I had doubts watching this video, it may not look that appealing but the horror of it got to me. For first time watching it, it reminded me of one of those cliches saw movies or asian movies that supposedly are gore and bloody. Considering the fact that the victims are elementary students. The characters have no development or whatsoever likewise the plot, onlythe important thing is that a group of students are going to be stuck in a horror school in a matter of fate and time. While spending there life with carefree and no care at all, no one knows what awaits in that fated moment. Honestly, it was so-so, because of the way it began, it was given a time of where before the horror began. I may not been a big fan of this, but now I know how the story really goes. There is not much to right here since it's just a small prequel of the plot, but I must say to fully understand the story, read the doujunshi first before watching the missing footage.
I'll be honest, the game was ok. I appreciate the depth of a good story, but when it comes to video games I don't have that long of an attention span. However, when it came to this OVA, I was given the shivers! Anyone who new the story beforehand knows how brutal the murder that is taking place is. The animation and voice for Seiko brought out her best-friend-esque randomness and slapped in a bit of comedy, but what is truly stunning is the horrific opening. Seeing as this is an introduction, I'm not saying it's all that. I mean ... it's 11 minutes. Still, wewere given the green-light for a sequel (possibly a series?) so this OVA fills me with hope for Corpse Party: Tortured Souls.
Before watching this OVA, you must at least played up to the chapter 4 of the Visual Novel or you wont understand a thing beside this being a prequel story of Corpse Party: Blood Covered manga. The story of this OVA is indeed a prequel story but from what I see from Corpse Party VN/Corpse Party: Blood Covered VN, the scenes of this OVA is most likely to be taken from Corpse Party: Book of Shadow which is suppose to be the sequel game since that the manga of Book of Shadow is a prequel story of some sort at the same time an alternative story. Thesound is rather excellent. They decided to use the same sfx from the game which raise this OVA chance to enjoy by the game fans and Im one of them who enjoyed it. And as for VA, I usually dont care about it since that whats important is that the voice of the character would match the talking for me so I simply ignore VA on rating. But on this OVA case, I cannot ignore it because the VA here is the same from the PSP VN which adds more value for the fans of the game to enjoy it more. I dont think that I have to say anything else on the character since that this has no character development. This is a teaser OVA for the game fans. Thats all I can point out but I like it this way. Looking forward to Corpse Party: Tortured Souls and still hoping for a series for this game.
Unneccesory. That's what this is as it wasn't needed. Story: 5 - The story is just set before Tortured souls and it gives us some details regarding our main characters and we see a flashback of how a ghost in the school dies. I honestlly think it wasn't needed and I found it really poorly done. If they wanted to make something so short before intoducing us to corpse party then the makers should've made some more effort so that even if its this short it makes an impact so that we could look forward to corpse party. I think the story was the least worstthing about this though as it actually does its job by introducing us to our characters but I just found it really shallow with hardly any efforts made but it can be bared. Art: 5 - Okay, The first scene which focused on the flashback threw me off as the art wasn't pleasing even though a much better job could have been done as it had the potential which annoyed as it was wasted though the second half was alright. Sound: 3 - The sound ticked me off, I don't if that was the maker's intentions but the sound gave me a appalingly sick feeling which wasn't pleasing because I've always thought that in a horror / suspense series the sound always tops off as it always manages to spook and scare you off but not in this case. I actually had some expectations for the soundtrack too as it could have been scary and creepy but I just didn't find the sound any helpful. Character: 6 - The main point of this OVA were the characters as they were the ones who were meant to be introduced. Though the characters weren't anything special they weren't bad enough to be rated under six which is why i'm sparring my comments on them even though in a survival horror characters could be much more developed. Enjoyment: 3 - Well I'm actually quite biased towards this OVA because whenever I remember I find it irritating despite the matter of fact that I actually quite enjoyed Corpse Party: Tortured Souls but either way I didn't really enjoy this. People who liked: Corpse Party: Tortured Souls ( I don't usually include sequels/prequels in recommodations but this is kind of a different case I guess) and Pupa will like this series due to similar lengths and atmosphere. ( I can't recommend hardly anything for this one because there isn't much in here for me to compare with ). Overall: 4 - Overall you can make a pass at this one but if you'd like to see the details of Corpse Party: Tortured Souls then you'd probably like and want to watch it.
Part 1 English Part 2 Bahasa Indonesia -------------------------------------- Hello there, my dear review viewers! Today, we'll be talking about an anime that's bound to leave you feeling haunted - Corpse Party: Missing Footage. I mean, who doesn't love a good ol' horror anime, right? Firstly, let's talk about the story. It's creepy, it's spine-chilling, and it's enough to give you goosebumps. It follows a group of high school students who find themselves trapped in a haunted school, and let's just say, it's not a walk in the park. I mean, who doesn't love a good story that leaves you feeling terrified, yet wanting more? Now, let's talk about the artstyle. It's dark, it's eerie, and it's everything you'd want in a horror anime. The animation is smooth and the attention to detail is spot on. Next up, the main characters. I won't spoil anything for you, but let's just say, these kids are in for a wild ride. They're relatable, they're likable, and you can't help but root for them. The voice over work is fantastic. The actors do an excellent job of conveying emotion, and their screams will leave you feeling spooked. The music is hauntingly beautiful. It sets the mood perfectly, and it'll give you chills down your spine. Overall, the experience is one that's not for the faint of heart. It's an intense ride that'll leave you feeling satisfied, yet wanting more. So, my dear review viewers, if you're looking for a horror anime that'll give you nightmares, then Corpse Party: Missing Footage is the anime for you! I give it a score of 7.14285714285714 out of 10 -------------------------------------- Halo, para pemirsa ulasan tercinta! Hari ini, kita akan membicarakan tentang anime yang pasti akan membuatmu merasa dihantui - Corpse Party: Missing Footage. Aku maksud, siapa yang tidak suka anime horor yang seru, kan? Pertama-tama, mari kita bicarakan tentang ceritanya. Itu menyeramkan, mencekam, dan cukup untuk memberimu bulu kuduk berdiri. Ini mengikuti sekelompok siswa SMA yang terjebak di sekolah berhantu, dan katakan saja, itu bukanlah hal yang mudah. Maksudku, siapa yang tidak suka cerita yang membuatmu merasa ketakutan, namun ingin tahu lebih banyak? Sekarang, mari kita bicarakan tentang gaya seni. Itu gelap, angker, dan segala sesuatu yang kamu inginkan dalam anime horor. Animasinya lancar dan perhatian terhadap detail sangat baik. Berikutnya, karakter utama. Aku tidak akan merusak kejutan untukmu, tapi katakan saja, anak-anak ini akan mengalami perjalanan liar. Mereka mudah didekati, disukai, dan kamu tidak bisa tidak mendukung mereka. Pekerjaan suara fantastis. Para aktor melakukan pekerjaan yang sangat baik dalam menyampaikan emosi, dan teriakan mereka akan membuatmu merinding. Musiknya sangat indah dan angker. Ini menetapkan suasana dengan sempurna, dan itu akan memberimu kedinginan di tulang belakangmu. Secara keseluruhan, pengalaman ini bukanlah untuk yang lemah hati. Ini adalah perjalanan intens yang akan membuatmu merasa puas, namun ingin tahu lebih banyak. Jadi, para pemirsa ulasan tercinta, jika kamu mencari anime horor yang akan memberimu mimpi buruk, maka Corpse Party: Missing Footage adalah anime untukmu! Aku memberikan skor 7,14285714285714 dari 10.
Rate a 7 English Subtitled Well done sums up my feelings on this piece. But I like you the audience want more than a brief statement. *Interlocks fingers, fully extents arms, rotates hand positions so palms are pointing away from body. Anime generally is a show or movie. Although there are exceptions. Such as trials (mainly old, grandfather art) and others like in this case marketing. Marketing can be done in numerous ways. They can go for the short brief version, long special, or a comic like presentation to name a few. This tactic was wonderfully executed as an introduction piece. From the horrific beginning to the innocentportrayal afterwords. Sure, there was some nudity but i think that was meant more to gather viewers than for the audience to conclude that ecchi will be a vital element to this story. Also, in this case i found the nudity concept as cute and good portrayal of innocence. A typical viewer that is not fully vetted with outside experience with the manga and game like myself can conclude this may include:ecchi, definitely horror, comedy, mystery and a touch of romance. All of which was easily picked up without the anime having to spell it out. Some ending of show are rather straight forward. While this marketing anime is per-say it ended on a good note by making want to know more of what is to come. Similar to stopping a book on a suspense indication. Lastly, being a rookie lover(mild enthusiast) of horror I am glad the director here did not take advantage of me losing my guard when the introduction subsided. Maybe, this will be enough cue for me to pick up the manga to know more or the game that other reviewers mention.
An OVA of an OVA series which has little to nothing to add to the story It's just a bunch of small situations from all the main cast of the series, serving as a prequel episode to the main show. As it is, it doesn't have anything to contribute to the plot or the main story. Since it's so short it barely can show anything more than random comedic scenes between the characters. As a whole, it is pretty pointless, and you don't lose any information if you don't watch this. It's just extra material of the main show. Boring at best.
The whole thing is about 15 minutes long. The first half consisting of the user staring at the same shadow of a man torchering and killing children. You hear the screams and cries and nothing is really shown. The second half of the main cast of characters and some weirdly sexual moment between two of the girls. Thing is the yuri scenes is almost worth it... almost. The series (the game, anime, what ever you wanna dive into) is better than this little prequel. If you skipped this, it hoesbtly wouldn't effect your viewing of the rest of the series at all.
At first, please read my previous review about the more interesting sequel, Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou ( About Corpse Party: Missing Footage, it represents a slice of life mini-episode showing every character we met in the main story. Ironically, it gives more screen time and information about useless characters. I might sound harsh saying so, but it was plus or less the case. Indeed, we kinda knew nothing beside relations between characters. That made me having trouble feeling empathy, fear or pain for those (except for Yuka, who finds a terrible fate). This OVA was no more but an introduction tothe 4-episode anime/OVA that brought blood, guts and horror. It should be watched before watching Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou.
Effectively serving as an "Episode 00" to "Corpse Party: Tortured Souls", this short OVA provides a glimpse of what normal life was like for the cast of characters soon to suffer a gruesome fate. We also get a teaser of the gory substance, too. Once again, the sound effects are terrific and cringe-worthy. I actually enjoyed this because it doesn't just give a sneak peak at the buffet, but adds to the characters as human beings, too. Not that the group grows on you by any means (don't get too attached to ANYONE), but this slice of life flavored preview does well in providing atiny contrast to the main story. Give it a watch before or after. 6/10. Cheers!
This is pretty much a prequel of what happened right before the main story. It doesn't explain anything or introduce anything, and could probably feel confusing to those who aren't familiar with the series, but I feel like you could watch this before you watch Tortured Souls, after, or not at all and wouldn't miss much. I chose before. I haven't played the Corpse Party games, read the mangas, or watched the anime, but from what I can tell, in the simplest way I can put it, there was a murder at a school a while back, which is what you see in the beginning ofthis ova, and now those children haunt the school. Then the main characters somehow find themselves in that school. That's what I believe happens in the actual story, this ova, however, is pretty much showing the characters lives the night before this happens. Showing that they all lived a normal happy life before things went bad shit crazy for them. There wasn't much of a story here, but I did enjoy the gore in the beginning, at least I know what to expect throughout the rest of the series.
If i had not compared it to the game the entire 11 minutes this would have been awsome! But even though it can't match the game, it's still really good in my opinion! What i like most about it is that you get a better insight of the relationships the characters share. in the game you just had to sort of guess in the cases where it was not obvious. Also the scene in the begining made me wanna throw up! As it should! On the downside (and this might just be me) it's not very well animated. You can tell that they did not put their allinto it. And i just detest the way the people look in profile! Overall i would say that this is a really descent prequel! Any Corps part fan needs to see it!
Corpse Party is an amazing game. Not to mention the manga is amazing too. Mission footage could've been better, in my opinion. But I'm really happy that Corpse Party even made an OVA, and I'm really looking forward for more! Corpse party is the best RPG game that I have ever played. Even if Missing Footage wasn't the best, It was awesome To hear the voices of Sachiko and the others in an animation! The music was amazing in Missing Footage too. If you haven't played the games though, you won't understand any of what's happening in the OVA. Missing Footage is a spoiler itself.But it's great none-the-less. Seriously though, play the games first.
Seeing as the review I wrote before was taken down for the same reasons that Youtube flags videos, I have decided to write another review. Going more in depth for 11 minutes of viewing. Corpse Party: Missing footage did a good job setting the tone for the rest of the series as well as taking a bit of time to develop the main characters before you go in. Seeing as there was only 11 minutes and it is a single episode OVA I can't say much bad about it except that they should have maybe dedicated an average length video to it instead of an 11minute episode so that we could get a backstory on the relationships between Naomi and Satoshi as childhood friends from the original game. So if I have to say anything bad about it, it was probably that, it was simply to short to give a basic character development. The OVA did start out with a disturbing tone and ended on a foreboding one. This really does take a stance to ease us into what is to come, which is probably the most disturbing 4 episodes of anime I have ever watched, well, next to Pupa. Final Verdict: Watch this and Tortured Souls together. I wouldn't give this an 8/10 if you were to just watch it on it's own, and on it's own it is pretty mediocre. It is worth the 11 minutes of your life and I would suggest the rest of the series as well.
**I have never played the game this was based on, therefor I will not be comparing it to the game. It's okay. This short OVA that takes place before the main 'series' 'Corpse Party; Tortured Souls' is just okay. It's nice to kinda have a bit more insite to the characters and their relationships prior to the events of the main 'series', this just kind of bored me. It's fine as a short prequel, but they could have made it a little more interesting in my opinion. The story is just them going about their mundane lives, which is fine and well, but honestly, was rhis evenneeded? Yeah we get the insite of their relationships, but the subtle hints in the main 'series' does that well enough. ...At least have Seiko and Naomi bone amirite?
I wasn't expecting much from Corpse Party: Missing Footage. After all, what can you expect from a short OVA to a game that seemed pretty much rounded off? I have to say I was actually pleasantly surprised after watching it. Story - 5/10 In my opinion, this is where Missing Footage is most flawed. Its story (or lack thereof). There isn't really any plot, there are just a few scenes between the characters that provide a small amount of back-story for the game. That being said, Missing Footage (for me anyway) isn't about story. It's about seeing the characters as they live a normal life, before theevents of the game and reinforcing the tragedy of what happened at Heavenly Host. I suppose that in itself is a story of sorts which is why I gave it a five. Art - 10/10 I really liked the art. I thought it was nice that the characters looked pretty much spot on compared with the games (with the exception of Yoshiki who looked slightly different). Heavenly Host looked fantastic too! They really managed to capture the huge, daunting, look of the place. I also loved the gory opening and thought that the art style managed to capture the horror of the whole scene pretty well. (I'll admit it, I winced a bit.) Sound - 10/10 The screams in the opening sounded chillingly genuine and the music added to the atmosphere overall. I thought that the ending was brilliantly done, with there being no sound except for "Insane Ayumi's Theme" playing hauntingly in the background as everyone walked towards their school, unaware of the events about to follow. It was an ending that stuck with me. Character - 9/10 The characters were also very similar to the game, and that isn't a complaint. Missing Footage managed to capture elements of Yoshiki's feelings towards Ayumi, the bond between Satoshi and Yuka and also Mayu and Morishige's friendship although unfortunately not much was mentioned about Ms Yui, nothing in fact. Then again, the scene between Naomi and Seiko did make me chuckle. Enjoyment - 9/10 Again, despite the lack of story, Missing Footage was fun to watch and gave a little bit more information about the characters and provided a few laughs. If anything, I think this is just yet more proof that Corpse Party would make a brilliant anime if done correctly. On its own it isn't much but if you're a fan of Corpse Party then you certainly won't regret taking around ten minutes out of your life to watch Missing Footage (unless your house is burning down or something, in which case, yeah, you should probably do something about that).