663114 is a short but hard-hitting monologue of a 66-year-old cicada. The insect draws parallels between the catastrophes of Hiroshima and Fukushima and poses a fundamental question about the future of our planet. 66 is the number of years since Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by Little Boy and Fat Man. 3/11 is the date of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and following disastrous tsunami. 4 is the number of reactors emitting radiation from the Fukushima Daichii plant. (Source: AniDB)
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Rate a 3 English Subtitled Art film Story An artistic expression/representation on a particular event cycle of disaster in japan. While that is a welcoming approach it was not told my the narration or the art. Only partially. If you wanted the full story behind this incest art you would have to do some research. By reading blogs and so forth. For me having a picture so to speak (Anime) for a story (natural disaster in 2011) and not fully citing or referring to the event is pointless. Yes, the anime did hit at the fact but it was too complex. Not very insightful with their hints. Much likethe title of anime. While it is an okay title for this animation. One could only know the value the title has on the art by having the right inside knowledge. Which again is an okay, mysterious approach but doing so limits the audience. Art -borderline between colorful and bland. -Much like the audience reach the film doesn't go for a full scale view. Only a narrowed one. -slow animation Sound Some of the sound effects were okay. As for the rest they were of poor quality. Not that they were not well produced more poorly made decisions of choices. For example what would make an ideal sound for a car horn? A baaaa from a sheep or beep beep? One makes more sense than the other. Overall:Not for individuals with a short attention span. This film requires inside insight and interpretation. Perfect for an art class to watch as an assignment and interpret. As for a family to watch on the television i would not be surprised if they flicked to a different show midway through.