Music video from Akane Aki.
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This is an AMV of the song Antinotice of Akena Aki (Music genre: Hardpop ish? I dunno) I would like to point out one thing.... WHY THE HELL THOUGHT THAT SHAKY CAMERA THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE AMV VIDEO WAS A GOOD IDEA? Pls point out that person, I will like to fire a arrow to his/her knee. Really it ruined everything for me, it throw my attention away from the song and the video itself. So be prepared. Anything besides that was somewhat descent but nothing really was standing out. - The lyrics are good but doesn´t really been out something new, or at least not for me which isn´ta bad thing per se because the point made in this video is quite important. Antinotice is about putting your facade up, seing how nobody notice how your facade dissapears, noone really caring for you, noone wanting to help you... or something along those lines, there were still some things that I didn´t quite get. - the animation itself was okay, it did the job and was interesting if you OVERLOOK the shaking effect. - The music, depending on your taste, it was okay but nothing really memorable for me :) So should you go watch it? Not really, the shaking effect ruins everything, or at least it did for me :)