Shima Kawauchi was taken in by his kind grandfather following the divorce of his unloving parents. His grandfather passes away in due time, leaving Shima all alone. Consumed by grief, he cries by the oceanside at night when an accident causes him to fall into the water. Unable to swim, Shima nearly drowns but is saved by an incredibly handsome merman. Seeing Shima's emotional state, the merman—who Shima names Isaki—insists that Shima take him home until he fully recovers. However, as they settle into their space together, the two start to form a bond that transcends both species and gender. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Plot Summary: This guy (uke) feels sad cause his grandfather died, so he goes and emo's it out on like a rock in the ocean. Stuff happens and he ends up drowning. BUT THEN LIKE A SEXY MERMAN COMES TO SAVE HIM. And like. They bond and fall in love. The end Art: 10/10 The art style is really unique, pretty, and overall memorable Story: 6.5/10 It's pretty cliche and corny. Characters: 6.5/10 Their relationship progresses at an unrealistic rate. And sometimes you want to face palm. But hey, the character interaction is pretty amusingEnjoyment: 9 Overall: 9 How does a 10 + 6.5 + 6.5 + 9= a 9 you ask? WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Alright, to be honest it's probably like a 7.5-8, BUT YOU KNOW WHY I'M RATING IT A 9? a) Because in the yaoi world, its pretty damn good. There aren't that many yaoi anime, and the quality isn't great (Boku no pico, okane ga nai, Enzai) yeah.....basically, if you like yaoi, it'll be a pretty enjoyable 30mins, though you will cringe a bit at the corniness If you don't like yaoi. Well. Watch it with a friend who likes yaoi, so that every time you facepalm, she/he will giggle/squeal.
When i first started to watch the ova i was pleasantly surprised by the art; it was/ still is beautiful. It wasn't like every other anime, it was colorful yet dark. It drew the eyes in. It was perfect. The music that accompanied the art was wonderful, it really hit the heart and filled the story with life. In the first two minutes i fell in love. I think the concept of this show was cute, and clever. The characters were really well expressed, being brought to life in front of me. It made me laugh and giggle, with the subtle little jokes, and had mecrying at the sadness that Shima held. I just loved the way their love was portrayed in the show. It wasn't instantaneous love, but one that grew. It filled my heart as the plot progressed and Shima grew, and Isaki and him became closer. All in all this story was great. Even if it left me begging for more. You should defiantly watch it.
So I wanted to spend some BL quality time and gave this anime a try. At first I wasn't too sure if I would really watch this to the end or if I would rather stop halfway because the plot would just be too boring and annoying, but to my surprise Kono Danshi, Ningyo Hiroimashita turned out to be one of the best shounen ai series that I watched up until now! Story 7/10 Ok the plot of this fictional work isn't that great, it's not some really original story that you have never seen before but it is enough to keep you entertained and to makeyou eager to watch more. It's a typical teenage drama about who you really are and who really understands you that kind of story, so despite the merman in this series there is nothing supernatural to find here. It's a really slow paced romance setting where Person A meets Person B and must realize that there are feelings for the other person that are more important and stronger than friendship. Art 9/10 The art style is surprisingly well.I can't really compare it to other art styles but it looks really glossy and shiny and full of vibrant colours. On top of that everything has patterns in it, so it looks a bit like overdone fanart but I like it ;) Sound 7/10 The sounds not bad nor is it that memorable but it fits the atmosphere quite well. Character 7/10 The main character reminds me a bit of Haruka Nanase from Free!, because of his similar attitude and looks. He gets a bit of character development and most of the screentime whereas the merman doesn't really has a well written character but nonetheless his character is likeable and fits in the plot well. Enjoyment 10/10 Yeah some of you will say that it's exaggerated to give a 10 here but it's how I feel about this anime. The story is told in a perfect pace with nice art and loveable characters, there is a dramatic climax and a cute ending. So overall I'll it's a 9.0 score for me :)
(This is my first review) I do have a thing for "shounen ai" anime but I don't watch much of it. Oh yea and also am I the only one who thinks that Shima Kawauchi looks similar to Haruka from Free!? So does his voice even though Haruka and Shima don't have the same seiyuu. Sound:10 Outstanding Music was beautiful, even though I don't see much shows/OVA's with outstanding soundtrack. Art:9 Great The art was pretty unusual but relaxing to look at. Story:8 Very Good There was a dark aura behind most of the story and I wanted Shima to spend more time with Isaki but the ending was beautiful.Characters:7 Good There wasn't much character development except the fact that Isaki changed Shima and Shima changed Isaki for how they were thinking about how much they hated themselves. Enjoyment:9 Great I enjoyed the OVA and wouldn't mind a 2nd OVA to come out. The art was a bit odd for me to look at since I don't really see much of that "unusual art". Overall:8.6/10 Very Good I actually wanted to know more about Isakis time during when he was in the water (before he saw Shima). But overall this OVA was very good and I would like to see more of that specific OVA.
I first saw a gifset of it on tumblr, and I was drawn in automatically, the art was beautiful and so I set out to find the anime it was from without knowing anything. You know what? It didn't disappoint me. Story: 8/10 Within a few minutes, I was already in love with the OVA and by the end of it, I was actually somewhat emotional and very touched by the story even though I found the pacing to be off at times, but let me elaborate a little bit. In usual anime and manga, parents are either devil spawns or complete angels, but it's not true andthis OVA captures that really well with the relationship dynamic between Shima's parents and Shima, along with the way Shima was developed (more on that later), the story really hit home for me, and I think it will for most people too. It shows really well what happens when we try to satisfy everyone and and it teaches the audience not to do that through Isaki helping Shima heal. As for the Shounen Ai, honestly, I don't understand why everyone puts so much emphasis on the shounen ai because the story is beautiful even without it. I personally think that even a non shounen ai fan would be able to enjoy it, provided that they can find it in them to sit through enough of it to appreciate the story. Art: 10/10 I don't have much to say about the art, but it is absolutely stunning and it's something you don't see in the anime world nowadays. It's definitely refreshing. It was very colourful but the colours changed from somewhat more saturated and dark into more bright and colourful colours as Shima grew and learnt to accept and let go. It's very subtle though. I say this, but the art won't be everybody's cup of tea. Sound: 9/10 I haven't paid a lot of attention to the music, but I thought their choices were perfect, for the ending especially. The words fit the mood, but it was background music and didn't take over. Character: 9/10 Shima is someone that I think most people can relate to, he tries too hard to satisfy everyone, but in the process he hurts himself almost beyond repair. Isaki comes along and helps him out and the relationship was just beautiful. The characters had their flaws, its more obvious in Shima more than in Isaki, but they are both well rounded characters that are loveable. That said, I do feel Isaki was underdeveloped and their relationship was a bit rushed, but it is understandable, considering that it is an OVA. Enjoyment: 10/10 I absolutely loved the OVA, I loved the art and the music and the characters. The story really hit home for me and it really has been a while since I found one that could do it as well as this one. I do recommend it to everyone to give it a chance, even if you aren't a fan of the Shounen Ai genre. Overall: 10/10
A lonely boy and a lonely merman meet one cold night and soon make a lasting friendship. It’s a pretty sweet story in that regard no matter how choppy the script and imagery was. Shima seriously has an emo sad story which seemed to mess him up badly. It is almost like he wished for someone like Isaki to wash up on shore. Someone to care for him and make him not feel so alone. Someone who was a bit childish himself that could make him smile. Isn’t that what love is all about? In falling in love, it healed a wound that both ofthem had from being alone. It made the story even better that they didn’t end up going into a sexual aspect. It stayed in a rather innocent level like two little kids falling for each other. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that went to far for a first meeting. It was just a friendship that blossomed into something more. The animation was surprising not like any of the main stream shows. It would sometimes be choppy in the animation or very surreal with almost cut and past looking characters while other times it was more fluid. The backgrounds were so detailed and even when they went into just pen and ink designs, they would be pretty high detail for the amount of work that was put into them. Shading always had this sort of water color blotched into colors sort of look with other patterns that were like strips of cloth were glued to the art. I love how original the art style was and how different they tried to make it. The English voices are a bit awkward with sometimes not matching up with the lip sink. They weren’t bad… just… sometimes bland. Sorry this review is so short but there really isn’t much to talk about with this. The show was short and not much to it. It’s a great watch for how short it is though.
This *really* restored my faith in the shounen ai genre. Despite liking shounen ai - in the sense of "love between boys/men" - very much, I hardly ever read or watch anything of this particular genre anymore... I don't really see the point when it is always the same; the same general design, the same problems that arise, the same unrealistic mushiness. All of which might be enjoyable once or twice but really? Isn't there any other way BL can unfold besides "extremely gooey" or "extremely dark/psycho"? Now I have found there is. I gave the story a 9 because, well, I suppose most of all because ofthe authenticity of the problems the characters face. Nowhere else have I ever seen this specific kind of loneliness that Shima experiences being adressed when in fact, it is so common among us. And the manner in which it is broached is really very touching. Also, instead of inventing wholly different problems in order to keep the plot going, the story then draws the rather logical conclusion that if Shima begins to open himself up to the outside world, of course he will (appear to) turn away from Isaki, leading to these moving last several scenes. The only reason I did not give it a 10 is because - while it certainly did a *much* better job at it than most other shounen ai stories - it is still a bit too much on the mushy side. Art receives a 10 for obvious reasons. The style is even more beautiful and original than the cover art lets on. The sound was well made, especially when there was no sound at all - the eerie quiet that surrounds certain scenes (e.g. the beginning) is definitely utilised to its advantage. However, the transitions were a little sloppy at times, therefore an 8. The characters... Shima in particular is great (he would easily receive a 10); Isaki is alright as well, but I feel his character was not delved into enough. A 9 for the characters. Enjoyment 10 - I enjoyed watching it very, very much. It is a true gem amongst shounen ai stories, and even on the superordinate level of OVA, it is refreshing and touching and beautiful. That's why, even though there were a few things that didn't entirely agree with me, I give it an Overall of 10.
WARNING: THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. I'LL TRY TO BE SUBTLE WITH THE SPOILERS BUT JUST FOR A WARNING IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED THE SHOW, DON'T READ THIS. To put it simply, I'm pretty chill with yaoi. It's not like I like to watch it on a daily basis, no sir, but it's just when I find one that catches my attention that leads me into watching it. This was one of them. Story: 6 The story is about our main protagonist, Shima, who is basically that kid who wanted to be perfect for his family. So when his parents had a divorce, he was taken to live withhis grandfather, and life was pretty good after that. A few years later, his grandfather died and Shima just hangs out at a cliff near an ocean. Suddenly, the picture of his grandfather flies out of Shima's hands and, without thinking, he jumps into deep water and nearly drowns when a merman saves him. The merman, later named Isaki, asks Shima if he can live at his house. Shima agrees. Which basically starts the blooming of love between them. I guess I feel as though the plot is pretty cliche for a mermaid story, but at least it shows a little backstory as to why the main character wants to bring a stranger into his home. Art: 8 Seeing a different art style in this anime was really fascinating to watch. The colors of the background and the characters alike was just really pretty. Like... I have no words to say about it. It's just really pretty. Sound: 8 The music was very peaceful and made me feel relaxed but it was sometimes very quiet that I couldn't hear it. Or it could have been where I watched it. Characters: 9 The only characters that were in the show were the two main characters. I mean, even though the side characters didn't get much screen time, they did put great impact on the main character and his development which is really good. The chemistry between Shima and Isaki were really great and I was very delighted at the end of the show. Not to put any spoilers, but you'll be happy at what happens to our two main characters at the end of the show. Enjoyment: 7 As I said before, I'm pretty chill with yaoi but I still freak out at the most littlest things the characters can do, making this review more harder to do. But even with that, I really enjoyed this show and I would like to watch it again. Overall: 8 With a cliche plot, beautiful art style, relaxing music, awesome characters, and my enjoyment, i would recommend this show to people 13 and up and are okay with yaoi.
Woooow, my first review will be for a gay OVA :') Why the hell not. (there is, like, one minor SPOILER ahead) When it comes to shounen-ai, it's supposed to be pretty easy to make it enjoyable for the targeted group. You know, just mix two guys, a bag of stereotypes, sexual tension and you have a shounen-ai anime/manga. ...But then there am I, who will probably shit all over this anime/manga, even though I love LGBT+ stuff. But let's take it from the start. Story - 5/10; Characters - 3/10 If you are looking for a good plot, good characters and good story pacing... do NOT watch thisOVA. It's so cliche that I wanted to slam my head against the table. There are, like, two moments when I was actually really moved by the story, but the rest? No, thanks. Characters are pretty much dumb, their relationship is improving in an unrealistic pace and the fact, that the merman was actually stalking the boy from the early age despite the merman not? aging?? is gross. Points up for not making it about that stupid seme/uke dynamic, but that's pretty much it. (...It was still much better than "Kono Danshi, Sekika ni Nayandemasu.") ...On the other hand. Art - 10/10 !!! Seriously, if the characters would stay silent the whole OVA I would probably rate the whole anime 10/10, because... those... VISUALS! No, really! If you want to watch this anime from the artistic perspective, go ahead! You will not regret it! I mean it, just switch off the sound and enjoy that beautiful, beautiful art and animation. It was orgasmic. (...May I even use the word "orgasmic" in a review?) I don't know how else to describe it, everyone should experience it on their own. I was in awe over that art the whole OVA. Overall - 5/10 The story... and characters... why...
Guess I found a shounen-ai title that's actually decent for once. This Comix Wave short focuses on a lonely teenage boy bonding with a merman who saves his life when he falls into the ocean and the two connecting through feeling similar bouts of loneliness that they are enduring. The short offers enough depth on both characters to explain their personal issues that led them to how they were living now and it tosses in a dramatic twist in the second half that tests their bond and reaffirms to Shima that he isn't truly alone in life. What allows This Boy Caught a Merman towork in comparison to most titles of its genre to click for me is that it shows enough restraint with its drama to not get too overbearing and it fleshes out both guys enough where they feel like people and not mere archetypes. The animation style for this is similar to This Boy Can Fight Aliens with its abstract art style, with surreal color patterns accompanying specific sections of animated details and having limited animation at a number of points in the short. Overall, this is a decent short worth looking into as it provides enough fleshing out and development in the bond between Shima and the merman in its nearly half-hour run.
The story is kind of cliché, but really enjoyable anyways. The characters are nice, kind of seen before, but they both have some things that make them unique. Some parts were funny, others were really touching, especially Shima's story. The art if what I like the most. It is unique and beautiful. The animation is good, although I did find it a bit not fluid enough at times. The music and sound fitted well with the anime, but nothing outstanding. The Japanese dub is great. but I feel like the English dub was a bit rushed (thus the 6 score). If you like yaoi and Shonen-ai,you will love this. As I said, it is the kind of story you might have seen countless times, but I really enjoyed watching this.