Yuu and Natsuki met in the hot sun, during that unforgettable summer vacation... Was it a dream, or...? It was a bittersweet love story? (Source: AniDB)
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It's a bittersweet story of young shotas in lust. Not as creepy and "group-pissing" as the Pico series but is cute all the same. To be honest: I wanted to see the trap dressed up as a [maid] and anally plowing the young guy. That's my fetish. But you know...
I have seen many many Yaoi's in my life but all of them seem to have the same story (which is great no hate towards those anime's at all). This one on the other hand was a little different it definitely interested me more than other yaoi's have over all it was just a great anime.
Some of us like porn with plot; some like porn without plot. With porn, especially hentai, plot need not make any real sense, just enough that we can follow. And "Natsuyasumi." hits the mark: boy on summer vacation meets girl, one thing leads to another, girl turns out to be very passable crossdressing boy. Now, despite the adequacy of the plot, Yuu and Natsuki aren't so well characterized (or perhaps it merely went over my head). They're just two pretty little boys with raging hormones, likely to make otherwise-secure hetero male (and maybe even homo female) viewers question their sexuality. Probably the only significant character detailcomes to light at the end of the third episode, which perhaps leaves potential for a could-have-been fourth. Whether or not you liked "Boku no Pico", you may very well enjoy this series.
Well....What can I say it underrated. Femboys/Crossdresser/Trap in anime is like the sex appalling to non-gay a gender. Will this isn't going to be a short review. Oh well at least it better then cough..cough..Boku no pico..cough. Plot-6/10 (It a better love story then Twilight) (Not bad) It start with a typically type of anime relationship (course) until 5 mins in the very 1st episode it star very shocking and holly crap REALLY? Also in episode when a Natsuyasumi poster is on Yuu bedroom well, you can tell she an famous idol, intel the last 3 episode's. Introduction: 7/10 Exposition: 6/10 Conflict:6/10 Pacing: 7/10 Conclusion: 7/10 Art-7/10 (I like it, it not that bad) I just realized that if you seen Bible Black, Boku No pico, or Megachu, this was made by the same director and key animation who did number series of Hentai. Animation: 7/10 Setting: 5/10 Sound-7/10 (There no music, except one music at the ending theme of each episode) The voice acting is unique, there not much to say. Music: 6/10 Voices: 8/10 Characters-6/10 (There look adorable, undevelopment. (I'm not gay) Natsuki is cuter then Hazuki, Yuu (my opinion) Can you tell one them is a guy and the other is a trap. The answer is Both. Just because it a Character's gender in a anime, doesn't mean they ain't no development in there conflict. At least their not underage over 13, that creepy! Major Characters: 6/10 Development: 5/10 Enjoyment-9/10 (I think it my type!) No not that boku no pico I's mention it, I talking about it anime to yaoi to a crossdresser female. Well the characters development and it plot was short, and falseness. It still enjoyable. Just to let you know it a Yaoi, it art but sexuality is a fantasy of love relationship. Overall-6/10 (honesty I give this 7, but it not bad) It a short anime with well-done plot & characters, but slowly became the half cup of tea in 1/4 cup. You may find this sexy or not sexy, but you into that stuff like hentai or yaoi with female crossdresser/trap, it a deal for you to give it a try.