Miura Kyoji, a dedicated kendo student, discovers that his shisho (master) Tate Masanari is a reincarnated Incan warrior named Yawaru who wishes to destroy the world to purify it. Kyoji himself is the warrior Bilka, who foiled Yawaru's plans in their previous lives. Yawaru gathers other awakened spirits to release the powers of nature. Now Kyoji must wrestle with his own fate and decide if he is merely a vessel for the reincarnated soul or if he is truly Miura Kyoji and which will be better able to save the world and the future as he knows it. (Source: ANN)
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“Yes. No. Maybe. I Don’t Know. Could you repeat the question?” – “Boss of Me” by They Might Be Giants Jikuu Tenshou Nazca is a bit of an infamous anime, but not for anything the anime itself did. No, it’s infamous for being featured in the opening credits of Malcolm in the Middle along with several other lesser known media (such as One Million Years BC, Clash of the Titans, Creature from the Haunted Sea, Thrill Seekers, and clips from a WCW Mayhem PPV just to mention a few). So I had absolutely no idea what to expect when going into this series. To use anexact quote from Malcolm from the middle, specifically Dewey, “I expect nothing, and I’m still let down”. The series follows Miura Kyoji, a dedicated kendo student, who, after rushing to see his Kendo Team Captain and mentor, Tate Masanari, participate in a national tournament. His random encounter with Tate’s fiancee, Yuk a Kiritake, is soon overshadowed when both of them discovers that Tate Masanari is a reincarnated Incan warrior named Yawaru who wishes to destroy the world to purify it after both seeing him briefly transform into Yawaru during the Kendo match. It is soon after that Kyoji discovers that he is the warrior Bilka, who foiled Yawaru’s plans in their previous lives. Yawaru gathers other awakened spirits to release the powers of nature. Now Kyoji must wrestle with his own fate and decide if he is merely a vessel for the reincarnated soul or if he is truly Miura Kyoji and which will be better able to save the world and the future as he knows it. After all my years about wondering where that one clip of that guy grinning in the Malcolm in the Middle opening, my curiosity has been satiated. But not in the good way. Nazca is a bit of a mixed bag even at the best of times to put it nicely, and just flat out just not good the rest of the time. I guess the biggest compliment I could give to the series is that the plot had mild potential. Yeah, the reincarnation stuff is old had in story telling at this point, but it’s something. But of course, the series quickly squanders any potential it had with everything else. Everyone in the English dub sounds bored out of their minds. They all sound like they’re just reading the dialogue off the script without even bothering to have read it before or practice their lines before the recording, with little to no inflection, which I imagine is not too far off the truth. One of the teenagers sounds like he’s been smoking cigarettes for 20 years, and said character has quite a bit of forced cursing as part of his dialogue Another character even says “Aww shit!” about something that’s about to happen to them in an unironic manner. And no, going over to the Japanese dub is minimally better than the English dub at best. I imagine that this was one of those English dubs that had little money put into it since it was a package deal with some other bigger and more popular anime just so they could shove whatever they could onto shelves in the West to jump on that Anime craze going on in the late nineties, and what we got was a stilted script. The animation is also all over the place. Every now and again, in between the mediocre animation, we’re treated to some of the most 90s CGI that I’ve ever seen from a series. It’s hilarious watching two characters slide across the floor of a 3D room that they don’t fit in stylistically with whatsoever. Say what you want about CGI in modern anime, at least the software has significantly improved to the point where it blends a lot better than what the 90’s had to offer (even if half the time it feels lazily put in, but that’s another thing). The design of some of their characters before their reincarnation is OK, but that’s such a backhanded compliment that I don’t consider it a plus. The most interesting thing were the designs of the characters before their reincarnation, and that’s me desperately looking for something to compliment. The series doesn’t feel like it has any natural progression. Usually a scene can come out of nowhere with no transition, and if you’re lucky, it’s followed by another scene of characters sitting down and haphazardly trying to explain what just happened. There’s no smooth in pacing in between scenes whatsoever, and there were times I was confused as to what was going on. It was until a couple of episodes later that I finally realized that the characters had even flown to another country to investigate what’s going on, because the characters were in a completely different location altogether, and while they were there, they got a vision that just made things more confusing. Once the story manage to lay everything out, it wasn’t a very interesting story. So out of fairness for the anime, I decided to check out the 2 volume manga to see if it was any good, or at least better than the anime, but it's bad for completely different reasons. Also, I decided to throw the review of the manga into the review of the anime simply because it's the same story and there's no reason to stretch out an anime that covers a lot of the same source material. Much like the anime, the manga rushes through a lot of scenes, going from one to the next, but even worse than the anime. Some scenes from the anime don't even appear in the manga, making it feel even more rushed. On the other side, a lot of scenes involving the characters past lives have been expanded apon, fleshing them out somewhat. So I guess that makes the manga and anime companion pieces to each other. The manga states that the main character had gone to Peru for 10 days, something we, as an audience, don't learn until after it happens. The whole thing makes it seem like he left for a weekend. Characters just suddenly appear with no introduction. The manga also has characters that the anime doesn't, and since they're not properly introduced, it's annoying to try and keep track of stuff. And Shinri doesn't get enough time unlike their anime counter part, even if that character is shallow. However, the manga does provide back stories for some of the characters, both in ancient times and recent history, with Tate and Kyoji getting the most of it. Also, in the manga, when it flashes back to the main characters previous life, he even has a giant talking cat creature that looks like 'Red XIII' from Final Fantasy VII if they were more closely designed to be more of a mix between a tiger and cheetah. And even this character gets reincarnated, with the character being awakened in a small dog, and is the one joke in the whole thing that's actually amusing. Still, the dog transitions into it's old self, but it's one of the memorable things about the manga. I would have loved to see that in the anime. Basically, the whole thing felt tiring to read, and not for the right reasons. Some of the comic panels are slightly awkward to read due to the layout, taking me a second to figure out the reading order of the panels on quite a few pages, which contributes to how rushed the whole thing feels. I guess that makes the anime the preferred way of experiencing Nazca. It's more coherent than the manga at least. And the most hilarious thing is that after some light reading on the real Nazca culture, it appears that this isn't even historically accurate, taking so many liberties that it might as well be it's own thing, combining stuff from Mayan, Aztecm, and Incan cultures as well inserting some Japanese elements, such as katanas. Nazca needs another proper anime series that smooths out some of the problems. It needs to combine the backstories and extra characters from the manga, and have the whole thing better paced so the audience can tell what is going on. Is Jikuu Tenshou Nazca worth watching or reading? Not unless you’ve had the burning question “What was that anime clip from the intro of Malcolm in the Middle from?” for the last 20 years like I did, which is an incredibly niche and obscure question that I doubt that a lot of people would have even asked to begin with.
Jikuu Tenshou Nazca is a unique show which manages to use an even more outlandish plot element than your standard anime. Reincarnated Incan warriors. . . . In Japan. During a kendo match, the protagonist Kyoji's sensei Tate awakens to his past life memories, setting in motion the renewal of his apocalyptic past-life designs. He goes about awakening other reincarnated spirits--including our hero--even though half these people worked -against- him the last time. Maybe he thought they'd be more dissatisfied with modern Japan then they were with ancient Peru? What makes this absolutely silly is just how many reincarnated Incan warriors can be found in thesame social circle of a Japanese high school. At one point, a newly introduced character who gets caught up in events, declared to be expendable by the villains, also spontaneously awakens as a reincarnated Incan priest. In all honesty, if they'd started turning characters' grandparents and random passersby on the street into reawakened warrior priests, I wouldn't have been surprised. In fact, had they just turned all of Japan into reawakened Incans for a massive apocalyptic battle, it would have made for a more exciting climax. What's more, you'd expect the characters and their renewed struggle to be tied up in Peru, and thus lead them there. Well, blessedly, it does. . . for like a single episode. Then they go back to Japan. . . because it's anime, and anime can ONLY take place in Japan. Viracocha forbid somebody think outside the island box. In the show's defense, they -do- make a weak explanation later in the show, but it really doesn't cut it. Those (extremely cogent) arguments aside, the writing in general wasn't as silly or hairbrained as you'd expect, and I found myself enjoying the battles and story's forward progression. I've seen plenty of popular shows that hit you with goofy scenario after goofy scenario. Comparatively, I'm sure plenty of people can excuse implausible reincarnations. Animation is very well done. Characters are well designed and animated; I was especially impressed by the quality of character's faces, and was pleased with the stylistic presentation of everything set in present day Japan. People looked and dressed normally, which I consider a plus. The problem is introduced in the flashbacks. While the animation is still good quality, the design is horrible. Instead of traditional Incan garments, they wear skin-tight one pieces with tribal accessories. I get the impression the artist's investigation into ancient South American clothing only got as far as Mexican Wrestling. Even where the story was interesting, I found myself distracted and annoyed by just how goofy the villain looked in what I can only imagine to be primitive spandex. As for the characters: they didn't really leave any strong impressions. There were a couple I liked enough to care when they were in peril--Daimon was likable for being one of the few dynamic characters, who actually faced the ethical dillema of which side he thought was right, and I liked Yuka, who seemed more to me like the story's protagonist than Bilka/Kyoji. . . .But most of the development was presented disjointedy through past-life flashbacks, and it all felt rather hollow. The interpersonal relationships didn't feel very deep, the villains seemed to have the most fleshed out motivations, and I found myself mostly indifferent toward the lot of them. Despite its shortcomings, there is one area in which Nacza not only does well, but excels. Rather than the generic J-Pop or J-Rock that the medium is saturated with, the music is remixed Bach, which works incredibly well. The OST was reminiscent of Hironobu Sakaguchi, and seems more like something you'd find in a classic RPG than an anime. That's a good thing. It gives a grand and serious tone to events which are really too silly to be taken as grand and serious without it. The music managed to draw me into events which probably would have bored me otherwise, and without it I'd probably rate the show lower. In summation, Nazca is an. . .interesting. . . anime. It does some things well, and a lot of things mediocre, but the final blend was something palatable if not savory. Despite my various complaints, I was, admittedly, never bored. Viewers who can suspend their disbelief and enjoy things in spite of absurdities will be able to tolerate or even enjoy the show. But those who like to nitpick over every small implausibility and unliklihood should keep far, -far- away.
I have never really felt compelled to write a review of an anime. Then I watched Nazca. I came upon this show most likely the way that most people have. “What’s that anime featured in the Malcolm in the Middle intro?” I didn’t expect anything more than either an average show or possibly a complete mess that would make for a good laugh. I just wanted to watch this just to watch it. Although, I was curious if there was something to the show that others didn’t get, however; I go into anything with an open mind regardless of how the majority feel about it.I truly believed that this was going to be just as I expected. Then I start the show. From the first two episodes it is obvious the premise seems downright silly. Further into the show you can see that it is historically inaccurate. It seems like something you just have to write off. Like how can this possibly get any better? But there were elements to the show that couldn’t go unnoticed. Nazca is unique, it is bold, it is entertaining and above all it is confident in itself. Akira Himekawa believed in this story and she ran with it. As I progressed, I continued to see her vision and what she was trying to go for, while at the same time never losing sight of how this was not for everybody. I believe that Himekawa was not trying to please anybody but simply write using 100% of her creativity, and one thing I’d be disappointed to hear about this story from another person is that it lacked creativity. This may be one of the easiest anime to write off as nonsense, and I would not blame anyone who would feel this way at all. However, if you ask me, there is nothing like Nazca. This is one of my favorite anime, and I would recommend it to anyone, regardless of how many asked me, “what the hell do you see in this?” That is for me to see, and believe me, I see it. Thanks Malcolm in the Middle.
Review in english and Spanish Seems that Im the only one who found this series not because of "Malcom in the midle"; Im from peru so i was looking for some anime that was about the Incas....and well what i found was pretty mediocre The history is simple ancient warriors from the Incan Empire got reincarnated as young japaneses(because,,,,,,ANIME!!!!) and now they will figth for the destiny of the earth, in general the Plot is decent.....except for the final, this need an epilogue The characters are OK, the main protagonist has a decent development...the others character are really simples but with a good characterization, the seriesdont spend time developing them The animation is mediocre but the soundtrac is quite good, is exotic and armonius. In conclusion unless you are interested en the ancients cultures of southamerica(usually people only care about the Aztecs and Mayas) or if you are from southamerica this anime is one that you can easily ignore ESPAÑOL Aparentemente soy de los pocos que no comenso a ver esta serie por" Malcom el del medio", soy peruano asi que estuve buscando algun anime que tratara el tema de los Incas y bueno lo que encontre fue bastante meh La historia es bastante simple guerreros de la antigua civilisacion incaica reencarnan en jovenes japoneses.....y ahora en sus nuevos cuerpos se enfrentaran entre si para decidir el destino de la tierra, la historia es decente aunque el verdadero problema es el final que carece de un epilogo satisfactorio. Los personajes estan bien en general, el conflicto del protagonista en enfrentarse a su maestro esta decentemente llevado, los personajes secundarios son bastante simples pero bien caracterizados, aunque la serie no se toma tiempo de profundizar en ellos La animacion es bastante mediocre, pero lo que si considero medianamente destacable es el soundtrack que suenta exotico y armonioso al mismo tiempo. En general es una serie bastante mediocre con una premisa ya vista innumerable veces, es refrescante que se enfoque en un cultura precolombina que no sean los Mayas y Aztecas, pero tampoco le saca el correcto probecho; diria que a menos que te interesen las culturas antiguas de sudamerica o de paso seas Sudamericano esta serie es algo que facilmente puedes ignorar.