Lucky☆Star follows the daily lives of four cute high school girls—Konata Izumi, the lazy otaku; the Hiiragi twins, Tsukasa and Kagami (sugar and spice, respectively); and the smart and well-mannered Miyuki Takara. As they go about their lives at school and beyond, they develop their eccentric and lively friendship and making humorous observations about the world around them. Be it Japanese tradition, the intricacies of otaku culture, academics, or the correct way of preparing and eating various foods—no subject is safe from their musings. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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"This is so BORING!" is what most of you will say if you watch it. I'll admit, that is what I thought at first, and I stopped watching on the first episode when they were talking about which side is the head of a "chocolate cornet bread"... But after a while, I gave it another try, and this time, I watched patiently and watched through the entire first episode. I was still not impressed, and still bored. I moved on to the next episode, and as you can tell by my over-all rating of a 10, I loved the rest. Now here is why: The story, isnon-existent (as I will put no emphasis on story in this review). But that was one of the main reasons I loved it. There was no tension, no fighting, no drama, no heart-breaks. Just pure comedy. Comedy? Well, there's nothing that will make you roll over. But, there are countless moments where it makes you smile, many times even chuckles if you get the jokes. The comedy works in this anime by having the characters go through moments where you go like, "OH I feel you!", "I totally know what you mean!, or "Ah so glad I am not the only one who does that!". That's why it's really funny in a way, making this the most accurate "slice of life" I have ever viewed. The English dub for this anime is pretty amazing (for once), the voice actor for Konata, the main character, does a wonderful job of bring her to life. The characters are all likable, but Konata is one of the best characters I have seen, and she manages to do all that without geass powers or sword skills, too. I don't want to spoil anything, so I will leave it up to you to find out more about why I find Konata so great. Also, it's a huge plus if you are exposed to Japanese culture (real life), because many of the jokes is about the daily life there and you will only get the jokes if you have experienced it (there aren't that many, so don't worry). To sum it up, Lucky Star is about the daily life of the girls, there won't be any conflicts like there are in many slice of life anime, this anime is very peaceful, and you can relate to many of the characters. Give it a try! Watch a few clips of it! Type in "Funny Lucky Star Moments" on Youtube and see for yourself! If you like it, WATCH IT. Don't marathon it, in fact, watch an episode after a long day, or better yet, watch it to calm your nerves after something like Code Geass/Death Note. Thank you
There is nothing in entertainment worse than bad comedy. Bad drama, horror, romance, or action at least has the possibility of being amusing, if only for purely ironical purposes, and watching something which is intended to be serious completely fail can be surprisingly fun (see MST3K). However, watching something try to be funny and fail is hardly ever amusing in the slightest, and amounts, for me at least, to the epitome of nauseating boredom. In the anime world, Lucky Star is perhaps the best (and at the very least the most popular) example of bad comedy ever made. Now, it is more or less universally agreed uponamongst Lucky Star's detractors that the show is, quite simply, "unfunny." At the same time however, it is not always explained in detail why or how it is unfunny. But before delving into the specifics, I will freely admit from the outset that comedy is probably the most subjective and difficult of all genres (I myself have some bizarre comedic tastes) to review. Nevertheless, I believe Lucky Star merits special attention, along with a special place in Hell, for how unprecedentedly unfunny it is. This is also why I chose it for my inaugural anime review. Basically, the "humor" of Lucky Star is derived from two sources: 1) Discussions about everyday life experience (e.g. food, homework, clothes), and 2) References (either verbal or visual) to other anime franchises and various anime-related tropes. As for the first, Lucky Star makes the awful mistake of assuming that simply because something is true or commonly experienced, it is funny. Thus the episodes are crammed with inane, excruciatingly detailed conversational gems like Person 1: "You know how when it's cold outside, you want to stay inside for longer?" Person 2: "Haha yeah, I've totally been there!" or Person 1: "You know how when you have a lot of stuff to do, you clean your room instead?" Person 2: "Haha yeah, I've done that before!" You get the idea. The whole "funny because it's true" thing in my experience only works if it is comingled with an adequate amount of absurdity or exaggeration (for an example, see Mike Judge's films). Lucky Star, on the other hand, aims for pure realism in all its dullness. With this "comedic" logic, they may as well assume that simply because I have eaten food before, I will think that watching people eat food is funny; furthermore, I will think that people talking about eating food is also funny. What makes this method even more ridiculous for Lucky Star is the fact that one must be rather extensively versed in Japanese culture to even "get" a lot of these "jokes," let alone find them funny. As for the anime references, this is where the annoyance factor truly rears its ugly head. Typically, an outside reference to another anime is funny because it is unexpected and well-timed. Lucky Star on the other hand, crams in as many references as it possibly can, many of which are to other works from Kyoto Animation. As one might imagine, this not only gets incredibly dull, but also unbearably irritating as the show progresses. By far the most frequent and most facepalm-inducing are the references to the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Granted, this trick was somewhat amusing the first time, but by the end of the series, the Haruhi references become so frequent, so bland, and so obvious that I literally began slamming my head into my desk. Thus like the reference to "everyday life," the references to anime make the assumption that just because we have seen the shows referenced, that we will find the references funny. Are we really supposed to pat ourselves on the back and quietly snicker to ourselves for being "in the know"? It seems like the real reason for all these anime references is a) a clever form of product-placement and b) riding on the success of vastly superior franchises (Full Metal Panic, Haruhi Suzumiya, the Key-game shows). The only reference that actually made me chuckle a bit (and not immediately roll my eyes or want to punch my computer screen) was the part in episode 13 where one of the shop employees uses his "Geass" on Konata to get her to buy a DVD, only to find that she is three yen short. Now typically, in order to use reference-parodies like this successfully, one ought to find a way to integrate them in a creative and subtle way, and there are many examples of this in anime alone. Lucky Star, on the other hand, particularly when parodying well-known anime tropes, squanders its comedic potential by feeling the need to tell you exactly what they are parodying. Therefore, whenever Miyuki trips or turns off the light by accident, or Yutaka mentions that she is frail and "sick all the time," we are sure to have Konata not far off to immediately comment how incredibly "moe" she is. Ha. Ha. Ha. There is a similar delivery style with "tsundere," "fanservice," and other related terms and cliches. Watching this is like listening to someone tell a joke only to quickly explain the punchline before the audience even has a chance to laugh. Aesthetically, there is not terribly much to say other than I find it amazing that even here Lucky Star manages to add yet another layer of annoyance. The characters were clearly designed to resemble the (equally unfunny) manga as closely as possible, and the result is not pleasing. The foreground and background art is lackluster and totally generic, not to mention the core girls all look waaaay too young (and not just in a typical "moe" way) for being in high school. Such failure in this department is all the more surprising knowing that this show was produced by Kyoto Animation, a studio which, among other things, is particularly well known for its beautiful and groundbreaking visual styling. In Lucky Star, there is no such evidence whatsoever that this is the same company who did Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid, Air, or Kanon. I suspect the real reason Kyoto took this project on was because of potential legal issues surrounding the ludicrous amounts of references to their other works. Other than that, the music consists of bland, forgettable five-note pieces typical for this kind of show. Except worse. Setting aside for a moment what Lucky Star has brings up the important issue of what it does not have. In fact, one of Lucky Star's most subtle and yet most serious detriments is the almost complete absence of visual humor of any kind (the stock anime-facial-expressions aside). The show is quite simply a bunch of talking heads, and as something in the medium of animation, Lucky Star feels incredibly out of place; 99% of the show consist of dialogue and dialogue only. Suffice it to say, this show was a complete and unfortunate waste of Kyoto's talent. All in all, my biggest problem with Lucky Star, and the reason why I have been compelled to write this review, is that it basically gives slice of life comedy a bad name--something which is all the more compounded by its rabid popularity. It is not at all unlikely that someone who has never seen a slice of life show will first see Lucky Star and then assume that the entire genre is of similar quality. After all, comments like "nothing happens" and "there's no plot" are fairly common amongst complaints from Lucky Star haters. Unfortunately, I believe people may be missing out on a lot of great, funny, clever slice of life shows "where there's no plot" (Fumoffu, Azumanga Daioh, Minami-ke) if Lucky Star does indeed manage to taint them so severely. It is interesting to note that Lucky Star is perhaps most often mentioned along with the classic Azumanga Daioh, and the comparison is not at all unmerited: both shows are based off of a four-panel manga about a group of quirky high school girls and their antics. However, once the stylistic similarities are brushed aside, you are left with two anime which could not be more diametrically opposed. That is, whereas Azumanga Daioh represents the pinnacle of comedy done right, Lucky Star represent the pinnacle of comedy done wrong; whereas Azumanga Daioh uses "random conversations about food" in a broader, situational context to give them humorous contrast, Lucky Star takes this device to a ridiculous extreme--it makes an entire show out of it to the expense of nearly everything else. The difference between Azumanga's Osaka and Lucky Star's Konata is that the former is one character amongst many, whereas the latter is only an otaku-pandering, watered-down Osaka amongst many other watered-down Osaka's, without any significant personality contrast. In Lucky Star, there is no one to sarcastically say "wow, you have a really vivid imagination..." but rather the one-note "joke" of "randomness" continues on into senseless oblivion. If Azumanga Daioh is a bright beacon of joyful, energetic laughter, Lucky Star is a dark pit of disparaging, cynical boredom (if you'll excuse the melodramatic language). It basically takes the slice of life genre but does not fill it with any real content, leaving naught but an empty husk. In conclusion, if you want a creative, genuine, funny slice-of-life comedy and not simply a long otaku in-joke set on repeat, avoid Lucky Star like the plague.
When I first looked into Lucky Star, I thought I was going to be impressed. People in the anime club I help run wanted to watch this series so bad and it ended up in 4th place, so we weren't able to show it this semester. Still, I wanted to know what the appeal of Lucky Star was. The chibi art made the anime look unique and interesting, and I thought that I couldn't go wrong with an anime series that was so popular. This is where "looks can be deceiving" really comes into play. Despite the cute art, which got annoying very quickly, Lucky Starreally fell on its face form the get-go. The story had nothing to offer. Basically, you spend twenty-four episodes watching a group of high school girls run around, talk to each other, make jokes, and dance. I have completely summarized the entire series for you in that last sentence, and I'm not kidding. Each episode was a repeat as the last, except for character problems and issues, and after every episode I said, "Alright, it still has to get better from here," and it never did. The only thing that ever improved was the Lucky Channel, but that was because I didn't have to hear Akira's annoying squeaking in the last three or so episodes. I know that the story is suppose to be based around a comedic high school cast, but to be honest, the comedy was terrible. In order to get most of the jokes, one would have to know a lot in video games, anime, and Japanese puns. Now, I don't know a lot of video games or Japanese puns, so those jokes failed, and the anime jokes that I did get surfaced once in a while, and that type of comedy was absolutely terrible. I think I snickered maybe once or twice during the entire series. Yes, the entire series. Along with Lucky Star's terrible story and comedy choice, I found myself hating most of the characters. The only half-way decent characters were shown in the last half of the anime, and those characters really weren't anything special. Most of the weren't dynamic, lacking originality, and went along with the same thing over and over again. When those sparks of originality were shown, they were quickly covered by the same old, bland things that happened through out the entire series. A great example comes from Konata, the main girl with blue hair and green eyes. She runs around every episode, talks about food, anime, video games, and how she was late or tired because she stayed up all night playing video games. Kagami, one of the lavender haired twins, is exactly the same way - smart, angered easily, and is very poor at house chores. Miyuki, the pink haired girl with glasses, is klutsy, "moe", intelligent, and formal with her speech. I could go on and on, but I don't think it's needed. With the characters, art, and story quickly falling apart, I turned to something I thought would work - the music. I learned quickly, however, that the music was only a little better than everything else. Some of the songs sounded like they were recorded on a cellphone and then placed into the show. It wasn't that the quality was bad, but rather than the music used was very bland, unoriginal, and lacked dynamic, not that the story had any of those or anything. The music fit the series alright, but by itself, the music would just be a waste of space on whatever drive you would be listening to it on. Even the opening theme was annoying. So, with all of these things said, I'm surprised that I made it to the last episode. Now, it's safe to say that just because I didn't enjoy it doesn't mean that others won't. Obviously, the MAL rating for Lucky Star fights any point that I've made against the series. However, I will not be recommending Lucky Star to any of my friends. Ever. In fact, I will tell them to avoid it, and to be fair in my fight, I don't think it deserves the popularity it has. Sure it's cute, but that's about it.
Erm...So i have now re-watched it for second time...This is my first time doing something like that. Raki ☆ Suta! Story: Most common mistake people make is that they say Lucky Star doesn't have a story. It has! "The daily lives of 4 high school girls." Understood? Good. Can't say much here, because of the randomness of "slice of life" genre. Still, I like how the story progress, except for the first few episodes which people usually don't understand what the series is about - which is director's fault. *shrugs* He got fired after the first four episodes anyway. If you think this story isbad, wait 'till you see Mars of Destruction. 8/10 Art: Yeah, I know that the art is nothing compared to KyoAni's usual productions, but is far better than them in one aspect, cuteness. Anyone who have watched the series can tell that how cute Konata is. Most of the scenes aren't really detailed, you usually see the upper parts of the characters, but that doesn't change how well cuteness goes with Miyuki's 'ultimade moe-ness', Konata's children-like personality and Tsukasa's 'little sister-ish' figure. BTW, background is detailed, proof (was) here, now destroyed with the absence of BBCodes. 8/10 Sound: This one varies a lot, depending on how many animes you've seen. The OP is catchy, and goes with the cuteness of the anime. The different endings were a good addition to anime, but if you haven't heard the songs before, you may think that a single ending theme would be better. And for the second part of the EDs, Shiraishi Minoru does awesome job. You still may not know some of the songs sung by him, but just watching him is entertaining too. I love how KyoAni toys with their own songs. The sound effects and OST isn't really obvious, but I can say that how it goes with the flow and is "cute" really enhances the dialogues. Especially when Kona-chan is about to start saying a funny comment about Kagami, the way music stops right before it and you can guess it coming. 8/10 Characters: Probably you can't learn their personalities in just one episode, but as the time goes on, you learn more and more about their personality. Even in the second half of the anime where they introduce new characters, no character gets more screentime than another. If they do, well, KyoAni is sure to make a joke about them! They are so unique and easy to remember. OK, not really unique (Kagami as you typical tsundere and Miyuki as you typical moe) but they are unique in their own ways. No wait! According to Shiraishi, Kagami isn't tsundere! Oh well, I don't care about what he thinks. Kagami is tsundere. 9/10 Enjoyment: What can someone give this part anything besides 10 out of 10? Great jokes, mainly based Suzumiya Haruhi and everyday problems of the world and Japan. Again, if you haven't watched Haruhi yet, you won't be able to get even the half of the jokes. That said, if you have watched it, you'll probably love the jokes. Azumanga Daioh is pretty much the same as Lucky Star, both having jokes based on pure randomness. School Rumble is more romance oriented, but still on par with them. If I had to pick one of them, it'd definitely be Lucky Star. 10/10 Overall: This series is a definitely a must-see for someone who has some anime knowledge and interested in slice of life/comedy genre. Lucky Star is a win or lose situation. Either you hate it, or you love it. If you like it, it will probably certainly be one of your favourite animes. If you don't like the slice of life/comedy genre and don't have fun finding all those references, I suggest that you don't watch it. Be sure to watch Haruhi beforehand, if you are going to watch Lucky Star. 10/10
I may be considered as a Lucky Star hater. The previous sentence is for people who click the "Not Helpful" button just because they disagree with the review instead of how well constructed the review is; I do not wish to waste their precious time as inhumane and insensitive beings to destroy other people's lives as reviewers. Even if I do talk about the good aspects of the work that I enjoyed, I expect about 10 of 1,500 people to find this review helpful so Lucky Star fans, make me proud. To everyone else considering this show and reading reviews because of how well-constructed theyare, I implore you to continue reading. I am a big fan of slice-of-life shows. It is a genre that plays with the mundaneness of life and family; there is very little concrete story and shows tend to be driven either by comedy, moe, or relationship dynamics. Lucky Star is not a slice-of-life show, but a show that panders to otakus with a considerable amount of fanservice and random anime references that makes Family Guy cry in his bed and call for mommy. I do not wish to call such works terrible just because they do that; Pani Poni Dash does this as well and it's way funner to watch even if you don't get all the references because it feels like a sitcom. Lucky Star is not a sitcom. The show itself is inconsistent. Episode 1 is infamous because it is plain boring. In the Studio Shaft anime, Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei, the characters criticized episode 1's coronet scene for just being plain boring. Episode 1 is almost unwatchable. It makes FLCL's quotable line, "Nothing amazing happens here. Everything is ordinary.", feel so true with the anime medium. People who plan to watch this show should note the actual work only starts at about episode 2. Other episodes involve the "cute girls doing cute things" mantra. I'm pretty cool with this -- as I said, I'm a big fan of slice-of-life works --; however, the main character cast is almost a letdown from the beginning. Konata, played by Aya Hirano, references to Haruhi and other famous shows from the past. If you know Hokuto no Ken/Fist of the North Star and Initial D, then you are in luck. Most people don't; however, this show can still be watched without knowing the references. It's just that you'll be missing 80% of the show's "appeal", unlike Pani Poni Dash's which only amounts about 40%. Kagami is a tsundere who plays the straight man role. Tsukasa is moe and clumsy. Miyuki is moe and smart because she has glasses. If we judge them by character models, I think they're all pretty cute. As characters, they are terrible, bland, and boring. They don't offer a lot of interesting dynamics and they just feel flat as characters. Miyuki is one of the worst flat characters, changing very little throughout the show. Other episodes fared better with the addition of supporting characters. I enjoyed the supporting characters more than the main cast. Konata's dad, Izumi, is a perverted man who enjoys taking pictures of little girls and often asks his daughter to find the flag to get into the h-scene in eroges. Anime Tenchou is one of the most memorable characters and his over-the-top antics leave something to desire in the show itself. Akira Kogami's and Minoru Shiraishi's dynamics are just fun to look at; I look forward to their Lucky Channel segment a lot. There is an episode that I remember being actually good. It's about Konata's mother. To me, that's actually pretty good slice-of-life drama. Why the show doesn't follow this formula of success and go into moe pandering confuses me. While I am negative about the characters, the modeling as I said are great. The puni plush style is gorgeous and the backgrounds, as expected from KyoAni, are beautiful and photorealistic. If I view this as an art piece, it might get a B+ from me. The OP is one of those catchy atrocious tunes; the lyrics make little sense at all. Animation in the OP is pretty dynamic and wacky, unlike the show itself. I'm more of a "meh" when it comes to the OP. To call the show polarizing is an understatement; it's either a show that you love or hate. I am clearly at the "hate" part, but I see some good aspects of the work. However, there are too many problems that causes me to dislike and hate the work. I admit that this work is influential, but for the wrong reasons. People should not just watch for the work's influence, but whether they enjoyed it or not. That's how you rate and review a work.
What happens when you combine my favorite genre (Slice of Life) with my favorite studio (Kyoto Animation)? You get Lucky Star. Story: Normally when I score story in a Slice of Life show, I do it based on all the episodic stories combined. But what happens when a show does not have that and is just pure life and is random with no coherent order/story. That is why I left the score a blank. But I would still like to talk about the content. Lucky Star plays off its humor through normal everyday conversations. Talking about the most random things and finding humor out of itis tricky. Personally, I found most conversations hilarious because I enjoy the idea of everyday situations being made fun at. This type of humor is not for everybody and thus why this show can be a hit or miss. Another aspect of this show is its use of references. A good amount of conversations play off such references. And they can go anywhere from other anime to current events. It went as far as to use an old commercial. One of the keys to be able to enjoy this anime is to be able to know the references. Watching as much anime as I do, I got most of them easily. Art/Animation: Technically speaking, this is not KyoAni's best work. But the style and design works really well for this type of story. There are times where I felt that they were being very lazy and yet there were times I was marveled at the level of detail. Of course it is nowhere near the level of their other works such as Haruhi. Sound: Voice - Everyone plays there roles really well. I was particularly impressed with Hirano Aya (voice of Konata). KyoAni really utilized her vocal range and made great situations out of it. Music - To me, this is probably the weakest aspect of the show. The OP is indeed catchy but it can only be appealing for so long. And the "different" ED each week was a hit or miss. The only great part about it was the appearance of Minoru Shiraishi. Having him sing for the last part of the series was brilliant. Listening to him was a blast. Character: Perhaps the strongest aspect of the show. The cast of Lucky Star are great. The variety it has and the way they fit so well together really bring out the show. Whether you come to like this show or not, I believe there will be at least one character that you can't help but like. Rather than me telling you, I hope you go check out this show after reading this review and see for yourself. Enjoyment = My score on MAL (it is subjectively rated) Overall, this is a very enjoyable show. But it is for those who are into those kinds of humor. It is not something I would recommend to everybody. I believe this show is one of those shows where it is a hit or miss.
I've gotta hand it to you Lucky Star haters, you cease to amaze me. No, I'm not some illogical retard who loves Twilight or crap like that, I'm pretty much one who has logic, in all seriousness I love logic. When you see me posting illogical stuff and me not admitting it, then I was either a) trolling or b) being drunk (I tend to lose myself when it's really late or really early in the morning but not drink beer drunk). I wanted to write this review because I was just overwhelmed seeing people who hate Lucky Star just because of their whorish fans. Iknow some of your friends keep bitching to you how epic win Lucky Star is and that you MUST, NO MATTER WHAT MUST like Lucky Star but hey I won't force you, I'm just here to tell you,"NOT ALL LUCKY STAR FANS ARE RETARDS, HENCE STOP STEREOTYPING US." That's all. Now I won't go in the real scoring method (other than for the review itself) of discussing stuff one-by-one but rather, I'll try to argue with the haters' views, call this review some kind of liaison for those of you haven't watched and those who have, loving it or hating it, I assure you I won't get biased. Now let's get to the most criticized part that I think is getting RIDICULOUS amounts of criticism: THE PLOT. Alright, how many slice-of-life anime shows have no plot? Seriously, a criticism you come up with IT HAS NO STORY LAWL! I'm not trying to offend you, not at all (and I swear I'm not being sarcastic) but that's ridiculous. I've seen lots of anime shows with no plot and I still liked it. Plot or no plot, it's EXECUTION that matters. A game with excellent plot but poor gameplay would probably result in the gamer only finishing it once and not ever again just because of the plot (considering that the gamer likes storylines that is) but a game with poor plot but excellent gameplay would be re-played numerous times like what I do with Devil May Cry 3. Honestly, if this were not a haters-vs-lovers review I'm making, I would rate the plot as -/10 because it's almost non-existent (aside from daily lives) and usually I won't even judge the plot of animes which don't have any solid plot in the first place. What the hell is useful in judging something that's not there? Shows can concentrate on many points: some concentrate on action (hence, art and maybe storyline), some can go on plot stuff (hence, THE PLOT) and some can go for humour (hence, execution) or even slice of life (which is usually based on how well you can relate to it). If you fail to get the premise of my words in this paragraph, you fail it and I'll say to you,"Go away, you're not worth reading this thing." It's simple logic really. But to be fair, since these types of Anime (about daily lives of people) are usually just that (aside from some Animes like Honey & Clover which explores far deeper into their lives, making even more sub-plots) I'll give it a 6.5/10 in the review, rounded off to 7. They should have some kind of decimal rating stuff here =_= Also, since it's similar to a sitcom where you start off here and end at the same place you started, some may dislike it but I don't really mind. I just feel that instant liking to the characters. Then the art, yeah people have different opinions. I can't say much. It's really love-it-or-hate-it kind of thing so I won't criticize either side for their respective views on this, although I realize that it's purposely acting cute and aiming to be highly-loli-like for teh lulz, some people just won't take this crap >_> I like the moe and cute art so I give it an 8 here. Yeah call me biased and loli, I won't care when illogical people call on me for no reason at all. The sounds, ALSO love-it-or-hate-it. I actually liked the OP song and ED stuff that were sing by Minoru Shiraishi (especially ep 13, 17 and 22) and the soundtrack sounds quite nice. It fits in with the flow and the atmosphere, which is hands-down relaxing. It's a no-brainer that there won't be any epic soundtracks coming from here. I also like the soft OP that was transitioned into an instrumental at Ep 24. If you'd like to compare this anime's OST to, say.. being fair in the slice-of-life genre, Honey & Clover, after some consideration, is comparing a more variety-rich soundtrack in melancholy and whacky pieces (H&C) with a more cheerful and light-toned soundtrack suited for a happy life (LS). I give it an 8. It's excellent at its very best which I more or less expected with its soothing soft music and some great ones. I'd actually recommend you getting this if it weren't for those 10+ BGM CD's that you'd have to get to get them all. Troublesome really, most soundtracks are in 1 CD but this is different =_= feels like they're cashing in or something. With Minoru Shiraishi and the different Character songs, I give this probably 8.4 after more exploration. I couldn't give this an 8.5 or else I'll be rounding off to a 9. I recommend the whole BGM soundtrack to be honest and maybe 100% nai nai nai on Kagami's Character song. Maybe it's just my taste but I honestly think it's one of the better than most other songs there. Again, people's tastes differ in art so nothing to talk abou here. The seiyuu wasn't all that bad but with so many people having lots of different preferences I can't criticize this point much. Like people say, different people have different opinions, or as one of the anime title say,"10 people, 10 colours" which means different people, different minds. I'd like to give the seiyuu a 8 though, seems like the main cast's voice fits too perfects and I feel I sense laziness from some departments but then it's not really annoying or really for the comedy (e.g, most of the extras sound exactly the same). Onto the characters, I can see how people can dislike Tsukasa, Miyuki and the other side characters but it kinda strikes me how people seem to think that we love Konata simply because she's loli + otaku thus loli otaku thus INSTA-WIN! Or some sort. I, for one, simply love Konata because I actually am like her. I love to procrastinate (but it's slowly going away :D), I love games to death (up to the point that I don't sleep for 31 hours), I love anime too. The similarities make me relate to her in so many ways and being a younger brother, it was interesting to see how she felt being like an older sister, maybe I've never really seen that in my brother before. Not sure how people hate Konata. Probably they hate her just because other Lucky Star fans who are whores (there are people like these the same way there are Twitards [Twilight Retards]) keep persisting and bitching that she's the best character in the world. Whatever, if you're a hater, here's an advice: they're idiots, don't listen to them. AT ALL. Kagami is your typical tsundere but less of the slapstick tsuntsun or stuff like Louise or Taiga who are world-famous tsundere champs. Honestly I find her character great. She's the responsible type, hell if I will, she's Tohsaka Rin a la Lucky Star. She just socializes more with these friends than Tohsaka Rin from FSN does and honestly Kagami teases people less than what Tohsaka does and is more open than she is (sadly, if you don't know her, then you could ask around, she's like a common house-hold name in Anime these days >_>). One of her main attractive features is probably her looks, her hairstyle and her behaviour + chemistry with Konata. Tsukasa, Kagami's younger sister is your typical moe, shy, cutesy-cute character who's the pinnacle of air-heads in Lucky Star. Yeah I can still see how people hate her. Air-heads like these are sometimes boring characters and honestly, I never truly loved her the way I loved Kagami and Konata so yeah. Miyuki though, I can get why people dislike her, again. She's the glasses girl - silent, not too out-going, caring, helpful, wears glasses, is clumsy - and the usual smart type. Over-used stereotype, I know so I won't be bashing either side for loving or hating it although so far I think I've only criticized a hater. Tell me where I'm wrong and I'd love to ask you some stuff and for you to ask me some stuff so I can see why people hate this so much. I believe people hated ep 1 - 4 because their director was changed after ep 4 and it got a whole lot better in my opinion so I invite everyone who's just started on the series or have not started the series to watch till like episode 6 to 8 and after that episode I won't force you to watch anymore if you still dislike it since it's either a) it's not your thing or b) it's not your thing. I'm not some whore who won't take the fact that people can dislike what I love. Then the conversations, although shallow, I can relate too. I've wondered about many things that even this anime has covered and I love this feeling. I've also talked with some people about stuff Konata and co. have too. Also different situations like opening a bag of chips for someone, blocking the straw opening so that the water sticks there and acting all immature and pointing to how cool it is (actually I went as far as going to my science teacher to ask about this, but that was lots of years ago), how I pull an all-nighter right before a test, etc and etc. The humour is also dependent on how your humour goes. If you're into the references and the soft humour stuff then Lucky Star is great but honestly, I find this series as a whole not that incredibly funny or Hayate no Gotoku!-like in anyway. It's pretty unfair comparing them in my opinion but hey it's MY opinion so who gives a shit right? It isn't YOURS so I'm not bashing YOUR opinion unless you have a crooked and baseless opinion which I've seen from the Anti-Lucky Star club who I'd love to discuss with why they hate the series WITHOUT flaming or anything of the sort. I've seen in their thread, some people posting that the show has no plot (explained), sucky art, sound and characters (explained) and their friends keep whoring on them and say it's the best show and if you don't like it = u fail. Well I'm here to tell you, just like a motivator like Adam Khoo or Tucker Max or some sort of motivator guy, say "NO U!" to THEM! I've got a friend who doesn't like the types of genre I like but I don't go around her and keep choking her to death yelling,"WATCH THIS OR I'LL KILL YOUR KITTENS AND HAUNT UR CHILDREN!!!!!" or shit like that, honestly, if you have friends like that, then you should consider first, if your friends are SMART people or IDIOTS, which I think majority are. If they can't even get people have different opinions (autism aside), then they are complete fuck-ups, idiots, failure to logic, immature, etc etc etc etc etc. Never listen to what other people like those say. Honestly, I actually follow some hypes (e.g Shakugan no Shana, Lucky Star, Zero no Tsukaima) my friends give me but after that I rely on MY OWN opinion, not theirs and my opinions are made from a base and that base is solid. Rarely is the base of my opinions a crooked one and if it is I'll freely admit it or if I'm feeling like an asshole, I'll change ID and register a new user (heheh :P that was like years ago though). Overall, I really enjoyed the series and I don't care what YOU think. If you find this review helpful, then thank you very much, if you don't, then I don't blame you and I won't be cursing your name a million times, it's up to you. God I don't get why people care so much what other people think sometimes. You've got opinions, I've got mine and sometimes people just have crooked opinions and that's why I wrote this. I really don't find the point in criticizing an Anime that has no plot as a shallow anime that has no plot as if pointing out that those white lab rats don't have tails compared to normal rats which have tails thus the lab rat is a bad rat and thus we must burn in into the haet-oven. So, whatever the hype, don't trust it for this anime or you may get utterly disappointed. I followed the hype and I got what I wanted (well after ep 1 I was disappointed but things got better afterwards). If you hate it and you don't want to be convinced, then I don't care. If you hate it and want some discussions on why it's so damn popular, please do talk with me on the forums or any other place. If you love it, then so do I! Yeah all in all I give this anime a 9/10 for me but in general, for all of you, it's probably a 7.8 on average Although in my opinion Honey & Clover runs deeper, into the more confused melancholy adolescent and that people may call 'pathetic' and 'emo' and 'self-loathing' (irks me that they never ever felt down THAT much before in their lives, guess people have it luckier) and maybe even philosophical stuff, Lucky Star does not go that far and does not fail to deliver simple everyday things or zanier things but still make it interesting. To haters: simply put, any slice-of-life anime does not depend on plot. They depend on their characters and how much you can relate to them. OP does not matter, ED does not matter, what matters is how much you can relate to them and don't let any fangirls get the better of you and make you hate it. I've always been trolled with Naruto by my friends but I shrug it off, who cares really? Honestly, my point is if you can't relate to it, then you won't like it. That's my view of what slice-of-life animes really should be like. Why do I love t? I truly love the Konata and Kagami's personalitie and chemistry. I can relate to Konata and Kagami the most too. I don't express myself that well and yet I'm very much a Konata without the-- oh wait maybe I do act lazy. Really, to be honest, if you watch it from episode 6 and skip 1 - 5 you probably won't be lost anyway. P.S I AM NO LOLICON - I don't love them for their loliness thank you very much. Who ever said we love loli anyway >_> Side note: I love Shiraishi Medley and Orewa suremono :D
I found this anime very difficult to get through. The comedy wasnt exactly funny, and the jokes and puns were more like "oh, i relate/understand that, is my life also considered sad?" using the rating breakdown, let me explain to you why I didnt find this anime particularly wonderful. STORY: there was almost no storyline. Sure 4 girls are trying to get through high school. but that sums up every other anime out there, about kids at school. What this anime lacked was drive. Plot is one of the elements which create the drive, but there was none. Im giving the story a 5 just for thesake of the somewhat cleverly placed jokes. As well, many of the elements got tiring and old, such as Lucky Channel, which is a talkshow hosted at the end of each episode. The live action scenes at the end of the latter episodes also got extremely annoying and exploited. ART: nothing spectacular. I understand that for this kind of show, beautiful art isnt exactly the most neccessary thing. However, a lot of the time, there was no background. SOUND: sadly, there was hardly any background music. But the sole reason that I rated the sound so much higher than the other qualities is because the OP was just so amazing and addictive. Sadly, the energy and excitement of the OP could not be reflected into the show. CHARACTER: The characters presented are all very different, and their interactions with each other are very amusing to watch. I would have liked if there was at least some character development, or at least some insight into the characters. Often, characters also give an anime series the drive it needs to go on, but there was nothing about the characters that made you want to know more about them. ENJOYMENT: I must say that the enjoyment factor, for me, especially, was quite low compared to many other people. This show was extremely hyped, and many many people were saying how amazing it was, and how funny it was. When I watched, I was extremely dissapointed. I even sat the series through to the end to see if I was missing something, or if the "amazingness" came later on. it didnt. Most of the anime I enjoy watching has some substance, and there are factors like plot and characters that make me want to keep watching it. Lucky Star didnt cut it. If you also prefer animes with more substance, themes, plot, and character, I do not recommend Lucky Star.
My review.. I'm not really trying to say you shouldnt watch this anime, some people like it, some people don't. But on my opinion i think this anime is as boring asd you can get. The sound is ok really cute and funny, that i can't complain, but the art.. some people say its cute and simple, i say its way too simple and not that cute to be honest, i've seen much cutter characters such as chibis and so. The storyline.. I really think thats the worst part in it, i firsts started seeing this anime because it was kinda cute, i wastold that Konata was exactly like me, so i went to see it, very amusing at first, but as it goes on.. it turns to be a REAL drag.. Its basicly always the same, school, home, shoping, konata bein all about videogames, anime and manga, kagami arguing with konata, tsukasa stating the obvious with konata and miyuki being the smart girl there. Its basicly nothing new, always the same in each episode, and to be honest, the anim aint really that funny.. It rarely makes me laugh, and its not that i have no sense of humor or that i never did those experiences! I do have sence of humor and i had most of those experiences. But seriously i don't see whats funny about it, but that my opinion anyways, of course we all dont share the same opinion and i respect otherts opinions. But this is how i see things, and i reall. i dont think this anime is worth the ranking it has.. Even a friend of mine that loves cute animes and such, like Shugo chara and Suzumiya Haruhi, she started seeing lucky star and enjoyed it, but has she went on she just said: Man you were right.. ._. that anime is cute and all but its making me so bored, ill see it later when i have the guts ^^' One more person saying the same as i. I think the only good aspects about the anime are the sound and the characters, like you all say, gotta love Konata X) Anyways this is just my opinion! Don't blame me im not a lucky star hater >.
Story: There isn't really a main story, the series revolves around the daily life of 4 high school girls. This series is based on a Japanese 4-panel comic strip, and as comic strips go, the contents can be just about any topics that come to mind. Though there's no main story (people gets judgmental about this), people overlook the fact it is BECAUSE there's no main story, there's no restrictions to what the series can talk about. Art: The art style from the anime were pretty much the same as from the manga. There wasn't any inconsistencies and the animation was relatively smooththe entire time. The characters/backgrounds were drawn the way they are because...again...this series is derived from a 4-panel comic strip. Sound: The BGM blends with the episodes very well. The opening song always got me pumped up to watch the episodes no matter what kind of mood I was in at the moment. The ending songs were all taken from somewhere else and sung by the voice actors, and most of them were absolutely hilarious (especially Hare Hare Yukai sung by Shiraishi Minoru along with the 2 player fighting game training mode simulator). Characters: What's done so well about the character development is that you learn about the characters the same way you learn about someone in real life, from their casual conversations in school. Even though this is a comedy, there are some dramatic scenes here and there showing some of the character's life at home. There's also a wide variety of characters (who're normal and aren't golden haired, KI blasting, walking slabs of muscles) for the viewer to relate to. Enjoyment: I really like how this is a show that you can just pick up and enjoy without knowing the contents of the previous episodes. There are also many references, so many that a normal person (who doesn't watch much anime or play games) wouldn't be able to understand more than half of it. Overall: The thing about Lucky Star is that not everyone's going to like it. This show is aimed towards regular anime watchers/gamers. Those who are not anime watchers will be confused at the references, older people may think it's plotless insanity, and younger people may not understand the jokes. With that said, if you're an anime watcher (if you're taking time to read this I'd bet you are), this show will be an absolute blast. This anime is the KING of referencing, and with each episodes being a synthesis of small events, you'll never guess what could happen next. **Brief Warning** The first few episodes of the series may seem boring at first, but they're for introducing the 4 main characters. No matter what you may think, keep watching, give it a chance. By episode 10 or so, you will not regret sticking with this series.
Lucky * Star is about highschool girls and.. ummm, well, that's about it. It basically revolves around the lives of four girls (later on, more people are given some time) and the random conversations they have. Story This series is not incredibly plot filled. Actually, there really is none. It's not even really character driven. This anime, however, doesn't need much of a story. It still works out in a cute way. However, the rating IS for story, and in all fairness, there really was none. I think this is a fair, if not quite high rating for what was presented. Animation The best animation is definitlyin the opening sequence. Everything flows nicely in it, and it throws money around to give a flawless performance. Once you get to the actual show, however, there is basically no movement what so ever, save the talking. The art style isn't top notch. It is kept with the original 4-koma's style, but I still think they could have coloured it a bit better. Maybe make the girls atleast look more their age. Sound I did really like that opening song. Quite catchy. The in-show music was also fairly well done, aside from the fact that I didn't really notice it. The music just kind of melted into the background. That's the only reason why it's not higher on my rating. It was good, but nothing to write home about. Character This was my biggest issue. The series had INCREDIBLY 2-dimensional characters. They did not develope, they did not change. We did no see any different sides to them. The closest to this was with Konata, and... whatever her name is. The older of the twins. This may have been alright, because this would seriously screw up the nature of the anime, but because of the 2-D element to them, I couldn't really connect to any of them. Except maybe Konata. I'm a big nerd too. Enjoyment While I did have a few giggles, I did not either really like this series, or really dislike it. I can see why people like it, but I don't understand the overwhelming popularity. I was told it was funny, but it wasn't a comedy. It was slice-of-life. I was told it was meaningful. That was a load of bull. I watched the series with no expectations, and I ended it with none. I don't see myself rewatching this anytime soon. Overall / My Comments / My Feelings I know people will be angry, but it wasn't an overall amazing show. It has no story, the art was pretty boring, the sound disappeared, and the characters were 2-D. The only thing this series had that I liked was the otaku jokes. Other than that, I couldn't relate. Highschool isn't like this for me. Not at all. And I don't know people who are so stereotypical. I was a little disappointed, I think. I can't say anything but, sorry fans. I just couldn't get myself hooked. I atleast pulled through all the episodes, but it was becoming a little draining towards the end. I had no real drive to finish it...
5 WORDS OR LESS REVIEW: Hysterically Funny I don’t think I watched anything like Lucky Star before. I know people say it’s a bit over hyped, or that it’s nothing compared to Azumanga Daioh or Pani Poni Dash! but there is something to Lucky Star. That’s why a lot of people, including me, like it. Let me enumerate on why I like it. I like the story. Sure there isn’t much of a definite storyline, but that’s what makes it easy to understand. Besides, it’s a slice of life anime of four regular high school girls (well, maybe Konata’s a little different) so you shouldn’t expect anythingout of the ordinary. Even if it is like that, it still manages to entertain me and crack me up, and doing that with such little material is a hard task. I would say Lucky Star is very otaku oriented, as it makes fun of anime and otaku clichés. Other than that, it makes use of a lot of spoofs and parodies to create comedy, which is a strength depending on how you look at it. It’s a strength because it’s great for full fledged otaku viewers, but it’s a weakness if casual anime fans fans (those who don’t watch anime on a regular basis, I suppose) try to watch it. They probably won’t get the spoofs. Sure they can do some research on it, but I guess it wouldn’t be as funny that way. The characters are a huge part of the comedy, because they themselves are clichés. Tsukasa is a moe character, while Miyuki is a meganekko. Kagami is a little tsundere, and of course, legendary girl A herself, Konata Izumi, is the rabid otaku. Out of all the girls, Konata has to be my favorite. I guess it’s because I see myself in her. I guess there’s a little Konata in every otaku out there. The extended cast is also hilarious, like Minoru Shiraishi and Akira of the Lucky Channel segment, as well as the characters’ relatives and their classmates. Speaking of Minoru Shiraishi, I have to say that Lucky Star did wonders for his career. I think he’s more famous than before, and he’s not even a main character. As for the other VAs, it’s definitely a great cast. Two of my favorite VAs, Aya Hirano (Konata, of course) and Tomokazu Seki (Meito Anisawa) are in it, so that’s one reason for me to be happy. Even the one episode extras are awesome Tomokazu Sugita and Daisuke Ono made cameo appearances for Lucky Star. You also gotta love Fumihiko Tachiki, who played all the random old woman characters throughout the series. Now to discuss another popular rant. People are let down by the art style of Lucky Star, because it’s so different from other KyoAni series (Kanon 2006, Air, etc). I see this as a positive. The characters are cuter that way, and being different is a good thing. Visually, Kanon 2006 and Air look great, but the character designs are a bit commonplace and standard. Lucky Star gives a breath of fresh air, that’s what I like to think. The characters, colors, backgrounds – everything. Everything (visually) about Lucky Star is cute, another strength of Lucky Star. The music is also otaku oriented. For the first half, most of the songs are themes from actual anime. Aya Hirano’s rendition of “Cha-la Head Cha-la” has to be one of my favorites from Lucky Star. I also like Minoru Shiraishi’s rendition of “Hare Hare Yukai” and “Motteke! Serafuku” To end this review, I think Lucky Star is a great anime. It certainly has its merits, and I understand why a lot of people like it. However, I understand that it’s not perfect, and that it cannot please everybody.
Lucky Star Story (6/10) The story here was by far the hardest thing for me to rate. Being a comedy/slice-of-life type of thing, Lucky Star has no real "plot-line" or story. You could skip 5 episodes and still understand what was going on. However, the day-to-day goings and doings of the 4 main characters was done decently, and the variety of what they did was okay, so therefore I gave it a 6, which is fair/decent. One thing I have to say though: After episode 10-ish or so, things were really getting boring. Sure, what they did was different, but the jokes had the same principle, andit was just all so boring and repetitive. Especially the stupid Lucky Channel. God, I skipped over that so many times. Because it was boring and... oh god. I can't even bring myself to go on. But since there isn't all that much plot, I can't sit here and elaborate on it forever, so moving on... Art (8/10) Though I don't like Kyoto Animation all that much, the good thing about them is the animation that they do is very good (though I personally don't like the style all that much). Everything flowed nicely and there was never a time where I thought "Wow, they're running low on their budget" or "Wow, they got really lazy with that scene." But I'll be honest and say I really did not like the art style. The characters are supposed to be 17/18 and they looked like they were 10. Some people may call it cute and chibi but I call it ugly and stupid. Sound (7/10) Another good thing about Lucky Star is the sound quality. Most notably the great job done by the seiyuu. Kudos to them for doing an excellent job. Other than that, the sound was nothing more and nothing less than decent. The BGM was fitting and non-annoying, the opening was cutesy and funny, but nothing special. The various endings were occasionally humorous but not a lot. Character (6/10) Since Lucky Star is a comedy, serious character development isn't exactly on its agenda. The characters were varied to some extent -- we have the various archetypes to fill, the tsundere, the moe blob, the smart/clumsy one, and the... otaku? However, this is as deep as the character gets. Saying you can relate to Konata because you also like anime/manga is like saying you can also relate to Miyuki because she is a high school student. There is no depth or development and the "variety" of characters only go as far as stereotypical archtypes that you can find in almost any other anime. Final Thoughts Since the "enjoyment" part of the review is just a personal opinion, I don't let it affect my score. But needless to say, I did not enjoy Lucky Star. I can safely say I did not laugh once while watching this. The only reason I didn't give it a 1 is because despite Konata being a shallow character, I liked her for many reasons and it was almost some fun to watch her go about her daily otaku lifestyle among normal-ish friends. But a comedy without humor is like a cow with no spots. If you want to go laugh, watch Azumanga Daioh instead, a comedy with much more humor that you can't help but smile at. Lucky Star tried to bring us a cute and relaxing slice-of-life comedy and an otaku we can all relate to, but in my opinion it utterly failed.
Lucky Star is a Slice of Life, Comedy with no real plot; it just focuses on the daily lives of 4 school girls. It mainly pays attention to Konata Izumi, a very athelic girl who could be really smart, but she spends most of her time on anime, manga and playing games. This great anime began with the slowest of starts that can easily turn anyone off, except of die-hard fans of anything produced by "Kyoto Animation", but after the first couple of lackluster episodes this anime becomes really enjoyable to watch. It's then when you really notice the differences in the characters' personalities and theway they interact. Lucky Star can be classed as a "Satire" because most of the time the characters mock various social issues that a lot of us viewers can relate to, "like trying to find enough time for your anime and games". It's this that brings about hilarious parody moments however people who are new to the world of anime/manga/drama CD/games will feel left out, from not understanding the jokes. At least the "Lucky Channel" at the end of each episode is funny no matter what, with the hilarious duo that never seems to get along. The style of animation in Lucky Star is very different from the stunning realism of "Kyoto Animation's" usual works, as Lucky Star adopts a very cartoony look. Nonetheless it works well bringing forth the weirdness of the character's personalities. The music on the other hand is basically non-existent and it's only the odd opening theme and various insert songs that can help redeem this factor. Overall Lucky Star turned out to be a pretty enjoyable otaku fest but this anime is obviously not for everyone. Even though it's able to turn a simple topic into a hilarious episode full of parodies, each episode may be fun for someone yet not for someone else. I gave Lucky Star a high rating because I've seen many anime and can understand most of the jokes, so if you want the same experience then either watch many anime before starting this one or not bother watching it at all. ^_^
I'm just going to come out and say this. Lucky Star was boring. It was a show about a group of girls that sit around and talk about stuff. It's supposed to be funny and cute. They wrote it so you could relate with the characters. It addresses everyday issues. That is the entire idea of it. I couldn't get behind it. I have a different sense of humor and because of that not much of what they said was funny. And without laughs, what do you have? An incredibly boring show! Plus it didn't help that they tried to make Konata into a nerd's fantasygirl. It really just pissed me off. But, with all that being said, it wasn't a horrible show. I disliked it, but I'm sure the general population would like it. And they do. It's exactly like Azumanga Daioh. Watch it if you want to laugh.
Wow. All I can say is, wow. I never, ever thought an anime with this much moe and no solid storyline would leave this kind of lasting impression on me. Lucky Star takes slice of life to a whole new level, possibly beyond any I've ever seen before. I had actually not heard of this, and a good friend recommended it. Reading the description and synopsis, I thought it would be one of those anime that would cheer you up when you're having a bad day; the result? It was so much more. The premise of the storyline may not seem like much, but thisanime left me so satisfied, I made sure I wasn't physically glowing with satiation. What made this so great was the combination of everyday characters with a comedic aspect and twist that led you from joke to joke flawlessly. The various pop-culture references mixed with completely different personalities from a variety of characters led to total and absolute hilarity. Though I'm not THAT much of an otaku myself, I managed to catch the gist of the jokes and had a humorous chuckle. I'm sure others with more experience with anime would fall in love with this show immediately. The strong suit here was the characters. I give all the credit for this show's success and popularity to the characters. If you watch sitcoms (American ones, anyway) they are inundated with silly drama and pointless, circular storylines that everyone knows NEVER, EVER HAPPENS! Literally sit down, and watch an episode of a sitcom; how many times do those scenes happen in your life? Yea, never. This anime instead takes the point of view of actual high school girls and their thoughts and interactions; and they do so perfectly, from the start. They tend to long for a relationship and never seem to attract boys; isn't this more reflective of real life? Aren't we always WAITING for that special someone, rather than flirting and dating 24/7? This anime does more liberty to the average high schooler than I ever could have predicted. Besides the character development, overall the art was pleasant. It appealed to the eyes without paying too much attention to detail. Although the storyline was a bit repetitive at times, the jokes never strayed too far from reality, and it did progress over time. The characters' interactions kept me entertained, far more than it should have..... Ah, well, that's enough gushing for a day. I love curling up in a blanket and watching anime, and this show was perfect for such an occasion. It left me more satisfied than a piece of cake, yet was pleasantly sweet and savory all the same. I thoroughly enjoyed everything this show has to offer, and you should too! Watch it; but be aware: it's otaku land from here on out!
I first heard of Lucky Star just randomly wandering the net. And Like I normally do. I added it to my plan to watch list. At first, I thought it was a little boring, But I gradually got used to the concept of their daily life from school to sleep. There wasn't a major story line. Just different things that could actually happen in real life. The four girls were all friends and had different interests. The show started different the most shows I've seen. They talk about food, homework, boys, music, hobbies. Just about everything an average group of High School girls would talk about.Even though they all had different hobbies, they got along. The art was just fantastic! I loved the animation, and the movements that everyone made. How everything looked so real! The sound was also great. The background music, like it's supposed to, helped make the mood of the conversation. Say that they were asking Miyuki a question, The background music would make the atmosphere actually seem a bit confusing, because Miyuki knew so much, that she always confused Tsukasa. The Characters were lovely. They all had their own attitudes, and their own looks. There wasn't anything that I was able to see that made the characters look the same except for the characters that were blood related. Then they looked a bit like each other, but still had their own distinct look. I enjoyed the show just because it cheered me up. The random conversations, and the interests that they had. Even a few of the jokes that the creator put in the show were quite amusing. Overall. I loved everything about the show. If I was able to change it, I wouldn't change one thing. I thought that it was absolutely wonderful.
OH HA LUCKY!! Yea, I had to. Oh well. Too bad that was one of the few things that I enjoyed about this one =P Story: 3 Ok, of course there isnt a story in this anime... it's Lucky Star for fark sakes. Well.. the story has a definite edge over Haruhi imo, follow Konata as she goes to school. Watch Konata eat a chocolate thing. HEY LOOK, Konata is playing games, lets watch. It's well put together for the most part, the story doesn't always completely go off on different tangents, but it really isn't all that interesting at the same time. Art: 10 As expected from thesame studio that brought us Haruhi, great visuals and very nice moods set by the animations. Not much else to say other than I enjoyed the art very thoroughly. Sound: 8 I enjoyed the soundtrack. It was a nice, cutesy pop-ish type of vibe, which I normally don't go for, but it sorta stuck here. The opening theme got annoying after awhile though. Character: 4 For the most part, the character development was severely lacking, although one character that really shows some promise would be Kagami, very interesting personality shifts along the series, overall the most interesting character. The most entertaining character being Minoru Shiraishi (don't quote me on that spelling). But the rest were very linear, nothing really changed, it was the same thing in a different episode. Only slight differences. Enjoyment: 6 Well, there are a few instances in this anime where you just enjoy sitting through. Mostly the EXTREMELY abundant anime references. Haruhi references were VERY annoying, however. It's a slice of life type anime, there's no way you can't enjoy it a LITTLE bit. Overall: 6 Generally, Lucky Star is an OK experience, one thing I wouldn't be able to do is go back and watch it all at once. Much too uneventful. This series really shouldn't have been 24 episodes. Sorry Otakus. No 10 from me =P
I gave this anime a 4/10 not because it was bad, but simply not my kind. This anime was recommended by my fren, TBH when I told him I want to have a comedy series after failing to find one which suits me. The first episode did'nt get my attention but I continued on as I see high ratings from site and also since it was recommended by fren. I only start to enjoy a little more on episode 6 but it is only episode 6. Other episodes remains the same style. Frankly Im really bored throughout the series but pushed myself to end this just soI can give least bias review. My first review in MAL. The opening of Lucky star was good but the closing was the worse kind I ever saw. The ending song featured only to listen the song the anime's girl characters were singing. This remains the same till epi 14. Now the director or producer appears to entertain for their crap ending song. It is still lame however. There is no story and was light and simple (different topic on every epi). In addition, its very short as there is a narrator speaking session at about the 18th minute. This session is also quite boring. If you are one of the people easily find humor in 'slice of life' comedy and can enjoy text/talk type anime. This is for you. All in all, this is my honest opinion and review. I did not mean to anger anyone and I request respect for it. Thx