For some individuals, baseball is more than just a game. Momokitchi Momoi, an underworld boss and the owner of a professional team known as the "Peach Twisters," seems to be the perfect example. There is only one punishment for players who have let him down: death. Terrible as he may sound, there is someone even more wicked than him—his daughter, Momomi. The three members of the Danger Service Agency—Mikura Suzuki, Tomohisa Harada, and Kenichi Kurokawa—are tasked with kidnapping Momokitchi and taking down his criminal empire. Surrounded by armed bodyguards, he is bound to be a risky target. However, born with a gun in hand, Mikura is used to dancing with danger. The only unknown quantity is Momomi, reputed to be a cold-blooded killer with a twisted mind. Should she stand in the DSA's way, Suzuki might finally find herself a worthy opponent. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Mezzo Forte is one of the few hentai titles I have seen and overall it was a solid series. It’s a borderline hentai series, there are only a couple of sex scenes which are not all that long, though very explicit. At its heart it’s an action show with a pretty good story and characters. The plot revolves around a trio that I guess could be called mercenaries or private investigators. They don’t really say for sure what it is exactly they do beside the obscure and silly sounding Danger Service Agency name for their group. They are hired by a mysteriousfigure to kidnap someone only to have the job go bad and find that their target is actually a powerful underworld boss. I found this part a bit of a stretch to believe. For an organization that is portrayed to be so good at what they do and also being in the same city as the crime boss I found it difficult to believe that they wouldn’t know who this guy was. Despite this the action is good and there are a few surprising plot twists that kept me interested. A few words on the hentai portion of this series are also in order. This show reminds me of Kite, because it too had a non-hentai version and focused more on its story and action than sex. The same is true of Mezzo, though in Kite the sex scenes felt like that had some place in the story. I didn’t feel that way with this show as they mostly just felt like fan service and the show wouldn’t have been any better or worse by not having them. The main lead Mikura is your typical anime gun totting martial arts hot girl. While she isn’t going to win points for originality I found her to be an interesting character. Not much depth or background is given to her, though we are shown flashbacks of some kind of relationship she may or may not have with the main villain Momomi. This is never really resolved which was a bit disappointing. She also has a mysterious ability that shows her things that are about to happen sometimes, again this is not developed and makes little sense. Of the rest of the DSA, Harada and Kurokawa, Kurokawa's background is the most in depth. Momomi is wonderfully coldblooded and ruthless as the daughter of the kidnapped crime boss Momokichi. The animation is fairly typical of this era so it feels a bit dated. This is mostly because of the color palette used. It’s still pretty good though and the action in particular is well done. The acting is solid as well, there isn’t a lot in the way of music to comment on. Overall Mezzo Forte is a solid though unspectacular series. Those who are looking for hentai will probably be disappointed because there isn’t a lot here.
Mezzo Forte is my favorite non-arthouse hentai anime of all time. That's not exactly a category most people hold in high esteem, but I'm saying this anime is damn good for what it is. Despite being a porno, Mezzo actually has one of my favorite action scenes in all of anime. I won't spoil everything, but it takes place at a bowling alley and involves bowling balls filled with plastic explosives. This hentai is insane! I get a lot of unusual comments on my MAL profile. It takes a lot to really get a rise out of me. However, the other week somebody left a commentsaying how cruel and unfair I've been in my reviews towards Studio Arms. At first I was utterly baffled by this statement. My favorite anime of all time is an Arms anime and I'm not exactly subtle about my affection for it. I don't think they made good anime on average, but I love Arms in the same way that I love Troma. They made shit that absolutely nobody else would make and didn't care what people thought. Then I realized that back in 2014 I wrote a review that was very unfair to Mezzo! I was probably just in a really bad mood because med school tends to do that. So to apologize to Mezzo and that random Arms fanboy, I'm writing this revaluation. Mezzo shares a lot of DNA with director Yasuomi Umetsu's other hentai Kite. However, Mezzo is far more tonally consistent and commits fully to cheesy action rather than tragic drama. I definitely think this fits Umetsu better given his directorial style and visual aesthetic. Mr. Umetsu is not exactly the most subtle animator in anime history. He tends to love massive explosions, impossible amounts of ketchup blood, and very wild expressions. Most younger MAL users probably haven't seen Kite or Mezzo. Those 2 Ovas aren't exactly viewed as essential classics. However, everyone has seen the first episode of Elfen Lied. Or at least you've seen some Youtube AMV set to "Animal" by 3 Days Grace. Well, that's Umetsu! That is his style in a nutshell. While Umetsu's style makes for unusual drama, it makes for absolutely hilarious comedy. Mezzo is 2 episodes of boobs, blood, and the most over the top ass kicking possible. Every second you will either be laughing or thinking "that was fucking awesome!" The story of Mezzo isn't going to win any awards, but this is a porno. I would be pretty stupid to spend time complaining that the plot of a porno isn't perfect. Still, it does have some bizarre moments that are pretty funny. For example, the main assassin girl realizes halfway through the OVA that her target is her twin sister. However, she doesn't figure it out in a normal way. Instead, she suddenly has a flash of unexplained psychic powers and telepathy that are never brought up again. Also, sentient sex robots exist in this universe, so the film grinds to a screeching halt to explain in excruciating detail how to clean out the sex robots and remove old semen. Umetsu definitely takes some heavy drugs when he writes. There's no getting around that. However, none of this stops Mezzo from being the most amusing action hentai around! Should you watch Mezzo Forte! YES! It's on Youtube right now with the 2 brief sex scenes cut out. Trust me, you really aren't missing anything. Neither of the sex scenes have any impact on the plot. One scene is just a dream sequence and the other involves a robot and 2 random henchmen. Amazingly, none of the main characters actually have sex in this entire hentai! If you're feeling bored and want some schlock entertainment, this is a must watch OVA and it's only 2 episodes!
There is a version with the hentai scenes taken out, I'd recommend buying that one. Unusual for a hentai title, but this actually has a good storyline and the animation is stunning. It's a great introduction to people looking to get into Mezzo DSA (which is also very good). The one problem with this is the completely unnecessary sex scenes. Without wanting to spoil it; one is a dream - so pretty much pointless, and the other is a rape scene, when just a beating would have gotten the point across fine. It's great but has that hentail title 'look'about it, so is a little embarassing to have on your animé shelf, so buying the 'clean' version might save you from some uncomfortable situations. If you really want the sex scenes though, you can download them from various places. Keep your collection respectable and the porn separate!
This anime, just like Kite (from the same producers), is a very nice "hentai" packed with action and an interesting storyline. The storyline is pretty simple and easy to understand, but it entertains the viewer enough as to want to keep on watching. The hentai part, the hardcore sex scenes, is just a bonus; you can watch the anime taking out the hentai part and the story will flow perfectly. Consider the sex scenes as an eye-candy for those who like watching hentai. The art and animation is pretty nice. The 2 OVAs are packed with a lot of action scenes, and a couple of funny scenes,too. Voice acting and sound effects are alright; they serve the purpose. The character development is actually very poor; we get to know very little about the main characters. Anyhow, the characters were fun and unique, you could say. I enjoyed watching this anime. If you're looking for a short, action-packed series, I recommend it to you, even if you don't like hentai (just skip those scenes, although they were a bit interesting).
Hey this short, 2 episode OVA isn't bad at all. It's a bit like "Kite", except it's just BETTER. Slicker, funnier, more exciting action sequences... and just generally... better! "Mezzo Forte" is a stylish gangster anime, kind of reminiscent of a retro 70/80's TV series, containing guns, explosions... more guns, more explosions etc etc. The action is somewhat over the top, - these people seem to be harder than the walls judging from the way the walls collapse when they fly into them, but still... it's all good fun. Like I said, there are striking similarities between "Mezzo Forte" and "Kite". Since the came studio isbehind both, I guess this isn't really so much of a surprise. The art style between the two is very similar for one thing, and in fact, in an early scene, one of the background characters looks just like Sawa from "Kite". They are so similar that I wonder whether it's meant to be Sawa making a cameo. The style of the over the top action is also similar, but "Mezzo Forte" falls more on the "stylish" side of the fence rather than the "absurd" like "Kite" does. I was given quite a shock when "Mezzo Forte" turned into a pr0n show half way through, which I really wasn't expecting, and I guess this is something else shared between "Kite" and "Mezzo Forte". But "Kite" has a dark tone throughout, whereas "Mezzo Forte" is much more light and upbeat, so those scenes feel much more out of place in the latter. I gathered that there's a cut version for this anime, but I guess that isn't the version I managed to get my hands on :P The story of "Mezzo Forte" isn't bad, but parts of it could have been better as it sets the viewer up to expect bigger plot point than it actually has. Overall, it's a show that is style over substance, brawn over brains, but hey, it's clearly not trying to be anything else. It does succeed mostly on what it's trying to achieve, and if you're looking for an entertaining action flick, this might be right up your street.
PT - BR A animação é competente, notável(as cenas de ação são muito bem feitas, levemente exageradas...), diga-se de passagem...a história(enredo) é simplório(tem até um leve plot twist no fim) e a fama desse anime é com certeza fomentada por páginas que glamurizam "um certo conteúdo" maldito presente na obra(triste apologia(mesmo sendo vindo de um robô). Não recomendo! EN - US(from Google Translator The animation is competent, notable (the action scenes are very well done, slightly exaggerated...), by the way... the story (plot) is simple (it even has a slight plot twist at the end) and the This anime's fame is certainly fostered by pages that glamorize "acertain content" cursed present in the work (sad apology (even though it comes from a robot). I don't recommend it
Mezzo Forte is another action oriented sleaze romp by none other than Yasuomi Umetsu himself, who also happens to be the director of Kite. Were the two films considered to be sisters, then Mezzo Forte would be the completely mindless one, who is all about the party and getting laid. Personally, I like to think of Mezzo Forte as Kite-Lite. However, it is not the least bit light when it comes down to the hardcore sex scenes. In fact, it actually blows away its sister title in that area, but for many viewers I know, that is not exactly a good thing. Umetsu's storytelling leaves alot to be desired. The story and the plot is incredibly flimsy and fairly predictable. Through the use of several distorted visions, Umetsu attempts to draw a connection between both Mikura and Momomi. As obvious and predictable this supposed twist may have been, it still supplied the anime with a bit of a foundation and provided a small amount of suspense. Unfortunately, instead of elaborating on this further, Umetsu took the low road and delivered hardcore sex scenes along with more action scenes, and as a result, the only interesting part of this story ended up as mere window-dressing. The story element took a back seat and wasn't even slightly developed. It was a total waste and served absolutely no purpose to the plot or the ending. The characters are equally bland. Mikura's partners use the buddy cop gimmick, but I felt no real chemistry between them. Momomi is the only interesting character due to her mean streak. She kills for very small reasons, and she could have been the show stealer if given more screen time. The character was badly under used, and she came off as just another stock bad guy. Mezzo Forte is pretty much blanketed with action. The action scenes consist of many hand to hand fights and very bloody gun battles. The violence is very high with characters taking bullets in places you don't normally see, along with at least one very short torture scene. The animation is one of the strongest points, with decent character movements during the battles. I won't say that they have good choreography, but they get the job done. The sex scenes have a lot of detail. This is indeed a triple x feature, with scenes that can rival many of the hardcore titles out there. The viewer is in the front row seat for everything and nothing is left up to the imagination. There's only two scenes and they're among the most graphic I seen in anime. You get it all right here; threesomes, DP's, internal shots, just about everything. There's also quite a bit of fan service with no sex at all, and even one that features a shower scene with Momomi. The artwork isn't on the same level as Kite at all. The character designs and backgrounds have a cartoony look. There was music present during the action scenes and such, but there was nothing that caught my ear. This also goes for the sound effects as well. The dialogue contains quite a bit of foul language and some dirty sex talk. The voice acting is pretty good for the dub, but it took awhile for Mikura to grow on me. Many fans of this anime will have you believe that it's a mature title. Quite the opposite, there is nothing mature about it. The action scenes are incredibly far-fetched, with everyone possessing superhuman strength for unknown reasons. The sexual content is the stuff only teen boys will find cool so they can get together and giggle about. Mezzo Forte is one of those titles I came into on my quest to see every anime title ever made. It's one of those titles that I also wish I can unsee. It's also a big part of the reason along with Legend of the Overfiend and La Blue Girl why I hate this anime sub-genre to begin with. After this title, I stayed as far away from the genre as humanly possible. So I guess then I'll never see every anime title ever made. Mezzo Forte is one of the best anime titles out there, if you want to turn someone new away from the genre. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone other than hentai fans. If you saw Kite and hated it despite the slight character development and story. Then you will despise this since it contains none of that. Highs: Visuals, action, ending plot twist Lows: In your face unnecessary sex scenes, weak plot, weak music score, fairly predictable
Well, as you can tell, this is another hentai related OVA’s that is actually part of Kite. I’m going to actually say sorry to MAK for not actually getting this done with the others but I had had enough of the series after Kite Liberator. It starts out with a baseball game with a manager corrupted by money and winning. He even has his daughter help him kill his pitcher. Then we go to Mikura and her ‘new team’ of fighters, who has been having strange visions of the killing that just happened while on another job. They don’t ever explain how she has these visionsor why, they just have it as just there. Then we get a view of the special robots that are created. Somehow, the daughter of the business owner also can see into the future as well. The artwork and animation was actually really good for the most part, and the action scenes are pretty good though I have no clued how a bullet to the foot would have such a clean wound. Most of the anime actually does look like a bad porno. Not sure why there is porn in the show anyway because it never really explains what the fuck it has to do with the story plot. One is a nightmare, and the other is a rape seen. The men’s cocks are way out of proportion (Way too big for crying out loud!) to their bodies and look rather unnatural to say the least. The English voices… well, it’s kind of off from the Japanese version. They just don’t sound good at times and others feel a bit forced. They seem to push a lot into this. In the end, it’s a hentai and I shouldn’t have expected much from it. Its bad but I guess if you look at the genre its in, its good for what it is…
Mezzo Forte is a fun little action-comedy OVA that you should check out. They're some things that I loved in the anime, while others things not so much. To get the bad stuff out the way... The HARDCORE sex scense I felt were unessesary and just didnt advance the plot in any way. They felt out of place and i felt the people working on this could have added extra plot are character devoplement inplace of the sex scenes. Now to the good... The action scenes were stunning and was my faviorte part about this anime (The boiling alley to be specific).This anime doesn't give you much emotional punch as much as well done action packed scenes. So if you are bored one night and dont feel like thinking(like watching paprika), and just wanna watch a hot girl kick ass, then you should deffiantly rent Mezzo Forte.
Gunna be honest here; I only watched it for the hentai. :x It's infamous for it's hentai scenes (only 2 in the whole movie) and they're probably the most detailed and extravagant animated porn I've seen. Story was ok. Wasn't great...wasn't bad either. Animation all around was great.
Mezzo Forte is a whole lot different from A Kite, as it deals with a special group called the Danger Service Agency. It’s used to stop criminals from causing havoc on the streets and in this case, they need to stop a mob boss by the name of Momokichi Momoi, who is a mob boss that owns a baseball team. Only thing that stops in the way of this is the daughter, Momomi Momoi. The DSA, on the other hand, is led by Kenichi Kurokawa. He used to be an ex-cop that loves noodles, but is now joined by the likes of Mikura Suzuki (whoalmost looks like Sawa from Kite) and the technical expert, Tomohisa Harada. Throughout the likes of pure action, violence and sex, this movie differs from Kite in some ways. Most of the lead character’s interaction in Forte is with Kenichi and Momomi, whereas an old man that we do not know seems to know more about Momokichi than the DSA itself. The storyline gets good in the beginning of the first episode with most of the action and occasional dream sequences taking place in the first half hour. Yet when the second episode arrives, it does start to slow down and in the third of the episode, it does make you ask more questions about what goes on between Kenichi, Momomi and Mikura. Either way, in the future, I’ll have to watch Mezzo DSA to see if anything has changed up from Mezzo Forte. This still is a good anime, but it does lack in some parts, as far as the second half’s storytelling go.
Mezzo Forte wants to be an exciting crime bop, filled with taciturn gangsters and lovable mercenaries, and it delivers a few exciting sequences and memorable fights. Unfortunately the work is weighed down by poor pacing and occasionally broken by tasteless smut. Too much happens in Mezzo Forte. The two thirty minute episodes strain to contain a breakneck plot that leaves little time to grow fond to our characters or even understand what is happening. What's worse is that the OVA is stitched together with horrendous editing. Cuts are often jarring and disorienting, leaving little time to soak in the ambience of ascene, establish a location or really enjoy a sequence. What the OVA does make time for is for each episode to have a minutes long, extremely graphic rape sequence that is completely unnecessary to the plot. The scenes are brutal, full of screaming and almost totally non signaled. Even if one enjoyed this kind of content, it's not particularly well animated and the lack of set up makes them feel amateurish and ill conceived. Mezzo Forte does contain a few well done action sequences, a somewhat compelling plot and an almost coherent tone, but poor editing sully most of its enjoyable points and the rape scenes make it hard to recommend. 3/10
I went into this with no context or expectations and was still disappointed. The animation is visually pleasing, the action is pretty well choreographed, but the rest is just off. The voice actors' performances felt awkward and unpolished, and the story is just so.. strange. We're thrown into this without any worldbuilding, no stage setting, we just see our group of characters get into trouble and try to solve it. But we're never given a reason to care about said characters. The sex scenes were so bizarre and out of place, especially the one in the second episode. This almost feels like it exists withthe story being an excuse to draw some nice bodies, because nothing fits together and it all feels so strange.