For the second time, the masked storyteller returns to tell children tales and legends of horror and woe, such as the tale of a ventriloquist's dummy, a locker that grants wishes, a capsule toy machine that returns lost possessions, and a strange food called Ominie-san. Building on the foundation that was laid by the first, Yami Shibai 2 is a collection of Japanese scary stories of the unknown and the occult that are truly terrifying, narrated in a style of art that mimics kamishibai storytelling. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Story: Far more cerebral than the previous season. And, while it's somewhat interesting to contemplate the themes in each episode, I'm not watching Yami Shibai Season 2 for mind puzzles, I'm watching it because I liked how Season 1 handled horror creep so well. All in all, maybe 3 episodes were what I was hoping for, 4 had something worth deconstructing, and the rest were downright boring. There's even some strange script issues which become increasingly apparent with the episode Funeral Confessional. You'll know what I mean if you pay close attention. Art: Same as before, but it forsakes the opportunity to use different forms of animation fordifferent scares. Also, it feels a lot cleaner, which is something I wasn't hoping for. I liked the rustic look of the previous season. Sound: Roughly the same experience as the previous season, but there was more abuse of audio scares as opposed to creating a proper sense of ambience. Character: Again, same deal. Enough to work for each section. However, I do feel it necessary to bump this score up one more notch because the emphasis on cerebral tones requires a little more characterization, and I felt that was achieved in some areas. Enjoyment: Not that enjoyable. If I knew better, I would have skipped this and moved on to the third season. Either way, there were SOME neat episodes here, so I guess it wasn't a total loss. ((If you liked this review, check out my other reviews by going to my profile and clicking the 'reviews' tab. I review virtually all anime and manga I find!))
Step right up and have a look... It's time for disappointment Yami Shibai's second season is... Very boring and forgettable. Keep in mind I watched all three seasons of Yami Shibai back to back, and there was a notable decrease in the story quality as I went on. There are more morals this season and a lot of them are blatantly obvious and a poor decision to add to a series that really doesn't need morals (more morals means turning more characters into complete jerks too, making you want the characters to suffer even more by the end of the episode). I don't remember many of theepisodes this season, nor the stories (I'm writing this review a day after I watched it). However that's not to say there weren't any GOOD episodes in there, heck my second favorite episode out of the whole series came from this season. However, there wasn't enough in this season to really make it stand out. The art style this season, however, did seem to stay more consistent than the first season's and there was even a bit of improvement this time around. The sound design was also the highlight of the series, as it still creates the familiar creepy atmosphere from the first season and the voice acting remained stellar. Overall, I can't really say much about this season (that's why I didn't split my review into sections this time around). It was pretty bland and the actual good parts of the show aren't good enough to set itself apart from the first season of the show. I'd only watch it if you were bored or for completions sake.
Yami Shibai 2nd Season is obviously the seaon following it's prequel Yami Shibai. With these in mind, season 2 of Yami Shibai was completly lacking what was in the first season. --STORY-- The stories in season 2 of Yami Shibai were not as scary nor creepy as the first season. I did not find myself getting as scared or feeling like I'm being watched from these episodes. The horro in the stories also didn't seem like it was all there. --ART-- As usual, the art in Yami Shibai was very interesting and quite beautiful to look at. The effect of this art style adds to the whole creep factorof the Yami Shibai stories, but even the art style was not enough to make me thoroughly enjoy this second installment. --SOUND-- The sound in Yami Shibai is often what extends the creep factor beyond what it would normally be. The sounds in season 1 of this anime is what really creeped out. The evil laughs the slowly opening doors the sudden DUN whenever the monster would appear. And although some these sounds were cliche and typical they still managed to be creepy. Season 2 of Yami Shibai started to lack here and I feel they relyed more on the scare factor of the monsters then the actual idea of psychologially creeping someone out with subtle noises and visuals. --CHARACTER-- I didn't feel as connected with the characters in this season then I did in the previous one. They didn't seem to be as interesting or as unbeknownst as the characters we have seen before. --ENJOYMENT-- Although I didn't thourghly enjoy watching this anime I also didn't completly loathe it. There were still some episodes that managed to give me the scares and creep me out but overall, I didn't want to watch it as much as I did Yami Shibai season 1. --FINAL THOUGHTS-- Considering the short nature of this anime and scares that some of the episodes do give, I feel as though if you watched and enjoyed the first season of Yami Shibai then you might as well watch this second installment. But, don't be expecting the same creeps that the first season gave.
Like Yamishibai, Yamishibai 2 is very hit or miss, mainly misses. In a lot of ways season two is worse than season one but in some ways I think season two is actually better than one. The writing's overall quality is improved in the sense that even though the bad episodes aren't scary they're at least interesting. What hasn't changed is that some stories feel like they were written by or for children. In episode 11 the moral of the story is literately "Plagiarism is bad" which is like ???? obviously we all knew that? Thanks mom for reminding me to play nicely lol. The waythey go about telling the story is still interesting but by the end of the episode you feel quite unsatisfied nonetheless. If you enjoyed the first season you should definitely give this one a try but don't expect to be scared that often. Episode seven is a must-watch if your're asking me, it's has some really nice horror. I'd also recommend episodes three, four, nine and ten if you want to be scared/creeped out. Episodes one, two and thirteen are worth watching as well but they're unsettling rather than scary.
I watched this right after watching the first season, and this was definitely a downgrade from season One. Story For the most part the stories in this season were ok, but my main problem is that the morals to most of the stories were very obvious and executed poorly. Season one felt like the story was made priority, but season two felt like they wrote the story around the moral, with the moral sometimes overtaking the plot. Art The art was definitely less memorable Than the first season's art. I still remember most of the art from season one, but I can’t say the same for this season. Theydefinitely put less work into making the monsters disturbing which was pretty disappointing. Sound Sound was creepy in a few episodes, but they overused the jump scare “THUD” way too much. Season two tried to jump scare you every three seconds while season one would play quiet noises such as crickets or water droplets to make you anticipate a jump scare. There are also a few moments that were meant to be scary, but because of the sound choices they just come off as funny. Character For 4 minutes I guess they did pretty good. it’s a little hard to judge with this short a duration, but I still feel like the way the characters would talk and the facial expressions they would make in season one made you like them more than season 2. Enjoyment Despite the fact everything else was lackluster, since each episode was short I never got bored. This is a positive of having 4 minute episodes I guess. Even if I felt the story, art and sound were bad, It wasn’t bad to watch because I knew a different episode was going to play in 3 minutes anyway. Overall Pretty much a step down in every way from season one. If i had to pick one word for this season it would be “disappointing”.
Yami Shibai is a pretty decently sized horror franchise with nine series and a special. All from ILCA, the studio behind the unimpressive Kowabon. I have reviewed the first series. So, I thought it might be interesting to look at the second for this year's horror anime month. Story: This series follows the same pattern as the first. We open with an old narrator calling on nearby children to join him for the show. Then there's a horror short for about four minutes and the ending credits. The biggest issue remains the same. The stories largely don't have much in terms of subversion. There aremaybe two or three where you can't readily figure out where the episode is going a half a minute in. Which does significantly waken the impact. That being said, I do appreciate the rapid fire format. I do think it works well for horror and the stories themselves feel like sitting around a campfire and telling ghost stories. Maybe they aren't the best stories but if you're in the right mood for it and the ambience is good, it's an enjoyable time. The pacing is also well executed. ILCA is good at utilising their time well and using build up to make that final moment before the ending credits roll pop. Characters: I maintain that the narrator is pointless. I get that they're going for a "this old man is telling the stories" thing, but all he does is say "step up, this is the story of a college student" or some such thing. He doesn't provide any useful narration or really add anything. You could literally have the same impact without him. In general, the characters are fine. They don't have much depth but they serve their purpose well enough. You can't reasonably expect much more than that given the very limited time each episode has. Art: I have to admit, the children's paper puppet aesthetic is kind of growing on me. It might not be an ideal look for a horror series, but it does work with the overall idea of the series as a street performance. Sound: The acting is decent enough. It's hard to tell if the actors would be really good if they had more depth to their characters or not, simply because every character is only there for one episode. They kind of sound like they're doing the bare minimum though. The music is fine, nothing spectacular. Ho-yay: There isn't any to be seen. Areas of Improvement: 1. Stop wasting time with the narrator. 2. Break away from expectations. Yes, this is a horror series for younger audiences. But if you think younger audiences can't figure out where you're going with a formulaic story I would say you're under-estimating them. I think those youngsters who are a bit sharper and are somewhat familiar with the genre will see the scares coming most of the time. 3. Give the Actors some stronger direction. Even with the low characterisation, the performances could be stronger. Final Thoughts: Like the first instalment in the series, this is okay. If you want some rapid fire horror that isn't much of a time investment, you may enjoy it. If you want subversion, complex characters or a story with some meat to it, you'll be better off with something else. I'm giving it a 6/10.
Rate a 5 English subbed Story A nice soft core horror show. Each episode mainly told hidden messages on why certain actions shouldn't be taken. Take for example one episode that was based on a genii of sorts. While some research was done having done a through one would have stopped that evil event from occurring. Reinforcing the point that letter A (smart) has a higher value than a C(average) than just on paper. Not convinced i will explain further from an example of my life. I used to work processing film. While i understood the basics of what was needed i thought i was a master. However,when certain components did not function right like the film ended up completely blank rather than having the actual shots visible. I must have gone through 20 or so rolls before i figured out the problem from sheer trial and error. It was a minor fix that could have been avoided had i followed procedure as indicated in the manual for the machine. Since than i took that hard lesson to heart and at least attempted to familiarize myself with a new aspect if i were to be working with it. Having done so, i greatly reduced my amount of errors. In short had good morals for each episode. On a slightly negative aspect the plot for each episode somehow felt a tad decreased on the horror level. Maybe it is because of complaints from the first season given the age level it is marked for. Not a big impact decision for me but than again i am not a horror buff. Watching a single saw movie is enough for me. Art Remained the same with the cutout/puppet like appearance. While that works for children those teens and adults who have grown accustomed to lips moving with the vocals and proper animation movement would be kind of annoyed.
Ok..what the heck happened? Between season 1 and 2 there seemed to be a major overhaul in storytelling quality. I'm not going to be a total American weeb and say, "i DoN'T GeT IT, i DOn'T unDerSTanD!" I know that these stories are based off of Japanese folklore and urban legends so there are going to be lot of things that a Western audience just wouldn't understand. It seemed like this season was rooted even deeper into the lore and the "horror" aspect just didn't resonate with an American audience. What bothered me, personally, with this seasonis the ongoing theme of "Wrong place, wrong time" that is prevalent in Japanese horror. The saddest episode I have to say was "Taro-chan". At the end when he kept lamenting, "It hurts, it hurts" really hurt my feelings. I wasn't creeped out by it, I was saddened that this little boy's soul is still here on the Earth plane reliving that horrible moment. Now the WORST episode was "Wall Woman". This one really takes the cake and, in a way, does provide a feeling of not so much 'horror", but "terror." It got me upset because this woman is just minding her own business at what, 10:30 in the MORNING and is attacked by some cat demon while doing her laundry! As a woman who lives alone this struck me on a personal level, but I was pissed because she didn't warrant anything for that to happen to her! Plus it was broad daylight! I'll be damned if some demon kills me before 6:00 pm! I just hope that season 3 can redeem the series...