Carefree high school senior Yuki Takeya every day looks forward to the School Living Club. Consisting of the president Yuuri Wakasa, the athletic Kurumi Ebisuzawa, the mature Miki Naoki, the supervising teacher Megumi Sakura, and club dog Taroumaru, the club prides itself on making the most of life at school. There is only one rule the club members have to follow: all members must live their entire lives within school grounds. Gakkougurashi! follows the adventures of the School Living Club as they promote independence and self-determination through their lively time residing at Megurigaoka Private High School. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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If you have no idea what this show is about, you’re one of the lucky few that can still dive into this quirky ‘slice of life at school’ show blind. It’s mostly centred on antics and club events thought up by Yuki, guided by the athletic Kurumi and motherly Yuuri. You’ll either love Yuki, (she’s so crazy~) or empathise with Miki’s level-headed reactions to her; Miki acts as a foil to Yuki, providing some gravitas to the show. After one episode you will likely either want to drop it or watch the rest. If you don’t know anything about it, watch an episode before youread the rest of the review. If you’re reading on past this paragraph I’m assuming that you’ve either finished the first episode or at least know what happens in it. It’s pretty much impossible to describe the show without giving away things that happen in the first episode, but I’ll avoid spoiling anything beyond that. If someone had come up with the idea of ‘moe horror’ I would have regarded it with the same suspicion that I would regard a ‘death-game harem’, or a ‘mecha romance’. It’s all well and good in theory, but if you try to keep a consistent tone while staying true to the concept you’re inevitably going to wind up with too much ‘harem’ and not enough ‘death-game’, or too much ‘moe’ and not enough ‘horror’ (or, to continue with the analogy, some really inorganic character development). To balance out the conflicting themes in this instance you really need some sort of excuse to violently flip between a light-hearted slice of life show and a dark post-apocalyptic horror without breaking the audience’s immersion. Fortunately, one method to making this strange transition between completely different tones work resides under Yuki’s cat-ear beanie. With what comes across as either complete insanity or a pathological determination to keep things happy and light-hearted, Yuki manages to get the other characters to forget about their situation, which in turn lulls the audience into that same sense of security. With such a setup, flipping the show back into a horror is as simple as cutting away from the mood Yuki has created. We soon discover that the show’s title is a clever pun in more ways than one. ‘Gakkougurashi’ follows the daily lives of a cast of mostly schoolgirls that are quite literally living at a school, flipping between their attempts to have fun and enjoy their lives on a day-to-day basis, on the one hand, and showing how each of them found themselves in such a situation, on the other. A significant portion of ‘School-Live!’ is spent on flashbacks, showing events that led up to their current situation. This approach takes away from the tangible sense of threat, but has the advantage of bringing the oh-so-rational Miki into the first episode (which is an amazing thing for people that aren’t a huge fan of Yuki). It’s a trade-off and a departure from the source material, which unfortunately leads to a few minor plot holes being ripped open from the fabric of the narrative. Given the context of the narrative presented, I was happy for them to spend plenty of time showing how the situation had come to be the way it was. That’s where most of the excitement of this setting should reasonably come from given the nature of the show. Once our protagonists have managed to find safety, the plot as it is generally needs to rely on their desperation or stupidity to inject any new threat into the narrative without the audience losing immersion, so focusing on the lead-up to their situation was a good idea overall. The characters vary widely in personality traits and outlook, and you’ll likely find that at least one of them has a mentality you can gel with. The power dynamic and relationships between the girls are multifaceted and interesting mainly because of what they represent. Yuuri holds an unspoken and uncontested authority over the group as a pre-designated maternal leader, Kurumi is a hot-headed badass that quickly resorts to violence, Yuki is a psychotic and emotionally manipulative idealist, Miki is a stoic and cold-shouldered pessimist, and Megu-nee is very similar to that clumsy yet lovable substitute teacher you likely once had: she panics, falls over, and drops things, and is ignored far too often by her students when they don’t need her help. From that melting pot of conflicting ideals and character archetypes comes a series of friendships built from necessity; built upon the cornerstone that is the hardship of their desperate situation. There’s a sense of self-awareness maintained in the writing throughout, whether it’s (quite literally) pointing to other works that it has drawn inspiration from (such as the movie ‘I am Legend’ and the novels of Stephen King), or lampshading apparent plot contrivances by having the characters ask questions the audience were themselves wondering about (viz. why is this school so oddly well prepared for what happened?). This is one of the biggest strengths of the show and a huge part of why I’m comfortable giving it a high score. The writers clearly knew the artistic context of what they were doing and had a reasonable sense of how the audience would react to what they were seeing. The art of ‘28 Moes Later’, however, was an unfortunate stumbling block that marred the show in some respects. I’m not against the ‘moe’ art design and see nothing intrinsically wrong with it (except that it’s being used so often in modern anime that any departure from it feels like a breath of fresh air). The problem is moments of laziness and inconsistency that were obvious enough to be distracting: the characters are occasionally drawn out of proportion or with slightly misplaced features. It’s not something I would normally bring up, but it’s an obvious bad sign when such mistakes are even apparent to people that aren’t looking for them. I briefly mentioned before that this show had departed from the source material in several respects. Some of these changes were worse than others. The inclusion of Miki in the first episode was a reasonably appropriate change from the manga; however, cutting out most of Miki’s character development by simplifying her backstory was a strange decision. If only they hadn’t included multiple episodes worth of drawn out sequences of events that did nothing to further the plot (viz. filler), we could have at the very least blamed the restrictions in episode length and number for biting the source material in the backstory! Speaking of backsides, that’s about how abruptly (and awkwardly) this show segues into fanservice. The artistic direction panders to its audience in this regard to the point where it gets in the way of the plot; the writers of the show seemed to hold contempt for the idea that there are only so many appropriate times and places for panty shots or getting changed into bikinis. Fortunately these moments don’t tend to occur in conjunction with the more ‘dark’ scenes, a plot contrivance that I’m more than happy to forgive when faced with the alternative (a brutal deconstruction in more ways than one). Suffice to say, if you’re put off by unnecessary fanservice you may find a few scenes cringeworthy. Most of it is well within the bounds of plausible deniability though, so it’s fair to bet that you won’t find it worth dropping the show over. Back to the positives, the OP of this series is a blast! Each episode the opening video is slightly (or dramatically) altered so that it’s full of Easter eggs and little pieces of foreshadowing. One of the fun things about following along with the show week by week as it aired was seeing the community pore over all the minor details and changes, most of which I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise! The ending songs ranged from ‘boring enough to skip’ to ‘delivering emotional crits’, depending on how well you’ve connected with the characters. ‘Night of the Living Lolis’ is in some respects what you make of it, which is fitting given that one deeper theme brought up in the show is about the extent to which one can construct their own reality, and to what extent this functions as a tool for overcoming adversity. It’s a theme that’s there, but the onus is on the viewer to engage with that theme if they want to. No direct questions and answers about these things are thrust in the audience’s face, but how you engage with the aforementioned ideas will be made clear from what you think of the characters that espouse respective opinions on those same ideas through their conduct. After a middle arc easily described as wading through treacle, the final arc of ‘GG’ regains focus and the plot starts to lunge forward to an exciting conclusion, quelling any fears that the setting had been forgotten about. How much of an impact this show will have on you will come down in part to how willing you are to forgive plot contrivances due to being invested in the characters, although in your judgement of such things you’ll often be less disappointed if you give the writers the benefit of the doubt. For what it’s worth, rape alarms are that loud, rusty metal is that weak, generators do make noise, and shovels are heavy. If ‘not judging a book by its cover’ has equivalents in anime, one could be ‘not judging a show by its genre’. And while it certainly wasn’t many of the animators, at least someone from Lerche genuinely tried to make this work. At a first glance, Gakkougurashi! looks like the result of moe creeping into ever more unfitting genres and settings, but thanks to the great writing it truly showed signs of life even when it should have by all rights been dead on its feet.
Some people like school. Some people dreads it. Then, there are some others that just goes there to get an education and nothing more. What about Takeya Yuki, a petite girl who just happens to be in love with school? If you think about it, there’s nothing really wrong with liking school. What’s wrong about this show is that the school Yuki is attending isn’t exactly what it seems. Welcome to Gakkou Gurashi (School-Live!), a show that comes with a bizarre twist. And by all means, it’s not exactly what it looks like… Or maybe it does at first. The animated series adapted by Lerche comesfrom the manga of the same name. The series takes place in a school life setting where everything seems really normal at first. Or perhaps too normal. The first 20 or so minutes of the pilot episode establishes a school life style where Yuki is enjoying every minute of it. And really, why shouldn’t she be? She is with her friends, having fun, making memories, and just being a kid. Anyone who have trouble investing time into the typical slice of life with ‘cute girls doing cute things’ factor will likely feel annoyed. That is…until the ending. The twist comes with a zombie apocalypse. In essence, Gakkou Gurashi fuses together a bunch of oddball genres that includes school, slice of life, supernatural, and a bit of survival horror. Don’t take this the wrong way though. The show still retains its cuteness but explores a dark side of it that’s nothing like what your school may be. The storytelling of the show is structured in somewhat of a controversial way. As a manga reader, I will say that it is entertaining but still sways from faithfulness. The first episode makes changes while also introducing certain characters far too early than they should be. The overall tone of the story flows somewhat well in terms of content despite pacing issues. It shouldn’t be hard for anyone to figure out that something may be wrong through careful analysis. The background foreshadowing such as the bizarre words on the school’s chalkboard or gravestones should make the viewers scratch their head. Also, isn’t it just strange that everything seems a bit too simple at their school? A main part of the show also consists of the character cast. Yuki is the most prominent character in the series not because of her personality but because of some of her delusions. The show establishes an eerie message that perhaps she is hallucinating or building a delusional barrier around herself. The reality is that there are zombies are school, the classrooms are in shambles with windows shattered, hallways are barricaded, and death is a quite real. Yuki’s personality is also quite cheerful and sometimes is distracting for the audience. Similarly, some of her friends also plays along with her despite knowing the truth. They include Kurumi, Yuri, and Miki and all of them shows various skills when needed for survival. Their personalities ranges although all of them gets along quite well as friends. Kurumi is more of the fighter for the group with her handy shovel while Yuri plays more of a supportive role (the older sister type). Miki also adds support to help the other girls and even plays alongside Yuki as “Mii-kun”. As cute and colorful as this group is, the audience is still often reminded of what’s at stake. By the time the first episode ends, I think any anime original viewers will find it surprising in some ways by the false advertising and bait. On most terms of the show, it blends in a form of dark comedy. Sure on the surface, everything seems cherry but the reality is not so cute. The comedy on most part is what you will typically see from series about “cute girls doing cute things”. In essence, the show actually masks its true visage somewhat well with its humor if a viewer is unaware of the premise or coming into the show completely fresh. Meanwhile, Gakkou Gurashi exploits its darker elements with Yuki’s state of mind. Other characters also gets some of their background story told including Yuki’s friend “Mii-kun” and her teacher, Megumi. The show establishes fairly well that Yuki is overly fond of them. As such, it creates the false barrier about her state of mind. Throughout the show, it’s almost like Yuki is in a world of her own. Yuki continuously shows how much she loves school while the audience knows it’s more than just that. And by this execution, I guess it can be a hit or miss. Some people will find the series overly repetitive after a few episodes. Others may think that the comedy doesn’t mix well with the overlay of the story. Despite this, Gakkou Gurashi succeeds in keeping a thrilling story by adapting with the characters. The style of the show is obviously more than just a slice of life so it often crafts plot twists to make the audience anticipate for more. When it comes to artwork, there should be no surprise that the girls are designed to look cute. They all wear their regular school uniform with some variations. For instance, we have Yuki’s cat-like hat or Kurumi’s arm-warmers. Overly cute may sometimes become evident throughout the show especially with character expressions. In reality, the setting of the school is designed to look like it was the aftermath of an apocalypse. It conveys the message to the audience that nothing is normal. The zombies are designed to look horrific with their mindless rampage. Fan service also exists with swimsuits although most of it downplayed. Instead, it’s replace with violence with vague censorship. It’s also noticeable that the body language of the characters shows the audience of their conflicting feelings. Finally, I have to say that the show has a clever way of decorating its OP and ED theme songs along with its symbolisms. I can’t say the soundtrack is overly impressive but neither is it lacking. Somewhere in between, I think the soundtrack works especially to deliver that eerie feeling when it’s needed. Other times, its recycled usage of the lighthearted harmony is hardly memorable. Perhaps the most distinctive thing related to sound is the voices of the characters. Yuki is portrayed with a very energetic voice who is often on the lookout for fun at school. She genuinely loves school so her presence along with her voice brings in a cheery atmosphere. That is…there are moments when her breaks down in an almost mental-like state. For that, I’d say that her character is adapted well in terms of voice mannerism. Others in the show includes Kurumi’s tomboyish voice and Yuuri’s mature personality with a matching voice tone that is acceptable. To be honest, I’m not a big fan of school. For someone like Yuki, that’s an understatement. And for a show like Gakkou Gurashi, it’s about much more than the girls having fun and getting an education. Ever heard of the phrase, “when it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t?” That’s what the show feels like. As such, don’t expect Gakkou Gurashi to be the typical slice of life with cute girls having their happy endings every episode. This is not a happy show. If you take a look at the physical attributes of their real school and environment, then it’s easy to see why. If you thought that Gakkou Gurashi is like colored rainbows with smiles and laughs, think again.
(FIRST REVIEW) (ALSO SPOILERS) Gakkou Gurashi (School-Live!) is an interesting anime that blew up in the Summer 2015 season. Many people praised it for being unique, dark, and a fresh new take on the zombie genre. It has moe girls and zombies. 2 things to bait the anime community in. So how does this "masterpiece" hold up? Story: 4/10 The story in this is so average. The story changes in tone shift from being a cute, moeshit, slice of life show from a dark and depressing Madoka Magica take. However, it does it horribly. There's no weight to either of these sides to the anime and it justmakes the anime seem lazy and lacking. Also how some episodes would just focus on moeshit rather than the actual story we all came it to see. It acts like it doesn't care at all. However, something I can say about the story is how it takes some risks. I was surprised by how this show deals with some tragedy and the way it does it is quite impressive. Doesn't excuse the story from being lackluster and bi-polar. Art: 5/10 Lerche was everywhere spewing out shows in the Summer season. Too bad all of them were fucking trash but at least they had some decent art. I like how the characters movements are so fluid in some scenes and how their movements would change with the tone. For example, Kurumi attempting to kill some zombies would have pace that's quicker rather than usual when she's just standing in the slice of life would. I also like how well the color pallet would stick well with the tones as well. Keeping it dark and creepy when it needs to. But sadly, that's basically it. The art does nothing to stick out but instead it just blends in with other anime. Also, most of the animation is SO STILTED. All the characters mostly do is just stand around talking. It seems like they even forgot they were in this terrible show. Not much to say, the art and animation are just average. Sound: 4/10 The voice actresses showed some emotion in their performances here and there but nothing really seemed to stick out as well. They at least tried I'll give them that. A good thing about the sound however is the music box that would play here and there and would sound like it's dying right at the end when something bad happens. Yes, music boxes have been done to death in anime, but it was still a nice touch. As for everything else? MOESHIT TO THE MAX. Nothing in the soundtrack stands out at all. It's the same shit we've heard over and over and over again in other slice of life, cute girls doing cute things anime. Average. Character: 3/10 Holy shit, where do I begin? These characters are so 2-dimensional. None of them have a personality nor do any of them develop. Yuki is just the same old ditzy girl we see in all anime before who acts like everything around her is fine. She has a personality but it's annoying and she does not develop. Kurumi is the tomboy who had to kill the love of her life (THAT IS NEVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN) who has no personality. She is a blank slate. Yuuri, the worst character, also has no personality. She's just there to make food and keep the club under protection. Another blank slate that doesn't develop. The anime tries and make her seem different and attempt to "develop" her by attempting to kill Kurumi when Kurumi is turning into a zombie. It was handled horribly since Kurumi and Yuuri barely shared a bond together so how are we supposed to care? I sure as hell know I didn't. Miki is an overprotective character who tried and seems like she cares for the club. Another blank slate who kinda develops but is done also horribly. Everyone else is a waste of your time. The characters are the worst part of the entire show. Enjoyment: 5/10 Although it was painful to watch sometimes, I still kind of enjoyed this anime. I was still intrigued on everything that was going on and was just begging that this anime would get better, but nope. Overall: Gakkou Gurashi is a dumb, moeshit, same old slice of life show we've seen a million of times in other series. The only thing that this show does different is that it has zombies. It has 1-dimensional characters, average art, a weak story that doesn't know what it wants to be, and a soundtrack that makes you want to drill your ears. You want a good slice of life show? Go watch Aria the Animation. At least that one has good characters, better art and a story that's actually well written. Stay away from this anime. It's just another show that goes into the trash just like every other anime from the Summer 2015 season. Lerche has fucked up big time. 4/10
First things first. If you haven't watched this, Don't read any reviews, don't read the synopsis, don't read the genre tags. Don't read any more of this review. Just watch it! At least the first episode. Twice. Now! BEGONE! No questions, go just watch it! OK! ...Are they gone? Ok. Story: I was hooked after episode one. Weren't we all? It's not my typical anime, at. all! But I couldn't not watch it. Even when I got a bit freaked out by the library scene in episode 2. Usually I can guess the twists and turns but maybe since I was so scared out of my wits, Icouldn't. Cleverly written. Top notch. It's given me a new appreciation for more darker animes. (Even in spite of the one thing that happens later which makes me hate any film, book or series.) Art: Really cute and simplistic, though you could tell the animators are talented artists, lots of little subtitles. Sound: Love the theme song, so upbeat. Just like Yuki, I think the opening she'd want to have, Cute VA's. Characters: Really play well off each other, the perfect example of a gang. Enjoyment/Overall: Wow. Definitely become one of my favorites. I'd rewatch if I wasn;t a ridiculously jumpy person. Can't wait for a second season though the mind boggles how they'd follow it up on par with the first season.
I am not english, so i apologize if i make mistakes. Gakkou Gurashi is surely not your typical Slice of Life anime. The first thing that you can think after seeing its genres will be: "Slice of Life + Horror? What's that troll?", and it's here that you are wrong, my friend; Gurashi Gakkou is probably the second anime (Puella Magi Madoka Magica the first one) that manages to use 2 genres completely different so well. It could be called Slice of Horror. The new generation of anime has begun! ╰༼=ಠਊಠ=༽╯ That is why i like this anime so much, unique genres and characters. Don't get fooledby the first 20 minutes of the anime, You will see only a group of girls who live at school and look for a dog dispersed in the school with moe moments/reactions, In any case i definitely do not recommend dropping the anime before the real story starts (at the end of the first episode you'll understand what i am talking about). Go to watch the first episode because from now on there will be spoilers. -Story: 9/10 The story of the anime is great. The first thing you notice is this "School-living club", and here comes the mindfuck. The main character is mentally unstable, does not see what she has in front of her eyes. The anime is set in a post-apocalyptic world, oh wait, most of the characters "are" in a post-apocalypric world, Our Yuki is in a world friendly with her, where all are her friends and the school is perfectly normal. Obviously nothing of what she sees is true, yes, the school is surrounded by zombies. Here starts the adventures of our protagonists in a cruel world, Where errors are not allowed, only courage. Obviously, there's some mystery here and there that makes the anime more interesting. -Art: 8/10 Not a lot to say here. The art is great, it works very well with the atmosphere of the anime. It's moe when there's the Slice of Life and scary when the horror scenes arrive. The zombies have a unique art, seem to be more shadows than zombies sometimes, but don't worry, there is a reason Tho the animation is not really great, just normal. It has a lot of issues, and you can see the frames sometimes but it doesn't matter, because it fits perfectly with the anime's atmosphere. Don't expect something Ufotable-like animation, Lerche had 3 shows this season so you can imagine... -Sound: 10/10 Absolutely perfect. The OST fits perfectly with the anime. Outstanding in the horror moment, it's not your usual sound that you hear. The OP sequence is genial, cheerful music with zombies in the background, you don't see it everyday (i think). The ED sequence is more quiet, it could have been better, i don't deny it. The OST...reminds me sometimes a film, really great the concept, what you are watching: an anime; what you are hearing: a soundtrack of a film. It does a great job again because it shows the state of mind of the protagonist. It makes you feel anxious, happy, etc... -Character: 10/10 This group of girls is perfect. There's the leader "Yuuri" that thinks about cooking, giving orders And the remaining resources, she has some interesting clothes that she puts on the uniform. Then there's the courageous "Kurumi" that kills zombies and rescues her friends. There's the quiet "Miki" that loves reading post-apocalyptic stories (especially of Stephen King), why not? And lastly we have our cheerful Yuki that lives in her world. Then there's Taroumaru...Taroumaru is a dog who cheers up the girls, play with them and has a great development with Yuki and Kurumi. He is not a character that you will love for sure but i think i like him... Oh wait! how could i forget about Megu-nee! i-i mean, Sakura-sensei. She is the closest person to Yuki and a good teacher that gives advices to students. Megu-nee is a character that everyone love. -Enjoyment: 8/10 Fun and cute moments followed by scary moments. Even if there are zombies, in a dead city, this show sometimes makes you forget there are all these scary things, because nothing is better than a good comedy. IMO, the comedy/moeblob doesn't have always a good tempism, but...Oh well, in poor words, you'll have fun watching this show. -Overall: 9/10 If you like Slice of Life, go to watch it, if you like Zombies and mysterious circumstances go to watch it, if you like both, why are you reading this review? Run! You will not regret watching this show. Gakkou Gurashi is an anime that has a new whole concept of a post-apocalyptic world. This show makes you smile and scares you at the same time, unique setting, don't you find it unique? I do. I am definitely enjoying Gakkou Gurashi a lot. AOTS (summer 2015) IMO. I hope you found this review helpful 〜(^∇^〜)
The idea of having cute girls in dark settings is nothing new to the world of anime, but especially after the record-breaking commercial success of Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica way back in 2011, there has been a particularly big outbreak of new anime trying to ride the same wave and get a good bang for their buck. But the problem with that is that it generally only results in the final product feeling similar yet inferior in comparison to earlier works following the same idea, as was made evident in shows like Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru and Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou for example. Gakkou Gurashiis to me the first anime which actually succeeds in doing this in the last few years. It manages to provide the exact same kind of contrast between moe and despair that tugs on your heartstrings and keeps you on your toes, yet it does it in a completely different setting and an incomparable storyline. Now if you have not yet watched this anime, I would highly recommend you to at least watch the very first episode to its end without reading any further or getting yourself spoiled. It is something that you should really experience first-hand for yourself. Case in point, Gakkou Gurashi is initially shown from the eyes of the energetic high-schooler Takeya Yuki as a very stereotypical slice of life moe comedy following her and her friends living inside their school. And yes I literally mean living in, as their School Living Club's activities consist of always staying inside the school with the intention of "growing closer to the school's many departments, foster self-governance and independence, and set an example for all to follow". Thus they sleep in the school, take classes in school and play in school. Pretty straightforward. However as is revealed at the end of the first episode, this is nothing but a huge deception. Because in reality, the world which Gakkou Gurashi takes place in has already fallen to a zombie apocalypse, all the students other than the members of the School Living Club are already dead, and Yuki is completely mentally unstable and thus incapable of seeing the truth of her newfound reality for what it is. What makes this so great is the presentation. They manage to build the whole situation up so cleanly, so smoothly and with such perfect precision that it eventually hits you like a hammer when the truth is finally revealed. And you can't say it came out of nowhere either; the clues are clearly spread out throughout the first episode if you're paying attention. As fascinating as this opening was though, the real question following it was whether the story was actually sustainable from that point onwards. After all, when you drop that kind of bombshell in the very first episode, you better have something to offer for the remaining 11 episodes of the anime. Does Gakkou Gurashi accomplish this then? Well... yes and no. The rest of the story doesn't really rely on shock value quite as much, but instead takes a slower approach. The girls continue to live out their lives inside the barricaded school as they do their best to keep up the act that everything is fine and dandy in Yuki's presence in order to not break her mentally, try to find information about the zombie apocalypse and why/how it occurred, as well as simply staying alive. Occasionally they'll venture outside the safe zone and into hostile territory, but they never stay there any longer than necessary and they try to avoid direct combat if possible due to the risk of infection. So there isn't much in the way of bloodthirsty zombie bashing carnage in this show, but honestly I'm very thankful for that because I find that to be one of the most mindless concepts in fiction. Don't expect Gakkou Gurashi to play out like Highschool of the Dead, because it doesn't. In theory I think this is a good decision, but if there is one thing which Gakkou Gurashi fails at, it is a certain aspect of its execution. You see although the contrast between the slice of life segments inside the school and the darker elements are very cool to see, it sadly doesn't balance them properly. Simply put, there is *way* too much focus on the slice of life part of the equation. As much as I like that kind of content in general, in Gakkou Gurashi's case it feels more out of place than anything else more often than not. When you've just gotten some dramatic plot twist at the end of an episode, it feels rather annoying when the entirety of the episode thereafter is spent doing nothing at all. I mean yes, of course it's important to show off how the girls are trying to keep their spirits up in the desperate situation which they find themselves in, but it does it too much. It doesn't just come across as fleshing out the characters, but also quite frankly as wasting time. Especially when you put in an entire episode showing off the girls in their bikinis by the pool on the school's roof and even take the extra time to have the camera zoom in on their tits one by one, then it no longer classifies as contrast; it's purely fanservice. At that point there's just no room for sugarcoating it anymore. Now personally I don't really mind that part too much per se, but it doesn't change the fact that it is taking up a huge amount of time which could have been spent on actually progressing the story instead. As a result, when you look at the anime as a whole... it doesn't really advance very much from start to finish. About half the story lies in the last three episodes alone, and although those were certainly top tier, it doesn't excuse all the random stuff that happens (more like not happens) in the middle of the season. I mean imagine if the latter parts had been the middle ones instead; they'd have had room for like 4 or so more episodes before the end. Though of course you can always pick up the manga instead if you want more content, but that's a different matter altogether and not really a valid excuse. In the end, Gakkou Gurashi is a thrilling anime which is sadly dragged down quite a bit by a single flaw. It stands out from the crowd due to its original combination of setting and execution; it has occasionally stellar directing, nasty cliffhangers, and interesting characters, but at the same time it doesn't focus on its own strengths properly which leads the viewers to just want the show to "get on with it already" a lot of the time. Even so though, the pros still heavily outweigh the cons, and the good points are what the anime will primarily be remembered for. And really, any series which can manage to leave such a solid impression on you as a viewer is a noteworthy anime in my mind.
After Watching School Live, I noticed that in terms of story and characters, it's just like watching a cute, less violent & graphic, less erotic, but most importantly, more annoying version of High school of the dead. In addition to that with the story, it's sort of like School Live borrowed lots of the shock and suspense elements from High School of the Dead and dulled it down a few levels to make it easier to watch. I think it was done that way so everything is not all in your face at once. School live takes things one step at a time and that'swhat helps build up suspense. Moving on to arts and Characters, nothing too unique stands out about the characters, they are sort of like your generic anime girls. The typical stupid hyper girl and with pink hair purposely made to be cute and "a hit with the fans." The one mature classmate whose job is to look out for everyone. The tough girl with the tom-boyish personality but is really a big softie, etc. School live isn't too bad, like all anime it has its obviously faults, but I'm sure if you love cute girls trying to solve mysteries, plot twists, and violence then you're going to love School Live!
I am extremely disappointed with the way this show ended. Seeing as that is the case, this review will basically be all spoilers, so read at your own risk. I'm gonna admit, this was one of the more enjoyable shows for me this season. I rate heavily on personal enjoyment, so for the most part, this series was high up on my seasonal watch queue. No, I did not like the characters although I do understand that they were meant as a contrast of the world they were living in. No, I didn't like the sudden, out of the blue tone shifts that the show presented.No, I didn't think that this show was tapping into the full potential of what it could have done, but hey, it was enjoyable, so I kept coming back. Now let's go to episode 11, shall we? This was, by far, the best episode School-Live! had put out. It felt like the characters were truly desperate, they were genuinely terrified, and that all hope seemed lost. They were struggling with just about everything and on the brink of death throughout the entire episode. Not only that, but holy shit was the music in this episode good. I'd say around the 9 minute mark when the portable radio was played and the soft, enchanting singing started drifting out as you see the character's struggling to stay alive was phenomenal. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was extremely excited to see what episode 12 (the grand finale) would bring us. And it completely let me down. It was bullshit. I'm about to list all the things awful about this episode, so be prepared for a shitstorm of complaining. First, it's not possible that Taromaru remembered Yuki and saved her life. It's a zombie. Everything leading up to that point would have suggested that, while the zombies are relatively aware, they do not have control over their actions, they act to kill. Taromaru saving Yuki would blatantly state that the zombies can control themselves and enact self-restraint, of which none do, let alone a dog which has about 1% of the mental capacity humans do. And then all it fucking took for the whole problem to solve itself was to say "School's out, go home"?! Are you fucking kidding me?! That's just bullshit and I refuse to accept that. It was almost comical it was so overly simple and stupid. That is in no way how a zombie apocalypse story should end. Not only is it just utterly off tone with how the entire series went, it's just illogical. I cannot stress to you enough how bad this ending was. I'm a perverse person. I wanted them all to die and for the series to end. I would have easily given this show a 9 and called it the best of the season. Unfortunately, School-Live! decided that they just weren't going to do that and instead opt for a cop-out. How were they to know that there was another dog down there? If I were in that situation I would've just assumed the dog heard a noise and went down there because, let's be honest, it's a dog. That's what dogs do. There is no reason for them to have assumed that, and yet they did, so whatever. And the graduation ceremony. Oh man, the graduation ceremony. Don't even get me started (it should be evident that I'm about to get started, it's an expression, leave a "Helpful" on my review please). Basically, they just decided that instead of closure, they were gonna go the Angel Beats! route and try to just make you cry as their way of forcing people to like the show. It was disgusting watching high school seniors cry at every slightly inspirational thing people said. And it dragged on for so fucking long. A solid 10 minutes were spent just saying goodbye and whatever else they felt like crying about. And finally, the last main problem I have with episode 12 is the lack of closure. So many things left unexplained. How did the outbreak first happen? What was Megu-nee's connection with it? Why did the girls in the school not just construct a ton of weapons so they wouldn't have to rely on that damn shovel for everything? Did they ever get to a safe-house? How do the zombies not starve and rot away? Why has nobody made any attempt to establish long-distance contact? Is the infection localized or is it on a global scale? Where are all the zombies in that final scene where they're just cruising down the highway and there's no one to be seen? And where the fuck are they going? This show just made me so mad after how well it set itself up to just dissolve into a mess of emotional crap that I cannot give it a recommendation and the only reason I give it a 7 is because of episode 11. Thank you for reading, and as always, feel free to tell me what you thought.
If no one has spoiled you yet, PLEASE go into this anime BLIND! Just finish EP1 and you'll be completely surprised. It's just not what it seems to be. The character development and plotline are pretty interesting, especially towards the end. The way the anime handles the perspectives of the different characters is very well done and makes it clear what they experience compared to the others. It's really hard to properly reccommend this without spoiling it.. The only way to know if you like it is just to try EP1 and go from there. This anime is SO worth the watch, especially going in blind! Just gowatch it!
To the reader: -~- I feel it's absolutely best to go into this show with no prior knowledge. The synopsis here is vague for a reason. Go in with an open mind and no expectations, and I think the viewer will have a much better experience. -~- I first encountered Gakkou Gurashi about 6 months ago- when it was announced as a Summer series anime. Reading the description, I got absolutely nothing from it- but a little more digging led to the discovery that it was a cross between moe and post apocalytpic with some emphasis on psychological narrative. I was immediately interested- as I'd neverseen such a combination before, and it sounded like it might be cool. Cue the first episode- They say you can't have plot twists in the first episode... they were wrong. The setup and lead on with how we were seeing things versus in actuality were very surprising- shocking even. It had some of the most amazing framing and dissonance between the mental state of Yuki and her projection of reality I'd seen- and I was hooked. The subtle imagery as Yuki and Miki ran through the school, culminating with that classroom shot was incredible. I don't want to say too much here, because it's best to not know anything, but I really thought I finally had a worthy successor to the moe-horror that Higurashi had established itself queen of... but all was not well. By the 4th or 5th episode, it was plain that Yuki's mental state and her way of dealing with (or not dealing with) the newly ruined world was not the focus of the show, but instead turned into this wishy washy dark and suspenseful tale one moment and slice of life cute-girls-doing-cute-things the next. While this type of flip flopping set up a really good vehicle for really hitting the viewer with the hard moments due to how light and fluffy it had been, Gakkou Gurashi still wasn't above typical moe/school show pitfalls. I mean, I get that school is in the name- School Live! being the closest English translation, but the inclusion of a pure fanservice episode at a KEY moment in the show, at the absolute climax was a horrible decision. When everything is on the line, and major decisions and changes are about to happen- why not just throw in a swimsuit episode? Because what we needed in a unique show was SOMETHING ELSE to make it just like every other anime involving schoolgirls- some good ol T&A. I can't stress enough how badly this wrecked the very tense and suspenseful atmosphere they had painstakingly built up - a real tragedy in an anime that could have been something better. ----- In a lesser show, there would have been a lot of pointless side characters introduced- but Gakkou Gurashi stays strong with an unchanging cast of four. With the focus on their interactions, we really get a feel for how these characters are as people, and actually care for them- something not many anime manage to achieve. While Yuki's incessant naiveté is grating at times, at the point when I got sickest of it- the mood changes, and her illusionary existence comes crashing down, prompting a great shift in the show. In the apocalypse, I think few people realize how important your health is. Often in such shows, the main characters are taken to heroic feats and ridiculous Deus Ex Machina moments because, well... they're the main characters and "they can't die, hah!" In this however, the sense of vulnerability is always looming. The characters remark over the course of the show how they realize that they can't stay at their school forever, and that there seems to be an ever increasing threat outside their tiny haven, and this gently increasing tension comes to a head at about the same time the sickening moe garbage was making my head hurt. The sense that the characters were in real danger and may die was there- and I genuinely expected deaths, I just had no idea whom. It was a really rewarding watch in that aspect, because the characters didn't just pull magic out of the hat, or develop supernatural powers. Gakkou Gurashi definitely stays very grounded, and I appreciated that very much. The ending left a bit to be desired though. It was the kind of feel good ending that probably everyone saw coming, and with the buildup to it, I was expecting a bit more given the dark conclusion it was foreshadowing. Side Note: One thing I've discussed about zombie media is the portrayal of how the apocalypse came to be, and whether it takes one of three routes that form the basis for the conflict: 1.That Science did this! Biological weapon/genetic mutation experiments, who cares? It’s all vaguely scientific and intellectual sounding, so that’ll fool the teen demographic. 2.A Wild Virus Appeared! Some mutated microbe that’s unaffected by any drug affects all but some small number of populace who, by plot convenience, don’t contract the illness. 3.Who cares! Zombies are here and we have to destroy/evade/hide from them to survive! Thankfully, Gakkou Gurashi took route 3, but definitely with some shades of route 2. The subject of a virus and a planned response by the government was touched on, but it was never the forefront issue brought up as to why. Again, it doesn't really matter why the zombies are there- and it didn't need a pseudo scientific explanation to prove to me, the watcher, that it was that thought out. That part of the setting doesn't matter- it's how the characters DEAL with it that does. For the most part- they dealt with it. But then again, that's the conflict, isn't it? How does one deal with it? Scoring: Artwork and Animation: 6 Consistently good, but not anything special- definitely some excellent single frame shots with great small details and framing Sound and Voice Acting: 7 Cutesy intro, cutesy outro, cutesy insert music, and cutesy VA. What else is there to say? Characters: 7 Since we had a full season to get to know and examine the characters, they feel genuine and the audience is actually given enough fodder to decide whether they care about/like the characters. Story: 6 Post Apocalyptia X moe, little bit of drama, some suspense, and enough Slice of Life to fill everyone's need for the mundane. Enjoyment: 6 With the inclusion of a completely wasted fanservice episode and a few "you idiot" moments, that knocked it down a point. Strong beginning and a decent made up for it though. Overall: 6 Recommend? If a departure from the typical moe blob show into a bit darker territory is something you might be interested in, why not?
WHYYYYYY? why did you recommand this awful anime to me? i asked for an anime similar to madoka magica but i also wanted it to be good! this anime is an insult, there are zombies outside of the school and our "heros" are playing in a pool on the roof of the school for 12 episode!!!!! WHAT? anime like this are the reason people hate anime, this is everything wrong with anime type of an anime!! no character is develop or is interesting, 12 episodes of fan service isn't called plot! full of flashbacks of their teachers that now are dead. characters hugging each other every time they meetisn't called development the most stupidest thing i've ever seen, it turned out there is some sort of an anti-Virus inside the school (ass pull of the century) out of the fucking blue! characters are delusional (both literally and metaphorically) this anime is not dark, it is disgusting fan service bullcrap for people with the iq of sea horse don't watch this, if you respect yourself don't watch this, there is no deeper meaning here, it's just pure garbage
Everyone has different coping mechanisms. At the same time, putting others at risk for your selfishness is beyond me. It's stupid. You're hurting them. I understand what the story is trying to do. I know the point they're trying to make but I can't agree with what this is trying to force. It's cliche but bad. Yes the animation and songs are catchy but to me, no. It's not a "definite" watch of this season. It's overhyped only because of the moe characters. Found myself just skipping through parts (Yuki's annoyingness) and yup, sure enough, it just became ok. And for everyone else saying this is aclassic perfect example of PTSD. No. Go watch some Psychopass or God Eater. That is PTSD. Way better than this failed unrealistic depiction. *spoiler* I found myself cheering at the zombies to eat Yuki but I was disappointed when it was someone else .
With a very strong start, gakkougurashi turns more and more dissapointing at every episode that passes. !!!!!SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!! The characters really are not much more than moe cute girls, and when the show has any opportunity to explore them more, just wastes it. For example, the decision to make Miki confront zombie Megumi not only is the less interesting option to make; but also goes against the supposed message of "moving on" from the show. has none of the girls have or even seem to acknowledge the need to kill Megumi zombie. Actually, the show contradicting its own message also happens when Yuuri refuses to kill Kurumi andthat's completely okay having no consequences at all. This could be an option to be made and even be interpreted as the "right choice", but brushing it off with just some cliff hanger of Yuuri almost killing her and then one or two scenes of her crying does not explore any theme and would be better off NOT PUT on the show at all if you're not going to do anything with it. The final monologues about "how we need to move on and everything has to come to an end" really misses to hit due to this repeated refusal of the show to show us that. Yuki refusal to believe on what happened was also a very VERY cool concept, but it was so poorly and I mean REALLY POORLY executed, it never builded the tension that the show so desperatly tired to create. I also felt that there was a loss of focus on what character should be the main one. While I understand the need to make Miki an outsider so she can confront Yuki and we can get more context without a full info dump; it was too stretched out for us to see, know more and even process Yuki as the actual main character. Overall, there were really good and cool ideas, but left more to be desired for.
Gakkougurashi! (School-Live!) is not your average Slice of Life style anime. Following the life of Yuki Takeya, it seems that this would appear to be your average anime of a cheerful girl who enjoys school. However, this is but an illusion. In reality, society and humanity has fallen due to a zombie apocalypse. Four girls have banded together in their school to survive this ongoing nightmare, while trying to maintain their daily lives of being students. As the story progresses, each episode will mess with your thoughts and emotions gradually until the very end where it destroys you. The art is graphic in some scenes,but overall very well made, as is the soundtrack. Each character is given their own ideals and ambitions, while at the same time keeping the similar to one another. Yuki is the playful, cheery girl. Miki is the quiet, stoic type. Yuuri (Rii) is the big sister and caretaker of the group. Kurumi is brave and adventurous, being the group's defender (thank you, Shovel Knight). After each episode, you'll be left with wanting more and more, trembling at the thought of what might happen next. Overall, Gakkougurashi! is a great (9/10) anime that deserves high recognition in being unique while not differentiating too much.
i stumble upon this anime because of the hype. i must say this type anime is not what i usually watch, and i cringe for 90% of the first episode, until BAM it hits me in the end.. such plot twist, much wow.. and the curiosity just wont stop.. it's like watching the kawaii version of the walking dead to be simplified.. i havent read the manga but from the 12 eps, the story can be finished like this and i can be satisfied enough. some eps can stir up your emotions; it has many moments of thrill, sad, funny, and relieve.. the opening and endingintro clip changes according to the development of the story.. i really enjoy watching this anime and i think it has unique take on the theme that has been told several times..
*THIS REVIEW DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS!* Video Review Link: Quick Synopsis: To give you a brief overview of this Anime’s dimension, the story starts off with a calm, and peaceful setting, as most programs do. The main characters given to us are as flat as Paper Mario, and show no sign of difference to them, while being compared to the MOE narrative form of “cute girls, doing cute things” for some explicit reason. These characters are also a part of School Club called “the School Living Club.” (Let that sink in for a minute or so.) However,as you continue watching, small hints of oddity can be gathered by the chilling sound effects and the dark iconography hidden in the show, which in turn, becomes the show’s staple force. To top it off, at the end of the first episode…when you least expect it, BOOM! The story reveals to you that this is not your ordinary MOE show, but a show of the dead, featuring, FOUR GIRLS, A DOG, AND 1 ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Did I forget to mention that one of the main characters is shown to be a crazy nut job who thinks everything is fine and dandy…if not…well you KNOW NOW! However, after completing the series, there are a few questions that may leave you in a questionable state including? Why was the building so well-prepared for the outbreak? Are there any drawbacks from the medicine used for Kurumi’s wound/who created it? During the club outing segment, after saving Miki, why didn’t they just leave? Why weren’t the Zombies formidable antagonists for the girls in the story? Why would they bring Yuki, if she was undergoing this emotional trauma? Why didn’t we get to know any information about Yuuri’s intake/past events with the Zombie Apocalypse? Well, I believe it’s time to jump into what I find to be the pros and cons of the ANIME adaptation of Gakkou Gurashi! Story-line: After revealing the true nature of the Anime’s plot after episode one, I wanted the story to focus on the character’s attempts to fight through the consequences or problems the story would inflict upon them while having the desire to escape because of the Zombie Apocalypse. For the most part, the story was able to balance the MOE traits with the horror aspects well, but there were some slight problems in the Anime where the peaceful, and light-hearted tones conflicted with the story’s horror side. A few examples would include: Example 1: Episode 2 - Where Kurumi is conflicted about something, and Yuki breaks the tension with the Test of Courage idea. Example 2: Episode 9 - Where they lose sight on the emergency manual situation to have some pool time. However, the instances where the combination was executed brilliantly would include: Example 1: When they were investigating the broadcasting room area in episode 8. Example 2: Now this is kinda a combination, but at the end of episode one with the camera angles on Yuki as we are revealed that the world is not what it seems to be – Episode 1 In light of the events leading up to the climax of the series, I found it to be entertaining, but odd to some degree. The sequence of events are in no particular order, but seem to follow your standard narrative structure quite well. We are given an exposition that informs us about the situation the ladies are in, and then we’re given a few episodes which give hints of foreshadowing to various deaths, and some perspectives from at least two of the girls, being that of the bookworm Naoki Miki and our action girl Kurumi Ebisuzawa. The light-hearted moments with the girls having fun on the activities were adorable/enjoyable to watch, but sometimes it felt like they were dragged on to the point where I just wanted to see the gruesome, and darker elements which stem from its psychological portion! HECK, it’s labeled as a SEINEN Manga series for a reason now! However, the rise in suspense in episodes 10-11 were done well since they were able to capture the horror from the girl’s situation internally, and externally with the visuals, soundtrack, and the character’s facial expressions! Others and I may agree that the resolution of the show could have been a bit better, whether it be, one of the girls dying alongside Taroumaru, or that all of them could have died period. But, it makes sense by the logic given to us within the show, stating how the Zombies remember their previous lives/roles in society. Also, the fan service…and I will say no more on that note. Overall, the storyline had its cons and certainly had its pros, but it could have been better if the story focused heavily on the darker plot lines, while incorporating some interesting material from the Manga…*COUGH* Miki’s refusal to believe in Yuki’s dilemma! *COUGH* *HELICOPTER ARC* Characters: If I had to choose what character to talk about first, I’d choose Yuki Takeya. Yuki is the most energetic, airheaded, and surprisingly the oldest girl from the batch. To some, she could be viewed as bait for their zombie fishing rod because of the way she is presented in the show, but since she views the world to be equivalent to that of a bowl of Lucky Charms, instead of a walk on Elm Street, it transforms her from being the typical stock character to that of a more dynamic individual as the story progresses. Examples of this progress can be seen during: Example 1: Use the carefree Yuki bits from episodes one and two here to explain her beginning! (Put In Small Box) Example 2: Then use the bits in episode 5/6/7/10/11/12 where Yuki is shown to have some type of change throughout each episode in terms of her internal structure. She may be a stereotypical girl fit for the Moe genre, and her joyful prescience in the Anime may have its good and bad instances during the important moments in an episode, but toward the second half of the show she starts to grasp the concept of reality as we draw near to the show’s resolution. A quick pro or con for this character would include, strong character development and how her personality keeps the others from going insane. Though, through some eyes she may be shallow/annoying during the critical moments of the show, and that she may not hold any defining characteristics to her character other than what’s given to her. Alright, for the next character we have Mrs. Shovel Knight, Kurumi Ebisuzawa. Kurumi is the most athletic, thick-headed, and active member of the club. To some people she could be classified as the “best girl” due to her tomboyish appearance. She’s also one of the only members, who actually fights off the Zombies in every situation, but one. In terms of characterization, Kurumi is very reliant and calm in desperate situations, but could be classified as an emotional character since she typically believes she can handle every situation on her own which later bites her in the arm…hehe. However, I found her backstory/flashback rather lackluster compared to another main character in the series. Her flashback included a love interest for a male character during her high-school track team days. Although it was able to bring out the action hero we know today, I felt that if the minor character was given more depth as the one I shall mention later on, then her flashback could have been a tad bit better. Overall, Kurumi is given great development after the fact, and thankfully, behind her shovel-like armor, she has emotional weaknesses to bring out the realistic quality to her character. If I asked you the question of, “Who do you think is Mecha’s Favorite character from the club,” and you answered Naoki Miki, then you will definitely be getting some goods in your stocking this year! Miki or Mii-kun as Yuki likes to call her, would have to be the most fragile, skeptical, and reserved member of the club. In terms of characterization, Miki can be looked as the foil or sidekick to Yuki’s character, since they both have differing viewpoints on the zombie infested world, which enhance the qualities of Yuki’s character largely. Miki’s flashback would have to be the best one throughout the entire run of the series, since we are able to understand her personal emotions rather than her being a yes woman. Being able to see who she was before the outbreak occurred, and having lost her friend Kei to the Zombie apocalypse. Plus, with the additive of the symbolic CD player of friendship, I was able to feel sympathetic toward her character more than the other club members. An example of this could be seen throughout episodes 4-5 during the Miki retrieval mini arc. {However, there’s a slight note I have to mention that most Manga fans would discuss as well and that’s after she is included. Miki isn’t shown to be as resilient as she was in the Manga, and in this case I would have loved to seen more personal conflicts between Yuuri and her rather than what was shown in the Anime. Was this scene that big of a deal,…not really? But it would have brought her character to life a tad bit more, but I’m pleased with the ending result that was portrayed in the Anime.} Now we reach the club’s final member, and that is Yuuri Wakasa aka OPPAI JUSTICE! Yuuri is the most mature, kind-hearted, and resourceful member of the group. She normally plays the big sister role of the club, but when all heck breaks lose, she loses her calm nature and begins to break down emotionally. As far as characterization goes, Yuuri really doesn’t have a backstory to go along with her character sadly, and some may consider her to be the worst of the group because of this. Yuuri does go through some emotional break downs near the ending of the story, but throughout the entire run of the series not much comes from her other than the stereotypical big sister traits seen in most Anime. However, she played her role quite well in the series, which didn’t bother me at all. Hopefully, a second season, if given, will be able to bring life to this character, than what was portrayed in this season. In terms of the minor characters including the clumsy, lovable teacher Sakura Megumi (Megu-nee), the animal mascot, Taroumaru, and Miki’s best friend, Kei, they all played key roles in supporting the characters and story, as it progressed. With the incorporation of Megumi’s character in the story, the series was able balance the peaceful and gloomy scenarios well. Also, Yuki’s character was driven by the fact that she didn’t want to remember the character’s death, and without it, I believe she would just be a female with no inner emotions. Her impact on the rest of the cast including Miki was strong, since she was an integral piece to their puzzle of compassion. Though, the only down side to Megu-nee’s character was the way her death was structured. If you’re the type of person who likes a death that is straightforward than you may have complications with this specific character With regards to the other two characters they share similar traits to that of one dimensional characters since they seem to be placed in the story, to satisfy the viewer or to enlighten a character trait for a member of our main cast. Spoiler, they both die, but Taroumaru’s death was better in my eyes. Sound-Track: The soundtrack for the series was standard, but memorable to my ears. The opening theme titled, “Friend Shitai” by Gakuen Seikatsubu is amazing and honestly catchy. It’s a great refresher and kick-starter for Gakkou Gurashi, even though the soundtrack doesn’t match the story’s premise in any way. Another highlight for this opening would be how the voice actresses who play the characters in the JP dub are actually the one’s singing the song. Speaking of the actresses, I found the JP voice acting to fit well with the characters. During the intense and joyous moments of the show, the voice acting seemed to be on point from what I recall from the program. Although when comparing the voice acting to other shows, it could be standard at most. However, I was able to obtain the general feel for each character, and I can’t really complain there. In regards to the three ending themes for this series, they fit perfectly, but are not really special or mind-blowing. Although, they grasp the sadness and happiness of the series, they don’t seem to memorable, unless, your like myself who downloads the song and consistently listens to it during the random times of the hour. However, if I did have to choose the best track out of the three, it would have to be “Afterglow” by Maon Kurosaki. While listening to the vocal cover and instruments play in the background you could feel the sadness obtained during the reveals in the show. On the other hand, there are some instances where the sound effects in the Anime are used during the most random moments. One to note would be in episode four when Miki suddenly notices Taroumaru fled the room, there’s an instance where a wind sound could be heard. Now it’s quite miniscule I know, but it seemed rather odd to me at the time. However, the OST for the critical and light-hearted moments fit well for the series. Example: Episode 6: When Miki asks Yuki, who’s Megu-nee? Animation: In terms of the art quality in Gakkou Gurashi, there wasn’t really much that bothered me, besides two things, and that would be the misplacement of certain facial features and the lovely use of computer animation or as the cool kids say CGI. What I mean by the misplacement of character features would include scenarios where the children are given no eyes, or are losing parts of their appearance. This can be shown during Yuki’s delusional moments. I understand it’s a part of the child-like art form, but in most instances some of the background characters are given features that show them as dolls or figurines. Now the only time I found this to fit well would be during the comical and embarrassing moments for the characters, but that’s about it. Example: The character bubbles seen during the child-like moments of the show and during the instances when they tell each other off, in a humorous manner. In terms of the use of CGI, the only complaint I have with it would have to be the zombies and sometimes the background character designs. The cars, buildings, scenery, etc. didn’t seem to bother me in any fashion, since they never change to the traditional animation style. Some series like Rwby, I feel, use computer animation well because their series started as CGI and remained CGI. However, with the zombies and people they often change from the computer animation and traditional animation style frequently, and I felt that it should’ve stayed true to one animation style. On the other hand, I didn’t seem to find any problems with the background elements of the series, or the artwork on the character’s appearances since they clashed well when the series decided to flip the mood, occasionally. Heck, even the dark color pallets on the zombies and the red bubbles that surrounded Kurumi and the other characters during their quarrel with the dead made me shiver in excitement. The animation was standard, but interesting in the slightest. The camera angles used in some of the scenes really hit home during the emotional and climatic moments of the show. A few examples would include: Example 1: The zoom in features on the faces of Yuuri/Yuki/Miki during their encounter with the zombies. – Episodes 5/6/10/11 Example 2: The glass as it is falling down from the building because of the zombies gaining access into the school building. – Episode 10 Don’t even get me started with the awesome foreshadowing elements they placed into the opening sequence of the series, because I believe I would like to take a deeper look into that predicament, in the near future of my YouTube Channel. (Why did you have to steal my thunder, Mother’s Basement!) Although I would have loved for there to be more fluid animation in the action scenes rather than some elongated still frames, I still felt the series had pretty decent animation, nonetheless. Enjoyment: Personally, while watching this series I was rather stoked to find out what would happen next, and re-watching the previous episode to find out the hidden artifacts of the real world was fun in itself. Does the series have its flaws? Absolutely. Would I recommend people who are new to Anime to watch it? Certainly. If I had the power to change anything from this series, what would I change? Honestly, the only way to fix the issues for this series would be, by stretching the series to at least 18 to 21 episodes to fit the source material in perfectly. Keeping true to one type of animation style rather than mixing both of them together, and maybe giving some of the characters a little more depth to make them connect with the audience more. Nevertheless, the series was able to provide the entertainment I was looking for in a show at the time, and I would definitely give it a re-watch sometime in the near future.
Gakkougurashi is an anime that takes two aspects from opposite spectra and juxtaposes them side-by-side, hoping to blend them together well. The two aspects being zombies and moe. However, in just the first episode, it shows how hard it is to coalesce moe and zombies together. Heavy symbolism and foreshadowing come into play to show just that. The star character, Takeya Yuki, cracks jokes and makes a fool. The other characters laugh at her as if they aren't in their current condition. In fact, the entirety of the cast doesn't show realistic reactions to their situations until lateinto the series. This is not a plus because for a show that has characters facing psychological situations, what the viewer wants is to watch the characters in their realistic state of mind. Either that, or something that has a lot of action or horror, or similar subgenre. What I'm getting at is that Gakkougurashi is too flip-floppity with its storytelling. It lacks focus on what it wants to convey. There are scenes and complete episode setups that focus on the survivors' lives, playing and having fun, even though there's a constant struggle dealing with the zombie apocalypse they live in. Some of my favourite scenes with Yuuri talking with another character about the apocalypse were immediately followed by Yuki and her ridiculous moe, toning down the scene's serious mood. The art ε animation of the show is average of your typical moe anime. Sometimes the animation is lazily done with slide motions but that's not often. Other than that, there weren't many problems although I did see saw some slight computer animation (for the zombies) in the final episodes that were aesthetically odd. Personally, I thought the background music was exceptionally done and very fitting to the atmosphere. Sound effects weren't anything special but the voice acting was paired well with their respective characters, especially Yuuri and Miki. As for the ending songs, they were nice and gentle, bringing out the atmosphere of the series; there's not much to say about the opening. The characters, at first, were nothing too amazing but were actually the opposite: empty shells that didn't quite have personalities. However, as the series progressed, so did the characters. Growing goals and battling with internal conflicts. Yuki too, began to bud intentions and objectives. This was a huge bonus for a show that began to lose my interest. After finishing, I viewed Gakkougurashi as a worthwhile watch that attached me to its characters and made me want to watch more. Although I said that zombies and moe don't mix well, the first episode was full of necessary cliché moe scenes, successfully setting up the show with the reveal at the end. In fact, I almost cried at the end (poor Taroumaru!). To wrap up, the main problems I had with Gakkougurashi were its rather inappropriate usage of moe and unrealistic characters. Other than that, the show was mostly enjoyable up to its end. Final Score:6.5/10
Note: Light spoilers but spoilers are written vaguely as to not fully spoil the reader. Gakkou Gurashi started out with potential. The manga it was adapted from juggled harrowing tension along with moe slice of life moments pretty well and the anime started out quite strongly. However, as the series dragged on it also began to fall apart, both as an adaptation of the manga and in terms of plot structure. I will first highlight how the anime compares with the manga as an adaptation before moving onto reviewing it as its own entity. The series had a very strong bait-and-switch episode 1, it lures you intoa sense of security before pulling back and revealing its dark nature all too well and I highly recommend watching the first episode- and maybe episode 3- if you have even the slightest interest in the series before reading the manga instead. The manga provides better characterization and pacing especially if compared with the anime whose pacing slowed to a complete crawl by episode 5 before suddenly accelerating at around episode 10. Character development for Miki and Yuuri has suffered considerably. Key moments to their arcs such as Miki warming up to Yuki and Yuuri's descent into madness aren't portrayed at all in the anime, unless if you consider Yuuri very briefly loosing it in episode 11 but even then she still picked herself up by episode 12 without any repercussions. This dog is given more screentime than it should have gotten and is arguably a bigger focus to the anime than some of the girls. The focus on Taroumaru is one change from the manga I'd rather the creators not have taken. Especially in the later episodes, the focus is shifted to Taroumaru's end of the spectrum, with the girls seemingly caring more for the stupid dog rather than themselves and their friends. At one point, an episode's plot hinges on Taroumaru's importance so much that the gravity of the girls' plight is weakened as a result. While its all too easy to blame the anime's fault entirely on Taroumaru, the fact is, even when judged on its own merit, the anime still falls flat on several occasions. Even with the focus on Taroumaru, the anime still had plenty of episodes to provide the girls with more characterization and to further contextualize theie situation. Instead, most of the episodes in the middle of the series, beginning with episode 4, focused more on the Slice of Life elements rather than the Survival elements. In the first few episodes, the Slice of Life moments were there to highlight the danger the girls are in, subverting standard cliches by juxtaposing them with the very real danger the girls face on a normal basis. However later episodes almost always completely focus on the Slice of Life elements, making the show less a twisted Survival Horror with Slice of Life elements to a Slice of Life show guest starring some zombies. And don't get me started on the gratuitous fanservice for this. Episode 4 and 5 had several disturbing shots of Miki in her lingerie, some low angle shots, and this really damaged any credibility to the emotional scene the show was trying to convey. Later episodes aren't much better, with shower scenes and beach episodes being the tip of the iceberg. Hell, there's a 20 second scene where the girls have a conversation with the camera focusing on their breasts the whole time. Classy. Not to say the anime is completely flawed though. There are a few good moments spread here and there. Episode 3 is a good example of what the show does best, creating a no-nonsense horror atmosphere is one of the show's biggest strengths and it serves to highlight how much of an improvement the anime would have been under better direction. As it stands, Gakkou Gurashi the anime is a poor adaptation and a weak anime on its own right. Reading the manga just reminds the viewer of how much of a wasted potential the anime is. 4/10 Disappointing.
Hope, a bright warm light shinning across a dark room where freezing water is flowing. Sometimes the light grows weaker or stronger. What makes it change is the will of mankind, the will to believe that it is not over or that are things in this world worth struggling for everyday. If i were to compare our tale to a scenery I would say, an ocean of tears moved by a gust of happiness and laughter and lighted by the rays of hope that come and go as the day-night cycle goes on. Our protagonists are trying to resume their normal lives which they hadbefore the disaster had stricken. Each of them with different personalities support themselves on these hard times. Artwork is pretty standard. Nothing out of the ordinary with the slim and edgy characters being a bit of an eyesore, but that's just my taste. Same is to be said about the Soundworks, nothing stings the eye or enchants it. Characters are all different in most ways but they are all supportive, talkative. There is a noteable lack of an antagonist on this series, the only concern about their actions being their own feelings. Overall the combination of comedy,drama and tragedy make this a well made story, easily enjoyable and somewhat pleasant. I recommend it especially for people that have only started watching anime.