It is the dawn of the 21st century. Mankind has terraformed and colonized Mars. But we are not alone in the universe. An ancient race of alien beings, known only as "The Gods," has been watching mankind's progress ...and waiting. Now, these mysterious aliens have returned to halt mankind's expansion into space force. Now, the planet named after the God of War will become our final battlefield, as mankind fights a desperate battle with the latest in high-tech, military hardware: hyper-advanced aircraft, orbital fighters, and gigantic, desert battleships brimming with the most advanced weaponry. But will it be enough? The aliens have awesome, incredibly destructive weapons at their disposal—including "Hell"—an unstoppable stealth carrier. But the alien's primary weapon is insidiously quiet and invisible—a mind control plaque. Incurable. Inevitable. Contagious. Humans are powerless to resist its effects, which transforms even the most loyal soldiers into dangerous subversives. Our last hope lies with Captain Akuh and the crew of the Battleship Aoba. If his top-secret mission is successful, mankind will deal a decisive blow to the alien armada. But Akuh's girlfriend is showing signs of nymphomania—the first symptom of alien subversion! (Source: AnimeNfo)
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~Mr. Panda's VCR of Doom: #1~ (See My Profile/Blog for Future Editions of "Mr. Panda's VCR of DOOM!" Big Wars comes out of the period of anime history when Sci-Fi was the clear and present King of the medium. This stage in the development of the industry suffered a myriad of triumphs and epic failures. Big Wars is one of those obscure movies that falls somewhere in-between. The basic storyline is familiar enough. Humanity has colonized Mars and, following the opening of transforming operations, is attacked by an alien race known as "The Gods". A massive, technologically advanced war ensues over the next several decades in which (itis implied) there has been no real significant progress. Big Wars lives up to its name in principle (though it is limited slightly in its presentation). We are greeted by massive clouds of fighters, reports of whole cities being wiped out as if it’s nothing, sand Battleships (that's right: BATTLESHIPS! MANLY!), and a stealth carrier named "Hell". Without spoiling anything, essentially a cruiser/battleship captain is assigned a covert task-force (how they expect to keep a battleship covert is beyond me, but I didn't write this) and is eventually assigned to take-out the Hell. The majority of the movie is taken up by references to the actual battlefield action and focuses more on cloak & dagger intrigue. The Gods have the ability to spread a sort of "mind control" virus enabling them to recruit spies and terrorists from within the human ranks. Really most of the story deals with this issue and the Post-Vietnam era "concept-of-war" dialogue. Likely, this movie would have fared better by sticking to the battlefield action. If I wanted to be crude about it, I could sum it up thus: Explosions-Sex-Spies-Sex-Spies+Explosions-Explosions I've seen much better work in the art department, even from this period. None the less, the sand battleships are rather well-drawn and fun to watch. The characters are well-designed as well (artistically speaking anyway). The battlefield art varies, though should be given on the basis that it is mostly the standard issue of having massive amounts of units impacting presentation. The dub did not make me cringe. It may just be me, but CPM's old dubs don't seem as bad as one usually expects. Though possibly this is just my primary exposure bias, or getting used to English versions. Battle sound effects are nothing unique, and often seem repetitive. I've yet to track down a Japanese language version, so I have nothing to compare it to. The sex scenes may be seen as overplayed (though this is common; note, however, that upon learning the actual story, the overplay actually fits). This movie fails pretty hard on the issue of characterization. It's hard to sympathize with anyone, and I came out of it not even sure which side I wanted to win the war. To me Big Wars couldn't make up its mind as to whether the Gods of the Humans were the morally upright ones. This would actually be an interesting aspect, except I'm fairly certain it wasn't done on purpose, merely as poor writing. No individual is given nearly enough time (even with screen-hogging most of the movie Captain) for anyone to get a sense of the people. The best we get are vague references to past events and lack of real character development. Summing everything up, I am surprised to say I enjoyed watching the movie to a certain extent. I have a fondness for large-scale war anime (they are a rarity these days), plus as an 80s movies I just had to see it. For those of you wondering if you should give this one a try: I'd say "yes". I am not one to shy away from the mediocre; if I did that I could hardly appreciate the good. Big Wars has a certain charm of its own in its massive battle scales and plot-deprived sex scenes; giving a rather decent feel for what entertainment really meant back in the early 80s: sex and explosions, with a token dash of espionage. It's certainly not for everyone, and I'd recommend it even less than I would Space Adventure Cobra the movie. It's a movie for war fans, or for those of you that have a particularly boring day and want to entertain yourselves MTS3K style.
The title of this movie, ‘Big Wars’, did not leave one with the impression that it would be a film with any intellectual substance or emotive storytelling. In fact, the effect of such a ridiculous title is to whet the male appetite for explosions and guns and blood, guts and gore. It creates an expectation that the following hour will be spent ogling over sense of intense cruelty and wave after wave of laser cannon induced bloodshed. That ‘Big Wars’ failed to deliver in this regard is as much a shock to me as it probably will be to you. Rather than use this opportunity tocreate an entertaining, unintelligent exploitation piece that will appease bottom feeders such as myself, the creators of this turgid anime have developed a taste for luxuries, and have attempted to give the film a plot that lies out with the abilities of the writing staff. And it quickly turns what seemed like a promising happy hour of hack n’ slash into one of the largest battle to maintain consciousness this reviewer has ever faced. Our story begins as so many of its contemporaries do; with a lightning fast multiple paragraph explanation of the setting and basic premise of the story. This is seldom used in quality productions and for good reason- it leaves the audience with the impression that the film itself will either be incomplete or inadequate. Both of these hold true in the case of ‘Big Wars’. To summarise, in the somewhat distant future humanity has colonised Mars, and in doing so have awoken the wrath of the ‘Gods’ who may or may not be the creators of the Universe. They begin a long war with the humans residing on both Earth and Mars. The opening passage does not however prevent the writers from stumbling through irritatingly obvious exposition and awkward dialogue for the first ten minutes of the film. For example, in the opening scene the protagonist arrives at a Martian airport, complete with security so overzealous they make real life airport security seem haphazard: no less than three announcements warning the public of the imminent threat of terror attacks and ‘subversion’ by the Gods. Needless to say this kills any chance of suspense when a terror attack occurs only seconds later. Despite a sizable explosion, the insurgents are quickly dispatched and life returns to normal at the airport. Making his way down an escalator, our protagonist bumps into an old flame, and they promptly make arrangements for the first of many a sexual liaison. These occur several times throughout the film, typically whenever things start to lose direction or things get boring. Meanwhile, the audience is given several hints that our protagonist’s old flame is under the God’s ‘subversion’, in case they were unable to figure it out in the opening sequence. With any possibility for intrigue killed stone dead by the blitzkrieg foreshadowing, the rest of the first half of the film becomes tedious. Eventually the story progresses towards the titular ‘big war’ and the prospect of penance for its quasi-religious meandering in the first half. Unfortunately, despite the warnings that the attack will be a suicide mission, the level of carnage is a more than a tad disappointing. There are a few gorey deaths in store for the less important members of the crew as well as some extra-terrestrial deicide, but not in levels which can account for the forty tiresome minutes spent building up to it. Instead of the mass slaughter we have been led to anticipate, we instead g et several hallucination scenes featuring our protagonist’s old flame, which are gratuitous without exception- appearing nude in every one and doing all manner of bizarre things. The greatest strength ‘Big Wars’ has is its animation, which is of fair quality. Similar productions are often wrought with elementary animation errors and cheap production but ‘Big Wars’ maintains an acceptable standard throughout, although this can be accounted more to the lack of high-paced action sequences and the simple character designs. Camera use is fairly standard, but thankfully free from poor panning shots. The biggest problem with the film’s art is that the vast majority of scenes are very dark, resulting in poor picture definition. This is a common problem among science fiction anime from this era but this doesn’t stop it from becoming irritating. The soundtrack on the other hand is eclectic but completely unfit for purpose; it simply never gets it right. It’s primarily composed of Bossa Nova influenced 80s synth music, which gives off a jungle vibe completely unsuitable for a story set in space or the desert surface of the red planet. It was presumably chosen to emphasise the ‘hallucination’ sequences but even then fails to pull it off. Finally there is the voice acting. A subtitled Japanese version of the film is available but when you’re watching something like this, the English dub is the preferred choice, for comedic value. Though it features the same dry acting you would anticipate, unfortunately the lines are seldom ridiculous enough to be amusing. On the whole, “Big Wars” felt more like a “Big Waste of Time” and I wouldn’t recommend that you bother, even if you are normally fond of the ‘so bad it’s good’ variety of eighties/nineties OVAs. You could do a lot better watching another series like Angel Cop, Black Lion or Mad Bull 34. On the other hand if you have exhausted these possibilities and you’re desperate this one may be worth your while. However, if you are looking for something genuinely good to watch, this is definitely not worthy of your consideration.
If you looking for a good sci-fi anime movie, this isn't it. Everything about this 1993 anime movie is average to bad. From the story about the future of Mars and the war there with the mysterious aliens to the uncharismatic characters to the bad music. This anime movie is one of the ones you don't want to see. If they hadn't tried to make it so big of a movie it might have been better. The creators of the anime movie should had made it into a OVA or a short series. I think it would have beenmuch better had they done that.
I don't get the hate, this movie is fine. I watched it first when I was a teenager and absolutely loved it! I thought the action was great, the story was original and thought provoking, and even liked some characters! Even back then, most people flat out hated it. Watched it again recently and noticed a lot of flaws that I didn't the first time around. The story is not that original, characters are generic and not that likeable, editing has room for improvement and a few other things. That being said, I still thought the action was great and the animation quality is decentfor a 30 year old anime. Something that helped me enjoy it more and may help you if you're wondering it's worth spending the time is this: Think of it as a sci-fi historical documentary, as if you're watching a slice of human history. You don't need to root for a side or get attached to a character. Not every event needs to make total sense. Just enjoy the ride and don't go in thinking it's going to be bad. It's just an above average sci-fi flick that came out when sci-fi was making all the money in the industry.
I usually put quite some work into writing these, but I don't feel like that it's necessary for this production. Like seriously, that fucking sucked. And I will spoiler the shit out of this movie because you shouldn't watch it anyway. Story: The basic concept of the storyline is the following: Fighterjet/Spaceship battlescene > boring talking where you don't understand jackshit > Sexscene of mainprotagonist and his female acquaintance > boring talking > Another sec scene > more boring talking > some explosions > Maincharacter kills female acquaintance because she's a spy, then kills another spy in a ridiculous action scene > Maincharacter takes off with hisship (Literally ship, not spaceship. There are spaceships, but appearently it makes more sense to fight ufos and shit with actual cruisers that can somehow magically and completely unexplained sail through sand.) > Maincharacter has some weird hallucinations > WAAAGH> more weird hallucinations > they somehow manage to get close to the enemy alien floating "ship"? (It looks like a shell) > They send a small squad in there to plant a bomb > they succeed in planting the bomb > gigantic explosion > they made it out alive > Credits. Sorry for that kind of summary but I can't put that stupidly retarded stoyline into a complete text. I would honor that movie too much by doing so. As a sidenote, for a movie called "Big Wars" there are surprisingly less wars than boring talking. 1/10 Art: Well, I'll be fair, it looks fairly decent for it#s time. It's pretty dated today, though. 6/10 Sound: The voice acting is alright, nothing too special but nothing horrible either, well, as long as you're watching the japanese version. I watched the english one for two minutes and it was horrible. The music on the other hand has nothing good about it. There are mainly orchestral pieces that sound like they were created in under 20 minutes. Plus, they never actually fit with what is happening on screen. Never. 2/10 Character: You know nothing about any characters whatsoever and you don't care about them anyway, not even the maincharacter. Those are the most boring ass, blatant characters ever. You can literally watch this movie without subs and you would know who's bad and who's good from the first second they are on screen. 1/10 Enjoyment: This is one of those movies you need to watch with a friend or two and a couple of beers and it becomes quite fun to watch because it's oo ridiculously stupid, but if you watch it alone it's simply dreadful. there is absolutely nothing to like about it and it shouldn't be watched by anyone. 1/10 Overall: 2,2/10 Fucking garbage. That's what it is.
Yoshio Aramaki is officially one of the worst content creators in Japan in my book. Not only did he create one of the worst historical novels (it could very well be the worst) in Konpeki no Kantai but he also created this strange thing that is difficult to describe. Like many people here already said "Big Wars"? more like Big *BORING* Wars!!! The movie tries to tell a great story but it doesn't have the time or the proper writing for it, Yoshio simply doesn't know how to write a good story to save his life, even with an interesting premise. It is not completely an atrocity like konpekino kantai because it at least tries to tell its own story instead of being a child playing with his toys, but it is very poorly done, nothing particularly horrible like other animes I have seen throughout my life's just very bad. A lot of exposition and pretentious shit that has no meaning or insight and is only there to generate cheap shock. The way the story is told is so boring, monotonous and with unnecessary exposition and characters talking that it makes it seem like a longer movie than it really is. 1 hour of waste of time definitely. This thing manages to be worse than bakemonogatari/medaka box/the legend of the galatic heroes/utena and madoka in terms of artistic pretentiousness. The characters are as boring as the story they are trying to tell, The protagonist (the captain) is super soft and without any special characteristics, and the rest of the characters are equally or more forgettable. many nudes for no reason... I know that people may have tried to defend this by saying "the novel is better" and I do not doubt that due to the time limitation there is much less exposition and the story is presented in a less strange and shorten way but knowing the other works of the authors... I probably go so far as to say that it sucks even as much as this adaptation. Honestly, even though I am very critical of the creator, I can say that I envy does he create novels so bad that they are published and adapted? He clearly has a talent for convincing people. but the truth is that I think an AI robot could have developed a better story with the premise of "Mankind has terraformed and colonized Mars" and "war against alien gods". This thing is so strange that it is difficult to see it even with friends by your side, tho because it is so strange when there are scenes of hallucinations to a certain extent it is worth seeing it in terms of drawing and strange aesthetics. Some scenes are like a see-to-believe type of stuff. Nothing particularly good, just that if I had to be positive about this thing, that would be it. This anime is only recommended if you want a bizarre experience with your friends, like watching a hentai or something like that, although even as something "so bad is good" is not even that, is just that boring...not a very recommended experience. it is just too boring. That's why children, if you don't know how to tell a war and Sci-FI story, don't do it.
In Biggu Wōzu, otherwise known as Grandiloquent Conflicts of Substantial Magnitude, there's a pronounced cinematic vision in the initial scenes: colossal Earthian military ships and tanks floating in darkness and illuminated by sudden explosions and plumes of flame, a dog fight against UFOs (or, rather, the conventional alien saucer ship, since these are very clearly identified) breaks out amidst an electrical storm on the hostile Martian surface, and the introduction of an exotic Martian woman with wind-swept blonde hair tumbling out of her helmet (if you couldn't tell the character would be female before the reveal, then you haven't watched much anime). There are anumber of scenes, such as the tracking shot in the airport, with people walking along, and a massive advertisement of a red skeleton eating the earth on loop that seemed inspired as well, but Biggu Wōzu often devolves into slow talky mode, with rambling scenes and the lackluster visuals you'd expect to come out the wazoo of a second-rate company like Magic Bus, whose sole claim to fame is the production of the Legend of the Galactic Heroes OVA, which is also rather uninspired visually for most of its slideshow-animation run. The enemy martians are referred to as "Gods," and there's the implication of ancient aliens seeding humanity upon its rightful dwelling of Earth, but the presumed grand backstory is a stub. It doesn't help that half of the run time is comprised of two characters slurping on each other's face like a straw nor that the character design isn't especially attractive, in spite of the sexy alien women who barely get any screen time; why don't we get to stare at them a bit more instead of the MC's love interest, who looks like she's a roided-out bodybuilder and could split a head in two between her thighs? Starts off like a paranoid B-movie noir with a psychedelic touch—perhaps one could liken it to a poor man's Total Recall but with the more intense paranoia of Manchurian Candidate. Unfortunately, the second half spins an exceedingly dull and poorly written scenario involving a muddled war with the aliens. The writer randomly throws in dramatic backstory for various characters, as if to instill depth, but never utilizes the drone-like non-personalities in any compelling way, most of them having nothing to do other than fill space, shoot at stuff, and get killed. The OVA is much too long and boring, even with a shortish running length of 70 minutes, but it's also far too short to tell the kind of story the author had in mind. The generically triumphal ending is appalling and overly rushed. There's not much reason to recommend this OVA, other than a few curious elements and an almost-good-enough start, leading to a crushing disappointment.