Ichigo Kurosaki is an ordinary high schooler—until his family is attacked by a Hollow, a corrupt spirit that seeks to devour human souls. It is then that he meets a Soul Reaper named Rukia Kuchiki, who gets injured while protecting Ichigo's family from the assailant. To save his family, Ichigo accepts Rukia's offer of taking her powers and becomes a Soul Reaper as a result. However, as Rukia is unable to regain her powers, Ichigo is given the daunting task of hunting down the Hollows that plague their town. However, he is not alone in his fight, as he is later joined by his friends—classmates Orihime Inoue, Yasutora Sado, and Uryuu Ishida—who each have their own unique abilities. As Ichigo and his comrades get used to their new duties and support each other on and off the battlefield, the young Soul Reaper soon learns that the Hollows are not the only real threat to the human world. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Bleach will always warm my heart no matter how many times I watch it. There are scenes in this anime that I consider iconic to the anime community, regardless of how many people disagree with me, I truly believe Tite Kubo inspired greatness in so many fans. He has the most beautiful artwork I've seen in manga, and while the anime doesn't quite reach the level of skill Kubo possessed, it still presented a beautiful adaptation of his story in a way that impacted millions of people around the world. You can argue that it has cliche moments, or maybe some flat characters, and yeah, theending was extremely rushed (due to Kubo's poor relationship with his publishers), but none of that matters when compared to the enormous amount of fans who adored Bleach. A community of millions of people were all brought together when Ichigo showed us the power of a human. The strength, emotion, and pain of a human. Human understanding and suffering and friendship and human values. It's not about swords and power ups. Bleach taught us how to love, how to protect, and how to overcome our weaknesses. This is a fictional story with very REAL lessons. And while there are other anime and stories that can teach us about life, there is nothing quite like Bleach. The story captured me at every moment, I could relate to every struggle, and I felt my heart melt at every tragedy. I know that not every person will experience something the same way. I know there are many people who feel disconnected from Bleach. But as for me and the Bleach fans around the world, we gained something by watching this treasure. I have a passion and a strength that developed every time Ichigo fought and won his battles. The soul society became my allies. Ichigo's friends were my friends too. Ichigo became my hero. I started this series back when I was 15 years old and even though I'm 22 now, I still find personal strength and encouragement from watching my hero fight for the good in this world. I believe this will live in my heart and mind until the day I die. Bleach is not unworthy of praise, because it truly helped at least one person on this earth find happiness. Nothing is meaningless. Even if only one person finds value in something, it's worth it. Thank you.
*NO SPOILERS* Bleach had great potential, but became annoying with poor character development and random powers. Bleach has one of my favorite concepts ever. The Soul Society is awesome and the Gotei 13 are probably the best part of the show. They are squads composed of a multitude of Shinigami(Soul Reapers) and the show focuses more on the Captains and Lieutenants of those squads that are the most interesting characters in the show. Although, their could have been less squads(like 6) with less members in them(like 5) to have a more focused cast of characters that get more development. Hollows are also very interesting, they are soulsthat have either decide to let themselves be taken by evil or have been capture by other hollows. The basic concept is that the Soul Society dispatches Soul Reapers to purify the souls of hollows to let them live in the Seretei(basically heaven) unless they were evil while human( then they go to hell). The Soul Reapers use their swords called Zampakuto, that have 2 transformations to purify hollows. The story of Bleach is ok, it is basically a regular shounen protagonist (Serious while fighting and Over powered) vs a traitorous, power hungry, intellectual villain. Bleach biggest problems are its disrespect of its own power level system, its useless side characters, its horrible explanations for certain powers and its fillers.. Bleach doesn't make sense when it comes to power levels, a character can be defeated by an opponent, and then can defeat someone that utterly destroyed that opponent without training or power ups. I don't know how to describe it without spoilers but the power level system is non existent and it is really aggravating to not see that system in place. Ichigo, the main character, will discover some new ability to beat his opponent that is portrayed as being way more powerful than Ichigo, this will happen multiple times. Ichigo is easily defeated by the main antagonist(villain), that same villain levels up 5 times and is defeated by Ichigo who trained for 3 months. What? at least don't make the villain level up 5 times so it makes more sense. The side characters in bleach are useless. The Captains and Lieutenants aren't, but Ichigo's friends are. First off, Orehime Inoue, F**K is this character annoying. Shes is the typical damsel in distress, she is hot, she tries to be extra cute and she has stupid powers that have no explanation(Maybe Fullbringer). Orehime's only use is healing Ichigo so he can get back into a fight. Chad has *MINOR SPOILER* Fullbringer powers, these are probably the stupidest powers in the Bleach universe. Fullbringer is the abillity to control the souls found inside objects. WTF!! an object has a soul? I guess it does in the Bleach universe. Uryu Ishida is probably the on except-able friend Ichigo has. Uryu is a Quicy, they are similar to soul reapers, but instead of using a sword they use a bow and arrow. They also kill hollows instead of purifying them. The problem with all three of these characters is they become to weak to participate in battles except Uryu who can still provide support in battle. Bleach is almost 50% filler. These can be skipped if you binge watch Bleach but on a week to week basis it can be really annoying to have to watch filler almost every other arc. Although Bleach has a huge list of problems I was still hooked until the last cannon arc because the concept of Bleach was so interesting. The Soul Society and the captains are the main reason I continued to watch the show. The most annoying part of Bleach for me was its lack of explanation and logic for powers, Ichigo's friends that shouldn't have existed, especially Orehime and the fact that the main characters can just come full circle and defeat a character that should be way above them in terms of power.
---- Spoilers (FIRSTLY THIS SEIRES CONTAINS AT LEAST 40-55% FILLER! ) Bleach: This anime is a cluster-fuck! Nothing more, nothing less. The concept of bleach is actually decent, and it's execution was 8/10 right up till episode 63. The relationship between hollows , humans and shinigami(death gods) was interesting and continued to progress into a rescue mission . This anime honestly should of ended as that! But instead we get shitty plot after plot hole, deus ex machina(shikai >bankai> hollow mask>hyper bolic time chamber) and basic shounen formula... thecurrent manga for this series is in such a shit-hole that there is literally no hope for this series in my opinion ESPECIALLY with the death of Tsukada Masaaki the voice actor of yammamto. Essentially, the plot for bleach has devolved to a transparent sequential pattern>> i.e ( antagonist enters op status ( aizen) where it canonly be matched and beaten by ultra op status ( ichigo))>> the end. STORY 4/10 It's saddening that really the only redeeming quality of this series is the sound !Shirō Sagisu the music producing god behind such titles such as NGE , black bullet and ofc BLEACH! 9/10 ART: for the first 63 episodes art was definitely 8/10 , honestly even with the lower ratio, the quality of animation and art were superior to the other 300 so episodes... In fact I'd go as far as to say that every episode after 63 is 4/10 in art rounding to 6/10 overall . Characters are thrown into the series in hope that the viewer will like at least one, the main problem with this is that there is virtually not nearly enough time to distribute to each character evenly leaving low amount of needed character development and understanding. 5/10 Enjoyment: There are definitely some good fighting scenes, but there is way too much inconsistency in the story and the power levels between the characters leaving for some predictable plot. 5/10 Overall this series is mediocre as fuck, and it's a shame. I really felt kubo could of rapped up this series ages ago and went on to another one... the first 63 episodes of bleach had a certain flavour to it that couldn't be tasted by any other anime just the versatility of the characters and the interaction between them were interesting. BUT FILLER AFTER FILlER + the cannon material becoming saturated really made this series barely watchable! 4/10
Bleach is a good choice for you if you're looking to observe the process of the mainstream anime of the 2000's and what they tried to pull off to sell and stay relevant. Outside of the popularity that it got, I see Bleach as a very stale and mediocre anime, which I'll go and detail in the review later, but I'd like to start with the cause and then the effects. You see, Bleach is a product of a time when a shounen reaches popularity to an extent that it can be milked, hinduism will then sue the studios and authors in question for treating theircattle with such disrespect, because those innocent cows have like four japanese businessmen attached to all ends of the udder, with them chugging the milk hard. The strategy was to sell it like it's crack-cocaine, because people will love it and people will buy it because it is something that fits their business strategy. But how did the studios get the warm & sweet cow milk? Here, I'll guide you through it if you wanna do the same. First of all, the source material needs to have garnered some popularity from the target audience desired. Then, as your next step you make sure that it is gonna be a battle shounen and that it does feature some form of fanservice. Third, you make sure to influence the source material in a way that the show will keep its cast mostly out of mortal danger and will turn any of the cool villains into protagonists. And also make sure that nobody dies so you can milk the character popularity too. Fourth make sure you never take a break from airtime ever and air constantly, even if there is no content to adapt. Create filler arcs so the author has time to write content for the anime to adapt. They don't have to be memorable or interesting, you already hooked in the audience. They'll watch anything, so they don't deserve any quality. And then you are set for as long as the author complies. Some free advice on how to keep animating content and delay running out of source material: Make sure to rehash as much material as possible, showing as many flashbacks as possible whenever the character reminisce something important or just make a bullshit reason like trying to remind the audience what the characters are fighting for. It will help you plenty. Don't forget you think your audience is just filled with complete idiots. Very important. What shows like Bleach aspired to be was the next Dragon Ball, because that for most was like crack-cocaine. Since the DB franchise did it first, we just have to do it and make sure we capitalize on all the things it did and make our shows as close in execution as possible, and not risk anything because it won't sell. This is kinda why shows like Bleach disgust me. They just don't aspire in any way to be artistically distinguishable and just try to be the same thing as their spiritual predecessors. They treat their audience like garbage and the only reason I came come up with for such a thing is the reward, which is the money. If this business scheme worked, why not use it? Each of these goliath shounen shows have some varying degree in certain aspects of sins in these departments, but they're all the same when boiled down. Another attempt at getting another Dragon Ball on the market. If you can't respect that, you can just stop reading the review, you read enough. If the show will have potential early, it will dissapoint you because it went nowhere with it. If it won't, you'll be dissapointed again because you had nothing to show for at all after spending some time through it. But if you still hold some interest for Bleach, keep reading, because now I'll get into the actual show itself. But note that I'll spoil some things in the story for like the first 15 episodes of the show. The show has 366 episodes so it kinda is hard to not give you any specifics on the story's direction without giving you any specifics. I strongly advice reading despite that, I did my best to avoid it being plot specific and in a series like Bleach, having a little knowledge of what you'll watch, from where I'm standing, is strongly adviced. The story of Bleach early seems to be about a high school student who gets super powers and has to fight and protect people from spirits that failed to pass away to the other world. And for the most part, he spends his time going through high school featuring some slapstick humor along the way and then, in his responsabilities as a shinigami, he has to fight gigantic monstrous beings with a big fucking sword. Sounds like nothing. As a matter of fact, for the most part, Bleach is mostly generic in terms of its action and story, but it does have a high point. In its introduction arc the series does build itself up. First it does build up the main character, and his overall attitude towards saving people. He isn't unwilling to save people that he sees that do need help, but he isn't exactly accepting of the idea that he would go around and make a day out of it. The way he described it at the time that "Of course I'm gonna help someone if I see they need it. But I don't want to seek doing it." And for a while the series tries to convince him to get to do what he can to take care of everyone and Ichigo constantly does it reluctantly. But that plays into a meaningful decision. Another thing that was constantly built up in the series was the Spirit Society, a society governed by people with the same powers as Ichigo, responsible for the protection of spirits and fighting against corrupt ones. The character responsible for Ichigo having to fight these spirits leaves in order to protect him and not make him also suffer consequences as a result of her actions. He is unsatisfied with her decision and runs off to find her. And so he does, just to find another two people, of whom one proceeds to destroy him in battle, with him being a subordinate of the other. And then a meaningful thing happens. After this sore defeat, Ichigo decides to try and save her. To infiltrate Soul Society. After losing his powers. And after being overpowered. He made a decision about who he wants to protect and why, and goes in to save her despite all odds, in a world filled with an uncountable number of people who might be potentially much more powerful than him, willing to simply just go alone. It feels like an adventure with odds stacked against him with who knows what might come against him. The show is respectable at that point and the decision makes sense and feels meaningful. The Soul Society Arc is pretty much where the non-fanatics of Bleach agree that the show was at its strongest. And I'm one of those people. Now don't worry, I'll stop with the spoilery stuff now, so you won't have to worry about what you'll read on ahead. All I will say that in the Soul Society arc, our characters will explore uncharted territory and have fights of their own. Most of the fights will focus on presenting the personality and motivations of the characters and show off the world. It's the most well executed arc out of the entirety of Bleach, because there's a sense of urgency because you don't know how events will play out and it does pretty much feel like a rescue mission. But everything falls apart after this arc. Fillers with irrelevant events will start pilling up, which even the most thirsty of fans tend to skip. The fights just become a mess where the character who's strongest wins until the other character reveals a "final form". That will be the basic structure of all the fights for the series' remaining airtime and actual abilities and what they do won't matter, because ultimately, the strongest in raw power will win. All of the action of the series is stale and the character motivations just don't matter. Fuck, each character has different abilities and that plays so little into how fights go around, that they feel almost incompetently choreographed. They just seem to bank on pure hype alone. While Ichigo has an interesting execution at the start, he's a very standard shounen protagonist who fights to protect his friends from harm, he's hot headed, has spikey hair and is fucking terrified of those things women have on their chest or between their legs. He is an archetype that even at the time was treading water. All the other character don't matter since the series removes all the tension and urgency by making everyone make peace amongst themselves and just introduce some new enemies so a constant clash of I'M STRONGER THAN YOU DIE will come. The overarching villain of the series is some dude thirsty for power for the sake of power. Otherwise known as a cartoon villain. Everything in Bleach is as generic as possible. Bleach aired for 8 years. In these 8 years, the artstyle suffered some changes. From first having that choppy VHS aimed type animation with some degree of bad color balance it eventually ends up being one of those series that didn't figure out how to draw the outline of the characters without making them oversharpened, so everything is constantly looking blurry. Also the color balance often feels too strong when dark colors aren't involved. In the first few years it was introduced, it had some pretty interesting tracks that in all honesty, I can enjoy listening to these days. Then eventually transitioned to airing some harmonical/classical tracks in its wake. They're not bad, but the first aired tracks for the series have a very distinct feeling. So if you decide to watch Bleach do it if one of the following descriptions apply to you. You're just looking for a long running action series and don't really care about the structure of the fighting and think that the raw power type drawn fights will entertain you. Or you're looking to look into the way the business strategy of selling off the next Dragon Ball failed and Bleach is a particularly strong choice because it's already kinda faded out of relevance. It doesn't really have really strong action and early it mostly was used to develop characters. Then it was just colored blasts or final forms. Or both. The humor is slapstick and well... you can find that type of humor pretty much anywhere. No need to find it in Bleach. And Bleach just is a very generic show that aired for a really long time. Ultimately, Bleach was passed off as milk. But most people know better than to drink Bleach.
Im trying to write this review with minimum spoilers. . . . What makes a good anime ? Is it the art ? Is it the story ? We can say a lot of things but in my opinion, what makes an anime legendary is that if you watch it again and again without getting bored, you crave for it when you got nothing else to watch, that makes a great anime. Bleach makes you feel that way. I've read the manga too and its a solid 10 points for me. (Minimum amount of spoilers? below) . . . This will be my most controversial opinion yet; Bleach is the most under-rated anime evermade with how popular it is. It has a %45 filler rate and suffers from a classic shounen main protagonist style which can be seen as a bad thing but the story itself is far away from boring. It evolves with every arc and it's really enjoyable. The art is great (Kudos to Kubo ! we love you man) and the sound, the ost's... In my opinion it has one of the best ost's that anime history ever seen. The sad ost's will be make you cry even after listening to them after 10 years and remembering all the things that happened. While i write this review im listening to bleach ost's in the background and it takes me back to my childhood, the good times when there is no hardships adulthood has, no covid just pure happiness and the joy of watching anime and laughing with friends. This is what a good anime needs. Lastly on the charachters, all charachters got their own personality and you can feel it while watching it. . . . Overall, Bleach is one of the greatest anime that has been made.
I have been thinking of doing this review in the long time, and now I think it is time to do it, I have been the bleach fan for over 10 years and I am still going to be it until I died, for this I am going to tell about it, Bleach is my very first anime ever and I have watching many anime after that, but I couldn't find any similar anime as a bleach, bleach have something so special place in my heart, so I going to say what I am feeling about all of this though about bleach, For me bleach is the bestmanga and anime series of all time,(yes I know bleach have many fillers)(yes I know bleach when down after arrancar arc)(and yes I know the bleach ending was extremely rushed) but if you could take it on a side, bleach has been an unbelievable journey and adventure on every arc (including fillers) and the story is just a masterpiece, and the art is just amazing and wonderful in both manga and anime, Tite Kubo's art work is beautiful and amazing, never seen it on others manga series, I thinking Tite Kubo's working show us about everything, the story, the character, the soundtrack, everything of it, but the most important part he really show us is the power of human, as a very good example of Ichigo Kurosaki, ichigo has shows us the power of human in the reality, the strength, the pain, the emotional, the weakness, the protection, and the love, I see ichigo as my childhood hero of everything, he is not like the other character like, Goku, Naruto and Luffy, because those 3 have a goal in their life, ichigo doesn't have a goal, which is unlike from other character, but also ichigo doesn't wanna be the strongest in the world and he doesn't wanna be the best in the world, he just want something he can protect with and save people, he feels more like a real person than others or he is actually a human and the others doesn’t exist, but he's really goal is protect the people he love, he's goal is the way more humanity than the other 3. And the way ichigo is actually like real person is those moments, The way he's fighting against hollow ichigo, it is like he is fighting for himself, the hollow power ichigo had, is the weakness, the negative, the depressed, mental issues and the aggressive, the way ichigo fight for himself, the hollow power is ichigo biggest weakness, and he wants to surpass it with his human strength and his mentality, an another moment is when ichigo sacrificed his power against aizen, he wants ending the battle and save everyone, he sacrificed his power to protect everyone, and he actually did, he saved his friends and soul society, the soul society was he's enemies before, he became the hero of soul society, another moment the biggest one is when he said (the end of manga) what despair? because up till now, I've climbed up, kicked it in its teeth and... surpassed it over and over again just to make it to this very moment!! That is the biggest moment of entire bleach, think about it, when he got the power for the first time, he's have problem, he's have weakness, he couldn't control it, and he couldn't surpass it, when he said that line, it really shows us, how strong he become, how he's surpass of everything, how he overcome all weakness, and no matter how many times he lost, get injured, get aggressive, get depressed, he still wanna fight to the end, and it is not about he's power but about he's humanity, how he grow up to a teenager who doesn’t want the power at first and didn’t care about save the strangers, to the person who want to save many people as in possibly, since the first chapter to last chapter ichigo has growing up so much, about his character development, his personality, his mentality and his humanity, because I feeling every time when Ichigo is fighting, he fights for everyone, not just in anime world, but in our world as well, Ichigo and Bleach has shown us the happiness, the sadness, the emotional and the adventure, and I hope you can see as well, I started to watching bleach when I was 10 years old and now I am 23, I am still going to be bleach fan until I died ^^ I know bleach is not for everyone but I hope you are going to watch it one day And for the bleach fan out there I hope this review is something meaningful to you Bleach is the most important anime for me because bleach has learning me many things, and bleach is the series that changes my life to become manga and anime fan, and I am proud to be a bleach fan ^^ thank you Tite Kubo for create bleach and to change my life <3 ^^
Bleach is one of the three so-called "mainstream shonen animes"; together with Naruto and One Piece these three are immensely popular, and the topic of endless comparison among their fans set out to prove that their favorite is the best out of them. They simply refuse to exit their fanboyism to view the series in an objective light, which is a shame, because they are probably missing out on great adventures, which is the case of Bleach in many ways. If you want my review short and good, give Bleach a try no matter what people have said, as it, despite a lot of shortcomings,presents a most interesting and enthralling universe. The concept seems pretty basic at first; there's the Soul Reapers (Shinigami), empowered souls who guide departed human souls to Soul Society, the afterlife deimension, formed after a Feudal Japan. They also fight Hollows, evil and malevolent spirits, to protect living humans and souls alike. So, I assume you have read the plot summary, which covers the basics of the first story arc, which is basically the arc where we are introduced to the main main cast of Bleach; the standard, headstrong, rash and protective teenage shonen hero, his voice of reason in the form of a girl, his arrogant beglassed rival, the ditzy klutz girl with big boobs, and the large, stoic type. Towards the end of said arc however, a real plot appears, events are set into motion, and before long, it has escalated into an assault on said Soul Society a rescue mission from our team of 4-5 heroes, who fight their way through shinigami of all kinds trying to reach their goal, conveniently placed in the middle of this Society. In this arc, you'll get lots of great action and meaningful fights, bottled together with an extremely large and colorful cast of characters, flashbacks and an interesting plot. It all builds up one hell of an end to the arc, 60 or so episodes into the show, where a most intersting twist takes place. And said arc ending is in each and every way the climax of Bleach. Which is its problem. From there it goes steep downhill to two arcs of slow-paced filler, which lowers your excitement a great deal of levels, and from there the show never manages to get you hooked as much as it did during the Soul Society arc. It does get some interesting new aspects and revelations durign the following Arrancar arc, but it never gets really exciting, nor does it get that much greater during the Hueco Mundo arc. It's just too much fighting, and a re-used "save the damsel in distress" plot. The colorful cast is not seen as much anymore, and aside some interesting emotional developments courtesy of the former klutz girl, there's not a lot to it, and most fights don't have the same enthralling depth to them which made the fights in SS so unique. Now it's more a display of unique powers, and whatever motivations the bad guys had for their fighting is revealed only after the actual fights, which in ways ruins things. Also, there's a few plot holes to speak of, but nothing large. However, aside the completely random filler arc (which re-used several plot elements from the story), Bleach has shown potential for improvement lately, and it keeps expanding its cast endlessly, which makes the universe seem living in many ways, so we can all only hope that Bleach will improve gradually. However, I sincerely doubt that it will ever be restored to how great it was at its peak, namely the Soul Society rescue arc. It does have a lot of shortcomings, yet it is a most enjoyable watch still. Now, why is that? The answer is the unexpectancy factor it has. Due to its vast cast and great universe, you can't really know what comes next, only make qualified guesses. What kinds of powers will that character have? What is the villain really up to? And what's with that guy? What will happen next? Who knows, who knows. So one could say that the true strength of Bleach lies in its cast, which can bring about mysteries, plot twists and other aspects of awesomeness, and cover up for a somewhat lacking storyline. So what about the asesthetics? there's plenty of people who believe that the visual and auditory aspects of anime are just as important as any plot or character development. And Bleach delivers here, in many ways. The animation quality is quite the hassle to discuss, because it is so varying in quality. At its worst it has low frame rates, offset character designs and framed action, while at its best it is vivid, meticulous and full of soft motions and beautifully animated special and lighting effects. Most of the time however, it is decent. Not average, but not in any way anything bragworthy. Expect some ups and downs in this department. The soundtrack however, is very great. It is greatly varied, and is renewed per story arc, introducing new tunes often whilst keeping the old ones around too, and this variation is intrinsical of any above-average soundtrack. It stays perfectly in tone and atmosphere with the current events, and feature everything from upbreat, adrenaline-pumping electric guitar pieces to melliflous piano pieces, and standard comedic moment tracks. The opening and endign themes feature a lot of types and genres, from the serene and sentimental to rap and rock. And pop, of course. I said it in the beginning, and I'll say it again; try out Bleach at least once, desptie what Narutard, shonen haters or anyone else have said. It's pretty enjoyable despite its lacks and faults, mostly in thanks to its great cast. Overall 10 😎😎😎😂😂😂
I do not care what people on the internet say about Bleach. It is a total masterpiece and have wonderfull and epic episodes. I really hope that, they will adapt the final arc! It deserves to have a proper ending, it sad that the final arc has not been adapted to the anime. And the characters are awesome too. The animation is different and uniqe The voice actors for both the dub and sub are well chosen, they fit the characters perfectly It is one of my most favorite, if not my favortie anime. So yeah, that is my honest and true opinion of Bleach
Bleach, you were once considered by the anime community to be one of the greatest shows of all-time. Now you're considered one of the worst. Let me start out by saying, this was my gateway anime, and it's what got me actively into anime 4 years ago. Despite its flaws, I still love this series, but not as much as I used to for many reasons which I'll get to in a bit. Bleach is about a high school student named Ichigo Kurosaki, who can see the spirits of the dead, and later encounters Rukia Kuchiki, a Soul Reaper (Or Shinigami as it is in the fansubs)who helps send the deeply departed to the Soul Society, and slays Hallows to do that as well. She later ends up having to give him her powers in order for him to protect his family. However this is a grave crime in the Soul Society, and Rukia is later taken back where she is waiting execution for her crime. Ichigo and his friends of course then go to save her, and later many in the Soul Society also find corruption, and conspiracies in their system. This is where Bleach was at its best, the Substitute arc (1-20) and the Soul Society arc (21-63) are what made Bleach so successful in the first place. You had such an action-packed story, with deep elements, and good character development. You could have almost considered the show a masterpiece with what took place in episodes 1-65. Then from there, it went downhill. The first of the filler arcs began, the Bount arc which personally I find to be the best out of all the filler arcs. Speaking of filler, about half the show is filler. This is all due to Tite Kubo's complete inability to pace, period. Manga readers know full well he doesn't know how to pace. He draws such large of panels, and puts in hardly dialogue (And backgrounds-"Backgrounds in my Bleach?"), it's no wonder why a single episode will cover 3-5 chapters, causing them to catch-up to the manga very often, leading to all that filler. Now back to where it went wrong, Bleach began to fall apart after the Soul Society arc beginning with the first filler arc, the Bount. The Bount arc did have its fair share of good points (Like going into the extermination of the Bounts, and what they had gone through because of the Soul Society), but it was a letdown at times due to the poor pacing (Yes, even filler had bad pacing, go figure...), plot holes, and the lack of explanations to certain things that need explaining. The other arcs later suffered from these same issues (and from a few Dues Ex Machinas), and the character department began to suffer as well. The arc that had the most issues was the infamous Hueco Mundo arc which dragged on and on, and is by far the longest arc in Bleach. This is where Bleach's success began to wane. The TV ratings became shit to the point later on it led to the show getting cancelled after the Fullbring arc, people were dropping this series left and right, it lost its "Big 3" status (Note: If you still believe Bleach is "Big 3", you're either ignorant or behind the times) and more. The characters of Bleach are what the fans love the most about the show. Many have such cheesy personalities, deep backstories, and the usual desire to protect someone. However one character that really stands out as being bad is Orihime. You cannot turn a blind eye to her. After the Soul Society arc, she becomes almost completely useless (The only use she really ends up having aside from that minor support for her friends is healing people), whines a lot (Ex: "Kurosaki-kun!!!!!"-Oh look we ripped off InuYasha, not just YuYu Hakusho (Spirit detective) and Hunter x Hunter (Clan extermination, you being the only one left-Uryu-and wanting revenge against who did it)...) which is the reason why so many people cannot stand her), and has her development go completely backwards as she becomes a damsel in distress, and willingly no less. The others will suffer from the same issues at times. For example Ichigo changes as he realizes he's not able to really protect what he loves most, but then will go backwards back to where he was at times by being scared of his own power. He'll also keep being the blind idiot that'll charge towards every opponent without ever really thinking things through. Now's not to say the show doesn't have any good points after it goes downhill. For example, you still have the desire to protect, an intricate plot with Aizen and what he was planning to do with the Hogyoku, what does it mean to be human, and the issues of exterminating something you created. But with Bleach's many issues after the Soul Society arc, it fails to ever be as good as it once was. It's a shell of its former self. The storytelling issues just leave you scratching your head at times, causing you to not be as deeply involved with the show as you once were, the characters having messy development also causes the same issue, and more. This is where you find yourself not loving it as much as you did. The art and animation comes from Studio Pierrot, who does not do a very good job with what they do with production values, even today, but this is where they did it that best. The artwork looks rather nice, and it's not the typical art you'd find from your average Shonen. The animation can be awkward at times (Especially during fights, and running scenes), but it can be rather nice. The sound is just good, the characters have good voice actors (Both sub and dub), and the background music fits in with almost every scene, but some tracks leave much to be desired. Bleach in the end is a show that started out truly great, but later went downhill, and became a shell of what it once was. It's still very good (Barely, just barely), but not the near-masterpiece it once was.
One problem I noticed is people giving notes based on what others have said, without saying what they thought of such a subject. With the animes the same things, of course there will always be someone who will hate something, there is no ''perfection''. To be honest the first 4 episodes made me drop the anime, but after reviewing dragon ball, I decided to give this one a chance. (It was anime that made me see the otakus differently). In the end I did not stop, I finished in 3 or 4 weeks or so. Well, knowing that, let's go to what I found. History NOTE:10 Ichigo, (the protagonist) has the ability to see spirits. One night, he meets a reaper named Rukia, she is impressed by his ability to see her, but in the midst of it all, a Hollow appears an ugly and evil beast. She decides to transfer some of her power to him, and without Rukia knowing that Ichigo is badass the fight ends on time. Well, in the end, Ichigo took all her power, being a big problem for her, because no Shinigami/Reaper can hand over power to someone else. Good rest need not add, it's already a good summary ... Oh, in my view I really liked the added things, some bad fillers of course... but nothing that demerits the anime itself. Art NOTE: 10 The fights, my God! They're fantastic, and since I don't quite understand this, I'm going to give you the top score! The expressions weren't great, I think it's as much as I can get as someone who doesn't understand about anime art. Sound NOTE: 10 All openings, and endings. Amazing! Fantastic Japanese and Brazilian voice overs! (Very sad for the discontinuation of Brazilian voice acting) :( Characters NOTE: 10 Ichigo is my favorite character, I love everyone else, hard to tell who I hate... Entertainment NOTE: 10 Good for a large majority who love shounen, this anime must conquer. I, for one, love the style. And of course there's going to be people who ooper it, but then that's other talk. I hope you've been helpful in my analysis. Could it have been exaggeration I given a 10 at all? Well, that's just my opinion. :) Um problema que notei é as pessoas darem notas baseadas no que os outros falaram, sem dizer o que acharam de tal assunto. Com os animes as mesmas coisas, é claro que sempre vai ter alguém que vai odiar algo, não existe ''perfeição''. Pra ser sincero os 4 primeiros episódios me fizeram largar o anime, mas depois de rever dragon ball, eu resolvi dar uma chance para esse. (Foi o ANIME que me fez ver os otakus de maneira diferente). No final das contas eu não parei, terminei em 3 ou 4 semanas mais ou menos. Bom, sabendo disso vamos para o que ''eu achei''. História NOTA: 10 Ichigo, (o protagonista) tem a capacidade de ver espíritos. Em uma noite, ele se encontra com uma ceifadora chamada Rukia, ela se impressiona com a habilidade dele de vê-la, mas no meio disso tudo, aparece um Hollow um bicho feio e do mal. Ela resolve transferir um pouco de seu poder a ele, e sem Rukia saber que o Ichigo é fodão a luta acaba na hora. Bom, no final das contas, Ichigo pegou todo o poder dela, sendo um problemão pra ela, pois nenhum Shinigami/Ceifador pode entregar o poder para outra pessoa. Bom de resto não precisa acrescentar, já é um bom resumo... Ah, no meu ponto de vista gostei muito das coisas acrescentadas, alguns fillers ruins é claro... mas nada que desmereça o anime em si. Arte NOTA: 10 As lutas, meu deus! São fantásticas, e como não entendo direito disso vou dar a nota máxima! As expressões não eram grande coisas, acho que é o máximo que posso chegar como alguém que não entende sobre arte de animes. Som NOTA: 10 Todas as aberturas, e finais. Incríveis! Dublagens tanto japonesa, como brasileira fantásticas! (Muito triste pela descontinuação das dublagens brasileiras) :( Personagens NOTA: 10 Ichigo é meu personagem favorito, amo todos os outros, difícil dizer quem eu odeio... Entretenimento NOTA: 10 Bom para uma grande maioria que ama shounen, esse anime deve conquistar. Eu, por exemplo amo o estilo. E claro que vai ter gente odiando, mas aí já é outros papo. Espero que tenha sido útil á minha analise. Pode ter sido exagero eu dado nota 10 em tudo? Bom, isso é apenas minha opinião. :) Translation done on bing, lazy to put into English. Tradução feita no bing, preguiça de colocar pro inglês.
Don't let anyone tell you that Bleach is a bad anime. For some reason it has become a trend to hate on this masterpiece, mainly due to tiktok and other social media platforms. But this show is a masterpiece nonetheless. Some people may think it there are random power-ups, plotholes etc, but I know for a fact that those guys didn't read the manga which answered all these questions. The Power System: 10/10 best I've seen Character Design: 10/10 has the drippiest characters in shounen Plot: 9/10 very entertaining, very enjoyable Villains: 10/10 the best villains I've seen OSTs: 10/10 the osts are absolute vibes, and bring it all together Fights:10/10 so many epic moments and cool powers that aren't rushed or prolonged This anime in general is a 10/10, and you should give it a try. Watch till episode 17 at least because that's when it starts the actual plot of the anime, and skip all the fillers except the Zanpakto Arc, which is crucial for understanding the power system and has great character development.
Now i know that everyone saw that Bleach has sooo many Fillers and what if u don't want to watch them then skip them. The story is amazing Kubo Sensei wrote this amazing manga that turned into an amazing anime. And now Thousand years blood war for me the long wait was worth it. I recommend everyone to try and watch Bleach and see the amazing character development that is there. Bleach has the story of Ichigo who is just an outstanding man and to follow his development in the anime is just amazing not just him but everybody else I Recommend everyone to watch theanime and see how great it is!!
Bleach is one of the best anime to ever exist. its a 10/10 people down play it because they dont understand the characters at all. most of them are sheep if you disagree just say your biased and explain.The first arc is one of the best new arcs with grand fish vs ichigo coward vs pride. it also shows a lot of foreshadowing like the quincy symbol on ichigo bed and also ichigo absorbing more reistu which are all foreshadows. Then the SS arc shows the best of ichigo titainism vs byuakuya legalism. then the next arc which i think is the best arc whichgrimmjow vs ichigo shows nature vs nurture and also him accepting himself as a hollow in the fight which then he showed his full power because he wasent scared about what other people think. people are blind or the just dont really watch the show if they didnt know that and that isnt plot amour at all. Ulq vs ichigo is also not plot white told ichigo that and also chapter 217 is foreshadowing his hollow in the fight. it shows how ulq starts to realize what a heart is and he starts to value human life more and become non nihilistic while ichigo started to become nihilistic its a complete switch. Aizen vs Ichigo has a lot of stuff which one of the best is the religious part of the moon in Buddhism which aizen search for enlightenment and koyoka suigetsu translates to the moon then ichigo sword zangetsu translate to moon cuter showing him cutting down false enlightenment and aizen goal was to dethrone the soul king (god) and ichigo being ever race soul reaper hollow full bringer and quincy is him being closest to the soul king which aizen wanted to be above then got cut down by him. Then the fullbringe arc which people think is just some arc to give the mc there power back which it isnt ginjo represents alot of stuff which one of those is revenge on the corrupt soul society for manipulating and lying to him which also happened to ichigo with the soul society and he did that exact same thing showing his hypocrisy.Then it shows his titanism as he wants revenge to the soul society and wants revolt in their systemic oppression.This arc wasent some arc for ichigo to get his powerse this arc is shown what its like for him to not have any powers and it shows his savior complex alot and shows is hypocrisy. Ichigo vs ulq he shown not to want to kill him because its not noble or heroic and it doesnt mater to him but now he was pushed so fair he wanted to kill someone which is also showing his development in character.More and more into the show ichigo has became to realize that him and his sword are one which he didnt accept it. When ichigo is given his sword back when yhwach destroyed it he doesnt use bankai because he has realize what his sword has done and was grateful fpr what his sword has done. Yhwach is also represented by some people like jesus which him being son of god (soul king) and also being born in poor conditions like him not having his 5 senses and he was able to perform miracles which also sets up a dynamic between him and aizen (devil) which some are him stating the soul society belongs to him which in the bible it says that earth belongs to the devil. the arrow that was used to kill yhwach wasnt a bad ending and it was foreshadowed in 659 when he was cutting his wife open when she died of the Auswhalen. Bleach is the best animanga and its a 10/10 and there is more then that.
This anime IS a pure masterpiece One of the Big 3 No comment Story 10/10 : it's Logic i enjoyed every second whatching this anime Characters 10/10 : 100% of them are badass asf Art 10/10 And of course the fighscene,the drama , the loar ....ect that'w why this anime deserve more than 7.84 score without mention the oppening and ending songs. So this IS a 10/10 score for me The only thing Bad in this anime IS that 55% of eps are filler the first filler arc was pure trash and long but yeah you Can skip it anyway Sothat's all i have to Say about this one thx kubo for this masterpiece and thanks Pierrot studio including the voice actors and all
When talking about BLEACH there's always a heated debate going on. People who have watched the show complain about many things, from the character development, to the matter of the fillers, to the lack of necessary explanation for certain events and lots more... I admit some to be legitimate, but there are some other issues that may be caused by various sorts of misunderstandings. For instance, some people complain about the numerous fillers that break the original story line; I rather think they are necessary, since a long run show like this needs to be split, otherwise it would be too much to handle. Fillers arefun (I said what I said ;)), and a great way to feel less overwhelmed by the heavy and thick plot. Obviously I am talking as someone who watched it during the last year all at once, people who watched it while it was airing have all reason to complain. Then since we are talking about a thick plot, it is true that some situations, events and systems are not well explained, as well as some characters' backgrounds, and it's kind of frustrating, because everything else is so great that you just miss that one little piece to make it perfect. Needless to say that this happens because there are just too many characters, too many stories, too many details squished in one single show. Thing is, it doesn't matter how annoyed you are by this chaotic system, you will fall in love with those details, that big bunch of characters, those complex arcs, ending up wanting those 366 episodes to never end; because basically, besides their abundance, all these features are iconic: amusing characters, no plot holes, A LOT OF PLOTWISTS, great fights, amazing soundtrack and themes and so on. BLEACH became quickly one of my favourites, despite not being flawless, it kept me in suspense, made me laugh, also cry sometimes, it always got me hoping to see more, and if it made me feel all that, it means that (at least to me) it is a piece of work worth of recognition.
Bleach is one of my favorite anime. The story in the anime is great. I have nothing to say about sound, perfection. In my opinion Bleach has the best artistic style of the big 3. The characters are very well designed, especially Aizen, Urahara and Ulquiorra. Urahara is my favorite character because he reminds me of me xD. Some characters have a hole in the story, the only thing I don't like is that. I enjoyed watching Bleach, the fights and everything else is great. I recommend Bleach to everyone who hasn't watched it, you can skip the fillers, although there are also good fillers.I can’t wait for the Thousand-Year Blood War arc to be animated, I hope it will be this year. Overall 10/10.
Have the patients to watch this god tier anime, if you dont you wont enjoy it plain and simple. Its OST is one of the best in anime, fights are rewarding for the most part, art is awesome but i disliked how they changed the artstyle but that tends to happen after long time, story is unique and fun and easy to follow. All in all great anime for those who love shonen. Personally the dub is what made me love it but the sub seemed alright too. I rewatched it and skipped the filler the second time and i had a better experience thesecond time around, but there are at times where filler characters mix with canon which can be strange and annoying but not that much. There is only 1 scene where a filler character is added into a serious scene so you dont have to worry. All in all great anime and when i have the time i would love to rewatch it again
This is my first review, so please forgive me for my errors. Where do I begin with this show huh? First off I want to start by saying that this show is damn near flawless. I say damn near flawless even though I'm giving this show a 10 excluding the fillers with some being an exception. This show is both a popular Shonen and at the same time I feel like it's criminally underrated. Me speaking as a massive bleach fan who's been drinking bleach for 2 years, like others we consider this show to be the worst of the big three. Ngl this show ismy favorite of the big three Shinigami Arc, Some people like me consider this the worst arc in the bleach anime but I don't think this arc wasn't that bad. Ichigo is just your average teenage student school in high school born with a power to see ghosts. Rukia shows up and hands ichigo her soul reaper powers and Ichigo vows to protect his friends and family. Later on we get to know about the likes of uryu, orihime, and chad as the arc progresses. Rukia eventually forces herself to get captured by her childhood friend renji and her brother byakuya for the crimes of giving a human soul reaper abilities, and of course it's up to ichigo and his friends to save her from being executed after their training with kisuke. Soul Society Arc: Honestly as much as I kinda get annoyed this take that people like to say when it comes to this show, I do think that the Soul Society Arc is the best arc and one of the best arcs in Shonen. I say that because everytime I come across a take about this show, they say that "Bleach falls off after soul society" or "Bleach takes a nosedive after the first 63 episodes." I find those kind of takes very delusional. So during this arc, Ichigo learns how to maintain his soul reaper powers as he meets yoruichi and makes contact with his sword spirit zangetsu. The karakura gang rushes to the Soul society on their way to save rukia. In order to do that, they must encounter countless shinigami including the captains and lieutenants. A huge plot twist gets revealed during this arc that no one expected was gonna happen. Arrancar Arc: Like I said I find this take delusional as I see many people even on this site say this show falls off after ichigo saves rukia. I do kind of see it but I still disagree nonetheless. If you want to say because of the fillers ruin the pacing of this show then sure. LIsten no one is forcing you to watch the garbage known as the bount and the new captain arc. I'll admit I did make the mistake of watching those bs fillers myself thinking they were canon because I personally never heard of fillers. That's my only bad thing I'll say about this show. However I do think the second half of the filler arcs are better and even the animation I found to way better most of the time than the mainline story arcs as crazy as that sounds. We start off the arc with ichigo and friends returning to their high school days until ichigo encounters with shinji, who just like ichigo is a soul reaper has a strange hollow mask that grants him hollow powers. Shinji wants ichigo to join his vizard crew to train him on how to master his hollow powers. After that we get introduced to these new level of hollows called arrancars, who are basically hollows that look like humans and they also have swords. So pretty much they're soul reaper captain level. As the arc goes on Ichigo learns to control his hollow powers as he continues to fight to save his friends. Fullbring Arc: This arc is very controversial because of it taking place after ichigo defeats Aizen, the main antagonist of Bleach and people consider it canon filler. Personally while it isn't one pf my favorite arcs in the show, I still enjoyed it nonetheless. After ichigo loses his soul reaper powers from his battle with aizen, he spends his normal life as a high school student as a full year flows by. Out of nowhere a fullbringer name ginjo see ichigo and tells him that he'll be able to get his powers back if he joins his crew of fullbrings, who are basically regular humans who uses normal objects to release out their soul abilities. Conclusion: This is honestly my second favorite anime of all time behind dragon ball (mainly Z). Tite Kubo's character art style is my favorite of any anime I've seen. The art style in the manga is better but the anime version is still great. I will do a review on the first and second cour of the new thousand year blood war anime. Like I said it's not a perfect show despite me giving it a high score but my biggest reason of liking the hell out of this show is because of it's drip and it's fights. I do like the story as well. Kubo is known to have the most sauciest characters in anime. I will forever drink bleach until the ends of the earth.
During the 2000s there were three anime that stood tall above the rest at that time. The anime that brought an entire generation of anime watchers into anime. Of course, I am referring to the big three: Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece. While I personally got into anime through other means, Bleach still means a lot to me as a series. I have so much nostalgia looking back on it, that it's hard to imagine life without watching the series. So now, let's get this review on. Characters: Bleach characters are always interesting to talk about, because there's just so many of them. That can beseen as a flaw, because sometimes too many characters can cause it to become cluttered and then the story becomes hard to follow, or the characters lack any sense of depth. That being said, I think Bleach pulls it off. Every character has distinct personalities, and almost every character has well thought out connections with someone else throughout the story, whether important to the plot or not. Take Rangiku, a character that is basically just in the background, and is seen as a simple big titty anime girl. She actually has a vital connection to one of the most important characters during a specific arc. That just goes to show how much time and thought was put into the characters. As a main character, Ichigo is that guy. He's the man who shows up, ready to have your damn back in any situation. His transformations are some of the best shounen has to offer, and his characterization and self-discovery journey are beautiful. His relationship with all of his friends, especially Rukia, are dynamic and interesting. There is so much to talk about with the characters, but I'd like to keep it spoiler free, so I'll stop there. Soundtrack: Shiro Sagisu knows how to write music. The Bleach soundtrack is my favorite in anime, no questions asked. Tracks like: Treachery, Number One, Shinji's Theme, La Espada, Never Meant to Belong, Stay with me, and so so many more go so hard. Animation: Considering how old it is, the animation can get choppy at times, however it's not unappealing to look at by any means. That being said, it could be better. Overall: I didn't talk about too much because I didn't want to get into spoilers, however I have to recommend it to anyone willing to skip filler. (Please don't watch the filler, it's really fucking bad). The story is actually really well thought out, and it's worth the watch.