The first two shorts feature the original SEED cast and deal with an attempt by Yzak Joule to reclaim his his honor from Athrun Zala after having been one-upped at seemingly every contest with him since his childhood. The last two shorts feature the Minerva crew sent back in time on comical missions from Gil in an attempt to disrupt key events of the Seed era with disastrous yet hilarious effect. (Source: ANN)
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lol, I really don't know why I'm even bothering to review this. STORY - You know, I really appreciate that Sunrise can so readily make fun of its own shows like this. It's clear from watching both Gundam SEED and SEED Destiny that there are many mockable aspects, even if both series present themselves as being relatively serious. This collection of super-deformed shorts plays up many popular fandom themes (and snarks) which indicates that Sunrise stays very in touch with their audience. Despite there only being four four minute episodes, Seed Supernova somehow manages to touch on a great number of subjects including Yzak's raging jealousytowards Athrun, the hilarious cheapness of SEED-mode (aka godmodding, ftw), Athrun's relationship with Kira, Yzak's relationship with Dearka, Lacus's ridiculous political power, and Shinn's... something. I really don't know what to make of Shinn's bit. It's a very effective and well-aimed silliness, to say the least, and it's always good to know that a company's willing to research into what their fans would enjoy in a random spinoff. CHARACTER - As character personality is one of the main focuses of incessant mockery here, it's no surprise that all the characters are supremely exaggerated in Supernova. That said, they're absolutely hilarious characterizations because you're left saying, "YES, that's EXACTLY what I thought all along!" about some of the characters' traits. ART & ANIMATION - They're chibis. It's a cheap production. What do you want? Fireworks? It looks good! You're only watching it for four minutes at a time anyway. MUSIC - Recycled music from SEED and SEED Destiny, obviously, but both series had amazing soundtracks, so there. (Refer to my reviews on the two parent series for more details.) VOICE ACTING - Refer to reviews for SEED and SEED Destiny. OVERALL - It takes sixteen minutes out of your life to watch this. Live a little. Laugh a little. It's all good. :3 (Incentive: Shinn crossdressing as Lacus and singing. ...Okay, maybe that's not a very good incentive.)
Seed supernova is four short comedy pieces of Gundam SEED/Destiny world. Story: In this kind of short comedy clips the story itself is not important. It is important how it is executed and in these clips it was briliantly executed. Two clips of seed were about yzak and his hate that he always loses to athrun. Destiny clips were two missions for shinn, lunamaria and rey. Art: Yeah. Art is cheap chibis but they perfecty fit in this kind of comedy clips. Sound: Music is straight from the SEED/destiny. So it is amazingCharacters: Characters were same as in the main series but in this case their personalities and all habits were greatly exaggerated. It is nice to see that Sunrise can do jokes of their own series. Enjoyement: This was the best part of these comedy clips. I laughed my ass off with every one of these clips. They were one of the funniest comedy clips that I have ever seen in anime series. Amazing really. Overall: When you consider that these were only 4min each and the total lenght is about 16min I can't really do else than recommend highly to watch these clips. Obviously you must watch main series first that you will understand the humour. I could have watched a whole season of these comedy clips. Hardly ever you see so amazing spinoff clips as these...
Supper novei is very common to many anime,art is great with many chibi characters ,and the characters have great relatin with each other...i relly enjoy it and am willyng to se it again!!