Naoto Ooizumi is the writer of the CosPrayers TV show, although this is a secret known only to the producer of the show, Mitsuki Ikuta. He has a crush on one of the actresses in the show, Natsumi Yagami. As the show proceeds so does their relationship, with many wacky twists and turns along the way. (Source: ANN)
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I'm going to keep this short and clear so it'll become not only my shortest review, but also a review that gets to the point. This Anime, no matter how I look at it, wasn't enjoyable at all. The animation is so-so, the sounds are so-so, the story sucks and the characters are especially mediocre to poorly done. You see, I don't get how an Anime like this deserves high ratings since it has nothing that really compliments it. It has a slow build-up, tends to look like fillers, are boring and doesn't get you into it all. The first episode was decent; and it did getme to watch it till the end. But the more I got to the end.. the worse it got. I can't recommend this to anyone. However, it seems the other reviewers did like this sort of Anime and gave it quite the high rating. Thus, it seems it is enjoyable to some; maybe you too. But in my opinion; don't watch this. If you want a romance/comedy to follow through; stick to different ones. Because this one, it's not so good.
I'm not going to say to much about the story because you can read that on the Love Love? page. This anime was really really fun to watch. It shows the cruel sides of both men and women and then it shows the good sides as well when the whole "forgive me" scenes roll around. The characters were all STUPIDLY cute and I loved them all. There is quite a bit of ecchi and some scenes of full on nudity but it is not blown out of proportion. The girls, even though they are doing something quite mean, are all very delicate and that is portrayed very wellin this show. There are quite a few good laughs and your typical "guyl falls on girl and rips off her shirt" scenes. The music was quite good as it should be with the saddish scenes. I recommend this to anyone who likes ecchi and ridiculously cute girls.
How should I say this.................Ok so I've just completed viewing this anime whose episodes only run for about 15mins. I'd say that the slice of life it projects is all too common, which the common lesson is that everyone uses someone to gain the advantage. True co'z it really does happen in real life especially in showbiz. Sure the girls already knew that the muchacho (the male lead) is the lead screenwriter thanks to one very curious rumor monger. They started to do their best to seduce or trick the muchacho to give them more prominent roles and as usual some body can'tkeep her trap shut to which the muchacho finds out about it and muchacho get's furious and get's even, despite of it all, in the end, it has a happy but blunt ending. To which I wonder if the chicas (Female leads) really do have feelings for the muchacho as describe by info? Well, since I did mentioned a happy but blunt ending, because the muchacho get's to write a season 2 of the show and upon hearing it the chicas (female cast) started to swarm the muchacho, the good thing though is that they're bluntly honest and demanding as well. Art: I'll just give it an 8, don't ask. Sound: I give an 8 for the ending theme. And the rest my friends are just mediocre, the characters are your typical fan-service things and for enjoyment, well, definitely not for kids, but if you're a grown up who's just up for some fan-service thing then this is for you. Overall, just your typical fan-service anime. The End.
Bueno, what can I say about this anime........frankly it was beautiful, I like the romance between Naoto and Natsumi, but unfortunately, this anime was a diactomy where one part dwells on the dark side of romance and the other part was on lighter side of romance. Thought the romance and harem genre are pretty generic, this is probably the only anime that focuses on both the dark and the lighter sides of the two mentioned genre with such particularization on the harem's seduction on the MC. Ok, it was pretty obvious that the members of the harem are trying to seduce their way into theMC's heart, not because of who the MC was but because what the MC is and it so happens that the MC was the show's script writer and for the members of the harem to get more roles is to be more popular in show business. Thought, the romance part of this anime was focus on Naoto and Natsumi it wasn't clear if Natsumi was also among those who was taking advantage of Naoto or does she have feelings for him and frankly if there is something enjoyable about this anime that would be the ecchi that come with this anime's genre. My ratings for each categories of this anime: Story and enjoyment: Fair 6. The anime itself does have a good story as well as a good plot, but It was the execution that was way too off. Art and sound: Good 7. Fanservice, me sue me. The sound,I simply like this anime's ending theme and believe or not I'm still listening to and I've downloaded every device I have from my smart phone to my laptop. Overall: Poor 3. Generally speaking, it was quite a drag that the romance part between the character's I've mentioned was on an uncertainty, The only consolation here were the fanservice that goes around and I much as I hate to say it, that's as good as it get's.
I have long held this review since I began watching anime. Well, now that I have the time to review this garbage, let's do this. STORY (1): This anime is part of the Cosprayers trilogy. One was the original anime, 2 was Hit wo Nerae and finally this anime. As you know, I didn't like any of the Cosprayers trilogy. They are boring, terrible and downright insulting to me. This is the anime that was brought to us by Master of Entertainment. Some of you haven't heard of that company, but it's ok. They no longer exist anymore. The reason is because they keep making bad animeand they never improve. Master of Entertainment is my least favourite anime company. Especially the "Holocaust" of anime known as "Ultimate Girls". This anime is actually the worst anime I have ever seen. It has everything I hate about anime, alongside with Pupa. The story is basically a soft-core porn with tons of the most horrendous dialogue. I am just going to say it is basically "50 shades of Grey" the anime. All the young girls age 11-17, they want to bang Naoto Oizumi AKA Christian Grey. There is bondage, S&M, torture, blatant fanservice & tons of comedic misunderstandings. I can tell you those comedic misunderstandings are repeated to the point of annoyance. There is no comedic moment. Everything is cringe worthy and eye-rolling. This anime is considered more melodramatic than Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso & School days combined. Not to mention there are moments of pauses in dialogue where the character was embarrassed. ART (1): The animation looked terrible. The characters are not appealing in the slightest. The fanservice is blantant and obnoxious. SOUND (1): The music and the opening and ending songs are horrendous to listen to. Especially, the voice acting, it makes Yuka Fujiwara's (Wonder Momo 2014) voice sound like a great voice actresses. The voice acting was horrendous. CHARACTER (1): I am just going to compare some characters to 50 shades of grey. Naoto Oizumi, another Christian Grey, who is like a sex slave to the young girls. The girls just let Naoto Oizumi prey on the girls while the girls prey on Naoto Oizumi. Natsumi Yagami is just another Anastasia Steele, who is in love with Naoto Oizumi and she can't do anything without him. She is just another weak female character just like the rest of the girls. Naoto and Natsumi's relationship are one of the most forced romance I have ever seen. The rest of the characters are not worth mentioning because they are annoying and obnoxious. CONCLUSION (1): I would say that the S&M is the thing that is driving the anime. I am not going to waste my time talking about this anime because I just want to let out my anger towards this anime and the people involved in this anime. Even if you are an ecchi fan, I would never recommend this anime to anyone. If you want ecchi, watch ToLoveRu or Sekirei. Love Love? gets a solid 1 out of 10. It might not be the worst anime I have seen. However, this is not an anime you should be watching. This anime is just exploitative and best if avoided.
First off let me say, yes nipples make anime better, or rather most of life better, but lets face the facts. Yes Love Love is an echhi, but it doesn't deliver that hard driving ecchi feeling. The nudity itself is pretty mediocre (wow I sound like a pervert) and the plot is pretty weak. As for the comedy, I had a hard time differing between what was supposed to be funny and what was supposed to be serious, i.e. those weird perverted torture scenarios. Honestly, I kind of laughed at the crap this guy made up to get back at the girls (he really needsto work on his people skills). As for the ending, I will stress what I say with all ecchis: "DON'T COUNT ON A DEFINITE ENDING OR A GOOD ONE, AT LEAST NOT AT THE SAME TIME." 7/10, hey its an ecchi, I don't expect gold.Plus the eps are hella short
This is an ok anime. Not many jokes in this anime that I would call funny and I am not hard to laugh. I was surprised to see that some people told me that there weer some good ones but I hate those people now and hope they dive feet first into a dark abyss. But anyways this anime has some nudity in it which I like because I am against censorship of things and the story itself is not bad. This is just an older anime and they seem to have a hard time to get me into likeing them. If you are notinto older animes then don't watch it, you will be bored. As a love story it goes pretty good (bad engrish I know). Has a goodole cluster firetruck of love pentagions going on and the deception between the characters makes things seem intense. I would say they reveal too much info in the beginning and does not really keep anyone guessing at the end on who the main char is going to choose.
The only good thing about this anime is that each episode is only 15 minutes of... well, really, nothing. No story, no character development, nothing really interesting. Oh, I guess if you like under-aged nudity and basically, self-prostitution of children for the sake of furthering their careers... sure. Go ahead and enjoy. I feel like every episode was the same: every girl is required to advance upon Ooizumi at least once a day, preferably without clothes and/or by smashing some inappropriate part of their body into his face. I appreciate the fact that he does not usually give into their advances, except for Yagami, and thathe is overall, a pretty decent guy... at least in my opinions. Not many guys could hold back in real life if they were in his place. So, unless you REALLY love ecchi stuff, even the crappy ecchi that has no real story line... don't watch this anime. Sorry Miyano Mamoru, it pains me to say this, but... it really wasn't a good anime at all.
This anime was overall not too amazing. The art wasn't too good but then again it was made 8 years ago so just keep that in mind(but still compared to other anime made from same art isn't too good). I dont usually talk about the sounds but this anime's sound was also not amazing. The story was fairly unique but was also pretty boring the only thing that was better about this anime was that the characters had somewhat different personalities. I can't say much about enjoyment of the anime because i enjoy all animes but if i were to compare to some of myother higher ranked animes i would say i would give it a(6) for enjoyment. Thanks. Hope this helps those who choose to watch this anime.