Legends speak of a Dark Tower with a race of dragons that awaits the command to arise and wreak havoc. At least Kyle used to believe they were only legends until his lady, Alita, is stolen by the Black Dragon! Now Kyle must form an alliance with Blau, a blue dragon, in order to rescue her before she becomes the catalyst for the Dark Tower's final program: the complete destruction of the world! (Source: AniDB)
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What it must have been like to be in the Production IG offices that fateful day in 1996, when Panzer Dragoon was greenlit. The incredible high must have been euphoric... WAIT WAIT WAIT, stop the presses. Ladies and Gentlemen, I kid you not, this odious dumpster juice smoothie of an anime was made by a company you might have heard of... I don't know... PRODUCTION IG? Yeah, that's right, the same ones responsible for, you know, the insignificant Ghost in the Shell series or maybe the slightly obscure Attack on Titan? I can't believe my eyes. There is no story anywhere nearby to be rated. -∞/10 Ido have to give them a score of "decent" (and that's generous) for the art. It looks 90s, and it's every bit as abhorrent as a no budget drivel anime should be. The sound in this turd is the utter definition of phoned in. I think they literally called the first 5 english speakers the animation studio could think up off the top of their head and had them do their lines on the spot. You can hear crap in the background and the "voice actors" scratching their heads at how preposterously moronic the script was. If it wasn't directly pulled from a fantasy themed mad-libs book, I'll be shocked. -10^∞/10 If I had to rate this on a scale of "I'd rather tear out my brainstem, carry it to the middle of the nearest 4 way intersection and skip rope with it" to "Mars of Destruction", I think I'd choose having a pound of boiling hot meth injected into each of my eyeballs, being run over by a dump truck, chopped up into pieces, fed to myself, then have my head put in a vise, and be shot into space and suffer explosive decompression than have to experience this again. I don't know if this was a cheap cash grab or what, but it's definitely part of the reason SEGA keeps digging Sonic of out of his shallow grave to parade his corpse around for some more money. This one didn't get the Sega Seal of Quality. (Look that one up, kids.) "Kyle, for this tale to be told, one of us must survive" Well, unfortunately, I am the only one that survived. What's worse than a piece of crap? One whole shit, which is what this is. 1/10. tl;dr + Don't + Waste + Your + Time
Okay, this is the review for Panzer Dragoon, an OVA adapded from a videogame with the same name. Now, I haven't played the game, but I wanted to see this anyway, just because of its absurdly low score. And the only reason i rated 4 this anime on my list is because i want lots of other people who seek bad anime to see this masterpiece. First of all, don't try searching it subbed, it doesn't exist. Probably the only version is the English Dubbed one on youtube, but it's worth it. The Plot is exactly the same as what it's written on the synopsis, and,yes, it's bad. It's Absolutely bad. But it's so bad that you will laugh the whole time. It's full of awful battles, clichès, plot holes, stupid characters and everything else. You can see this OVA in two ways: -Considering it an anime like another, and judging it as the giant piece of crap that it is. -Knowing that it's gonna be awful, and laughing at every single minute of this. There aren't many animes that will make you laugh like this. GO WATCH IT. NOW.
Panzer Dragoon is four video game series developed by Team Andromeda and released by Sega. While the latter three installments were very good games in their own right, it was their aesthetics that made them transcendent. The visual and sound design did more than the plot and dialogue to paint a world littered with the remnants of a fallen civilization (similar to El Hazard: The Magnificent World), giving everything a poignant, almost-gloomy atmosphere. Don't expect any of that here. This OVA is a cheap rush job of a tie-in to the (mediocre) first game, a trite, directionless adaptation of something that really didn't have much of aplot to begin with. It becomes clear very quickly that they are only paying the slightest lip service to the empire and their huge role in the series, with their scenes serving only as useless padding that could be cut altogether. The story they actually care about is just yet another "young guy's love interest is kidnapped and a magical creature helps him rescue her... and also save the world or something". Events happen with little development and everything about it seems designed to hit every infuriating fantasy cliche possible. The characters (all eight of them, only half of which really matter) are all transplants from a million other heroic fantasy stories. They think and speak only in the bluntest exposition, little of which adds up to any cohesive explanation of the world or the motivations of anybody but the simplistic hero. Not a minute goes by without something infuriatingly stupid happening, with plot points that go nowhere and sudden, unexplained powers cropping up out of nowhere. It's really clear this is a completely-missing-the-point adaptation of something with considerably more depth than they cared to put into this production. Attention must be given to the groan-worthy translation. This was only released dubbed and the original Japanese version (subtitled or otherwise) doesn't seem to exist on the internet. The script is at best unbearably corny, at worst tone-deaf and unintentionally creepy in the way the hero keeps referring to his kidnapped love interest as "his lady" as if she were a stolen trinket. Nothing anybody says sounds like anything a real human being would say. The actors deliver their lines in the classic bad dub style of hammy indifference, everybody sounding like they're thinking about their grocery shopping instead of conveying any convincing emotion. No attempt is made to line up the speech with the lip flaps and there are many moments where I'm convinced they gave characters lines that weren't in the original. The animation is a discordant mix of traditional 2D cells and CGI. It's pretty clear they took the 3D models straight from the game and did zilch to give them any real weight or presence, with awful integration of the two styles. The human character designs are stock mid-90s anime fantasy designs with nothing to really distinguish them and their body language doesn't really match their supposed emotions. The dragons are taken directly from the game, so they at least look passable while sitting still, but move in a weightless, inconsistent manner. The fights are laughably bad in their cinematography and pacing while also lacking any real impact. The sound isn't as bad as the animation, but it's still subpar. The dialogue is often murky and drowned out by the ambiance, but generally doesn't sound like it really exists within the world. The sound effects sound like they come from one of those CD compilations and fail to give any weight to the actions they accompany, made worse by the couple-frame delay of many of them. The music of the video game series didn't really find its unique voice until the second game, so this has the cheesy synth-orchestra score from the first game. It doesn't even base it on any of the actual good tracks (the main theme or either version of "Flight"), instead sounding like generic fantasy mush. I'm not even sure I'd recommend this as so bad, it's good. It's mostly just sad and pathetic, really. It's certainly a study in how not to produce a fantasy story, but only in ways that are self-evident to a well-read twelve year old. It's twenty six minutes of your life you won't be getting back and considering how obscure it is, you won't even get the benefit of at least being able to talk about it with others. Just don't bother.
I think people are being too harsh on this anime. Is it good? Not really. Is it worth your time? Probably not. But it's not some horrible piece of trash. It's based on a video game that I haven't played and only vaguely heard about from Segata Sanshiro commercials, so maybe it would have helped me enjoy this more. The main issue with Panzer Dragoon is that it feels like I decided to watch the final episode of an anime without watching the rest, but it's the only episode out there. There's no context, no lore, no character introduction, no development or progression. I think it had potential,like maybe it would have been a decent 6/10 anime but it's like I said, it feels like watching the final episode. If they only had to make one episode, why did they decide to make this? What prompted them to do so? It's just my theory but I think it's the ending of the game and they decided to turn it into an anime for fun. At least that would make sense. Also the dragon feet make me uncomfortable, it's just one claw. It's probably painful to stand on that.
A post modern masterpiece, which will be remembered in centuries. The genius writing, the clever use of symbolism, foreshadowing and depth, combined with lifelike characters, create one of the most unique and immersive experiences I have ever come across in my life, even rivaling classic novels and puts them to shame. It even crosses the line of some taboo topics such as racism and conspiracy theories, a marvel indeed. But it doesn't stop there, it comes with top-notch visual fidelity, even now for a 20 year old title and a soundtrack, that will make you forget Hans Zimmer, Michael McCann or Yuki Kajiura existed. Awonderful composition, which will make you ask the important questions in your life. I wrote this review listening to some of the tracks and I had to tear up so many times thinking about the fantastic ending this anime had. This is truly a masterpiece and it's a shame, that only so few people know of this timeless classic. A must-play for the thinking otaku. The savior of this rotten anime industry. Play this anime, buy this anime. As a human being which calls itself a otaku, playing this title is your holy duty
This is not as bad as people make it out to be. I am not familiar with this saga of videogames. I was barely a baby when the Sega Saturn was around and I am doing crazy things right now like watching the worst anime shows this site has to offer and honestly I don't get the fuss about this one being horrendous. This doesn't go to the low levels something like Hanoka or Vampire Holmes have so I guess I will defend it to a certain degree basing this review towards the original Japanese Version which nobody has picked up to sub, but I believeis very straight forward even in a Raw State. Story = 5 The story is very simple, it is the typical save the damsel in distress this time the name is Alita, where this guy named Keil must rescue her from a evil black dragon that finds her and he combines itself with her to make him more powerful, because Alita has like psychic powers and she is blind for some reason and with the help of this blue dragon that calls himself Blau and finds Keil, then he decides help him in this problematic situation. Meanwhile there is this empire that wants to destroy a black tower that is the root of evil and it shows where this black dragon comes from, so with the power of the black tower and the psychic girl, this black dragon will be powerful and rule this world........... I guess. Ok the story is very silly and has a lot of ass pulls and sudden things that happen in the plot without explanation. Like why This Black Dragon wants to destroy the world, why the empire wants to destroy the tower, why Blau wanted to make a bond with Keil, why Alita has Psychic Powers, Why some survivors get possessed,etc. This may show that this animation is very stupid to do and that contains no explanations but again is it really that horrible? The shows is serious but it doesn't go in a way of insulting the people watching it, it just about this hero that saves the day in this action animation and that's it, no matter what it takes to him to do. It is just that which Keil achieves in the end, but I don't think spoilers for something like this will affect you. Art = 6 It is fair, it is your typical 90s anime character design which honestly I am big sucker, but with all fairness is ok at its best, Done by Production IG, You could see that they work on a budget for this one and did the best they could, because I got to admit they did Ghost in a Shell a year prior so they actually could do good stuff back in the day. In this production you have a lot of obscure tones in characters and backgrounds.The dragons designs are very good, honestly they look amazing and creative for the time and really well made with the artistic choice they had. The hand drawn backgrounds are also okayish, the only horrible part is the CG backgrounds and attacks, it may be 1996 but they really are horrible even for the time. Not even the Sega Saturn has that 3D quality. The animation is hit or miss in some spots but it doesn't go to be very lazy like other shows tend to do. Sound = 3 There is only like one or two music score in this whole thing that are very dramatic with some medieval tones. It is really forgetable. The voice actors in Japanese do a good job. They do fine with the script they are given and that's it. No openings and endings on this one unfortunately. Character = 5 They are stereotypes but again they do the job. Keil is your typical hero worried about his girl, the only boring part from him is that he says Alita way too much in this show, but what can you expect he has to be dramatic and cares about her, although the only backstory they give is that they are from a little town and hope for their best with Alita. Alita is ok, she is just your typical girl that needs to be saved. Although something explaining her powers like why she can sense the black dragon and other creatures would have been fine even if it was described in the most cheesiest and redundant way. Finally the dragons, they are your typical one is good and one is bad and that's it. Enjoyment = 6 I did quite enjoy this one to a degree. The action is good, except when there is 3D animation involved and also even one liners explaining some of the issues this animation has would have been ok, but I believe that since this is just a promotion for the game it isn't bad, not like many other anime shows based on games that do that even in a worst way and extending them or compressing them in a lot of cases. Overall = 6 Once again I don't see what makes this short animation incredibly "atrocious" and a disgrace to the whole anime medium in general. If it is because of the english dub then honestly what a stupid reason to criticize the show, it is like saying that One Piece is bad because of the horrible 4kids dub, so no just because of a bad localization doesn't make it bad in the first place because the creators don't decide poor localizations in some cases and it wasn't the way their media wanted to be conveyed. Maybe if it is because the fans of the game find it horrible and not a good adaptation of the source material it would be understandable, but I with no prior knowledge of this videogame series I don't find it insulting, if you want something like that Blazblue Alter Memory is a good example, that even without videogame knowledge on the first place it can suck a lot with bad plot and lazy deus ex machinas. Honestly if you want a bad show based on a Sega Videogame and even animated by Production IG go watch a show called Shining Hearts Shiawase No Pan. Now that one is just a boring piece of crap if you want something horrible to watch and get stressed about it. This one is just an mediocre promotion if you don't find anything to watch but it is not as insulting and dramatic as many people make it out to be and besides it is only 25 minutes long and 1 episode. Other crap gets 50 episodes long and they are dreadful to watch. So yeah this not as bad as this site makes it out to be. Well this is everything from my part. Take care in whatever you do and see ya next time.
Story: As a game promo in the 90s, story is simple: save "ALITAAAA!!!!" with lots of name shouting. With 1 ep, it's concise & flows without many boring shots. There are many elements (probably from game world) that seem like plotholes. Dragon gives a vision, sudden multiple powerups, GATTAI!!?, huge misunderstandings since one can't speak, afterwards sudden telepathy ability now they can speak... Relationships are confusing: dragons don't like Empire ships, mc tries to save Empire survivors, Empire general gets "possesed"!? (he was sane before in the ship), mc thanks dragon, dragon more random power... Art/Sound: animation above average for 90s, thanks to production IG. Combathas no lazy/reused motions. Dragons move naturally. Weird how many backgrounds are awful lowpoly CG. Good character designs (no huge bug eye), handsome males. Sound: OP & ED 80s synthpop are good. English dub quite silly. JP va sounds ok (but no subs). ED 2nd song (only on English track) adagio vocal hymn was quite good (maybe Italian). Overall: It's a short packed full of surprises. And considering the short time, the "romance" is better than many 1 cours.
This is my first, and worst review ever. It's also hopefully the first and last 1 overall rating I give. The amount of times you'll hear Alesa! Or whatever her name was, (there's no way in hell I'm going back and re watching for minor details like her name). *This review will contain spoliers* (Not that It matters, after you read that first paragraph you've probably given up all hope you may have had. In a nut shell, it was a load of shit. Story: 1 There wasn't a story, in my eyes. Nothing made any sense. There was no character development, except for when in the end he turnedinto Goku and fired a blast at the "Black dragon" thus killing it. I'd like the staff of myanimelist to add horror to the genres of this anime, as I felt horrified when I realised I'd wasted away around 30 minutes of my life watching this excuse of a "OVA". There where parts that made absolutely no sense at all, such as when the guy with green hair (some random dude on a plane that we where told nothing about) decided he'd just turn into a zombie, and grow a few scars/bruises on his face that initially weren't there. Art: 5 The only thing you could say that was semi-decent about this show was it's art. I guess you could say the artist could draw well, wasted talent on a load of shit really. 5 for that. Sound: 1 This was very bad. The voice acting was bad for the dub, everyone sounded more or less the same, and the main girl sounded like a sick woman. Nothing really else to add for that. Character: 1 Don't need to add anything here. They all had no development or backstory so we could at least know some of their names, and decided whenever they wanted to turn into a zombie or turn into a dragon ball Z character. Enjoyment: 1 The only enjoyment I've had was after I finished watching the anime. I felt relieved that it was finally over. Overall: 1 This goes without saying. It's bad, it's not worth watching and it's one of those animes that staying away from is the best thing to do. Thank god i've got this one out of the way, i've never watched something so bad.
This anime which is a joined effort by SEGA and IG Entertainment only succeeds in becoming an animated novelty for any who has been a fan of the game series. As a stand alone Anime however its even less than something you would watch to pass the time other than feeding your curiosity in watching another game adaptation to Japanese animation. The characters are horribly bland, the plot non-existent, and while the effects in battle and music are fair, anything else you would had wished in being adapted from a great shooting series is pretty much thrown out the window. Why doesthe black dragon have to get a girl in order to activate some mysterious tower no one ever talks about? What was the backstory of the dragon riders who seemingly tried to stop it from doing whatever it was that it wanted to do about such tower? No one ever bothers to dig into it so you might as well enjoy watching this for what is worth.
Panzer Dragoon is a classic game. It was released in ’95 for the Saturn and stands alongside titles like Nights and Shining Force III as a worthwhile game from a console that didn’t offer many. In late ’96, Sega partnered with Production IG to create a promotional OVA for the game. Since the sequel had just been released earlier that year and all. Let’s have a look. Story: The OVA somewhat follows the game’s story. Keil is part of a hunting party when they run into a battle between a blue and black dragon. The blue dragon’s rider is killed and Keil finds himself entrusted witha mission to stop the black dragon from reaching and activating an ancient ruin. The OVA does add some details. Keil has a kidnapped girlfriend in the OVA and I’m pretty sure she wasn’t in the game. I also don’t recall him having a friend who gets unceremoniously Yamcha’d by the black dragon, but it’s also been a long time since I played the game, so maybe they were there and I just forgot all about them. Here’s the problem with the OVA, it just doesn’t tell the story well. It’s just this rushed, trite narrative. And I’m not really sure how this serves as an effective promotion for the games when any enjoyment you may get from watching it is going to come from memories of playing the game. It’s not a bad work, it’s just not very compelling. Characters: There are hardly characters worth talking about in this. Alita is a damsel in distress. Keil comes across as a bit whiny. He’s not one of the worst in that regard, but he is a little annoying. His hunting party friend and the blue dragon’s former rider both exist solely to get killed off. The dragons could definitely have been interesting with their psychic communications and such, but they don’t really have personalities or motivations in this. So, missed opportunity there. Art: The art isn’t very good. The designs are fine. The problem is that a lot of the backgrounds, especially when characters are riding, are made up of really bad CGI that loops and hurts your eyes. And the whole thing just comes across as low effort, rushed out the door if I’m being honest. Sound: Onasaka Masaya, Shiratori Yuri, Ohtsuka Akio and the rest of the cast are fine. The performances aren’t anything special, but they’re decent enough. The music is forgettable but basically acceptable. Ho-yay: Error 404, none found. Areas of Improvement: 1. If you’re trying to promote your game, don’t just speed through the basic narrative with no regards for pacing. Show a very small part of the story that is paced well and where you extrapolate on things. That will actually get people interested. 2. Put some care into your backgrounds. Your viewers should never feel their eyes hurting because of what you’ve done with them. 3. If you’re going to have dragons that can communicate psychically, take advantage of that for some compelling characterisation. Don’t use it in a couple scenes and not bother the rest of the time. Final Thoughts: Is this a good OVA? No. Is it a strong advertising tool? No. Is it worth watching for fans of the game? No. Is it among the worst OVAs I’ve ever seen? Not even close. I’d honestly just recommend playing the game. I know it got a remake recently. As for this. It’s a sub-par piece and I’m giving it a 4/10.
Why Sega approved this garbage!? I know that Panzer Dragoon series is not best known for having a mind-blowing story, but it fells pathetic and cliché! The art is poor and needs improvement in the traces. The characters fells so stiff and the backgrounds are so lazy drawn! The Japanese dub isn't terrible, but also not great. The English, however, is so terrible. The way that the anime presented the characters was very lame and shallow!The bad animation and terrible passing makes almost impossible to have any enjoyment of this! Overall, if you are a Sega fan avoid it at all costs!
I've got to be honest, I actually went into this anime without having played the video game it's based on. Sure, as a Sega fan I certainly knew about it and had seen pictures and some gameplay footage but I had practically no knowledge of what the game was about other than it being a rail shooter with a dragon. Which ment that for the purpose of this review, I had to go and do a little bit of research on the game's story. In any case, the OVA follows the basic plot of the game but with some changes such as giving the protagonist Kyle (originallynamed Keil in the game) a girlfriend who is kidnapped and forcibly fused with the main antagonist Black Dragon, making for another cliche "hero has to rescue the girl" plot which proceeds at a break neck pace leaving very little time to breathe or go into any further depth in terms of world building. The animation is a messy hodge podge of 2D and 3D thanks to the use of mid 1990s CGI backgrounds while reusing some of the same animation cycles over and over. And while I can't speak for the original Japanese dub, the English dub by ADV Films is just plain awful with stilted performances and some laughably bad dialogue. Oh and the characters? There's not really a whole lot I can say about them other than they're just not interesting at all. Panzer Dragoon the OVA is honestly not an anime I would recommend. The story is dull and cliched, the animation looks and feels cheap and the characters are just plain uninteresting. This is another one of those animes that you're better off skipping altogether. The average anime enjoyer will likely find it an underwhelming experience while fans of the game it's based on will likely be disappointed.
First off, I haven’t played the original game on the Saturn and my knowledge of it is fairly limited. I do know that it’s a fairly brief rail shooter and was one of the killer apps in the early days of the console. This OVA, produced with the assistance of SEGA, was released a year and a half later by Production I.G. Yes, THAT Production I.G. The plot is a convoluted 'Hero rescues girl from monster' story, and all parts of it are generic from beginning to end. People not familiar with the source material (like myself) will just be left confused about what’s going onas there is no explanation for anything that occurs. This is not hyperbole; nothing about the lore, context, characters etc. is ever explained or expanded upon. Things just ‘happen’ and we’re along for the confusing ride. It felt like I stumbled across episode 15 of a long running series and I’m left trying to work out what’s going on. The pacing is so fast it gives Usain Bolt a run for his money. The animation, music and (Japanese) voice acting are all barely on the cusp of being acceptable. I'm honestly confused about who the target audience for this was. I don't feel like playing the game after watching this, in fact if this was my first introduction to Panzer Dragoon I'd want to avoid it at all costs. I’ll guarantee fans of the original game who were expecting something to supplement it will find nothing to be happy about either. I’ve seen shows with a far worse presentation, but there’s literally nothing to enjoy here. The only thing you’ll get from watching this is a depressed feeling from the knowledge that you’ve just lost 20 minutes of your life, and you’ll never get it back.