Arata Asaoka lives with his despicable, chauvinist father and older brother. A house of three men. Arata was an illegitimate child. Bearing only a tenuous blood relation to the man who bastarded him into the world, he was treated like a second-rate human. With nowhere else to go, Arata suffered the cruelty of his father and brother for years. For years, he forced a smile and pretended happiness for the sake of strangers... One day he met the girl who gave him hope. Her name was Koharu Hinomoto. She was a ray of sunshine. Being with Koharu made Arata feel good, and he fell deep in love. He began to believe that his life could be better. Arata decided he would move out and live with her. Even without money, they could make it work. Anything was better than how he lived right now. Arata knew in his heart that he could make a warm, loving family with Koharu. If he could just move out... before his despicable family ruins everything. (Source: dlsite)
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i'm about to tell you how to enjoy an NTR based genre. 1) Convince yourself it isn't real 2) No matter what the story, the narative, the monologue tells ya EVERY woman on NTR genre is a bitch, slut, whore, you name it! of course there is exception like in "i am just a maid", but overall learn the pattern. 3) You're not the MC, so disociate yourself emotionally! 4) Think evil! percieve as the bad guy does! and then we're ready.... one day i browse the internet for a newest work of my favorite h-manga artist, Takeda Hiromitsu. Unfortunately i stumbled upon this CG work of his that happened tobe addapted into OVA. Then so i said to myself, might as well enjoy that shit. Story:7 i'm tryin to be objective and free myself of all kind of prejudices and morality since the weight of this kind of work doesn't placed on it's general aesthetic. The aim of NTR genre is to harm self, therefore we know what to be expected. The story is about a boy who bought a dorman bitch GF to his house. Apparently his father and brother happened to be interested in his GF and trying to take oportunity of her situation in freeloading. As expected the bitch awaken her sexual desire, grows dissapointed of clumsiness of the MC and decide to divulge herself into the pit of desire. Destructive enough, but kinda predictable.... Sound: 8 What is the use of music in NTR genre? well the oppening kinda elevate the uneasiness but, managed keepin the mood... As for the use of the sound effect and shit, it is very good... Character: 6 A passive MC Dormant bitch GF Obese Stinky Father Scumbag Older Brother Kinda stereotipical for an NTR, but they managed to piss ya off. 2 man managed go get their hand on this bitch proving that even those kind of trash in society was capable of making her spreads her leg but unfortunately not the MC. Enjoyment:9 How should i define an enjoyment of watching NTR? a rage that made your hand moves faster when you fap? a blood that rushed harder to genital? A feel of teror that won't ever be forgoten? it is kinda ambiguos! but i can certainly say that this is infuriating.... Overall: 7,5 NTR is bad for you! who are we kidding, seriously! i remember when i'm still innocent (maybe so) could easily got hard by reading vanila work and rape, but one day i stumbled upon this work of Takeda Hiromitsu that hentaificazing love plus. It is so destructive it changes my perspective towards life. But then again how do we relieve the mental trauma, i found the only way was to chalangge it back keep reading ths kind of genre and strengthening your mentality, but fuck it, who are we kidding, IT'S BAD!
Before you watch this anime I highly recommend you read the manga REC first. It is only one chapter that will greatly enhance the enjoyment and appreciation for this show. I will not spoil anything so details can be found here: Basically this OVA is a "spiritual successor" and sequel to REC like how Dark Souls is a "spiritual successor" of Demon's Souls. The story does not seem deep or have meaning on the surface level but if you take the time to fully analyze what is going on, you will see how agonizingly powerful and emotional the story can be. Story gets a 10/10. If there'sanything similar that I can to compare this series to, it would be Mawaru Penguindrum and Revolutionary Girl Utena. There are so many symbolic things such as the hair style blocking the eyes of our main protagonist, Arata, the dark skin color of his brother, and finally the balding spectacled obese father. These characters are all intrinsically unique in their motives and beliefs. The most complex character has to be the heroine, Koharu, and if you read REC you can see the psychological depth of humanity in its transcendence. Characters are therefore OUTSTANDING and a 10/10. Now if there is any point of debate regarding this anime, it has to be the art. To some it may seem nauseating but viewers have to remember this is actually a deep show. I am sure the general consensus for shows like Ping Pong is that despite the crap art it actually enhances the experience. I will try to say that this is the same for this show. Drunk motion visuals wonderfully represented the chaos and turmoil going on this situation and I can't wait to see how this newcomer Teruaki Murakami directs his future works. 10/10 for art, and 10/10 for enjoyment. TL;DR: 10/10 ! Philosophy with H added in the mix = Max enjoyment.