A series of gruesome murders dubbed "New Generation Madness" once induced mass hysteria in Shibuya. At its peak during a frenzied riot, a sudden earthquake reduced the district into nothing but rubble, while leaving surrounding wards strangely intact. Six years later, in a newly rebuilt Shibuya, mysterious deaths begin to crop up again. It is not long before third-year student Takuru Miyashiro realizes a connection: the dates of the recent murders match those of the New Generation Madness incidents. He, along with several members of his school's newspaper club, decide to delve deeper into the mystery, only to find themselves stranded in the middle of a new crime scene themselves... [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Just like its predecessor, Chaos;Child was very interesting to watch despite all the weird random events. There just times when having random things occur actually makes the show more interesting and attention grabbing. The story flows better than it did in Chaos;Head. There's still a set of New Generation Madness murders, which happen on the exact same dates as the old ones, just occurring 6 years later. Takaru is the new main character who tries to solve these new cases along with help from his and members of his school's newspaper club. A bunch of weird events occur asthey try to solve these cases and there is pretty distinct ways that most of the characters fit into the case. Unlike Chaos;Head though, the events in Chaos;Child flow much better, especially since there is not a few episodes around the start and middle that are centered around specific girls. Since the episodes flowed better, it allowed the psychological aspect to flourish much better. The art is very well done. I noticed how well every background fit the scene along the way, but I really noticed how well done the art is during the last episode. The animation is very good as well and it's pretty consistent. The sound is great. Every piece of music enhanced the mysterious tone of the anime and or helped to calm you down during more friendly scenes. I love the opening theme and the ending theme is really good. The character aspect is another area where Chaos;Child beats out chaos;Head. Takaru was a bit more believable in terms of his actions and development. He was still somewhat easily frightened, at the beginning, but didn't isolate himself as much or deny everything that happened around him. Both Chaos;head and Chaos;child have protagonists that fit their roles very well, but Takaru is just a bit better. Serika was probably the second most developed. Her personality almost completely changes towards the end from how she was at the start, but it improved her character and added a lot more detail that helped the anime progress smoothly. Besides those two, I didn't find many faults in other characters, but I'd rather not write about a third or half page just describing the characters. Overall, I looked forward to watching the new episodes every week and I never felt like an episode was just a huge disappointment. I love Chaos;head too, but Chaos;child just has higher quality stuff in every category; my scores only differ by 1 point though so no offense if you like Chaos;head better. I definitely recommend watching this if you like psychological anime, since it's not filled with tons of worthless information that seems to only have the purpose of making fake drama/suspense; I'm talking about a so called, "classic" anime here, that will remain nameless in this review. So check it out if you like the genre and don't worry, the harem part is pretty much non-existent; I don't even know why the show has the tag.
One of the most hated anime of winter 2017 is an anime that tries to be short yet phenomenal. Being in a shared universe of Steins;Gate (SciAdv series), the expectation for this anime were high as it should be. But there was always curse of having Chaos in the title. Its prequel anime, Chaos; Head is infamously known for adapting great VN into incoherent mess. Most of the people like to believe Chaos;Child is somewhat better than Chaos;Head adaptation and they are probably right. But Chaos;Head has its merits in the fact that it had good opening episodes which somewhat portrayed the unique environment ofVN. This is where Chaos;Child fails miserably. Story: As a VN reader, I think Chaos;Child has unique story and is just as good(if not better) as Steins;Gate. The story has a major flaw that it can't be adapted into anime as coherent linear story, period. Chaos;Child's story warrants it to be not adapted into linear story. It just doesn't work. The story is phenomenal in VN, but the anime just skips out every single detail and at times changes the theme of the story. In an anime where fights are not even a major part of the story, it tries to detail fights in expense of story and fails miserably at that. Some of the character revelation is just not there or changed beyond acceptable. This hurts the story because as much as it seems, Chaos;Child is not a plot-driven show. The whole point of the story is about the character study of MC. Art: Its art is very disappointing. Characters CGs in VN are on different level and anime is not even half of that. They took one of the best character, Arimura and ruined her. Please check out VN art for Arimura. Animation is just mess, it feels choppy and weird and kills some of the best moments in VN. On another note, the direction and artistic choice for certain scenes are great. Its OP, albeit poorly animated has some great direction. Black and white choice for certain cuts work in favor of said scenes. But overall, it has weak art and animation. Sound: While the anime did story and characters bad, it excels in this department. Uncontrollable is one of the best Itou's songs. (On a side note, Fictional Youth, VN OP is great) Character: The characters of Chaos;Child are not bad, anime treats them badly. It cuts out their motivations, behaviors, reactions to certain events and make them bland. Takuru is not a bland MC, the entire point of this story is his character development. I'd like to detail things, but I don't want to spoil any aspects of the story. Enjoyment: It was mildly enjoyable and got me into VN. Final Verdict: Don't watch the anime. If you can, please read VN. If you've watched anime and are wondering if you should read VN, you definitely should. There is a lot to look forward.
Chaos;Child is the sequel to the anime to Chaos;Head that aired 8 years ago which is more or less the time gap between the two shows in series. after the events of chaos;Head, where at the end of that show a major earthquake had struck the town, by the time Chaos;child starts most of the city has already been rebuilt. Story- the story follows Takaru and the all the members of the newspaper club as they start to notice and investigate strange deaths that have occurred in the city recently. after connecting some dots they realize that the murders happening right now are similar to theones that occurred 6 years ago in Chaos;head. the show then follows the group investigating the deaths and where the next possible murder will take place. the show reveals that there's more to the murders than a simple copycat as human experimentation and psychic powers are thrown into the mix, which is all well until you remember that this is chaos;child. the show reverts back to gilgomaniac and di-swords while also puling of plot twists after plot twist to keep the viewer entertained, but in the end feel ridiculous and contrived. a lot of the mystery of the show is ruined as many of the clues are just handed to them or solved in to most convenient way that it just feels impossible. also the antagonist just reveals who they are by the end of the show through exposition and info-dumping, and their motivation for all this being plain ridiculous. only for that to be topped of by the ending that is a bit sour&sweet but is mostly lacking and inconclusive. 3/10 Characters- what the show does better than it's predecessor is with its characters. Takaru is more of a proactive character as he wants to investigate these murders even if they might be dangerous. you get an idea for his motivation, but the failure in that is that it is revealed by another person. most of the cast like the previous show mostly consist of women. what sets them apart is that several do extend a bit beyond the usual arc-type that they are placed in, although this is for a few which leads to other characters having limited screen time and dialogue(if they had any at all) then what they needed in order to become proper characters. since most of the show is riddled with plot twist so are the characters in the show as several characters have personality switches in order to appease the plot, because it was a ruse all along. in the end most if not all the characters are 2-dimensional at best. 4/10 art/animation- the art and animation are better than it's predecessor. the background setting and the character designs look a bit more polished. the animation looks more fluid even if there's not much happening in the show in terms of actions. yet than again this is pretty standard for modern anime which I've said enough times that it's not even worth repeating for each modern anime now 7/10 Sound- not much worth mentioning. the soundtracks are mostly plain and forgettable. the voice acting is decent and better than the annoying voice acting from chaos;head. 6/10 enjoyment- the show was rather interesting at first, but as soon as it hit the halfway mark it was very unsatisfactory. 4/10 overall it's better than Chaos;Head, but being better still doesn't make this show any good 4/10
Before you even start reading this, I have one thing to say. If you are even remotely interested in the story that is Chaos;Child, keep as far away as possible from this adaptation. The visual novel that this pile of trash is based on is one of the best VNs you could possibly read, so forget that this anime even exists, and do yourself a favor by playing the source material. You will not regret it. This anime is an absolute travesty. It might be the worst adaptation I have ever seen in my life. Trust me when I say that you would be better offwatching paint dry than sitting down and suffering through this amalgamation of an anime. I simply can not understand how anyone thought that adapting a ~50-hour long visual novel into a 14 (12 + 2) episode series was a good idea. As a result, nearly everything that made the original game so memorable and amazing is just straight up missing. The Science Adventure series in general heavily relies on its characters to drive its narrative, in other words, these are all character-focused stories. The visual novel does a great job of making the reader form an attachment to Takuru and his friends so that we will care about what happens to these people throughout the rest of the story. This anime has none of that. Important moments of characterization are completely left out, leaving us with bare-bones, one-dimensional versions of otherwise astonishingly well-written characters. And because the narrative hinges on these characters, the entire thing comes crashing down. Watching this is like looking at a notebook that has nothing but the basic plot points of the story written down. This makes this anime even worse than what they did to Chaos;Head's adaptation, since it just about spoils every single plot revelation of the story while failing miserably on trying to sell you why you should care. "But there's got to be something here for those who have played the original, like seeing their favorite scenes animated, right?" you may ask. No. The art design of this anime is god-awful in my opinion. There were several times where I couldn't stop laughing at how terrible some of the scenes looked. And the worst part of it all was that these were supposed to be the most thrilling and exciting parts of the story, but they completely butchered it. Finally, perhaps the only thing that is somewhat enjoyable about this mess is the sound design and the OST. There are some really good tracks in there, so if you have finished the game, it may be worth listening to. The opening song is pretty great as well, so props to Itou Kanako for delivering another great opening for the series. Overall, in my opinion, this is a horrible viewing experience for both those who are unfamiliar with the VN, and for those who have played it. And I may have been overly harsh in this review, but I hate seeing one of my favorite stories of all time handled so awfully. So it may technically deserve more, but I cannot give this "thing" more than a 1, because it may as well have been a series that could rival the popularity of Steins;Gate, had it been adapted appropriately.
Another day, another butchered adaptation of a SciAdv masterpiece. Much like ChaoS;HEAd's anime, ChaoS;Child was horribly rushed and suffers greatly as a result. The visual novel in its entirety took me over 70 hours to complete, so squeezing that into 5-6 hours of content was a herculean task from the start. Integral parts of the story are either reduced to minor events or flat out just not included at all, and the characters and relationships are criminally underdeveloped. Core parts of Takuru's character are just left out, and characters like Hana and Uki are almost nonexistent throughout the anime, as opposed to their fairly sizeableroles in the visual novel. It's not quite the same as the slap in the face that was ChaoS;HEAd's anime, but there are times that I, as a big SciAdv fan, felt quite insulted by this show and some of the horrible choices that it made. It was especially painful to see that the Silent Sky portion of the adaptation was significantly more faithful than this botched combination of the common and character routes from the visual novel. In summary, do not watch this anime. If you want to experience something truly beautiful, read the visual novel, because you won't find it in this trainwreck of an adaptation.
The thing that i don't understand is why the low rating ?? You're saying that it's based on a visual novel and that they removed many important things compared to the novel ? Well, who cares ! i didn't read the visual novel so i don't care ! If you didn't read the novel like me, just watch this anime, everything is great about it ! the story is really interesting and thrilling, it makes you want to binge watch it till the end, the characters are great, and the plot is really cool, same as its predecessor Chaos;head, and yes, Chaos;head wasn't really good because ofthe many flaws it had, but if you don't focus on the details and watch it for its global idea, it was actually really original, and then Chaos;child is like Chaos;head, but without those flaws. So, i advice you to ignore these low ratings and go watch it if you like mystery and psychological shows, it's really worth it.
This review has spoilers, HUGE SPOILERS! English Version: once Upon a time, an anime called ChaoS: HEAd came out, everyone hated and I wanted to know why, the result of it was one of the worst anime I've ever seen, when ChaoS; Child, the sequel, came out, I tried to avoid it, but now that I saw, I can finally tell you all about this abomination called ChaoS; Child: Story (3): The premise was interesting, but the execution was terrible, the mysteries of the "next gen" are back, murders are happening and no one knows who is committing the crimes, Takuru, MC and his high school friends try tosolve it, plot starts very well, the first 7 episodes were very well done, with plot twists, plot points and the mystery getting more and more interesting, but in the end, it all went to shit. As if you did discharge and the shit clogged the toilet, even if you call the plumber, he could not unclog and all that exploded and hit the wall and never left, as a punishment for you, that was how I felt after finishing seeing ChaoS;Child. So all that happens throughout the anime was because the MC wanted to do something to enjoy it, all of the deaths, tragedies, blood was because the MC made a stupid desire, not only that, the decisions he takes throughout the story were made because he forgot his own desire, I wonder if he has amnesia to forget something so specific... Art / Animation (3): Weak, typical of every horrible anime season, a simple and bland animation. Sound (6): Average, the tracks are very good and some are beautiful, but forgetful because of how bad the anime is. the ED is medium and the OP is good, nothing relevant and that can stand out. Characters (1): Miyashiro Takuru: An idiot boy who made a wish and foolish decisions leaving all stupid, not only that, knowing the person who killed his younger sister and tried to murder his middle sister, tried to dialogue with, showing how he was feeling hatred for her , then kill her, and then apologize for killing her, as if it was a wrong decision to kill the person who married all this pain and who made his life a hell, beyond himself. Onoe Serika: A girl who had no importance in the story until the last episodes, she is the person who kills Takuru's younger sister and tried to kill the middle sister, with the justification that it was all for him, all for his desire , because it is very interesting to kill the family you love and then to say that it was all for you and to say that you will always be by your side, what a beautiful sense of love right... a stupid desire needs a stupid character to perform it. Kurusu Nono: The middle sister of Takuru, a person who decides to die to also leave things more interesting to Takuru's desire deserves no better description than this, and of course, decided that instead of, perhaps, KILLING THE PERSON THAT KILLED HER SISTER. Other characters: No one cares, zero importance. Enjoyment (1): it was painful, it took 1 hour to watch the last episode, watching this was like being tortured for hours and hours. Overall (2): Exactly what I expected, crap, do not waste your time on this, ever. ______________________________________________________________ Brasilian Portuguese Version: Era uma vez, um animê chamado ChaoS:HEAd que todo mundo odiou e eu queria saber o porquê, o resultado disso foi um dos piores animê que eu já vi, quando saiu sua sequência, ChaoS;Child, eu tentei evita-la, mas agora, finalmente falarei dessa abominação chamada ChaoS;Child. Story (3): A premissa era interessante, mas a execução foi terrível, os mistérios da "next gen" estão de volta, assassinatos estão acontecendo e ninguém sabe quem está cometendo os crimes, Takuru, o Protagonista e seus amigos do ensino médio tentam resolve-lo, o enredo começa muito bem, os 7 primeiros episódios foram muito bem trabalhados, com plot twists, plot points e o mistério ficando cada vez mais interessante, mas no final, tudo isso foi para a merda. Como se vc desse descarga e a merda entupisse o vaso, e mesmo vc chamando o vizinho, ele não conseguiria desentupir e tudo aquilo explodisse e batesse na parede e colasse la, eternamente, como uma punição para vc, foi como me senti após terminar de ver ChaoS;Child. Então tudo aquilo que acontece durante todo o anime foi porque Takuru queria fazer algo, se entreter. Todas as mortes, tragédias, sangue foi porque o PP fez um desejo estúpido, não só isso, as decisões que ele toma durante toda a história foram feitas porque ele esqueceu de seu próprio desejo e não sabia das consequências disso, me pergunto se ele tem amnésia para esquecer algo tão especifico... Art/Animation (4): Fraca, tipica de todo anime de temporada horrível, uma animação simples e sem graça. Sound (6): Mediano, as tracks são muito boas e algumas são lindas, mas esquecíveis por causa do qual ruim o anime é. a ED é mediana e a OP é ótima, nada de relevante e que possa se destacar. Personagens (1): Miyashiro Takuru: Um garoto idiota que fez um desejo e decisões idiotas deixando tudo idiota, não só isso, sabendo da pessoa que matou sua irmã mais nova e tentou assassinar sua irmã do meio, tentou dialogar com, mostrando como ele estava sentindo ódio por ela, depois a mata, e então pede desculpa por mata-la, como se fosse uma decisão errada matar a pessoa que causou toda essa dor e que fez de sua vida um inferno, além dele mesmo. Onoe Serika: Uma garota que não teve importância na história até os últimos episódios, ela é a pessoa que mata a irmã mais nova de Takuru e tentou matar a irmã do meio, com a justificativa de que foi tudo por ele, tudo por seu desejo, por que é muito interessante matar a família de quem vc ama e depois falar que foi tudo por vc e falar que sempre vai estar ao seu lado, que belo conceito de amor... um desejo idiota precisa de uma personagem idiota para realiza-lo. Kurusu Nono: A irmã do meio de Takuru, uma pessoa que decide morrer para também deixar as coisas mais interessantes para o desejo de Takuru não merece nem descrição melhor do que essa, e claro, decidiu isso ao invés de, talvez, MATAR A PESSOA QUE ASSASSINOU SUA IRMÃ. Outros personagens: Ninguém liga, importância zero. Enjoyment (1): Foi doloroso, demorei 1 hora para assistir ao último episódio, assistir isso foi como ser torturado durante horas e horas. Overall (2): Exatamente o que eu esperava, um lixo, não perca seu tempo com isso, nunca.
As per instructed by the guidelines, I will not give you a summary of the anime. I will not include any spoilers. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ♥ So - my boyfriend and I are trying to increase our numbers of animes we've seen. We picked this anime in hopes that...it would provide entertainment, but honestly...I'm disappointed. This anime feels incredible rushed. It starts out with the plot of murder mystery, and while it "technically" keeps that storyline...it's as if the writers/directors threw in a bunch of convenient excuses to make things stretch out to appease the ending. It had a lot of potential, giving me the type of feelthat the anime "Another" did. The murders were gruesome as hell and immediately hooked you in. Then...it just kinda fell off. They introduced a weapon-mechanic to the anime with no explanation, got rid of a main character by the 8th episode and she was never seen again...EVEN THOUGH she had a huge part in the anime...man, I don't know..there's a serious lack of explanation during several parts of the anime. I want to like the anime, I really do. But it just fell short. If you're looking for a murder-mystery anime...Another would be the way to go. By the 6th episode of Chaos Child, I had a hunch that I was going to be disappointed by the ending, and I was. I have a feeling that if you've seen Chaos Head, things might make more sense...but it gave you the sensation that it could be a 'stand-alone' anime. They even provided their first episode as a break-down of Chaos Head, but yeah. Weird. Watch at your own risk.
The anime adaptation of Chaos;Child, as for has been for his previous one Chaos;Head, is not something that has been done perfectly. It's not easy to sum up an entire and long visual novel in so few episodes. Story: 10 The story is very fascinating, there are so many hidden things and mysteries that involves and trasmit great curiosity, it manages to hit the point of the entire opera. Art: 8 Its graphic style is a little different from the original opera in my opinion, but still I think that is pretty enjoyable. Some scenes are really impressive.Sound: 8 The music is good, but it's very hard to listen during the anime. It's very atmospheric and dark but it can guarantee good moments in the situations. The opening and ending are pretty good, and some vocals work are made by Kanako Itou, awesome and talentuous voice singer. Character: 7 The characters here ar poorly developed due to the number of episodes, someone of them is very lacking and it's not possible to understand or emphatize with. Enjoyment: 8 The plot is slow in the start, like as the other works of its producers, but it slowly grows with the succession of the events. It gets emotional in most of the parts of it tries to do, and it does well. Overall: 8 I think that the best way to enjoy this work is to play the related visual novel, and if you like the plot, the story, you will find all you need in this. There are so many things that are missing, and some events are changed, but in the end it's been very flowing and enjoyable till the end.
Please guys this is only my opinion. Trust me you don't want to watch this show. I think watching porn it's more interesting than this the story is shit it's starting from nowhere and I ended to nowhere but I kind of like the opening and ending song the characters oh my god they are the worst on the other hand the story was not understandable I think like the studio summary like fifth 10,000 books into 12 episodes also I didn't enjoy the anime I only finish it because I hate to start anything and stop in the middle now I'm going to shift-delete all mymemory from this show. And to conclude don't watch it
Here is an example of how a prequel could ruin a new addition to a series. For all of those who watched Chaos;Head before this one you surely understand what i mean. The only mistake this anime made was being a sequel. However, that doesn't really matter since it's not related to Chaos;Head except in order of events. From my point of view, Chaos;Head was like the introduction or trial version before creating this anime. (No I'm serious and a proof of that is the recap at the beginning of Chaos;Child where the entire season of Chaos;Head was wrapped in 20 minutes. That was not asummary that was essentially the entire season in 20 minutes!). Okay now that it's clear how unrelated this season is to the last one let's me explain what this one has to offer. PLOT! (No not what you're thinking of) I mean real plot with twists at every single corner. Just as you think you got the idea of the anime you get hit with a plot twist that changes everything then another one afterwards and so on. Wait, but plot twists aren't enough to make an anime all that different,no? Yep, you're absolutely right. We've got better art style now. Although I guess that's to be expected since the last season was about 10 years ago. Okay so we got plot and art anything else? Yeah, character development as well. Chaos;Head MC character,Takumi, Was basically GAME-> HALLUCINATE -> SCREAM -> BLAME RIMI FOR IT. However our new refurbished MC, Takuru, Is an active detective-like person. He's not that much different than your typical protagonist but in comparison to Takumi he's much more suitable as a MC. You keep on criticizing Chaos;Head all the time why did you even get into the series, dude? Psychological that is! Away with your mainstream! True that Chaos;Head wasn't my cup of tea but all the Sci-Fi candy in it encouraged me to continue with it. However, after Chaos;Child being published and since it offers almost the same amount of Sci-Fi material I thought of letting whoever wanted to continue through with Chaos;Head just for the Sci-Fi or psychological as I did. DON'T! You've got a better option now that is Chaos;Child.
The show needed two seasons. I'm not even judging it based on its source material. It's like they had a bullet-point list of what needed to be adapted, and checked each item off as they went. It's like a summary, a Wikipedia page put into TV. The story is told, but that's about it. None of the characters are well developed or developed at all, and the plot just moves along. About halfway through I forgot everyone's names, which I felt awful about because in several touching scenes, I would be wiping away a tear while in my head I'm like "B-but who was this person?"But can you blame me? Everyone seemingly existed as plot devices save for the main character, Takuru and another one, can't mention due to spoilers. Even then, they're very clearly only there so the plot moves, there's no attempt at making them seem "real" or possibly relatable, so their faces just blended in. Even those who are given a lot of screen time and conversations, feels like I barely know 'em. Furthering my complaints about the story is how jumpy things started to be. Often I would start a new episode and wonder if I skipped something. Again, a clear indication of rushed adaptation and desperately needing a second season. There are awesome moments and scenes, but a majority of them are plot dump moments, or just exist because that was on the bullet point list, meaning the scene is done and that's it, with no lasting impression. This really hurts some poignant scenes because there's a distinct lack of finesse to them. It makes you emotional but at the same time go "what? But why, again?" Again there are amazing scenes towards the end, and they bring up this show massively, especially the music, which fits every moment to a T. Even after all of that, it's enjoyable, because the plot, as summary-ish as it is, is thrilling, the mystery is, well, mysterious, and the small moments of brilliance brings everything together at times. It's just that it's too rushed to truly immerse yourself, the true sin of every Sci;ADV adaptation that's not Steins;Gate. Breakdown of Ratings: Story- 7: Plot is enjoyable and told, but it's like a summary of events that had a checklist of things to adapt, and they simply marked each bullet point off as they went. Moments of brilliance bring it up towards the end. Art- 7: Looks good enough, very clearly budget constrained with some stiff movements, but it's adequate. Poignant scenes, especially the delusions are insanely good though, and subtle show-not-tell moments are done well. Sound- 9: It's a Sci;ADV series. The music is stunningly good, the sound effects are appropriate. Really enhances the mediocrity. Characters- 6: Everyone is too damn underdeveloped and rushed for you to really care for, save for the one character at the end and whoever dies, but it's purely for emotional shock. Everyone is a plot device. Enjoyment- 7: It's still a good thriller, as summary-ish as the plot is told. Gripping moments brought down by per-episode disconnect and names that don't stick. Overall- 7: It's a good show to watch, but not to revel in, immerse yourself in, gush about, or to remember down the line. You don't really remember that Wikipedia article you scanned over for info, so it's the same deal here.
Liked: This anime is extremely thought provoking and extremely underrated. It provides an emotional roller-coaster as well as laying out a constant action-feeling scene. The ending was just.. wow. You may have to research some stuff at the end on your own, as the anime doesn't give you much of a lift off point at the end. I'm sad it's ended and may not come back. Disliked: I did not dislike much to be honest, the only thing i hope they had expanded upon more is his reasoning and thought processes at the end, or just the story at the end. They should've made an episode13, explaining the situation afterwards. Perhaps how *she* felt or if *she* remembered any of the previous selves past, perhaps how they acted around each other, as-well as the events taking place immediately afterwards. I honestly hope for another season, i had a ship ready to sail, as well as my emotional investment now implemented in this story. 10/10 in my opinion.
This is my first review but i'll try to make things short. Having experienced the visual novel this is pretty much a fair review of this series, taking it into account both as a standalone series and as an adaptation. You might be familiar with the phrase "There is no Tsukihime anime" which is pretty much used to describe the anime adaptation of Tsukihime and to make fun of how bad it was. It is pretty much a prime example of an adaptation gone wrong. Taking this into account the phrase "There is no Chaos;Child anime" should also exist (Same applies for Chaos;Head) STORY: 5 Just like with Chaos;Headthis anime butchers the storyline of its visual novel and even as a standalone anime it still isn't all that good. The plotline was just way too long for a 12 episodes anime and it pretty much skips any kind of character development, which results in plot twists being ruined and characters being mere stereotypes. However i can give the staff credit for at least trying to do something good unlike Chaos;Head's adaptation. It was faithful at the very least and was somewhat coherent for the most part. ART: 8 The art and animation are quite nice to look at. They pretty much have the same aesthetic as the visual novel. It isn't as good as Steins;Gate or Occultic;Nine in this aspect but it was pretty much fine and had some really nice moments. SOUND: 10 The voice acting and sound effects were handled quite well but what reallly stands the most is the musical aspect of the show. Its pretty much the same soundtrack for the visual novel but it doesn't really matter since that one is amazing. Takeshi Abo did a good job as always and its definitely his best score along with Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0. Onoken's part in the soundtrack isn't as good as Takeshi Abo's work but it still works to some effect. CHARACTER: 4 Like i said before the anime avoided any kind of character development and ruined what made these characters so good. The characters are pretty much empty shells of their VN counterparts, which were actually fleshed out as the story progressed. ENJOYMENT: 6 Despite all its flaws i actually enjoyed this anime and it was quite entertaining to watch. It adapted the game perfectly in some parts and managed to have the unsettling atmosphere of it. OVERALL : 5 While this adaptation isn't really that bad it doesn't manage to make the source material justice. Hopefully it gets a remake in the same way Fate/Stay Night did. Overall just read the VN, which is actually translated and might get a PC release soon. Not only is it a great story but its also slightly better than Steins;Gate and its pretty much the best entry in the Science Adventure franchise so far.
TL;DR - Watch the entirety of Science Adventure if you want to watch this. This anime alone, in theory, is pretty awful, but, saying this anime is awful because it doesn't lead anywhere, make any sense, or have any purpose is like taking a random chapter out of a book, calling it it's own story, and then saying it's awful because it doesn't lead anywhere, make any sense, or have any purpose. For those who don't know, this anime is basically the 4th season in a series of anime called Science Adventure, which is based off of the visual novels of the same name. The series isstill being released, but so far we have (in order): Chaos;Head, Steins;Gate, Robotics;Notes, Chaos;Child, and Steins;Gate 0 (still being aired). Ultimately, a huge theme in this anime series is mystery. We have really no idea where the plot is going, but each season definitely plays some part in the overall story. Chaos;Child just seems to have no actual point to it or any way of majorly affecting the entire plot, but that's what makes it interesting. The reason I enjoyed this anime so much is because it makes you want to figure out how it's all going to affect the world, from the characters of Steins;Gate to those of Robotics;Notes. Most people give Steins;Gate major praise, although most of those people are clueless to the fact that it is in fact the second season in the series. So, basically, if you are watching this series as a whole, this anime is amazing, but, if you are, for some reason, just watching this part of it alone, then don't waste your time, as it won't make any sense nor will it bring any satisfaction. As I stated before, watching this alone is like picking up a book, reading a random chapter, and then calling it good. No reason, point, satisfaction, seemingly interesting plot. No. Just a lackluster of mysteries to be discovered in further chapters.
Way better than it's prequel, this series has better characters and a more developed story. Yet it fails on beign a good adaptation of its source material, it succed on beign a decent series that wont bore you, specially if you don't know the source material. I only watched the prequel because My Anime List says it has some relation with Steins Gate (I don't know where) and it was really dissapointing, a total waste of time, and only finished it just because I don't like left things unfinished. Anyway, I really enjoyed this sequel. Sure it didn't sparks joy in my eyes but at leastmade me want to watch episode after episode. You wont miss much if you don't see it, but if you do you'll enjoy it as the decent series it is, specially a couple good cliffhangers it has. Basically it wont bore you and will let you wit the feeling of have watched a good series that had potential to be greater.
*spoilers* It seems incomplete. The character development leaves much to be desired and the story ends in a weird way. At the very least, it doesn't end in a common TV troupe. The premise is not as interesting as the first, the characters are kind of boring. It has a really wacky ending which is halfway between a bad end and inconclusive. I guess I will need to watch the sequel. Probably shouldn't have made the cutest character the arch villain though, that kind makes me dislike the show. It's kind of weird because it leaves you with an emptiness, the feeling that there was noconclusion and that the evil guys actually won even though they didn't. People don't un-die after all. The main character even gets fucked over at the end. Bit of an awkward story, very fucked up villain who takes "obsessed" to a new level, and is too cute to be a villain. Seriously.
Chaos;Child is the spinoff/sequel to the psychological thriller, Chaos;Head. I watched these two series after learning they are in the Steins;Gate universe, and I watched them fully expecting them to be terrible. Ultimately, I was blown away by Chaos;Child. Chaos;Child is one of the smarter psychological thrillers out there. It has a likable cast of characters, a disturbing mystery, and a well-conceived resolution. It fundamentally improves on the anime Chaos;Head in almost every way (except maybe being a little more narratively straightforward). If I had to compare the tone to anything, I would probably compare it to Persona 3. WhileChaos;Head was a little bit of a slog to push through, Chaos;Child often ended in cliffhangers or twists that kept making me want to watch 'just one more episode'. I would definitely recommend giving this show a chance and being open-minded. There is one fatal flaw with the show, and that is that it is best watched after Chaos;Head, which isn't the most enjoyable series. There is also a Chaos;Child Episode 0 that summarizes Chaos;Head, but I think it cuts too much out, unless you tried Chaos;Head and really couldn't tough it out. Chaos;Head is not a 'bad' show, but it is a slog, and I wrote a review on it if you want my take on that too. Also, one last thing to note. I've heard Chaos;Child has an amazing Visual Novel. I have not played it, so I am viewing this anime in a vacuum and not comparing it to its source material. I know adaptations often suffer from not being able to live up to the original work. I cannot comment on that with Chaos;Child. I really enjoyed it for what it is.
ChäoS;Child is guro porn for the sick freaks who froth at the mouth at little sisters being dismembered and pee fetishes. If you’re a normal person, who doesn’t like edgelord/shock value shlock, then stay far away from this series. This is the worst representation of visual novels ever, for those who think that visual novels are all over-the-top gross-out fiestas with porn, i.e. Saya no Uta, then this series just reaffirms that bias. • I don’t like negative representations of visual novels, most are bad, but sometimes they can be accurate representations of what it’s like to be stuck inside of your own head. Ifyou like this series, you may enjoy the visual novel Sweet Pool. Wait, no, don’t play that! ChäoS;Child feels smashed together and hard to follow, probably because they took the gameplay of the visual novel and tried to abridge it as much as possible. • There’s far too many characters to keep up with and too many plot points that are injected into its vein.I had to constantly remind myself of all of the plot points and logic that the show explainedーwhen going into each episode. Or else, I was just baffled and confused as to what was going on. The twist at the end, the climax, is probably the only interesting part of the show, but that also seems weirdly contrived. • ChäoS;Child is yet another example of a show that has some good ideas, but over-saturates itself with everything that SOUNDS cool, leaving viewers like me, who didn’t play the visual novel in somnambular confusion while there’s a heap of bile climbing up our throats. Oh, look, there’s a pretty twin-tail girl! Since she’s from a porn game, let’s have the most graphic scene of her pissing herself ever! • The “movie”, if that’s what you want to call it. Is equally as confusing, more laughable, and has barely any semblance of a budget to stand on. ChäoS;Child is a low peg in the Scientific semi-colon series, but that’s not really saying much. BUT Steins;Gate is really only the okay one, so far, and the anime lags where the visual novel succeeds. • I have the Steins;Gate visual novel to thank for the many lucid dreams I’ve had about time travel. But back to Torture Porn: The Animated Series. I give the film a 2/10 and the series a 3/10.