Hacka Dolls are AI that scan a person in order to tailor news recommendations and information to their users. These widespread, personalized robots have served many citizens, from government officials to professional sports players. A severe drop in quality leads to the production of three substandard Hacka Dolls. Due to their personality defects, they are sent to Earth, tasked with advancing humanity in whatever way they can. Whether it be encouraging a fujoshi to sell a doujinshi at Comiket or performing in an idol group, the three dolls will complete any task as long as it abides by their moral compass. Despite their shortcomings, they take their mission very seriously and always try their best to assist everyone with incredible enthusiasm. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Hackadoll is my surprise anime of the season. I picked it up about halfway through expecting it to be a stupid boob comedy based on the moe blob art style and the obvious character archetypes they were shooting for in their three characters: dumb blonde genki girl, big boobs-chan, and sleepy loli girl. However right I was about these characters, I was also very wrong. Hackadoll turned out to be a very entertaining short anime, much in the vein of Comical Psychosomatic Medicine of this past summer season. Hackadoll's strength is that it picked one anime franchise or a trope and made that the backboneof the joke it told throughout the 7 minute runtime of each episode. They lampooned everything from Neon Genesis Evangelion to Dragonball Z to Shirobako to dating sims and hentai. In fact, nearly every episode makes fun of a different genre or series with the antics of the bumbling, clueless Hackadolls, a trio of AI whose purpose is to "advance" the people who download their app. "Advancing" people typically turns into the Hackadolls screwing up the person who summoned them's life beyond repair, but then by some horrifically humiliating or mortally dangerous event, the person manages to achieve their goal... mostly. It plays out on screen a lot better than it sounds on paper. Hackadoll's animation is fairly simple traditional style- since it's a web series with probably a negative budget, but blowing the audience away with visuals isn't the point of the show anyway. The three main VA are all relative newcomers (two of them are even younger than I am) and give solid performances as the aforementioned character archetypes, but are backed up by the awesome veteran Ryouka Yuzuki, or LADY SATSUKI KIRYUUIN herself, as the irascible, overbearing boss, Hackadoll 0. This show was a good way to blow 5 minutes (because a minute and a half of it is the intro song) with some lighthearted, goofy humor and a bit of parody of some series that I love. I'm not sure how much studio Trigger had to do with the production of this show (they're tagged as a producer), but their influences are strong here. It's zany, off the wall; a lot like watching some kids on a sugar high acting crazy.
There have been plenty of shorts this year, but almost none of them were as good as this one. At first glance, it doesn't look like anything special, but I was surprised to find how entertained and engrossed I was, despite it only being about 7 minutes long. I enjoyed each individual story, loved the characters and music, and was really impressed with the different drawing styles introduced during certain scenes. I didn't expect that from a short anime! I also really liked the casual references to other anime. I'm not sure how well this one would work as a full-length anime, but I really wishthere will be a second season. I think it's a fun, entertaining anime with a lot to offer!
This is my first review, so if I say anything weird, I apologise. While Hacka Doll was a bit bad in certain places, it still had good animation and made you laugh at certain parodies or certain funny moments. As a guy who watches almost everything, this anime was something you could just sit back and enjoy the various situations that happen. If you want a breath of fresh air from all those heavy action anime, and you want to laugh, even for a small bit, this anime is for you. Otherwise, you should find something better if this anime does not keep up with yourexpectations.
Hacka doll sounds interesting and to a certain degree it is, but I hoped to see a bit more of this show. As the summary says, there are some internet dolls who help people advance in this world of information by looking up what they need. Yet we don’t get to see that exactly. The story is about two girls and one boy helping people. The team consisting of Hacka doll #1, #2, #3 want to help humanity “advance” by helping in their chores. Having the whole show watched it feels like they were more internet doll house maids rather than advanced technological internet explorers. Whilethe plot betrays itself and totally derails from episode 2 to 11 it was still enjoyable. Most of the shorts does have nothing in common with the previous. Rather than that it feels more like an eccentric slice of life comedy anime The characters have distinct character treats with no development. It just fits the show and appeals to “cute girls (boy) doing cute things”. VA was done very good. The VA suited the eccentric theme really good and got me riled up. While you don’t have to expect riled up moments or heartbreaking cries, the show just delivers what it needed to have delivered. Animation was sadly not a studio Trigger trade mark. I completely missed all the good thing what makes Trigger so enjoyable. Nevertheless the animation had consistent quality and the scenes were pleasing to look at. I only watched this show because Trigger made it, other than that the overall enjoyment is not high. The shorts are available on MAL, so if you’re into eccentric slife of life with a little bit over the top humor, this is your call.
When it comes to recommending anime comedies, the question that comes to mind is often not what someone's sense of humour is like, but how many other comedies they've already seen. I say this because, though hardly unique to anime, it's a notable feature of anime comedies that they often rely the same set of jokes & observations. This is especially true of what might be considered "otaku" comedies, which when not making show specific parodies often revolve around a small & instantly familiar set of, I suppose, acceptable gags. Hacka Doll: The Animation is very much in this comedic vein. With some exceptions, HackaDoll's episodes revolve around the same collection of jokes & setups that every other comedy targeting the otaku audience seems to. That's not to say everything here has been done before, but many episodes have a general sense of deja vu about them that can take one out of the right mood. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Hacka Doll takes place in an alternate Japan where society seems to have declined to such a point that people are now reliant on the phone summoned help of magical girls to deal with their mundane problems (maybe not so alternate after all). The show follows Bubbly, Busty & Bored, three of the titular Hacka Dolls who have a reputation for being singularly incompetent at their job, as they are sent to aid various people with their various problems - with each episode being a standalone story. One could quickly find themselves dismissing Hacka Doll as relying on jokes that have been done before, because it does. That's not to say there isn't anything new, or at least not too obviously recycled, to keep things from feeling completely derivative. The parody of Shirobako, in particular, was entertaining by virtue of the whole episode being dedicated to it rather than just making an offhand reference. The use of delinquent character types in some episodes was also nice to see, although it had the unintended effect of reminding me that Cromartie High School came out 13 years ago & things haven't got better. Indeed there's also a random gorilla in Hacka Doll, which makes me wonder if the writers also had Cromartie in mind. But for every joke that smells fresh, there's 3 that are stale. While those who haven't seen many anime comedies might not have this problem, there's only so many times I can laugh at the same routines done with almost no variation. Hahaha, talking to real girls isn't like in dating sims. Hahaha, fujoshi like BL. Hahaha, Busty Doll's covered in sticky white stuff. Hahaha, Bored Doll's dick fell off. Wait... The point is that a lot of what's in Hacka Doll has been done, & while seeing old jokes reinterpreted or presented in new ways is one of the fun things about comedy, Hacka Doll is one of those shows which has a sense that the writers feel if something was funny then, you shouldn't change it now. You might hope that some variation comes from seeing new characters take on old scenarios, but Bubbly, Busty & Bored are utterly generic character types that are instantly recognizable from the first moment you see them; nor do they draw any different conclusions or react to things in any way except what you'd expect them to. Part of the problem, & this is the case with a lot of otaku humour, is that the jokes are otaku-centric but go to pains not to be offensive or too deprecating of otaku themselves. Thus we get the usual cop outs where, for instance, the obsessive idol otaku has some inoffensive jokes made at his expense before ultimately concluding that his excessive level of support is something that the recipient is & should be grateful for. I'm not saying comedy needs to be edgy, but a bit of self-deprecation or acknowledgement that you can laugh at the peculiarities & strangeness within ones own culture or social group without having to add the "but it's okay to do that, please don't be offended" disclaimer would be nice. On the technical front, Hacka Doll is a pretty competent show. The characters look decent, the animation is limited but not awful, the music is okay for what it is & generally it's a standard production for a short. There is one noticeable cost cutting trick they do that does detract from the experience, though. At least once in each episode, the director seems to have chosen to do a digital zoom to get a closeup of a character's face, rather than drawing a new cut to achieve the same goal. This wouldn't be a problem, except the raw images used were evidently not of a high enough resolution to avoid that blurry & rather ugly effect you get when you enlarge a low resolution image. Also, because Hacka Doll has songs that it's trying to sell, we're also treated to the same dance routines that, as always, use the same Miku Miku Dance movements you see in every other lower budget show with idols. Three cheers for original choreography. Ultimately Hacka Doll is an okay-ish short comedy where your enjoyment is most likely going to be based on two things: 1) do you like otaku humour? & 2) have you seen other anime comedies? It's a pretty safe & standard show that doesn't do anything to make it noteworthy, but at the same time is not completely reliant on recycled jokes from other, better shows. Maybe it's in part because Hacka Doll was made to promote, of all things, a mobile news aggregating app that the producers wanted to play it safe & avoid, I suppose, tarnishing their brand with any of the target audience. Personally I'd have thought soaking your mascot in spunk-substitute would do more to harm your image than making some more original jokes. But I'm not a Japanese marketer, so what do I know.
Hacka Doll is a short-form parody anime (~5 min per ep once you subtract the op and end) that gets funnier as it goes along. It starts to pick up steam around episode 3, and really hits its stride around episodes 7 and 8 (my two favorites, I think). If you're not impressed by the first couple episodes, give it a chance -- it's not a huge time investment either way. The basic concept is that Hacka Dolls are AI beings designed to help "advance" humanity, either on an individual level or a societal level. Certain Hacka Dolls have had great success in helping humans progress,but the titular Hacka Dolls -- Ichigo (#1), Nigo (#2), and Sango (#3) -- are inferior products with a low efficacy rating. In the first episode, #1, #2, and #3 are activated and sent into the world in order to raise their rating with "advancing" humans -- or risk being branded poorer quality models and terminated. The show follows these three particular Hacka Dolls (plus a latterly released #4, Yongo) as they go out into the world and attempt to "advance" humans in need of help. The first and the last episode tie into each other, but beyond that, the episodes are largely unrelated except that they each lampoon a discrete aspect of otaku culture and tv tropes. The result, to my mind, is hilarious. Although there are times when the parody seems either overdone, overused, or sometimes weak, by and large Hacka Dolls succeeds in poking fun and generating laughs in a very self-aware kind of way. #1, #2, and #3 are taken right to the edge of parody -- close of enough to be funny, but not so over-the-top that it's like beating a dead horse. Add in #4 for some additional trope subversion ("chosen one" gone awry!) and Hacka Dolls walks away a success. No complaints on my end in the art department. It can be a bit "Trigger-y" at time, which is fine by me. Overall, a solid series, well worth the minimal time spent watching. It doesn't outshine some of the better short-anime-comedies I've seen (Uchuu Patrol Luluco or Senyuu.) but it's not without its own merit. 7.5/10 (but I'll round up!).
*Short review for a short series* Hacka Doll The Animation is a short series of average 5 minutes, taking out the opening and ending, that thrives on randomness and parodies, this alone made it anime short of the year, based Trigger saving anime yet again. This series will be very hit or miss, depending on whether you know or not what are they parodying so you have the full experience on this series gags. The animation can also catch you off guard sometimes, but overall is pretty consistent and it's what you will expect. The only reason this didn't deserve a 10/10 rating it's because my Hacka Doll appwon't bring out 3 kawaii girls from the phone screen to advance my life.
Hacka Doll is an advertising anime for an eponymous app. From a common logic, such types of works are supposed to be quite weak, since their sole purpose is for the viewer just to look up the odject of marketing. What's somewhat surprising in this title is that for such a medium it's actually decent. ————— STORY: Episodic and parodical in it's nature, the show stay this way all the way, though the a few recurring characters and themes. The premise of the show is quite basic: a not-so-well AIs that are supposed to help app users in their deeds. What's actually interesting is that every episode usuallyhas an aesop of sorts that even makes sense. It's hard to rate low the series' pacing, since it stays pretty much the same throughout it and this pacing works well for such a type of anime. I find it's good, though, that the series ends, in a sense, with a Where It All Began trope, which is a nice touch that creates a somewhat solid ending. Again, we're talking about an ads 7-min per episode anime, so keep that in mind. As a side note, the series, being made with the help of Studio Trigger (which was formed by former GAINAX employees), even has a roundabout moral right to parody some shows, namely Evangelion. I'd say that to me the parody and humor were fine; they would even work for someone not familiar with the subjects. ARTWORK: Hacka Doll uses some nice techniques like zooming in on actual images for comedic effect (though it suffers from low resolution in that case), which, with the overall good production values, ends up in a decent art quality. Main characters' design is catchy, though everyone besides them looks generic. The general artwork is surprisingly good and has it's own style, though. For a short series, that is. Which is to be exacted given the supposedly good budget of the show. The OP is very decent too. I'd also like to separately note the ED is a big surprise with its use of MMD animation. They even have four versions of them. Though short, they are quite well done, one would have to give them that. SOUND: The music themes of the series are nice, but aside from them, there isn't much of a soundtrack to note or talk about. VA is nice too, while SFX are rather basic. CHARACTER: This section is pretty straightforward: The characters are fairly cardboard, the main trio being a little better that the rest in that matter, and it's not like the is much development for them or other characters. The weird thing is the 4th character, since she was uncalled for and her entire purpose isn't very clear. ————— As for the points: STORY: 5/10 Premise: 1/2 — Slightly interesting. Pacing: 2/2 — Works well for its type of a show. Complexity: 0/2 — None whatsoever. Plausibility: 1/2 — It has comprehensive parodies and little aesopes about acceptance. Conclusion: 1/2 — It's vague, but it's there. ARTWORK: 6/10 General Artwork: 2/2 — Good production values. Character Figures: 1/2 — Aside from main characters everyone is quite generic. Backgrounds: 1/2 — Average. Animation: 1/2— Nothing special about it. VFX: 1/2 — Basic. SOUND: 4/10 Voice Acting: 2/3 — Decently done. Music Themes: 1/4 — Aside from nice main themes, there's isn't much of music. SFX: 1/3 — They're there. CHARACTER: 3/10 Presence: 1/2 — They play their roles, I guess. Personality: 1/2 — Cardboard characters Backdrop: 0/2 — A minimum of it. Development: 0/2 — Almost none at all. Catharsis: 1/2 — Extremely basic, but there is some. VALUE: 2/10 Importance: 0/3 — No real point recommending it to anyone who's not genre fan. Rewatch value: 0/3 — No real point in it. Memorability: 2/4 — Good work for it's medium. ENJOYMENT: 6/10 It was nice for a short time killer. VERDICT: 4/10 (4.33)
This is first of all an 'otaku anime' and it plays by no "rules", thus the anime has the freedom to do act out as it wishes to to do and making this a great anime. One of the core foundation is parody of other anime such Evangelion, Dragon Ball, Lupin, Magical Girl etc - but also touches subject as being an Idol fan & Comiket. There are a lot of reference to other anime, and some will fly over your head- but to me, i didn't mind at all. The short summary is - hacka doll - is a real Japanese app, where all yourotaku interests gather in on place. The hacka doll's in the anime are highly advance AI to "advance" someone when in need, as example - working in the anime industry to delivery ep 3 before deadline or helping a Idol fan giving him a present to the Idol. Every episode is only 7 min, and I wish this was full length - but this is could just also be one of it's strong side, keeping the pace of flow rapid and interesting. I never found myself to be bored. The three main characters are cute and has their own charm and personality, my favorite was nr#3 which is a "he", yet the show always implies him to be a girl/(loli) in dressing him in females clothes, other than that he 's an lazy otaku. Nr# 1 is happy go lucky girl which messes everything up to the worse and the #2 is the ara ara girl... The OP & ED is awesome! Underrated anime!
App will advance you...for better or worse. For an anime short and it's simple premise, it's a barrel of laughs from it's anime references to previous Gainax anime to the Hackadoll's outright trying to help and failing miserably (either from their own incompetence or their own bad luck). The comedy's referential humor to previous Gainax animes/homage to other popular animes would probably be highlight of this anime from character designs reminiscent of Gurren Lagann to Evangelion references to even Trigger's vers. of SHIROBAKO, the comedy outside it's referential humor rather goes for character jabs, some quick witted one-liners, obvious last minute punchline and finally the characterspointing out the "meta-ness" of the episode at times which works to varying effects. The animation by Trigger is as Trigger as Gainax right down to the character designs LA mentioned before. Even though the animation is a bit laxxing there are times when the quality of animation skips into higher quality (whether it be matching the reference to the anime or just higher character design quality of the main cast), it's not being inconsistent, point being is that it didn't harm LA's experience in watching it even for an anime short, it rather made the anime more eccentric to say the least. There is a bit of fanservice from a shameless fanservice girl of No. 2 and some rather blatant episodes with fanservice but even that's played for laughs. Considering that this anime's plot is rather episodic, it does characterize the main cast, with LA's favourite being Hackadoll No.3 voiced by ''Nanami Yamashita'' with the obvious Nia Teppelin character design and her lazy behaviour (which contrasts Nia's) kinda made her the best character in this anime though No.1 came in a close 2nd. If you want "some" semblance of plot that isn't episodic, then you'll only get it in the first and final episodes as a frame of book ends to the series. For an anime short, LA would suggest you to watch this mainly for it's humor and referential-comedy to other animes, this anime short will be a fun "ADVANCEMENT" in whichever way you look at it when you got an hour and a bit to spare.
I'm gonna keep this review short and simple, just like the episodes of this show. The whole premise of this show is 3 super moe girls trying their best to "advance" people in certain aspects of their self or lives, but they're terrible at it. This show isn't meant to be taken seriously in the slightest bit. It's meant to be funny show with a new encounter/struggle to "advance" someone each and every episode, and I think Studio Trigger accomplished that with this show. I guarantee everyone will get at least a chuckle out of this show, and it isn't too long of a show eitherso it's not like it'd be a waste of time. The comedy is accomplished through many things, some are completely random occurrences, some are blatant parody moments of other shows, such as Jojo or Evangelion. There's even some fan-service in here a few episodes for the individual who likes lewd shit. Overall, the show's a good, fun watch. Just some cute girls doing some stupid shit creating some comedic moments.