Daily live of two larvae.
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Ok so I know what most of you are thinking right now - That this show looks shit and has no story and that my review is a joke. You couldn't be more wrong and I hope you take this review seriously. I gave the story a 10/10 which might not make sense at first because the show just seems like 2 idiots making fart jokes for 26 episodes. But if you have re watched it 13 times like I have you start to see a deeper meaning. One you would have never expected. I first started to notice during my 3rd re watch thatthe show has hella foreshadowing and character development, I just wasn't focused on those aspects because I didn't expect them to be implemented. Around my TENTH re watch I realized the true meaning behind what is going on in the show. The 2 larva are a representation of my last two braincells after reading people reviews on this website...
No Spoilers. Larva, how is it compared to other amines. What is its appeal even though it is a "kids show" and therefore being quite a silly. I Myself do really love larva and all it seasons and you may questioning my sense of humor and my age. Yes Larva is a short comedy series but what makes it sssssoooo good is its humor. Larva is basicly the Korean version of Tom and Jerry when it comes to its very harsh humor and very very cartoonish feel (when it comes to the law of physics and such, all the classic old cartoon cliches) It brings back theold humor from elder cartoons which you really cant find now at days because everything has to be so political correct, realistic and be really sensitive (so the children dont get hurt and such). All the rainbow faeces of the Unicorn - the good things - The old classic cartoonish humor like Tom and Jerry and such. (So a lot of KARMA XD) - Larva contains small episodes which makes it easy to sqeeuze in a busy day :3 - easy way to laugh (of course depending on your humor) - Even though they are all small episodes with each plot then there is a somewhat overall plot. - the artstyle of animation is not great, but it is a clean and fludient design which works PERFECT for this kind of show :3 - there are really some brilliant episodes here and there, that will REALLY make you laugh. - It is an easy show to watch, just relax, turn somewhat your brain of. - I would say it is for every ages! - this is not a serious series and therefore it is good that it has really classic archetypes of characters so it is easy to feel with and predict their actions in a good way. :P - I love the endings that show the concept art of each episodes ^ All the hurtful.... cringe! - The cons - The animation is probably somethiing that might turn people of even though I do not think it is bad, I think it works perfectly with this kind of show. - It is just as deep if you poked the tip of your finger into the ground.... But does it really need to be deep to be enjoyable??? :) So yeah get ready to have a good time, maybe just a little break, and have a better day with this dosis of Larva, I as a medical student would like to prescribe this series for anyone feeling sad, neeeding a laugh or break and so on ^^