Twenty-five years after Éclair and Lumière, (from the flagship Kiddy Grade series), rescued the galaxy from destruction's doorstep, the GTO (Galactic Trade Organization), created after the defeat of the GOTT (Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs), act on behalf of universal peace by combating criminal activity. Their special ES division mirrored after the GOTT's ES (Encounter of Shadow-work) force, now includes publicly acknowledged ES member candidates. The series follows two such trainees, Ascoeur and Q-feuille, as they work their way to ES membership. (Source: Wikipedia)
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Initial Impressions: Kiddy GiRL-AND. First of all Kiddy GirlAnd is not Kiddy Grade. I know that when I first picked up this series I was expected it to be more of a Kiddy Grade 2. I wanted a new great series in the same vain as Kiddy Grade that I could enjoy as much as the original. Kiddy GirlAnd did not deliver. If you're a fan of the original Kiddy Grade like I am then this series might not be for you. It just doesn't compare. If you've not seen Kiddy Grade, or if you have and you're just looking for a mildly entertaining way tokill some time then Kiddy GirlAnd may be your thing. My initial impressions of Kiddy GirlAnd was that it was a dumbed-down, moe rehashing of the Kiddy Grade universe. As the series progressed onward I realized that it was even less than that. Kiddy GirlAnd exists almost entirely to exploit the popularity of Kiddy Grade. I kept watching the series with hopes that somewhere along the line this fact would change, and I was utterly disappointed. Story/Characters: Kiddy GirlAnd doesn't even give an honest attempt to make it seem as thought it not meant to be a Kiddy Grade tie in. This is clear by "plot" which can basically be summarized as this: Eclair and Lumiere from Kiddy Grade have frozen a certain area of time and space to stop a large bomb from going off. Now 25 years later, the GTO must help them diffuse the bomb before it finally goes off. The several appearances Kiddy Grade heroines Eclair and Lumiere help to cement their roles in the story. The main protagonists Ascuer and Q-fuille make it blatantly obvious from the beginning of the series that they are essentially place holders for their Kiddy Grade counterparets. Ascuer and Q-fuille's personalities and special abilities are almost exact copies of Eclair's and Lumiere's. Many other carbon copy characters appear throughout the series driving home the idea that Kiddy GirlAnd is by and large a glorified fan fic. In addition to this there is almost no character development for anyone in the series save one or two characters. Notes: A point to note in Kiddy GirlAnd is the "fan service." There's a LOT of it. It is fairly gratuitous and is not done in a clever or engaging manner. It's just thrown out there in a very blatant and inelegant manner. I have to say that personally this "fan service" did little in the way of bettering my thoughts about the series. That being said, Kiddy GiRL-AND is a relatively good series considering what it's purpose was: an extended "fan service" special tacked onto the end of Kiddy Grade.
You know when you go to the movie knowing the movie is bad but will provide good entertainment? Well Kiddy Girl-And is exactly that. The story takes a while to start (around ep 12) but at least there is some good and fairly extended character development with a copious amount of fan service (which slow down after). Both Q-Feuille and Ascoeur are great! I mean the bound between them makes the whole story revolve around them and keep it tied up. They complement each other nicely, exactly like Kiddy Grade. When the story start to move, there is multiples points of view and it help understandthe whole story a bit (although they, sometime, keep it confusing) and a some point you just HOPE the characters figures it out. The art and sound stay good all the way through the end with minor skip here and there. I really like the effect of some of the power (like stop time) and some backdrop. This is an easy watch for everyone, including kids since the fan service isn't all that bad.
I actually, really enjoyed this anime. A fanfiction anime about two girls with a strange past, trying to save the world. In the first couple of episodes they aren't in danger that much, there are even episodes they are just being themselves and doing nothing to save the world or something. But they have to be ''human'' right? Like, you can't save the galaxy your whole life. O.o Around episode 20 I really had to cry, those episodes are really showing how unbelievable strong their friendship is, how strong friendship can be. The end was absolutely amazing, really, when you're thinking it can't going more bad than this, you'rerealizing ''Oh yes, it can!'' When you're relieved the big problems are solved, it's even getting worse. I respect this anime, for the unbelieveable twists in it.
I went into this thinking it was a direct sequel of Kiddy Grade with basically the same characters, main and otherwise, like many other people. Though while other people were disappointed to find out that wasn't the case, I wasn't really disappointed. Some of Ascoeur's traits got annoying from time to time, but other than that, I liked the characters, and still think Ascoeur to be a very cute and comical character. The story did a bit of jumping around in the last couple of episodes, but I wasn't confused at all. It didn't really have too much filler to it, and the filler it did havewas entertaining, and the more meaningful episodes were nice, too. Art and sound was fine. I think both were really nice, actually. So, my rating is 9/10. I actually liked this series more than its predecessor.