Lucifer, an Archangel and former head of the Seven Heavenly Virtues, is banished from Heaven after revolting against the Lord's will. While plummeting from the skies, she is halted halfway between Heaven and Hell after crashing through the roof of a high school church. Though she is witnessed by Maria Totsuka, a soft-spoken student at the academy, Lucifer swiftly continues her descent into the depths of Hell. Soon after her arrival, Lucifer is found by aspiring Demon Lord and fangirl Leviathan. The two decide to overthrow the Seven Sins, the authorities of Hell under the leadership of Belial. But with their combined powers, the Seven Sins are able to repel Lucifer and contain her divine powers by placing a Garb of Punishment over her body, transforming Lucifer into a Demon Lord. Longing for revenge and accompanied by Leviathan, Lucifer makes her way back to Earth, where she forces Maria to become her immortal slave. Together with her new accomplices, Lucifer sets out on a mission to subdue the Seven Sins so she may be free of the curse brought upon by her Garb. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Well its been a while since i've seen something with this much uncensored glory... Just kidding. but it is one of the few new seasonal anime that fulfill this desire of mine. Basically this anime is a ecchi, uncensored fanservice oriented anime. And thats all there is to it. If it were rated my my own standards it would get a 10 just because uncensored stuff is so hard to come by in 2017. But of course... it ain't my standards you wanna see so here goes. STORY: Its honestly not that bad. Yea it's redundant (sorta), yea it replays some very overused elements from otherecchi animes, but If it were a standalone plot not considered in context of the anime's before it, then yea its a good story. Its not executed super well like some other amazingly ecchi animes with great plots, but plot wise this does make the cut of a fairly good plot. It has a storyline, it has a a protagonist and an antagonist, as well as a twist at the last episode so its not entirely trash. But then again keep in mind this was made to be fanservice, so cut the plot some slack. ART: Okay, I originally was going to give it a 10 just because... well things... okay just because of the uncensored tits, but then I looked past that (wow, so uncharacteristic) and i did have some complaints with it. First off, a solid 9/10 for uncensored titties and good quality art that comes from new technology and such. One point off for 1 thing: cutting corners/getting lazy. I dont know why, but the animation as the anime progressed got worse and worse. less actions were being animated, and it was pretty clear that the producer/animator wanted to get this over with. It was annoying and a small thing, but it was still persistent enough to bother me, especially in the last episode. Sound: Gave it an 8, I don't really watch anime to listen to sounds. The voice actors were good I guess, nothing was really bad about it. It was more the ending song that bothered me. Its a personal preference but I just didn't like the way it sounds, and who was singing it. Other than that was good. Character: Well... its good and bad. On the good side, there is a certain degree of character development for most of the characters, all the main ones as well as a good few side characters. Designs were great with the suits and stuff. On the other hand, the character development is pretty short, and not exactly well written to a point where it is believable. But what do you really expect with an anime geared toward fanservice? what? no one cares? yea i thought so... sadly Enjoyment: Personally I enjoyed it. There are alot of things that could have been improved, there are alot of things that could have been done better, but overall, I enjoyed watching it. Again, a big factor in this is the uncensored-ness. It wasn't executed in a way that the great ecchi animes were, so I didn't enjoy it perfectly, and also the laziness at the end really bothered me. Also I didn't like how there wasn't a male protagonist, or even a male sub-character to bask in the glory of all that uncensored goodness. I would like for that to be there Overall: Watch it for fanservice and you will like it. Watch it for plot and you probably won't. It's one of those kinds of anime. Personal grading is pretty much 3 for ecchi plot+ 2 for fantasy genre+ 5 for uncensored titties (ahem, i mean art) makes a good 10/10. but yea realistically, 1 for plot+ 1 for character +2 for art +3 for ecchi = 7/10. This just isn't an anime for everyone, and certainly not one you want to watch with your parents. Peace.
sin: Nanatsu no Taizai began as an erotic and revolutionary hentai anime, however the quality dropped as time went by. If you're looking for an anime with deep plot, this is definitely not it. But if you love hot girls with supernatural powers fighting it out while stripping each others' clothes off, this anime is for you, at least the first half. The underlying concept of an all girls anime with extremely lewd, erotic scenes and yet no explicit sex has rarely been done before, and Nanatsu no Taizai was so well executed I was really amazed by it at first. The lewd outfits and erotic scenesincluding tentacles and aphrodisiacs rivals hentai anime, indeed, this anime turned me on more than any hentai ever has. However the animation, story, and even erotic content decreased in quality as time went by, and ended with disappointment. I don't know much about directing anime and storyboarding, but the poor animation and still frames in the last few episodes really stuck out. I loved the erotic content so I didn't care for the story, but because even the erotic content was lessened, there was nothing to save the anime in the end. I was a big fan at the start, and I still love the erotic scenes in the first few episodes that are even better than hentai, and so I still recommend watching the first few episodes, but watching until the end might not be worth your time. I still give it a high rating of 8/10 for the first few episodes, because I had never seen anything else like it.
Every media, every anime has it's sins. In this isn't enough... Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai, not to be confused with Nanatsu no Taizai the shounen anime, is a fanserviced up to quite literal hell about the Seven Deadly Sins, more specifically how Lucifer became the Leader of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Demon Lord of Pride by tagging along and more or less torturing an innocent church girl by the name of Maria Totsuka. Before LA gets to sinning this anime, LA would point out the few, albeit "good" things Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai did. For one, the anime has shown it's research into Hellin many aspects, from the Demon Lords as to how the Demon Lords of Melancholy and Vanity are even here which calls back to Eight Evil thoughts by Evagrius Ponticus and why Envy isn't a Demon Lord yet and the most obvious artistic liberty Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai did is with Dante's Inferno by referencing Cocytus as well as the Gates of Hell a la Circles of Hell. Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai's artistic liberties and referencing of Christian Hell is by in a ways a good alternative look into Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai's world and this draw adds into some of the Demon Lords. As such the Demon Lords Satan, Belphegor and Astaroth are probably the best character developed focused episodes as well as the most likable characters as they kinda followed suit to their symbolism to their sins respectively with Astaroth being LA's favourite character just from her likable personality as well as the best episode focused on her in this entire series however...she has her flaws but that a bit later. So, to sinning this anime. This anime is inconsistent as hell pardon the pun, but from episodes where yes they focused on the Sin of the Week, the inconsistency arises the quality of the episodes in question from outright horrible viewing experience to all-round good episodes and this affects the Sins in question as well. The Sins to fall victim to this are Asmodeus (Lust) because yes...the Lust episode is EXACTLY what you think to happen in a TNA anime, Mammon (Greed) for it's quality control broken (mainly the rigid fight scenes and plot stupidly off putting) and Mammon's development is rushed to all hell and Beelzebub (Gluttony) for being the reverse symbolism of her sins lore and being a rather fillery episode for her. Next sin and this is more obvious to a certain character and that's Maria, the tag along character and one of the main narrative-focused characters in the anime, she's a plain Mary Sue, that's kinda a problem in the outset but the biggest problem lies in the fact that she's tagged along for the ride and her motivations or development only concerns Lucifer nothing else...a perfect definition of a one-note character and she stands like this for the majority of the anime. Next sin goes obvious to the TNA part of this anime and it's all over the place, what's worse?'s censored with these spinning red glyphs that gets in the way of it, LA gets WHY they did it, to make people buy the uncensored Blu-ray vers. of it but this practice pretty much needs to stop even in these ecchi-fest anime, as there is just no point when ohhh LA doesn't know, how about when we see violence here such as someone being stabbed in major detail (with blood pouring out of the stab wound) to some torturous BDSM imagery and fetishes shown in "subtle detail" <LA looks at Charon & Circles of Hell> and THAT isn't censored yet TNA is, but yeah it's for the sales right?...geez this anime's censorship has Greed's prints all over it. Next sin would go to Leviathan (Envy), she's the psycho lesbian of the anime and is completely in love with Lucifer but has to contend with Maria thus her envy, she is just an annoyance every scene she's in and she NEVER changes (though her psycho lesbian tendencies goes from yandere to tsundere), nonetheless one of the most annoying characters in the series. Next sin would go to Belial (Vainglory) and her motivations and backstory of her really, she's a one-note villain much like Maria is a one-note main protagonist, her motivations are just soo one-note it just makes her villainy all the more apparent and just to say "I'm the MAJOR VILLAIN...right?", her backstory feels half-assed in many aspects though some of the symbolism "saves" her but not enough, if you think Maria is bad as a bland character, LA thought Belial was much worse. The last sin would go to the ending in some ways, as much as it wanted to go out in a bang, the anime just found new ways for LA to question this notion, as such making us pity Lucifer to Belial and even Maria but was kinda undone by the finale anyways in many aspects and worst off was make Astaroth be a yes man to Belial but LA won't put THAT against her as again "symbolism" saved her from the disdain LA had towards the ending...NO the pure scorn LA had for this ending came in form of Maria and that "miracle" of an ass pull ending. In terms of animation by TNK and Artland, the animation has it's high points with very exotic character designs (sans Belial's Gnosis outfit) and some of the backgrounding was very well done in some areas. Where the animation fell flat is in it's non-impactful battles as they mostly rely on beam-spamming to perspective-focused shots when some battles needed a wide-angel view of the impact, it is in a ways cutting corners for the battle scenes and probably next to the censored TNA, the battle scenes were lacking. To say the least, LA wanted to end the animation talk a bit more gracefully as it was mediocre to slightly above average at times but from what LA heard, Artland filed for bankruptcy, making this their last spurt...saddening but inevitably due to the reception Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai got. In terms of voice acting, ok so for Spring 2017, you know how LA had been hinting on Akane Fujita's voice acting, well her as Leviathan was probably the worst LA has seen her as, yes her annoying tendencies were THAT bad, but the worst voice actor would go to quite easily Megumi Toda as Maria, she was just straight up bland in most of her performance in which LA doesn't blame the voice actor as she didn't have much to work with but nonetheless. Ohh Shizuka Ito, LA wanted to like Belial and Shizuka Ito's prima donna villainy vocals weren't enough for LA to say that this is one of her most narmy and displeasing roles LA had seen from her (right next to her role as Suzuna Hiiragi from Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou (anyone remember that atrocity?)). On the brighter note, Azusa Tadokoro as Astaroth, Eri Kitamura as Lucifer, Arisa Sakurada as Satan and Ai Kakuma as Belphegor were all great as their characters with Azusa Tadokoro being LA's favourite voice actor no matter how little screentime she got. Overall as much of a mixed bag of voice cast this anime has, the vocal work was ok if you withstand the "moaning" if you know what LA means... Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai is as much of an inconsistent mess as much as it's plot and as much LA likes the symbolism of this anime to the few likable characters given, it's "symbolism" and it's few developed to likable characters are NOT enough for LA to give it the grace LA would had given it. To be frank this anime like it's inconsistency fell into lots of titles for LA, from one of LA's guiltiest pleasures of Spring 2017, to one of the Top 3 worst animes of Spring 2017 to just "meh ecchi series" and really the fatal blow to Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai was it's ending that caused LA to say that Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai belongs in the Top 3 Worst Animes of Spring 2017 for LA, it has glimmers of a good TNA guilty pleasure anime with some Dante Inferno Sin lore but ultimately those glimmers were not enough for the mess of a plot, bland to annoying to lacking character development to half of it's cast, unnecessary censorship, lacking animation, how mean spirited it is and that asspull of an ending. Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai tries to be an anime with fanservice FIRST before having a plot to go with it, which is odd considering all the research they did to make the Seven Deadly Sins lore as well as the fanservice being obviously marred by the stupid censorship and "crossing the line twice moments". But you just can't expect much from an anime where the focus is primarily on the forced TNA and Blu-ray sales. Which Circle of Hell would Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai be best put in? Fourth or Fifth?
Trying to keep up with the story feels like trying to keep up with a mental institute all out of meds while you're being stabbed in the brain with a fork. The art and sound actually qualify for a whooping 8 but it's by no means consistent, it starts at 9 and slowly declines as the season continues to pollute your grey matter. After the first two episodes nobody keeps watching for anything other than the nudity since that's the only enjoyable thing you've seen at that point but then you've already seen half the nudity of the season because it starts trying to lean onthe story instead of the one thing that made it worth watching at all. Ah this story is hard to describe... after the first episode I wanted to rate the story minus 5 billion because it was just randomly thrown together scenes, however after some time it is made clear that underneath it is an actual plot. Around 20% of what happens is actually somehow related to the plot, even if it's done in absolutely retardedly incoherent, inconsistent and illogically roundabout ways. The characters are beyond saving because every action they perform is to either get caught in tentacles that somehow dissolve their clothes or they attempt to do something related to the story. I do give a single point for the actual plot but it's buried beneath a mountain of idiocy. My advice: Just go watch hentai instead, many of them have a story that is at least coherent and the scenes go those important 3% further.
You came here for the boobs. Be honest! So do yourself a favour and watch just the first 3 maybe 4 episodes. After that animation and drawing drops to the level taht even the nudity is unenjoyable. Pls there is less and less of it, and the anime concentrates more on the story which is rubbish and makes no sense. Music is fine. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! The website wants me to write a longer review. but what could have been said about this anime I already said. I enjoy a little ecchi from time to time so I am not being puritan. But the combination ofchristian mythos, need to undress women, japanese worldview, their dumb character motivations, dialogues about the most disgusting sexual practices is a really, I mean REALLY bad combination.
This show is just hentai, there is no plot here. All of the plot that went into this show turned in huge tiddies. If you want to watch a show that has plot, this is not for you. If you want to watch hentai that isn't even good at being hentai, then go ahead and watch this shit-show. I truly regret every second i spent watching this, and when i think about the four hours of my life that went into this show i want to hurl. This has truly been a waste of part of my life and i pray that someone sees thisand doesn't watch the show.
Yeah so this show wasn't that great but I overall liked it just because I thought the ecchi parts were good. Ok so for the story part I thought the story was pretty meh idk I feel if anything it was more just basic and mediocre. yeah, nothing really special or great about that part. The art was anything special either id say that was also just kinda meh. I mean the ecchi parts were good but I don't think that alone makes the art section go to being good. The sound was whatever it didn't really stand out to me. The characters were prettybad tbh. I didn't really like any of the main girls, I thought a few of the other demon lords or whatever were interesting but the main cast didn't really interest me too much. So in terms of overall quality, this id say this show is like a 3 like the story isn't great and the characters all suck like this really is just a pretty pure ecchi anime if you're watching this your probably not watching it because its good you're watching it because it got good "plot". Anyway, this leads me to my personal liking for this show and id say that it's about a 6. Like yeah, it's mostly because the ecchi stuff is good, but tbh I've seen a ton of other shows that have good ecchi and good well other stuff so 6 is really as far as good ecchi will get with me, well maybe.
All girls, sexy art, count me in is what I thought. Was looking for some nice "all girls" action, had to leave disappointed. Let me tell you why. Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai Review +++ PRO +++ #Character designs are very sexy #Lots of ecchi (if you like that)#Artwork wasn´t that bad - - - CON - - - #Nothing noteworthy besides of horrendous amounts of ecchi #Didnt get what the anime was trying to be. At times felt like anime parody, other times tried to hard to be serious/emotionally. #Starts fine but you lose interest rather fast #Infinite Deus ex machina #Yes it has lots of nudity, but eventually you become accustomed to it and the rest of the show has nothing to offer so… Conclusion: This will definetly be a show that I wont remember for long. Always on the lookout for nice yuri I saw this show and immediatly gave it a try. I am a fan of sexy and appealing art and at first glance this seemed promising. And hey, the first episode wasn´t even that bad, but what followed didn´t have much to offer. At times I even thought that I am watching a parody. Some episodes do have a certain theme. So without further spoilering just to give you an example one episode was about music and idols, another ep. about games. Well I can live with that, because we also have to take in account that this show provides you with ecchi and nudity all the time. But then again there are scenes where the anime is trying way to hard to be emotional and serious and that didn´t click for me. I didn´t like the female lead much. She was a lil bit of a badass, but not very feminine. You could have swapped her with a male mc and it wouldn´t have made any difference I guess. I didn´t understand what this show wants to be. IMO it´s just plain bad and boring. And that one phenomen that people call "Deus Ex Machina", it happend A LOT. If you´re here for ecchi only, that´s okay, but I bet there are better shows with greater value. +++ So then tell me Kokosnuss who would you recommend this for? +++ #Well if you look more for a visual appeal than an actual story. (-> fapshow, character designs are pretty good) #If you like all girl shows (<- This is me. Cuz fuck those whiney ass male mcs) - - - I would not recommend this to you if you look for yuri - - - #Yes it has affection between characters, yet it´s not about romance.
This is definitely not kid's material. This anime is... incredibly odd. It has high amount of erotic content and its quality is all over the place. Erotic content that it isn't your usual "ecchi" anime, but that there's a LOT of on-screen nudity and generally almost nobody makes a big deal of it. However despite that it is not porn/hentai title. The story quality also varies wildly and is all over the place. Basically it can be anywhere between "This is actually kinda cool" and "this is actually fairly bad". The cast is all-female, and the show deals with angels/demons. Detailed breakdown below. Story: 4/10 The story is somewhat similarin execution to Queen's Blade, Valkyrie Drive and Masou Gakuen HxH. Except it is better than "Valkyrie drive", and worse than Queen's Blade, and has smaller amount of heavily erotic content than Gakuen HxH. The quality is all over the place, and same applies to story. For first 7 or 8 episodes the anime can't decide what it is supposed to be, and in each episode tries completely different thing/genre. In the last episodes it turns into some sort of nonsense. The story actually has its moments on occasion, where you see something related to heavenly or demonic realms and you could actually think this is sorta looks cool. Next moment, however, the anime decides to introduce a scene that is a tad too far into bondage territory for comfort. This happens a lot. Episodes at the beginning also have very different themes, and some of them are actually onto something. For example, rather than focusing on nudity the anime can suddenly concentrate on music, or on almost shounen-style fights. It is actually quite odd, but makes certain episodes more interesting. Also, speaking about wildly varying quality, the stuff protagonists do to Earth/humanity can be quite grim. Art: 6/10: The art actually looks good, backgrounds and characters designs are interesting. I liked certain costumes a lot due to color/design choices they made, and one of the "7 sins" looked actually interesting. Sound: 5/10: I actually liked some of the tunes, when they introduce Organ into the mix, soundtrack starts sounding quite interesting. However, the's a huge problem with a voice actress that voiced Lust. She speaks in stereotypical "sexy mature woman voice", which will probably tick off most of the people, because there are episodes where she talks a LOT. Character 4/10: Characters are not good. The human girl in the cast (I think she is supposed to be the main character) is incredibly whiny, annoying and useless. Everybody else pretty much acts according to their fairly rigid :role", meaning there won't be that many surprises, and a lot of characters have little personality. Then again I saw worse characters. Enjoyment 5/10: It was interesting enough, although first 7 or so episodes were much more interesting that the rest of the show. Closer to the end it became messy. Overall: 5/10: If you're offended by nudity, don't watch it. The main reason to check this out is if you watched Masou Gakuen or Queen's blade and wouldn't mind something somewhat similar to them -- meaning with erotic/ecchi content, but not porn, and with a story that is not fully brain-dead. For this niche the anime is not bad.
When I first heard about this anime, I thought that it would be an interesting take on Christianity and Hell Fire with anime girls. I was sort of right. All I got was fan service with some of what I expected. I mean the best way I can describe this that I got what I wanted and nothing more. Story: Honestly this one is a mess as it goes all over the place. If it wanted to be monster of a week, fine by me. Instead there were some stuff shoehorned last minute in the last few episodes and some confusing motivations. Not only that, therewere way too many cop outs and cheap endings from an anime that should of have some action which makes the experience not that exciting at times. Though it is a meh, don't watch this anime for the story and only the concept. Art: Again meh. When I first saw the concept art, I thought it was okay until I saw the actually anime which is less appealing in my taste. I thought that it would look cutesy and all but instead it is way too detailed and not that moe. The animation is a big meh with some exceptions as the budget seemed to have gone to some other aspects. When it does get good, it's good but it barely happens. I have heard that it went over budget so that might be the case. Sound: Meh. I did like some of the songs, mostly the cute ones. The voice acting however is really good at least. Just want to point out that the English dub acting is funnier as some of the actresses really put some personality either it be better than the sub or something new. Character: I'll start with the good. When they act like demons, it's very sexual but it is what I expect. One of the few things I want to see in this series is to see demons getting all hell fire up on yo ass. This series did have some of those moments. Each demon character represent their own sins pretty well in addition of having an interesting interpretation of them. The biggest flaws is that they did not take advantage of this. There is the fact that they are one dimensional, the fan service gets in the way, and they are suppose to be the good guys. See, I'm okay with demons or bad people being heroes, but it does not work here for many reasons. Their motivations made no sense at times so what is the point, they are way too evil for that, and also they are freaking demons! It's their job to torture people in hell, but nope. The only real demon is into torture while the others are not into it. Ladies, it's your job. Then you have the main human character, Maria, who is for the most part is bland but her character development is Stockholm syndrome. Also the worse character in my opinion is that demon with blue armor that barely covers her. I just find her annoying, bratty, and not that appealing. Enjoyment: When it delivers, it delivers. When it doesn't, it doesn't. Overall: It just gives us what we ask for. That is it. It doesn't do more and sadly less. Do I recommend it, you may need to have some tolerance and not take the series seriously. I ended up comparing this series to Spongebob. Kind of personally enjoy this series despite some of the issues and I don't really care for the fanservice unless I joke around.
Just using the idea of sins isn't enough to make a show great. If all you want to is sexy girls wearing skin exposing outfits, and having mediocre stuffs which they termed as fights!!! A softcore porn lesbian hentai it was!!! It was all about the EXPOSE!!! The art style was was good. They wasted a lot of time on character designing, because t was nice but it had no plot or story to back it up!!! The surround sound was good too!!! Those wrap up the plus points. Trying to find negatives you will find tons. If want to watch this one-time watch show,keep your mind away from you while watching as there is no logic to it at all!! Very bad representation of the Ecchi genre. Moreover a confusing tile. Many viewers confused it for Seven Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai) a shonen anime which is really good as this series was in Japanese was called (Sin - Nanatsu no Taizai). The English translation did all it could to the title to avoid confusion with the other series. If you wanna watch this series, watch it in one go, or you'll be simply wasting your time!!
SEVEN MORTAL SINS ANIME REVIEW (The views and opinions are based on anime-only nerd and from binge watching the series in one go.) “If God will destroy the Earth and create a new in the appointed time, then why did he create his precious beings in the first place? I’m only protecting what he will destroy.” - Lucifer, the Demon Lord of Pride Sin: Nanatsu No Taizai or Seven Mortal Sins follows the story of Lucifer, the proud fallen angel from Heaven, on her mission of becoming the Leader of the Seven Mortal Sins of Hell. There a few types of anime fans that have seen this; the onewho watched it and hated it, the one who have mistaken this from the Nanatsu No Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins anime, the one who finished it because of the ecchi genre and the one who finished it because of the plot. And I belong to the latter. The story itself was good because we’re talking about the Seven Deadly Sins, considering there was a lot of fan service given. Many would say, “This should have been made a hentai.” Yes, maybe, but if you are an anime-nerd like me loves binge watching a lot of anime; then you can give this a shot. But beware of the ecchiness right from the beginning. Though there was less of the fan service in the later end of the series. If you loved the story and logic of the Deadly Sins of humans, then I recommend you give this a shot. The animation was good enough to satisfy the fan service shown to us. The opening and ending theme suited well the ecchi genre of the anime. And the soundtrack was lit. It suited well the action scenes of the anime. Considering the fan service, the soundtrack gave light in the story and fight scenes in the anime. The characters are simply lovable. Fan service aside, each mortal sin and their side stories are simply relatable. Well maybe because we are all sinners which why we can relate to the characters. Overall, the enjoyment of this anime would be what type of anime fan are you? Are you the one who watches because of the genres? Or are you the one who finishes because of the plot? Everyone has their own tastes in watching an anime. And I’m one of those who liked this because of its plot. And I also hope there would be a season 2 because the plot really picked up the story in the last episode. It’s not that good but is enough to satisfy your anime cravings.
OK, I have mixed feelings on this one. Most people are probably watching this for the soft porn basically. Super ecchi. HOWEVER, the second half of the series actually becomes somewhat enjoyable and dare I say.... good. The main objective for Lucifer is a little more complex than what it seems at first. There are some plot twists. With echi as the driving element, I cannot recommend this to anyone really, but if you get past that element, its actually kinda decent. (I rate the characters themselves very high because they each stand out in their appropriate areas of personality. So it seems fitting. SPOILER:It is an interesting spin to basically put heaven as the bad guys in the end and the demon lords as the good guys.
That moment you realize you've been rooting for Hell to win.... I'm surprised that i'm only now watching this. I enjoyed this. The art is awesome, Especially when you realize this is very echi material in this and shows like that tend to be very low budget and very lazy art. If i had one complaint then i'd say its turn the fucking lighting down ffs. There are some scenes it can be hard to see anything. I like all the characters and all but one of the Seven Sins. Lucifer ( Pride) : She being the main character means that she should be a fun character to haveon screen. For the most part she is. I can't really recall anytime i found her to be annoying or have any flaw in her character really. I don't like how defenseless she can be. Especially when she is meant to be the strongest Angel ( Now Demon Lord) The amount of times she could've been killed but wasn't because of the villain is a ton. Also i got really confused with her name. Cause she is called Lucifer when that is the name of the Devil aka Satan. So i thought we were getting some alternate version of the bible that has the Devil/Satan start out in the modern day and some type of weird crap happens with time and even though it starts out in modern day it also affects the past or some dumb crap. But nope cause later we find out that a character named Satan is in this. Doesn't explain shit and i guess it's for the best. Leviathan ( Envy ): She is one of the two companions that Lucifer has. She can get annoying at times i'd say but for the most part she is a good comic relief character. Kind of sad that she doesn't have some ultimate form where when she is pissed she turns into some type of Leviathan that you'd find in old stories. Astaroth ( Melancholy ) : Not much to say about her. She was the first Sin we are introduced too that isn't all that rude. Makes sense cause her name is melancholy. Not the most interesting character but she isn't bad either. Satan ( Wrath ): Having someone named Satan and not having their attribute be Wrath is just plain wrong. Only other thing that would work for someone with such a name would be Slyness. I like her. Defiantly up there with my favorite. I especially like her character design. Her job of guarding the Gates of Hell also seems to be a very fitting position. Asmodeus ( Lust ) : She's a whore, Not much else to say...... Well i guess i do like her character but is one of the more forgettable conquest that Lucifer has to overcome and as a result not leaving much of an impact on the viewer. Beelzebub ( Gluttony ) : It'd figures that Japan would give the sin with the biggest reputation of being gross over indulgence to a cute and petite looking loli. She's also 1st or 2nd best girl and if you disagree then you're wrong. Also the only normal character among the group of sins. Belphegor ( Sloth) : The fuck is that tail ? That shit bugs me and i'm not even sure why. But the girl is fun and probably has one of the funnest conquest that Lucifer has to overcome. Mammon ( Greed ) : Now for Greed i'm not sure why but i like'd her character. Even with her having a forgettable Conquest. I don't know what it is about her. Also her putting people into dreams to take care of her babies by breast feeding the victims is an interesting power.... Belial ( Vanity ) : With her it's just... She isn't all that exciting or interesting of a villain. The plot with her is so obvious that other characters start calling her out on not noticing it. For her to be the incarnation of Vanity she's also not all that special looking. You'd think she'd be more beautiful like a Princess then looking like a discount slut. She's also just not that great of a character overall. I guess she's not as bad as i make her out to be but i feel that they could've made her better. Now with the one human character in this. Maria ( She's a human so obviously this spot is N/A) I like her and she is an awesome partner for Lucifer. I ship them and even the show does. I just wish we got more of her on the screen and i'd even love for us to see her interacting with her friends and family that have no idea where she went and see their reactions to Lucifer being around her. Really the plot where God and Heaven are wanting to destroy earth is something i find to be dumb. It's like they had God just be a cliche typical villain that want's to destroy Humanity for X reason. We don't even see him. I kind of wish we got a ending with both Maria and Lucifer together. I feel it'd be better. Show also has some pretty awesome music, Especially that ED. Overall a pretty fun show that i'm not sure why has such low reviews. If it's because you are watching the censored version then i feel that's not much of a reason and just find it somewhere else to watch. I defiantly see this being more at a position around a 7.4 - 8.0.
1: Possibly better watched "uncensored", simply because there isn't much story line to it, so can't really be ruined by the more lewd version. 2: It struggles between anime and hentai throughout most of the series, but finally begins getting pretty decent around episode 8 or 9 (i.e.: just as the show is almost over). Is it worth watching? Ehh... not as a top pick, no, but it's not so bad as to avoid it. Good if you're bored and casting about between one anime and your next, but not much more than that. As anime: the last few episodes probably justifyhaving invested the time spent on the first 7 or so, I suppose; as hentai: hentai's not my thing at all, but I'd wager that ero fans probably wouldn't be impressed by it either, and for the same reason (i.e.: the fact that it straddles the fence, rather than truly committing to either).
Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai is an attempt by company HobbyJapan to cash in on their line of extra-lewd figures and make a fanservice-heavy ecchi show. Unfortunately attempts to subvert tropes and introduce an actual plot into the show derail both aspects leaving it a clunky mess that does a poor job of both the ecchi and any hopes for an actual story. I went into Sin knowing that it was borderline hentai at points, and for the most part the first 3 episodes did just that. Plenty of nudity, suggestive moaning, and innuendo set the stage for what I thought would be anenjoyable show. However after the first 3 episodes things begin to slow down to a snails pace as it was apparently decided to cut back on the ecchi content and attempt to build up to an actual story for a few episodes. This shift in tone is poorly done and is arguably the time my hopes of enjoying myself begin to dwindle. The final few episodes attempt at creating a grand story but by then it is too little to late. The grand conflict is boring, the power tiers don't make any sense, and there is almost no fanservice in the final episode at all. One major point of contention I have is that our main character Lucifer, is somehow capable of defeating Demon Lords, yet this is never explained why she is able to. The Demon Lords are almost incompetent with how easily they are dispatched, making you wonder why Heaven and Hell were ever at war in the first place. Nor is it ever explained why these demon lords are subservient to one of their own kind. One would think this a minor point in a show that would love for the chance to have female demons dominating each other, but when such a heavy focus of ACTUAL plot is placed upon the hierarchy you would hope it is actually explained why it is necessary. A highlight of the show is that some of the Demon Lords are actually quite well designed with Belphegor (Sloth) being a stand out for me. Her VA Ai Kakuma delivered a great performance that gave the character a unique personality, and perfectly captured the voice of a wonderfully designed Demon Lord. It made me wish Sloth could have her own SoL show, eating chips and playing video games while the world passes her by. However a few of the Main Characters do detract from the supporting ensemble and help to further bring the show down. A chief culprit of this is Leviathan, whose whiny "Onee-san" gets more annoying each and every episode. Her story is yet another example of the show not fleshing out either it's fanservice or its plot well. (WHY is she so obsessed with Lucifer? If Leviathan has the powers that are almost on par with a Demon Lord why does the show make it seem like none of the ACTUAL Demon Lords have ever interacted with her before.) Arguably worse is our human character Maria, who becomes bound to Lucifer through her heart being stolen and Angel blood being placed into her body. Another plot point that is barely explained, yet apparently essential for the actual "story". In the first 3 episodes it appears to the viewer that she will be the "prop" for the Demon Lords to fight over (Lust attempting to "break" her sexually so that she can lay claim to Lucifer's property) and while this isn't the most original idea, it could have played out well if cleverly incorporated into the other Demon Lords realms (Rage, Sloth, etc.). However when the show dials back the fanservice in the middle of the season we begin to see a rather disturbing case of unintentional Stockholm Syndrome begin to happen, with Maria somehow siding with Lucifer and growing closer to Lucifer even though this person has robbed her of her freedom (and potentially any chance of innocence or a normal life). In the middle episodes Leviathan gets stereo-typically jealous of Lucifer paying more attention to Maria, and Maria's innocence and naivety gets her into more trouble that Lucifer has to rescue her from. Somehow Maria makes no attempts to regain her freedom and instead begins to grow closer to Lucifer as a result of these actions (Oh she rescued me, she does care about/she isn't all that bad). A highlight is that each of the Demon Lord's specific episodes does feature an original song sung by each of their respective VA's. These are all very well done and help break up the monotony of the orchestral score we often get in series such as this. In the end Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai is a completely forgettable show from a studio that shut it's doors before it could even air all 12 episodes in a timely fashion. It's attempts at subversion failed to entice, and it's attempts at fanservice weren't enough to make it memorable when compared to all the other quality shows that are able to do both simultaneously.
I firstly wanna open this review up by asking why this anime had such low ratings? Sure there's much better out there but its not half bad and over average if you ask me. There's something you gotta understand about this show before you go into it, it's more or less a hentai anime with a plot, kinda like Highschool DXD but with the added yuri element. Yep that's right this has yuri, infact that was my main reasons for giving this one a shot. My favorite character in this show was Levi, she actually made it into my top ten characters. Levi is the one whomakes the magic happen in this show, my that i mean she pretty much wants to f**k the main character who happens to be a bad ass chick. There's more to it than yuri though. If you can get past the titties and booty its got a decent plot, the summery on MAL is pretty dull so i'll round it up for ya. Basically without spoiling anything, the main girl Lucifer is cast out of heaven for disobeying gods will, and so she wants revenge but ends up getting tricked by the primary antagonist Belial. So one by one Luci has to defeat each deadly sin which Belial controls in order to free herself from the curse placed on her. Each fight is different and pans out pretty well. The ending sucked alittle for me due to the fact i know it probably wont get a season 2. But its early days so i guess we'll see. Give it a shot ya pervert!
Let me start off by saying I loathe censorship in all it’s forms; but I also know this isn’t on Crunchyroll. But I can’t help but deduct a point for it, is my nature. Next I want to also knock off a point because this one shall offend a certain percentage of the population. And that’s why I’m giving it a favorable review. The characters are unique and...healthy and the show delivers on what it offers. If one liked shows like FREEZING, MAKEN-KI or SEKIREI then you are in for a treat. It’s better than all three of those shows! It tells a better storywith better characters in a better setting. The action is fierce and tense. It’s a home run for what it offers. I’m scoring it lower than it deserves because I watched a censored version and because I can understand some people will be put off, if not outright offended by this title. That’s kind of where I stand. If you like this sort of thing, you’ll like this title. If you don’t then you won’t.
Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai is a story about a fallen angel, Lucifer, who wants to overthrow God and also take over hell on the way (the reason is explained in episode 12). No idea what genres this could be other than fantasy and ecchi, if you're not interested in those, don't watch. Story: 6 The story works, I guess, but it wasn't outstanding in any way; didn't see any plotholes or anything, but it is far from unique. (I mean, demons being the good guys, fighting a corrupt God, come on, man.) Art: 3 At least there was animation, other than that, it might as well have been thesame animation as a hentai. (This sort of thing isn't usually the fault of the studio, so I'm not blaming them, just pointing this fact out.) Good facial expressions, though. Sound: 6 Nothing good really to say about the voice acting other than at least the characters were distinct. The music however, was great, especially the ED, look it up at least if you don't watch the anime. (It sounds like 80's-90's rock so if you hate that genre, go ahead and skip it.) Character: 5 Forcefully distinct, but poorly executed. Each character is different, which is nice, but they are all very one-sided and have no depth whatsoever, aside from the fact that the MC is a tsundere, which is so easy to write and so cliché that it's almost not worth mentioning. Enjoyment: 7 I really liked the music. Overall: 4 Probably don't watch unless you're running out of ecchi to watch or want to experience a tsundere protagonist.