High school students Yuma Okazaki and Hotaru Mizushina are childhood friends. With their respective boyfriends, Takeda and Fujiwara, their lives couldn't be more perfect. From playing in school to going on group dates, it seems nothing can break their bond. However, during one such group date, Hotaru makes an unexpected move. While Takeda and Fujiwara are distracted, she begins stroking Yuma's thighs. Taken aback by this peculiar action, Yuma awkwardly retreats to the toilets, followed shortly by her aggressor. Now in private, Hotaru forces the innocent Yuma into a locked cubicle and whispers into her ear: "You'll be more nervous with a boy; I'll help you practice." [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Do you want to root for an abusive romance just because it's yuri? Do you want to see non-consensual lewd yuri scenes? Do you want to see people cheating and causing others pain? Do you like watching people so unlikeable that even those with the lowest of self-confidence can point to them and remark, "Well at least I'm not like them." Then NTR is for you. Not only is NTR filled with terrible people doing terrible things, but it's also a terrible story filled with terrible characters. First off all of these characters besides the main guy are unlikeable. Yuma is at least meh, butshe still does terrible things even though it should be obvious that what she's doing is wrong. Ultimately I view her more as the scapegoat for Hotaru's abuse rather than someone to hate on her own. However, her own "feelings" towards Hotaru are so tacked on and poorly done that it makes it hard to like her even with this knowledge. She's tainted by those around her and what the plot decided to do with her. Especially when she started to turn into a controlling douchebag too. It was as if they thought 2 controlling douchebags weren't enough, they needed to have 3 of them. Fujiwara and Hotaru are the worst of the lot, and it's hard to imagine characters that are worse than these two. Hotaru is a manipulative and abusive dirtbag. She frequently comes onto Yuma under the guise of helping her. Then she molests her without her consent even as Yuma tells her to stop. The show is clearly trying to go with "Yuma loved her all along so it's ok", and makes this clear as it develops. But no, that is sexual abuse and it is not ok. Furthermore, the way that Hotaru acts is disgusting. She manipulates Yuma into relying on her for everything. She is trying to be her practice, her outlet, the thing that helps her stand. This is a common abuse tactic as it makes it that much harder for the person to get rid of their abuser. She's trying to make it that she is needed, so that she can't be disposed of, and quite frankly it's disgusting. The way that she tried to plant seeds into her mind that she liked it, the way that she takes advantage of her, and the way that she has no respect for relationships or boundaries. I don't even care that much about the cheating, I care about the main ship is one that's based off an abusive relationship. And no just because Hotaru is being abused by Fujiwara does not make it ok. In fact, it only trivialized it as it feels so phoned in that it's hard to take seriously. It's clear that they're trying to come up with some sort of excuse for one of their leads to be abusive, but it just doesn't work. You can't just magic away something like that, especially with an obviously evil villain. It looks fake, and like it was all set up just to excuse her. Which again I find disgusting. Even outside of abuse the two girls basically tell each other that they can't-do / shouldn't do the very exact things that they themselves do. I'm not sure why I would want to watch a bunch of controlling douchebags but here is NTR to provide that. The sad part is the last guy is actually decent and show what someone should be like in a healthy relationship. However, all he gets to show for it is to be cheated on and lied to. I'm so glad that we get to see the only decent person here suffer. Thanks, NTR. Did I mention the story? First off its crap. It can't decide between echii fanservice or drama and thusly switches between the two without rhyme or reason. As a friend of mine put it, there's too much drama to just enjoy the echii, and too much echii to distract from the drama. Not that the drama is any good, and personally I find it hard to enjoy echii between scumbags. Even worse is the fact that story ends up stalling. For a good half of the show, it decides to go no where with it, and just leave at the same point. Stalling is terrible and for a show that already has so little to say and do like NTR it just makes it worse. Although admittely every minute that they don't progress means that it's every minute farther away from the yuri couple getting together, which is a benefit although a small one. Not to mention it keeps on cycliDo you want to root for an abusive romance just because it's yuri? Do you want to see non-consensual lewd yuri scenes? Do you want to see people cheating and causing others pain? Do you like watching people so unlikeable that even those with the lowest of self-confidence can point to them and remark, "Well at least I'm not like them." Then NTR is for you. ... Wait was I somewhere? Sorry about that. But I'm sure you can see how that can be annoying.. Not to mention it keeps on cycling the same plot ideas over and over again as if it's incapable to come up with new ones, which at this point I'm pretty sure is exactly what happened. The art is also pretty bad, and the production values are all terrible. I never really payed attention to the sound because these immoral douches drowned out any care I had about the other parts of the show. When a show glorfies a couple based off cheating and abuse it's hard to care about any other part of it. Add to that a story that goes no where and some of the least likeable characters imaginable, you have a recipe for one of the worst anime out there, which NTR is.
You have to meet one of two criteria in order to find some value in this anime 1. Have a fetish for netorare, a phenomenon where the viewer is made to feel intense jealousy over a character cheating on their significant other 2. Are desperate for some sweet sweet yuri action regardless of the surrounding circumstances If you meet neither this is probably the worst anime of the season by a mile. If you meet one or both it becomes tolerable NTR has some of the best yuri scenes in recent memory. The girls are extremely attractive, one submissive the other domineering, and the two have great chemistry together Thelevel of netorare is tame compared to the extremes usually found in the genre. Turns out two girls banging each other is less emotionally jarring than cheating with someone of the opposite sex - in most cases a mutual friend. Instead we have a naive girl who got into a relationship not really understanding what it meant to date someone, and being pulled away by her best friend who she's probably loved all along. Her biggest fault here is not telling her boyfriend, Takeda, of what was happening behind his back. Not necessarily her swaying feelings itself. I found the manga to be unbearable because it doesn't go anywhere but the anime at least tries to offer a somewhat of a conclusive ending. It's the better version of the two for sure. The MAL score and reviews are correct, this is an incredibly trashy anime pandering to the lowest common denominator of hard dicked miscreants in the anime community, but one mans trash can another mans treasure and there's value to be had here if you meet the targeted audience.
Netsuzou TRap is a show I initially hated, but upon giving it a second chance after it had finished airing ended up liking quite a lot. Going into this show my experience with yuri anime was limited to shows like Sakura Trick and Yuru Yuri, where the characters tended to consist of naturally likeable, pure hearted angels who would be cute and endearing to watch, but not at all representative of actual people. These unrealistic expectations led to a pretty rude awakening upon first checking out Netsuzou TRap, and made me dislike it enough to outright drop it. Some months later, with a much firmer ideaof exactly what I'd be in for, I checked this show out again and feel I can actually rate this very highly. I'd describe Netsuzou TRap as a visceral character drama about a cast of naive, insecure and otherwise emotionally vulnerable people. You have Yuma, our kind-hearted protagonist who means well but through her confusion and misunderstanding of her emotions is prone to being taken advantage of, or inadvertently causing pain for others. Hotaru knows exactly what she want, but not how to express herself in a way that's healthy or responsible. The boys of the show, a nice guy and an asshole respectively, serve more as mirrors for Yuma and Hotaru to reflect off of rather than interesting characters in their own right, but this works well and feels appropriate considering the short episodes and length of the show. Whether or not you enjoy Netsuzou TRap will depend pretty much exclusively on whether you can empathise with the main characters, regardless if you think they're right or wrong. If you watch anime purely for the escapism, you likely won't find much value in this show. If you find character studies more interesting or like watching characters who aren't perfect and who have all the flaws and fears that real people might have, then this might be more your kind of thing. The story as a whole is fairly tight and works its way soundly to a fairly conclusive ending that, for once, doesn't require further reading of any source material to appreciate. I personally liked the character designs and artwork, and although it didn't bother me that much I feel as if it could have done with slightly more animation and less panning shots. In terms of yuri, there's a fair amount of it and it's pretty decent both on a romantic and sexual level, but it wouldn't necessarily by why I'd recommend the show, even though it's the reason I started watching in the first place.
"Netsuzou Trap" is a very poor netorare show. If you’re not familiar with the term, netorare shows are shows that deal with adultery, aka cheating on your partner. In this case, it was Hotaru cheating on Fujiwara with Yuma who, in turn, cheated on her boyfriend Takeda. While the characters gave a valiant effort to try and save this show from being absolute trash, it didn’t do enough to make it decent. The only blessing about this show is the length of the episodes (9 minutes). This anime is something you can get in, watch and get out of rather quickly so there really isn’tany harm in watching the show. There definitely is a lot worse out there. Generic would be the best word to describe this....
REVIEW FOR LESBIANS. Main points: representation, real in a very messy way. No explicit spoilers, but some implied. I'll start by saying that I feel like my rating of this anime is higher due to the representation than it would be if I was rating any other anime. It wasn't an amazing storyline, it was very short, and many of the other valid criticisms I've already seen written in some other reviews. However, I felt compelled to write a review specifically for lesbians. This anime is messy. Coming out is messy. Dealing with feelings for someone of the same sex for the first time ismessy. Falling for someone that you think is straight is messy. And that's what this anime shows. Did the characters deal with it the right, honest, fair way? No, not really at all. Did they hurt each other and other people in the process? Absolutely. Were they in the wrong for the cheating and dubious consent? Yeah. This anime is painfully real and very messy, in a good way. Real representation in this anime came in the form of compulsory heterosexuality and unintentionally hurting genuinely nice men in the process, finding yourself in a position where you are abused by men because it's easier that way and that's the "natural order" we're taught to follow, having gross comments from men about you being with women, starting to fool around with and then pulling away from a friend you've fallen for or are attracted to so you don't get hurt... there were so many aspects in this anime that made my heart clench at seeing accurately represented. The fan-service is also consistent throughout, certainly not bait. Also, just a friendly reminder that this anime is an example of what relationships should NOT be. The dubious consent is not okay, the cheating is not okay, and I certainly don't relate to those parts, but there is definitely a lot of interesting representation that I haven't seen before and that resonated with my own not-so-great experience with discovering my sexuality. It's very real and very messy.
So this story is about two girls who are best friends, Yuma, whose point of view the story is from, and Hotaru. Hotaru is in a relationship with a boy named Fujiwara, and Yuma recently started dating a boy named Takeda. Hotaru actually loves Yuma and is in an abusive relationship with Fujiwara, so she proceeds to rape Yuma multiple times during the show. Yuma doesn't do anything to stop her because she is her best friend and doesn't confess about it to anyone. (Also maybe gets a case of Stockholm syndrome, it's been a bit since I've watched it.) Takeda begins to feel likeYuma is cheating on her/ is using him, so he breaks up with her. Yuma is destroyed by this and is on the verge of a mental breakdown. She tries to get back with him after finding out about her friends abusive relationship and being raped more and I believe he agrees or just agrees to be friends for then. Again its been a bit since I've watched it and I'm not about to waste my time again. This whole show is just rape, abuse, mind break, and Stockholm syndrome. If you like that, then you will probably like this show. The reason I decided to write this review is because I saw someone rate this show a ten, which is fine I guess. But he called it a mutual love for the girls and both the boys being played by the girls, which is complete BS. I don't care if you like this show, but call it how it is.
Most of the negative reviewers are missing the point of NTR. Or I am. This show deserves a 10/10 solely because of the socio-psychological mess the characters are. If you are looking for escapism from the world of crappy people, don't stop here. Watch something else. But if you want to see how crappy people live their lives, this is worth a watch. This is the most realistic anime I think I've ever seen. I knocked off a couple of points for the rushed pacing. There are only 4 characters worth mentioning. This is not in order ofcharacter importance but rather the easiest to write about first. Yuma's boyfriend, Takeda, is the only innocent person in this show. Not only does he do nothing wrong, but even after being burned by Yuma, he remains her friend. He's just a good guy. Then there's Fujiwara. This guy is a grade A asshole. If you didn't know guys like this when you were in high school or college then either you were lucky or led a sheltered life. This guy exists everywhere. The dude who roofies a girl. The guy who beats his girlfriend. The guy who cheats on his girlfriend. The manipulative dickhead. That's this dude. And worse than that, because of the real life level of this show, there's no exacting revenge on him or putting him in his place. He just gets away with it like so many real life scumbags like him. Yuma's best friend, Hotaru, straight up has mental problems. Because she was shy and never had any friends, she was so codependent on Yuma from an early age. She loved Yuma and didn't know how to express it. She didn't know how to express ANYTHING so she just makes one bad choice after another. Hooks up with the worst guys, manipulates her friend, gaslights her after sexually abusing her, she just does bad things. Is she a bad person, though? Probably not. Fujiwara is a bad person. Hotaru has mental issues from a crummy childhood, which doesn't excuse what she did, but it serves to explain them. All of her actions were cries for help when she thought Yuma was slipping away from her. Unfortunately, they were extremely self destructive. But is it possible that down the line she could become a better person? Hopefully. Yuma is a more complex character than most reviews give her credit for. She's the victim. She has always loved Hotaru but didn't know it. Which is bloody lucky for Hotaru because otherwise Yuma would've been out of there after the first sexual assault, like most people (think they would). But here's the deal: young high school girls with self esteem issues are easy to manipulate. Sad fact of life. And this keeps happening to Yuma, over and over. Takeda suffers because of it. Yuma suffers because of it. Hotaru manipulates her and she falls for it hook, line, and sinker. Once she snaps out of it, though, she's able to right the wrongs she's committed and get back on track and try and turn Hotaru around. The sad fact is, these people exist and are everywhere. If you watch this show and don't see someone out of your past in each of the characters, then I'm impressed. TL;DR: If you're into watching people's lives turn into a dumpster fire by adding mistakes to mistakes, this is your show.
(This review has been adapted from my blog/reddit thread. Spoilers ahead!) Being trapped in some form is almost never a fun experience. It doesn’t have to be tangible like locked inside of a room because of a misplaced key. It could also be a mental cage of sorts like anxiety or depression. Whether from a physical or a psychological standpoint, the trap is set, and the feeling of helplessness consumes. One other way to reach this same feeling is through watching Netsuzou TRap, an anime which “traps” the audience with boredom, uselessness, and irritation aplenty. STORY Those with a keen enough eye will notice a strangeness in the title ofthis anime. The “r” there is capitalized for a reason: to complete the initialism “NTR”. In this context, “NTR” stands for “netorare”, an infamous genre within the sphere of animated Japanese pornography (i.e., “hentai”). It centers on unwanted sexual advances of an extreme measure. While this description purposefully avoids simplified, coarser language for the sake of professionalism, suffice it to say that NTR is a niche among niches. Thus, true to its title and as it forewarns, Netsuzou TRap channels this genre in the content it delivers. A young lady name Yuma dates her new boyfriend Takeda as she contends with her best friend Hotaru and her “pranks”. Now, the anime by no means reaches the same level of depravity (if only because it is not considered hentai), but the genre’s shadow falls over this anime across its just-under-two-hours runtime. Fetishes aside, the audience will find next to zero value within this darkness. The show attempts to prove differently, though, with its risqué scenes between Yuma and Hotaru. Representing one of its only major allures, their presence at least makes sense given Hotaru’s motivations and the negative nature of the narrative. Yet the anime doesn’t know what to make of them. Yuma will be shocked and appalled at Hotaru’s actions but will soon after forgive-and-forget. Which leads back to shock and then once again to forgiving and so on and so forth. Such a churn gives Netsuzou TRap the vibe that it is not so much a worthwhile story with some ecchi material sprinkled in but rather a bunch of lewd moments loosely stringed together by a haphazard narrative. That is to say, a lame excuse for some perverted asides. This argument becomes more apparent when sifting through the non-risqué scenes. For instance, infrequent tonal problems pop up despite the seriousness of the situation. Hotaru jokes about (not) raping Yuma despite the serious tone of the situation and having literally felt her up in the bath minutes prior. There’s also the dialogue and how it treads the same ground over and over. Yuma repeats constantly about understanding Hotaru and being so close to yet so far from Hotaru and hating the fact that she does not know every side of Hotaru. It gets very same-y very fast. Its dramatic edge chooses not to find anything beneficial, either. Netsuzou TRap contains potential talking points about homosexuality, relationship abuse, and the meaning of love. Yet, much like the ecchi content, their existence within the anime rarely leads to a stronger thematic foothold. Realistically, if one wants an interesting story, it isn’t here. And if he or she wants some titillation for the imagination, it would be better to seek out normal porn (hentai or otherwise). Thus, because this show fails in both regards, it remains out of the light indefinitely. ART & ANIMATION The visuals for Netsuzou TRap rise above the story they present. That’s not saying much and, indeed, not by much anyway. At the minimum, the character designs, while not exactly inspired, conform to the anime’s aims and the characters personalities. Takeda is plain looking to go with his good-guy self, and Fujiwara is a bit more eccentric (taller, unkempt, silver palette) to go with his bad-guy self. Similarly, Yume’s design (lighter coloring) and Hotaru’s design (darker coloring) coincide with their opposing roles within the show while still maintaining their cute and refined looks. Furthermore, the show bolsters its ecchi scenes with better animation than usual, making sure that the grabbing, touching, and caressing matches the intensity of the ladies’ lust. The remainder of the artistry leaves much to be desired. The bland setting hardly ever stands out. Weird fade-to-white cuts happen on occasion to move the setting along. Its jokey style which accompanies the comedic moments feels out of place. More generally, the quality of the visuals lessens as the season progresses with lower movement and worsening actual animation. Episode six is particularly bereft of problems, such as forgetting to include Hotaru’s side ponytail and mistimed mouth synchronization. With these errors and the boring artistry in general, the visuals scrape by at best. CHARACTERS Netsuzou TRap mostly centers on four important people: Yuma, Takeda, Hotaru, and Fujiwara. Yuma dates Takeda, Hotaru dates Fujiwara, and the lot of them find their relationships tested on many different fronts. Yuma is the most out of tune with her feelings, and so her designation as the main protagonist makes sense. Nervousness keeps her from going further with Takeda, a young man who sincerely respects her and their romantic bond. On the complete opposite end, Hotaru seems to know exactly what she wants, letting Yuma know as well (under the guise of “practice”). Same goes for Fujiwara. As he would put it, he hates women but loves sex, so his own “bond” with Hotaru barely extends past hormonal needs. Besides Fujiwara, whose involvement equates to a fourth-wheel given his barebones connections with the others, the cast of Netsuzou TRap arguably stand as the show’s strongest aspect. If only because they own up to their respective parts in this dramatic dance. For instance, Yuma struggles with her tumultuous feelings for both Takeda and Hotaru. She understands how poorly she treats him with her distractions and her unwillingness to face their relationship with maturity even as he always gives her the benefit of the doubt. And, with Hotaru, her small backstory about protecting her best friend and having parallel jealousies in her aloof behavior pull her the other way. Hotaru herself refuses to budge from her common tactics of evilness, leaving her in static state for much of the season and thus failing to have a very impactful arc. Nonetheless, her manipulative personality is easily seen throughout Netsuzou TRap. She lies about her emotions. She forces unfair predicaments. She commits to underhanded plans. As her overbearing forwardness weighs down on both Yuma and the audience alike, her deplorable actions feel heavy in their implications and their control. Yes, she’s a mean person but designedly so. As for Takeda, he’s simply a cool dude, a regular guy like anybody else. His lovestruck thoughts do not impede his supportiveness, for he reads boundaries and offers advice when possible, even as the situation turns against him. Compared to Fujiwara, Yuma, and Hotaru, who wrestle with or outright indulge in the shadier side of the mind, his saint-like attitude shines as a glimmer of hope and friendliness. Unfortunately for him, the phrase “nice guys finish last” rings true. Yet he can also rest easy knowing that he – and he alone – has the moral high ground when all is said and done. So, unlike the rest of the anime, the characters at least have some solid ground to stand upon. MUSIC & SOUND Netsuzou TRap decides upon a curious option. Where the average twelve-episode anime has only one ending track, this anime instead includes three different EDs during the season. A new one appears every three episodes (except for the final three episodes), giving the audience an unexpected change of pace every now and again. While these moodier pieces do not have much intrigue in the way of instrumentation or musicality, knowing that the show went out of its way to create multiple tracks deserves at least some recognition. The rest of the audio direction falls short of such praise. The opening track, “Blue Bud Blue”, goes for a pop-rock song that loses its nifty guitar playing amidst the loudness. The voice-acting performances provide next to nothing of note save for perhaps Hiromi Igarashi as Hotaru not having as much nastiness in her way of speaking as needed. And the original soundtrack, while trying its hardest, fouls out with its simplistic approach. Altogether, the sound work within Netsuzou TRap is more negative than positive – a common occurrence throughout the entirety of this project. ENJOYMENT A lot of my readers know that I am a big fan of the “yuri” genre. Admittedly, it’s a big reason as to why I even gave the show a shot in the first place. What I watched, though, wasn’t very rewarding or very interesting in the slightest. In fact, the more I got through this anime, the more I came to like a different, almost opposite part entirely: Takeda. He is way too nice of dude to have to be put through these events, and I was rooting for him the whole time because he totally deserved better than he received here (title of the anime notwithstanding). Otherwise, the show rarely contained anything of note to me. The romance elements were mostly icky. The scenes as portrayed had little weight. The ending didn’t seem all that convincing or satisfying. The show’s only saving grace? It’s short enough that it avoids becoming an absolute slog to complete. But this situation also works against it, for the anime leaves the brain as fast as it entered. Netsuzou TRap just barely survives a full hounding. While its cast members reach mediocre execution, the rest of this unremarkable, uneventful tale locks itself away and throws out the key. SUMMARY Story: Terrible, a schlocky narrative that holds very little value on either the ecchi or the dramatic side Art & Animation: Bad, an uninteresting visual direction with visible errors contains some meager designs for its cast members and marginally improved animation at times Characters: Fine, Yuma introspects, Hotaru manipulates, and Takeda supports, fitting their roles within this journey well enough, but Fujiwara lacks involvement Music & Sound: Bad, while the changing EDs surprise, the tracks themselves and the audio in general miss the mark Enjoyment: Bad, Takeda is at least a super-cool guy Final Score: 2/10
It's too bad. Even if – let's assume for the sake of argument – the source manga was bad, this adaptation didn't have to be bad. The premise itself could have been interesting, exploring dysfunctional and abusive relationships. While similar stories have been done before (Kuzu no Honkai as a recent example), Netsuzou TRap could have been refreshing as a yuri genre work, as it was willing to involve male characters in the main conflict. But it falls way too short. The visuals, though not quite ugly, are substandard, and there's too much reliance on narration over film language. While the intimate scenes aren't unappealing, their presentationlacks finesse (less is more, as they say) and they're not paced properly (i.e., with increasing intensity). The characters are too basic (each of the four can be described in one word, respectively). Yuma's stupidity can be chalked up to an extremely heteronormative Japanese society, but this level of denial is dated by modern yuri genre standards. The show fails to endear the average viewer to Yuma (with the exception of one aspect, which I'll touch on later). The message behind Yuma's final dramatic plea is good in theory, but otherwise the payoff is too small for all the frustrating drama, so the message doesn't have enough impact. There's no falling action at all, either. In most romantic dramas, even a clichéd epilogue is better than no epilogue at all. The script would have needed a complete rewrite, and it should have been a film or OVA, no longer than one hour. I could go on about the various ways it could have been better, but this is supposed to be a review, not a speculative essay. In the end, I didn't have a bad time. I was starved for romance, and I usually prefer the yuri genre for that, so it was at least serviceable in that way. Even though Yuma was dense as a brick, Kakuma Ai's performance was actually touching at times. The series was only about 84 minutes long (without OP and ED), so it's not like I had to sit through a full standard anime season. As it stands, Netsuzou TRap is a waste of time for general audiences. It might pass as a temporary fix for fans of the yuri genre who want to see yuri with moving images and sound, and who can stomach the cheating and the abuse... but otherwise they're better off reading yuri manga (there's some really great stuff out there), if they've already seen the handful of good anime in the genre. If you don't mind me using this review as a soapbox... The genre may be still be in its infancy (especially in anime), so we have to be patient. Or just create our own stories. You know, be the change you want to see, and all that. Edit: Kat Callahan has written a very interesting post on how Netsuzou TRap depicts the cycle of abuse. It's a terrifyingly fitting interpretation, and her post is an absolute must-read, but I think the fact that the story took such turns is a result of intuitive decisions by the author (in an effort to justify the plot), instead of intent based on real-life psychology. The series simply doesn't place enough emphasis on the abuse, for me to be able to believe that it is part of the message. That said, it does make the series a little better in my eyes, and it also makes me wish that the series had explored this aspect with a steadier hand.
As the title suggests, this is a show about cheating, so by that point alone, it won't be for everyone. If you don't want to see major characters being complete pieces of shit and toying with other people, just avoid it altogether. The problem with Netsuzou Trap, however, that it's not even good at being an NTR series. Because of how short it is (9-minute episodes, including a full-length opening and a short ending sequence, leaving a stunning 6,5 minutes for actual plot), it ends up feeling rushed and shallow. To make some kind of impact, it could've chosen two different approaches - going grimdark likeSchool Days, punishing the characters for their behaviour, or elaborating on their internal conflicts and giving them a proper chance at redeeming themselves. It did neither, ending on a horribly unsatisfying note. I think it didn't have to be that way, if not for one fatal problem - Hotaru. Her boyfriend, Fujiwara, being an abusive dickhead fitted the formula, just like the protagonist, Yuma, being torn between her attraction to, and later love for Hotaru and unwillingness to hurt her genuinely nice boyfriend, Takeda (spiced up by the confusion about her own sexuality). Yume makes questionable choices and could be considered a bit spineless, but means well all throughout the story. Hotaru, however, not only acts like a psychopath, seducing, sexually assaulting and toying with Yume, but the justification the show gives for it is simply absurd. She receives a happy ending with Yume, while everything she deserves from her is a slap across the face. Paradoxically, the one real "romantic moment" the show offered was the one that upset me the most - it didn't earn this conclusion in the slightest. The show is also pretty tone-deaf, including comedic moments that completely don't fit its general climate - it makes School Days look like a masterpiece of an NTR drama. Unlike some, I didn't really hate all the characters and the general concepts Netsuzou Trap uses (I really did enjoy School Days after all). It simply doesn't know how to use any of them properly or how to appeal to any of its possible audiences. It fails as a yuri romance and it fails at least as hard as an NTR show. Even the fanservice isn't very interesting, always either including Yume being sexually assaulted or the scene being interrupted by someone (after all, you have to condense all the conflict into the tiny runtime). It ends up being and series for no one and without any real redeeming qualities. Avoid, unless you want to watch it from morbid curiosity, like I did.
Netsuzou TRap is a wild ride, but a ride you will enjoy all the way through. I wouldn't be lying if I told you I watched the whole thing in one sitting. {STORY} A few spoilers lie ahead so you've been warned The story follows our two leads Hotaru and Yuma, best friends who are both dating guys. Takeda and Fujiwara. It follows Yuma and how she struggles with dating. Luckily she has Hotaru there to show her how it's done. Most of it revolves around yuri action while the girls develop feelings for each other. Although at first, the story may seem a bit controversial, itis defiantly worth your time. {ART} It's standard, there's nothing really special about it. {SOUND} the music was fine, I didn't really notice anything that stood out. {CHARACTER} Hotaru: She may seem a tad on the unbearable side at first, but honestly in the second half she is downright the best character. Yuma: she's the airhead who is very gay, but pretends she isn't. Takeda: he's a good bean. he deserves better. Fujiwara: Is actual garbage. A rapist and domestic abuser. Needs to die. {ENJOYMENT} I think I enjoyed the drama in this show a little too much. It was really fun to watch and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.
After seeing all the fuzz about this anime on the internet I decided to give it a shot, so basically the plot is that the Hotaru (the blacked haired girl starts to kiss the Yuma (the orange one) for some unexplained reason, but the thing is she enjoys it, The problem I have with this anime is that first of all, the start of the relationship wasn’t consensual, also Hotaru knew Yuma had a boyfriend, as well as her, but she still kisses Yuma knowing that. Also every character except Takeda is extremely unlikable, especially Fujiwara, if a show has unlikable characters most of the time isgonna be bad for the plot, unlikable characters are okay as long as they are actually good for the plot (that in this case is non-existent). The plot is another problem I have, the thing is it is a problem with most modern yuri, it isn’t about telling a love story between two females anymore, yuri anime looks like it has a quota of fanservice they have to deliver or nobody will care about it. TL;DR: A mediocre series that is just mindless fanservice. 4/10 Edit:typo fix
It is a great show about a girl coming to terms with her same-sex attraction through much pain, struggle, lies and mistakes. Her main struggle is to understand if this is love or she just wants to keep a friend. And then, what to do with a friend... or love.. or what is it, live together? But another girl has a boyfriend! How she feels about him? Would they break up? What to do if they do not? It is all so complicated! It is a drama where all the characters are not the paragons of virtue. All characters here have problems. They are afraid, they donot know what they want, they lie, they hide their feelings, they do not understand their feelings. They cheat. There is also a violence between the lovers and high-school girls working as hostess in adult cafe (not striptease or prostitution though). But this makes it realistic. From morale-upholding point of view, this show does show some shit, lie, cheating and mistakes so the audience can learn on these mistakes. It is very amazing that the show helps the watchers to develops a disgust towards certain stuff. Unfortunately, some watchers will mistake their disgust to the bad things on display with the show itself. Well, do not watch WW2 movies because there are Nazis. If you think the characters must show the high morale image or come to one during the story, then please, do not watch, for example, "Ocean's 11" because the main character is a thief. Also, if you are outraged by the stupid life choices, then "Romeo and Juliet" is not for you. Overall, the enjoyment is high. You always think if the girl would make the right choice this time or not. The show is more heavy on fanservice than the original manga but you can ignore it.
Ight... I'll give it to you straight. If you hate this anime, I know how to make you love this anime... Stop treating this as a show, and begin treating it as a hentai. If you go into this looking at it as a normal, anime you'll probably find yourself not liking it. The story is uncomfortable, and needs improvement. If they were to revise this it'd be noticeably better. Most, not all, but most characters could use some improvement because it feels like their average. I suggest watch this alone, and when your in "the" mood. Because I did not feel like the story is allthat enjoyable.
Story 7/10 The story is focused on a high school girl in your second year who has just started dating a male friend in her club. BUT she's never been particularly interested in a relationship, it seems. And her friend (a girl) insists that she needs to “practice” sexual acts with each other before doing them with her boyfriend. Art 7/10 It definitely suffers on this front from a lack of explicit content, or even fully-drawn bodies; while Kodama's art can be very sensual when she's drawing legs and lower torsos, the lack of nipples makes most of the scenes involving breasts look a bit off, particularlysince she doesn't draw upper bodies in general particularly well. Sound 7/10 I think is reasonable. Character 9/10 For Yuri lovers, the two girls are pretty cute. Enjoyment 7/10 If this is your kind of romance fiction, this stands to be a pretty good entry into the genre. Overall 7/10 If you like your yuri, this is your world. Sweet and focused on the emotional relationship between girls with aggressive romance.. NTR: Netsuzou Trap is a fairly unusual yuri story. It's good to see the variety that the genre has to offer, even if Kodama Naoko's full series debut has its issues.
Hello world, this is my first review. This Show... wow.... Just Gross. I did not enjoy watching this anime. The story intrigued me at first. But as we got to know these naff ass characters. I was actually disgusted by the behavior of all of them. Not even the yuri action made me feel good. I felt really bad for Takeda. The poor boy just didn't know he had such a naff ass girlfriend. The fact that he was still nice to her blows my mind. He is bigger person than I. I couldn't do it. As much as Yuma bothered me. Wow Hotaru andFujiwara. Both disgusting. I felt no connection with this anime. I actually dropped it around week 8 but since i invested the time, I wanted to see if it got better. Nope. And another thing. One of my favorite seiyuus was in this mess of a show and i didn't even realize it until i was told. Usually i can pick up his voice in an instant. My brain didn't even register that Daisuke Ono was apart of this train wreck. This is just my opinion of the show. I do not have final say. If you like it, do you. We are all entitled to like what we like. No judgement here. peacexx
I'm not going to write a very long or indepth review as is common on this site, instead im going to keep it short and say why I loved this show! You should already know that this anime is about the journey of two girls discovering what it really means to love someone. But instead of the typical boy-girl relationship, they come to realize that the person they love is someone of the same gender. Personally, I love shows that go outside of the gender norms. Gay and Lesbian (admittedly way more into the Lesbian side) relationships appeal to me in a way that a normal relationshipcould never be. There is something pure about a relationship that gives nothing but still receives so much! This show does an excellent job at showing why people would make the choice to love outside of the social norms while presenting some very real characters! (if not a little extreme but still characters that can and do exist in real life) The show has two main females and two main males (tho they are secondary in the main cast role). One female and one male represent the "good" wholesome character, and the other makes up the "bad" degenerative character. One character genuinely loves someone and wants the best for their partner, while the other simply wants something but does not love their partner. These two extremes help mold our MC into a character you can cheer for! If you read other reviews you will see a lot of people talking about how the pacing is odd and slow in this show... I do not get that. First off, the episodes are about 6.5 minutes in length if you skip the OP and ED, so it's not like much time passes in each episode. Secondly, this is a relationship we are talking about. One that defies what most of us were raised to understand as "acceptable" and "unacceptable". Personally, I thought this show was paced very well! The MC questions their feelings and works through them by thinking about it, talking about it, and acting on it! There are many things in my life that are similar to what the MC goes through, that took a year or more for me to figure out! This show spans the length of maybe 4 months at most! With that in mind, the pacing is actually pretty fast! This went a little longer than I wanted but I feel like I have accurately said what I wanted to say! I really hope you decide to give this show a shot despite the bad ratings, it really is worth while. Whether you have a fetish for girl on girl, or just really want to know more about what kind of thoughts someone has when they go through this kind of ordeal, I highly recommend this!
I think the reason people don't like this show is because it breaks a lot of conventional anime rules. A lot of people are going into this expecting it to be like most other anime, which is a mistake. These characters have flaws. All of them. They all have flaws, and they aren't portrayed like other anime where they ~magically overcome their flaws with the help of the person they fall in love with and they all live happily ever after!!!~ No, man. You can't go into every show ever expecting that same resolution/closure, and i think a lot of people are selling this show short/stifling theirown enjoyment of it with that expectation. This show portrays these flaws and the development of these characters in a realistic way, as opposed to pretty much all other anime that end the way i described above. It's not because of lazy writing, the character arcs don't feel unfinished. It's just not realistic that all of the characters overcome all of their flaws by the end. Sometimes it doesn't work out that way, and that was INTENTIONAL. They talk about Yuma's flaws even at the very end. I'm willing to admit that the story itself isn't mindblowing. It's not bad, but what made this show special for me is the writing for the characters. The tension Yuma finds herself with in the mess of a situation that develops feels very real, and the characters have a realistic progression. It feels like this show nailed how the situation would have played out in real life, not ~magic fantasy anime land~ I think the realistic take on a situation isn't sitting well with a lot of anime fans given the score this show has, but it's sitting well with me. I thought it was good.
Well this anime was extremely uncomfortable, the story was good and hit close to home with a lot of things. I couldn't possibly recommend this even though I liked it quite a lot. It's in a gray area to me, I liked it because it made me feel something even though it wasn't a warm and fuzzy feeling and that's really all I can ask for in a story. The story is well written just the ick factor of everything has it where I can't casually recommend this to a friend. I think if you like yuri, but are tired of the same hyper happystories and endings this would be a good watch. It's a good thing the episodes are short so it doesn't over stay it's welcome.