The series revolves around the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC), which is on the verge of closing down after having financial troubles. The club's new coach persuades the club's parent company to stay open on one condition: that the club sends one of its members to next year's Olympics as part of Japan's Olympic team. (Source: ANN)
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Ok, this is my first time writing a review so.. Well, where do we start? I guess from the begining. Dive!! is an anime about, you guessed it, diving, but it does little to nothing to get you exited for it. As we all know, at least the ones that have already watched an spocon, you don't have to like the sport that the series is about, you don't even have to know about it's very existance to like the anime itself and that is one of the many things this show does wrong. The anime fails in selling you the sport, they barely explain howthe scores work and how the judges judge, and what the difference is between a good and a bad dive, an so on. So, having failed with one of the most important things of this anime genre we naturally proceed to take a look at the next most important thing, the characters. You would think that this is were the anime shines, but you'd be wrong, this is the worst part of the anime. But how? Well, by making them totally generic archetypes or worse, making them less than that. You have the protagonist which... likes to... dive? Yeah you don't know much about him other than that and the fact that he had his ex-girlfriend taken by his douchebag brother (yeah, you sure like that NTR shit). Ok, but we have a supporting cast right? Of course, we sure have! We have Yoichi which is the talented boy with no other trait, we of course have the underdog Okitsu which at first dislikes diving but... guess he starts to like it further into the series. And theeen we have the rest of the cast which are only there because the world is suposed to be habiteted by other human beings, but in this case you don't give a fuck. Now that we are done with the "characters" we can analyze this beautiful story. They want to go to the Olyimpics, that's it. Soooo, what else can i tell you? The artstyle is fine and so is the sound, but at this point you don't care about that. In conclusion Dive!! is a bad anime, don't waste your time watching it unless you want to stack another anime to your list ;)
Dive!! is a sports anime that isn’t. Just a few glaring flaws: - Not enough energy / adrenaline - No explaination of scoring / scores - Hardy any explaination of techniques + why they are difficult - Lack of development of rival oragnizations BUT I Dive isn't a sports anime. It is a character-driven story about the coming-of-age of our main characters – and it does this very well. Instead of a focus on one main character, the show introduces, and heavily develops multiple characters, showing them experience new things together and alone, growing as teenagers. It is a brilliant coming-of-age story with unique, no cliché characters, using competitivediving as a prop for development. I see it quite similar to Yuri on Ice. It is not about a sport, it is about the characters playing the sport. If you come in expecting a sports anime, you will be disappointed. If you come in expecting a great cast of characters, good story and decent art, you will love the show. So. Story: A super interesting take on the less glamorous side of high level competitive sports – discussing issues like fairness and touches on using connections to get unfair advantages in the selection process (in this case, the Olympics). Ending… :( Characters: 10/10. Unique, uncliched characters, each of which is grounded in reality. It honestly feels like the characters are real, with real motivations, setbacks, emotions, and logic. I never feel that any character chooses to do something completely unreasonable, and I never feel the show uses any ridiculous coincidences to push their development. Instead, the show focuses on the coming of age of the cast and it is such a wonderful story. Art and Sound: Eh. Decent art, although sometimes quality drops / some CG that looks slightly out of place. Music is nothing special, although shout-out to the voice actors, I think they did an absolutely amazing job of conveying the characters’ emotions and general feel. Overall, I went into the show expecting a competitive diving sports anime and was sorely disappointed. Instead, I found a criminally under-watched story about the growth of a brilliant cast of unique characters that really made this show the hidden gem of the summer 2017 season. I would give it an 7/10, but I would 10/10 recommend giving it a shot!
I recently finished this anime and all those reviews made my question all this false marketing. I see a lot of critique about the relationship being forced and I do see where everyone is coming from, however, you can still understand the main character. Do I see this anime as I masterpiece? Absolutely not. Is it worth watching? Yes. It is a good anime that shows the struggles of someone trying to achieve their dream. Yes, it's lacking a lot but we're talking about a 12 episode anime. It's not all that easy to wrap a whole plot in 12 episodes without rushing the story. Peoplealso compare it to Free! which really isn't the thing here, yes both of them are about shirtless men in swimming pools, but Free had more focus on the relationship between each and every member while Dive!! was focusing on every individual's struggles with themselves. if I had to compare it to an anime I would compare it to March comes in like a lion, due to it following the main character and his struggles to reach the top. Some of you might attack me with "March comes in like a lion was a better anime" and I have to agree, however considering that March comes in like a lion is a 2 seasons anime with approximately 50 episodes makes the show have more depth.
It's pretty hard to imagine that there would be a way to make an anime about competitive diving interesting. Dive!! does nothing to change your mind in that regard. What you end up getting is a very average, typical sports anime. The story itself is okay but any efforts to add dramatic or comedic elements fail for the most part. The art is good although I do have a little gripe with how the reflection of light off the water's surface looks on the divers bodies. The best chance the anime had of drawing me in I thought would have been the way they chose toanimate the dives. With the exception of the final episode, I thought the animation was just about average. The soundtrack was good and it was utilized well throughout the series. The characters were okay for the most part although they were insufferable when it came to scenes that contained drama. Dive!! isn't bad but if you're looking for new sports anime to watch, then it should be low on your priority list. The show has potential to have a better second season should that happen but to fully take advantage of that potential there should have been better story development.
This is definitely not the best sports anime by a long shot but it was interesting enough to binge and be somewhat engaged with. I was intrigued with the plot and actually wanted to know what was going to happen. However, it definitely had its boring, generic moments and everything felt contrived, from the fan service, to the dialogue, to the "convenient" ending. You'll know what I mean if you watch this... I think you should watch this if you like sports anime and enjoyed Free, but expect way less entertainment value. It's a low-budget version of Free tbh. I thought the art was nice, butthere was less emphasis on the actual diving portion of the show. Other sports anime actually go in-depth on the sports and explain the scoring, and take you into the inner psyche of a character before they perform, but this was mostly about their life outside diving. Even then, there was barely any character development or backstory. We never saw a single parent figure. One little thing happened with the main character's brother at the beginning and then we literally never saw his brother again. All in all, I am glad I saw this, it was on my list for a while, and I don't regret the time I spent on it, but it's a solid 7.
I binged the show I think it's a good show, but not a masterpiece and not many people may like it because the anime has some negatives in my opinion which can be a huge turndown for some people. Let's start with the negatives: - Rules of diving and the scoring system are not explained. This is a problem because not everyone who will watch the series is a fan of the sport and it's not famous or intuitive enough for people to understand the sport. - While I think the main cast is good enough, the secondary characters are in my opinion not well developed and/orserve just to drive the story forward and put struggles to our protagonists. - We don't know enough about the personal lives of the three main characters except for Shibuki. We do see some bits like Youichi being the son of one of the coaches and Tomoki being left alone with his brother. However, I think we need to know more about these two. I know because they are competitive divers they don't have a lot of free time, but that doesn't mean they don't have any private life. And here are the positives: - The art is very good in my opinion. I like the aesthetic design of all the characters. And the diving animations look good in my opinion. However, I didn't like the reflection of the water on the character's skin. - I think the story overall did a good job in portraying the growth of Tomoki, Youichi and Shibuki. Both in their athletic improvements and personality. - I think it does a good job at showing how terrible the life of a young professional athlete (they aren't paid, but they are aiming for the Olympics) can be. Because you give up a huge portion of your free time which could be used to spend more time with some of your friends, relatives and studying a little more if needed. And many times those efforts do not pay off. Even if the number of positives and negatives I listed is the same. Personally, for me, the positives outweigh the negatives. I think the series is good, but I think it's a bit of wasted potential. I think 12 episodes just weren't enough for the series and should have been more.
Well..where do I start? I cannot say I did not enjoy the series, but if I think back to it this feels like the storyline was ripped of from Free!, which holds a similar concept of the storyline. Even the main character looks a bit similar to Haruka, from Free!, and considering that it was aired about 4 years after the release of Free!, it feels like a rip off. Not saying that I did not enjoy the story regardless, but I do feel like the storyline should have been a bit more original. One point though, I did enjoy the soundtrack, as it israther catchy.
I suggest to those who love sports anime, please take this as just another sports anime. If you're here to watch and compare Dive to other sports anime like Haikyuu, Yuri on ice, Free!, you'll be sorely disappointed. But if you take it as a normal sports anime, without holding any expectations or benchmarks, this is a very good anime that you can take quite a bit from. The character development was great. I can say that this was pretty realistic in showing the diving industry in Japan especially if you're not very familiar with it. The characters all managed to change and improve in theirown ways. They're not super flashy about it but if you pay attention, you'll definitely see them grow. The art was simple but beautiful and the OP and ED suited the anime very well, in my opinion. I would say give this a chance. If you're someone who can appreciate a unique sport that is neither flashy nor dramatic, and if you can keep an open mind, I think you will enjoy this.
anime felt pretty boring to me to be honest, i don't think it really focus on the main plot which is "Diving". there isn't much explanation about the sport related topic as well. additionally, the characters' drama seems to overshadow the plot. too dramatic for my liking to be honest. even though, i like watching "diving" sport during olympics etc., i think there should have been explanation on their points grading during competition because not many people would have understand how they are being graded. but in general, can't really expect much from anime that ends in twelve or thirteen episodes as many things will besqueeze into such little episodes and a lot of explanations are left out which always keep people guessing when the anime ends.
I watched Dive!!. Here are my thoughts: So, as you might have guessed, this is a fairly typical sports show that is focused on diving. Much of the show revolves around the preparation, and selection, of athletes for the Olympics. Going to the (Tokyo) Olympics is certainly relevant to recent world events at the time of my writing this. Overall this show has a pretty amateurish feeling and seems low budget. Considerable attention is paid to the technical aspects of diving, certainly moreso than I expected. This is a very unique feature of this anime and one of the main reasons I stuck with it. It wasinteresting to learn about the sport of diving through this medium. In fact I would have liked to have seen even more focus on the details of the sport (maybe I should've just watched a documentary, haha). Although it was a little melodramatic, I was grateful for the absence of comedy in the show. I could consistently feel the tension in the show and the pressure the athletes were under. There was a pervasive feeling of anticipation of upcoming competitions. I much prefer this over a comedy-heavy show. So although people complain about melodrama, I just want to point out that the alternative scenario could have been much worse. Overall the characters were fairly weak and a little underdeveloped. However, I did like the female coach (Kayoko) and the ocean-cliff diver guy (Shibuki). Shibuki was one of the reasons I stuck with this show; he was a cool character. Kayoko was also cool and I enjoyed her presence. Unfortunately the MC was a pretty lackluster character; he didn't have much of a personality and added little to the show. A better MC could have gone a long way to improving this show, or at least somehow making him more sympathetic and likable would. I found the coaching staff more intriguing characters than the divers themselves (there is a fair bit of drama revolving around the diving organization and its members). There is also a lot of focus on the athletes' state of mind – I appreciated this, even though it could have been done better, and would have been augmented by better characters. The visuals are serviceable but certainly nothing special. There wasn't any discernable art style. Although there were no major visual flaws, the animation is basic and lackluster, and definitely not a selling point for the show. Which is kind of unfortunate because this anime could really benefit from a high animation budget; there was tons of (squandered) opportunity for visual flair. I try not to place too much emphasis on visuals, but there was definitely a lot of wasted potential here in that regard. This anime could have looked awesome if only it had the budget. Also I can't end this paragraph without mentioning those hot muscular slender diver bodies – they are indeed tight and sexy, and there is a lot of fanservice, albeit with lackluster animation. One thing I will say about the fanservice is that there was never ever screentime devoted strictly to it – it was always just incidental and never particularly intrusive. I say this in contrast to so many other shows that basically put a neon sign up saying "THIS IS THE FANSERVICE SCENE" (I'm being hyperbolic) and proceed to jiggle breasts in front of you for the next minute straight with nothing else of entertainment value on-screen; the fanservice in Dive was way more tasteful and nondisruptive than this, which is certainly preferable to the alternative. Also it's just unavoidable that a show focused on male diving athletics is going to have a lot of naked lean muscular men on-screen. The audio is underwhelming; the OST is not bad but fairly generic, and the voice acting as a whole is quite mediocre. At least the ED song is nice and soothing. Even though it was amateurish, there was nothing about this anime that was particularly awful. On the other hand, there was nothing about it that significantly impressed me. It is a fairly typical sports show, just focused on diving and maybe with a bit more voyeuristic flavour than usual. A bit more melodrama as well, but I still much prefer that over excessive comedic relief. On the other hand, I wished they focused even more on the sport and experience of competitive diving itself, rather than all the melodrama regarding the Olympic team and its support staff. The last few episodes definitely had some forced drama laid on heavy. My overall rating: 5/10 It wasn't THAT bad. Although amateurish, it doesn't have any major flaws. It's a little heavy on the melodrama but personally I still prefer that over excessive comedy; I appreciated this anime maintaining a consistently serious mood. This anime doesn't make any major unforced errors, but also isn't particularly ambitious. Although the characters are forgettable, it was an adequate sports show. I was adequately entertained and would watch a second season. People who like sports anime should consider giving this a chance. It's a shame about the budget – I really think this anime could have benefited from better production quality, moreso than other shows. This definitely doesn't deserve to be one of the lowest-rated shows on MAL. For the record, at the time of writing this, I have not yet seen the Free! anime (it is often compared to Dive). I remember a long time ago when I was a child, multiple times I attended a summer camp hosted at a university with an Olympic-style pool. I swam in this giant pool frequently, and I still vividly remember the diving platforms. It was set up exactly like in this anime. It brought back some memories. I've had recurring dreams over the years about being back in that pool. It's a prominent memory in my mind. I remember jumping off those concrete diving platforms. As a kid it was really cool. I still vividly remember the feeling of those concrete diving platforms beneath my bare feet, and the feeling of jumping off them. SPOILER COMMENT: nobody actually goes to the Olympics...during the show. The last episode takes place before the Olympics, during a preliminary competition from which the Olympic team is determined. Personally I tend not to fixate on plot milestones like this, but I know this will bother other people. The ending isn't entirely unsatisfying though. An Olympics arc would have been nice to see, but I suppose the Tokyo Olympics were still years in the future when this anime aired. As I've already alluded, most of the show's drama revolves around the preparation for the Olympics, not the actual event. So, be aware of that and set your expectations accordingly.