A new episode included with the complete Blu-ray box collection of A-Channel.
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It brought a notable change to the anime's visual style, a result of the time jump between 2012 and 2017. The animation style was unfortunately modernized. However, these visual improvements were not enough to offset the episode's narrative and direction choices, which took a rather controversial and disappointing turn. This final episode drastically departed from the cute and innocent tone that characterized the original series. Instead of delivering a conclusion that was faithful to the light and relaxed spirit that fans loved, the episode was marked by exaggerated and uncomfortable fan service. The sexualized scenes, with repetitive zooms on the girls' thighs and angles that emphasized body parts inappropriately, gavethe content a disrespectful tone. This focus on eroticization was even more problematic, considering that the characters are students, which makes the scenes even more disturbing for the audience that followed the series for its lightness. During the end credits, the discomfort is heightened by the characters striking erotic poses, reinforcing fan service as the main element of this episode. This creates a complete disconnect with the previous tone of the series, which until then had been centered on cuteness, friendships, and funny and innocent everyday situations. The episode fails to offer any emotional depth or meaningful continuity, feeling like an effort to attract attention through sexualized content, which is completely unnecessary for the context of the work. Although this episode is not part of the main narrative, it was promoted as a conclusion to the series, which intensified the feeling of frustration among fans. The contrast with the 2012 ending, which was charming and respectful of the anime's tone, is stark. While the previous ending was sweet, full of emotion, and perfectly captured the spirit of the work, this 2017 ending was generic and disrespectful. Not only did it diminish the sentimental value that the series had built up over the years, it also tarnished the reputation of an anime that was beloved precisely for its simplicity and innocence. The decision to include this sexualized content is seen by many as a "crime" against the essence of the anime, as it completely distorted what the series stood for. The result was an ending that failed to honor the characters' and story's journey, turning something that should have been affectionate and emotional into an unnecessary and offensive display of fan service. For those who followed the series from the beginning, this ending was a hard blow, leaving a feeling of deep disappointment and a stain on the legacy of a work once beloved for its sweetness.