In an attempt to strengthen relations with foreign nations amongst international unrest, United States president Trap-kun decides to embrace Japan by enrolling at an ordinary high school as its newest transfer student. However, instead of learning about the nation’s rich culture, he uses his power and privilege to educate his new peers about himself. With a tremendous vocabulary, President Trap-kun raps about the struggles of his position and the multipurpose nature of his hair as he makes his way into the hearts of Japanese youth. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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When I was a kid, I noticed a pattern, a law of sorts, that every so often I would look back on my self from 2 years ago and cringe. I would see my former self for a fool and be ashamed of how stupid he was. This law definitely didn’t keep holding true forever, but upon re-watching this weird anime I watched 2 years ago, I suddenly had that same feeling again. I don’t feel it quite as strongly; I definitely don’t feel I was an idiot for looking at this anime the way I did, but I do feel like I was farless worldly at the time. This is an anime about American president Donald Trump going to a Japanese grade school as a transfer student, but that description could not be less helpful in explaining what’s going on. The fact of the matter is, that this anime is making fun of Trump. It can’t be called criticism. None of Trump’s political stances are named in it. Instead these two episodes attack Trump’s over the top character. Attacks on Trump’s character have always been common, but remain ineffective. To his supporters, you see, his personality is his strongest attribute and criticizing it is a worthless pursuit. As such, all that remains to be seen here is a shallow satire that’s somewhat baffling in it’s usage of comedy. Or at least, that’s about how far I came when I first watched it. And to be fair, at the time, that was enough for me to list it with a 10 out of 10 score and proclaim it to be the be-all-end-all of anime, that no anime would ever surpass. Fair. I can still kind of see that. But that way of looking at it was just as shallow as the show itself and both people meme-ing about how great it was as well as it’s detractors were just as shallow. But the thing is, I keep coming back to this anime, time and time again. Why is that? Why do I keep thinking about it? Why is Trump rapping in this? Why does he keep swinging his balls around? Who made this and why? And why is trump’s hair a lunchbox? Well it would be understandable to blame all this nonsense on the weird comedic style of it’s creator: Takashi Taniguchi. He’s been making weird animations like this for years. Before this he was most famous for Mori no Andou, a web short that is hilarious with friends and mildly funny without them. There’s a lot of lol-random style humor in his works, but they’ve always managed to find an audience by just being so out there that it didn’t matter. This one makes heavy use of Donald Trump to make that happen and I can see why. Taneguchi’s work is full of weird personalities and Trump fits right in among them. What’s more baffling is the way he’s introduced. The first half of the first episode is entirely build up. First the school bell rings, then the teacher tells his class that they are having a transfer student coming in today and then the door slowly opens revealing Trump: A long build up with an explosive punchline. His works may be weird, but at least Taniguchi knows what he’s doing. (That kinda reminds me of the time I went back to some old smosh videos and realized that, though I thought the substance of the jokes were incredibly unfunny, the comedic timing and pathos were masterful) I didn’t quite recognize this as a Taniguchi work, when I first watched this and when I did find out I felt stupid for not realizing it earlier. Taniguchi’s works are usually immediately recognizable. His visual style involves these weirdly shaded, dumb looking faces. The faces in this anime were less detailed, except for that of Trump. But Trump looks so different from Taniguchi’s other works, that It took me a while to find out this anime was his. Even so, as is true with this work, the faces are always the best part of a Taniguchi work, and are the factor that make the comedy work. If Taniguchi wasn’t able to draw this way, I don’t think his works would have caught on. It should not be understated how much I like his drawing style and how much personality it has. Trump’s character design is definitely nothing to be snuffed at either. He’s drawn short and stumpy, like a weird, humanoid cave creature. His upper body is too big for his legs, but not by a crazy amount. He’s wearing a suit on his upper body and shorts on his lower half. I’d assume the idea is to contrast his childlike attitude with his position as a businessman and President. He’s wearing a backpack on his back, a symbol of elementary school in Japan, and there’s a recorder sticking out of it. Trump may be here to make a mess of things, but at least he’s brought his stuff. The most striking parts of his character design are his dumb ass looking face and the fact that he constantly points upwards with his right hand. He’s not animated, except for a few lip-flaps here and there, and this is a staple of Taniguchi’s works. Taniguchi has to animate all his shorts entirely by himself, so he must have figured smoothness of animation wasn’t going to matter much, if the appeal of his works lay elsewhere. I’d say he was definitely correct in thinking this, and I even think the barely animated style makes his work funnier. Besides that there is one more noteworthy visual in this anime. Late into episode 1 there is a moment where Trump pisses all over the place. This drawing of him has far more work put into it than any other in the show. In fact, though it looks really gross, I definitely love Taniguchi’s unique shading work on this image. Regardless of whether you like what you see here, it’s hard to argue that this image in particular, isn’t well crafted, impactful and extremely memorable. And what an appearance he must seem to these poor children. The teacher announces that there will be a transfer student coming in today and the class is immediately excited. The trope of the transfer student is a common one in anime and is almost as iconic as the trope where characters eat and either hate the food or think it’s the best they’ve ever eaten. But unlike the food trope, a new transfer student can be absolutely anything. What a shock must it then be for the new student to come in and rap and piss all over the place. Donald Trump is definitely the last thing you’d expect to walk into your classroom. His appearance is preceded by several seconds of dramatic sounding music, clearly meant to build suspense as the door slowly opens and Trump comes in and I definitely think that without these few seconds of extra build up, the moment where he starts rapping and all hell breaks loose would have been less effective.. Again, though I don’t find this anime to be all that funny on it’s own, I do believe it to be well crafted. Taniguchi clearly is experienced in his craft and knows what he’s doing. But that brings me to the question. Why is Trump going to school? Is it a cheap jab at the fact that Trump seems to act in a somewhat juvenile manner? Is it just to say: “Ha ha, look at what a kid that guy is, look at how gross he is.” I mean that seems unlike Taniguchi. Sure he’s not beyond making childish jokes like that, but he seems to revel in gross and weird stuff. Why would he of all people criticize Trump for being obscene? I don’t see any references to what Trump has said or done either. This anime is solely about the ridiculousness of the idea of Trump coming into a primary school and making a mess of things whilst rapping. I don’t think this anime is a jab at Trump at all. I don’t think Taniguchi is pro Trump or anything, but I do think he appreciates his comedic value. I think he saw Trump not as a cultural or political icon to take down, but rather as a fantastic piece for his weird and obscene, animated art. And that brings me to my next question. Why make this? Why create such a weird and daring short? Was it just for attention? Around that same time Taniguchi would make a collaboration with Daimaou Kosaka, who in the west Is most known for a somewhat recent meme clip where he put to things together and people made all kinds of edits of it. It could be that Taniguchi is trying to expand his audience with collaborations and political anime. But just sit down and think about it for a second. For that to work, ultimately what would need to happen is for people to share these anime with each other. It doesn’t matter to me whether taniguchi is doing all of this out of a desire to grow his audience, or out of a love for his craft. I can’t figure that out anyways, because there isn’t enough information about him available in English. What matters is the fact that elements like Trump in his works, make them more shareable. And that’s what it’s all about: watching this weird anime together. This anime takes place in school and when I first watched it, I too was in school. I know how eerie that coincidence must seem to you, but hear me out. I was kind of a loner in school so I never got to show this anime to too many people, but showing it to people was always fun. Sure they always reacted somewhat aversely, but that was half the fun in it! I remember watching Mori no Andou with friends an it being way funnier than it was alone. And that was an experience that stuck with me forever. I see some weird criticisms of the show such as that it is dumb and repulsive(like, literally the point of the whole thing) or more bafflingly, that the characters are weak. The characters are weak? Trump comes strolling into school rapping about himself and pissing all over the place, showing no remorse whatsoever. That’s the most character I’ve seen in a character introduction since Bumi’s introduction in Legend of Korra. I mean there’s being weirded out by a show and not liking it and there’s having weird detached ideas about a show’s quality that don’t make sense at all if you actually watch it. Weird tangents aside though, the point I’m trying to make is that I think people woefully misunderstand the point of Trap-kun and other weird works by Taniguchi. The fun in it is not the actual experience of watching it. It’s about the experience of sharing it. Even just reading comments or reviews about it is participating. But the best experience to be had with Trap-kun is showing it to friends or cousins and watching them be weirded out, as they don’t know what to represent and what to repress out of their reaction. You put them on edge, into a weird social situation they were not prepared for; you laugh together; you’re grossed out together. You laugh at each other's reactions. You both go out to show it to more friends. And then you look up into the sky and you jokingly ponder what went wrong in humanities development that it would lead to this; and then you wonder if maybe the creation of Trap-kun was an inevitability of the universe and there simply couldn’t mathematically exist a universe that didn’t spawn this exact anime; and then you wonder if the universe was created by higher beings for the express purpose of creating this specific weird anime or if otherwise, humanity was by mother earth. It all seems so silly, but those moments spent with your friends are a valuable treasure you keep with you for your whole life. This anime, you could say, is a meta-modernist piece of work, where the point of it can’t simply be found in the work itself, but also in the people around it. What made this anime valuable is that people talked about it and shared it, so much so that you are reading this lengthy ass review about it. This review is a part of Taniguchi’s art and of your experience of it, that can simply not be denied. And this anime would be infinitely less valuable without the funny comments you read about them, without the people you share it with, without this review, that you’ve read all the way through, either because you’re intrigued by it, or because you’re bored out of your mind. What else could you think whilst watching this show for the first time but “Wow this is the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen. Can’t wait to see other people’s reactions to it.”, as you proceed to scroll down to read the comments. And in that sense, I argue that this weird, obtuse piece of art is just as valuable as a normal, conventional, well made 12 episode tv anime. The experience you had with this is not any less valuable because it’s weird or because your enjoyment of it was unconventionally obtained. I recognize that a lot of people genuinely dislike this show, and that’s of course acceptable but I couldn’t help myself but recognize a lot of the negativity towards this show to be shallow and poorly thought through in nature. What I want to do here is to help you, dear reader, cope with more unconventional ideas of how media could exist and how it could be enjoyed and thought about. But all that ranting aside, in short, I like this show, not because I think it’s enjoyable to watch, but because I like the idea of it and the surrounding culture. And now, having made this lengthy review that I conned you into reading all the way through I am part of that surrounding culture and as an extension, I’m part of this artwork and so are you reading; we are all art. But wait… I still haven’t answered the question: why is Trump’s head a bento? Ah shit this throws off all my calculations. All my theories are useless now. I’m gonna have to start again from the beginning and go back down the rabbit hole…Well, see you next time reader, if I survive another deepdive that is... Also, to whomever poor mod that has to read through this whole review… I’m deeply, deeply sorry. I’ll buy you a beer if we ever meet in real life, I promise!
This is literally just some dumb bullshit you do a “try not to cringe” video on. You'd watch this dreck being reacted to by teenagers on a Fine Bros. video. It's ugly, with pathetic gross-out humor even kids wouldn't laugh at, and the rap music is fucking garbage thanks to whoever is rapping; Crap-kun isn't even good shitposting. So yeah, 2017 out of 2016; China Walls in Mexico and we paid for it. It's basically like Utsu Musume Sayuri and other short, worthless, infamous bile that barely constitutes as “necessary bad viewing” material that aren't even meme worthy anymore. There’s nothing left to add to thisone. What? Try to criticize the lack of narrative? What are you, fucking stupid? What, criticize Trump as an anime character? What are you on, the fallacy virus? Think you can still review this? Put it simply, you're, say it with me now: “wrong!” Literally only watch this if you like the brand of filler trash mentioned above; everyone else can walk out and post some Donald Trump memes instead. At least those can garner an actual laugh. Also, the 2016 election was a mistake; good day everyone!
Well that was a thing. Sometimes you just come across something that reminds you that yeah anime is kinda weird and this is no exception. Over the course of less than 2 minutes I saw a tiny cartoon gremlin resembling a US president walk in a class full of japanese grade schoolers, fart in the teachers face, piss all over the class, flirt with a little girl and throw away his 5 kg stone wig... while rapping. I can't say that any of this was well done but if someone put a significant amount of effort into executing something like this I can't say if itwould actually add to the quality or make me question the mental state of people who made it. Either way it's not like this review has a point. If you want to see something incredibly stupid then go ahead, otherwise I hope you just read the summary and pass it by.
Yep, I'll be another party poop and ruin the review section with my sub-par meme making skills because my current mood is at the all time low and that only further depletes my supply of creative juices. But can you really blame me? This is just so repulsive yet I can't stop replaying these 2 short episodes. This hot mess of sophomoric humor is dragging me down. Please... Send... Help... This is where I tell you that you don't have anything to lose and that it'll only take like a minute of your life. But... But, these are all lies! These other reviews are trying todeceive you! There is nothing down here! We fell into this pit of misery and only more suffering awaits. If you managed to dodge a bullet and only watch it once, then I commend you and at the same time challenge you to watch it 10 more times. Be a true madman, live life on the edge, or be a smart person and never look back. Sadly, I was too weak. I couldn't escape and I'm now stuck in this vicious cycle of never ending pain. In the distance, I can softly but clearly hear the echoes of Trap-kun's freestyles. It's the worst when he's near, when I can hear a murmur and it's very unsettling. I'm very afraid. I am sad, I am gone. Arrivederci, ore no freund.
I gonna be completely honest here, it's 6:04 am, I was bored and I'm not gonna spend more than 90 seconds to write this cause I already spent them watching this bizarre thing. Out of curiosity while making my MAL list I found this bizarre thing and as it was short I just click cause it was easy. Nevermind, I thought I could get something from it but this is gonna be a thing Imma use to troll people. Time's up! 2 minutes have passed :c mum, I failed you D: PD: oh m8 I had to write a longer review? ok, hum... hey, you knowwhat's white and black then red, black and white, then red, then red, then red... It's a penguin rolling from a mountain and dying slowly. Didn't like it? Me neither, while watching this messed up thing XD
Yo Daitouryou Trap-Kun is a truly magnificent anime. Not only is it pleasing to the eyes and ears, but it has a beutiful story. This anime tells the inpring story of one man's triumph with the power of music. It begins at what looks like an ordinary classroom full of students awaiting another tedious day of school. However, new hope is given to the class when the teacher brings news of a new student transferring into the class. The class fills with excitement as beatiful man gracefully enters the classroom. It is none other than our majestic titular character, Prisendent Trap-Kun. Trap-Kun is sograceful, that he is able to walk without even moving his legs. Once he enters the room, the beautiful president introduces himself with the poetic lyrics of his ballad. Through these lyrics, Trap-Kun delivers a powerful anti-authoritarian message. Trap-Kun makes no hesitation about expressing his defiance as he displays his true power by defeating the teacher once and for all with one single fart and showering the entire class a in a waterfall of unrine. At the end of his song, the source of Trap-Kun's power is revealed to be food stashed in his head. The story is very deep and meaningful, yet inspiring. While the symbolism may be difficult for some to understand, there is still much more to appreciate about this anime. The sounds are breathtaking. Trap-Kun's melodic voice adds power to his inpiring lyrics. The fart sound effects are very lifelike. The screams of the teacher perfectly convey his pain as he is suffocated by Trap-kun's gas. The art is no less impressive than the sound. The facial expressions are gorgeous. Trap-kun is especially beatiful. His hair looks like a pile of golden hay. His ass is perfectly round glossy. His face is full of unbridled passion. The face of a true leader. Watching Yo Daitouryou Trap-Kun is a unique and wonderful experience which words alone cannot describe. This is truly a magnificent work of art. The only way to truly understand the brilliane of this anime is by watching it.
Sometimes, on a fated night, when the moon is full and the breeze is right, you stumble upon an anime in which you feel a really deep connection to. This, right here, is one of them. The story and sound design of this show plays with your heartstrings in an exquisite and beautiful way. Hearing the harmonious voice of Trap-kun echo through the school halls really adds a sense of depth and meaning to every single scene in which he is present. And the words he sings, the words... I just... I just can't begin to describe the feeling and pain behind every word he speaks,every time I hear him my eyes begin to water like a tsunami of pure emotion. It would be difficult to fault this show for anything, it's all perfect and that's why I believe it should be rated #1 on this site. Truly a spectacle worth witnessing.
Ohoho... Where do I begin with this anime. I knew I would love it from the start...Oh man... and watching it just completely confirmed my suspicions. There's no doubt about that. It is truly a masterpiece... and beyond even that. I was utterly enraptured the entire time-The experience of watching it was truly enchanting... I simply couldn't look away. I never truly got over it and it's already been two years. I rewatch the episodes whenever I get the chance to...And I always get something new out of it. There were only two episodes, but it left me wanting so much more. Oh, how I wish Shogakukanwould produce more episodes... I'd love if this anime got even half as many eps as Inuyasha. That would truly be a dream come true for me... But I can't be too biased, I need to give you all a fair idea of this anime. :3 Story (10/10): I'm not sure I can do it justice, but I'll certainly try to summarize it... Trap-Kun is the beloved president of the United States, who, in an attempt to strengthen relations with Japan, (he's so thoughtful...) transfers to an ordinary Japanese High School. There, he quickly befriends all the students and they adore him and his rapping skills. It may seem simple when it's laid out like this, but it was executed so well... The relationships Trap-senpai builds with his fellow students feels so fleshed-out and complex. Trap-kun takes his time with all the students and though they know he's out of their league, they often show their love and devotion to him. And although Trap-kun himself is wonderful from the beginning and due to this, he doesn't go through much character development..he's never a bore to watch. Far from it. Art (10/10): The art is so beautiful... It captures the emotion and feel of the characters so well... And the backgrounds always look appropriate for the situation. Sometimes, I wish more anime had this art-style... But I feel like they wouldn't use it to their advantage as well. The production team of this anime truly did the Lord's work. It makes me want to learn how to draw in this art-style. Unfortunately, I'm not very talented and I can only draw stick figures. (Trust me, I tried ten years ago.) Sound (10/10): Though it's extremely hard for me to decide, the music and sound are definitely one of my favorite parts of this anime. They clearly put a lot of effort into Trap-kun's rap segments. His rapping skills are on-pointe and I'm sure they edited his voice actor's voice for him to sound that amazing...The instrumental helps him get into the flow of things, but the vocals are clearly still the highlight here. Oh and the lyrics are so descriptive and beautiful... Like when Trap-kun sings about his hair and his struggles with it... (He's so modest, but his golden hair is so great-looking, even the birds want to nest in it.) I just wish they'd release the official soundtrack already... I'm sure they will, but I hate waiting... Character (10/10): Trap-kun is arguably one of the most well-designed characters I've come across in animation. I wish there were people like him in real life. The closest I've come to finding one is Schwarzenegger, but his voice isn't that similar, sadly... :/ I love Trap's personality as well. He's a magnificent specimen, all in all. And the other characters help to compliment that. Enjoyment (∞/10): I enjoyed it so much. So much. Overall (10/10): < This website won't allow any higher. :( Please watch it if you're looking for the time of your life! :3