Heavenly Dao is eternal, however life is limited, making heaven and earth pieces of a chessboard. Gu Hai from the 21st century was taken onto another world. Gu Hai became a formidable opponent in the area of trade. In the times of war, he comes up with strategies for the Chen Empire against the Song Empire. A fairy from heaven became interested in him and gave him a mission to complete on his journey. However this may bring turmoil and chaos upon the world.
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This anime is a hidden gem. Funny as hell but action packed as well. It follows the story of Gu Hai and his companions. Anime is more like China's Gintama version, too many references to other animes which makes it more fun and enjoyable. Overall, good animation and art style, cool and funny dialogs and good character development. You'll enjoy conversation between the trio i.e. Gu Hai, his server Will Smith PoPo (yup thats his name) and Gao Xian Zhi. There is little bit of romance as well, but that comes at the ending episodes where more of Gu Hai's past is revealed. The first season endswith a big cliffhanger.
This show is a bit curious in it's genre composition. I'd say it's main genre is supposed to be comedy, with all the xianxia dao cultivation mumbo-jumbo. However in only like, what, episode 4 we start getting mass slaughters, torturing, backstabbing, and generally grisly stuff. Which is blurred out, by the way, so if you're into this kind of stuff (for whatever reason) then tough luck. If you don't tough luck again, cause even if it's blurred it's pretty apparent that all those people were dismembered/ scorched alive/ etc. It all doesn't really matter though, because the main strength of this anime are the characters, with MC taking firstplace, being brilliant and funny, an actually viable chineese rendition of Gintama's MC. But that falls apart as well in later episodes. MC stops being this brilliant mastermind that outsmarts his opponents, and transforms into a frantic mess that charges with his allies, screaming at the top of their lungs, at his enemies, because they want to harm his new girlfriend. I don't know if this counts as spoiler, but this continues into season two. Jokes are sparse and weak, MC is becoming dumber and dumber, that is, when he's actually participating in the plot and not being fucking unconscious/ meditating/ taking a shit for an episode or two. I'm feeling really sorry for the guys who took the effort to animate this webnovel, because the art is done well, the ED of the second season might become one of my favorite, and MCs voice actor outdid himself giving MC poise and character it doesn't really deserve from episode ~5 of first season onwards. The plot is the worst, after the pilot micro-arc, story pacing slows down tremendously, to the point that after season 2 we're not even at the climax of the first goddamn arc. All translation groups seem to have become fed up with this series honeydicking bullshit too, since the third season isn't translated at all, despite being all aired out. All said and done, I can't recommend this anime to anyone. There are flashes of brilliance here and there (well, mainly at the beginning of season 1), but the story just isn't complete in any meaning of the word. If you'd enjoy watching, let's say, first 8 episodes of a 12 episode anime and be satisfied with not knowing at all how the fuck it all ends, then go ahead and watch this.
Okay here goes, this show is one of those you watch when you have nothing else to do, or don't have time to binge, or you don't feel like watching something serious. If all that sounds familiar, you've heard of Gintama, the pioneer of this kind of show. This is the chinese version, and I say version not copy, because it has its unique style. so lets get into the meat of this review: over-arching plot- pretty good so far (haven't read source material), without heavy emphasis, you know the type skyrim puts on you sometimes. jokes: what we're all here for, the show is funny, thatsall I can say. characters: I very much like the characters in this show, because they're all unique. they either refine tropes finely, or shatter them completely. overall enjoyment: i loved it, 9/10. reminded me of hoozuki no reitetsu, it was just fun each episode.
I just want to say i have this rule where if i start something, i finish it to the end. And man do i wish i didnt have this rule after i decided to watch this show, and believe me i wanted to break this rule so bad. The only reason i decide to watch this was because of the two people who recommended it in this site. Show had 3 problems for me: 1st problem) English subs were horrible. I dont know if translation groups translated it wrong but it seemed like all the characters were talking in idioms per every sentences. Which justgame me a headache trying to understand it. 2nd problem) MC and everyone on his side are sooooooooo weak compared to the villains(biggest problem 4 me). Like villains calling MC and everyone else ants is an understatement. MC is supposed to be like Chinese version of Gintama, what a joke. Sure he acts like Gintama but Gintama had the strength to back him up. The MC supposed to be smart and brilliant strategist in the first couple of episodes of season 1 but then as the other review on this site said he just got dumber and dumber throughout the other seasons.(Should have listen to this review) 3rd problem) Everything else. Plot holes everywhere. No explanation whatsoever on a lot of things. This show also had a horrible stereotyping. I created an Account on this website just so i can write a review to warn people not to waste their time on this show. I cant believe this actually had 4 seasons(I watch it all. STUPID RULE!). By the end of season 4 nothing was concluded.(not any arc was finished) In conclusion i would not recommend this show to anyone. Plot was a tangled, unfinished mess. But if u like watching a weak MC who thinks and act like his the greatest thing then go ahead and waste ur time on this show. The only thing this show had redeeming about is was the comedy and parody about other shows was ok. Animation was ok 2.