While the young Angelique lives out her days peacefully in her school, attacks from the monstrous Thanatos has been increasing everywhere else. Two Purifiers show up one day, men with the power to exterminate the Thanatos. One of them, Nyx, attempts to convince Angelique to join them in their work, as she has the power to be the only female Purifier. As Angelique hesitates, a Thanatos shows up in their school. Nyx and the other Purifier, Rayne, fight a losing battle. With her classmates falling prey to the Thanatos, and the Purifiers beaten to submission, Angelique's desire to save everyone awakens. She became the only female Purifier in their land of Arcadia, the one known as the "Queen's Egg".
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I wasn't expecting a lot from this series, and got roughly that. Story: Simple. Select people have the power to fight off the monsters produced by an omnipotent evil being, who just is. In comes the heroine who has the power to completely vanquish said evil. Oooh. Never saw that coming. Adventuring, etc. Nothing special. Art: The animation is fairly good through most of the series. I liked the character designs for most of the characters, and they were unique enough that you wouldn't confuse one for the other. The "action sequences" weren't anything special. Sound: Aside from the OP and ED, the music wasboring and annoying at times. The OP is adorably cheesy and catchy, and the ED is just adorably cheesy, but I liked them both. The VAs for this series were one of the main reasons I decided to watch this, and they lived up to my expectations. The casting was good for all the characters, and the acting was decent. Character: Angelique drove me insane from the moment she appeared on screen, to the last few seconds before the ED in episode 13. While I know good heroines aren't terribly common for this sort of show, Angelique is exceptionally annoying until roughly halfway, where more development and personality is brought in for all the character. The four "knights" Angelique gathers around her took a long time to grow on me, and by the end of the series, I still found the side characters to be overall more interesting and fun to watch. The main cast does seem to have history beyond what this first season was able to dig into, though, they just weren't all my cup of tea. Enjoyment: My obsession with Erenfried's VA was one of the few things that kept me watching through the first part of the series, but by the last 6 episodes, I was more or less hooked. I liked the series more as things grew darker, rather than the shiny happy people episodes in the beginning. I was a bit disappointed in how the series ended, as the last few episodes basically forgot about some of the cast. Overall? I'll give it a 6. Decent, light, easy to multi-task to anime. Abyss left me with a cliffhanger, and I liked this season enough to try the second, but if the pace slows up again I'll probably drop it.
I watched this series and during the entire thing, I could predict each and every single one of the events that occurred. The ending was something that's quite shocking (but not completely, since it's relatively predictable) and disappointing. It's something that makes you say, "What. On. Earth. Just. Happened." Hmm... Overall, it was quite a trivial anime; Good for passing time, but not much more than that. Reverse harem is one of my favorite genres (e.g. Ouran HSHC, Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge) and I started the series because of that. However, the romance in this was quite shallow. The entire anime was much too sugary.If you are looking for anime with a good plot and romance, I do NOT recommend this. If you are looking for an overly-cute anime with many yummy bishies or to pass time, you might want to give this a try. Personally, I wasn't pleased with the anime.
I watched this anime only because it is one of my favorite types of anime....reverse harem or shoujo. It also said it had action and romance. Too bad the romance, and action failed big time. The only signs of romance is when the girl blushes when talking to one of the hot guys. I have to say the story and enjoyment was worse than anything. The only reason I watched it until the end was to see if the main female protaganist was going to actually find love between one of her companions and that also let me down. The action wasn't all that great either.The fights was a little boring. The enemies all looked like jelly monsters and the powers the main characters had were too lame. To sum the story up, it was a let down. Art and sound was OK. As far as characters, I wanted to say I had at least one favorite but the only one I could think of was the cat. The characters really didn't develop enough for me to get to like them. Overall this series gets a 5/10 because it is one of my favorite genres but too bad it didn't meet my expectations.
I had high hopes for this series. Right away I thought the plot was amazing and i was very excited because i haven't watched any similiar ones. I believe it had great storys and amzing characters. My only problem with the anime was that it could have had a lot more action. Having such a great plot is hard to maintain and it would have been so much better if they had alot more action going on. Even in the last 3 episodes the action was lacking The last 10 minutes of the final episode was probably my favorite. I can't wait to start nextseason which I am about to do. Hopefully they have more action. I also felt that it had good characters and that the ones that needed to grow did. Rayne started out distant but soon become a close friend to Angie. It could be more specific with the romantic parts aswell. I have higher hopes for season two! =]
This is my first review, so bear with me! :) Here we go... Story (8) Personally, I'm a big fantasy fan, so I was really excited to try Neo Angelique Abyss, and I don't feel let down at all. Of course, the whole "demonic monsters" thing isn't new, but I found their approach to it rather unique, because of the multiple new aspects that I noticed while watching. The character development in the show (as far as background story goes) is very good. All of the main characters get some sort of look back into their past, and some of them get a detailed explanation. The progression ofthe story is something I find intersting because it sometimes doesn't seem to be moving, but in the end you realize that it's all connected, so that seems like a success to me. Many people find the story predictable, and I have to agree. Neo Angelique is indeed predictable, but not the whole time. There are, as in most shows, moments where you go "Duh! I saw that coming!" but also times when you can't help but be surprised. All in all, I liked the story of NAA. Art (8) Ok, so I'm definitely no expert when it comes to this area, but I liked the art. It's not really a unique art style if you ask me, but there are many things that I think are quite unique to this show, like the Thanatos and the detailed scenery. Like I said, I'm certainly not an expert, but I think the art in NAA deserves the score I gave. Sound (7) Again, no expert, but I gave this score because I find any of the sound aspects unique at all. Nothing was really undesirable or anything, but I just didn't think there was really anything special about it. Character(10) I love the character aspects of NAA! I love all the characters themselves (not just for the bishounen aspect, mind you...), and I love some of the unique stories that come with them. As I said before, the character development for some of the characters is just great, and all of the characters have something that makes them different from all the rest, be it backstories, style, or just flat-out personality. Not to mention, the way all the characters interact with one another truly shows their differences as well as similarites. Honestly, I really did love the characters and like aspects of this show. Enjoyment(10) I really loved watching this anime! It was fun, light-hearted, and at the same time, rather deep and emotional. No, the romantic side didn't progress as much as the fangirl side of me wanted it to, but that honestly didn't take away from my enjoyment at all. I, of course, have my own specific tastes that differ from many, but NAA fit my tastes better than I actually thought it would. So, I'll say it again, I loved this anime! Overall(8) I think NAA deserves this score because, despite some of the things that I saw as flaws, I still couldn't stop watching. I may see it differently from someone else, but I think that this is a good show. No, probably not one of the ones to go down in history as a top anime or anything, but still, it's a good watch that I would recommend to anyone. :) Thank you for reading (AKA suffering through...) my first (rather long...) review! I hope it helps point you to a really great show! :)
As one of my friends put it when I showed him the first episode of this: Every shoujo anime cliche in the history of anime happens in the first 5 minutes. This is show is so trite and unoriginal it manages to cross the line into unintentional hilarity. If you were one of those girls who spent a lot of time back in middle school sitting around watching sailor moon and magic knight rayearth with your little friends eating pizza and talking about how to beat bosses in final fantasy 7, then you should seriously consider watching at least one episode of this anime, because youwill seriously LOL. But, there's no reason to ever watch more than one episode.