Saki Uno is an average 15-year-old girl with a side hustle as a member of the exceptionally unpopular idol duo Magical Twins. Despite this, she absolutely loves the time she spends with her best friend Sakuyo Mikage as she strives to become closer with her childhood crush, Sakuyo's brother Mohiro. Her peaceful life, however, unravels when she finds a yakuza-looking thug trying to enter her house. Forced to invite him inside, Saki learns that her mother used to be a demon fighting Magical Girl, and that her brutish guest is actually a mascot named Kokoro-chan looking to recruit a replacement. Dumbfounded and skeptical, Saki is hesitant accept the request until Kokoro-chan reveals that Mohiro is a target of some cute, squirrel-tailed demons. Rushing to his side, Saki's overwhelming desire to save Mohiro activates her Love Power, and a daring confession awakens her as a Magical Girl. However, because her body is not suitable for combat, Saki's transformation turns her into a muscle-bound man clad in a pretty dress. Now, as a fully-fledged Magical Girl, Saki must team up with Sakuyo to protect the love of her life from the fluffy, demonic menaces that run rampant in her world. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Magical Bros turned out a way better and funnier than anticipated (or Mahou Shoujo Ore if you prefer). It's a thoroughly entertaining, if slightly uneven, magical girl parody that has plenty of funny meta-jokes, self-aware commentary, and a cast of likable characters. Perhaps its source material simply wasn’t long enough to be adapted into 12 episodes, but aside from some sluggish pacing around the series midpoint, it's a worthwhile watch. Even now, the plot synopsis sounds like a crazy fever dream. The first two episodes are supremely ridiculous parodies of a typical intro to a magical girl series. Protagonist Saki plays the straight man ina world of insanity, with hilarious well-timed reaction faces and her perfectly dumbfounded voice performance. Her mom already knows magical girls exist because she was one, contracted by the same scary yakuza guy who’s trying to sign on Saki. Even Saki's singing partner in their up incoming idol duo, Sakuyo, and their manager were totally chill with her magical girl transformation. Oh yeah, she transforms into a burly dude in a dress. Instead of using magic, she has to use her stick to beat the shit out of demons in bloody brawls complete with pixelated piles of bodies to censor the carnage. At first, it’s really funny to see how quickly everyone accepts her demon-fighting form as normal while she continues to freak out. This joke wears off as the show progresses, settling into a stable level of absurdity to give the story a chance to flesh out its characters. The show loves to make the joke of how much carnage magical girls would actually have to cause if they didn’t have flashy light effects, it comes up whenever Saki has to save everyday citizens from legions of fluffy demons. At the start of the show Saki has a typical fairy-like mascot flying around her while she dreams about becoming a magical girl and having her love interest Mohiro fawn over her; only to hilariously awoke to a ludicrous reality where her mascot is the mini yakuza guy floating around her and unable to even look at Mohiro without foaming at the mouth like your average horny harem protagonist dude. It’s not until both Saki and Sakuyo gain magical girl powers that they go from being total failures of aspiring idols (not one fan at their barren roadside concert) that they actually gain popularity. Seeing Saki’s offbeat singing pair with Sakuyo’s comparatively great performance is quite funny, especially when their manager bluntly criticizes how terrible she is. Thankfully the show gives him more screen time to become someone who’s actually likable, we understand why he’s so critical and wants to see them succeed by the end which makes the greatest development the series has to offer. Also, there’s a lot of singing in the first few episodes, the first sign that they’re stalling for a time due to the meager 12 chapter manga being adapted. The singing was good unless it’s intentionally off-key then it’s quite goofy, Mohiro and his idol partner Hyoue were shown performing the show’s great ed song on a tv behind the girl’s empty streetside performance. Perfectly showing how far they have to go to catch up to Saki’s love interest who’s also Sakuyo’s brother. Their relationship quickly becomes something like a love triangle with Saki in love with Mohiro, Sakuyo in love with Saki, and Mohiro in love with Saki’s manly form. It’s sometimes cute to see but also the show occasionally portrays Sakuyo’s gayness as a threat to Saki (there was even a bad rape joke with Saki in bed crying while Sakuyo in manly form looming over her with a cigar). However, like most jokes in the show as it appears more often with increasing stakes it gets better. By the end, she becomes less of a threat and balances out to someone who’s trying to actually protect who they care about. It’s not a good portrayal of a gay character, but at least it doesn’t actively prevent you from enjoying the comedy. Ore takes any chance it can get to poke fun at the magical girl genre, idols, and the anime industry. It points out all of the glaring troubles idols face like not being allowed to date, the age limit, the extreme contract guidelines, and how they have to meet and shake hands with anyone (oh god the condensed milk joke). Also, like any good absurdist comedy, it's surprising and does whatever it can to subvert your expectations to maintain your interest. Whether it be a joke playing out differently than you first anticipating, or even the story taking a direction as opposed to where it hinted it might go. The show also takes a whack at Kamen Rider the hero icon that was stomped out when Magical Girls became popular. The recurring character Ichigo Fujimoto is basically the embodiment of a modern Kamen Rider, living in a run-down apartment, having to make his costume out of trash, constantly being forgotten. He angrily scolds Saki for being one of those weak magical girls just annoyingly lingers around her from time to time. Like most of the supporting cast, he’s an entertaining digression from the main duo’s dynamic. It's clear that Mahou Shoujo Ore didn't have the highest budget. The animation is typically lacking, with lots of camera shaking and so-so background art, but typically they make the best out of what they have. Whenever characters are drawn with the simpler style they're always expressing some over-the-top emotion like a typical reaction face would, so it saves money and improves the jokes. There’s plenty of jokes on the meager animation budget too; a monster that turns the backgrounds black and white, the camera cutting to the 'nice boat' meme during bloody action scenes, most hilariously the art quality being lowered to toddler level for one of the conflicts, and how episode 5 is a riff on the animation studio producing the show. The episode-long digression the show takes to rag on Studio Pierrot is funny and well made, but it has practically nothing to do with the show! It handles the Godzilla plotline even better than its latest anime incarnation, the monster representing an animator who just wanted the latest episode of Mahou Shoujo Ore to be released on time. Even so, this episode came out of nowhere and didn't develop any part of the story or characters. There's a lot of downtime in this show, so much so that it makes you wonder why they didn't shorten it to 10 episodes. The Godzilla episode was totally unnecessary, the hot springs episode was literally one joke for 10 minutes, so much singing, and the 'anime original' idol duo is just a copy and paste of Saki and Sakuyo but with less development. For all the time that Mahou Shoujo Ore wastes, it's mostly good content, and even when it's stalling out the plot progression it's still watchable. Mahou Shoujo Ore knows the limits of its budget and makes an enjoyable time out of it. I wish the insanity from the first few episodes was more present in the rest of the show, but I feel like I will remember this series more for the time it gave to develop the characters. Rather than leaving them as the one-note stereotypes meant to riff on similar shows, it surprises you and makes you want to see what absurd situation they'll be put in next.
Mahou Shoujo Ore presents a synopsis so great one may argue the actual anime isn’t necessary, since it’s unlikely it will reach the absolute zaniness of its premise. And to be frank, parody anime as a whole is a tricky business: jokes being repeated to exhaustion, plots that refuse to go anywhere (when it can afford to have a proper plot to begin with) and characters who are just basic archetypes tend to be the ground rule, which means the number of parody anime that manages to be something more than a bunch of random gags stitched together is ridiculously small. Binan Koukou Chikyuu BoueibuLOVE!, which also tackles the mahou shoujo/magical girl genre, made great use of its clichés in its first season a few years ago, while others like Hatsukoi Monster aimed to obliterate shoujo conventions, but in the end turned out to be nothing sort of a nonsensical mess. Thankfully, Mahou Shoujo Ore delivers much more than a glorious synopsis. It suffers from some of the problems I’ve mentioned earlier, especially since the plot struggled a bit to fulfill a 12 episode run, but it still manages to stand on its own two (muscular) feet. In fact, it’s a pretty solid parody title, perhaps even finding its way into the classic mahou shoujo canon someday. Still, the road traveled wasn’t always the most pleasant: things were rocky not only for our protagonists, but also for the show’s audience. “Unpopular female idols transform into brawny men in miniskirts in order to fight cuddly but evil demons” is the main gimmick here and the basis for most of the jokes, with commentary on idol groups and the anime industry appearing every so often. The comedy hits more than it misses, but since humor is subjective, you may find yourself scratching your head more than chuckling on some episodes given how inconsistent the jokes are. The first two episodes (aired back to back when the anime first premiered) are among the best structured, perfectly introducing the plot while delivering some solid laughs. A good amount of the humor is presented on how the animation for both the action scenes and character expressions are made to be pretty crude and abrupt compared to your average flashy mahou shoujo anime. The girls’ mascot turning out to be a scary looking yakuza with a soft heart is the best example of this. There’s a good amount of references which range from well-placed to “what was even that”, but they don’t overstay their welcome and are usually over rather quick. Still, this may test the viewer’s patience as the episodes go by. Animation is pretty crisp, the main focus obviously being the attractive muscular men that protagonists Saki and Sakuyo turn themselves into, but the aforementioned character expressions are also a treat to watch. The way the show makes fun of itself when they deliver some bad animated sequences is hilarious on its own, but when you realize it’s the same studio that gave us the extremely rushed and poorly animated Tokyo Ghoul:re adaptation, the irony is just too funny. Episode 5 goes as far as comparing Studio Pierrot Plus with a Godzilla-esque creature, showing that the writers clearly don’t give a f*ck. The characters are something of a mixed bag. They hardly change from the first episode to the last end card, to be quite honest. Character progression is still present though, albeit quite faintly, but it feels like it was tossed on to make the plot move forward for the most part. Saki and Sakuyo are likable enough for this to not be a major problem, but I can’t say much for the rest of the cast, although they aren't necessarily bad. While Saki's mom goes on to have an episode just to focus on her retirement as a magical girl, other characters like the male idol duo STAR PRINCE is basically there as plot conveniences, and this sucks quite a bit considering one of their members is both Sakuyo’s older brother and Saki’s crush. Voice acting is on point, with solid performances from the whole cast, though personally I feel that Kouji Yusa was underused as Hyuoe, with his best contribution being the vocals to some of the songs present in the anime. The opening track was the most generic song I’ve heard all season, but maybe the show was spoofing how simple your average mahou shoujo song is (WE MUST GO DEEPER!). The ending song fares a bit better and was stuck in my head for a while, not going to lie. Much like its protagonists, Mahou Shoujo Ore’s trump card is its charisma, which shines through even when the pacing is flimsy or the jokes are lacking. This is because it’s evident that the writers are having the time of their lives coming up with these (seemly) random situations. Every episode had at least one thing that I liked, be small jokes on the contracts the characters had to sign or the satire of idol “meet and greet” events, it has something for both new and veteran anime fans. Even if the series pokes fun at nearly anything, at the same, it feels like a love letter to the anime industry, embracing all the good and bad aspects of the medium. The confusing, but ultimately rewarding fifth episode showcases that very well, resulting in an inspired, lunatic masterwork that matches shows such as Gintama and South Park at their best. Name another anime which aired this season that referenced/made fun of Pokemon Go, anime production issues, School Days and the United States of America (and not just as throwaway gags, as this all contributed to the plot) in the span of twenty minutes. Yeah, even if you’re Barack Obama, you can’t. I enjoyed the heck off of this show (even with all its faults), particularly since I watched it with a good friend, and we breezed through these 12 episodes together always wondering what the hell would happen next. As much as it is silly, Mahou Shoujo Ore manages to stay unpredictable and vibrant from beginning to end. At the end of its run, I’m left satisfied for the most part. It’s a little show that is oozing with ideas and social commentary, even if some of it does gets lost among repeated gags and slow pacing. It didn’t turn out to be Madoka Magika part 4… but then again, who REALLY needs another Madoka Magika title?!
Overall: Mahou Shoujo Ore is an anime that from the beginning until the end doesn't take itself seriously. I really don't really get the anime at all . Its like a big joke at all dialogues scenes are so cliche that in some way you probably feel you just watching any other anime but in the same time is totally bizarre the setting with jojo's mahou shoujo with dreamy fairy-yakuzas trying to become the idols that everyone want to be. It's a story about how Love can change someone and where ambitions can take someone. The episodes 5 and 10 are in totally diferente level of the othersi think in these two you can really grasp the meaning of deconstruction of the genre of mahou shoujo even madoka couldn't achieve that. The episode 12 Mahou Shoujo Watashi is when shit get real. The name WATASHI and all the meanings behind EVEN Evangelion doesn't have that much symbolism. Maybe the problems with the site don't give us the information but i really think Hideaki Ano and Hayao Myazaki worked in this masterpiece.The illustrations of Monokuma in the ending are really incredible. Maybe you'll like the anime just don't watch with big expectations.. Love POWER.
A parody of the popular magical girl genre. Was it good? Not exactly. Actually, this show had some opportunities for success. The concept of a girl turning into a guy in a magical girl parody show isn't that bad. However, they seem to lose focus a lot. There isn't a lot of creativity when generating the scenarios of the episodes. For a parody and comedy show, it falls short completely. I mean, I'll admit, there are some scenes that are funny, but overall, it's pretty bad. There's just a lot of "fluff" and actual action, believe it or not, among all the episodes. Plus, there'sa bunch of side characters that get entire arcs that are plain bad, like the mother arc, prisma arc, and the fujimoto arc. I just feel like the main cast isn't involved in those because the people making the show were running out of ideas what to write about. Honestly, if the episode scenarios weren't so bland, I think this show could have been very good. But instead, I just get some boring episodes. I mean, even the comedy isn't that bad. There are some good laughs out of those episodes, but the way the episodes turn out are just really predictable and mundane. You'd think a show focusing on comedy would have comedy, but I feel like there is more fighting than in an actual magical girl show. It doesn't focus on comedy, which is just a shame. Especially the ending, it tries to be comedic, but they really pushed it with the action. The characters aren't so bad, but Sakuyo is actually just hella boring. First of all, she only has a real personality when she transforms, and overall, there is practically nothing dedicated to her, other than the backstory we get. She's one of the main characters, come on. Do something with her, rather than just having her as an add on to Saki. However, most characters aren't bad. They just don't get much of a time to shine, since the plot is so boring. Unfortunately, poor storytelling does none of the characters justice, and this anime would be lifted much higher, if it only had better episode layouts.
Many anime try to adapt or subvert the genre they exist in. Whether a show is a slice of life or a shonen series, they want to be different from the rest. To stand out. Sometimes, the anime goes as far as to make fun of the genre they exist in. Creating a meta sort of show. Magical Girl Ore is a satire of the magical girl genre. Magical Girl Ore is about a startup idol named Saki partnered with her best friend Sakuyo. Although Saki isn’t very good at singing or dancing, she is determined to become closer to her love, and Sakuyo’s brother,Mohiro, who is a successful male idol. One day, Saki finds out that her mother is a magical girl and she meets her yakuza looking contractor fairy. The same day, her love Mohiro gets kidnapped by buff but cute demons, and Saki makes a contract to become a magical girl. Although, a young girls body won’t do when trying to defeat demons. So instead, powered by her love for Mohiro, transforms into her magical girl form, which is a huge muscular manly man. Along the way, Sakuyo also becomes a magical girl. Their manager, a magical girl fanatic, sees their transformation and decides to make them into an idol unit. Magical Girl Ore was pretty hype this anime season. Described as a fantasy, comedy, magic show. People were reasonably surprised at the manly early JoJo-esque man that seemed to be crossdressing as a magical girl, the show. During the first couple episodes, I saw that this show was poking fun at itself. It was a self aware parody that didn’t take itself seriously. Aside from the obvious genderbended magical girls, the show goes into the classic running with toast in mouth, the fact that they don’t really use magic items and use various weapons to bludgeon the demons to death. It's a subversion in every sense of the word. It gets wilder from there. The animation is average, but the art is both similar but very distinctive to other magical girl shows. The music also mimics what’s normally in these types of shows. This is also the case with Saki’s personality, but that’s as far as that goes. Sakuyo’s deeply in love with her that borders on stalking. Their manager is a magical girl fanatic and legitimate fanboy. The yakuza fairy is meant to be one of the trademark mascots of these types of shows, even with his gruff exterior. I would recommend this show to those who already know some things about the magical girl genre. All to better laugh when this show takes it in a different direction. Despite that, there’s a reason to watch it just because of its comedy. I give this show a 7 out of 10. This has been PixEFit’s spoiler free, but not really review on Magical Girl Ore.
Deconstructions and subversions of magical girl anime have been popular for quite a few years, and while most have tended to skew darker to try to explore the horrifying realities of what it may be like to be a magical girl, Magical Girl Ore sets out to do the exact opposite, by cranking up the ridiculousness to its absolute maximum. More closely resembling zany classics like Excel Saga than Madoka Magica, fans of any genre of anime will likely find something to laugh at. This isn't to say that fans of classic magical girls won't find enjoyment in it, too, however. There's plenty to love,from a wide cast of amusing characters to fun music and competent animation. The staples of the magical girl genre are parodied and then some, with just as many jokes often falling into poking fun at typical anime tropes. Sentai? Godzilla? It's all there. And more importantly, it's all funny. The plot, while terribly predictable, holds up well thanks to the humorous slant on everything that happens. The attempts at suspense are almost embarrassing, but do little to dampen one's enjoyment. The sincerity the characters show between slapstick and gags can be surprisingly genuine as well, with the climax managing to be downright touching. Some episodes in the middle may fail to hold up to scrutiny, and the quality dips occasionally with what can feel like filler episodes, but the strong opening and satisfying close make them worth the watch nonetheless. It may not be perfect, but what Magical Girl Ore tries to do, it does with aplomb.
Hehe, this anime was honestly a truly weird one. It's a major cringefest from start to end. The main idea here is moronic characters, being fairly self-aware and the surrealistic setting. It pokes fun at the standard mahou shoujo stuff with girls who transform into macho men and beat things bloody with physical items or fists. I mean, it's pretty much what you'd get when you think "what if we took the standard mahou shoujo trope and reversed pretty much everything to the complete opposite?". So, instead of cute girls, we have macho men, instead of cute mascots, we have creepy yakuza-like mascots, instead ofmagical beams and magic wands, we have wands made for physical lashing, instead of the pretty fluffy way enemies are supposed to be defeated in, we get a lot of blood and censored bodies, instead of ugly, warped monsters, we have cute mascot-like demons/monsters. Well, you get the idea. So, it's all kind of flipped around and that's the thing this show is going for, having little to no other interesting parts about it. It was fairly amusing, but giving it more than a 6 is honestly impossible, especially as I was getting more and more bored towards the end(not to mention that even after a few episodes around the middle, there was already an episode or two that I just wanted to end already while I watched it, might've been complete filler episodes though). It relies on surrealism and breaking conventions to the point where once you get used to it, it's just kind of boring. The jokes themselves aren't really that creative or good, it's just a wacky comedy that would've done better with twelve ten minute episodes(since the manga is just 12 chapters, that would've truly been a much better way to do things). Twelve full length episodes from 12 fairly average in length chapters... There's a lot of fillers to go around. Yeah, reading the manga might be a better experience, could probably read it all in an hour easily instead of wasting a bit more than four hours on watching this thing, sadly it's not completely translated. Well, that's what this show is about. Oh, I kind of found the love/romance part to be annoying, might as well mention that as well. "Love power" is the power source of these girls(surprise, surprise), so all of them have to love someone a lot to be able to transform. This gives us a situation where everyone is in love with someone else. What this author decided to do was to, probably for the sake of comedy, make all of them fall in love with someone who doesn't love them. Kind of like, this girl loves that guy, that guy loves/likes a transformed magical girl and then we have magical girls loving other magical girls. The author made it like this for the sake of comedy but this means none of them actually end up together or has any chance to, it ends up feeling a bit tragic. By the end, we still have no relationships whatsoever going on and it feels somewhat lackluster and disappointing. There's also a lot of plot holes present, which can be frustrating to some people even if they didn't watch it for any story or plot. At least I wish they would've told us a bit more about certain characters who were just skipped over after making a big entry as if they were important, like fujimoto the self-proclaimed cyborg. What was even up with that guy? The author got us interested in his backstory and then just completely stopped using him, urgh. So, 6/10 is me being generous because it was fairly amusing despite the many flaws. Good enough to watch when you desperately want something to waste your time with.
If i could give 0 start i would do it. I feel like i wasted hours of life watching this... thing. Why? do you ask. Well, lemme start from the beginning. At first, you will be tricked into having some kind of interest about the story, which starts to die after the 3rd episode. This thing (it won't have the honor to be called an anime) tries to make fun of magical girl genre. Yes, i said "tries", because can't make a fun joke without taking it to the weirdest points, in a bad way. Do you like gore? Then lemme put a "gore" scene, but i'll takethe image AND censor a random blob of BLUE??? to make fun of it. You're telling me that you like yaoi huh? Well, lemme force in the most unconfortable way possible a love story between a man that can't even stand up straight, and a weird parody of a jojo without brain. Oh, you don't like yaoi, but yuri? We also have something for you!! Here, take a forced love triangle built with fake illusions, hundreds of regrections jokes and unconfortable scenarios trying to make fun of it. This thing took all anime genres that was able to fit on it's 12 eps and smashed them with it's ass, then puked over it and threw it onto the w.c Please DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME, like my stupid self did. Now i have to order a new brain because i felt it dying while watching this thing.
This was... an anime. There is honestly nothing to say about this anime, I can't comment on it, because I'm not sure the maker could explain what happens in this anime, but I'll try. The idea is that Saki, a 15 year old, is a (not very good) idol and (really really bad) singer trying to make it big to impress her can kinda not really talk childhood friend Mohiro, with her gay for her regardless of gender friend, Sakuyo. One day, she gets an offer by a Yakuza looking fairy to become a magical girl, and she takes it, turning her into... a man.Thus, she becomes, Magical Girl Ore! And with her new found masculinity, she must protect Mohiro from the demon teddy bears from Hell (yeah, I can't make this up), before being joined by her somehow even more gay when transformed Childhood Friend, Sakuyo, they must find out what the demons want and how to stop them before Mohiro gets dragged to hell. This anime is stupid, like really stupid, but it's also super self-aware and a crazy deconstruction of Magical Girl anime, making fun of every trope in the most over the top way possible. As for how good the anime is, well, it's not an anime you can take seriously, but you aren't meant to, it's nothing but stupid fun, and if you like that, then it's good. Nothing really stands out from it, but if you like stupid things, then this is probably your kind of show.
Not gonna lie; this show was hard to get through. I cannot remember when I began it, but it took me about a year to watch all 12 episodes because I simply did not find joy in it after the first three. That is to say, certain parts of it are very funny; however, the same joke or punchline can only be done so many times before it is not funny anymore. I tried my hardest to watch it, but throughout the majority of it, my mind kept getting distracted, and I would pause an episode for 3 hours just to go on TikTokbecause I could not get entertained. The men are hot, do not get me wrong, but something about this show and its pacing just really did not do it for me.
Magical Girl Ore is one of the strangest anime I've seen in some time. Not quite as strange as something like To Be Hero, but definitely up there. I'm not going to reiterate the synopsis of the show, but this is essentially a satire of the magical girl genre. You got cute girls turning into burly magical men and demons that look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. Already sounds odd and hilarious right? But it goes deeper than that: enemies that disrupt animation, Godzilla(?), sauna competition, using the magical girl rod to literally beat enemies to a pulp, Yakuza fairies.... the list goes on. For me theshow was a mixed bag. Ya, it's funny with the gender bending magical girls, but the novelty got old for me about halfway through. The show in my opinion was best when it was completely random and off the wall (my favorite episode was the Godzilla episode). It was trying to make fun of a lot of magical girl and idol tropes, but it also felt like it didn't always succeed in its delivery. It felt pretty repetitive at times and in some ways it fell victim to some of the tropes it was trying to make fun of. It didn't take itself seriously, which is the point, but it also didn't take its comedy too seriously which left this show feeling dry. Just because you're using overused tropes and showing how boring and stupid they can be doesn't mean it's any easier to watch if it's not executed well. I felt like this show should have really amped up the satire and comedy and make it even more crazy and out of nowhere. During the Godzilla episode I was wondering what the hell I was watching, but it was absolutely hilarious, I was dying during that episode. I wish there was more of that. Most of the time though the comedy felt flat and some times it was excruciating to watch because of how boring it'd get. But at random points in the show it'd throw a curve ball at you that'd keep me entertained just enough until the next curve ball came. But overall I didn't feel too satisfied once I reached the end. In terms of satire, ludicrousness, and comedy, I was let down, this is definitely no Space Patrol Luluco. For the characters, they're not much to write home about. They fulfill their roles fine for the show, nothing much more to say about them. The MC is about what you'd expect out of a magical girl MC, but it's different since she turns into a muscular man which makes it kind of funny (some of those camera angles though lmao, there's definitely manservice in this show). There's a complicated love triangle that's kind of assuming and some of the side characters are funny too, but are mainly pretty forgettable. The art and animation is pretty average, not much to say here. The episodes with the intentionally bad animation was pretty funny though. To sum it up, I wouldn't really recommend this show to anyone unless you're just dying to watch some macho men in magical girl outfits with some crazy antics and a lot of pokes at the magical girl genre. In terms of comedy, there's not a lot of great material here and the delivery was hit and miss, even for some of the better episodes (Godzilla episode was great though). This was an interesting experiment that seemed like it was a lot of fun to make, but in a lot of ways I feel like it fell felt and didn't have much else to offer besides its main selling point: burly men in magical girl outfits. But maybe, that's all it ever wanted to be.
This is an anime that never takes itself seriously and is amazingly whacky I freaking love it and the straight out gayness is also a freaking added bonus!!! Altho it's a bit sad they all got friendzoned it is mainly a comedy anime so nyeh I really died laughing at the rival bit and the drawing...!! Beautiful, plot is truly ???? And I'm all here for it 100/100 need more of this mostly wholesome chaotic energy in my life roflmao I actually cannot wait for a sequel lol the manager will definitely get replaced in the demon world and someone will send someone new andthe magical girls will have their hands full haha! ...also a uh - acknowledgement of who the magical girls were at the end then by princess peach would've been neat but dude is oblivious as so it's all in character lolll Wished the manager and Saki's mom interacted with each other!!! Hella similar lol ...I really do hope we get a chance to see the characters' feelings and relationships with each other get further screen time and development tho!!!