"Period" is how magic users called who beat "Spiral"—monsters that were summoned from isolation. Due to the rise of these beings, 14-year-old apprentice Period Haru, who is a part of the Eighth Arc-end Division, is called to break the cycle and cast himself into the endless battle. However, a mysterious thievery occurred and sank the division into bankruptcy, forcing Haru and his other comrades have to leave their headquarters. To rebuild a branch, they have to overcome quest after quest. (Source: MAL News)
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Recently gacha mobile games have been taking up more of the video game landscape. With more gacha games being released each year and many of them getting their own anime, it should be expected that a show like Last Period would come along and decide to parody the whole system. What is more surprising is how well the show is able to do that. While there are a lot of gacha jokes that could be made, after all the system and its likeness to gambling make it an easy target of parody and jokes. Just look at any gacha board's subreddit and you will bedrowning in memes about the low return on value for spending their precious currency in order to get 1 star common trash unit. And while Last Period has those jokes, it actually has so much more than just that. The comedy is on point, and is done extremely well. Jokes are taken for all they're worth, but aren't over-utilized like with some other comedy shows. While Konosuba is hilarious most of its jokes end up around the same material. Last Period is able to cover a lot of different material with its jokes and finds numerous material to make fun of. Whether it be the tendency for gacha to have special units to increase the chance of players opening their wallets, or whether it be the fact that many NPCs are not distinguishable from each other, Last Period has a lot of jokes that are not overused. I also must admit that Last Period's humor style very much aligns with mine. There is a underlying silliness and stupidity to it that I very much enjoy. For example, the mayors of the villages they go to all have a pun gimmick that they use based off of the name of their town. And while that is already fun, the show likes to go the extra mile by willing it into existence no matter how weak those puns may be. So while one mayor will have their pun game on lock, another will be forcing a poor choice of words into the sentence, which I personally find quite humorous. And even with all of that, that's not all to their humor. There are also references, and not just light references but rather references where they go all in and continually make more and more references to the material they're referencing getting funnier with each reference that they fit into the work. While references are not uncommon I do like Last Period's style where rather than make a ton of references they make one or two but make so many to that one material and have it build on that throughout the episode. The characters of Last Period aren't special but they do a great job of being likeable and working for the comedy that it's going for. At large the characters are all pretty dumb and silly, just like the show. They're perfectly set up to not notice the obvious and to make themselves go down the wrong path. In a sense they are a cast of lovable losers. They may not be smart or skilled but they're fun to watch. Meme girl in particular is fun with her fourth wall breaking self. Her deadpan when blasting the show for it's weak jokes is fantastic. I personally love it when comedy shows joke about themselves. It's so much fun to see the characters of a work continually diss the work that they're in. It's a common trick of Pearls Before Swines, and is a big reason why that is my favorite comic strip. There is also a nice relation between the heroes and their rivals Wiseman. While the two are natural rivals and try to out do each other. It isn't one of hate or malice but rather a friendly one. They do show concern over each other when things go south. But what really helps with these characters are their fantastic character designs. Every single one of the characters is adorable and they look so dang good. Some of the best parts of gachas are the character designs that they create in order to get people into the game. And to have those on display here in animated form with actual personalities given to them is something I very much enjoy. It's like the best part of the gacha without having to roll for the gacha. It also helps that JC Staff does a great job with its art. While JC Staff may not be the best animating studio, it's art is always filled with effort and looks very pleasing. The animation isn't the best although when the situation demands it the animation chops are brought out and some fantastic scenes are brought out onto the screen. Last Period is pretty much everything I want from a comedy. Top tier jokes. An atmosphere of fun and silliness. Great character designs. Characters who have just enough to stand on their own. While it may not have the depth I love to get I do think it has its own moments and that does a good job of making those characters root-able and likeable. And considering how well it does its comedy I don't have an issue that it focuses on that. Considering the time of the gacha is now, it's quite well timed, and I completely get the experiences that they go through as I go through my own struggles with gacha games. Getting that experience down pat while also bring in the laughs makes this one of the best comedy anime I have watched, and my personal pick for anime of the season.
[Disclaimer: This review was originally posted on May 4, 2018, after four episodes had aired. It has been deleted and then re-uploaded so that it doesn't get buried as a preliminary. However, no major changes were made to the review, as Last Period was consistent throughout its run, so no new points needed to be made.] If you’re ever unsure about watching something because it’s unpopular and has a low MAL score, here’s my suggestion: you should take one of your hands and quickly slap yourself in the face with it. Repeat this action until you have it burned into you that this is not agood way to judge anime. But, skepticism is always welcome, so if you’re just here to gauge opinions, here’s one: Last Period is one of the best anime of the season, as someone who tends to be a pretty big fan of comedies. I even thought Aho-Girl was funny, but maybe that was just me relating to cataclysmic autism. If you’re one of the many who love KonoSuba, or one of the few who watched Mahoujin Guru-Guru, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t like this one too. Is it as good as either of them? In ways, no, but that’s not exactly the point. The point is, it’s very much like those anime: a comedic adventure with lots of RPG elements, weird and quirky side characters, and the occasional meta joke. Last Period has more of an emphasis on meta jokes. One of the main characters, Choco, is acutely aware of being in a late-night TV anime that probably sucks dick according to normal standards, and takes pot shots at it with no mercy. (“Cramming money jokes into a guy’s dialogue is lazy writing.”) She is literally referred to as “Meme Girl” by one of the other characters at one point. Lots of it is clearly obvious for the sake of the anime being more fun, but there are some more subtle jokes as well, such as gachas being complete bullshit. Also, the Higurashi characters make a cameo. No, really. It’s clearly an anime that just wants to have fun with itself and doesn’t really try to impress with any sort of plot or character development. And that’s completely fine, because it comes with a lot of heart. There’s a Team Rocket knockoff called Wiseman: a trio of girls with a talking mascot, who questionably serve as the recurring villains of the series. They show up, cause some hijinks, and suddenly leave without really doing anything. There’s not much of an explanation or reason for them to exist, but there’s something genuine and nice about how playful their personalities are--even if you can combine them all as one character (which is kinda the point). I can’t exactly sell you the character of Wiseman in the form of a written review; in fact, I can’t really sell any character in this anime because none of them have particularly strong personalities by themselves--with the exception of Choco, whose presence is almost always some sort of oddity due to her constant deadpan look and repeated memespouting. That doesn’t mean they’re bad characters, because they work perfectly well in this series. What they lack in development, they make up for in charisma. They bounce dialogue off each other well, everyone has their own quick, witty comments to make; they don’t feel awkward or dull despite their lack of depth, which is why I say they work for the anime itself. It also helps that the character designs are super strong--like, good god does this anime have some gorgeous women. It’s about an average J.C. Staff production, so it’s not spectacular, but they maintain a respectable level of quality. Said character designs remain crisp and well-made, similar to Amanchu and also Shokugeki before it turned into a grade school powerpoint. It also features some pretty cute monsters that look like Pokemon. Also the anime has music and voice acting so 7/10 sound please click helpful on my review. The ED is really, really good though because Wiseman sings (sing?) it and the one with the glasses is hotter than two fire ants fucking in a desert. IDK where I was going with this paragraph or this review because I fell asleep while writing it and don’t care anymore but it needs to be posted because I saw that Last Period was getting shit on for no reason and felt the need to give my objectively subjective opinion on why everyone but me is wrong. It’s a good show. Story - 7/10 Animation 7/10 Sound - 7/10 Character - 7/10 Enjoyment - 9/10 Memes - Unyu/10 Overall - 7.75/10 (Range: 7.0 - 8.75) Favorite character - Meme Girl Favorite episode - idk, that one with the smartphone was some real Twilight Zone shit tho Recommendation level - Medium-high
Sugar. Spice. And everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls. But Professor Nippon accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction... Back full of dicks. Thus the Powerpuff Traps were born. Using their ultra-supergayness, Choco, Haru, Gajeru and Liza have dedicated their lives to fighting crime and the forces of evil. When I started watching Last Period, I thought it was farts. I was constantly memeing how it's a show about girls who won't even have their firsts (because they have pee-pees) and whatnot. After some 5 episodes, I changed my mind. This show is the Japanese Adventure Time, andquite funny too. From it's core, Last Period is a parody towards J-RPG games/cliches. If you don't know what J-RPG is, it is basically an RPG game, but made for Japanese audience exclusively and sucks ass. The great part about this show is that if you are like me, a person who hates J-RPG's for the given reason, you will love this show because it mocks them and it mocks them hard. However, if you love J-RPG's despite them being as given, you will/might still love this show because the show is exactly the same thing but actually funny and you don't have to grind 700 hours just to get a piece of gear you don't need. Basically, if you welcome self-irony, there is a great chance that you will enjoy it like I did. The humor of this show is a hit and miss. The first 2 episodes mainly annoyed me. There was one funny scene where some f-king thing crawled out from RNG character creation box, it had animal ears and most likely at least 20 words would have been needed to get a gasp of its gender identity. The way our main characters reacted to this character was priceless and nearly the same as my own reaction which made me laugh louder than I ever expected from this show. The whole series is full of scenes like these which may or may not do it for you. I found some things rather unnecessary, like the Team Rocket, but even they managed to make me smile couple of times. The sounds are great for the reason that - unlike in Xillia - they do not play the same battle OST for 50 hours straight in every single scene. Production wise, Last Period is practically J.C.Staff's version of KonoSuba. Some of the animation and reaction faces are purposely bad in hopes of adding to the comedy. The more you pay attention to it, the better it works. Smart choices have been made. When it comes to enjoyment, I don't like to think that something can be so bad that it is good. This series is successful at what it does, and that's pretty much all it had to be.
Last Period is J.C.Staff's take on Konosuba with the gacha-like "Happy Elements" elementary skills that are sprinkled in for some insane kind of fun. And therefore, it's not surprising that many game adaptations bear close resemblance to the actual games that they come from, but few come close in between, and this is a good derivative. The first thing that is noticed with gacha game adaptations will be the monotone characters and the same settings (albeit with a background or sprite hack of the same thing, e.g. just look at the same mayor with different personalities alike)...at least in theory. The characters are really nothing special, whilstthey do have their traits, and TL;DR, they are unique into serving their roles while providing some comedy in their adventures across the world that they reside in. Yes, they can be dumb and indecisive at times, but that's what bonds them together as a team, unwavering at the challenges on their way. And to the forefront, the memes carried out here (especially by Choco) are literally the fourth-wall breaking jokes that resonate with us when the show comes to pivotal points that doesn't click but able to join amongst the monotonous dialogue. As expected of J.C.Staff, I have no idea why they decided to helm this project, probably because the final product wouldn't look any better...but what a heck of a job they have done here. The bright, colourful and artistic elements play well here and I have to say, this doesn't contend with the quality that they have done for shows in the past, but it still shines here. And the music...one good, one bad, nah no kidding, they are both good. The OP by Haru and Choco is just plain easy and delightful enough to keep listening to (for at least an hour or 2 on end) while the ED by Wiseman really fleshes out the crew and its wackiness. Last Period is a decent but good comedy that flew under the radar for some reason. So unless you could care about repeating lines and comedy, gag jokes that just gloss over without you realizing that it is, this show is really hard to recommend. If all you ever want is light-hearted comedy that binds well to the overall setting, check this one out.
Overall, I gave this anime an 8/10. Contrary to many of the reviews giving a low rank to Last Period, I personally think quite a bit of thought went into the plot and gimmicks throughout the show. It genuinely did surprise me, because it is not the kind of humour I usually find in anime. It's been compared favourably to Konosuba, but I think the humour is entirely different. Konosuba's humour is character-driven. Here, the humour arises from puns and by characters breaking the 4th wall. For example, at one point they were referencing the Iphone v Android debate. Likewise, the show put in alot of effort into world-building and in changing the narrative style of the show. For example, in episode 5 they presented the whole show as a documentary. In episode 10 they attempted to make the characters self aware of the dating and clicker games they are a part of. It's fun, but it can kind of feel silly if the show takes itself too seriously, as it did in the last episode. The show works best when the characters are swept along by the cliches we have come to expect of the genre. The major failing for this anime is that it has no sense of justice and does not feel complete. Characters behave horribly and put other people in danger and are seemingly forgiven by the end of the episode. The MCs just sigh and move on. Likewise, the major reason for the entire season i.e. the guild's treasure getting stolen, stands on shaky ground. Personally, when the explanation is finally given, I did not find it sufficiently convincing. We are never even introduced to the higher ups who put the MCs in this predicament. I think this show could have gone a bit further in delivering justice, while still keeping the light-hearted isekai charm. Nichijou, for example, can get quite violent, usually against Yuuko, but we generally accept that this is karma and move on with a laugh. This show can get quite frustrating to watch, as characters we are lead to empathize with are put in dangerous situations with the culprits getting away scot-free. Episode 10, while brilliant, did not receive a proper ending in my opinion, which was a bit disappointing. The character designs are cute enough, and the world is well animated, but the music leaves a lot to be desired. There is nothing as striking as Konosuba's soundtrack here. Generally, if you are a fan of self-aware comedy shows like The Office or Parks and Rec, and you play mobile games: You may like this.
I cannot possibly bring myself to rate this at higher than 4/10 after thinking through all the good and bad parts of this show. I feel like the overall rating of this show should be around a point lower than it is now, it doesn't deserve even a 6.61/10 score. This thing is just so damn insipid. It's seemingly supposed to make fun of, or otherwise show, jrpg mechanics and I do recognize all the jokes where it tries to be funny since I've played my fair share of games, I just don't find them to be that amusing. There were a few funny parts hereand there, but most of the time I just find it to be a miracle that I even managed to sit through all 12 episodes. Some episodes had to be put on twice the speed just to get done sooner, that's how bad it was sometimes. Here we have a boring cast of characters and most of them just makes me cringe, hard. Especially the "wisemen" which is kind of like a team rocket who wins more, but they're seriously incompetent and stupid, yet so are the main character&company, so I guess they make a good fit for eachother. That doesn't change the fact that they're annoying and just gets in the way by always repeating the same scenario where they arrive to steal the request the mc&company was going to do, yet they're utterly worthless and just has a chance because they can summon super strong people randomly, it would've been more interesting if they did something with their own powers instead. Then we have the "boss" character that is playing around as both the leader of the wisemen and the leader of the main character&company. It's just that I see no reason for her to do so and it's just boring, not even when it's kinda explained a little around episode 12, it makes no sense whatsoever, being utterly moronic. This anime had the POTENTIAL to be hilarious, but the subpar, tasteless jokes and overall irritating characters and "plot points" make sure that it's anything but. The "story" or whatever we should call it is just so lacking and it's easy to see that the creators made no effort with it. I mean, look at this one episode where they won a lot of money, somehow two of the main team becomes even more retarded than usual and starts to act like newly rich morons while pretending to be all high and mighty, holding a contest of wealth and ultimately having their servants or similar run away with all their money, even the main headquarters has everyone they hired/employed steal their money too, so they're back to the run-down shithole... AGAIN, since this happened at the start of the anime as well. Even the one who didn't partake in the whole thing, the mc, was robbed of all his wealth, I mean come on? These people aren't just retarded, they're brain dead and not in a funny way, it's just frustrating and boring to see such morons, cringeworthy is the only thing I can describe it with. Sigh, really. It doesn't help that the subtitles are kind of half-arsed, freely edited and making their own jokes that they think are "funny". Especially the copy-paste mayors/village elders which ends their sentences weirdly usually have subtitles completely different from what they're actually saying. I'm all for translators that change things slightly to flow better as long as the original meaning is still there as that is what a good translator should do at times, but changing something completely and inserting their own jokes? Do these guys know what a freaking translator is? In the end, I kind of liked the setting of this anime, it's just that it's so badly done with dry jokes and borderline obnoxious characters along with cringeworthy events that I barely managed to watch through it. Just a few episodes were actually worth watching, maybe around three episodes. The story is a 1/10, the art is a 7/10(pretty good), the sound is a 6/10, the characters are a 2/10 and my enjoyment is at most a 4/10, so I'll just give it a 4/10 overall. At certain episodes, it can spike to 7 or even 8/10 and be quite enjoyable(such as episode 10 where they somehow end up in different mobile games from their original one, that was relatively interesting, absolutely not funnier than the other episodes, just more interesting, though it ended with an episode reset, that is, the different mobile game world thing was never solved and instead just ended with the episode as if it never happened), but other than those it's not worth watching. This anime would've done better as as 10 minute episodes with a higher pace, actually, I recommend watching the entire thing at 2x the speed! That way, it's more bearable and isn't as much of a chore to watch. Trust me, you'll miss absolutely none of the entertainment this way and it won't degrade the anime in anyway, it'll just improve it. In the end, I guess that this anime is made for teenagers or children alone. People with low standards for humor and who doesn't think about stuff while watching, just absorbing it like the empty sponges they are. People who actually think that ending a sentence weirdly or characters being absolute morons for no reason whatsoever to the point where you wonder if their brains are truly seriously damaged is the most hilarious shit they've ever seen and not just tired, dry crap that they've seen a million times before and nowadays is just annoying. If I watched this when I was 10-15, I might've found this to be a good laugh trip, but at 23 after going through thousands of manga, novels and anime, it's just garbage. I wish I could go back to the time when I was able to enjoy anything and everything, even subpar shoujo manga I found in the library that I now almost faint and foam at the mouth after trying to read a single chapter of. So, take my review with a grain of salt, if you're younger or haven't gone through that many anime/manga/novels, you might actually find this to be good enough for a 7-8/10 score.
What KonoSuba parodied with the isekai genre, Last Period does for the mobile game adaptation genre! Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari is one and ONLY comedy anime LA watched during the current Spring 2018 and to be honest LA really didn't expect this from Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari and it delivered in the comedy genre in spades! Because of how much LA has been playing mobile games from Fire Emblem Heroes, Fate Grand Order, Deresute, Mirishita, Symphogear XD Unlimited, Kirara Fantasia and even Shinobi Master Senran Kagura New Link (no seriously), LA knows the struggles of being F2P player and Last Period: Owarinaki Rasenno Monogatari takes the concepts for getting 5 Stars and toys with that as well as the many concepts that mobile gaming has given us in the process of it, from collaborations (from both sides, from collaborations from other sources coming into Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari like hmm HIGURASHI, to the reverse where Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari's characters gets featured in other mobile games like Ensemble Stars & Girls), how in-game rich or how many in-game currencies the main characters can reflect real life whales and this one actually has a major plotline later on! Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari KNOWS the mobile gaming market and really likes to play around with these concepts and DOES IT WELL, let's not even get to how meta the anime is about itself being a mobile game adaptation with the resident Meme Girl Choco. On speaking of which, the characters themselves, well the cast for the most part gets some level of development, but LA thinks Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari's character development in general is moderately decent at best, from the main "Last Periods" of Haru voiced by Natsuki Hanae, the typical nice guy but gets addicted to "pulling" of "calling" and for LA is the typical dense character but with the heart of gold, Gajeru voiced by Ayumu Murase, the brawler of the group but is a huge idol fan of Sapphire fan..and that's about from him, the two more funny and comedic characters comes from Liza voiced by Mika Kikiuchi, an ice mage who always questions and snarks when things gets crazy but is kinda the minder to the entire group but leveraging the strictness is Choco voiced by Yukari Tamura a meta-meme character that seems like she's self-aware she's in a mobile game anime adaptation and really most of her lines and dialogue is either snarking the situation she's in or breaking the fourth wall every chance she gets. Easily LA liked Liza and Choco because of this, the only other characters to really of note are Wiseman, a trio of characters always wanting to steal jobs away from Haru and his group and is the basis of the plot, though individually the trio doesn't really get development they are more or less reactionary characters with some level of development as a group and their camaraderie. The ONLY character to get something a full development arc is Wiseman's Call Girl Luluna voiced by Rui Tanabe, where it involves as to why she ALWAYS gets 5 Star characters when Wiseman calls. In the character department as much as it's mixed in terms of development, Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari's comedic nature pulled through even with the decent amount of character development it had. In terms of animation, JC Staff did a pretty great job in reflecting the style of the game itself, with decent character designs to ok backgrounding. Nonetheless the animation style was trying to emulate the game itself and with that LA almost felt like LA was in Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari's world. JC Staff did great in terms of animation and LA will at least applaud that the animation was consistent throughout. Voice acting...well does LA even need to say?, Yuukari Tamura bringing in all the snark to Ai Kakuma, Mika Kikuichi, Ai Kayano, Akari Kito, Sayaka Harada and Shiori Izawa and M.A.O in all this? Ohh let's even get to fact of since how meta Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari is that Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari makes lots of jokes or callbacks...hehe CALLbacks to some of the voice cast. the easiest and most memorable would be Yukari Tamura voicing the meta-girl Choco BUT also reprising her role as Rika Furuda from Higurashi Nipah~! Unyu, others like Wiseman's voice cast of Sayaka Harada, Akari Kito and Ayumi Mano all being in rookie seiyuu's being referenced, LA loves it when anime makes meta-jokes about their voice cast and uses them as playful jokes and Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari executed this perfectly!...ohh and MVP goes to Yukari Tamura because of her nailing so many one-lliners and quite honestly she was the funniest character in the anime. LA had been gushing about the elements of the anime that LA kinda forgotten about the plot itself well LA, LA had talked about the basis of the plot, Haru's group takes on jobs due to their Branch office getting bankrupt thus with them having to start from the bottom they take on quests to earn zel (Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari's money currency, moonstones being the "call" currency by the way)) for their Branch Office, from the quests however is where Wiseman comes in to try and steal their quests from them, this is almost the basis of every episode but it's what Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari does with it that it's repetitiveness doesn't get worn down and heck, later on we focus on the only character LA forgotten to mention the Secretary of the Branch Office where Haru works Campanella voiced by M.A.O focuses on her and the aforementioned Luluna. Repetitiveness in the plot is fine as long as you can change things up enough that the episodes don't feel samey and Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari did this well enough. Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari has a simple message by the end of the day and it's all about luck of you getting a 5 Star and you needing not get salty about it and believe you me, LA feels THAT ALOT of the time, but with having good or bad luck that it all goes down friendship that Haru has in spades (though his greed much like all mobile gaming gacha players suffers from) and by extension being grateful to the "pulls" you get be it 5 Stars or a 1 Star...errrrrr 1 Star is pushing it...3 Stars? but you get the point. All in all Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari was something LA NEEDED considering LA's track record of playing mobile games and Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari KNOWING the ins and outs of the mobile gaming gacha and playing around with it and executing the comedy and the meta of it to great effect, sure the characters especially the main cast gets little development and Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari focuses on it's comedy and "world building" but Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari's comedy vouches for the little character development in general it has. In this respects like LA looks at ALL mobile game adaptations, did LA look into Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari's game itself?..HECK you could tell by this review that LA played the game and LA has kept playing it even after the anime finished and for a mobile game LA had not even looked at or even existed, Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari's anime adaptation DID it's job in advertising Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari to us all the while making fun of the mobile gaming gacha market in the process.
Considering this came out around the time I got heavily invested into Fate/Grand Order, an anime about a JP gacha game was very fitting. Doesn’t exactly make it a good anime though. I was never that big of a fan of referential humor. If you play gacha games, you’ll understand most of the references and jokes. Whether or not you’ll find that funny is another thing. I understood the references, but it was ultimately something I’d just say “Yeah, I get that” and move on without giving it any extra thought. There were probably about 2-3 episodes that I truly found myself enjoying. Most ofthe humor didn’t hit for me and the episodes that weren’t anime/gacha references were absolutely boring to sit through. The main cast were all completely forgettable outside of Choco. She’s the type of character who basically knows she’s in an anime based off of a mobile game, so her 4th wall breaking meta humor was enjoyable. The other 3 really don’t bring anything to the anime at all. However, Last Period makes up for it by having AMAZING side characters. Particularly the group called Wiseman. They serve as the main group’s rivals/antagonists, but they bring so much life and enjoyment to an otherwise below average anime. They were over the top, ridiculous, had great character designs, personalities, and were just fun to see. Hell, even the ED of the anime was their very own theme song sung by the three members of Wiseman. They made the anime worth continuing each week just to see their antics. Ultimately, they can only improve the anime so much. It’s still an average anime that really isn’t worth sitting through unless you’re a diehard gacha fan. You’re not missing out on much.