Despair War is a battle between ancient guns and contemporary guns. Due to a nuclear war, the world was destroyed. Under the full governance of a world empire, people are living with their freedom taken. Despite the forbidden rule of owning any weapons, there is a resistance that secretly fights against the world empire. They own ancient guns left as art and fight using these. Then, the Kijuushi appear as the souls of the ancient guns. Proud and magnificent, the "Absolute Royal" are the only ones that can give hope to this world. The story depicts the everyday life of the Kijuushi. Laughter, despair, happiness, confusion, pain; they would still pursue their own absolute loyalty to fight. What do they fight for? What should they protect? (Source: MAL News)
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As someone who has played the game, I'd like to get this straight: this anime is meant for the people who are fans of the original mobile game. Having been the game's fan since release day, I feel like I can write a fair report on how this anime reflected what was in the game, along with its pros and cons. Story: 6 The anime does follow the game's story. Due to a nuclear war, the world was destroyed. Under a new emperor and his empire, all possessions of weapons have been banned. The player, as the master, was given the ability to manifest musketeers from antiquemuskets previously left in a museum as art pieces and joins The Resistance to rebel. I like that each episode focused on all the guns from different eras, but I can agree that what happened in each episode did disappoint me because there wasn't a lot to show. I appreciate that the creators tried to give all the guns equal amounts of screen time (discounting Snider for some reason), and it was nice to see what kind of issues all the musketeers had to deal with, though most of the episodes weren't very detailed. Each plot was quite simple: take down the empire. I feel like I have to address how Zettai Koki/Absolute Nobleness works because I know it confused a lot of people. Like in many battle games, there's a special all-out attack that your group can use. In the game, your boys can build up their Absolute Nobleness rose counter and then rain down bullets on the enemies once they use their Soul Weapon (the all-out attack). So again, if you haven't played the game, this Supreme Nobility thing might have you confused, but remember that this anime is for the game's fans who already understand everything. I get it if people argue that those who have not played the game should be able to understand everything too, and I agree, but you have to take into consideration that this game is only 6 months old so LINE and MARVELOUS didn't think that they could please anyone but the game's fans at the moment. We're not as big as TouRabu, and we don't have to be, but like TouRabu, the creators just wanted to satisfy their fans and get the word out that this series exists. Also, this series' world is clearly a DYSTOPIA. It is not supposed to resemble real-life wars, nor supposed to mimic real life in any way. Art: 3 The art was a disgrace. The game looks fantastic, but the art seemed to be drawn by a child. I understand that the series is still fairly new since the game only came out in March 2018 and they might not have a lot of a budget to deal with, but come on. I only kept watching because I wanted to see the finale and because I'm so obsessed with the game. And I'm speaking honestly when I say that if I wasn't a fangirl of the game, I would've dropped this anime. I appreciated how they took the time to make sure all the fight scenes looked a bit better, but in casual scenes, it was cringy to view. The animation doesn't correspond with the sound sometimes, like when Kentucky bit into the gunpowder packet. Don't watch Senjyushi if you are expecting amazing art, except for when the Musketeers are in battle and the backgrounds. The backgrounds look amazing. Sound: 7 The character songs sounded nice when the characters used their all-out attacks and Zettai Koki. I don't really think the sound was all that bad in the anime, it was just the art that didn't keep up with it. The voice acting's on point with the characters, the sound effects are fine, I don't really have a lot to say about the sound since it seems fine to me. But then again this is coming from me, someone who's already familiar with the sounds since I've been playing the game for half a year now. Character: 8 To me, all the characters were represented well. They had the same personality as they showed in the game and many of their lines were used too, which added a nice touch. The only downside I will say is that Snider is not included, which is very odd because Kunitomo and Sakai were in the anime before they were even released in the game, so Snider not appearing is odd. Also, I wish they could've shown more of the modern guns because so far there are 10 modern guns and only 3 were shown. Though the creator did mention that he only implemented F, Belga, and Eins because they fit more with the story, and I can respect that. Overall, what I loved the most was that they captured the Musketeers' dedication to Master perfectly. That makes the fans feel very happy and loved. Enjoyment: 7 As I already came into this anime series with a bias, I looked forward to every episode. Though the episodes were lacking in their own ways, I still wanted to see which characters would show up and what they were going to do, so I can understand them better; unlike just seeing them in the game, I could watch them actually move around and interact, and that just made me happy. For me personally, I just tried to ignore the art as much as possible (though it was really difficult sometimes), and enjoy what was given to me. Overall: 6 For what it is, I think it's a fair adaptation. Let's be honest now, there's not one good game-anime adaptation out there, and Senjyushi's is certainly not a very good one. But for what I got, I can't say that I was entirely disappointed as I did get to see some cool scenes here and there, and Master, who represents all the players, was given some screentime which made me happier than when I watched TouRabu Hanamaru and Aruji doesn't show up at all. If you're thinking about getting into this series, I STRONGLY recommend playing the game first and then coming back to view the anime if you so wish to. The game is better than the anime, period.
It's rare that I say this, but Senjuushi is the prime example of having to penetrate the bottomline, the lowest of the lowest: that's according to the MAL score anyways, which I don't care now. From production issues to unkempt character designs and the like, this has got to be the best shovelware anime there is around in this day and age. I personally DO NOT care for the otome, female fanservice said genre, because I'm a guy, and I do watch otome shows from time to time, and some end up being good (like Spring 2018's Nil Admirari no Tenbin). Senjuushi however, breaks EVERY anime-focuseddenomination to the point of being unwatchable (this is highly debatable). If you have subconsciously invested yourself in this series from Day 1, be prepared for a rude awakening. The story goes as of an illustration of the all-men cast (popular VAs arise: KajiKaji, Tomoaki Maeno, Shouta Aoi to name a few) of anthropomorphic military guns, both ancient and contemporary. Their sole role to fight against the Empire for reasons I cannot fathom why, and their charm comes from the power of "Supreme Nobility" (you can think of it as their max power-bar gauge) to fight and defend their lives for their one and only Master (whom they do not know, and that he created them). A game source? Oh, how's paltry, so barebones that I could sleep or watch another anime in that exact same period. It's noticeable, but not catchy nor impressive, sorry, not even eye-catching enough. Just as is with a similar certain anime this season with the SAME niche target audience (and yes, I'm looking at you, Yume Oukoku to Nemureru 100-nin no Ouji-sama), you can take everything I have said there and apply it here, only far more worse. TL;DR though, a thousand? Ha! I really went to count the "thousand" crew and there's only 32 of them! Not to mention that EVERYONE's background isn't covered at full length, so what you see is what you get: the only explanation for their names. How great and uncaptivating. The art and animation is laughably the series Achilles Heel, and I'll try to summarize in one-word letters: Disgusting; Un-conceptive; Un-original, In-organic; Crude; Hell and Fire and such. Check out the un-amazing animations of people just getting shot and falling down unnaturally! And that's coming from TMS Entertainment who brought us the amazing Megalo Box that perfectly recaptures the 90s feel last season! This goes to show us that even industry veterans can do a whole lot of shit that just displeases us the viewers, like come on! You know you're gonna fail, so why not stop there and then? The music matches the perfect synchronicity of the awful series. Don't get me wrong, the male VAs actually did a good job here, it's just too bad that their VA skills are wasted in this God-forsaken of a barrel land. The OST is surprise, surprise, decent. It pains me to say this, or I really thank God that nobody is talking about this anime, because I can screw this to oblivion for all it does, with the capable and talented production staff that just doesn't give many F's about this show, because this is by far the best of the best travesty the anime world has ever seen, and I HIGHLY recommend that you AVOID or stay away from this show AT ALL COSTS! Final verdict: -100/10 (Worse than pathetic)
This show is based off of a game that came out the same year that this anime was being aired (from what i could tell from a rudimentary google search). You should know that before starting this anime. The story itself is pretty interesting when you hear it. The world is being ruled by a cruel empire and to combat it the resistance takes the help of a person that is capable of animating old muskets and other old timey guns into "Musketeers". These musketeers are capable of using a power called supreme nobility to increase theyre speed and attacks to be able to take onan entire platoon on their own. Now this story is something that i found interesting but nothing extraordinarily new. Art is by far the worst part as the budget for this was so low that they often reuse the same scenes up to 3 times in one episode, characters hats dissapear and reapear without rime or reason and faces in the background are missing finishing touches. Sound is above average..... not much else to say since i dont pay to much attention to that. Characters are definitly this shows strong point. Theres one or two episodes that is just a couple characters having fun and it was quite enjoyable actually. There are around 20 characters actually with most eps focusing on around 3 to 5. There are old men, young teens, mid twenties and around.... two or four traps. Yes all main and secondary characters are male. I enjoyed this quite a bit mostly because i went into it expecting garbage. I got what i expected somewhat actually. Its not a terrible show its actually quite average.