A guy by the name of Kuroda-sensei is given a job as the new coach/adviser of the girls lacrosse club in a all female school called Felinus Academy for Girls but... it turns out to be a bumpy ride as he encounters sex fiends among the squad, and his adventures begins as he attempts to gain their respect as adviser. (Source: MU)
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Imagine yourself as an observer teacher/coach of five hot girls, you crave them but you can't do anything about it or you will lose your job. The MC of this Hentai Ova is in a similar situation, but luckily, things go so smoothly that he doesn't make any effort to get what he wants, as long as these girls do the work. Isn't this the best luck in the world? Indeed it is. I read the manga two months before the anime came out and enjoyed it somehow, but after watching the anime the experience was very different. The music and animations were so great thatI was absent with them which I hadn't been with the manga. The story is unfortunately abbreviated and the episode does not exceed 16 minutes. But still the work is great. I would recommend to anyone who wants to watch this ova to watch it only for the hentai. Enjoy, my friends.
Let me just say EVERYONE has high expectations going into this hentai adaptation, including me. I mean its one of the most popular and highly rated manga's so of course the fanbase will expect something that delivers. Did Bunnywalker manage to succeed at the grueling task of adapating one of the most famous hentai dojins or did they fail disappointingly known as "Joshi Luck!"? Well let's find out. Story: 4/10. Now as someone who has not read the manga, please remember that all of my critisms are directed at the anime and not the manga. With that being said, "Joshi Luck" fails in many regardsto stories in my eyes. I don't know what it is but I have kind of starting warming up the whole trope of "harem of sports girls", when it is done right that is. I feel Joshi Luck never really gives time for things to develop, kind of like something else I recently reviewed. I am going to be honest these 16 minute hentai are really crossing the line but I guess it doesn't matter since no gives a fuck about story and characters rather than me. Look, Joshi Luck's premise is not bad and I do like somethings about it's story development but let's be honest, there is not that much story here. It's not as bad as the other hentai I have reviewed but it's getting to a point where I am legitimate scared of there new releases as they keep getting more and more "lifeless". I don't like hating on series that I legitimately enjoy but when they keep pulling shit like this it really makes me concerned about where hentai is going to be heading in a few years, to "nonsense full or NTR and no plot harems". Art and Animation: 10/10. The art in Joshi Luck! is amazing. Well it does seem hentai is regressing in terms of story it is defiantly making big strides in terms of art and animation. Now I described in my review of "Ecchi na Onee-chan ni Shiboraretai" that the art had this 'indescribable shininess and immense contrast to it', that made it lower than a 10/10. Well... doesn't Joshi Luck! have a similar coloring scheme? Yes it does. However, I feel that Joshi Luck! handles this better because the art style itself has a more unrealistic undertone to it which makes it work so well with the "indescribable shininess' I said earlier. Animation is top notch and choreography of the shmex scenes is also amazing as well. Sound: 10/10. Both VAs of the leads for this hentai and the other girls all perform exceptionally. BG music and such is superb too. Character: 5/10. This low-score honestly just has to do with what characters were given screen time compared to others (I'll talk about this later). But a flaw I have with this is that, the two girls who are the center of attention for the series: Kise and Yuri don't get much time to shine when we don't look at the shmex scenes. Kise has a bold personality but I feel that she barely gets any time to be even shown to the rest of the audience. Yuri does suffer less as she gets more time to develop but ultimately, she could've had more time too. But by far my biggest flaw with this section is how the other three girls get NO shmex scenes whatsoever. Look, if there is more episodes that get released, or another season is announced I'll bite my words and except my mistake. But as of right now this was a horrid decision. The person who was on the cover, Aya does not even get a single sexual moment and the other two are discluded as well. Look, if you are going to make a harem MAKE SURE THAT IT IS A HAREM, not a half-assed attempt at it. There probably will be more for this series but that does not ignore the fact that more than half the cast went underutilized. Enjoyment: 9/10. Ignoring all of my complainants I really enjoyed Joshi Luck! as a hentai. It had amazing art and animation and even better directing for the shmex scenes. For "enjoyment" scores I tend to not look at story at all as I feel that does not dictate my enjoyment. I do however look at the characters as they are an integral part to the hentai, which is why my enjoyment score is not a 10. Both Kise and Yuri were phenomenal... but if more time was spent to polish them they could've been even better! Overall: 6.5/10. Overall Joshi Luck! is a decent hentai. I'd say my standing as far as recommending goes for the hentai is similar to "Ecchi na Onee-chan ni Shiboraretai". As a reviwer I have many flaws with it, but as a lover of hentai I can't find myself saying anything to you but: GO WATCH IT NOW! It may have its flaws, but I still loved many things about it and I am sure many of you will too!
There is nothing much to talk about story in Joshi Luck: A coach and his students who practice lacrosse - a 5-member group of girls. Don´t worry, this is -finally- not your typical creepy-fat-ugly-old sensei molesting and raping his students. Kuroda is the name of our 'lucky' young and ordinary coach. The girls all have different and enjoyable personalities. My only -at least personal- complain is that the girls´ bodies are exactly ALL the same; plain and simple (athough juicy); the usual 'copy and paste' bodies we usually see in hentais *sigh* The animation and art are done by the famous T-Rex. This is not thebest art / animation I have seen from T-Rex, and there are better ones out there. So I would say that Joshi Luck art / animation are decent or good enough; not very good nor bad either. I would rate it from 6 to 7/10. But I know many of you will find the art / animation awesome so you might want to check it out with your own eyes. MAIN CATEGORIES / TAGS: - Sensei and Students; - Harem; - Big Breasts; - FemDom. CONCLUSION: No hard feelings hentai you can easily enjoy.
Joshi Luck! is a short OVA series by Bunnywalker. And when I say short, I mean really short. This series isn't bad but I can't say I was that engrossed either. Also, just before I start this review I'd like to preface; I haven't read the manga, so this is purely based off the anime adaptation. With that out of the way, let's begin! The "story" of this OVA series isn't much of a story, I can't really pin down much of a plot. From what's shown the main protagonist coaches a group of high school girls. And like mosthigh school girls, they're rather uncooperative, and our protagonist has some bad luck. Cue standard hentai plot. The art is pretty good, although I do have some gripes. Some of the faces can look rather derpy at times. And there're some shots that look really flat and overly 2d. But most of the characters look fine, the color palate is vibrent, and the motion is good. The sound is fine. The voice actors are expressive without being overly loud. And the audio does its job well enough to keep the episodes from becoming sleep-inducing. In addition to our bland-as-toast protagonist there're several girls as well. I think they're all supposed to have unique personalities, but you'd be forgiven for thinking otherwise. Since there're only two 16 minute long episodes there's not much room for character development. Given these constraints, Bunnywalker probably made a smart move, and decided to focus each episode on one girl. Of course this leaves several of them with next to no screen time. I wish there were more episodes so everyone could get focus, but alas, tis not to be it seems. Of the girls that get significant screen time, they're alright, nothing special but not bad. In fact that pretty much sums up my thoughts on this series as a whole. It's not bad, but it's nothing special. I enjoyed it somewhat, the second episode more so than the first one. But it left me feeling like there wasn't much. 5.5/10 (I'd give the first episode a 5 and the second one a 6.) Overall I still think you should watch this, especially if it gets a sequel, but temper your expectations.
Schoolgirls Teacher x Student The story is about a lacrosse coach from a group of high school girls, really very hot high school girls who seem to want their coach's cock and milk from day one, while the coach is a bit shy or hesitant to act for afraid of the problems that may cause, but can someone really resist the temptation of 5 girls ? So this is the history of this hentai, where the teacher is not the pervert, those five lacrosse girls are perverts, desiring good sex ... Can there be a bastard with such good luck in real life ?. The animation is excellent,it is very fluid, with an excellent color palette and good movements, which certainly rewards a little to someone who can look for a better story. The art and character design is a solid 10/10 for me, well-endowed girls with tremendous bodies, good expressions. The sound and the voices have excellent quality. The negative point that I can find in this series is that it is very short, it will only have two episodes, and we only saw 2 of the 5 girls receive their personal training thoroughly, the story is also very standard. Recommended for anyone who wants to have a good time;) I'm not read much hentai mangas, but I want to see all the girls receive the "in-depth training" and waiting for a sequel to be confirmed soon >3
If the other 3 girls got some action too this would have been an 8 for sure. But for now there's only two episodes with only the two girls I was least excited about, so it's only mediocre. So I'd say it has a lot of potential, cause the character designs are pretty great, but the two episodes underutilize them (I know it just follows the source material, but it's either adapted in 4 or 5 episodes, or needs to be changed up, so every girl gets equal action). That being said, the art isn't the greatest among T-Rex productions, but still very passable.
For fans of drooling ahegao, harems, cream pies, vanilla sex and pheromone aphrodisiacs, then I recommend this hentai a try. Personal take: episodes 1-5 are done well, but episode 6 was poorly written and would have love to see this redone. I gave it a generous 8/10 because the premise is fairly grounded, and writing has potential and there are certain aspects I would like to see more in my line of work. The episodes are 16 min segments so the writing is rushed (speaking of the anime format not manga). The female leads are developed sufficiently, and the male role is traditionally generalized (males, selfproject as desired). It might not be everyone's cup of tea but like most harems by design, pick your variety and have a go.