Follow the adventures and exploits of S.A.M, a high-end, royal-class friendship droid who's joined by a quirky, discarded maintenance robot and a brash, deadly fugitive. Together, the unlikely trio embarks on an unforgettable journey in a fantastic and dangerous world in search of S.A.M's best friend, the heir to a powerful kingdom under siege. (Source: Official Website)
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the best thing about this show is that its an original universe but don't bother wasting your time, mediocre at best really a compilation of other previous animes like trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. Story: 2/10 No real direction just a cliché adventure about finding a lost person/city to save someone/something. Full of holes and non-connecting points Art: 6/10 the art is decent its really impossible to have bad art nowadays especially with a netflix budget, art isn't a make or break for this anime its just kind of "good enough" to sustain the visual appeal Sound:6/10 the sound is very similar to the artdescription its good enough to maintain appeal but it isnt high quality to the point where is rememberable. it just matches and adds some points of emphasis in particular scenes/episodes Characters: 4/10 What are the characters in this show they are so unequivocally bad, they're so generic to the point that the main characters could have been secondary characters and the character development they have from first episode to last is predictable its brings to mind that the creator clearly spent more time creating the universe it was set in rather than making rememberable characters. Overall: 4.5/10 There is way better things to watch this season, its a show you put on late at night and can fall asleep to if you really cant find anything to watch. story and characters are very poor. Its sad a show like this can even get picked up.
I decided to watch this show for the August 2019 Anime Watching Challenge because I needed to watch a fantasy anime. As an African, I always love to see black characters represented in anime and I was sold once I found out that the creator was black as well. I know that's not a great way to build a watchlist, but I had to support a brother. Art: 8/10 The character designs are all unique, which helps if you're like me and can't remember names. I especially applaud this show for its flawless integration of 3D with 2D designs. The sparse use of 3D really servedit well. There was also some great background art, creating a scenic setting that matches a show of this genre. Sound: 6/10 I don't have anything to say about the sound design. Nothing particularly stood out to me. I will say that they had an awesome intro song though. I literally never skipped the intro on Netflix and even as I grew frustrated with the show, I would always appreciate this ultimate bop. Will definitely add to playlist. I wish the tempo was even more upbeat though. This is the last positive thing I will say about the show. If you are a huge fan, please stop reading because I'm about to rip this anime to shreds. Story: 3/10 Character: 1/10 Enjoyment: 2/10 I'll group these 3 together just because they're all intertwined. I have no idea how this show was allowed to be made. I'm genuinely confused. It starts out alright with us meeting the main characters. I was intrigued since I'm a sucker for shows in which the main characters adventure together through different lands while meeting interesting characters along the way. The show is definitely this type of anime but it had major flaws that made me unable to appreciate any of that. The main issue is the lack of character development. The only way the premise of a group of characters traveling together works if you actually like the characters. Not only did I not like them, I didn't know anything about them. After the first few episodes, I expected us to see subtle characteristics that reflect their personalities and outlook on life. The show was more concerned with making Philly look as "cool" as possible rather than actually showing us how he came to have this unfazed, unenthusiastic attitude as well as the effect his loneliness has on him. They really gave us 5 seconds of his backstory in episode 11 and expected us to feel anything for the guy. They also made him so overpowered that there were absolutely no stakes in every fight he was in. It's not a good sign when your viewer is hoping that the main character gets actually killed or heavily injured. The 2 bots were purposely written as naive idiots just so the writers can dump exposition on the viewer with the pretense of Philly having to explain every detail of the world they themselves live in. This is cheap and makes me feel like the writers just didn't give enough of a f*** to ingrain details in the scenes for the viewer to pick up on themselves. Other than the 5 minutes in ep8 that I felt pity for Casey and the first few episodes where we learn about Sam's relationship with the Prince, I didn't actually care for any of the characters in this show. This is sad because instead of doing this episodic bulls***, they could have spent time diving deep into these characters to reveal what makes them tick, what motivates them, what makes them themselves. But the writer decided that it was more vital to the story to show how cooky and zany the different towns of the universe are. I DONT CAAAARRREEEE! Give me heart, give me passion, give me something to make me want to root for these characters instead of spending nearly 6 hours of my life watching the most hollow characters do absolutely nothing and finally being thrown into a battle. They should have been building up to the final fight, instilling anticipation in the viewer with each episode. Instead, we had no idea how far away they were from their destination and had no actual confirmation that Philly was indeed taking them there. Because I still can't come up with any legitimate reason why he would. He could have just roamed around and gone where he wanted to go while lying to his companions so as to keep Casey with him as his handyman. I fact, taking them where they wanted to go would only lead to Casey leaving with Sam and Philly being left without a handyman. There is more reason for him to keep them away from their destination! THIS IS SIMMMMMMPLLLEEE TO FIGGGGURRREE OUUUT! The people ivolved in this show could have taken 1 second to flesh out this part and made this show make sense. But no! They have cool transformer cars. They don't need decent writing! And to top it all off, they came back to spit in my face with the sh**show that was the last 2 episodes. I genuinely feel disrespected. The writers gave absolutely no f***s and decided they'd throw all reason out the window. Because of the lack of character development, the viewer was forced to assume each character's motivations for doing what they were doing. But the writers wanted to "surprise" us, so they wrote the final 2 episodes in which none of the things the characters did made any sense and you were forced to watch the most chaotic fight scenes, not knowing who was on who's side. I truly felt like I had missed an entire season of content between episode 10 and 11 because the random s*** that was happening had no rhyme or reason. I think this is it for me. I don't know if accurately describe how much of a waste of time this show was. I can't understand how anyone could come out of this wanting a second season. The entire show was clearly a setup for the next season, but I genuinely hope it doesn't happen for the sake of my sanity. I know this review was pretty dramatic but I just want to say that if you did enjoy it, good for you. We all have different tastes, but this was just my take on this show.
Story: I thought this was pretty average, nothing special but enough too intrigue me to keep watching. That powers are cool and the world itself is actually pretty interesting. Some of the humor is gold, while other times your left thinking "huh?" Honestly the story is probably the weakest link for me, the show is held together by the cast of characters, world building, and animation. There are some episodes that don't really handle the main plot, but rather side stories, and I was much more intrigued by them. Art: Most the fight scenes are actually pretty good. The world design is really unique and youcan tell the artists put a lot of time in the background shots with lots of interesting items and details. The art style reminds me of gurran-lagann mixed with old school 90's anime. Sound: I really enjoyed the sound track. The OST and EST are really good. Most sound effects are great, nothing to complain about. Characters: Good and bad, the bad guy is probably the most generic anime bad guy you can come up with. Luckily the main cast is interesting enough to hold the show together. The back story for each character is good, but short. Hopefully next season will flavor the villain with a more interesting plot. This show is a great one day binge for when you have nothing to do. It has plenty of interesting things to offer, overall I rate it at about an 8. If it had just a little more to offer I would rate it higher, but for me the it is overall pretty generic and just stands out in a few artist aspects.
I’ll start off by saying first impressions are misleading. For this particular Anime it is a good idea not to jump to conclusions based on the first few minutes of airing. Second, whether this particular Anime is for the viewer depends on their tastes. This Anime is more likely to appeal to viewers of the following demographics. One such demographic are viewers who enjoyed Trigun, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Beepop and Rage of Bahamut. In fact, I suspect the American who created the source material was highly influenced by those works, yet he also pulled in a lot of Japanese cultural references such as the forty-sevenronin and Kamen Rider – meaning those who like looking for references to such things is another demographic this series hits up. Of the demographics the series isn’t likely to appeal to include those who won’t like the fact the original source material is Western, yet this is still an Anime as the original audio and not just the animation was done in Japan. I think one of the things I like regarding Cannon Busters was in fact noticing the influences of Trigun, Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Beepop, yet the creator of the source material wasn’t influenced by that alone and actually knows quite a bit about Japanese culture. Second, the series isn’t likely to appeal to those who hate unscrupulous rouges as one of the main protagonists, let alone characters who are majorly naïve as the two robot companions are. Even the prince for whom the one bot is searching for can come across as bratty. However, the characters do develop and each of the things I listed can be considered fatal flaws characters need to overcome. Another aspect I liked was how the characters did grow. If I were to pick though, one thing I didn’t like so much regarding the characters, it would be the villains. Each of the true villains except for the big main felt honestly flat compared to the other canon characters, yet part of this comes from the fact their motives aren’t ever revealed to the cast beyond the main villain. In fact, there is a level of mystery regarding Botica that slowly unravels as the season progresses yet isn’t completely revealed as the audience is left at a cliffhanger. The third demographic the series isn’t likely to appeal to are those who don’t enjoy the type of humor in the series which falls into the Dark Comedy genre. One of the reasons viewers need give more than a few minutes to watch the first episode comes down to the fact the humor may appear childish yet starts becoming more macabre as the season progressed. Some of the ways Philly ends up dying are quite gruesome yet fall into the horror genre. In fact, the series manages to blend quite a few genre into the series. As for any issues beyond whether the series will appeal to a specific demographic, I didn’t find much fault beyond the one-dimensional feeling of the villains and the fact the viewer is left at a cliff hanger. I was left, though, looking forward to a second season for Canon Busters, but pleasantly surprised.
Cannon Busters is a mix of magic, western, mecha and cyberpunk with a lot to offer the viewer. Each character has a unique design that, just by looking at them, will tell you their personality traits and backstory. The opening and ending of this anime is one of those kind that I never skip. In other words, the sound track is good. The world building cuts right to the case by showing you what the rules of the world are rather than telling you. However, this is a bit lacking when it comes to the story sensitive areas of the anime. Because of the diverse castand the different backgrounds, it feels like the scope is a tad bit too big to fit in 12 episodes and results with most characters feeling watered down. With this said I had fun watching the anime and look forward to the continuation. I feel like there's potential in the characters and story if they narrow down their scope a bit.
It really disheartens me to see so many people trashing on this show and I can't tell if it's because people generally did not understand what this anime was about or are looking for reasons to harp on an anime that pays homage to many of the classics we grew up with like Trigun or Samurai Champloo. Instead I'm not going to go down the route and critique Cannon Busters for not being a carbon copy of the two most notable animes I've mentioned or following the same formula that a majority of animes coming out seem to follow (you know what I'm talking about, cliche,boring characters, fan service out of the galore, and overcoming the fights with the power of friendship!). Instead, Cannon Busters breaks away from that mold. The anime begins by misleading viewers into thinking that this story is going to be a lighthearted one and the protagonist, Philly the Kid is just going to be another character that does everything because he has a good moral compass. Instead, we're shown that Philly is anything but that, he's a jerk motivated only by two things: alcohol and girls. It's what makes Philly and even most of the cast likable (though I couldn't find myself stomaching Prince Kelby, I'm hoping future seasons will give him some character growth). They all don't fit into a stereotypical anime character mold; no one can be divided into a neat box labeled as "good" or "evil." Hell, even the kingdom of Botica was shown to be really messed up once the rose-tinted glasses were forcibly ripped off of the viewers once we got a taste of Philly's past via a flashback. A lot of the characters have their vices and flaws. While they can be annoying I felt that this series did a spectacular job getting me to love characters that were morally messed up. From 9ine, the drunk assassin, who was shown to have no qualms about killing kids in his past or even the antagonist himself who fought for his own messed up reasons. Not to mention that despite all of the bright colors that this anime paints itself with it can get really dark to the same level of Berserk and Devilman Crybaby. It doesn't shy away from the fact that in a lawless, dessert world people are willing to do whatever they need to do, even if it means killing a couple of people and skinning them to make clothes (if you know what episode I'm talking about I didn't sleep for a while afterward). This anime just overall is something that I think everyone should give a chance. Even if you watch every single episode and finding yourself not liking anything, I think you'll at least enjoy the soundtrack. It's pretty rare for me to never skip an OP and I rarely ever listen to the ED, but with Cannon Busters I found myself listening to every single second of both because they both really captured the nature and overall tone of the show. So if you're looking for something to watch this summer give Cannon Busters a chance.
Cannon Busters, season one at the very least, will likely not be your favorite anime ever. It's an incredibly interesting series built from a lot of disparate parts with references and ideas and concepts from all over the place and it's fun to pick them out and notice them. It also stands rather well on its own, albeit with a bit of difficulty due to the hesitance with which the series gives you unique information about the setting. The characters are great, lovable, they bounce off of each other well and they banter. The humor can be hit or miss but it was usually a hitfor me personally, so I'm gonna give it a thumbs up there. The one thing that could not be said negatively about this show is character designs. From Philly, to SAM, to side characters like Hilda, Manic, and Bridge, this series' designs are slick and unique and memorable even if the names aren't quite reinforced well. I had to google to find the main villain of the season's name and her henchmen are impossible to find the names of without digging. Action's incredibly solid, well animated with some amazing cuts in here, and great amounts of spacial consistency to keep you engaged in how the environment plays into every battle. Big stumbling block when it comes to story. The story of the first season is incredibly all over the place and it seems like it's just setting up elements for a later season without much care for the coherence of this season. If this series gets cancelled, it'll be a shame, because we don't get the full story for a lot of our characters. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the incredible amount of black representation. Most background characters and main characters are black and noticeably so and it's amazing to see a series so densely populated. Most anime fans like usual probably don't care about representation because chances are they've been represented their entire lives and never ever have had to think about what it feels like to not be at the forefront of a story. But as a black person, it feels amazing. The series is incredibly lacking on queer characters. Sucks, but it's how it goes. Give Cannon Busters a shot. It's not amazing, but there's something in there for literally every kind of anime fan and it needs your support to continue and get better.
This is literally the only anime I've watched in my life where: a) people of colour outnumber white characters b) a character has vitiligo The show is already noteworthy for those reasons. It's simply refreshing to see something so different. One of the strengths of anime as a medium is its variety. There is an amazing variety of characters, premise, themes, you name it. Yet often, despite stories set in fantastical worlds where the creators have the freedom to make up any characters they want, they can still be lacking in diversity. Quite frankly it can be tiring when an entire cast of characters are thesame race (white usually), or even the same body shape. So kudos to LeSean Thomas for putting out something different, and it never calls attention to itself either, its simply noteworthy for me as a veteran anime fan. Is Cannon Busters a classic? No. I gave it a 7. That just means I was sufficiently entertained, it's above average but not great. But I was very close to giving it an 8. It's close to greatness. What lets it down are the main villain who is painfully generic, and the main narrative does sometimes feel a bit aimless without much momentum. Then it rushes towards a climax (begging for a sequel) with some contrived writing, but the characters are so fun it keeps you engaged. However, the tone and structure of this show is no different than the ones that inspired it. Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Samurai Champloo, etc. Exactly like most of those shows, this one is mostly episodic, with a main plot running in the background. Critics who bemoan this show for being a "shameless copy" must have rubbish memories or are actually lying about being fans of shows like Cowboy Bebop. Philly is nothing remotely like Spike Spiegel. Philly is a terrible fighter, a terrible shot, he literally dies in every single episode because of how dumb he is. Unlike Spike, Philly is an unemployed immortal bum who is the target of bounties. Unlike Spike, Philly is an actual anti-hero. Spike, despite his curmudgeon attitude, is deep down a good guy from the beginning of Bebop. Philly is a piece of shit for the entirety of Cannon Busters, constantly trying to get away from his robotic companions, and that is what makes him compelling protagonist. You're not supposed to like him. He is an amusing contrast to the androids. His is a typical character arc, we are witnessing a damaged guy slowly give away inch by inch to the travelling companions around him until they become friends. In that respect, the show is more similar to Samurai Champloo than it is Bebop, but even then Cannon Busters has its own DNA. The main narrative involving Kingdoms, princes and political intrigue is actually the least interesting thing about the show for me, the comedic episodic stuff are the highlights, as are the adorable Casey and hilarious SAM. The English dub is brilliant too, highly recommended. If you're a fan of 90s/00s anime like those inspirations mentioned above, bounty hunter tropes, a 'badlands' landscape, episodic shenanigans, a diverse cast, an amazing opening and ending credits music, then give this show a chance. Ignore modern hyperbole, just because something isn't a masterpiece does not automatically make it a dumpster fire.
There is a reason animes do not try to throw ALL the tropes into one show. It creates a giant mess. While there are some interesting character designs, what really counts, characters and story, are poorly done, ruining whatever this show had to offer. To give you an idea of what I mean by all the tropes here's the synopsis: a couple of happy go lucky androids from a fantasy kingdom team up with an immortal outlaw who owns a giant Pink Cadillac that can transform into a giant Minotaur Robot. Their goal, to reach the prince that one of the androids was programmed tothe best friend of. Oh, and said android is one of those chosen one stereotypes. Add in a crazy team of assassins chasing them, and even a drunken master, and you get the point. The writer simply wanted to put ALL the things he liked about anime into one work. When the show is at it's best is when it just goes nuts. All these crazy characters could run around doing god only knows what, and it can work. This lends itself to a more episodic format, which I wish they could have committed to. Unfortunately, the story is only kind of episodic, with a very week through story woven within it. The tone is not consistent, being wacky one episode, and then dealing with darker themes the next. The entire prince arc is a drag. Just a total mess of a narrative that has a rather weak conclusion, most likely because I could care less about any of the characters. This show is going for over the top, I get it. That means damn near all the characters are going to be one note, hyper flat cliches. This works fine in something like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure because they do a good job of making the good guys awesome, and the bad guys dicks. Here, I didn't like a single character that we're supposed to be rooting for. Sam and Casey are very annoying, and Philly is a selfish prick. The prince is a spoiled brat. The rest of the cast are totally forgettable. The bad guys, well, they're pretty much just bad for the sake of being bad guys. The big bad has a little backstory, but a very cliche one. Buy the time it gets to the final battle, there are side fights between characters you really know very little about, and have zero investment into. Technically, this show was competently executed. The animation and sound are executed to the point where they didn't detract, nor elevate the show. While some to the character designs look like rip offs, (Philly is way too reminiscent of Spike) some to the character designs are pretty cool. Especially the team of assassins that we barely get to know. I'll give them points for that. Cannon Busters was never going to be some deep show that we'd talk about years later, but it had the potential to be a fun romp with crazy characters. Unfortunately the weak story, and poor unlikable characters leave this one as a miss. Basically a show to fall asleep to, little more.
You know I got to say when I first walked into this I was just expecting a subpar watch but for once Netflix actually did a decent job at making their own anime. Characters 7/10: Philly the Kid, Sam, and Casey are all fun to watch however the problem with all the characters in the show who have the focus ,and even some of the side characters who are only in it for one episode, is that they just don't get enough backstory. honestly the biggest problem with this anime overall is probably the fact that it feels like it's rushing through the story as ifnetflix didn't want to take the risk to have this be a few more episodes long which it really needed to be a perfect season. The main Trio really is a riot to watch and if you just watched it for the episodic rambunctious Adventures there really wouldn't be a problem. they have good chemistry together. Philly although he is a clown a lot of the times when he has his badass moments they're really badass, Sam's slow and subtle journey of becoming more and more human while also being one of the most happy and kindest people in the world really brings the heartwarming aspect of the show, and Casey is what I would call the middle ground between the two as she's not too serious but she also isn't as naive and ditzy as Sam. And for the rest of the characters they're okay but there honestly isn't much to talk about the villains didn't have enough time to get flushed out. one of the characters named nine who's supposed to be sort of a part of the main group didn't actually end up joining them for real until later on in the series towards the end, and the characters for the subplot the prince his guardian and a prisoner they captured also didn't have enough time to actually get anything interesting from them it felt like connections were forged too fast and we didn't get to see how it developed enough. Art 9/10: the art in the show is fantastic I'm glad Netflix decided not to go with their common CGI. they need to do more stuff like this it had decent sakuga moments Vivid colors cool action scenes and awesome character designs. Sound design 9/10: how much to say hear the sound design is awesome the OST is great and Netflix is finally making real openings and endings now instead of just one or none Story 7/10: the story is pretty good but it's like Mona Lisa missing her eyes and hands (no boners for Kira this time) there are certain things like villains introduced with powers that are only vaguely discussed history that sounds really interesting and cool that's only vaguely hinted at but has something to do with the main plot like magic. The main character has a certain aspect of his back store that's only briefly Shone through a few flashbacks and really could have been a good motivator and piece of his character if they decided to dive into it a little more and story hurts because of it. The way how the backstory of a lot of the events that are happening are revealed through really weird ways like the character will end up daydreaming about some important Exposition it just feels clunky and not as smooth as it could have been if they just gave it more time to have these things come up instead of trying to shove them awkwardly into an episode where other things are already happening. Other than that though it's a riot to watch it has an interesting world where the characters go around and help or cause havoc and it's fun for what it is in it 's contained episodes it's just not as smooth in the overarching plot as it could have been. Overall:8/10: honestly it reminds me of the anime of old where it was just like a fun watch straight through. If it had more time to be flashed out it would have been perfect but as long as there is a season two they can always correct that. Cool world to watch an Explorer with the characters and the characters are never boring on screen and they have a lot of interesting aspects about them. the villains are weak but that could also be corrected with just more backstory, and the action scenes are great. So really it's a great anime but it could be an excellent anime if they just would add the necessary parts to it. Much like the car that the main character uses to drive around
Title: Y'all Need to Get Off Your High Horses I get what some people have said about how it's an anime that is just recycled tropes from other franchises, but guess what: that's what makes it great. Just like countless other shows and comics, Cannon Busters (based on an American comic that started in 2005) is an anime that takes the familiar cliches and plot devices and transforms them all into something unique, using them less as features and more as actual tools for the story, art, sound, and characters. There was one moment that I knew I would love every episode of this 12-episode run: WhenI heard the opening theme, "Showdown". Sung in English by Marty Grimes and BJRNCK, this song is a mix of hip-hop and funk that is a delight to the ears. I would encourage anyone who is not sure if they will watch Cannon Busters, to go watch the OP on YouTube first. On top of this, the show has a great cast, diverse in both character and artwork, an important thing for viewers who normally see nothing but the same characters every season. The animation and writing was supervised by the comic author, LeSean Thomas, and produced by a production team that included Tim Yoon, who worked on both Avatar: The Legend of Korra and Batman: Under the Red Hood. Taking place on the completely different world of Gearbolt, Cannon Busters features a rich story-line with centuries of history to experience, where magic and technology clash and can be used for good or evil.
Cannon Busters (2019) A Netflix Original Animation First off it is available in a fair few languages and subtitles thanks to Netflix. Story It is an empire falls, a prince goes missing and his personal robot goes in search for him as she has a soul and desires. She meets an outlaw and they have a patchy friendship in search of the prince going along various adventures. Oh and there is Casey who is a pretty great character too.Art Art used is a nice style, to an extent it reminds me of the Borderlands game series. It is easy to watch and to be honest is a pretty fun style. Sound The OP is enjoyable and the ED is OK. The series has some cool sounds with Bessie and the lining up of gunshots etc is greatly cinematic. Characters They all develop nicely with our main three in the trio. The others are good enough for what we need. It is nice especially to see SAM develop as the story progresses which is fairly funny. Enjoyment The series is a good start. It brings a few good laughs and some good fights. It has a good reason to keep progressing but it could also become a bit repetitive if it doesn't change it up in a new season if one comes. Overall Cannon Busters is worth a watch if you fancy a Borderlands style wasteland adventure with a few good plot twists.
Story - 1/10 - It moves characters from place to place, but it uses some plot development techniques that are so appalling/annoying that it becomes a huge detriment to the whole show Characters - 6/10 - characters are a really mixed bag in this anime, we have Sam, Philly, Bessie and Casey who are fun to watch but then we're swapped to the prince/Odin/bad guy who are basically ruining whatever good will the rest of the protagonists have managed to create Sound - 8/10 - I really like the opening theme, shoot me Overall - somewhere between 5-6/10. While the dumb story and some of the plot devicesdefinitely fail miserably I have watched the show because it ENTERTAINED me. Just give it a go and check whether you like it enough to sit in front of the screen or if it makes you uncomfortable
The main story's a 5 or 6 depending on who you ask. I would've rated it as so too but the side story's (the journey took along the way) deserve a 7 I'd even say they were better than the main story itself. Art style is great but most anime's have great art style these days and with a Netflix budget you could draw in 4D and the producers wouldn't even bat an eye. I'm completely biased on the soundtrack for Cannon Busters the opening song is a beautiful mix of Drums, Clapping, Trumpets, and Banjos. It reminds me of the church music my Grandmom would blasteveryday in the mourning while making breakfast with a bit of rapping mixed in. The rnb ending is just as good with the sound of a softly tapping Xylophone. The characters are more action reaction what do I mean by this? The characters are bland with no more purpose then pushing the plot forward. An example of action reaction would be when Sam or Casey do something that makes the main character (Philly the Kid) negatively in some way, you see this in a lot of anime (ie. Konosuba) the characters backstories are also bland too (IE. king only cares about his people, prince is a self centered asshole, and Sam is dumb as hell) the only character development is when Philly starts to be nice. I really enjoyed the anime (probably because I have bad taste and give out 8 and 9's like a slut, but you decide. Overall I'd gave this anime a 8 but it really isn't an 8 its like a 7 and I think it got clapped because of it not being a "Japanese anime," plus it having a English opening/ending which lowered its score, but I could be wrong. These paragraphs take really long to finish I really don't know how these pro reviewers do it. (Mad respect if you read through my opinion)
Its story and even its characters are derivative of other anime such as Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Trigun, and Michiko to Hatchin but lacks the charm of what made Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo and Trigun good. I was surprised that Shinichiro Watanabe didn't even touch this show. Many things about this show take cues from few of the previously mentioned anime that he was involved with, from the characters, to the story, to the genre, to the art style (which was silly at some points), to even the music sounds like Cowboy Bebop's jazz soundtrack. If you've seen these anime, you would've already seen CannonBusters, you're not missing out on much. Philly the Kid is like a combination of Spike, Mugen and Vash down to the afro. He's a bounty traveling with two girls which causes violence to follow them (Vash) and he has a cynical, sarcastic sense of humor (Spike) but unlike Spike, those traits make him more annoying than charming. Like, I think Spike had more sense than he did, Philly is just a butthole. Samberry A.K.A. Sam is friendly and naive to a fault, which can even get her in trouble. I don't mind her being a friendship type robot but she clearly has the guts to hurt people when they hurt her friends yet sometimes she doesn't take a hint when people treat her and her friends wrongly or appear to have hidden evil traits, she just thinks everything is a game. Casey is like Ed in her childlike, sweet, tech-savvy personality but somehow manages to be even more annoying than Ed. She's a Charmy Bee-sounding robot who's constantly blabbing her mouth about everything, she has no personality flaws, and has a stubborn obsession with anything technology. Sometimes I don't blame Philly, if I was around two dense robots, a Mary-sue who thinks that everyone is her friend and another who talks like a freaking 8 year old, while I'm trying to survive in a world that is so different from their naive minds, I would get annoyed too. Even the secondary characters are mediocre. Prince Kelby seemed like a nice guy with a sweet relationship with Sam who for some reason turned into a cold, jerkish guy and his relationship with Sam ended up being... I don't want to spoil it. And the worst character of them all, 9ine (probably a reference to the singer) is your typical amoral, rude anime character who drinks to an unhealthy amount. There's rarely any memorable songs in there. The only song that's catchy is Showdown, which is definitely the most memorable song out of the whole show. And the ending theme, Regardless, while not as memorable still sounds good. I don't think this anime is as awful as some people make it out to be as there are several good things about it. It has some funny parts, even a few witty dialogue moments and the beginning and ending were interesting. The way the show sets up the characters were interesting, we have a friendship robot, an outdated robot who wants to be upgraded, and an immortal who has tattoos of the amount of times he dies. And the last two episodes had more tension and even character stakes which is unfortunately rare in this series as the characters are quite two-dimensional. I didn't expect it to be renewed due to mixed reviews but here's hoping that the second season will have as good of a story as the last few episodes or else I'm skipping it. It's disappointing that this was written and directed by the guy that co-directed The Boondocks and I was happy to see an anime with a predominantly black cast. Cannon Busters gets a 4.8 out of 10.
A mediocre gunslinger anime we've all seen before, except this MC is rather annoying and has no character development. Featuring mostly POC! It's really nice to see, would love to see more of this through all animes. Watched on netflix between different shows and was enjoyed. Rest of reviews are spot on, but I wanted to support black creators and it wasn't bad enough for me to drop. Sam is my favourite. Action and CGI mix is well done, and OP//ED are great. Sadly for having a cool bull mech transformer car it sure doesn't do much the whole length of the anime though :(
I can only recommend this under one circumstance: if you specifically want to see something mediocre on a lazy day when you feel a bit too tired to watch something good. Do you know the feeling? That you have these actually good shows lined up, but you also have a headache, not enough sleep for a few nights and you feel that it would be a waste to see something good on a day when you're not really primed to enjoy it? That was kinda how I felt today, and it lead me to sit through this entire show. And I really didn't hate my time spent,it was dumb and fun (though not *that* fun). The characters are rather one-note and predictable, though Philly was honestly more difficult to like than I expected. Sam was a big nothing most of the time, but had some decent comedic moments. Casey is predictably adorable. All in all, there's nothing much to say except that the show is a rather mediocre affair, and unless you are specifically looking for something like that I wouldn't give it the time of day. I did like the opening song.
It was a pretty average story, but the character design is pretty neat, and there's a lot of representation of minorities (poc, strong women, amputees, vitiligo, etc), so it's refreshing to watch in that sense. Some situations are genuinely funny and the action scenes aren't all that bad. There's some interesting character development and I like the way the main characters' personalities clash together. And it has a few mechas throwin in there in case that's your thing, including a cool mecha fight as the grand finale. However, the last 2 episodes are a bit anticlimactic, as they make little to no sense and have waytoo many plot twists. One doesn't even know what each character's objective is anymore.
Cannon Busters sometimes has awkward un-anime-like pacing. Most of the show's jokes fall flat that you are left wondering if you're supposed to laugh at the joke itself or the attempt. Its main character Philly's character is written well with a tragic backstory which are the roots of his self-hate and personality. But it is almost as if the writers said "fuck it" with the rest of the squad initially. Characters stay the same. Development is hinted at in the finale with one of the main characters, but is swiftly thrown into the trash due to a cliche amnesia character trait. Theonly character who really develops is the prince, who is a supporting character. The art is okay, there are some good action scenes and the CGI is bearable at first, but is stupid in the finale. The music is okay as well, there is no actual "theme" it seems as if they just got their hands on whatever music they thought sounded good, and could have access to. It is by no means original. I'm fine with a cliche story about an adventure with a goal as long as it is executed with finesse, the direction is original, and the story is memorable. If you have all of these you can't be below an 8 in my books. But, as with everything, easier said than done. 5/10 don't waste your time on this it barely qualifies as a Cowboy Bebop spinoff.