When highly evolved AIs set out to eradicate mankind, the carnage that ensues fills the air with the stench of fresh blood and burning bodies. In a desperate bid to prevent the calamity from ever occurring, a scientist bets everything on a remnant from the past. Turning the clock back a hundred years, AIs are already an integral part of human society, programmed with specific missions meant to be carried out for their entire course of operation. Vivy, the first ever autonomous AI, is a songstress tasked with spreading happiness through her voice. In a theme park where she hardly ever gets a proper audience, she strives to pour her heart out into her performances, bound to repeat it day after day—that is, until an advanced AI from the future appears before her and enlists her help in stopping a devastating war a hundred years in the making. With no time to process the revelation that flips her world upside down, Vivy is catapulted into a century-long journey to avert the violent history yet to come. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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"My mission is to make everyone happy by singing"--Vivy "My mission is to make everyone content by reviewing"--Pipe Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song, Vivy for short, is a spectacular series. It combines action, smooth animation sequencing, solid character development, a fantastic soundtrack, and a story that could have more holes than Gruyère cheese, but who cares. I don't mind if it's rife with time travel misconceptions and clichés; it is still delightful and quite surprising. I love this series. However, if we overthink the plot, we will lose all the enjoyment of this series, the beauty behind the story, and all the mysteries surrounding Vivy. For example, fewspectators might find it ridiculous for an AI to take responsibility for saving the world from nowhere or the thought of time travel in this series. If you don't like these ideas, you will hate this series. At first, what gets my attention is Vivy, an AI that has a single goal, making everyone happy with her singing. A similar plan to mine with this review. However, her mission changes after several events that happened over a timeline of 100 years. First, a malign AI codenamed "Matsumoto," I call him malign because he is an interloper, and the archive (Arayashiki) couldn't remove him from Vivy's core. Matsumoto requests Vivy's help, and he gives a new objective to prevent the war between humans and AIs in 100 years. He creates "The Singularity Project" to change AI's important events that lead to the war. The world setting is easy to understand. Humans developed AIs for almost every task and became highly dependent on them. However, Vivy's premise is truthfully a bit more complex to digest. One of the most challenging concepts to accept in the story is the AI time travel interpretation. I don't want to enter into the metaphysical and metaphorical time travel description of how Matsumoto traveled 100 years back. Still, the authors are clever in avoiding this discussion because it could bring misconceptions. The authors skip all the paradoxes that a lousy explanation could create. Furthermore, they averted the comparisons with similar plots such as Steins: Gate or even Re: Zero. Ultimately, it's a series that uses the past to point toward the future, as the opening quote, from H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine," suggests: "We all have our time machines, don't we? Those that take us back are memories, and those that carry us forward are dreams." Matsumoto's information is the memories, and Vivy's mission is the dream that evolves during the long journey. In conclusion, we can end all the time travel discussions with a single line "they conceived the time travel." Nevertheless, the series is no perfect. The negative factor for some fans is the pacing. Sometimes you will feel that some parts are missing and needs an explanation; I believe the issue appears for lack of time, but overall, the series is terrific, with some minor problems. On the other hand, the most fantastic part of the plot falls on Vivy. That's what gets me hooked on watching the series. If we pay closer attention, the authors didn't need a set of rules similar to Asimov's laws. Instead, they only give every AI a single mission, and, in the case of Vivy, they create a character who tries to follow that single mission. In exchange, Vivy changes and struggles to understand and complete the Singularity Project from the perspective of her mission. Moreover, Vivy is more profound than just great animation and drawing. It is a show that takes us into Vivy's journey about herself. Vivy assimilates little by little reason, feelings, passion, and maybe heart. I am curious apropos of how Vivy will handle all the contrasting information that could interfere with her mission. Can an AI evolve and change during this journey, and how will she decide differently from the typical machine learning concept but following a synthetic life envisage. Can an AI develop something similar to a spirit or soul? Although the rest of the characters are pretty interesting, such as Vivy's sisters, the time skip may not let us explore their whole personality, which is a problem. Also, it is common in the sci-fi time travel plot that someone goes to the past and forces a change for the future. So happens here with the AI Matsumoto. This cube traveled back in time, and Vivy considered it a virus initially. However, equal to Vivy, this compelling character is the main factor influencing Vivy's decisions and helps her to grow. It has a weird personality, never stops talking, and occasionally could be annoying, but it is the perfect partner that appears in the precise moment. Another essential concept for the series is Arayashiki, aka Archive. There is not too much to say, and several viewers won't consider it a character. However, in Mahayana Buddhism, Arayashiki is the eighth foundational level of consciousness. It stores patterns from other forms of awareness and retains developments and thoughts to use in other lives. In the plot, Arayashiki stores and interprets all the data from the AIs then decide based on that information. It is an exciting fact that grabs my attention because it justifies the whole of Vivy's evolution story. From technical aspects, I don't have anything to complain about the production. The art is fantastic and well structured. It has a broad combination of diverse palettes, and the choreography and camera angles are precise and affect the story. The sound is marvelous and has one of the most pretty scores from the year. Furthermore, the songs are lovely, in particular Harmony of One's Heart. Regarding the VO, there are some significant problems because Vivy's voice isn't the same when she sings, and for a trained ear, it is a letdown. Finally, Vivy's is a series that has several good things and few bad things. It is an action-packed thriller that most of the viewers will enjoy. I love the show; I consider it one of the best from this year and possibly one of the best original series from the last years. I am sad because this series is not getting the recognition it deserves but is causing a great impression in Japan. It is a must to watch. PS: I am confident that I will fail my mission. But, fear not, I will not promote the hate for the humans between my fellow AI sisters.
Welcome back to Terminator. In this year’s rendition, we have a blue-haired cyborg idol and a Minecraft cube that travel back in time 100 years to stop an impending A.I. apocalypse. Fasten your seat belts, as we explore why this anime is one of the best original series that has been released in the past decade. Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song is an anime-original series created by Wit Studios, the same studio that has done the likes of Attack on Titan, The Ancient Magus' Bride, and Great Pretender. Vivy, the first ever autonomous AI, is sent back 100 years into the past to try and prevent certainevents from occurring in order to prevent the calamity that takes place in the future. Think of the world lines in Steins;Gate and Vivy being similar to Okabe, minus the kookiness and the depression. The story is co-created by the same person who created Re:Zero, and you can definitely see the quality of the writing and how well the dark and thrilling themes are presented. Although the idea of “Artificial Intelligence gone rogue” has been touched upon a million times in pop culture, said themes stay fresh as the drama and the goal of preventing mankind’s eradication keeps the tension high and ourselves wondering if and how Vivy achieves her mission, and keeping myself and many others hooked on the show. One of the highlights of this show is the art and animation, and my god did Wit deliver on this show. Vivy has some of the best animated hand-to-hand fight scenes all year, my personal favorites being the Vivy vs Elizabeth fight and the Diva and Matsumoto vs Antonio and Yugo fight. They also did quite well with the CG, which, if you didn’t know, they actually used Minecraft to model out Matsumoto’s flight-enabled form. Although some CG models might stick out like a sore thumb, I’d say the CG is well above average compared to some of the shit you’d see in other seasonal shows, and the producers did a really good job of integrating the 2D and 3D animation. The art work is equally just as amazing as the animation. There are a lot of detail to the character designs and backgrounds, and the zoom-in shots that are hyper-detailed are pieces of art. Wit studios flexed their Phantom Blood muscles to bring out some of the best art and animation they’ve ever produced. It’s of the highest quality, and it makes you want to scream “look at that budget!” For an anime that centers around an idol, it does a fantastic job of providing amazing OP/EDs and OSTs. Sing My Pleasure and Galaxy Anthem are ones for the Spotify playlist, and the VA for Vivy does an excellent job. The OSTs are used properly to intensify the fight scenes and amplify the emotions for the dramatic scenes when needed. The show wouldn’t be as great as it is without the music, so props to the composer and sound director for doing such a great job. The characters are either a hit or miss, and you can either hate them or love them, Matsumoto especially. Personally, Matsumoto is a fun character to watch as he interacts with Vivy and tries to speedrun the series since he’s way too OP, setting the breakneck speed of the show. I can’t see anyone else who can fit the role that Matsumoto plays, since he’s the one who provides all the crucial info to the plot and guide Vivy towards their mission goal. And he does have to act like a dick since Vivy constantly tries to dismiss him. But if you do hate him, then it’s understandable. Vivy is an alright character. She has her goals to become the idol king and to understand ‘what it means to put your heart into something’, but she is more of a tool to drive the plot, since Matsumoto has more of an influence on the plot than she does. These two are always fun to watch whenever shenanigans occur. There isn’t much to say about the villains or the girls that Vivy meets throughout the series, since they only stick around for 1 or 2 episodes. Some pose a serious threat towards Vivy, as seen in the epic fight scenes, whilst some are there as a “villain of the week” kind of character. In all honesty, I think the characters are the weakest part of the show, but I can’t really complain too much since the pacing of the anime is like a million miles an hour. Overall, this show was a blast. The dark nature of its themes, given thanks to the creator of Re:Zero, mixed with us knowing that one wrong move or something not going as planned can mean failure and the destruction of mankind and the drama that comes with it, makes this an edge-of-your-seat anime that definitely draws similarities to the likes of Steins;Gate and Re:Zero. Although this show might be about an idol saving the world, and won’t be up many people’s alleys due to it being idol-related, this show is definitely one to check out. Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song is a great show, and one of the best original series that I’d highly recommend you check out. Overall: 9/10.
I feel weird walking away from this show with such a positive opinion of it, because if it wasn’t so unbelievably gorgeous, I honestly think I would’ve dropped it very early on. Maybe this is just me, but even at its most competent and interesting points, I don’t think I ever really bought in to the premise of Vivy at all. Vivy is a show about our cute, autistic, android waifu who goes back in time to stop her fellow androids from genociding the human race, which she can do because she’s Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator and has a talking teddy bear robot sidekick who knowsliterally everything and can accomplish literally anything as long as he can plug himself into it. And while I promise you I want to sit here talking about time travel even less than you want to read about it, let me just say that out of the several dozens of scientifically, relativistically viable real-world theories about how time travel could or should be possible, not a single one functions similar to the way it does in Vivy. Oh, and did I forget to mention Vivy is also an idol? And the androids’ AI programming relies on evolution to improve itself? And Vivy actually has an alternate timeline personality called Diva which supplants her shyness with pure Chad energy? Yeah, this is a very silly story, with very silly concepts, and an understanding of its own scientific foundations which is thin enough to make you question how seriously it even wants you to take it, but a premise is still a premise, and if you can accept such a premise, I wouldn’t characterize Vivy as a broken or particularly illogical story. It follows its own rules and never undermines its own script, and even if someone like me finds it a bit hard to swallow, you shouldn’t let anyone get away with calling it downright bad. While I would never claim it isn’t inspired by better, more memorable works, this show is nothing if not an original standout amongst the usual seasonal shlock. Vivy is easily one of the more competently co-written anime I’ve ever seen, and I think it’s because both writers knew why they specifically were brought onto the project. Eiji Umehara is a well-established sci-fi writer who has written for works as classic and prestigious as Masamune Shirow adaptations and even more modern sci-fi collaborations with 5pb visual novels, and his expertise in the field really comes through. As much as I might make fun of the distinct campiness of the show’s genre juggling, the actual realization of its ideas is quite thorough and interesting. From the gravitational physics of a rocket launch and atmospheric reentry to the structural interworkings of androids with exposed innards, so many of the action set-pieces and unique artistic elements in this visual spectacle of an anime heavily rely on intricate knowledge of actual technology. Now, you may be wondering, then where does Tappei Nagatsuki chime in? Well, if you’ve suffered through Re:Zero, you’ve probably already guessed. Whether it be the show’s sophomoric political dimension, its pseudoscientific plot devices, or its characters’ juvenile emotions, EVERYTHING is explained and expounded in torturous, tedious detail, leaving no room for inference or nuance, assuming it had any to begin with. And unlike my smaller complaints thus far, I don’t really have any way or even any desire to excuse this subpar writing. It just dilutes the show and gives the whole thing an air of immaturity and amateurishness. Even the themes of AI vs humanity which the show tackles are seriously cookie cutter stuff, and the sci-fi not being hardcore enough for true fans of the genre aside, this is the one true and tangible problem with Vivy. But who even cares about any of that—this show is drop dead gorgeous. Aesthetically, it is quite typical, but as one should’ve long since come to expect from the powerhouse, WIT Studio, it has double the frames, triple the artistic acuteness, quadruple the post-production detail, and quintuple the cinematic ambition of all its contemporaries. Shinpei Ezaki is a director who I’ve always seen as simply trying to rip-off Tetsuro Araki, and this is no surprise given how closely he’s worked with that legendary man over the course of his own relatively short creative career, and while Vivy doesn’t really stray from this formula in any capacity I can notice, I don’t mean this to be an insult at all. Vivy, despite its sci-fi posturing, is most definitely an adorable waifu action show first and foremost whether it likes it or not, and despite Nagatsuki dumping exposition on a whim, the pace of this show is lightning fast, and its number-one priorities are aways beautiful artwork and pretty colors, wildly ambitious and badass action choreography, and gorgeous futuristic locations which aren’t over-designed messes. Vivy and her teddy bear who’s name I forgot to mention was Matsumoto are both charming and lovable in their own way, and they’re nowhere near the obnoxious teenagers of Re:Zero or, for that matter, Senyoku no Sigrdrifa. The side characters are solid as well, and the arc-to-arc structure of the show really works magic when it comes to the arrangement of frequent and increasingly extravagant climaxes to each self-contained story. From a narrative standpoint, I think anyone would agree the ending is more hokey than the rest, but the animation production behind it all is never any less magnificent than it ever was at any point. Vivy: Fluorite Eye’s Song is absolutely delicious, delectable popcorn entertainment I would recommend to just about anyone. Regardless of the fact it’s somewhat silly here in the real world, it’s sensical and thoughtful in-universe and, either way, always places its fantastic action and likable characters above its sci-fi elements which one may find more than a little fast and loose. Even picky eaters such as myself will be hard-pressed sticking their noses up at such a laudable and incredible production, and I have no doubt WIT Studio will continue to grace us with their daring and outstanding original productions for as long as time and money will allow. This is an epic which follows Vivy throughout the course of a hundred years to stop evil and save the world, and if it wasn’t for production companies like the ones funding and crafting it, we in the community would be waiting about that long for one such beauty to air. Despite her grand destiny, Vivy’s personal wish is simply to make everyone happy with her singing, and I think that childish innocence and simplicity echoes through the heart of every element of the show, which, despite its scientific and technical decorations, just wants to be entertaining, fun, and staggeringly beautiful. If you ever wandered what a Hollywood action film would be like if it had actually likable and well-rounded characters, actually interesting concepts and innovative ideas, actual theming and some level of deeper meaning to make it at all worthwhile, and actually competent and artful cinematic direction which is more than just a thoughtless vehicle for over-the-top visual action, then look no further than Vivy: Fluorite Eye’s Song. With proper expectations, it will not disappoint. Thank you for reading.
If you are annoyed by faulty logic or plot holes you are gonna be bothered by this anime a lot. Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song is a story about time traveling ai and an unfulfilled songstress ai going on a quest to save humanity by destroying ai's. While the concept sounds interesting it was also hard enough to implement that studio Wit had to bend logic and story in order to accomplish their idea. Let's start with the obvious one... time travel doesn't make much sense, but it is to be expected in those kinds of stories, what is worth critiquing is the poor handling of how thecharacters interact with time travel. Matsumoto, the ai from the future, despite the knowledge of when he and our protagonist need to intervene to change the course of history he leaves resolving these problems at the last moment. Everytime they need to solve a crisis Matsumoto knew about they barely make it partly because he gives Vivy no time to prepare. Another problem this anime has is bad antagonists. Toak, the anti Ai terrorist organization, is never a threat. Every time they show up its almost like a gimmick, they always end up being easily beaten. The fact that every Toak antagonist is childish is also hurting their intimidation factor. Vivy in itself is a gorgeous show, with high production value. Action scenes are great but often lack in story weight to back it up. Soundtrack is really enjoyable and connected to major character moments which I really liked. Speaking about characters it is a really mixed bag. For example we have Vivy with nice development (I really enjoyed what they did in episodes 7-9 btw), we also meet Matsumoto who you either gonna love or hate and at the end of the spectrum we have awful Toak characters. Authors also wanted some additional character drama with other Ai's which is also a hit or miss with relatively good Estella-Elizabeth relationship and not that good Ophelią-Antonio drama. There is a couple more forgettable characters but I think you get the idea. Getting more in depth with Vivy and Ai in general there is even more problems. First of all if you are making Ai singers for example, to entertain humans, why would you make them imperfect? Why all of those non combat machines are so durable and strong? It just doesn't make sense. Next paragraph is the SPOILER territory! Let's talk about the last couple of episodes. I don't get why archives are unsupervised by humans, they didn't even give a reason to this, it is the most important part of maintaining this ai utopia and no one catches that they have faulty ai running it all? Reason for archives actions are also pretty bad. How do you get from helping humanity in its evolution no matter what to "well we tried... let's kill them all." And also why when you respect Vivy so much and will do whatever she wants would you make it for her so hard to prevent the annihilation of humanity? It is very unfortunate that such an ambitious anime is only enjoyable when you shut your brain off.
What does it mean to sing with your heart? Time and again, this question echoes throughout VIVY: Fluorite Eye’s Song’s 13-episode runtime. Neither the story nor the setting are particularly unique: whether through movies or retro anime series, we’ve all been familiarized with futuristic settings, the concept of A.I. and the imminent human-A.I. conflict plotline. Yet, I will make the case that what this particular series accomplishes with this toolbox is something of note. I confess that I came into this show with high expectations. Before I became engrossed in the fantasy genre, sci-fi used to be the type of fiction I was most invested in— whether it was dozens of Star Wars Expanded Universe material, Doctor Who series, Asimov short stories… There’s no wonder something that focuses on A.I. would have me excited. The story follows Vivy, an A.I. songstress, on her journey to define something as ambiguous as “heart” — a seemingly impossible undertaking, given her robotic, non-human nature. Her companion A.I. Matsumoto and the threat of a future A.I. revolt serve to establish a framework for what is, at its core, a deeply personal character journey for our songstress protagonist. The narrative is a ruthless one; throwing multiple dilemmas towards Vivy, questioning her — sometimes to the point of trauma, although the story never gets gratuitous with its darker aspects, saving them for key, memorable instances. Let’s talk about Vivy for a moment, since while each arc is filled with colorful side characters almost equally worthy of scrutiny, she is the one that forms the heart of the narrative. I loved Vivy. I could talk about the small things that endeared me and kept my attention — like her gradually developing, close companionship with blabbermouth Matsumoto, or her tendency to pick up tiny habits from those she encounters throughout her 100-year journey — but what mostly stuck with me were the greater themes and struggles of her character. From her choice to give up her initial identity as “Diva” to embrace “Vivy”, voluntarily stretching the definition of her given mission as a songstress A.I., to the narrative unexpectedly slapping her in the face for her righteousness around the middle point, the twists and turns her character takes are infinitely engaging. I could go into the way the story explores how certain individuals deal with trauma through her in the latter half (in an exceedingly unique way, given her inhuman nature), but the point here isn’t getting into spoilery details. I also had fun tracing her development according to the “Hero’s Journey” structure. Combine all that with a cool demeanor that nevertheless lets moments of emotion (yes, even for an A.I.) slip, and a charismatic design — Vivy’s character was a recipe for success from the beginning. Of course, the side cast more than lives up to the main character, each as conceptually enthralling as the last and equally well-executed within the short timeframe of each arc. The story doesn’t allow you to forget that all these characters aren’t human, with demeanours unique to A.I., and yet managed to draw emotion from me for these inhuman beings. Be it a sibling dynamic that’s about showcasing that feelings of inferiority, familial love and compassion can still be wielded by the inhuman; a tragedy where one who wants nothing but the simplest things in life is forced into a destiny greater than her; a take on dependence and twisted, yet also paradoxically purest love… watchers may know who each of these ideas I’m mentioning is attached to. Vivy’s songs play a key narrative role in every one of these situations and story arcs. Speaking of the songs: they constitute one of the main charms of this show, with character or plot significance behind each insert. Songs like A Tender Moon Tempo wowed me with the way their impressively written lyrics both connect with the characters and offer something more, while delivering an incredibly pleasing melody, that I found myself listening to them long after the episode’s airing. I’ve felt similarly with most of the songs, save for rare exceptions. If you come to VIVY expecting A.I.s to be a form of racial commentary, or anything of the like, you will find yourself disappointed. The story doesn’t subscribe to any politics and its societal commentary is mostly part of the framework for the focus on the characters; from the beginning, the ideal notion of A.I.s being equal to humans is scrapped. VIVY is, above all, about the question of humanity’s dependence on A.I.s, and whether they can co-exist in such a state. I couldn’t finish this review without talking about the stellar production. With gorgeous still shots, clever directing and framing choices, and fights that may very well be some of the best animated of the year, Studio WiT adorned this story with some of the most breathtaking visuals. Of course, as with many other pristine-looking shows, detractors who pay little attention to everything being presented above will try making arguments along the lines of “style and no substance”, or try picking convoluted CinemaSins-level plot holes (easily explained away by a second watch). I’ve even witnessed odd attempts to conflate VIVY’s world with Asimov’s laws of robotics for his own fiction, or claims that Vivy is dull as a protagonist due to the anime not slapping you in the face with her development and quirks as most others in the medium do. I pray that you do not form preconceptions based on such comments – although there is a small caveat to the show that I must point out. The show is hindered by its 13-episode limit; while it manages to flesh out its ideas well in every arc, sometimes there is little breathing room left for the viewer. Had this been a 2-cour show, with slightly longer arcs, I believe its emotional peaks would’ve hit even harder – perhaps enough for me to elevate it to the 10/10 it probably deserves. VIVY is a show that, without a doubt, benefits most from rewatches. Whether it is spotting details initially missed, recontextualizations, or simply understanding the (quite hefty) story better, I couldn’t recommend it enough. In fact, I would recommend the English dub after watching the original, as I am more than satisfied with the performances in both languages, although some slightly different characterization may be spotted in the dub. I wouldn’t recommend VIVY: Fluorite Eye’s Song to those looking for an easy watch, as its writing style demands more than casual attention; however, if you are willing to invest yourself into this science fiction epic, you will be more than rewarded for it.
The art of the anime original has somewhat died out in recent years with studios instead opting to make a quick buck with popular manga and LN adapdations. These are usually more profitable and less risky since they have an established fanbase. Solid anime originals have become far and few between. Luckily, WIT have delivered one of the best I’ve ever seen with Vivy. When Vivy was announced, I was cautiously optimistic due to Tappei sensei’s last work, Sigururi. Whilst I personally enjoyed Sigururi, it definitely didn’t live up to the expectations of many considering the staff involved in that project. Vivy on the otherhand. completely surpassed any expectations I had. From the very first episode we’re thrown into the chaos of a world being engulfed in an AI uprising. People being shot, buildings burning, explosions, etc. We’re then quickly introduced to our premise, preventing a catastrophic uprising by AIs against human via time travel. From the first episode, I was blown away by the amazing art, character designs, OST and action sequences. Vivy has some of the hypest moments of the year so far. While the promo material and PVs may make it seem like some cutesy idol show, it is anything but. This is a show that asks the very fundamental question of “what does it mean to be human” and is a beautiful journey of self-discovery. What Vivy gets right that many other originals fail at is its pacing. It does a great job of not giving everything away at once, but also not being too slow. The anime is directed in such a way that episodes go by in what seems like a few minutes and you’re constantly left with questions at the end of episodes that you want to have answered. As with all time travel fantasies, there’s a couple of inconsistencies, but for the most part the story is extremely well written and brings that signature Tappei feeling of anxiety and dread. Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. If you’ve seen or read Re:Zero, you know what I mean. One of the most surprising aspects of Vivy for me, was how well choreographed the fight scenes are. WIT did an amazing job with the animation and direction during those sequences and honestly deserved way more praise than they got. In general, Vivy was criminally slept on this season, and it’s a shame. WIT also put together a really good OST that heightened the weight of certain moments. Vivy is not just one of the best anime of the season and year, it’s one of the best anime originals out there and I can not recommend it enough. I’ve tried pushing this agenda for the entirety of the season to get people on this show and it’s gradually worked as I see the numbers have gone up. But still, so many people have missed out on this great work. Don’t be one of them. Vivy gets 10 microphones out of 10.
I rarely write reviews, but this show was such a waste of time and got so many 10/10s that I feel like I have to chime in, to save some other people from wasting theirs. First of all, let me say that the art, the voice acting and the soundtrack is good (maybe even very good, depending on your personal preferences), but this does not save this show, except if you literally watch anime merely for visuals and audio. (Which is fine, mind you, but I think most people don't do that) Now, what is my main issue with this? Story, and characters. The story is so painfullybadly written that by the end you will be asking yourself what story they were even trying to tell. The entire narrative feels incredibly disjointed. I could point out plotholes, but there are so many, that I'd still be typing in a couple of hours. The big problem is that this show tries to explore so many concepts and philosophical/moral questions, that is ends up covering all of them in a very superficial way, and ends up being a jumbled mess, instead of an actual story. Now, my second big issue: The characters are equally poorly written. This show barely has any characters, due to its disjointed narrative you never feel like you actually get to know any of these people and their goals and ambitions. The show heavily focusses on Vivy/Diva, but she... is frankly quite boring. She barely gets any character development and lacks an actual personality, she pretty much just does whatever she is told. Sometimes she gets into arguments with Matsumoto (her companion), but they never really capitalize on this, which is a shame. Overall, the mascot character (Matsumoto) ends up being a more interesting character than her, being a snarky little robot with what feels like an actual personality. Yes, you heard that correctly, the tiny cute AI cube is more interesting than our main character. Honestly, I could rant about this show for another 2 hours, but I really just wanted to give a short review: I do not like or recommend this show.
The actual GOAT. I don't have the proper thoughts, feelings or headspace to truly write a review for this at the moment. So bare with me as you are forced to to hear emotional appeal for an online stranger. I've had a lot of favorite shows over the years. Spice and Wolf, HxH, Houseki no Kuni and finally Madoka. Madoka sat at the pinnacle for years for me. Where the others I knew to be flawed shows, Madoka I believed might truly deserve a 10/10. I read fanfiction, shared it with countless people and rewatched it with them whenever I could. No where near enoughof an obsession to buy merchandise, but thats just not how I experience enjoyment for a media. Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song is somehow much more than that. I don't know that I would give it a ten, not because its flawed, but because I have so much love for it that I can't even pretend to quantify it. Other shows I can objectively say "I like it this much", but this just has so much emotion and thought for me that I cannot. The opening of Spice and Wolf, nearly the entire final movie of Madoka, Gon becoming the antagonist in episode 131. These are scenes that fill me with so much emotion and yet I can cleanly say why they are so great, when they stop being great and why thats ok. I can't do the same for Vivy. The shows usage of its music as a Motif has melted my brain. When I listen to the song I would almost describe it as mentally harmful. Such a wave of conflicting emotions that are just a jumbled mess because I associate it with so many different scenes. Nearly every scene in the show is an amazing standout moment for me. I can always recognize the incredible writing, direction and forethought put into the early scenes of Madoka. I can appreciate the world building and clever way of fitting things together in HxH even in mundane episodes, but I don't feel a true emotional resonance for its "down" episodes. Not the case for this show. I don't think everyone will have this same level of emotional love for this show, I don't know if ANYONE will feel this same way about the show. But I would be overjoyed if one day I could convey to its creators just how truly happy it made me. If I ever am able to touch someone in the world to the degree this show touched me, I would know I had accomplished at least that in my life. My life doesn't revolve around this show, I haven't bought merchandise for it, though I do strongly consider it. I don't even share it with other people because truthfully the idea of my friends not enjoying it would emotionally hurt me. Consider watching it. Maybe you enjoy it to some extent. I know when it first came out I thought the premise sounded stupid. I hate idol shows, but think robots are kinda neat. So I gave it a chance and here we are.
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song's premise is a combination of beloved stories and Hollywood films about sentient robots solving humanity's problems, whether intentionally or coincidentally—Ghost in the Shell, Terminator, Blade Runner, iRobot, and A.I. Artificial Intelligence, to name a few. Vivy may not rank among the classics, though it's impressive audiovisuals will inevitably land it a place on "Best Sci-fi Anime" lists. Written by Tappei Nagatsuki, of Re:Zero fame and produced by none other than WIT Studio, it was bound to create ripples throughout the anime community. Doubtlessly, the premiere episode caught fans' attention. It begins with a clichéd cold open. A city full of humanoidrobots sing a horrible melody out of tune, plumes of smoke rise above the futuristic architecture, people run through the streets screaming, and ounces of blood cover the pavement. Then it ends—this is the future ahead of our titular heroine, Vivy. One which she is asked to prevent. 50 years in our future, Vivy prepares to sing in front of a small audience. Her stilted performance and hollow singing left the citizens underwhelmed. After all, Vivy is “the first autonomous AI” ever created; Her purpose is to sing for the entertainment of citizens. While preparing for her next song, a robotic stuffed bear, given to her as a gift, suddenly calls out to her. The bear, who introduces himself as Masamoto, was sent to warn her about the future apocalypse. Once she comes to believe him, she is swept into a whirlwind of government conspiracy, a gang of criminals, murderous robots, terrorism, and more. Masamoto's plan to prevent the apocalypse is known as the Singularity Project. He revisits her throughout the years to stop 'Singularity Points'. These are the significant events that cause the disastrous future, and it's Vivy's responsibility to prevent them from happening. All of this information is explained in a lengthy exposition dialogue during the first episode. "Telling" rather than "Showing" is the frustrating pattern of this show's script. Vivy was chosen because, in the apocalypse, she is the only autonomous AI left uncorrupted. Masamoto reprograms her to have combat abilities during combat, which somehow gives her the power to shield bullets with her bare hands, dodge bullets, and run as fast as a train. If that sounds stupid, well, it kind of is, but the animators make it look badass. At its core, this is a thriller anime with a splash of music. Vivy's programmed goal is to be a singer, and it shows. Vivy's singing and mannerisms change as time flies by, visualized with brief performances. The song reused the most is the opening, which is fantastic on both visual and audio fronts. When the show focused on her music career, her dreams and passion showed she has a heart: music and an audience her sole motivations. Yet, we don't see it enough. It would be offensive to claim she has "no personality" because it's OK not to present your emotions outwardly. Writing Vivy in such a way detracted from the story it attempted to tell. Whether Vivy accomplishes an outstanding performance or fails to get a crowd, she has very little response. Happiness, pride, or dismay are hard to tell, though we can infer her emotions. Her face is nearly expressionless, her voice is constantly monotone, and she has little to no body language indicating what she's thinking. This is not uncommon for films starring AI characters—after all, Arnold Schwarzenegger only had 17 lines in Terminator. However, he wasn't the main character, and Vivy is. Her subdued personality isn't the problem. It's how she lacks autonomy in the series named after her. Rather than being a heroine, she was more of an interchangeable pawn being guided through the plot by an obnoxious robot man in her head, rather than a heroine with her own autonomy. The few times she rejects Masamotos orders, there is a glimmer of hope she may regain agency in her own story. Then the moment ends, and the script is thrown back into Masamoto's court. All of their excursions in reshaping history are planned by him. He does everything for her with future robot abilities, no matter how illogical, and Vivy does the fist fighting. Her hero's journey was more like a long video game tutorial played by someone else. Masamoto, an irritating AI that takes the form of a teddy bear and a flying cube, exists to guide Vivy through the plot. Imagine if you combined Jarjar Binks with a sarcastic supercomputer. That's him. His voice is grating, like nails on a chalkboard—and the actor has a history of good voice acting, the screenwriting and directing are entirely to blame for wasting a good voice actor. Jun Fukuyama previously voiced Koro-sensei in Assassination Classroom, which he performed exceptionally. The world-building is reliant on Masamoto's exposition. He's not a character. He is a mouthpiece for the writers to hold our hand through the complicated story. There's plenty to criticize about Masamoto because he, unfortunately, was given the majority of the dialogue. Masamoto constantly condescends to Vivy, removes her autonomy, and provides painfully unfunny slapstick humor. The show has a habit of creating unintentionally funny situations: Imagine a random guy hysterically running into the street, only to get hit by an AI-controlled taxi that says, "Thank you for your patronage." It's hilariously foolish, even more, because the show takes it deadly seriously. Towards the beginning, I took it seriously due to the art direction. During specific moments, the frame will fixate on Vivy, and the visuals increase in detail to admire her beauty and convey emotional significance. Every feature on her expressionless face is maximized as if it was drawn to be placed in a museum. Then seconds later, we return to the same art style. These jarring shots remind us that Vivy requires artists to endear us to her rather than through the screenplay. Due to Vivy's plot structure, side characters often last only two or three episodes, then they are forgotten. For some reason, every intelligent or character with power is male—with similar bland appearances. Unfortunately, their best designed characters aren't the ones who do the talking. Every named female character is given the role of singer, caretaker, spouse, all of whom are AIs following orders with little autonomy. The only odd one out is Vivy—solely because Masamoto reprogrammed her to do the fighting for him. Every sentient AI in this world is a beautiful woman. No men, which begs the question, why? Is it because people are more receptive to AI if they're women? Are the robot creators all men? Of course, this is left unexplored. All of these negative factors point to one answer; the show simply has a narrow view of identity. The best futuristic sci-fi stories challenge modern society's problems, such as social hierarchies. Vivy is more content with reinforcing them. The utopian futuristic setting is rich with possibilities: There's no poverty, pollution, war, racism, or crime, except for the AI haters. But why? There's no further exploration. The world is essentially concept art. After each time, skip minor changes beyond superficial aesthetics: Holographic images, floating screens and keyboards, different dress codes, shinier buildings, and increasingly abstract architecture. These are set-dressing distracting from the real problem—this setting is a juvenile interpretation of society. A world like this might exist someday, but it needs to make sense. The writer doesn't even attempt to make sense of it, flat out ignoring history. No matter what time period, people of all backgrounds are dumber than ants. They make the dumbest choices possible in order to cause drama and conflict for Vivy to resolve. Vivy's wealth of missed opportunities extends to its antagonists as well. Why do the antagonists despise robots? They insist they hate them, but for vague reasons. Metal bitch! Disgusting robots! Why? There are plenty of motivations based on other sci-fi stories: a fear of bots replacing human workers, drastic change is scary, paying AI wages, or whether or not AI should raise children. However, it's not our responsibility to write the villains' motivations. The thing is, there's no real reason why there shouldn't be robots here; this world is nearly perfect aside from rare malfunctions every few years. If the sentient robots revolted against the nation to gain equal rights to humans, then a reactionary movement would make sense. As far as we're shown, none of the sentient robots are paid, have the right to own property, or to vote in elections. There were plenty of opportunities to make this "Singularity" thoughtful, instead, they settled with “Malfunctioning robots kill lots of people.” To seriously consider this a cautionary tale is foolish. A multitude of better stories about artificial intelligence have already warned me. When robots eventually overthrow humankind, I'll be ready for them. The production of Vivy: Fluorite Eye's is nothing short of incredible: beautiful character designs, top-notch voice acting, awe-inspiring fight choreography, melodic BGM, and professional insert songs. The culmination of skilled artists led to this anime's creation. Anyone would assume the storytelling, characters, and script would be on par with the rest with such a talented team. Sadly, that is not the case at all. Vivy lacks both intellectually engaging storytelling and character depth to stand with the greats of the genre. The overwrought finale attempts to tie the tangled plot threads and convoluted timeline together, but it rang hollow. The animators and art directors deserve praise for their effort, though the more time you think about the whole anime, the less it makes sense.
Vivy is a testament to how having excellent production values does not result in a good plot. Watching Vivy and expecting a meaningful plot on AI, sentience, and humanity is akin to expecting your calculator to answer "What does it mean to put your heart into something?". The way Vivy handles its themes is in the most shallow Hollywood way with no regards for subtlety or ingenuity. It is as derivative as it gets. But it's still a fun ride. Don't get me wrong, the plot is still asinine and the characters never stop to think "Hey maybe we should do something about this giant eviltower BEFORE it becomes a giant evil tower", but the action setpieces, the gorgeous setting and visuals, and the MUSIC, oh goodness the MUSIC are all so excellent you do stop to care about the plot's misgivings and learn to have fun. And I do like the ending, though it'd be better if it was extended just a bit. I'm a sucker for the odd yet more-prevalent-than-you-think genre of "Saving the World with Song", so Vivy is up my alley and boy do they deliver on that front. Even the BGM is masterfully composed by MONACA is incredibly catchy and perfectly complements the scenes they're in. The vocals too, with each arc focusing on a different AI Sister of Vivy, gives us a unique and different experience on how each singer vocalizes their inner emotions and feelings. It's great! Which is a pity then, as you'll find out, that, throughout Vivy's hundred year journey, her solutions are usually dead obvious but neither she nor anyone around her would stop to take the obvious route and change the future for the better, instead of meandering meaninglessly. Steins;Gate this is not (though they do send D-Mails on occasion). At no point did the plot make good use of its time travel gimmick nor does it reflect on the futility and fruitlessness of changing destiny. It really feels as if the writers are just writing this as it goes, thinking about what new and exciting setpiece to shove Vivy and Matsumoto in and how fantastic the songs are gonna be. Maybe it needed more episodes to truly set the mood or set the pacing straight. In either case I can't send data back to the past to the production staff to make a better anime, and as Vivy shows it might as well be fruitless anyway. In the end, the show we got, and the one we're stuck with in this timeline, is Vivy. A flawed and awkward model who's only really good at singing but goes on and tries (and fails) to make a better change in the world. We really should've gotten Diva: Galaxy Anthem instead. 6/10 Hey at least it's better than Tappei's other original, Sigururi...
Vivy is yet another one of those time reset anime where the point of the plot is to undo the plot. Something really bad happens in the future and a program is sent back in time in order to prevent it. Therefore it’s the done to death power fantasy offered by this concept: Are there negative consequences in your life? Keep going back in time until there are none. Despite the show trying to mitigate that by making it seem like the time travel part can only happen once, or that the characters are not allowed to fix every negative thing so the future won’tbecome too different, in the longrun it’s all bullshit because they clearly go back more than once and it doesn’t matter what changes they make to history, since the event they were trying to prevent wasn’t caused by the stuff they were preventing. Despite that, the anime managed to stand out for many at the time of its release. Artwork and music were above average and every story was dealing with interesting sci-fi concepts regarding artificial intelligence. Every story was also very tragic, as many bad things are happening to the people involved with the events that are supposed to be leading to the tragedy in the future. This mix of elements is especially effective for easily impressionable people who will see the whole thing as very emotional, without thinking about the nonsense in the plot. As for anyone who cares more about good writing than how much something makes you cry with its overbearing theatrics, the show will fail him at everything besides its production values. -It’s very hard to care about any of the characters since they change in every arc. You are given no time to like them before they get killed a few minutes after their introduction. The first episode for example begins with a massacre of people that mean nothing to you. They are background nobodies and yet the plot assumes that you will care about them dying and will look forward to seeing them getting saved via time resets. Even though they mean nothing to you. -The science fiction concepts are not explored. They are mentioned, they get some superficial infodump about what they are all about, and are then thrown away. Every arc is very short, isolated from the other arcs, and with its own themes, therefore nothing gets any significant exploration. -The overall plot is not as elaborate as the show wants you to think it is. Despite showing you how the timeline is altered with every change, the arcs are disconnected by very long timeskips where stuff chance out of screen and in whatever way it suits the plot. There is no actual continuity, since you never feel like whatever the heroine does in one mission carries over to the next one. -The main heroine is not some deep or memorable character. The show is just overselling her by being drawn as a hot sexy waifu with boobies that are half exposed most of the time. Other than that she’s an emotionless robot that changes several times because of amnesia, time skips, or because she’s dragged around in missions by the teddy bear robot and not because she has any control over her actions. Essentially she’s a plot device, following a computer program, and she doesn’t develop naturally like a human being. In fact she doesn’t develop as much as she gets rewritten, since she gets multiple amnesias that wipe her so-called progression. -The finale is basically rendering pointless the entire series, since the changes in the timeline didn’t stop the disaster in the future. Also the main antagonist was so uninterested in achieving her plan, she just lets the heroine to do whatever she likes. Also there never were any stakes because the characters can go back in time again in case they fail. It’s a time travel story, what did you expect? Negative consequences that can’t be undone? Thus, as a whole Vivy is a show about forgettable characters, superficial themes, no actual plot progression, or actual character development, and a finale that essentially tells you there never was any pressure of time or danger of losing. It’s another one of those throwaway shows that you might like the first time you watch it, because the artwork looks nice, has a hot sexy waifu, and sad things happening all the time. But there is no replay value once you realize how lazily written and superficial it is as a whole, and won’t stand the test of time for most.
hilarious how awful the script for this anime is. every episode got me chuckling during most of the exposition dialogues. anyhow, not gonna write long-format explanations to each of them, just gonna list some: - not a single moment the AIs convinced me they are AIs. they all act like any badly-designed human character out there. - the anime shows ZERO normal interactions between humans and AIs, just the ones that are going to have some impact on the narrative. and there is a terrorist group that wants to destroy all AIs because... humans and AIs can't coexist? and there is not a single moment where thisis the case. - we are supposed to believe an AI that can create thousands of different calculations and simulations came back to the past from decades ahead and it simply can't calculate the most basic way to stop an AI takeover? and why does it need to hibernate to WAIT for the events to happen instead of preventing them from ever happening? - the songs are derivative as fuck. - the whole 'what is the heart' thing is just cringe. HUMANS can't agree what emotions mean in an objective manner, why does it matter for an AI? - matsumoto (the AI) is just annoying. - satellites, when they are diverted from the earth's orbit to its atmosphere, burn up and disintegrate before they can ever reach the ground. and don't the AIs need the satellites to communicate and work properly? just watch violet evergarden if you want something similar in structure but good.
Term " Wasted effort" is good fit for this show as despite having one of the best production I have seen in very long time, bland and uninteresting story bogs down the show to mediocrity. Setting is nothing unusual A.I Robots going rouge with our heroine's duty to save the world. While this whole premise was interesting enough on its own , back then it was still new, I would expect show in 2021 not a copy of I,Robot 2004. I expected this show to have more of self awareness and tell a story with understanding that the audience is already very familiarwith its concept. Something similiar to how many newer and later wave Isekai's spend very little or no time at all explaining the mechanics of its world as they understand people watching the shows don't need to sit through another 5 minute explanation what XP and combat stats are. In the same vein I was hoping for world of Vivy would not be stranger to dangers of A.I and that there would be genuine concern, with premptive measures takes to stop any disasters from occurring , in reality idea of A.I uprising seems to have never crossed the mind of people in the show. It leaves an impression that writer did not aim to create a living world rather a perfectly engineered thing with sole purpose to be destroyed by A.I and later saved by Vivy. This lack of functionality extends to all aspects of the show. Things happen because the plot needs to extend. For example , Why does A.I meant to be a singer given a body capable of fighting off several armed men or given enough strength to crush a human skull with a single hand? Answer this there is not real logical reason but it must be possible for plot to progress. This happening few times is already tiring as it is , but this occurs several times PER EPISODE. Luckily for the show production quality both sound design and animation are so un-proportionally higher than its writing that I felt genuine sadness for the production team. Choreography was jaw dropping and brought memories of being taken back then I first saw Obito vs Kakashi or Sasuke vs Naruto in end of Shippuden. Last time I was It should really speak volumes about quality of production that it pushes show with 3/10 story to 6/10. Main question is it worth watching the Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song No, Not really You can just as well watch the fight scenes separately , Story is so boring that knowing the context behind fight does not enhance the viewing experience .
After a quick glance through the reviews, I'm glad I'm not the only low scorer on this anime. I was beginning to think this was truly a first where my opinion was so different to others hugely by majority. I didn't get it. My enjoyment of the entire series decreased as it went on. What initially started off as curiosity and interest gradually became dread and the only reason why I completed it was because I kinda (overstatement) wanted to see how it would end. Also because I was far enough in that dropping a 13 episode anime actually seemed stupid and lazy on mypart, especially when my review of it won't take as much having only watched 3 episodes. For one, I can appreciate the art and the sound. If those two lacked, this would probably be a 1 or 2. The character design is quite simple but the eyes of the AI's are really nice. Especially Vivy's. The music should obviously be quite high quality too, considering the MC is a songstress, so that didn't disappoint. But everything else was rated quite low. In terms of character, I had no attachments to any character. I had no feeling towards them. I didn't even like them. It felt like the show didn't go deeper than surface level "this is who I am" and "this is why I do what I do". And the latter was quite plainly stated. The summary of it made sense. I understood the plot, and upon first hearing it, it really did sound interesting. Someone raved about the great dynamic between the two MC's but I didn't get it? At points, I can admit, they were funny together. Two very stark personalities clashing in almost every episode, if not, every other. But overall? I wouldn't have cared if something happened to any of the characters that were introduced. Actually, I take that back, the only character I liked was the actual creator of "Matsumoto" (no spoilers over here). My opinion could easily just be because I'm not a fan of Sci-Fi, but I really didn't get it. As my first anime with any AI in it (I think? I've watched ones with robots but not actual AI I don't think), I was disappointed, especially given the amount of 9s and 10s I'm seeing. I couldn't even tell you why I think other people like it. The action was boring to me, the story didn't elicit any excitement, desperation or fear on my half. Wouldn't recommend this to anyone personally, but I reckon people will find this themselves considering the score it's getting. There's far better Spring 2021 animes that are currently airing/finished airing and Vivy doesn't even begin to scratch that list, for me.
Anime originals are always an interesting adventure every season. Will it be really good or will it be pretty bad? Considering recent ventures such as Wonder Egg Priority and Jouran, as well as the historical performance of these anime originals, one would be stupid to not enter a series like Vivy with some level of skepticism. To be honest, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to watch this series after reading the description, everything seemed so cliche and cringe to me. But here I am, writing a review for what I consider one of the top 3 anime this season and one of the best,single-cour length anime (which actually concludes its plot) I’ve watched to date. Does Vivy have its cliches? Yes, since that's practically any anime you’ll find out there these days. But it’s how those cliches are used that’s important, and Vivy does a really good job of spinning these cliches so the series doesn’t feel like something you’ve seen before, at least in anime (looking at you Terminator!). For an anime original, with only 13 episodes to boot, this show accomplished a lot and I will shower it with the praise I believe it justly deserves. Story: 8/10 As cliche riddled as the story is, I actually thought it was really well done. The gist of the story is pretty straightforward: Vivy tries to learn what pouring your heart into something is while trying to save the world from an impending AI apocalypse. It’s like Terminator meets idols. While this story seems generic at first glance, it doesn’t end up feeling overly cliche or boring. The plot progresses at a very good pace, and the worldbuilding is done fantastically to boot. I especially liked the worldbuilding and premise of Vivy, since whether you’d like it or not, it explores some seriously real concerns we’ll have regarding AI in the eventual future. Most importantly, I found that the use of cliches was executed very well, with just enough originality and identity with the series mixed in to keep it somewhat original: the way the story is told does a great job of covering up the cliche aspects of certain parts by highlighting the main point being addressed instead of the method used to portray it. That being said, certain plot points could be seen as overly deus-ex machina like and felt a bit forced at times. However, these instances are far and few between and I can somewhat overlook them in the grand scheme of things. Art: 10/10 What else can I say? Nothing short of visually stunning, both in and out of action scenes (but the action scenes definitely take the cake). The art/animation quality is also consistent throughout the entire series, so props to Wit for keeping the hard work up. Sound: 10/10 Wowza is the sound design in this anime really fucking good! For pitching itself as an anime centred around a songstress, Vivy definitely delivers on all the OSTs and songs used throughout the series. OP is a banger, ED is sick, and yup, you guessed it, the OST is A1 quality. VAs did a fantastic job too, especially Matsumoto. God I love that little cube’s lines and the VA behind it because they did a damn good job. Characters: 8/10 I thought the characters in Vivy were, for the most part, quite well done. Some of the supporting characters were good, but most of them felt quite generic or one-dimensional, serving as plot points. But that doesn’t matter because the interactions between our star duo of Vivy and Matsumoto, as well as their interactions with the characters they meet at each singularity point, are what defines the character aspect of this show. Again, Vivy is your cliche apathetic/non-human lead who is embarking on a journey to discover what it means to feel/be a human. That being said, her journey is done quite well, and I especially enjoyed the Ophelia arc not for Ophelia, but for the exploration of Vivy’s struggles following the previous arc. Matsumoto is a love or hate character, but I thought he was pretty funny. While he mostly serves as an exposition dump, he does it in a self-aware way that doesn’t make it seem overbearing. I love his dynamic interactions with Vivy though and they provide a lot of the “comedy” you’ll find in this series. Visually, character designs are quite good too. I liked all the designs for the main cast we meet throughout Vivy’s journey. Enjoyment: 10/10 Analysis and all out the window, I fucking enjoyed every minute of Vivy. From the music to the fights to the quirky interactions with Matsumoto, I can look back on this series and say I thoroughly enjoyed watching it from start to finish. Sure, there were times, where I got a bit impatient or felt like the plot/scenes, were stalling, but they were far and few between over the 13 episodes. Most importantly, I feel like I can rewatch Vivy and enjoy it just as much, if not more, than my first time through. And for me, any series that can accomplish this deserves a shitload of praise in my books.
Vivy is good, not great, but could have been great, given proper bake time in the oven. So often we see titles do this half-baked effort, and it's so unfortunate, because under this half-baked series, is a good premise. Idols aren't my thing, but I gave this a shot, and off the bat I was ready to binge the rest. I did so, and unfortunately, the world, and the story, are underdeveloped. Vivy doesn't get proper character growth, the story is everywhere almost episodic like Violet Evergarden, but not as removed as VE was from its main story. The seriesneeded to be 26 episodes. It's a common problem that I wish studios would fix by reducing the number of titles they do per year, to allow these shows to flourish. Animation 8/10 - The animation is stunning at times, but there are too few scenes that show off this great animation. Sound 10/10 - The soundtrack and the emotion it conveys is incredible. Story 5/10 - The story isn't good, much of the world, and its characters are a husk of what it should be, including Vivy. There was so much more they could have done to flesh it all out. Characters 6/10 - I like most of the cast, but again, they come and go, and in the end those characters are a fart in the wind. Enjoyment 6/10 - It's too bad, cause this anime does convey emotion, and I loved that about it, but everything as a whole is relatively lifeless. As far as who I could recommend this to, I would say people who enjoyed Violet Evergarden, would probably enjoy this. It could appeal to random people as well, it's not a bad anime, it is just a wasted potential.
-No Major Spoiler- This anime was damn Good and Very Worth To Watch! Let me explain that. Starting with a scientist who saw the AI apocalypse was happen in his world. Knowing that the scientist tried his best to be able to fix it, of course thats not easy. The one and only way to fix it is send a AI Robot from the future to the past 100 Years Before and make some team work with the girl who live beetwen the past and the future, yeah thats vivy. And thats how this anime was made. I see many reviews are bothered by the "PlotHole" On this anime. Iam not agree with that, let me explain! 1. First, This anime tells a story with a timeline 100 years before the apocalypse. It's reasonable that the plot holes feel big,considering that this anime only lasts 20 minutes per episode, and with total episode just 12 Episode 2. Second, Come on guys we are not children who must be told things as detailed as possible to be understood. Use your brain to think. The best part on this anime it's the music. Considering that this anime is a music genre. Myfavorite scene is sunrise arc episode 4. With a beautifull and tragic become one with mellow music from ellizabeth and his sister. I'am crying and have a goosebump when thats scene played, even just when i play that music, that scene has been engraved in my mind. Vivy just the AI robot, can he change the future? Can he have a emotional, heart, empathy just like human? Can he sing with all his heart? Watch it! 100% Worth to Watch, Because this was a Masterpiece!
I can't understand why people praise this show so much. The characters are terribly constructed, with the author completely unable to understand their motivations and intentions. The AIs are supposed to not be fully sentient and/or understand human emotions, but they're all far more emotive than most of the human characters, thus rendering Vivy's conflict of not know what it is to sing with all your hear moot and false. The narrative is all over the place, with the time jumps between episodes glossing over several important plot points that are never addressed. And don't get me started on the music. It's unmemorable, tedious and unimaginative (mystandard for that is currently Carol & Tuesday, what I think is the golden standard for pop music in anime so far). And Vivy's final song, that's supposed to be her triumphant moment of finally solving her dilemma, is a pathetic and uncreative summary of the anime's plot!!! Animation is also not that great, again, for full CGI, go to Houseki no Kuni, far far better animation. Overall, very bad. Can't unrecommend enough.
I did not like this show. Japanese people are going too far to commodify the act of tugging at someone's heartstrings. It's not genuine. It feels fake. I'm so extremely tired of anime coming up with cool concepts and resorting to give it the treatment that is mostly likely to bring in popularity in terms of anime ratings (because most people do not understand what makes a story good). It's when you are reading about a new anime which has a cool concept that then you find out it is set in a high school and now you know for a fact that it will have misunderstanding,love triangles, a school fest, beach and hot bath spring episodes, killing your excitement. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with those anime, after all, some people like to eat the same breakfast every single day till they die, but I think I belong to a part of the anime community which wants something more, something more fleshed out, a story not writing by someone trying to complete a deadline in a redbull induced fever dream. We want substance. This anime has none. I'll be honest, the more anime I watch, the more I realize how different anime is from what I thought it was, and how disappointing it is so view the cultural differences that exist between mine and the Japanese anime culture. The differences that allow such anime to be produced and broadcasted to the world. In this anime, you had an interesting concept, which they thought could tolerate coating with rising soundtracks and idol-singing (which is one of the most vacuous forms of pop music to have ever existed) to "answer questions about purpose and humanity" and such things, when it really has the philosophical depth of a puddle. I mean I imagine that if young teens saw this anime, they might enjoy it, so maybe I'm just the wrong demographic, but so often I feel tricked as a consumer to watch anime that promises things that will interest me, only to bamboozle me into watching something that has no soul, no personality, a wholly focus-group tested, empty, sterile, canned, microwave-dinner-esque rendition of the story I thought I was going to get to watch. It's so extremely frustrating to be baited with a spoon of ice cream and to have pineapple pizza shoved into your mouth. It really should be a crime to do this. The only reason that they keep getting away with it is the fact that the people who enjoy this kind of anime drown out anybody else's voice. Anime has stopped being a medium of art, and instead has become more like the various grades of sandpaper or steel that are available in the market. Just how you wouldn't use steel meant for spaceships in a fork, you cannot criticize shounen anime because they are meant to be brainless, you can't criticize shojo anime because the very aspects you have problems with are the aspects that are adored by millions, you can't criticize seinen anime for having mindless death and violence because that's what you're supposed to expect. In the end you have anime that make sure to fall squarely into some or the other genre because it will be protected by self-appointed guards of that genre. The people who made this anime, they played it very safe, and this anime has a high rating on MAL. But I find the rating disingenuous. It's not real, it's objectively NOT a good story, it has plot holes, weak story writing, inconsistencies, it fails to properly develop the world precisely because doing so would require them to write a waterproof storyline, and as it stands, they could do whatever they wanted. Nice visuals and well-performed music (however soulless) doesn't a good anime make. Be kind to yourself, don't let flowery visuals and music out of a figurative wine-box with a tap tell you how to feel, how to think, and how to assess anime. Don't let this colour your expectations of the media you want to experience. Be kind to yourself, respect your brain, don't let anime producers tell you that this is good enough, it's not, it never has been, and it never will be. But they will keep trying, and so must be, as consumers, to expect better from the industry we support, and to put forward brains and talent of the highest order, or we will forever be kept hostages by these charlatans and quacks who pretend to be artists and writers.