Small for his age, Yukinari has been bullied and abused by girls all his life. Now in high school, he has developed a rare condition: whenever girls touch him, or even come close, he breaks out in hives. Imagine his surprise, when he is suddenly transported to the city of Seiren on a mystic world invisibly orbiting the Earth, and populated with vast numbers of women and very few men. Fortunately, he has a new friend, Miharu-chan, whose touch inexplicably doesn't affect him. (Source: ANN)
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Well after watching the first season, the second season isn't as much different. Kazuhara is still up to his pervy ways, Yukinari still allergic to Women, and Miharu is still acting like the dits she always is. But this time things change a bit. Now Yukinari and Miharu become more indeph with their small relationship, and there are still many people trying to ruin it for poor Yukinari. It seems the Women of Seiren Demensional Security are trying to bring back Miharu because if she stays on Earth for too long strange things may happen. Also a mysterious cloaked person is constantly following Yukinari, watching hisevery move. What's all the comotion about? Welll I don't want to spoil it for you. But like I said to begin with, nothing much has changed. The series begins where the other left off. There aren't any new additions to the character line up, unless you think a masked cleaning super hero as one. But if you are a fan of the series and wants to see what happens to our unfortunate Yukinari then please do watch. Don't complain when you start to think it gets too repetative.
AS I"VE SAID BEFORE; I REVIEW AFTER SEEING THE WHOLE SERIES, SO THIS IS THE SAME AS THE FIRST SEASON. BUT ANYWAYS... Okay first lets get the description down. -Wimpy boy meet awesome girl. -Awesome girl (who's totally out of his league) likes him back and moves in. -Then two other chicks fall in love with him as well.-Then we find out each chick has special abilities. -Then two more chicks join in and live with the wimpy boy. -And last...The story turns into several different short stories which eventually lead to some giant problem including the separation of the wimpy boy and awesome girl. Now for the review. From a normal standpoint, this story is really funny, but with not much to offer in the suspense department. So it's a 7/10 BUT, from an ecchi point of view, two words: FREAKING SWEET. 9/10 It all depends on you preference.
((Pretty much the same as the first but stuff added to the end.)) Girls, naked breasts, and panty shots. Is this what Anime has become? Well, it’s not as bad as Eiken. The artwork is actually mostly tasteful (Ok… it’s not really but at least the girls don’t have breasts the size of body pillows on their chests) and the storyline is actually rather well done. It’s almost like a Romeo and Juliet storyline in parts because the two always seem to be ripped apart by some things. Let’s start with the characters. Miharu is a little cutesy and a sweetie. Sometimes though, a little too muchof the sweet, naive character. She has the traits of an alien character in that she has supernatural powers that sometimes can’t be controlled and the fact that she didn’t know much of Earth. She has a black hole of a stomach since she is always hungry but oddly, some of the things she eats, she does it way to odd. For example, the second episode, she eats a banana rather suggestively. She has no concept of not changing in front of people, mostly in front of Yukinari though. Koyomi is pretty cute as well and again, is way to naïve. Her background story is actually quite sad. She Has a fear of men but not surprisingly actually is alright with Yukinari after quite a while. She works with the space management office on the planet Seiren where the two are from. Her special agent friend, Tomoka, is actually rather childish and way different then the shy Koyomi. Kirie is a rather kick ass sporty type, who has a thing for Yukinari (You can see where this is all going). She is the childhood friend of him and sometimes ends up just walking into his house without a care in the world, many times leaving a rather big misunderstanding that ends up hurting Yukinari. Whenever she fights a ‘pervert’ she screams out something ‘in hell’ as she beats the crap out of them. It was fun for a little while, and then got rather old. Yukinari is… well like every other fucken main character in a Harem! He’s clumsy, small, and not really able to stand out in a crowd. He has an allergy to women though Miharu doesn’t make him brake out at all. Other then that, he is rather sweet and kind, with a wonderful heart. On the other side of the spectrum is Kazuharu who flirts with every girl around him. He is a pervert who always grabs the girls’ breasts and panties. He is allergic to men though, hence the white gloves that he wears. His sister, Risa, is really into black magic and has a crush on Yukinari. She has a really pushy and throws her servants around to get him to come to her. Now for her servants, Kosame is into Kirie actually. This is actually a new concept I never really saw in another show, especially because it’s a Yuri relationship. They crammed so much into this show that it’s really jammed with a lot of stuff into it. We got the enter-dimensional transportation, black magic, love triangles, aliens from another world, magical girls, special ops characters, and perverts. We even have a little cute side kick animal named Ebi. Ebi and Miharu have an interesting little relationship much like Excel and her dog. The artwork is pretty much standard. It’s clean and bright but It just doesn’t stand out much from all the other anime done around this time. It makes it really hard to figure out just what to say every time I review a show that is pretty standard in this area. The English voices are pretty good, though I feel a bit odd about Miharu’s voice. It’s Michelle Ruff who also played the voice of Ai Sakuraba from Ai Yori Aoshi. Kasuharu Fukuyama is actually played perfectly by Liam O’Brien who did Taishi Kuhonbutsu from Comic Party. Yes, the overactive Otaku is playing the overactive pervert. Not a large difference but it works perfectly for this show. Season two comes out pretty much the same as the first, though even more perverted. I did like the episode where Yukinari and Kazuharu changed bodies. I really loved how it suddenly turned into a really messed up way where everyone switched with every other person at the swimming pool. The only thing that bothered me was the tentacle rape part. It was kind of going overboard. It is here when I figured out why the story plot seemed so disjointed. I found a lot of these episodes were all filler, most of them only going for one episode. It was all made for fan service that sort of gets old at times. That and the stupidity of Miharu seemed to get even more. Still, I couldn’t help but keep watching it, thinking that there may be an underlining storyline for the whole show. There… kind of was but it didn’t show up until episode 17 (6 in the second episode) but there was barely any info about it till Episode 20. Sadly, this only has 24 episodes when adding the two seasons together. I pretty much see the name as ‘Oh! There are girls naked and sexual innuendos with anime fan service! Bravo!’ or at least that’s what I think the guys are thinking.
As i watched the first season i like it the story had a good opening to it but i think haveing the opening to a nacked girl in the a tub was one of the most obvious thing that anime can do for an opening other then that i think the hole (1&2) season was great to watch, the character's ware funny and great see.also the sexual part ware really funny to see mahjong part it was funny see. so all-in-all it was a good show i like it vary much
So after watching the first episode of Girls Bravo, I kind of rolled my eyes preparing for more of the same (re: tentacle rape scene), but as the season progressed I actually started getting mildly interested. Character and plot development actually started poking its proverbial head in and making an appearance, all be it a very small one by the end. Throughout, they really started to try and give Girls Bravo some direction and purpose in story. I really don't mind the excessive ecchi in a series (I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a perv and I find it funny), but when the story rivalsthat of a pornographic film it kind of feels as such. And frankly, that's boring. I bumped up my grade for the second season for two reasons: 1 - Characters felt like they were growing a little bit. Fukuyama started becoming a guy you could find a spot for in your heart (even if it was a tiny, seldom used spot). Kirie became a significantly less brutal person and started showing her compassion more. Yukinari started getting a backbone (although I still hated his constant whining - he even sounded whiny when he was showing personal strength against adversity!). Koyomi also started gaining some courage and not a sniveling baby all the time. Character growth all around was ACTUALLY starting to show so they get some props for that. 2 - Direction. By this I mean the characters actually started to have some purpose or goals. This was helped along by two things: first being the characters becoming more comfortable about confessing their true feelings to one another and second the introduction of genuine villains. Although the villains were far too mysterious (and in some cases strangely shocking) for too much of the season, it was nice to see the protagonists go up against someone or some thing rather than just bumbling along pointlessly for no reason. The penultimate confrontation in season 2 was interesting enough at the end, but it still felt rushed in a lot of ways. Therefore, I was unable to bump up my grade more than a point (which honestly is probably pretty generous). While Girls Bravo started off as an excessive breast-fetish ecchi with some mildly chuckle-worth laughs from time to time (the episode where Yukinari dresses up as a girl at the video game convention to help the girls made me actually laugh out loud), it grew into something that could have been a fairly decent anime but was cut short. The end was reasonably emotional and cute enough, but it probably won't leave a lasting impression on me. If you like breasts, this is the anime for you. If not, then...I dunno, you probably should skip the series unless you're willing to sit down and give it merit based on both seasons. If the latter, then I'd say give it a shot at least and then see what you think before striking it off your lists forever.
Ah Girls Bravo, what to say... On paper, this anime would seem to fail in many aspects, but yet this is one of the most enjoyable shows I have ever watched, simply for its lively, funny, and slightly stupid mood. While there isn't much to talk about in artwork or sound department (nothing incredible, at least). Story (5)- The story (or what there is of it) is linked together solely by containing the same characters and the same basic problem with Yukinari. Most episodes are completely irrelevant to the plot of the show, and thus lack any sort of powerful punch behind them. Art (6)- The artof this show is average, not exceedingly well done nor horrible. Sound (6)- The sounds of this show are much like the art (nothing extraordinary, but not bad). That said, I still enjoy listening to the opening theme and singing along while driving. Character (7)- The characters of this show are admittedly flat and slightly repetitive, but nonetheless each seems to have a unique charm. I found myself regretfully liking the wimpy Yukinari, enjoying Miharu's naivety, and becoming ever more annoyed with Tomo. The show actually makes use of the character's flatness, using it to create unrealistic yet adorable individuals to populate its world. Enjoyment (10)- This is the part of the rating that makes no sense in context with the rest. Given the above information, most would assume that this show is simply a mediocre way to pass the time. But somehow this show manages to provide unending fun, and had me falling over laughing at many of its immature, cheesy jokes. Overall, this show, despite its faults, manages to pull together quite an experience. Ignoring its blatant fan service (but seriously, who's going to complain there?) the show provides endless amounts of cheap humor and innuendo in the likeliest of places. Girls Bravo doesn't strive to push the boundaries of storytelling or force the viewers to reassess his/her life. Instead, it offers moronic humor and cheap laughs that will nevertheless provide hours of pure, mindless entertainment.
Dont get me wrong I enjoyed this immensly but it was kinda just the same thing again and again but as it got futher i did like how the relationship between Yukinari and Miharu grew but at the same time they left us on that huge hole in the ground of a plot when suddenly the bad guys become good guys n get 'friendly' with Yukinari and his friends n thrn it suddenly leaves us thinking WTF as it goes from battling to 'sexaul harrasment time' to the end where we still dont know who chooses who. But all in all apart from the endingits a pretty good anime
Girls Bravo (Seasons 1 and 2) You know how in most harems, the main guy is afraid of women or has no idea how to act around them? They’re so afraid of the boobies and close contact, right; well in Girls Bravo, our MC has a ridiculous reason for being afraid of girls! He’s been bullied by them all his life and develops a rash/hives that permeates throughout his entire body when a girl touches him, sucks, right? Our MC is Yukinari Sasaki, he lives alone in his large home and has a really kind neighbor/childhood friend that takes care of him. The neighbor isKojima Kirie, a really pretty girl who’s loud, slightly obnoxious and very strong, you don’t mess with her. The main girl for Girls Bravo is Miharu, she comes from a different planet, a planet that has a population of 90% females who are all looking to get married and messed up (You know.... oh trust me... you know) to any man they can find; though Miharu isn’t like this at all. She’s kind, sweet, extra cute and is the only girl that doesn’t cause Yukinari’s hives to break out; pretty neat! There are a few recurring support characters such as Fukuyama Kazuharu, he’s the super perverted, grope you in the middle of class type of guy. He’s aggressive and loves the girls, he’s not afraid to get a little dirty, but to make things funny, he hates guys; so he gets hives whenever a guy might touch him; really funny stuff. We also have his imouto, Fukuyama Risa (Lisa), she too is in love with Yukinari, she’s also a bad ass witch who deals with black magic and is a super gorgeous blonde girl. There is also Koyomi, Ebi and Tomoka; Ebi is some sort of creature from Seiren (The planet with a ton of horny girls) and Koyomi and Tomoka came from Seiren to help find a groom for Miharu’s sister Maharu. The cast is all really funny and because there are a good handful of characters to look out for, you never get bored or annoyed with any of them, (well maybe Kazuharu and his really perverted ways). The story: Uuuhm, you’re not watching this show for a story, you’re watching it for the boobs, really…. A lot of boobs, I mean, there are a lot. Any story that is shown is self-contained in each episode, because the anime is very slice of life and episodic, but who cares about that, let the oppai consume you, embrace the ecchi and lewd nature that is Girls Bravo, it's for the best, after all =). Sound: Yes, there is music and ambient sound and BGM. It’s good, but not 100% memorable really. The OP and ED for both seasons however are good and very fun for what Girls Bravo is, really enjoyed them for sure. Animation/Art Style: Hehehe, well I liked the art style and animation, the show aired in 04, right before or during the time that anime started to change towards the extra shiny and super cute look. Girls Bravo retains a more hand drawn type of look, (as in, late 90’s type of look). It’s unique and very pretty. All the girls are drawn very well, there are no strange issues that really occur, but there also isn’t much detail in the world either. A lot of the focus is on the faces and cloths of what the characters wear, things like that. I personally enjoyed Girls Bravo. I was feeling a little down and watching this made me quite happy. It’s a series full of laughs and fun, though I suspect the MC and his hives antic will tire people out. If it matters; it’s not until the last 2 episodes of the 2nd season that things actually progress in the story, so most of it is very very slice of life. It’s fun though and I think it looks good too. Boobs
Story Well...the story contiuned where the first season left it...So I can't say very much...just that the second season seemed to em a bit more intense than the first one... Art This time I can say without problems that I really liked the views,landscapes,art's and everything that was colourfull ^_^ Sound Is weird how small anime's like this one have's better soundtracks than one's with big succes [ I don't give names -]...The OP/ED was fantastic...really as the soundtracks from the episodes when they were used... Character As the first season I still like Risa-chan alot...the rest of the character I don't really care...They each had theyre own unique personallity butI still like Risa-chan off all characters ^_^ Enjoyment Lot's of perverted moments and comic moments...How could you not enjoy a harem ecchi romantic comedy? I enjoyed to the fullest Overall I give it a big 10...It deserves it...It improved what season was was lacking so I can say that season 2 is way better than the first one
Well I just finished the series, so I am gonna try to review the important points: Story: 5 The story is kind of not the forte of girls bravo to be honest, there is not anything depper, at the end they try to do something with it but like I said I think the story is not that good. Also for me I dont think they dealt with the harem thing very well, I mean in a harem the boy is supposed to at least put some interest in more than 1 girl, but here it always seemed that yukinaru was only interested in 1 girl. Art: 7 Agood art, more for the ecchi lovers xD Sound: 7 Good sound overall, I think the sountrack fits the series very well. Character: 6 I think they could have developed the character a litte bit more, but I guess it was ok, too bad we didn´t got more character developent for the people that appeared at the final episodes. Enjoyment: 6 I am gonna say I enjoyed the series but for me it was kind of a filler anime, the fact that the guy had almost already made the decision about the girl was kind of a mood killer for me
well i found it to be enjoyable. i found the story to be much better this season than the first season. i kinda wish that they would had ended if different but i still like the way they ended it
This Season is the same as the 1st but this time it brings in the annoying little girl who most little kids think there "Adults" and also the perverted guy is always in the episodes and he really is the definison of annoying. Although the bond between Yukinari and Miharu gets stronger it doesnt step to the next stage, i would of expected from Kirie that she tells Yukinari her feelings which she DOESN'T, the story gets a little better and even has a cliffhanger (Shocked), again the only reason this is this series is good is because of Miharu, although shes quite innocent shesquite funny to watch and unlike many characters she AIN'T annoying. The story progreses (a little) and although it got better near the end i felt the ending was quite poor and even though it was a Romantic Comedy there is not much "Romance" as you dont even see Yukinari kiss Miharu. Be warned quite a bit of ecchi especially in the wrestling matches :).