In C.E.75, the fighting still continues. There are independence movements, and aggression by Blue Cosmos... In order to calm the situation, a global peace monitoring agency called COMPASS is established, with Lacus as its first president. As members of COMPASS, Kira and his comrades intervene into various regional battles. Then a newly established nation called Foundation proposes a joint operation against a Blue Cosmos stronghold. (Source:
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Best of the SEED series by far. This movie made me really like the SEED franchise. The first SEED was too similar to the original Gundam for my taste. SEED Destiny felt like an improvement, until it turned the protagonist into the villain. SEED Freedom does not have any of these problems. Story: The story is simple but it does its job. Kira and Lacus are the heroes in the end, but they are neither annoying nor preachy. They managed to introduce powerful, worthy villains in a natural way. Characters: This is where SEED Freedom shines. I felt that Kira was not relatable and Lacus was preachy inthe previous SEED entries. However, here, they are humanized and Kira is shown to have actual flaws. Also, Shin and Luna-Maria are given many moments to shine as well as Athrun. Action: Despite the action being CGI, I felt it was really good. It was definitely more natural and fluid than THE ORIGIN. Also, it has some fan favorite mobile suits return and have their time in the spotlight that they always deserved. Conclusion: IF you don’t like SEED, watch this movie. It is far better than the other two entries in this series. It will change your mind about SEED. If you like SEED, also watch this movie. It’s amazing and is now one of my top 5 Gundam works along with the original, zeta, IBO and Hathaway. I really have no complaints. Long live SEED.
This is not a well-crafted movie to begin with they choose to have as its theme "love" but not a mature idea of love the well-meaning type but often mistaken idea of "love" with corny ideology backing this all up. there's lots of teen angst that goes off the scales and there are lots of twists and turn-heels which makes this movie not that bad but themes that were better explored in the last two season are left as just background noise for romance, I guess there's no more to explore in this setting and "gundam universe" for us the viewers. So not really recommended. ENJOYMENTSECTION: 5/10 Art 1/1 (looks okay) Sound 1/2 (good songs but the dialogues are usually meh) Story 1/3 (great concepts as background decoration) Characters 2/4 (they are ok but nothing much) FINAL VERDICT: 5/10
Overall I found the movie to be a lot of highs and lows, peaks and valleys. Little moments here and there I absolutely loved, found funny, cool, or appropriate following from Seed/Destiny, and other things were even dumber than the Seed-Hater-Memes make Seed out to be. The art design wasn't as bad as the previews made it out to be, though many times characters were indeed much too bobble-headed. I also felt something was missing in the the CG fighting - it was too smooth and lacked the "oomph" & "impact" that the original shows (and even Hathaway's Flash) managed to instill in the clashes andhits. Aside from a couple of the new songs and the teases of original classic tracks which were most appreciated, I found the movie score to be very underbaked. Long periods without an emotional note or flourish, seeming different tracks stiched together scene by scene - it was giving me some audio whiplash. Compared to Seed/Destiny, where perhaps the strongest element was the music, it was a poor showing. The subtitles I felt were not amazing in their quality. Clunky translation and delivery. I was also sad to see we went back to the "Dullindal" spelling for the former ZAFT chairman. Took me back to 2005 on that one. There were loads of story points that I took issue with, especially since Fukuda said it was so important to keep the consistency of character from the end of Destiny, I was hoping for better from our two lead characters, Kira and Lacus. Kira especially (and I focus on him in this review because it really is his movie) I felt was very out of character and unbelievable following from where we last saw him in Destiny. He has a emotional crisis to work through in this movie and the way he tries to deal with it was so reminiscent of SEED-era Kira when he was at his lowest/inexperienced, I was shocked and disappointed. By the end of Seed and all over Seed Destiny, Kira had developed a much greater emotional intelligence and awareness and would not have acted as he did in this movie. There was a chance to explore a much more nuanced character and romantic relationship here but unfortunately the film took an obvious and tired retread of been there done that (with this very same character). This regression of character for no reason was puzzling and reaks of plot convenience. Lacus has some very puzzling retcons seemingly made to her, however her character feels more as if she hasn't changed or evolved since we saw her in Destiny, whereas Kira felt like he actually regressed. The antagonists are supremely underdeveloped and underexplained, unless I missed a lot somehow in the breakneck pace of some sections of the movie. The special gimmicks and origins of the antagonistic group which are *critical* for the plot... Not explained as far as I remember. I can only make assumptions which isn't great for a movie that had near 2 decades to figure itself out. I was reminded several times during the movie of the Code Geass Resurrection movie; only I feel that movie did all the things you could hope for - and did them well - while here there are so many narrative compromises following from Seed Destiny. It feels like the script could have done with another going over. There is a lot of fan-service, particularly as you get into the 3rd act. When it isn't stepping on the character development/narrative, it's highly effective; Shin, Luna, Capt. Ramius, Mu, Athrun, and Cagalli all get great moments you'll love if you've ever enjoyed the Gundam Seed setting. I do hope for more Cosmic Era animation entries, just with some more narrative care given to character consistency and development. For Seed Freedom, my earnest hope is that they can improve and massage certain aspects of Seed Freedom for the home release like they did with Seed-Destiny OG > Seed Destiny HD. Somehow they made me love Seed Destiny more than Seed when I did a rewatch, so I think there could be hope for Seed Freedom.
Characters: Some characters develop backwards, turning into people who have not gained the emotional stability they had (gained) in destiny. Most new characters are introduced to the bare minimum. Most of them with no depth. Story: Recycled plot elements from destiny. Can't beat the "good guys"? Just give the bad guys better technology, and vice versa. If you are under the constraint of a single movie, don't cram in content which is normally intended for a whole arc. Music: Almost none of the soundtracks stuck out, unlike in the prequels. Feels like music was an afterthought, not enhancing the story at all. Also...a certain performancewas missing. Art/Animation: SFX are good. Character design is alright, less of the "same face" phenomenon. I'm not against fanservice, however, there are some characters and moments for which it is just inappropriate. Background/scenery is beautiful. I was so hyped when I saw that my most favorite anime got a sequel. This is such a disappointment if it was not meant as a parody. View the end of destiny as the end of the story and you are good.
Kira Yamato and Lacus Clyne : The Movie. Also lips : the movie. If you like these 2 characters then you will like the movie. I like these 2 as couple but I like Cagali and Arthurn more. The aspect I love the most especially in SEED is the interaction from these 2 couple, but this movie mostly revolves between Kira and Lacus. Story & Plot. Straight as an arrow. Barely even a plot twist. I believe straightforward story is great for the movie like the 1st season of tv series. Although there is massive plot hole then again, I remember this is SEED series, it meant to have giantplot hole. The wow factor of design and animation negate plot inconsistency as the tradition of the series. Character & Character Design. All the OG characters is back with their own design. The addition of the lips makes the characters more sensual. The new character especially the villain is simple both in design and characteristic but flesh out enough to make an impact. Personally I hate the CG FREEDOM design at start the movie, look so simple but then again the final FREEDOM make my dong hard. Animation. We all know SEED series is the golden child of Sunrise and for extend Bandai Namco(this is reaching). Of course the animation especially the action scene is top tier. Despite all the Gundam, war ship and action is CG but hot damn it is beautiful. I tell you right now that I will certainly buy the BLU-RAY when it come out. Sound & OST. New song from T.M.Revolution and See-Saw. No complain. I always love the sound design and ost of the SEED series whether the OP, ED and OST. I love them all and still listening to it nowadays. Top score in this department. Conclusion. This movie mostly will not make new fan (if you like this movie then the tv series as a must) and certainly will not make SEED hater to like the series. I don't mind because Gundam SEED Series was the 1st mecha story that I fully watched so it has special place in my heart. Many anime fan bash SEED series as poor teenagers angst fantasy , cringe writing/plot , undeserved OP mc, too many deus ex machina and many more. You know what , all that is why I love SEED series and consequently this movie too. I am biased and nostalgic that why the score is high but again your childhood anime come back after long time , so who wouldn't?
A gundam seed movie truly written with love for the series. With many of the recent gundam series they felt different almost not gundam like but this movie was definitely different, it not only was unmistakably gundam but screamed the themes of gundam seed. Many references to both gundam seed and gundam seed destiny were included in the movie so a rewatch prior to watching the movie is recommended. The art for the most part was actually quite good and even the weird lips that Lacus has were easily tuned out with so much great art surrounding it. the pacing was very fast with much of what wouldbe considered huge focal points if this was a television show and not a movie just glossed over. If i had only one complaint for the movie it would be how the Voice actor for cagalli was changed. Shindo Naomi (original VA in seed and destiny) did decline the role but no one can replace her as she did such a superb job voicing Cagalli. Nanako Mori (New VA in seed freedom) did try but ultimately was not able to live up to the role.
tl;dr: A film that's not particularly groundbreaking, but should be a satisfying experience for long term fans. Gundam SEED is a franchise that's quite beloved, even with the missteps in Destiny. Thus, as taking advantage of nostalgia is getting quite popular, it shouldn't be particularly surprising that it's getting a new installment eighteen years later. This film was clearly created for fans of the series with all that entails, for better or worse. In a way it may feel pretty dated as it uses tropes and plot elements that have long fallen out of fashion. But at the same time, that helps it pull off thesame charm. This film picks up the year after Destiny. Kira, Lacus, and the rest of the main cast have formed an agency known as COMPASS that's dedicated to promoting world peace. However, they're put through their paces when they have to deal with a new nation known as Foundation and go up against a group known as the Black Knights who seem to want to revive the Destiny Plan. While the Destiny Plan is still a core aspect of the film, the associated themes relating to having life preordained or the endless cycle of war take a backseat to something very different: love. A significant portion of the film is centered love and romance. There are a number of relationships and love triangles in the film, but even beyond that there is a lot of very explicit discussions about love itself. It gets quite angsty at times, but for the most part its just really cheesy. The thing though, is that it seems to fully embrace the cheesiness to the point that it gets ridiculous. And at that point its just funny to the point of being amusing and somewhat heartwarming. If you're invested in the various romances built up throughout the series, you'll definitely enjoy this. The film is great at appealing to fans beyond that as well. Most prominently in how it tried to give at least some time to pretty much every major and minor character throughout the series. Athrun being awesome was one of the highlight of the film, but he's an amazing character and after his character arc in Destiny him just being awesome should have been expected. What was more surprising was that Shinn is actually a pretty good character in this. It's not quite like he gets a redemption arc, but it reframes his character such that he's a lot more likable. More specifically, it removes all depth from him entirely, making him a lovable dumbass that's pretty much a comic relief character. Though unfortunately, there were also returning characters it didn't handle as well as it could have. The biggest issue was probably Kira. His relationship with Lacus is the source of a lot of angst, and ultimately he comes out looking really lame for a good portion of the film. His turnaround is great and him and Lacus together for the rest of the film are fantastic, but that doesn't prevent him from really dragging down the first half or so of the film. Another major issue was that Cagalli has like no presence, at least not as much as one of the main characters should have. Plot wise, I get it, but at the same time the writing was willing to get really forced for other things, so I would have been perfectly fine with it also forcing Cagalli into a bigger role. While the returning cast overall was handled well, the new characters left a lot to be desired. Agnes is the only new 'major' character in COMPASS. However, she felt somewhat pointless in terms of plot and themes. The Black Knights too were pretty underdeveloped. There were a bunch of them but they were pretty much all really flat, with the leaders just seeming like cartoon villains. Their whole style was kind of weird as well. They kind of made this film feel like Gundam vs Code Geass, and not just because of their name. They have mind control like powers that kind of reminded me of Geass. Visually they have a lot of the flair that knights in Code Geass do. And their leader's mobile suit look a lot like Lancelot Albion, though with red wings instead of green. Still, even with these issues, the climax of the film is still amazing. There's a lot going on due to it involving a plan with three separate ongoing parts. However, that just gives more room for everyone to shine. Of course Kira, Athrun, and Shinn take the limelight and kick ass with their new Gundams. But Lacus, Lunamaria, Mu, and Yzak also have a really good showing. It's super hype with some great twists, and surprisingly it has a lot of really funny moments. It doesn't even try to do anything deep like the climaxes to the finales in SEED and Destiny did. But in exchange it's just a lot of fun and really enjoyable. The ending was pretty abrupt though. Overall I'd say the production values of this film are great. The art style is definitely different from SEED and Destiny, but it's been eighteen years so of course it is. I see it as a modernized version of the style that still manages to capture the same soul, and overall I really liked it. The new character's designs didn't really do much for me, but the updated designs of the returning cast were solid. The animation overall I thought was great too. This film uses a lot of CG, but essentially only for mechs and such. I know a lot of people dislike that, but at this point I think well executed mech CG is just as good as hand drawn, and this was certainly well executed. The action was spectacular. The main song Freedom, is fantastic and used pretty well. There's also a throwback song used incredibly well, though I won't spoil which. The vocal songs outside of that were decent enough. Though I'm somewhat disappointed there wasn't a new Rie Tanaka song as far as I can tell. The soundtrack was also pretty solid and worked well. Especially the callbacks to tracks from SEED and Destiny. Overall I liked it more than Destiny, but not as much as SEED, and I'm happy with it for what it is.
If you have nostalgia for SEED, you might like the movie. If you were thinking of using this as an excuse to finally catch up on CE (like me), then maybe you should reconsider. The visuals were good. The CGI was fine. The music was great, as it was throughout the series. The writing is the weakest part here. The plot always moves linearly in a predictable direction. The new antagonists are flat. Some of the characters just did not seem consistent with where they were left off in Destiny, it's only been a year since then. Kira once again has a new internal conflict to ponderover. That was what made SEED enjoyable for me, but here it just does not hit. The dialogue is another bag of worms entirely. Some of it was so corny/cheesy, that I was facepalming in disbelief. The main 'message' is repeated ad nauseam. There's a drinking game here with the amount of times 'love' is mentioned. At the end everything goes off the rails, and it's all kinds of fanservice.
Well it only took them freaking twenty years. Was it worth it? Well the best description would be if you liked the original series you'll also like this one. All the aspects of Seed is back. The emotional angst to match that of a YA dystopia novel. Romance that makes KDramas seem realistic. Kickass mecha designs. The main cast being meh in fights until SEED mode kicks in. Shinn being a little biznatch, but at least now in a more humorous rather than edgy way. All the main cast is back, albeit due to it being a movie many lacks screentime. The fact that this wasa movie was perhaps the biggest hinderance overall. The drama introduced between Kira and Lacus was literally a rollercoaster as it all resolved within the hour. The villains weren't properly fleshed out and the resolution left a lot more questions than answers. As usual the Seed series raises some interesting ethical and philosophical questions that their endings does not properly answer. If this was a full series most of these would be a non-issue as the plotlines would have proper time to develop and our old favorites would get their time to shine. Overall this was a pretty good movie. The only glaring flaw was the weird designs for the female characters where they look like they had lip injections. Sometimes things are supposed to be serious but I couldn't help but laugh at the pouty lips. Story: 7/10 Characters: 6/10 Animation: 10/10 (Lacus's Backshot: 100/10) Overall: 8/10 due to bonus from nostalgia
All right. Gundam SEED is out of the shade and since nobody can figure out what to think about it, I'll drag myself out to germinate another, unpopular opinion, too. Let's get this out of the way: Gundam SEED Freedom IS fanservice! It's NOT a new spin on Mobile Suit Gundam, it's NOT a perfection of the medium, it's NOT an innovative approach to storytelling, and I'll tell you why shortly. Instead, this movie is exactly what it needs to be: a celebration of the Gundam universe, mecha, and a literal love letter to the dearly departed Chiaki Murosawa, wife and writer of SEED seriesdirector Fukuda. Does that sound "STELLAR!?" Twenty years since Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Gundam SEED Freedom has burst into theaters, but not everybody is celebrating; like a seed, itself, the Cosmic Era grew divisive from the outset. Some people think of it like a colorful weed, leeching off a more lively Gundam branch, while others think it is a beautiful flower with its unique and colorful petals. Indeed, Gundam SEED has a habit of growing into something totally different from its beginning. Regardless of which camp you might fit into, though, there are objective points to be made about this movie, first and foremost with its tone and themes. Like Doctor Who, Lupin III, or Final Fantasy, Gundam is a franchise that is all over the place with its setting and tone, so you're never quite sure what to expect. However, what you probably WOULDN'T expect is that Gundam SEED Freedom focuses entirely on the concepts of love and emotion, far removed from the themes of racism, war, and determinism which entangled the original SEED and SEED Destiny series! Indeed, protagonist Kira Yamato has gone from pondering the rights and wrongs of two sides, caught between coordinators and naturals, to essentially being the only correct, third option, and that is a potentially interesting place for a character...except that we never got the solutions to stopping division. Even Kira, himself, seems baffled when the new antagonists show up and the concept of love is suddenly introduced as the central element around which all cause and effect in the Cosmic Era revolves. Truly, nothing justifies the shallowness of psychology and philosophy in Gundam SEED Freedom, especially in a universe that previously appeared to pride itself upon pompous prattling, surpassed only by pontificating seinens like Legend of The Galactic Heroes. Rather, it can only be presumed that director Fukuda wanted to emphasize his prevailing sentiment toward the source material and those of its fans, and it shows in his pacing, both positively and negatively: don't look away or you might miss something. Yet, you also might not care because this script is on cocaine. Sans spoilers, the protagonists, being the only correct option in the world, are beset by new enemies, a previously unmentioned nation of super beings called "The Foundation" that not only have the combat ability to best our heroes, but the telepathic pheromones to ruin previous relationships, too. Kira and Lacus separate, and we are left to question whether the cast is necessary now that these new guys are so much "better." In a runtime of a mere 2 hours, two entire shows worth of character casting must be developed, expanded, but I expect most importantly, just SHOWN! There's over 60 characters here. Does anyone remember Meyrin from Gundam SEED Destiny? She has two lines. Does anyone remember Gladys' son? He's in a couple of scenes. Does anyone remember Kuzzey from Gundam SEED? They got him, too! Every breakneck scene in this movie is made for fans of Gundam SEED, and that's really the clincher, isn't it? Sure, there isn't much of a message being taught, but there's a nice sentiment. Fine, there isn't a grand, overarching plot, but there's reasons. Yeah, there's more homages than world development, but that's why we waited twenty years. We fans waited TWENTY YEARS for Gundam SEED Freedom and I'd be gosh-darned if some script and theming issues could somehow ruin what this movie accomplishes so well: satisfying a fan-base. Star Wars can't do it. Star Trek can't do it. Heck, those franchises can't even decide what right and wrong is anymore, much less who's important. Here, after hearing for 100 episodes how great she is, Lacus Clyne has finally something interesting to do. She is given an origin, a decision, and a resolution. Athrun has his head on strait from the beginning, too. He is a complete character without being reset again for the sake of story. Best of all, with the theme of love, we have payoffs for every relationship that was teased since the early origins of the Cosmic Era. All of this is carried with some of the best, most ridiculous, and punchiest, mecha combat in the genre to the point that audiences were clapping in the theaters. Naturally, I did watch this in an American theater, so take that with a grain of salt. This movie expands without dimishing! While the art in the theatrical release might not convey this high production values at all times, the presentation and the perpetually STELLAR musical score remains a treat in Gundam SEED Freedom. The pop music is back, nearly every mobile suit and character retains their motifs, and the blend between modern and classical design is reverent as always. In what other genre, medium, or franchise is physic, comedic nudity accompanied in the same production as an introspective visit to Nike of Samothrace? None, my friend, none, and that's the point! This movie isn't perfect because that was never its intent. Rather, it's either the rapturous revival of the most popular alternate universe in Mobile Suit Gundam, or most likely, a previously unrealized sendoff to treasured characters (and their loving creators.) Those that fail to see this intent will undoubtedly despise and look sideways at this entry, but to fans like myself, I am left not only satisfied by the conclusion, but impressed; if Gundam SEED should grow, then I would be glad to water it, but if it is content to bask in the sun, Gundam SEED Freedom is a fine blossom. It's STELLARRR!
This movie accomplishes so much in a two hour time-run, and has at no-point been unengaging. It does so much justice with the story left off from the end of SEED Destiny, by building up on what has already been established, as opposed to creating something completely different. Moreover, it explores the horrors that comes with segregating people based on genetics and skills, and the consequences it has on human and societal development. As such, all the characters are written perfectly; even reamending characters that were previously despised in the last series to the point they are now beloved (Shinn Asuka). Both the music and animationis truly to be commended for as well, with iconic songs also being brought back in greater appreciation of the two preceding series. In addition to this, there are many great and comedic moments in the film that keeps the audience entertained throughout the whole run. Everyone should take the opportunity to watch this amazing anime film in cinema, as its focus is so much more than just mecha action!
SEED is the anime that introduced me to Gundam as a kid so it has a special place in my heart despite me now admitting that SEED was mid at best and Destiny was a trainwreck. This movie is unmistakably GUNDAM SEED. It's so full of cringe dialogue and the protagonists just end up winning without any real effort. AND I LOVE IT. It was great to see my favorite characters when I was a child again. It was great seeing Kira just blast enemies again. If you didn't grow up watching and liking Gundam SEED then obviously this show's not gonna be for you, don't bother.
I'm writing this review at home having just returned from the cinema I went to watch the movie in. Overall, it's the best presentation of the SEED universe: the mobile suits look great, the animation is on point and there are tons of fun references especially in the last battle. Being a true SEED product, while the politics are interesting the plot is mainly pushed forward by melodrama and love triangles; I'm not complaining since it's one of SEED's main selling points but after Iron Blooded Orphans and Witch From Mercury I kinda forgot Gundam also had this side to it. The plot works, although some fanservice-cy shotscould have been omitted (still no clue how we got giggle physics for Lacus on the only skin tight pilot suit) and it really is a fun movie for those who liked SEED and SEED Destiny.
At long last the much-anticipated sequel to Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny has released and thankfully it was well worth the wait. Whilst I absolutely loved the original Gundam Seed as a modern remake/alternative version of the original Gundam, Gundam Seed Destiny was largely a letdown due to the shift to a far worse cast (Shinn) and a feeling that the old characters were getting purposefully dumbed down and discarded. Gundam Seed Freedom is to me Destiny done right. Although a lot of the plot is a retread of the themes of Destiny, with the new villainous organisation entitled Foundation even aiming to carryout the Destiny Plan from that series, Sunrise made the right choice to this time squarely focus on the relationship between Lacus and Kira with the other characters coming secondary in importance. Due to this, the message of both Destiny and Freedom – that the individual must have the freedom to control their own destiny, rather than the government or their genes – is conveyed far more clearly and in keeping with what we know of the characters. Kira and Lacus are thereby allowed to make active plot advances and grow both separately and as a couple. The other key focus of this film is love. The new characters Orphee Lam Tao and Agnes Giebenrath essentially act as the foils to Kira and Lunamaria, with Orphee seeing love as a purely pragmatic matter and Agnes using it to distract from her own insecurities. In contrast, the movie sends the message (through Lacus) that one should need the person they love rather than love the person they need; a rather simplistic yet poignant point that sums up much of this aspect of the movie. By the end, all of the couples we have come to care for get a moment to shine and connect, strengthening their relationships from the TV series quite satisfactorily. Sunrise has once again kept up their high production levels with this film. Action scenes are as usual brilliantly dynamic and exciting, with excellent sound design creating a truly cinematic feel to the fighting. The music too is fantastic including epic orchestral pieces (some remixed from the TV series) and the return of T.M. Revolution and See-Saw for fitting new theme songs. Even with so much to like, there are of course a few blemishes present in this film. Much of the melodramatic teenage angst that is present in Gundam Seed (and indeed most Gundam series) is back here, so those who find such characters frustrating will not be won over by Freedom. Additionally, the aforementioned similarity to Gundam Seed Destiny may leave some finding this film to be a little superfluous, although I do think the improvements to the structure and characters largely negate this issue. Fans of Athrun and Cagalli may also be disappointed to find these two lacking really any presence in this movie especially compared to their role in the past, however this too I think is a justifiable trade off in order to keep the focus on Lacus and Kira within the constraints of the 2-hour runtime. Overall, I think Gundam Seed Freedom is a triumphant return which fixes much of the series past problems and confidently concludes (at least for now) one of Gundam’s most prominent series. If you already liked Seed, this movie will definitely be a fun and satisfying return to the Cosmic Era timeline, although it probably won't do much to win over new fans.
If you watched Seed and Destiny and really liked it, this one is for you. Seed is not a great story about war, but it is a great story about the best pilot of all time, with an embarrassing love and the coolest design ever for a main gundam (Freedom, Strike Freedom and now Mighty Strike Freedom) Is the villains' master plan the same as the one they used in the series? Yes, but at the end of the series, Durandal put this doubt in Kira's mind, and this question is still a real question... humanity always turns to war for some reason. Showing this hauntingKira, who never liked conflict, is very valid, and here we also see the mental consequence of placing the protagonist as the Hero who carries the team In Seed we have Kira saving the archangel, the federation and Zaft with the first launch of Freedom. In Destiny we have Strike Freedom destroying Zaft's forces in minutes before kicking Shinn and Rey's asses in the first launch of Strike Freedom. all this with Takanori's ost. In this one we have the first time we see Rising Strike with Freedom OP in the background, and Mighty Strike for the first time on the battlefield, doing what Kira does best, with an old TM Revolution song. If you liked the first two and didn't like the ones in the movies, you're just crazy. If you were expecting a good story about war in a new movie, go watch Hathways Flash. If you wanted a good movie about Seed in its essence, a story about Love, watch this one and enjoy
I just saw in the the theaters. My ticket said English sub, but it ended up being the dub. I was not excited about that going into it, as I heard it was a new cast of VAs, BUT they did a very good job. It was non-issue for most of the movie for me. Seed franchise has always been a mixed bag for me, but I feel like they certainly surpassed my expectation's with this release. I left feeling thoroughly satisfied and can tell it was a gift to the OG Gundam fans...It's still Seed so you have your cheesy melodramatic moments, especially throughoutthe 2nd half haha...They definitely put on a masterclass with the animation and battle scenes, many very epic scenes... the music selections were superb especially a treat at the end. I think it's still too fresh in my head for a grade, but idc 8.5/10