Hayase Nagatoro and Naoto Hachiouji have grown closer: the girl spends more time than ever in the art club room with her senpai. Although he is always on edge, Naoto no longer seems to mind Nagatoro's presence. Time and again, Naoto demonstrates his hidden, cool demeanor, and Nagatoro displays her possessive tendencies. However, they still can not seem to completely close the distance between them. It is clear to everyone else that the pair have feelings for each other. For Nagatoro, there is nothing more entertaining than toying with Naoto. But as the girl shows no plans to stop teasing her senpai, it is only a matter of time before they realize how they truly feel. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san at this point needs no introduction, not because of its popularity but because this is the entry of its second season we’re in rn. It is one of those romcoms that are about a girl teasing a boy, however this one started a little bit more extremely than normal, the first episode is downright bullying, Nagatoro came and made cry Naoto right away in there, and you can understand why people had a lot of disgust with this series, because honestly it comes across as a little distasteful, but once you go past that point you realize that this isn’t about bullying, andthank God for that because this series wouldn’t cover that topic with a modicum of sensitivity. However, that is what leads to us to the development of this season. You see, the antics of the first season come back completely in here, but it never returns to the point from the start since across the first season you could see how, despite still teasing him quite hard, Nagatoro changed a little to be a little less obnoxious. However, the most important part of this season isn’t how Nagatoro changed, the important part is how Naoto/Senpai’s reactions changed. He started as a very timid and reserved guy who just accepted Nagatoro’s teasing, not trying much to go against her, and you can see here how not only he starts to answer to what she says, but also tease her back a little. As you can see, Naoto is easily the character that can be talked about the most, going from his transition of never answering back to standing up a little on his own and gaining more confidence as the show goes on, while you would never expect this guy would try to make any advancement in his relationship with Nagatoro if you only go by the first season. You can always see his nervous tic of adjusting his glasses, and while you may say that this is seen when talking about characters with glasses in general, but not only do they usually adjust their glasses to get an opaque look on the glass while boasting confidence, Naoto is quite the opposite to that description, and in fact the only times where he adjust his glasses in that specific way is in his imagination which is obviously to mock on this type of things. You can see that tic stays with him even after he starts using contact lenses as he is used to that and that kind of thing isn’t something that will disappear easily, but him taking off his normal glasses to start wearing those contact lenses serves as one of the points of biggest change to him. His personality is still not something that changed easily, it took a long time for him to build up confidence as some people pushed for him, and he still has some ways to go by the end of the season, but he tries his best to not go back to his old self. I think the part that shows his biggest change, not only in the previous season but across this one as well, is where he finally decided to invite Nagatoro to a date by his own will, and he’s kind of a masochist for accepting Nagatoro that way, but you can see that he is happy in the way she teases him now, which is far cry from their first meeting. He is honestly the strongest part of the series thanks to his gradual growth and I have to thank that, even if he started quite weak, he isn’t the thousandth Kirito-look-alike sadboy MC. Nagatoro obviously stays mostly the same, but she is more honest with her feelings as well. At this point, it is not only full on teasing Naoto, as she’s also showing some signs of vulnerability. Her way to make others pay attention to her is very childish, you know that whole “if I bother him, he will surely notice I love him!” kind of mentality, it is surprising that it works at all, but it is some of the concessions you have to make while watching this, specially since this guy seems to take it in a good way, where most people would take it as something very very annoying and obnoxious. And I’m not going to lie, Nagatoro is quite an obnoxious girl, that’s her whole gimmick, she was near unwatchable the first time but she gets more… lovely as time goes on. As for other characters, they mostly stay the same, like you can describe Gamo, Yoshi and Sakura with basically the same line “a gyaru girl who is friend with Nagatoro and also sometimes teases senpai”… yeah, not the most well thought out characters, like sure, Gamou is the one with most other qualities, like you can see that she also trains judo alongside Nagaotoro, but Yoshi barely talks and Sakura is just like a slut or something. President Sana stays basically the same, she is very hardheaded, a nudist and is more tits than personality. The new characters include Orihara, who is a rival to Nagatoro and the main reason why she left judo before, she doesn’t actually do much but she kind of inspires Nagatoro to become better, as well as Hana, the president’s cousin, she has more personality than her cousin and has similar quirks to her, while also seeking to help Naoto in his relationship with Nagatoro and is worried for him, since she knows her from before as she also likes doing art. The series looks basically the same from the previous season, and it stays pretty consistent across the series, it doesn’t have amazing animation or directing, but it never looks ugly and/or cheap like a CloverWorks show. The opening is better than last season’s OP and the ending is fun to watch and hear, with a name like “my sadistic adolescence” as the song’s name what else can you expect? I also find endearing that they made a song to play in the scene where Naoto’s invites Nagatoro to the aquarium, as that is one of the most important moments in the story so far. Nagatoro-san doesn’t do anything particularly new, Takagi-san’s manga was going around like 5 years before Nagatoro-san’s manga started publication and it has about the same premise, only that Nagatoro-san doubled down on it. The series does have a direction that advances without going too slow and that tries to build the relationship between Nagatoro and Naoto, making it quite a fun and enjoyable series as long as you can stomach the first couple of episodes of the first season, and I’m sure you will like it more if you can actually get to like Nagatoro. Thank you for reading.
The return of Teasing Master Nagatoro-san Wants to Hang Out and Don't Toy for the 2nd Attack! And in a better, much improved way overall. I'm pretty sure you know why mangaka Nanashi's Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san a.k.a Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro is back for a sequel season. It basically sums up to this: if Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san a.k.a Teasing Master Takagi-san and Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! a.k.a Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! can both get sequel seasons, why leave the oddball out? The much darker and more sinister of the pack of "girls teasing their crushes to no end and hoping for a legit romance plotline"formula, when the anime first came out in Spring 2021, it garnered a reputation that like the manga that it was adapting from, raised many heads for being the extremist way of the formula that it received mixed reviews at the time. And now, almost 2 years later, we get another season of Nagatoro, and quite frankly, it's still a love-hate relationship if by now, you still cannot tolerate the dark-skinned kouhai's playful personality against the still scaredy-cat Naoto-paisen himself, whom at this point, has gotten used to Nagatoro and her clique of delinquents of Gamo, Yoshi and Sakura, along with President Sana and the new inclusion of her sister and same middle-school friend Sunomiya. In many a way, Nagatoro's teasing towards Naoto, in what was once dubbed a cold shoulder-like feeling of despair because it felt like she was bullying the Paisen to no end, actually helps him gain more confidence and self-assurance, even at the most mundane. It's of no doubt that Naoto experienced new things in his life: having to anchor the Art Club with President Sana's graduation; maintaining the "love nest" together with the playful girl; learning of her first name and her sister; and actually going for dates with said girl and understanding her little by little. That too, with Naoto's change of heart to accept Nagatoro, she works for his best too, being the same condescending freak but not aggressively to the point of bullying, onwards to acceptance that her teasing becomes genuine heart cries of a growing relationship. Seriously, a toxic-turned-lovely relationship, it's for the exceptional few, and I can say with confidence that Nagatoro now, is really worth the watch and not the cringe that begrudges its wonky reputation from the get-go. The sequel season staying the same for the production staff team, except the changing of both the director and studio involved, from Telecom Animation Film and in-house director Hirokazu Hanai to OLM's Team Inoue and Youkai Watch's director Shinji Ushiro, there is hardly any difference involved in either the directorialship or the production since it's the continuation of the manga's adaptation. And for that I feel it's decent enough for a subtle return with little to no changes whatsoever. Sumire Uesaka's 2nd OP for the series is decent, though Season 1's OP is the more memorable song. The ED with all of Nagatoro and her clique of delinquents in it, it's a much improved and better song that's upbeat and catchy. It's the "et al." treatment for sequels such as this one, love or hate it that depending on your taste from Season 1 that'll satisate more of this. Regardless, Nagatoro's comeback is good and better, though less of the sinister rough teasing that makes for a more tolerable, yet enjoyable watch. Will Nagatoro and Paisen go all the way? I wish that one day, we'll see the outcome of that one.
I'll be honest and straight for once, there is not much improvement here from the very controversial season 1.... but there is a genuine attempt at a good romance. Nagatoro used to be a little too edgy during season 1, but the "Bullying" in the season was somewhat debatable. but without a doubt, season 2 has toned it down and had us explore more of the softer aspects of the relationship between nagatoro , senpai, "Furendessu" and a new character "Anetoro". Following the proper trend of most season 2s of romance animes the season ends with a "Could be hint of a major development" feel-good episode andmost of the rest are just build-up and get the two leads closer to each other. the Whole concept of "Teasing? Bullying?" goes to the backburner hence most audiences can generally enjoy this show albeit there is a bit of very in-your-face fanservice thrown around. plot (7/10) It's mostly the same old romance formula of will they won't they , It is arguable that senpai is a bit oblivious to most of Nagatoros moves because of what she did last season, but the formula does gets rather old as we move through the episodes. there are the standard date events that occur with some rather memorable and diabetic moments which are pretty well made, the other episodes, however, are usual. the most impressive part is the growth of senpai into a relatively more upstanding man due to the efforts of Nagatoro. Characters (5/10) It is a miss for me, due to the fact that Nagatoro friends are mostly just straight-up cut from most of the season in favor of the Senpai nagatoro moments or the new characters, I mean I have no trouble with the new ones, but the Old characters like Gamo and Yosi had made themselves quite popular and iconic, their reduced role definitely hit the comedy part of the anime a bit more than I expected. Art and animation (7/10) Not much to say here , the production is pretty identical to the first season , most generic scenes are not made with quality in mind , but wherever the shine is needed, its there. sound and VA (8/10) I personally really love the ED which as far as I can tell is an anime original and is rather well made with great art added to the mix, the voice acting is good and is able to make some of the gags hit, the general OST is also good and pretty original for most important scenes and add to atmosphere properly. A solid romance that is worth the watch, and actually , an actual welcome change from the very monotonous season 1, however most of the old characters which I am sure were favorites do get a little lesser love .
An acceptable sequel to a brilliant first season, this follow-up sees a decline in some areas yet remains engaging. It's recommended for those new to the manga, non-manga readers, or fans eager to see the story animated. Despite not matching the quality of Season 1 or the manga, it's a worthwhile watch, rating a 6/10. The season felt like a downgrade from the first. The animation often appeared static and cheap. A favorite manga gag, Eldrich-toro/Noodle-toro, didn't translate well on screen. While some scenes were visually appealing, the pacing and delivery of humor struggled to capture the manga's charm. Anticipating a quality akin to Season 1,this season's shortcomings were pronounced, particularly in its inferior comedic and dramatic impacts. Season 1 excelled in adapting the source material, but Season 2, despite my high hopes and the manga's improvement, was a letdown. The narrative and characters were solid, though hampered by poor execution. The new characters were hit-or-miss, with some successfully mirroring their manga counterparts. The animation was lackluster, albeit still above average for a rom-com. The sound design was competent, with decent opening and ending themes. Some OST choices detracted from scenes, but overall, they were effective. Voice acting was a highlight. In summary, while Season 1 and the manga are superior, Season 2 was still enjoyable, earning a high 6/10, possibly 7/10. This rating is a dip from Season 1's 8/10 and the manga's continued excellence. Compared to other shows I'd rate 7/10, Nagatoro S2 falls short this season. I'm cautiously optimistic for a potential Season 3, with moderated expectations if OLM is again at the helm.
Just like the 1st season, it's been the usual redundant chick-teases-cherry boy act, filled with blush-desu moments every episode. The most fruitful improvement for this season has been the utilization of the side characters. Which unfortunately happened a little too late. Nagatoro's friends should've been involved in the bits way more often to lead the MCs into situations, since the beginning. And the new character should've shown up even just a bit earlier in this season. Quite a shame since this actually had some story progress: Naoto finally trying to change bit by bit and slowly learning to speak his mind, Nagatoro's teases ricocheting more often, turningthe table on herself, and Naoto learning more about Nagatoro. But I do give this series a fair amount of props for leaning more on the rom-com side of the fence than the usual full-on Heroine POV kind. Giving the insert-self male MC a lot to do, having romance progress, and some fairly funny utilization of side characters for comical bits made this watchable enough. It could've been easily a fairly solid entry if it hasn't been so redundant for too long.
This second season, although I change studios, I still find it a fresh and entertaining anime to watch. With each episode you will enjoy the time you invest in each chapter. This second season, in each chapter, you will realize how the relationship progresses and it is increasingly sweet to watch. Although the pastel tone of some chapters loses some shine in this second season. The plot and story progress very well and you won't be disappointed as it has almost no filler and is very faithful to the manga. If you saw the first season, this second one will not disappoint you.
Nagatoro is a sensational anime series that has taken the anime community by storm, captivating viewers with its unique blend of comedy, romance, and character development. From its exceptional animation quality to its engaging storyline, Nagatoro deserves every bit of its perfect 10/10 rating. Here's why: First and foremost, the character development in Nagatoro is nothing short of outstanding. The show takes its time to delve deep into the personalities and backgrounds of each character, allowing us to witness their growth and transformation throughout the series. Nagatoro herself, the titular character, evolves from a seemingly sadistic bully to a complex individual with her own insecurities andvulnerabilities. The gradual unveiling of her layers adds depth and authenticity to her character, making her relatable and endearing. The chemistry between the characters is another aspect that elevates Nagatoro to a league of its own. The dynamic between Nagatoro and her love interest, Senpai, is brilliantly portrayed. Their interactions are a rollercoaster ride of emotions, ranging from teasing banter to genuine moments of vulnerability. The slow-burning romance builds up naturally, keeping viewers eagerly anticipating each heartfelt moment between the two. The animation and art style of Nagatoro are visually stunning. The vibrant colors and fluid motion bring the characters to life, adding an extra layer of immersion to the viewing experience. The expressive facial animations perfectly capture the range of emotions displayed by the characters, enhancing the comedic timing and emotional impact of every scene. Furthermore, the balance between comedy and drama in Nagatoro is expertly executed. The series effortlessly transitions between hilarious and heartwarming moments, creating a seamless blend that keeps the viewers hooked. The comedic elements provide ample laughter and serve as a breather amidst the emotional depth, while the dramatic segments tug at our heartstrings and leave a lasting impact. Nagatoro also tackles important themes such as self-acceptance, personal growth, and the complexities of teenage relationships. It explores the struggles and insecurities that individuals face during their formative years, presenting them in a relatable and empathetic manner. This thoughtful exploration of human emotions adds a layer of realism to the show, allowing viewers to connect with the characters on a deeper level. Lastly, the soundtrack of Nagatoro deserves special mention. The carefully selected background music complements the mood of each scene, enhancing the overall atmosphere and emotional resonance. From energetic tracks during comedic sequences to heartfelt melodies during emotional moments, the music adds an additional layer of depth to the storytelling. In conclusion, Nagatoro is a remarkable anime series that deserves its perfect 10/10 rating. With its exceptional character development, compelling romance, stunning animation, well-balanced humor, and thought-provoking themes, Nagatoro stands out as a captivating masterpiece that leaves a lasting impression. Whether you're a fan of comedy, romance, or coming-of-age stories, Nagatoro is a must-watch series that will undoubtedly leave you craving for more.
The second season of "Nagatoro" is both similar and different from the first. Senpai and Nagatoro change - accordingly, their relationship and the tone of the anime itself change. The "freaky" romcom is gradually turning into a "family romance". The flirtation of falling in love, with its endless fun and ease, cannot last forever - falling in love will either develop into something more, gradually fading away and giving way to true love, or, contrary to its nature, it will survive, mutating into something disgusting, mercilessly binding two tormentors who will take without giving, be jealous, suspicious, annoyed, fight for dominance and enjoy inflicting painand humiliation on each other. Fortunately, in the case of our heroes, falling in love gradually dies, freeing the hearts of Nagatoro and Senpai for a more mature feeling of love. Perhaps it is this choice of the way to develop the relationship between the characters and the atmosphere of the anime itself that is played out in the first episode, when instead of following the openly BDSM manga with licking the heroine’s shoes, Senpai simply wipes the stain with a handkerchief. As the story progresses, Senpai becomes more and more self-confident, plays sports, reacts less and less to Nagatoro's teasing and begins to notice more and more how vulnerable she really is, hasty in decisions and dependent on him. He gradually takes control of the relationship into his own hands. Nagatoro herself is also trying to change - her thoughtless jokes and teasing are becoming more and more inappropriate and increasingly causing harm to herself. She realizes that in a developing relationship, she herself needs to grow and offer something more than her usual lightness, cheerfulness, sex appeal and childish carefreeness. Therefore, Nagatoro behaves more and more seriously and responsibly, trying to balance the charm of her natural spontaneity with serious work on herself and on her relationship with Senpai. Of course, the jokes and teasing have not gone away, but they have become less frequent and mild as the characters' relationships changing. In addition, Senpai implicitly and unconsciously (or maybe consciously) joined the game, either embarrassing Nagatoro in the episode with putting on tights, or playing up her recklessness and previous teasing in the episode with an invitation to a date, offering to go to a horse race or a dog fight. However, in general, banter is increasingly giving way to mutual care, simplicity and efficiency of the daily life of a couple trying to build a serious and long-term relationship. Therefore, on the one hand, in the second season there is less of the fun and lightness of carefree love flirting on the verge of a foul, which was in the first season of “Nagatoro”, but, on the other hand, there is more warmth and mature love in the relationships of the heroes, and, as it seems to me, in the author’s attitude towards his characters. Thus the second season has its own charm, different from the first. And the fact that the two seasons turned out to be so different, the fact that this anime is not stuck in place by exploiting the theme of falling in love, and is not afraid to develop (in the entirely right direction) along with the development of the relationships of the main characters, in my opinion, is the main advantage of "Nagatoro".
The love starts to appear more and the annoyance starts to fade away This season is the reason why should everybody continue watching Nagatoro's day life. Because now, their are better characters, considering that their build their relations into the last season, and now, the whole plot of the anime is "how they gonna end together?", totally different when in the last season the most common question was "can she be less annoying?" Building relations with anyone isn't easy, and the anime shows that in a particular but beautiful way, using motivations and jokes to make the watchers notice the details of getting attached to the feelingsor to the person you like. Totally recommended for everyone
Damn this was very nice, I didn't think that a series that began with bullying would reach something that would make the heart so happy. Our boy is slowly maturing and it's a pleasant process, they don't take big steps, and many times they even go back a few, but the effort they put in to continue sharing moments are many, the way they portrayed their relationship somewhat shy but sincere in which it is difficult for them to say what they really want and they try too hard to reach the goal, BUT THEY GET THERE is really impressive, he as nagatoro in his mixof behaviors in which he accepts that he has affection for naoto and the part that he teases and annoys Naoto, noticing how he realizes that his attitude is an impediment and retracts at crucial moments to encourage Naoto a bit to continue, because even if he calls him disgusting from time to time that word must already mean something different for her. Seeing Naoto change his reserved and defeatist attitude to a more open and determined one is very credible, the simple fact of changing from glasses to contact lenses already gave a change in his appearance that marked the beginning of his personality change in which he began to accept that Nagatoro Hayase was motivating him to make changes in his life. The duo of protagonists has evolved a lot and this season surpassed the previous one, the dynamic between them is so unique that I can't find a comparison, the series is slow but the progress is noticeable and appreciated. The secondary ones are there to motivate the protagonists to make new decisions, which is something really well implemented, they are not superfluous and they are not in the way, they are very well used elements at the right times, I have to admit that Gamo, Yoshi and the blonde were not very I like it, I still think that Yoshi will hit his head one day, his pupils will reappear in his eyes and he will wake up showing us his true colors and talents. The others are not so peculiar but their personalities move the plot appropriately, the president and her cousin are... characters that I won't understand, but at the same time they are characters that I admire for their resolution and motivation. the Nalgasdetoro saucepan an almost 9 for me, my complaint is the animation and the art that is actually quite generic, if it looked a little better like... the second or third season of Oregairu or something a little better be careful it would be a 9 , but although the series in general does not deserve it, the story does.
Andrew Tate's Worst Nightmare. I like to believe Andrew Tate turned out the way he has because he had a Nagatoro teasing him relentlessly during his childhood. But unlike Andrew Tate who took his Nagatoro’s attempts at flirtation as an attack on his masculinity, and grew into a raving misogynistic weirdo who now has less money and cars than me as of the time of writing because he’s being held for sex trafficking, the artist formally known as senpai continues to strive to be a better, less wimpy person than he was the day before so he can give payback to Nagatoro somehow, and maybe evenhold her hand and smooch her a little. If you enjoyed the first season of weirdly horny, tanned gyaru teasing then you’ll probably enjoy this season too. You already know what you’re in for. It’s a slow-burn romcom which burns a bit faster than most. Actual, visible progress is being made between the two of them which is highlighted by the number of side characters possessing eyes instead of voids where they should be, representing Senpai's willingness to come out of his shell and acknowledge the people around him. We meet actual classmates of Senpai's who are male and are his friends. That’s progress! It’s fun to see Senpai become bolder towards Nagatoro whilst she’s running out of ways to tease him. Although she always finds something in the end. Of course, the three trolls are back, troll-lol-loling all over Senpai and sometimes Nagatoro in gleeful delight which is delightfully stupid to watch, and Senpai gains a new kohai who isn’t afraid to wiggle and squiggle. It’s not Studio OLM’s best work. The animation lacks some of the finesse the first season contained. Some of the art feels blocky and bland to look at, and there’s a bit too much air-brushing in certain scenes for my tastes, but honestly, the voice acting is so good I don’t care. Nagatoro and Senpai's voice actors clearly have so much fun in these roles and it comes out in their performances. Anyway, Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack is good fun. Yes, I know a hentai artist wrote it, but if you’re boycotting this because the man who created it likes drawing people fucking. Yet, you’re still watching My Life as Inukai-san's Dog ironically or otherwise, you don’t have any right to have any opinions on anything, ever. 7/10 Good.
"Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san 2nd Attack" follows the story of the first season with new events and characters in the life of the duo "Naoto Hachiouji" and "Hayase Nagatoro". Little by little the romance intensifies and Senpai becomes stronger psychologically and Nagatoro is clearly romantically interested in Paisen. Characters like the club president (Sana Sunomiya) and her younger sister Hana Sunomiya are highlighted in the plot, being extremely funny. In addition to encouraging the romance of the protagonists. The story gets funnier and Nagatoro's actions cuter. The animation continues in the same way, beautiful to look at. The characters are fun and the cast additions are great. In summary,"Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san 2nd Attack" is still fun and fun to follow. I recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the first season.
TL;DR: If you enjoyed S1, you’ll love this one. It’s more of the same, but now there are some more feelings to it. Story - 6/10 The same thing as before. But now, instead of watching Nagatoro’s arrival in Paisen’s life, you get to see she being a part of his routine and how they get along now. It’s interesting that they start to show more emotions to one another, but it’s still that classic sloooow develop towards an ACTUAL relationship. Animation - 6/10 The overall quality is equal to S1. The dynamics and expression effects are still effective. Soundtrack - 7/10 This part gets an extra point with me becausethe opening is really good (and it still has Nagatoro’s essence in it), and the ending is custom and sung by the cast which is really cool. The OST in general is cool. Characters - 6/10 Nagatoro shines much more than the rest of the cast. But now, Paisen has more confidence and acts a little cooler than in S1 (yay character development). It’s cool to watch him having conversations with Nagatoro and the others without being so anxious. And the rest are the same still, they just keep being good supports to the plot. This goes both to the old ones as for the new ones. Enjoyment - 5/10 Honestly, the anime fell a little for me. It’s literally the same things and events from S1, and even though Nagatoro has a different aura and personality when compared to the general love partner is romcoms, there ain’t much development besides the point I brought in the other topics. It’s a second season for people who really enjoyed S1 and got involved with the plot, or as I did, just wanted to follow along to see where it’ll get to. Anyway, I will still watch it as it comes out, but I’d enjoy seeing new things in the plot.
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san 2nd Attack is a welcome continuation of the rom/com series, bringing the audience the same things from season 1, and always being entertaining enough to keep watching. Never straying too far from the line of friendship/relationship/lovers, but it keeps you wanting more each episode. There isn't anything particularly special about this series, but what it does right is the upgrading relationship between Nagatoro and Hachiouji. The growth of their budding relationship is slow, but steady, never taking an episode off, always adding some instance of importance to their relationship. Whereas series like Kaguya, and Uzaki are always taking episodesoff from developing romance between their main characters, Nagatoro does not do that, and this is why I watch, and enjoy every moment of it. The ending was so wholesome, and fitting, a perfect way to settle this season. Hopefully we get more. Animation 7/10 - A small upgrade from season 1 IMO, maybe not noticeable to some, Nagatoro is animated beautifully in some scenes. Sound 7/10 - Pretty average all around, nothing special, good ED, more characters = more voice lines = variance = good Story 7/10 - This is a story about a relationship, that's it, and it does that very well. Characters 8/10 - 2 more characters added, making for 6 great characters that are a joy to watch. Enjoyment 9/10 - This is easy to watch in my experience, watched week to week for the first 4 eps, then finished the rest today, with no problem. Beware the tanned japanese anime girl, she bites. If you aren't one of those people, and you like light-hearted romance/comedy, then Nagatoro is an easy watch. It's better than Uzaki, and IMO, better at romance than Kaguya did for 3 seasons minus 2 episodes.
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san 2nd Attac" continues to charm audiences with its playful banter, heartfelt moments, and the endearing growth of its characters. As a viewer captivated by the dynamic between Nagatoro and Senpai, I found the second season to be a delightful continuation of their evolving relationship. The series delves deeper into the complexities of Nagatoro and Senpai's bond, exploring themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the nuances of adolescent emotions with sincerity and humor. The spirited banter and teasing that define their interactions remain a highlight of the show, offering lighthearted moments of comedy and camaraderie. One of the strengths of the anime lies in its character development.Nagatoro and Senpai undergo significant growth throughout the season, as they navigate the challenges of high school life and confront their own insecurities. The series delves into their inner struggles and aspirations, allowing viewers to connect with them on a deeper level. The animation continues to impress, with vibrant colors and fluid movement bringing the characters and their world to life in vivid detail. The voice acting performances capture the nuances of the characters' personalities, adding depth and authenticity to their interactions. Reflecting on my experience with the show, I am inclined to give it a score of 8/10. While it may not be without its minor flaws and predictable moments, its strengths lie in its engaging storytelling, memorable characters, and heartwarming themes. In conclusion, Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san 2nd Attack is a delightful anime that continues to captivate audiences with its blend of comedy, romance, and character-driven narrative. As the series progresses, viewers can look forward to more spirited banter, heartfelt moments, and the continued growth of Nagatoro and Senpai's relationship. Overall, it's a must-watch for fans of slice-of-life and romantic comedy genres alike.
The second season picks up where the first left off, with Nagatoro and Senpai's relationship blossoming into something more. What I love about this series is how it masterfully balances humor and heart. The characters are all so lovably quirky, and their interactions had me laughing out loud one moment and swooning the next. Nagatoro's teasing is still as sharp as ever, but we see more of her vulnerable side this season, which added depth to her character. And Senpai... poor, sweet Senpai - his reactions are still priceless, but he's growing into his own, and it's wonderful to see. The supporting cast is equally impressive, witheach character bringing their own brand of humor and charm to the table. The animation is vibrant and expressive, perfectly capturing the emotions and energy of each scene. What truly sets "Nagatoro" apart, though, is its thoughtful exploration of themes like consent, communication, and emotional intelligence. It's a show that will make you smile, blush, and maybe even reflect on your own relationships. Overall, Season 2 of "Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro" is a must-watch for any rom-com fan. It's a delightful, feel-good series that will leave you craving more. So, if you haven't already, join the Nagatoro squad and experience the joy for yourself!
This 2nd season is more or less the same as the first season- kind of. We obviously follow the relationship of Senpai and Nagatoro as their affection for each other progresses. It's kind of the same as the first season for the most part- Senpai is awkward, shy, and weak. Nagatoro playfully teases him, although she herself does have strong feelings for him. It works very well in the first season- so how does it work this 2nd season? Honestly- it's OKAY, but I wanted more. Because the first season established their relationship to be so strong, I was hoping for more between the twothis season. I mean we do get it, but they wait until the very last couple of episodes, and even then it's not entirely fulfilling. That said, watching the two together for me is always a joy, which is I still recommend it. I also like that they incorporate more than just teasing into this season- both actually have to end up making tough decisions that effects their relationship (like where and how to spend time together since technically they're in different clubs). I also like that this season Nagatoro is more direct with other classmates that her and Senpai are a pair. Those two are the shows strong suit, and that's pretty much it. I kind of wish we got more of their friends because honestly I find them absolutely hilarious (especailly the President). So should you watch this 2nd season? If you enjoyed the first season, then yes. If you were on the fence or had mixed feelings- then I think you can probably sit this one out since it's pretty much the same. Me personally, I thought it was still a good show.
8/10 "Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san" is a surprising anime to me because, firstly, I never though I'd watch it, as I thought the premisse was very unappealing (mainly due to what everyone knows, the bullying part) and secondly because when I started it, I planned on quitting because I wasn't enjoying it very much. And what surprised me was that I actually ended up loving the show and the second season was very good. So I will make a recap of my "Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san" watching "journey": - The teasing in the first 3/4 episodes was kinda uncomfortable, I have to admit; honestly, the jokesNagatoro made about Senpai weren't deeply hurtful, they were stupid, but I wouldn't say they were normally reason enough for a person to cry, but, as he did cry, it would be normal for her to assume that he has some serious issues regarding his self-esteem, apologize to him and leave him alone; she, of course, kept teasing him until the point where he actually started liking her company and got used to her personality; so, to conclude, I can understand why some people did quit the anime in the first episodes; - I kept watching the anime out of curiosity, because I wanted to see how their relationship was going to develop, since the beginning wasn't very promising; I wasn't very impressed until the last few episodes, I thought the situations and jokes were kinda childish and the plot seemed to not develop; the only reason I didn't give up watching is that I don't like not finishing the series I watch, I only do that if they have a lot of episodes, and since this one was only 24, 12 if I only watched the first season, I said to myself that I would finish at least the first season; on the last 3 episodes or so, I started to get really caught up in the series and I started hoping the second season would made me feel the same way; - I started watching the second season and it was so good, their relationship developed into a caring friendship (and someting more), some minor characters had more screen time and the humor was very amusing; basically, the second season, to me, was so much better than the first, although the first was at the same level as the second in the last episodes. Well, I ended up quite enjoying the show and really hoping for a third season. I do have the feeling that the first scenes kinda ruin a part of the anime, therefore, I would've really liked if the relationship between Nagatoro and Senpai had been more of a friendship that develops through teasing, that, consequently, also develops through time, instead of a really weird begginning of a relationship where the girl bullies the guy in their first meets and slowly starts to tease him in a more friendly way. I would already be satisfied if Senpai hadn't cried the first time they met lol. To sum up, I aknowledge the anime has some issues regarding this theme, but it's an anime, we don't have to take it very seriously since it's made for people to laugh a bit. Yet, I do recommend this show because, although it doesn't seem in the beginning, it develops into a cute romance with lots of comedy.
Pacing was a little slower, characters a little better, and the story supported the characters a little more too. In terms of fluidity nothing changed, however there were less shots that were given more detail. Voice acting was about the same, the soundtrack got a couple of pretty good intrumental tracks that were good though. Overall season 2 is slightly better than season 1 due to the characters having a relationship to support the strange dynamic, also the dynamic evolved slightly into a little more back and forth. It got cuter for sure, the romance picked up more and the dynamic is less of ayikes. 6.85/10