Mai, a Santa in training, appears in front of an unlucky boy named Santa on Christmas Eve, promising him that she will make him happy for one night.
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This is by far the best CHRISTMAS SPECIAL in THE ENTIRE GOD DAMN WORLD!! Every year I make everyone I know watch this and every year everyone is filled with joy, happiness and the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!! The Art, stellar, the sound phenomenal, the music should hang in a museum, the characters have perfect designs and the voice acting well it's okay... Just kidding it ties it all together perfectly. 10/10 Watch this ever Christmas and you will have a CHRISTMAS TIME! Also the beach episode is pretty nice to. This show in the number one reason I stay on this world.
I'm not even going to waste my time with this review so lets get into this. Its a waste of time writing a review on this but I have time to spare and to waste. Story (1/10) I had thought that Kanokon ~Manatsu no Daishunikusai~ would be the most lackluster anime that I'd see during 2009. Given that Kouta and Chizuru graced our screens in November, that assertion seemed likely to hold. Oh, how wrong I was. After the delicious melancholy of Blue Drop, I fired up Itsudatte My Santa! looking for something short and funny with a slight zest of holiday cheer. Unfortunately, however, it provedtoo long on stupid and too short on functioning humor for my needs. Good thing it was a mere two episodes, as otherwise I might have set fire to my monitor in disgust. Much like Mai, Itsudatte My Santa!'s overenthusiastic protagonist, the OVA tries too hard to please. Straight from a melodramatic voice-over wherein Santa (yes, you heard that right) muses on how children come to stop believing in Santa Claus, the story jumps right into a trainee-Santa Claus attempting to cram happiness down the poor boy's throat. At this moment, any sense of pacing flies out the window, and the "story" careens from gag to gag without pausing to reflect on whether or not anything works. The rest of the uninspired episode consists of an off-brand imitation of A Christmas Carol cheaply bolted onto a half-formed love story. The second portion jumps forward into summertime to provide one of the worst beach sequences in the history of anime: little or no fan-service, a weak riff on Mai's "I can only create things with 'san' in their names" power, and jerky animations of the gang eating watermelon, and finishing off with a montage of Shirley trying to orchestrate some alone time for the two hopeless lovers. That this segment derives most of its humor from Maimai biting Shirley's backside demonstrates the series' puerile wit at its finest. Of course the OVA wraps up nice-and-neat in the finale, but the fact that the narrative never goes to any length to introduce significant tension or conflict makes the whole thing seem frivolous. However, since Itsudatte My Santa! isn't strange enough to elicit a massive "WTH?" (think Puni Puni Poemy). I--like most viewers I imagine--have to ask, "Ken Akamatsu took time off writing manga for THIS?" Art (4/10) Itsudatte My Santa! has to be one of the most cursorily animated OVAs out there. For most of the two episodes, viewers can feast their eyes on boring pans, nearly-still shots of people talking in front of static backgrounds, and action scenes that play out like flip-books written in the corner of high school texts. In 54 minutes of video, only one scene has any kind of visual flair and the director uses it TO END BOTH EPISODES. Famed moe champion Ken Akamatsu CLEARLY intended these two scenes to be identical. The repeated actions and events serve to reinforce the unchanging and therefore nonthreatening nature of Santa and Mai's relationshi... No. Reusing footage is just plain lazy, and placing it at the end of the boring second episode feels more like a slap in the face than an inspiring end to the story. Sound (3/10) No, this OVA doesn't ear-rape you, but it sure-as-hell tries. While Santa, Shirley, and Maimai all have bland, reasonable voicing, Mai bounces immediately into the high-obnoxious register and stays there so long as she's not in Santa Claus mode. Whiny, shrill, and always shouting, her voice actor, the talented Aya Hirano, should be ashamed of this performance, deeply ashamed. Luckily, Mai's magical girl transformation into a holiday avatar lowers the pitch of her voice, and this, coupled with the spare minutes when the character keeps her mouth shut offer some respite. Underneath all the action, an innocuous score wends its way through the anime. A standard synth affair blends in bells and faux-choral themes to enhance the anime's "Christmas" feel, but the music's low volume means it serves more as layer of frost atop the more offensive aural elements than an active participant in any scene; this is unfortunate, as louder music might have drowned out Mai's grating exhortations. Characters (2/10) A foursome of cardboard cut-outs forms the main cast of the anime. Santa himself starts out interesting, but the OVA wastes no time in reducing him to a shallow romantic stand-in by the second episode. But of course, this is a Ken Akamatsu anime, so it's the girls that are interesting, right? Nope. Mai shows less depth of character than your grandmother's silver and nowhere near as much history. She flits between mopey, bubbly, and confrontational with no apparent motivation, which further damages the already frayed plot. Add to the mix her loli sister imaginatively named Maimai and a non-descript rival in the form of Shirley and you get... Well, I've seen mad-libs with more personality. Overall (1/10) I know what you're going to say. "DeSwitch! You scored less than the sum of its parts!" to which I have to reply that this anime is the single most insulting thing I have EVER watched. The short OVA tries far too hard to make the most of its meager content and comes across as scattershot, insincere, and rushed. This drivel wears its three jokes thin within the first ten minutes and then follows up with a tired attempt at romance in its second installment--should you care to stick around that long. The fact that Ken Akamatsu believes you'll watch this or that this is what you're WAITING to see it is tantamount to violence against his fan-base in my mind. Do yourself a favor and skip this one. Also, consider burning your Negima collection in revenge.
"Always My Santa!" is an odd duck of an Anime if there ever was one, thats for sure. Starting with the story then. In some respects, its a standard romance and is handled well by Akamatsu-sensei, as usual. There are some odd elements to the story as well though, the magic and Santa Claus and how that all works together. In that respect, it feels like the audience is only witnessing a small piece of a larger story. That being said, however, it doesn't complete mar the experience, one just feels as though these are just two episodes of a larger series - and theyare not. Further enhancing this sensation is the shear speed at which the plot seems to move - seems like the whole mess is on fast-forward. Overall, it feels like these two OVA episodes are a condensation of a long manga or somesuch. There are some comedic touches at play here, typical for Akamatsu-sensei, and mostly the comedy works well, for what there is. However, the primary showcase here is the romance drama - and there is it. Because of the show's frantic pacing, or perhaps despite it, there is a great deal of monologue-ing going on. While this does heighten the tensity of the drama, I do feel that it detracts from the feature in way. That is, long sequences of a character chattering to herself are not exactly exciting. I can't help but think that if the OVA was a little longer, the characters could gab to themselves less and the feature whould be enlivened somehow. The magic and transformation sequences, while the source of comedy and nudity, seem a little out of place at times. In the large part, this OVA shades on the more dramatic and serious side so the magic and, especially, the transformation sequence seem to not really match the whole (admitted entertainment value notwithstanding). The art is standard Akamatsu fare here, and looks good for all that - clean and nice. The characters look good, if not familiar in some respects. I think the art style here is closer to Negima than Love Hina, if I may say so. The music is an interesting element in this OVA, as well. Nice, if slightly bland, pop tunes and light instrumental themes that work well but don't quite function in the OVA itself. One gets the impression that the soundtrack whould be nice to own and listen to in isolation from the OVA, but it doesn't quite work in the animation. It always seems like the music is being talked over or otherwise not meshing properly. So while the music itself is pretty good, putting it in the OVA how it was is a small misstep. The characters are very standard, in large part - nothing too unusual or unexpected, actually. This is both good and bad. As an admitted fan of Akamatsu-sensei, the character designs are enjoyable to me, others may find them to be a retread though (as they are to some extent). Thankfully, no characters stand out as particularly irritating. This is an enjoyable OVA in spite of its flaws. Its unfortunate that there isn't more of it.
This is a rather… odd show. It’s about a boy named Santa who has always been alone every Christmas and yet because he was born on the Eve of Christmas, he is given the name Santa. Who in their right mind would call their son Santa? Well, his neglectful parents it looks like. Then suddenly, out of know where (like almost every other romance anime out there) this girl shows up and asks him ‘want to spend the night with me?’ And thus begins are strange and odd show. Its not that this show is bad, more like predictable. Santa sounds rather whinny and annoying butbecause of Mai, I wouldn’t be surprised. Mai is extremely crazy and overly energetic. She can only create things that start with ‘San’ because she is in training. Now this doesn’t work well because in the dub, the items are not called the same in Japanese and so changes that. She can’t cook, goes overboard at times, and is rather stupid as well. At least Naru had brains, this girl doesn’t seen to have an ounce of smarts in many areas. All she really seems to know is how to be a Santa. In the first episode is about there first meeting, as well as them talking about Christmas and fun. Sadly, it feels very, very bland. It’s got cheesy written all over the script. It would actually be fine if they ended it there but they actually have a second episode. The second episode though… its just a excuse to see the girls in swimsuits. There was no real reason for them to have a second episode. It’s even cheesier then the first! The animation is rather good, though it does end up having scenes that are reused so many times. A lot of the animation is rather standard and bland half the time. Luckily, they don’t go out of their way to show breasts but they hint a lot about panty shots. Oh god, we get to the voices now… Although Chris Burnett is a rather nice voice and fits the character of Santa well, Brittney Karbowski is so not the part I would of picked for Mai. Her voice tends to get way to whinny and annoying the more she talks and it turns into a high pitched squeal when she’s talking to long.
Rate of 10 (wow!) english dubbed Warning:has a powerful deep message but ends on a high note. Also this review is different. In terms it is not a pro vs con approach but more of a story of impact the show had told through an alternate window with an added bonus of comical flare. Another day another long 24 hours. Is how i used to feel. Maybe it was things not going my way, low self esteem or other factors. Whatever the case i was not happy. Until i saw this show. Granted i originally chose this for it's ecchi tag and a last laugh at the joke oflife before my life ended. Yes, i got that deep. Sad but true. Moving on this movie completely changed my life for the better. This movie is an odd duck of showings for it's bizarre nature of misfortunes but it is those same ones that are slowly shown as fortunes. Talk about a clench eyed gasp moment. So much powerful good in all the bad moments. Were to start... from the begining it is. fear not i will be very vague with what actually happens by changing my review into an alternate reality of the original show in order not to reveal spoilers. Say my name is Eg. Most of my life i remained as one. Never once felt the comfort of a basket because of that it egged on my hatred of the bunny. How dare he do this! what did i do wrong? Why could i not be egs? My view on life unbeknown to me wrapped me in an invisible shell. Thankfully some rabbit smelt my rotten stentch and became intrigued. Sure the rabbit had other jobs to do like the rest of the herd but my stench was too powerful to be ignored. The rabbit tried it's best to crack me up but failed. I could have helped but was to involed with my Egg-streme (Extreme) that i remained Egg-sactly (Exactly) how i was before i met this rabbit. Maybe even a little worse off. My Egg-splosive (Explosive) attitude was slowing chipping at the Egg-static (Ecstatic) personality to the point of us breaking apart. When the breakup happened rather than dismissing off everything the rabbit attempted as a yoke(joke) i felt the small cracks the rabbit cause expand and deepen until my shell broke. At that moment i became intrigued. this was different. was i looking at light wrong? Sure enough after looking and looking what i thought to be closed books i found that there was more to the story like the rabbit said. Rather than boiling in my emotions i just need to refrigerate to see the truth. Since that clarity i gained hope and with it cause a deeper smile on life that i became the chick i meant to be not a forgotten buried egg. Now, the show could have stopped there. The story was already had a conclusion for the main character. Peace was restored but what about the rabbit? The rabbit was suffering too. Like the main character the rabbit had to find its carrot in life.
Itsudatte My Santa! is an anime OVA with 2 episodes with a different concept. Santa is not a single man, but rather there are many and Mai is one in training. She falls in love with a human boy born on Christmas day who is named Santa. She comes to him on one Christmas Eve when he is in high school and tells him she is Santa and will make him happy if he spends the night with her, which later leads to her displaying some of her magic. The main character Santa (the boy) thinks he is unfortunate and that no one, even his parentsdo not like him. Mai makes him realize that he has been clinging to things that are not really sad in any way. Later follows some romance. You must consider it romance, but nothing romantic is actually there. Later the story follows how she confesses her love to Santa when she has to leave him. The story is absurd when it comes to Santa's parents. They don't a single day out of 365 to see their son, how much ever social service they may do, thats just totally ridiculous. I don't call it a great anime and give it 6/10, a time killer of you ask me.
Well, welcome back to the world of Ken Akamatsu, the guy who made a manga series that I was very annoyed with, spinning off into an anime series that I reviewed over a year ago and I really hated the hell out of that show and can’t understand why people like this but then again I reviewed the Christmas Special and that was less painful but still bad nevertheless. Now given that this is only an OVA that lasts 2 episodes, I’m already considering to be better than…..well, you know, and I’m going to try my best to not much mention much of Love Hina, sincethis could be a whole different set of property than what I already seen of Akamatsu with some similarities to his past work. An unlucky boy named Santa was born on Christmas Eve whose parents don't even care about meets a Santa-in-training girl named Mai. She is determined to wish him the best Christmas he will ever have and its gets even better when they fall in love with each other. Mai, a Santa in training, appears in front of an Unlucky boy named Santa, on Christmas Eve, promising him, she will make him happy for one night. Well, I can tell you this: future and soon-to-be parents, if you ever name your kid Santa, they got every right to hate you and for leaving your kid on Christmas Eve, another reason for them to hate you (although in the show, that reason is mentioned but that is SPOILER territory that I won’t go into) so anyway, the first episode is a bit cheesy and sometimes serviceable considering a kid being left alone on Christmas time and you wonder why he really hates it. You could say he should took advantage of his parents being alone and he acted like a little angsty bitch boy and you might be right but either way if it would’ve gone that route, it would’ve been worse and far more disjointed and that’s not saying much as some of the comedy and drama elements are very disjointed. One moment, you have Santa telling you about his horrible past and then the next, Mai gets into a fight with the Yakuza over for some damn birthday cake. However, that main problem only lasts an episode out of a 2-episode OVA and the second episode really seems pointless. I mean, as cheesy and annoying as the first episode was, at least it had a plot and storyline. The 2nd episode was just another standard beach episode with some rehashes of what I saw previously. It becomes blindly redundant and over repetitive as if the writers felt lazy and didn’t bother to expand the first storyline to fit into the 2nd OVA episode. Well, for characters, there are some basic anime archetype characters like Santa being the angsty whiny boy character type and there’s Mai, the energetic trainee girl who tries to lift Santa’s spirits although it turns out in the story, she would end up being the romantic opposite of Santa and I did expect some Akamatsu female traits in her, much like Naru, fortunately she wasn’t as unlikable and irritating as Naru but not as smart as her (although Naru isn’t really that smart in the first place). Them as a romantic pair…….It seemed like they were just putting that together at the last minute and never develop any actual thought into it. Then in the second episode (or at the end of the first one) introduce the typical tsundere character Sharry and it’s definitely what I expect from this type of character although as bland and atypical they are, I wasn’t exactly raging in anger. They are just mostly boring characters for the part. Animation is courtesy of TNK and if you don’t know who they are, well, it wouldn’t matter as they don’t make much good material anyway although their well-known stuff either involves high school, boobs, and sometimes murder (i.e., High School DxD & School Days) and this is mostly dull animation. Possibly even worse than what XEBEC did with….well, you know….it has the amount of and even on a 2-episode budget, this feels mighty cheap and I did suspect them re-using the same animation in the beginning of the 1st episode into the 2nd one. And you know what? To save me and yourself some time, the music and the English dub from FUNimation is just awful (and by that, I mean the script either it be the Japanese or English version is dull and awful). First, the music is somewhat festive but nothing I would remember of the spot and I really didn’t like the theme songs that much, especially where they would scream MY SANTA!!! At some point. Then about the dub itself, Chris Burnett’s voice really didn’t work as Santa as he was whinier than the character itself and as for Britney Karbowski, she wasn’t exactly better either although for both of them, that’s more of the script’s fault than the actors. FINAL VERDICT: This isn’t exactly rage-inducing but this is still quite bad. The writing is all over the place with a much lack of the primary focus into the story and like the Love Hina Christmas Special, I wouldn’t give it a pass because it wasn’t like its predecessor (although My Santa was only a one-shot manga). I would not recommend this for the holidays whatsoever. Hell, I would actually say watch the Love Hina Christmas Special over this…..yes, the one time I say watch anything Love Hina over this.
[WARNUNG : SUMMEN SPOILEREN AHEADDEN] So, I actually came upon this anime by actually buying it. Yes, you heard that right, I legally purchased this DVD, although I was probably enticed by the hot girls on the cover in Christmas cosplay. It's not as bad as some of the reviews say it is, although it's not amazing either. [STORY] The story, in short, tells us of a guy called Santa who was born on Christmas and is pissed all his life because he doesn't get any presents or a separate birthday and his parents never come home. Although I would be pissed too if my parents named meSanta. He then meets Mai, a "Santa Claus in training" (??) who proceeds to demonstrate some oogly-boogly magic on him, and it takes like a whole episode for the twat to realise that she's trying to make him happy and have a decent party and life for once, at which point she turns into a huge-boobed blonde who can do more than she could before because of the legendary Power of the Kiss (TM). And in Episode 2, we meets a tsunderbitch childhood friend of Mai's, a loli version of a loli (this is literally baby porn of some sort, there is nudity in this) and we have to say goodbye to Mai as she goes back to Santa School. I kinda wish there was a 3rd episode to explain what happened after she went back, but this anime came out when I first learnt to write my name properly, so it doesn't matter now. [ART] Your typical 2005 generic "just draw something" art. The DVD I bought this on (with dub) had some sort of scan-line issue which really irritated me, but that's not the actual anime itself as much as the shitty format it was rebranded as in the UK, so I'm not counting that issue. Art is similar to that of Love Hina, although it's not what I would call "high-calibre animation". [SOUND] Well, it's in it. The sub's seiyuu aren't the worst thing in the universe, they're pretty bearable and do a good job, with the best one being Mai's, I reckon. I don't even remember the OP or ED songs, and (as of writing this review), I finished watching this series 4 hours ago. [CHARACTER] Generic shite to be honest, but executed in a way which could've been worse, so rated a 4 instead of a 3. The tsunderbitch Shelly is the only real one I don't like, even if she did do some nice things for Mai. [ENJOYMENT] Worth the money I paid for it (£2.50/$3.28), considering it wasn't "the most terrible thing to happen this decade" or "the greatest thing since the wheel", I think that if you want to view this anime then do, but if you're not interested, then don't bother. It's only rated a R+ for a reason - no, not to show some tits - but to market the anime and compensate for it's lack of a captivating story or the needed "oomph" for it to work. [OVERALL] A cross between a 4 and a 5 for me, so a 4.5 at best. Not horrible as people say it is, but definitely nothing I would recommend to someone wanting to watch anime. Rated "S" for "Shithead Santa girl with nice boobs that can only summon things that start with an S for some strange reason".
Itsudatte My Santa is a terrible show, but I LOVE it. Why do I love it? Even the wisest cannot tell, but I guess everyone has a guilty pleasure. It's like the creators had a checklist of things to put in an anime and things to put in a Christmas special, and no other ideas. They were going to complete the checklist though. The Anime Checklist: Food (check) Protagonist lives alone (check) Girls (check) Cats or catgirls (somehow missed this one) Cute maskot (check) Trip to beach, hot spring, or bathhouse (why not all three, check) Absent or neglectful parents (check)A misunderstanding (check) Fanservice (CHECK) References to other anime (we'll fill that one with a magical girl transformation and a mecha battlem, check) Main characters are high school students (somehow missed this one) Loli and/or imouto (check) The Chrismas Checklist: Santa (check, kinda) Cake (check) Fried chicken (?)
just finished for the first time and first happy holidays of course but anyways first episode was pretty solid tbh... it had a good pace going for itself and everything it was a solid 7 the second episode used some of the same animation , tropes but i just didnt pay mind to it , (was just trynna have some christmas vibes) very good christmas special , looks and sounds like a anime from early 2000s i recommend this for offseason and onseason i cant wait to watch this again a year from nowhow many text do i have to have to summit this review? happy holidays - marcell 2020
Ok, so, I was checking again on these OVAs and animes I watched back 10 years ago and I remembered this was average-garbage but I decided to re-watch this to make sure my memories were alright about this. I wanna write this mostly cause I saw a lot of 10's in some reviewers. I didn't read the reviews but seriously, I'm sure they are just trolls so don't go for that score, please. Trust me, a 5 is the fairest score objectively speaking (I really, really mean it). Other than that, it's just a troll score. I'm gonna go with the bad first and then the good,ok? Basically, you're not missing ANYTHING you MUST watch before you die. Just skip it and be happy. Unless you are new to anime and you're like 15 years old (the age and condition I watched this for the first time), you are going to get REALLY bored and you're probably gonna check how much time left there's to end it... First OVA you got a cringy girl called Mai claiming herself as Santa and the main chara who's called Santa cause he was born on Dec 24th + shitty parents, so there you go. Anyways, the comedy is based on word-plays about anything called San- in japanese and main chara watching Mai naked because that's how comedy works in Japan back then in 2000's mostly. Second OVA idk what happens cause I'm thinking about watching like 5 minutes and then just move on to something else in my life but it's a beach episode, so, for veterans in anime I don't have to explain what an average beach episode consists of but for newcomers I will say it's pretty much the same from first ova but set in a beach... There you go. The good stuff (?) This is NOT the worst thing I've ever seen in my life, this is just average: music, chara designs... everything about it is taken from the same old recipe Japanese animators are known to use in these kind of short videos. But!! and this is the thing that's the best from this story: it's cute, ok? not WOW but cute enough for young people enjoy, I guess, AND it has a point to make and I'd say it's a cool one. Bare in mind this is for young people so if you're like in your 20's or even less you're not gonna get life-revealed. Yes, the narrative is clumsy and everything happens REALLY rushy about chara relationship growth but it had to be done in 2 episodes. It's straightforward and easy to understand. It has coherence at least and you don't get that every time in these kind of productions. And also this feels like they wanted to make it kinda educational for those kids who are losing hope to Christmas Spirit and to reinforce the idea of being a good and emphatic boy/girl if your parents are not there for you, there must be a reason which is ''more important''. I didn't feel it was a toxic message cause I don't care enough to take this OVA too serious... (and you, too, shouldn't). Silly message but they tried to make sense out of it and for me, it worked... I wouldn't even ask much to begin with (and, again, you, too, shouldn't). To sum up: this is an average in every way possible animation with a fine story about a boy who's always alone in Christmas cause that's how Japanese parenthood works and this cringy girl comes up to try to make him happy. Again, not the best story ever, but the only thing I ask in anything is COHERENCE and this has it. Hope you enjoyed reading this ^^