Surrealist explanation of reality. People enclosed in a room.
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This work of art must be watched if you at least know about a little bit about contemporary art theory. Art does not have to deliver sth or does not have to had a purpose like before 1880's. This piece is a typcial surrealist exprssion. weird images and symbols created by the director. Drawing quality is not the issue here. Symbols are more important. What you get or understand from this highly depends on your knowledge level and experiences so it differs from person to person and that what makes it so unique, please give a try.
Okay... I know, my rate for this piece is rather low, but I'll write a short review anway. Let's start with the art. Unique kind of style, all in white and black ( I guess it's to make the desing look better on the old television screens). The charachters look a bit chubby and um... literary, quite hairy. I didn't really understand the reason for nudity here, but it's not offensive or gross. There is some Dalinian look in the surrealist transformation of the scenes which I think is the only attractive aspect of the arts here. Sound: No dialogue, monologue, or any form of speach inany ind language. The visuals are accompanied by very awkward (and sometimes erotic) sighs made by a woman. Story: don't ask me. It's as surreal as the art. The only comment I'd like to say is that it's a lill' protracted and the creators could make it shorter by some minutes by not repeating the same picture over and over again. Over all, it's not repulsive to watch, so if you have 10 minutes to spare, go for it =)