Extra Blu-ray/DVD Episode 13 included on vol. 7. In this special episode, Kakeru and the team enter a "Pink Night" instead of red. The "Black Knights" are now "Pink Ero-Rangers," and Lisolette is a bondage driver. The team's powers are also warped with an erotic twist. Kakeru can see through clothes; Yuka can change the boys into girls; Misuzu's swords are vibrators; Kukuri can speak, but only says and draws profanities; Yukiko becomes sexually excited when she takes off her glasses; and Takahisa shoots a small spout of water from his finger. This episode is merely a parody and is in no way related to the original storyline.
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Dear lord, this is bad. We have reached the bottom of the probably the biggest pile of trash ever with this one. This is horrible, and I mean that in every way possible. First of all I should point out that quite a bit of OVA's based off of T.V. shows tend to be a bit more perverted then the show they're based off of, and this is one of those cases. This OVA is pop full of adult humor. Just because it's adult humor doesn't mean it's bad. Take South Park for example, it's crude, vulgar, and sometimes disgusting. And yet it's hilarious. Theadult humor in this OVA lack any humor whatsoever, so not only is it not funny, but it manages to come across as insulting as well. What is the plot of this one you might ask? Well instead of the red night, they get stuck in the pink night. As I'm watching this, I keep on expecting Tomboy to show up singing "It's okay to Be Gay." If that actually happened, that would be hilarious. But this show isn't that clever unfortunately. I won't go over all the faults here: Everything that is wrong with the original 11 Eyes anime is present here. And just to tease us, the music, which was the saving grace of the original series, is so lame here. Congratulations, you made a crappy series into a crap fest. That's quite an accomplishment if I say so myself. Bottom line: Stay as far away from this OVA as humanly possible. Even if you were watching this for the fan-service this falls flat on it's ass. You will be scarred for life if you watch this, and plus, the amount of pinkness in this show will blind you.
What a dissapointment. When I heard that an OVA was coming for this series, I was hopeful that it might clear up some of the things that made the series ending horrible; instead I got a dirty mess of fanservice. If your into crude, sex-based and over all dirty humor than you'll enjoy this, if you prefer purity and clean humor than do yourself a favor and stay away. I'm not saying that ALL... er.. dirty-ness is wrong, I can stand a few dirty jokes here and there, but the ONLY humor used in this OVA is dirty humor. It wasn't the least bit interestingto me. But if you're into hentai, then.. I guess you'll enjoy it. *shudder*. I'll probably never watch 11 eyes or anything related to it again after this. Just a horrible add on to a horribly ended series.
Story: 3 Since there is no story at all! The art is pretty good I think: 7 the sounds are mediocre, but those endless bleeps were soooo anoying: 5 I lost my respect for every 11eyes character: 4 I enjoyed it, but I was already laughing when I started the ova. I bet when you watch this in a neutral mood, you wouldn't like it: for giggly me: 7, for neutral me: 3 Overall: 3, just because I would feel bad if I'd rate any lower
I can sum this up in one line: if you don't like strong ecchi humor then don't watch the OVA. As far as a real review.. Almost everyone who watched 11eyes was disappointed on some level by a story that should have been good, but managed to find a way to conjure suck stronger than any spell used in the series. Some people think the OVA is the cherry on top of that. Personally, I laughed pretty hard when it dawned on me that the OVA was TRYING to be that cherry. *Minor Spoilers* The OVA is an alternate universe where everything in the seriesis morphed into something erotic, from the villains to the hero's powers. The premise is classic dirty OVA fan service. And honestly, the ecchi components aren't all that funny (with a couple notable exceptions). As I watched, it occurred to me that it was like they took the raw essence of all that sucked about the series, the purest and most potent form of suck known to man, and dipped it in an ecchi hot spring. After the end credits, the second to last sketchbook message is "...Are you angry?" It was then I realized what this was... an extremely self-aware parody of just how bad the series was. I laughed really hard. It essentially turned the whole 11eyes experience into the longest running one punchline joke ever. *End Spoiler* So to conclude, if you hated the series and enjoy being the butt of a joke, watch the OVA. Or if you like bad ecchi. It might make you laugh.
Unlike the actual series, I've heard a person say "It cracked me up" before I watched it. I was speechless. In a good way. Story: 8/10 ....LOL... that's all I can say. Wasn't expecting much of a "story" from an 1 episode OVA anyway, and after watching the last couple episodes of the actual series, this was AMAZING. I was laughing the whole time. Art: 9/10 9 like the review I wrote for the actual series for the same reason. Art is always good but this one had MUCH more fan-service; and who doesn't like fan service? I'm a fan! Sound: 7/10 No new music or anything... just the sameas the original series. But the voice acting was good if anything :P Character: 8/10 Unlike the main series, this OVA actually had sane (... wait... what am i saying) characters. Scratch that, characters were weird in both, but the characters were weird in a good way this time! Enjoyment: 10/10 Like I said... i was LOLing the whole time with a hint of ROFLMAO. I seriously wasn't expecting it to be an episode filled with sex jokes lol Overall: 10/10 I didn't even know time was passing by. I just couldn't help but write something about this OVA (since I wrote something on the main series). It was... so funny... If the main series of 12 episodes were actually this OVA related series, I'm pretty sure it'd be much more fun lolz
Story 3/10 It's very random. Suddenly they're another world Yuka made up called the Pink Night and everyone is a perverted creep with all their attacks changed. So it's just a 30 min. un-needed perverted mess. Art 6/10 The art is the same as the show. Blah we've seen it before. Sound 3/10Same as the show. Character 3/10 The characters powers are all different and perverted. Kakeru can see through clothes with his eye, Kukuri speaks non-stop about perverted things, Yuka can change people's genders. It's all very weird and random. Like the writers were drugged up or something. Enjoyment 3/10 Very boring and just a bunch of pervertedness. Overall 4/10 It's all very weird and strange and doesn't make a lot of sense. There's no connection to the series at all and it's very pointless. Don't bother. And really, Takahisa and Kakeru get turned into boys because of Yuka? What drugs were the creators doing?
STORY – 3 There’s really not much of a story. I consider myself nice when it comes to reviews because I want to give credits of those people who made a particular anime. I know its hard work! However, this anime didn’t really work for me. Everything was forced, comedy, story, and ecchi. ART – 7 Decent art and background. I think this is the only thing alright with this anime. Nothing more. SOUND - 5 I don’t even remember anything after I finished watching this which is a bad sign. CHARACTER - 3 Character development is worse than of the series. And I thought it couldn’t get anyworse. ENJOYMENT – 3 Obviously, I did not enjoy watching this anime. It’s like I wasted 23 minutes of my life watching this. Nothing to learn, nothing to enjoy, nothing.. OVERALL – 4 This is really bad. I’m sorry for the bad review but I really can’t help myself. Hopefully there I will not be able to watch this kind of anime ever again. [A/N: You might agree or not with all the things I wrote down here, but of course, this is my opinion, I would love to hear you opinion as well. =) Please excuse any incorrect grammar, etc. And thanks for reading! -black faerie, Yui]
My overall rating of the OVA of 11eyes is based off of my reaction to the comedy in the OVA. The personalities of the characters remained the same, except for Kakeru, as he seemed to be more intimate with Yuka, even though he is completely ignorant of those things. The art was the same and I liked the style of the drawings. Let's be real here though, there was no story. That story was completely made up and this OVA had no purpose. There were a lot of witty lines said in this OVA and I couldn't stop laughing at the sheer awkwardness of theOVA. That is why my rating is an 8, because it made me laugh. I couldn't get past some of the weird parts without laughing because I couldn't believe that it what I was seeing was apart of the 11eyes franchise. SPOILER For example, Kukuri could only say inappropriate things and draw sexual diagrams. When Misuzu summoned her sword, a vibrator appeared instead. At this moment, I was on the floor, dying of laughter. It made me think, 'What the hell were the writers thinking?' Anyway, if you came to enjoy a relevant story that is set after the last episode, you came to the wrong place because there is no story. If you came just for the sexual content, then this one is right up your alley (no pun intended).
My god,why creators WHY?!! 11eyes was a great anime but this?! Seriously a fanservice OVA?!! Well I hope you get stuck in the red night!!! Anyway let's see what is wrong! STORY 1/10 It's a joke!! By readding the sinopsis of the ''story'' you will say it's a joke! And the ''jokes'' are just perverted toilet humor and an INSULT to such great characters (yuka is close to this statement)!!! ART 8/10 The art is still really good, i will give it that. SOUND 1/10 Thereis no music in this OVA!!! And that sucks because the music in the original is THE DEFINITION OF EPIC MUSIC!!!!! CHARACTERS 2/10 Why? None of them has a personality or feel like an insult!! Takahisa my favorite character in the original is a complete perv for God's sake! And to show how much the characters suck, I will say that Yuka in the original is BETTER than this OVA!!! ENJOYMENT 3/10 The only reason why I puted 3/10 is because I laughed at 2 jokes of this show, only for that reason. OVERALL 2/10 DO NOT WATCH THIS INSULTING GARBAGE!!!!! Your mind and eyes will hurt!!!
it was a fun laugh. that sister is a true pervert. totally my type. staright forward and hot. i think that they could have released another episode which might lead to some continuation or clear conclusion but it was a nice fanservice ep. wish that bitch died though.
So i don`t remember much from this episode. If you read my review on the parent show, you would know that it was a very long time ago that i watched it. BUT i remember thinking that this was better than the parent show, only because it was alot more echi. So i am sure that i watched this one when i was in my:" I love echi stories" period, which is probably something we have all triet at some point in our anime loving career. BUT i would never recommend it to anyone. There is alot of good shows out there, pick one of theminstad.
For this one episode, there is not much to say other than "what were the writers on?" This is a complete breach of canon and essentially throws out everything that was built up in the 12 episodes of the main series. That being said, it was still fairly amusing once I got past the break in continuity. After all, any time a group of serious characters gets thrown into a world of pure ero-power, hilarious shenanigans always ensue.
Hello everyone, and welcome to the worst OVA of all time. And I am SERIOUS about this, ANY anime is better than this piece of shit. The only reason to watch it is because you liked the original series and wanted to see more, or you just want to torture yourself. Either way, let's see why this is so extremely bad: Story: 2/10 In this special episode, Kakeru and the team enter a "Pink Night" instead of red. The "Black Knights" are now "Pink Ero-Rangers" and Lisolette is a bondage driver. The team's powers are also warped with an erotic twist. This episode is merely aparody and is in no way related to the original storyline, which is the only good thing about it. No creativity or surprises are to be expected, just a very very bad ecchi ova. Art: 3/10 The art is just as bad as the original, I will give it that. Sound: 1/10 No music in this OVA. Do I have to say anything else? Characters: 1/10 None of them is any deep and even worse than the original series. You don't like them, just want them to go away. Enjoyment: 1/10 I didn't even laugh a single time. And Especially the ending is one of the worst of all time. Overall: 1/10 I just hope you didn't watch it yet. If you haven't, DON'T DO IT.