Everyone handles rejection in their own way. But when Takashi turns down Fumiko's confession, the young schoolgirl unleashes her frustrations on a fanatical sprint through the neighborhood. However, a single misstep sends her soaring, and things go downhill from there... [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My opinion: Great anime! Short, sweet, and funny. I have never seen an anime like this so it was unexpected, I saw the first 5 seconds and thought this is stupid, then the girl started running and I just started laughing! Story: Girl wants to go out with guy but gets rejected.... TWICE.... in 2 minutes! Wow! It might not be a big storyline or plot but it's worth your 2 minutes of time. Character:The characters suited this anime perfectly, but I feel really bad for the old lady.... I recommend this anime to anyone with a couple minutes to burn, it's not a waste of time, it's definitely enjoyable!
Reviews are basically people's opinions.Ok here we go,I found this short film accidently while surfing in this website. STORY:The story isn't gonna blow your mind for a given 2 mins :P (6) CHARACTERS:There are only two characters highlighted in this short film but was pretty fun (5) ART AND ANIMATION: The background art was pretty good and animation was done pretty well.I loved those cartoon-ish expressions very much. (8) ENJOYMENT: I totally enjoyed this flim. ONE OF THE FUNNIEST 2 MINUTES OF MY LIFE.At the beginning it might seem weird but gets funnier as it gets near the end(Lovedthe ending ^_^ ) (Solid 10) 2 mins isn't a big thing in anyone's life.Go watch this film and entertain yourself mate! PS:Sorry if my review isn't good :P This is my first review and let me know if this review was helpful or not helpful.I have no friends in this website :P Add me if you want to and also have a NICE DAY! (~˘▾˘)~
it's my opinion: it may doesn't seem that much good at first seconds -it did to me tho-... it's a short anime after all.. but more a few seconds.. it's HILARIOUS.. I started laughing out load as the girl running... it was quite enjoyable and funny to me. I even watched million times again and could laugh hard which doesn't really happen a lot.
Having watched this short film, the incessant laughter within ten minutes became my first reaction(and at my mother too and in general we agreed in opinion with that guy is a trestle). And in general, girls, they cruelly declassified us. After "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (or in Captain Obvious style - Is a bird? It is the plane? No, this that little girl who unsuccessfully made a declaration of love to the guy!) the girl doesn't leave attempt to catch the guy and uses a trump - "I will cook to you miso soup every day". In style - a way toheart of the man lies through a stomach. But also it didn't help. Guy humorist. Will far go. Work demands a praise. Not important that the film lasts two minutes. Over it after all there was a laborious work. And work is quite good. Great lot of houses, roofs, lanes, children, granny. And certainly pants of the poor girl whom you observe nearly a half of film. Though, there is an opinion that Japanese created animation to spy under skirts to innocent schoolgirls. But this is speech not about it :). The person, who made that, tried and not for nothing. Everything is short, accurate and clear. And with music everything is normal too. Music well emphasizes epic of moment. Look. About spent time you won't manage to regret ;)
Ishida Hiroyasu wrote and directed this one. I first learned about this up-and-coming animator through his graduation project, Rain Town. This was a work that had no voice acting, likely more out of not being able to produce anything of quality than wanting to create something artsy. I thought it was kinda boring, but pretty. Fumiko no Kokuhaku has no such restrictions. In fact, Fumiko obnoxiously screams for 75% of this short. The art is vibrant, and the animation really pops. There's a ton of variety and showy animation in this one. It's clearly an exhibition of Ishida's animation skills. It also has a surprising amountof variety and eye candy for a short. The visual storytelling is one of the best aspects in this story. There are only really three lines of dialogue in this short; most of it is carried purely by the highly expressive and lively animation. But instead of completely ditching dialogue, Ishida adds it when he wants to take the viewer's attention away from the animation and get a laugh. The way characters move in Fumiko no Kokuhaku is very unique. It kind of reminds me of the old Looney Tunes cartoons by Chuck Jones with the emphasis on the way characters move, and brevity in dialogue. The pacing works well, too, because something is always happening on-screen, but it isn't visually overwhelming in the way something like Bakemonogatari (which is a much more layered show) is. It's eye-catching, and a type of organic comedy on its own. It's 2 minutes long, it's cute, it's funny, and it's on youtube. Personally, this is my favourite short of his because of how tight the focus is. At no point is it boring or particularly overwhelming. It's a perfectly well-done short with nothing deeper behind it.
2 minutes of insane fun. Great humour, absolutely spot on voice acting and hey its 2 minutes long. You cannot really go wrong with this. If you are feeling down, watch this, will definitely put a smile on your face. Story: Brutal story of a girl getting rejected.. TWICE. Art: Cartoony and perfect for this. Shin-chan type of feel. Great use of 3d for the houses.Sound: Not much to say. Spot on voice acting for the girl tho. Character: Erm, its 2 mins long. Enjoyment: Again 2 mins long. Not a bit loss even if you don't enjoy it. Overall: 10/10
Love can be difficult, especially if your town is build atop the highest cliff in Japan. Watch as poor Fumiko confesses her feelings to her crush and everything goes downhill from there. This short animation lasts two and a half minutes and throughout all of it there's an incredible variety of animation techniques. From a purely technical perspective, this short is a brilliant blend between Japanese animation and old-school western cartoons. At points it feels like watching a standard anime character stride through a Looney Tunes version of rural Japan. Every frame is filled to the brim with character and atmosphere. Since this is a short clipafterall, you can rest assured a lot of attention was put into each detail. The music is fun, upbeat, fitting of what is essentially a slapstick comedy clip. The jokes are snappy, wholesome and always land (unlike poor Fumiko). Overall, well worth the 2 minutes to watch it. Have fun!
Making his solo debut in 2009 at the age of 21. Director Hiroyasu Ishida's composition "Fumiko no Kokuhaku" or "Fumiko's Confession" garnered a lot of attention on the platform known as the "Youtube" and was awarded the "Japanese Video Award" is a stimulating shaggy-dog story that was told in a linear narrative format. As this composition of his is a plummeting motion driven standalone piece, it was told in a continuous fashion that lasted for a run-time of only two minutes and nine seconds in spite of this, is simple yet idiosyncratic narrative which suffered no pacing or timing issues, that I was able tobe utterly engrossed in with its charming literary techniques of the bathos style that was done in the right portion. For that reason I can wholeheartedly say without a doubt in my mind it was two minutes and nine seconds of experience like no other, a narrative that was satisfying and fulfilling, with an abrupt forced ending that suffered no demerits in the category of its artistic composition which is satire, which leads me to say that I absolutely enjoyed this piece of artistic composition by this obscure yet ingenious director. This guy has the slightest clue on what he is blabbering about which leads him to conclude that you could have just watched the video and probably finished it by now. Do you like reading this sort of stuff? But why? Et tu, Mal? Now moving on to the art, The use of warm colours in this animation such as red, yellow and orange was something that suited the premise and theme of this artistic composition and implied that the time is somewhere between afternoon and evening. The palpable imagery and background aesthetics done in this could rival the quality of the classics, the animated films of yesteryears in my humble subjective viewpoint. One might even argue that there was some symbolism in the appearance and colourisation of certain elements and distinguished changes in its art style within this artistic composition, which could imply a greater depth to its narrative but I lack the astuteness to derive meaning out of this and therefore was slightly troubled. The accessible format of the artistic composition that I had access to was rendered in twenty three frames per second by seven hundred and twenty progressive scan or eight hundred fifty you're still here four times four hundred eighty pixels on the "Youtube" was seamless and was of fine quality. Even after decompression and the physics of the motion as how the implied main protagonist was drawn across every frame as she is driven forward in the narrative goes to show the amount of technical aspects like perspectives, lines, angles and positions on a key frame by key frame basis that was considered by Hiroyasu Ishida in making this motion driven artistic composition as it was a decently fluid motion in my subjective humble point of view. The moving imagery that I saw left a great impact on my ability to enjoy this, however. As for the sound, the content loudness was at; one point six decibels and the voice actors or "seiyuus" in Japanese were not listed here on MAL but upon further investigation, I have found Lain that they were done by Hina for Fumiko and Raika Sou for Takashi. Upon closer inspection, I did not find them associated with any other works besides this one which implied they were amateur voice actors, however I would like to highlight you are still here that Hina's performance worked well with the premise and themes of distress in this category of artistic composition at which there is a clear difference, consistency and tenacity in her voice throughout this piece. The choice of classical music that was used to demonstrate this artistic composition was none other than Kabalevsky's "The Comedians, Op. 26 Galop. Presto" which was a fitting musical choice in my humble perspective for the category of this artistic composition. There were no other music present throughout this two minutes and nine second artistic composition to review on. The choice of sound effects can be slightly tacky for some but it was well executed and well timed so it gets a pass from me as that is a really subjective thing to go into detail on. It was fine for me. The last part that I have yet to touch upon would be you the characters. As you are already aware there are two main characters and would like to shed some light on the existence of two other inconsequential side characters in this artistic composition. The main ones being, Fumiko and Takashi which were designed in a one-dimensional manner so I could not relate to the characters nor were they expanded further in their development but would like to point at you out that Fumiko is the actual star of this artistic composition as you can probably predict from the title and thus has more screen time and detail put into her. However, I enjoyed their antics regardless and it serves its purpose to the narrative of a two minute and nein second artistic composition and based on the title and themes alone and the category of the artistic composition and its style, which I have previously mentioned in the narrative section and throughout this review. You can imagine what their characterisation is like, and draw the world lines together on what you can expect as I will not spoil you. There were a total of four lines of dialogue with each of them having two and I enjoyed their dialogue. Overall, it was a pleasant experience and I would recommend checking it out. I hope my review gives you a chance to understand how I personally feel about the work, as well as gaining an understanding of what the work is about. And that the review is ultimately delivered as fairly and objectively and detailed as possible, and done so in a way that does not spoil the artistic composition for you. To provide you with tools to decide by yourself if you wanna check this artistic composition out or not. Also my apologies in advance if I have made many grammatical errors as I am still learning. Okay it's over now. Go home. Are you still deciding whether you should watch this? Really? After all this reading.
The best 2 minutes and 25 seconds I have experienced this day. Such a fun colourful little short. I won't say much about the details, only that, upon finishing I wanted a full episode; At the very least. The art is stylised and nice to look at, with a soft colour palette. The animation is extremely well done, i got the feeling i had a good idea of Fumiko's personality, (all she did was scream and run). It just goes to show what a skilled artist can do in just a couple of minutes. I found myself grinning from ear to ear and even laughing. Show don't tell are therules of a visual medium, and that becomes even more apparent amidst the slew of half baked productions, awkward dialogue delivery and copious amounts of exposition a lot of modern anime seems to get bogged down by. (I watched the latest episode of SAO before this, 20+ minutes of exposition....ugh). My only gripe is that there is no more of this beyond the short, 9/10 Strangely enough i could really go for some miso soup right now...