By a twist of fate, a herbivorous dinosaur finds a lost egg and brings it back to her nest. When the egg hatches, however, a carnivorous dinosaur emerges. Unable to abandon the child, she names him "Heart" and raises him in exile alongside her own child. As Heart comes of age, he struggles to eat the same food as his family and runs away in disgrace when he learns that he cannot live properly without meat. Years later, the now feared predator Heart encounters a situation similar to his past—he spots a dinosaur egg opposite his kind. As it emerges, Heart remarks that the newborn is delicious-looking. The newborn herbivore thinks that Heart is his father and takes delicious-looking, or "Umasou," as his name. Unable to eat a newborn who loves him, Heart reluctantly decides to raise Umasou as his own. As he nurtures a forbidden child like his mother before him, Heart struggles to deal with an unforgiving world and the true natures of predator and prey. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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This movie was a lot better than I expected. What I originally thought was a low budget movie with a generic plot was actually a beautiful, enjoyable tale that made me cry. It's a story about family, about growing up, and being who you are, regardless of what other people may tell you. There is nothing about the story I didn't like, and the plot seemed full and the movie was brought to a close nicely. The characters, although not really relatable, were lovable, believable and entertaining. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I think you would too!
To be honest, this movie is much better than it has any right to be. Looking at it, I really didn't expect much, but downloaded it anyways because dinosaurs. I was very surprised at how good the fights were, and appreciated and respected the character of the lead. It left me feeling somewhat emotional, and I had this hollow feeling I get when something I enjoy ends. Go for it, I'm sure it would appeal to most.
Omae Umasou da na is a movie that has dived into a topic that happens in a good amount of dinosaur movies*Coughlandbeforetimecough*. While the movie doesn't reinvent the wheel, it does tell a interesting story that has you watching till the end. Story: The story focuses on a T-rex(Big Jaw as it's called in the movie) named Heart. At the beginning of the movie an egg drifts down the river, a plant eater(Completely blanking on the species) finds this egg and decides to take it as it's own along with her own eggs. After a dinosaur attack all that remains of her eggs are just oneof her own eggs, and the one with Heart in it. After the eggs hatch the herd tells the mother to abandon the egg due to it being a meat eater, the mother decides to split off from the herd and raise the two children in solitude. In order to control Heart's meat eating nature the mother has him eat red berries as a substitute. This plan works decently but Heart still has his cravings for meat. While Heart and his brother Light(The other dinosaur that hatched) go out berry hunting, Heart decides to head off in his own direction. Heart then meets a herd of Big Jaws with their leader being a one eyes big jaw named appropriately "One Eyed Baku." While the herd is taking in their game Heart flees at the sight of them eating the flesh of their catch, Baku then questions him on why he is here and what is he doing. After answering his questions and scurrying off, one of the herd breaks off to track Heart. When Heart returns to Light the herd member (Think his name was Doma. Names were far and between in this movie) attacks Light and questions Heart's relationship to a plant eater. Doma laughs at the idea of the two being brothers and tempts Heart with the taste of meat and tells him that he is a Big Jaw.(Which Heart denies due to being raised as a plant eater) They scuffle with Heart ripping off Doma's tail and Heart begins to question his taste of meat and what he really is. That's part one. I'll focus on part two briefly so you get a glimpse of why the hell this movie is named what it is. A stronger grown up heart (This is probably the only movie where you will see a T-rex doing push-ups with one hand), after breaking off from the herd has taken his taste of meat with pride. Hunting other dinosaurs and eating his flesh, he soon sees a tiny egg on the ground. Heart approaches it to find a baby anklyosaurus(Hard Shell is the term they use) who believes Heart is his father. Heart in his meat phase calls the baby Umasou(Which means something on the lines of delicious) as to which the baby thinks his name is(Reminded me of Chii's sweet home). Umasou now follows Heart believing that he is his father and wants to become strong like him. I'm gonna leave off there since I'm sure at this point if you're reading you must have some interest in this movie. I hope that's the case. Art: The art is very colorful. Landscapes are painted to match the areas, my favorite being the vast deserts covered with sands with animal bones being scattered all across, with patches of grass randomly in it. Character designs are well, this is a kid's movie after all. Basic and plain, but enough to warrant some attention. Sound: Music choices fit the scenes accordingly. There are 3 vocal songs that are actually really catchy. The main one being when Heart and Umasou are training(For what dare you ask? Watch the damn movie!). It's really addicting I swear. Seiyuu's are also very good. Was surprised to see Baku being played by Ikari Gendo's seiyuu(He's like, every villian now). Character: Very good. You get attached to the Heart and the struggle he goes through. Being raised by the complete opposite and ending up raising the complete opposite with Umasou. The other characters like Umasou and Heart help keep the story in check. Was a little bit upset that Umasou did not really do much in the last part, he was just kind of there to say "Hey! Cute mascot here!" Enjoyment: The movie is meant for kids, that's a given. But it does appeal to all crowds. I grew up with these types of movies so seeing another one is fine with me, though for this one the fight scenes are actually pretty cool. The last one with ____ being the best one. I watched it on my own and enjoyed it, I'm also 20 by the way. Overall: This movie is the same old telling just brought back with some cool stuff. Characters are fun, the songs are catchy, and in the end you really do feel for Heart and the choices he makes as a character. It's a movie you can really watch with anyone, and I'd say if you got nothing better to do. Watch Umasou do a breakdance spin with his awkward body. 8/10
Omae Wa Umasou Da Na is a beautiful movie that you should watch if you enjoyed The Land Before Time or just enjoy anime in general. I watched this movie after a friend recommended it to me saying it was somehow cuter yet darker than The Land Before Time all at once, for the most part I say that is true. I'll try not to give too much of the story away but be fair warned I do explain some of the plot in this review. The movie is the heartfelt tale of a lost egg found in a river by a herbivore dinosaur who hatchesinto a baby T-Rex, despite protests from the other tribe members the mother decides to raise him along with her biological son Light, the T-Rex who ends up named "Heart" (voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi) eventually Heart discovers the truth that he is a meat eater and adventures out on his own to eat meat. Heart then discovers an egg and in an attempt to eat him says "Omae wa umasou da na" (You look Delicious/Tasty) The child mistakes him for his father and Umasou for his name. Fortunately the writing doesn't go too far with pointing on this pun, the joke only really working once when one other dinosaur tries to eat him. Also the dialogue in this movie is for the most part, fairly minimal, this movie does something great and shows rather than tells, which seems to be the failing of a lot of anime series or movies with a great concept but over does it with monologuing or unnecessary dialogue. It was nice to just soak up the art of this movie and let the actions speak for the movie, rather than words. Which when they are used, are used to great effect, thanks to a good cast. While the characters are fairly standard, they all do a wonderful job at their roles in the story, not doing anything ground breaking but not doing anything that could cause them to be annoying or boring. They all tug at your heart strings at one time or another, or just fill the purpose in the story as antagonists who you love to hate, or feel sorry for. Light is the perfect older brother, the mother is sweet and caring but conflicted about raising a meat eater and how to deal with the truth of the situation. Heart is rebellious and rough, as expected of a T-Rex raised as on berries who just wants to eat meat. Umasou is adorable and offers Heart a chance to return to his roots and softens the character by the end of the film as well as revealing his true nature. The music apart from those with vocals - one in particular about meat eaters which is my favourite - is understated and doesn't draw attention to itself. It swells in all the right places, fitting the moment but without being overall memorable. The only song that sort of bothered me was the training montage in the middle with it's gratuitous Engrish. The song about "Big Jaws" or T-Rex is a haunting lullaby used throughout which is rather cute yet haunting at the same time. I should mention the performance by Kappei Yamaguchi who sounds almost exactly like Inuyasha in this role. Kappei excels at adding that animalistic sound to characters, the growls, the sniffing, the way of breathing. He just does it so naturally one would have to think he was part animal. He also adds that kindness and youthful rebellious charm. So Heart comes off as strong, tough, harsh but kind, he was basically made for the role. Unfortunately he's the only name I recognise and the cast list seems incomplete. However everyone's voices fits their roles and the whole cast gives great to decent performances. Kappei is definitely the star, and rightfully so, he voices the main character despite what the title might have you believe. The only issue I really take is Light's voice changes so much from youth to adulthood I could hardly recognise him and it felt like they suddenly turned him into the noble knight character, with the kind of voice he ends up with. It's not bad just interesting. I think since he lacks much in character arch one has to wonder what made him grow up to sound and act in such a way, he was a very playful child it seems the loss of heart may of changed him but it was never fully explained in the movie. Though the story really isn't about him so I can't fault the movie for that, just something that I found intriguing. The animation is beautiful though nothing moves too much, the beauty of this movie is in the colour and aesthetic of the film. The action scenes are interesting, as Heart fights differently to the other dinosaurs, showing that he had to train and learn to fight alone. As a rather rogue T-Rex being raised as a herbivore so he is not really accepted by either group but he makes the best of a bad situation. The art is colourful and the designs of the characters are simple. The backgrounds and scenery like paintings. The bright colours make this a feast for the eyes and give the aesthetic a child-like nature despite the often dark subject matters the the film deals with. Some of these issues include death, the sacrifices parents make for their children, fighting for survival and the moral dilemma of eating other living creatures to survive despite what kind of person - or dinosaur in this case - that you want to be. It asks questions about nature versus nurture, and about learning to let go of children, as well as the many strange forms or shapes families can take or come in. It teaches a message of tolerance and that family is who raises and loves you, not whose blood or DNA you share. Well worth a watch for children and adults alike, a fair warning though you may be in tears by the credits.
What do you get when you cross The Land Before Time with a gritty version of Tarzan? Don't be fooled by Omae Umasou da na's art style, this children's movie is not afraid to deal with the moral implications of life and death. What most impressed me was how surprisingly well-animated the movie was, especially in the impressively well-done shounen-style fight scenes; didn't see THAT coming did you! The characters are loveable and the story is well-written. You really empathize with Tarz... a carnivorous dinosaur raised by gorill... by herbivorous dinosaurs. It's got that cute Japanese kids movie touch, but this is a genuinely well-done pieceof cinema and you'll probably become an instant fan. I'll disagree with what others have said... this movie has every right to be as awesome as it is. It's just that you wouldn't expect it.
While the art may not be the highest budget or most up-to-date; it is very enjoyable and has a very spunky feel. When you see this art in the future, you would probably make the connection right away because it is so unique. It's interesting also how the main character dinosaurs look kind of more human-like, round, very cartoonish while the random dinosaurs they show between important scenes look realistic and have feathers. Putting that aside, You are Omasou is extremely heartwarming and touching movie. I really enjoyed it. As a grown man, it was difficult not to coo and squeal watching the cute first interactionsbetween the main characters Heart and Omasou. The entire story meshed together very well and the transitioning of the film was pretty good. It has very funny charmish scenes and I find this entire film adorable and great. I understand a straight guy saying all this sounds pretty dumb and questionable but I suggest you give this film a try. It's not a masterpiece, I admit, but it's pretty good and DEFINITELY worth watching at least once. If they made a sequel/spin off show, I would watch it.
What started out as a simple trip through the internet, ended up at this movie. I went into it thinking I would have a good laugh at some 90's Japanese animated movie about dinosaurs; and while I wasn't wrong, the story threw me into a completely new direction with lovable characters, gorgeous art and music, and hilarious but overall well done sound effects. The story itself (although there were a few weird parts that didn't make much sense) is actually really sweet, and blends together some nice elements about overcoming differences, family, yada yada (but you've probably already heard this in other reviews).... In shortit's something nice to watch during any event whether it's a rainy day, you want a good laugh with your friends (or by yourself), can't figure out what to watch, or you're just bored. It's a kid friendly movie, but still carries enough impact to entertain people of all ages.